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Sep 22, 2024 • 1h 25min

Israheli Terror Attacks Maim Thousands As Jewish Mafia Asset P. Diddy Gets Epsteined

In 1975, the CIA revealed a “heart attack” gun. It was a battery-operated gun that fired a dart of frozen water & shellfish toxin. Once inside the body, it would melt leaving only a small red mark on the victim where it entered. The official cause of death would always be a heart aka killing a human being — and getting away with it.The heart attack gun was part of Project MKNAOMI, a highly secretive program dedicated to crafting biological warfare agents and successor to Project MKULTRA. You’re just a fake news disinformation-spreading conspiracy theorist, Jeff. The government cares about you and me. If (and that’s a big IF) the CIA use special weapons you know it’s to take care of the bad guys so they won’t hurt the good guys. Riiiight. It’s a service. To (secret) society. Like how Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself with a blanket from a six-foot bed? Secret Service.  And, how Puff Daddy is now in the same jail on suicide watch for the same crime? Secret Service.  9/11? Secret Service.  Even the Berwick witch trials way back in the MediEVAL Ages… you can bet your ass it was a Secret Service operation. And now, Satan Klaus’ cyber-attacks include being blown up by pagers and walkie-talkies. What’s next, BlackBerries? In the case of the heinous Mossad assault on Lebanon a few days ago, (the biggest unspoken terror attack in recent history), the ‘what’s next’ was remotely detonating solar panels. This was followed by a targeted missile strike into an apartment building where Hezbollah was “hiding behind women and children” because that’s what they always do, those cowardly extremist militant terrorists. Which is why the CIA/Mossad are the Hide, Seek & Destroy Champions of the World, with most of their mass destruction weapons aimed at schools, hospitals, supermarkets and refugee centers massively killing, injuring, and maiming mostly women and children. Smartphones, smart homes, smart cities…  I’ve said for years now that the lethally injected COVAIDS vax victims have a graphene time bomb inside them, ready to be set off at any time by 5G/StarLink. And, while you were locked up in your house in 2020/21 and the only outside news you got was what the mainstream media chose to feed you through their television programming, guess what was really going on in your town/city/country? A LOT of new 5G tower weapons. And an immigrant invasion army. Now I believe Max Igan that almost everyone in the world is either living in a bomb or carrying a bomb on their body right now that can be detonated remotely at any time. The good news in this 3D Video Game is that you can control your reality… switch off, tune out, turn Amish. Or remain a hackable animal and wait to be blown up. As always, it’s your choice.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Israheli Terror Attacks Maim Thousands As Jewish Mafia Asset P. Diddy Gets Epsteined appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Sep 20, 2024 • 1h 21min

Trump Psyops Continue as Jews Blow Up Thousands of People in Cyber Terror Attacks

Berwick: Sons of Scotland (and the world), I am Jeffrey Berwick from the Clan Berwick. Young soldier: Jeff Berwick is 7 feet tall.Berwick: Yes, I've heard. Kills NPC’s by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the satanic death cult organization from Khazaria with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM Jeff Berwick. And I see a whole army of my brethren here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do without freedom? Will you fight?Veteran soldier: Fight? Against that? No, we will run; and we will live.Berwick: Fight and you may die, eh? Run and you'll live – at least a while. And dying in your 15-minute Smart City concentration camp not many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our bank accounts, but they'll never take our freedom!!!Berwick and Anarcho-Capitalists: “We all need Gold and Monero! Because fck the government.”As you may realize when you watch today’s walk n’ talk to the beat of the bagpipes, I’m in Scotland, land of my ancestors, where the Berwicks were part of a brutal genocide by the English. On the menu are fish & chips and a variety of fake assassination attempts via: Mossad pager bombs Dummy bullets on the golf course 5G radiation poisoning Lethal injections, flu boosters, and more self-assembling nanobot mRNA deaths Legally-lethal food poisoning – GROW YOUR OWN FOOD!I guess I’m an Apocalyoptimist, but I still believe it’s possible to SURVIVE AND THRIVE during the globalist genocide apocalypse, even if you have to become Amish. Play your Illuminati cards right and you can too. In today’s 10 Things You Need To Do Once You Wake Up To What’s Going On, I give some of my suggestions, including: Stop voting, throw away your smartphone, sell your electric car, subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter, grow your own food, and close your own bank account… or face being canceled by getting your head blown off. KABOOM!Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Twitter | Telegram | InstagramThe post Trump Psyops Continue as Jews Blow Up Thousands of People in Cyber Terror Attacks appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Sep 14, 2024 • 49min

Trannie Zombie Apocalypse and Israheli Crop Duster Spraying Ze Bugs (You) Brought To You By Disney 33 Club

In his most recent public mumbling, Pedo Pete, the incumbent president of the United States of America reminisced about his travels to North Korea; admitted that the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ was just a scam to fund the climate agenda; and called for GUN CONTROL with his friend Camel-A. Right on schedule. Sandy HOAX, Mandalay Bay, Parklands High School… after all of these shootings new laws were enacted restricting the American people’s access to guns.In my book The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire (2020), I wrote this: “The next big shooting event will also focus on a few specific aspects of gun ownership until there is enough momentum to push forward with a new set of laws to remove the item from being sold, be they bump stocks and extended capacity clips, or hollow-point bullets and scopes. Once those items are no longer available then the shooting after that might be carried out by someone armed with a shotgun, until there is a public outcry to ban all shotguns. And then rifles, then handguns, until the people wake up one day and realize that not only have they given away their right to own guns, but they have begged the government to take that right away from them.” Only back then, I had no idea the mass shooting PSYOPS would serve another purpose: Transition killers into victims with the wave of a media magic wand. Like most fairy tales, the story of America is pure fantasy and requires the reader to suspend their disbelief in order to just go with it. Sort of like a DISNEY movie, all rainbows and kitties on the outside, and secret satanic sex trafficking clubs-within-a-Club 33 on the inside – fucking up child actors and creating Hollyweird predictive programming by numbers. Remember Dusty, the Crop Sprayer from PLANES? If you find yourself being sprayed with a thick brown liquid resembling chocolate milk, or a waterfall of vicious looking neon blue gunk, don’t be afraid! It’s just Dusty, protecting you from filthy flies and murder mosquitoes. Pick your poison… bug spray from IsraHELL, Ju-DEW, or more lethal injections for a fake virus. America’s Great Replacement is in full beast mode, with animal sacrifice in the streets and a lot of trannies going around killing everyone. The Big Lie is being beautifully executed by the Grand Game Master of the trillionaire Cabals and their billionaire disciples and their secret societies. They are everywhere. They want less people on the planet. And they want total dominion. For those who resist, they will track and tax everything you do. If you say or do anything wrong you will be shut off from going anywhere or buying anything.Fortunately, there are ways to make it better for yourself and your family. All you have to do is WATCH… and LEARN. Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Trannie Zombie Apocalypse and Israheli Crop Duster Spraying Ze Bugs (You) Brought To You By Disney 33 Club appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Sep 7, 2024 • 56min

Random Chats With Max Igan, Vit Jedlicka, David Avocado Wolfe, Alec Zeck and many more at Liberpulco!

In the US, right on cue, there’s been another “school shooting”, just a few months before the (s)election Big Reveal. Bets are on that the “shooter” was a bullied gay/trans VICTIM, killing two psyops with one shot, so to speak. Also, September 11th is coming up, and that’s always a good opportunity for some murder and mayhem. Maybe the “war” will finally get some traction if we see some huge fake flag event commemorating a huge fake flag event. However, today’s video is not about the usual crap in the world… because right now I’m here at Liberland base camp in the beautiful Danube Valley in Serbia, speaking to some of the most amazing minds in the global freedom community as they share practical tips and solutions to create parallel systems and activate the power of your mind and body… and I just don’t care about the usual crap in the world! The vibe at Liberpulco is fantastic, with people from everywhere, including Norway, UK, Denmark, Washington, Sweden, France, Mexico, and of course Serbia. I almost didn’t have to bring the TZLA machine because the collective mass energy here is just so amazing, but I’m glad I did because it’s been running non-stop, with people reporting almost immediate results. In today’s video, I’m doing a walk & talk with some of the visitors, some colleagues, and some of the speakers who have traveled to Serbia to share their insights, including, Max Igan, who had a hell of a 50-hour journey from Mexico to Liberpulco David Avocado Wolfe, a voice of sanity in the “Gong Show Upside Down Clown world”. President Vit Jedlicka, who talks about becoming a shareholder in the first anarcho-capitalist country in the world, getting citizenship, and bidding on jobs in Liberland.  And, while I was interviewing everyone one of my favorite speakers, Steve Falconer from Spacebusters was on stage talking about ‘The Theory Of Everything’. And I missed it! Fortunately, I can watch his and other sessions I missed on the LIBERPULCO Lifetime On-Demand Replays, and you can too. For $120 USD you can get replays of all the speaker sessions and support people who literally traveled days to be here and whose mission in life it is to help YOU, See clearly what’s going on,  Cut loose from government crap,  Do the work to ground yourself, so you fear nothing but fear itself,  Put your escape plan in place, and Build a community that you can rely on when it all goes to hell.  I often say you should “do the work” so you’re not afraid of anything. If you can see the bigger picture, find your true inner, unlimited resource, and operate from there, you’ve already won. But, the only way you can live completely without fear is if you are completely self-reliant and 100% prepared to put your plans into action when the first zombie froths at the mouth or the first “anti-vaxxer” is loaded on the boxcar to the lethal weapon concentration camps.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Random Chats With Max Igan, Vit Jedlicka, David Avocado Wolfe, Alec Zeck and many more at Liberpulco! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Sep 5, 2024 • 1h 28min

Jeff Berwick On Surviving The Greatest IRT Reality Game Ever Produced

Nephillim, satanists, globalists, aliens. War. HAARP Attacks. Monkeypox, bird flu, Kill Gates’ pets… genetically modified mosquito death jabs. Climate change propaganda. Digital IDs. Vaccine passports.  Cyber attacks. Blackouts. Invading armies of imported terrorists. Stopping war on children just long enough to kill them with lethal polio injections. Fat trannies taking hands with White Guys For Kamala. Complete Societal Breakdown. I’ve said it many times before, life is a dream, a game, a movie. It’s The Matrix, the TrueMAN Show, Lord of the Rings, and Hunger Games all packaged into one crazy, exhilarating rollercoaster ride. It’s a 5-star Video Game simulation where the Controller’s goal is to influence our decisions without us knowing it; numb our senses without us feeling it; control our lives without us realizing it. Our goal is to survive and even stronger in mind, body and spirit. That’s what today’s video is about as I chat with Max from Unbroken Global about, The state of our current physical reality MSM mind control and broad “casting” that keeps humanity trapped in cycles of individual and collective trauma and control Predictive programming and the movies that reveal what the psychopaths are doing,  The most important action you can take to change your consciousness/state of awareness of who you really are and how your mind can change your reality, and  How to enjoy this wild ride during this transition time in our human history.Hopefully, you know by now that the Matrix is set up to keep you enslaved. Are you ready to exit the collapsing West and avoid the next plandemic, forced lethal injections, poisoned food and water, 15-minute quarantine cities with 24-hour surveillance, and a killer social credit system? It’s not easy, but not impossible, either.  I’ve got my hidden ranch, my own unpoisoned water and food supply, and even a TZLA machine that’s working miracles in healing almost any illness and injury. Plus, it’s giving me massive amounts of physical and mental energy. And, I’m still meditating every day, keeping me grounded and giving me incredible clarity to recognize and see through the Globalist Slave Cabal’s trickery. In fact, I’m bringing my TZLA machine to Liberpulco in Serbia from September 5-7, where we’ll have an incredible lineup of freedom speakers sharing new opportunities and solutions to avoid the cabal and their tax slaves who are determined to turn life into hell on Earth in many parts of the world. If you are unable to join us in person this year, we’ve got you covered. For only $120 USD, you can get Live Virtual Access during the event PLUS Lifetime On-Demand Replay. Buy your VIRTUAL PLUS, LIFETIME REPLAYS ticket now, and don’t miss anything! *** Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?Morpheus: No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Jeff Berwick On Surviving The Greatest IRT Reality Game Ever Produced appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 29, 2024 • 1h 34min

Kill Gates’ Pest Control Agenda In Action: 1) Release Bio-Weapons; 2) Lock Down Ze Human Bugs; 3) Spray Zem With Lethal Chemicals

It’s a veritable zoo of psyops agendas out there. The United States of Absurdities is currently in a panic over Monkeypox, Bird flu, Sloth fever, and not one, but TWO different Mosquito viruses! First, Your Holiness Dr. Fraudci is allegedly just recovering from a bout of West Nile Virus, the symptoms of which include no symptoms at all. Yet, just like the Covaids plandemic, Americans have been put on a curfew, warned to stay at home, lock their doors, wrap themselves in plastic… and stay glued to their television for new propaganda and spellcasting. While doing all that, their friendly CDC exterminator team will conduct aerial and truck-mounted ground spray operations. Rest assured, this is totally unrelated to the large-scale spraying of homes, fields, kids, pets, cattle, and entire American cities with DDT, which, even as its horror side effects started emerging, “saved far more lives than it was endangering” according to scientists. Sound familiar? Oh, and I’m not saying all these new mosquito viruses are part of Kill Gates’ genetically modified ‘gain of function’ mosquito release experiment… but… all these new mosquito viruses are likely part of Kill Gates’ genetically modified ‘gain of function’ mosquito release experiment. It’s as simple as exchanging donuts and beer for a lethal injection: 1) Release bio-weapons; 2) Lockdown ze human bugs; 3) Spray zem with lethal chemicals. Or in the case of Israhell in Gaza – blow up little kids, call it “an accident”, and go after the survivors with your polio death jab. I swear, you can’t make up today’s vlog script if you tried, although maybe it really is the Apocalypse and we’re dealing with some modern version of the plagues in Script-ure. They do tell you everything they’re going to do, after all, right down to Kill Gates’ international patent #060606 (#666) which is a cryptocurrency system using humans who have been chipped as the “Miners”.  No surprise, this perfectly fits the Book of Revelations’ [13:16-17] predictions of the mark of the beast: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…”If you like theatre, Apples ( who is learning more words by the day) and I have put together a special video for today, bringing to the stage various controlled opposition heroes, signs and symbols, and new ways they’re trying to tighten the net around tax slaves. You’ll probably not regret watching it.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Kill Gates’ Pest Control Agenda In Action: 1) Release Bio-Weapons; 2) Lock Down Ze Human Bugs; 3) Spray Zem With Lethal Chemicals appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 25, 2024 • 1h 24min

Gain of Function Genocide In Action: Operation Monkeypox Begins while Jones Plantation Reality Show Mesmerizes the Tax Slaves

In today’s vlog, Appolonia makes a brief guest appearance and we discuss the CovAids-Shingles-Plague-Pox they’re breaking out as the next plandemic. Maybe, as a cover for the billions of people who are going to die of the previous ‘clot shot for a donut’. Or, maybe billions will die from a new lethal injection specially engineered for the monkeypox. Or, maybe it will be a new genetically engineered variant that has been engineered to be jab-resistant, which will infect 3.2 billion people and kill 271 million. And, if you think that’s strangely specific, those numbers are according to the 2021 Nuclear Threat Initiative report that was published while the world was obsessed with coronavirus statistics and TikTok videos of dancing nurses. This time, the Demon/Reptilian/Nephilim/Alien rulers are revealing themselves and changing history before our eyes, raising a 90-foot monkey statue in Texas (the third biggest in the US); as well as a demon reptile with monkeypox and an all-seeing eye on his chest and a giant penis in New Orleans where a confederate statue used to be. There’s much more, and it’s all about erasing past lies and creating new lies where man worships satanic pedophile reptiles in an endless present in which the Party is always right. The masks are coming off, and it’s happening while mind-controlled DemonRAT and RepubliCRAT slaves continue to be mesmerized by the evil Satanic 2-party system. On a scale of 1-10, how evil are you? Check where appropriate. Block out the sun evil (Kill Gates)  Burn people alive and then joke about it evil (Oprah)  Terminating babies and reproductive organs for genocide evil (Just about everyone)  Killing babies for the Adrenochrome Fountain of Youth and Tiny Hands evil (Killary Clinton)  Drink horse semen evil (The Man From Nowhere, Tampon Tim Walz)  Laugh about everything because you’re a moronic puppet-clown evil (Kam-A-Lot Harris) Release murderers and rapists to make space for white supremacists who post anti-replacement comments on FBI-Book evil (Keir Starmer)  Masquerading as a “one-of-us” Mr. Smith when you’re master-mind of managing slave mentality on the plantation evil (Trump)And, speaking of controlled opposition, here’s a direct quote from Andrew Tate (more about the Tate Bros and my theory on them in today’s video): “How do you get them to Do as you say,  Make you money,  Obey you, Allow you to cheat right in their face; and  Still love you?” “THAT’S THE GAME!”Thank you Andrew Tate, I couldn’t have said it better.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Gain of Function Genocide In Action: Operation Monkeypox Begins while Jones Plantation Reality Show Mesmerizes the Tax Slaves appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 19, 2024 • 57min

LIBERPULCO With Jeff Berwick And Vit Jetlicka, Anarchapulco Is Coming To Europe!

 LIBERPULCO With Jeff Berwick And Vit Jetlicka, Anarchapulco Is Coming To Europe!In less than 3 weeks, Liberpulco will kick off in Serbia from September 5 – 7. The Serbians are friendly (and gorgeous).The sun is shining. You’ll hang out with the best community in the world. Some people call it Anarchapulco in Europe, but it’s a whole lot more than that. This is your chance to get involved at the grassroots level of Liberland, the biggest (and most successful) start-up country in the world. Things are moving fast there. People are already moving there and building homes.  Liberland even has its own currency (the Liberland Dollar) and it could turn into something similar to Hong Kong, Singapore, or Dubai, becoming a massive beacon for freedom and trade in the world.  Could you imagine being in on the ground floor of a place like Singapore or Dubai just before billions of dollars of capital gravitated there?  That could happen with Liberland!In today’s video, Catherine Bleish Bonandin, the Operations mastermind of Anarchapulco, interviews Vit Jetlicka of Liberland and me about the values of freedom, independence and choice that brought Anarchapulco and Liberland together in the creation of LIBERPULCO, the first event of the world’s first anarcho-capitalist country. PLUS! Find out how you can get a once-in-a-lifetime 7-day pathway to Liberland citizenship, and I’m NOT JOKING!Come early for the decentralized Liberforko pre-event on 2nd–4th September, and stay late to enjoy the Liberland tour on September 8th and experience first-hand the development of Liberland’s first multifunctional medical hub and houses. The Liberpulco program will be curated by the Anarchapulco team as a short-form model of the main Acapulco event with three days of high-quality presentations by world-leading truth speakers like David Avocado Wolff, Max Igan, Rafael LaVerde, Dr.Tess Lawrie, and Alec Zeck as well as many other specialists in various sectors, including health, independent media, anarcho-capitalism, natural law, and private trading.I will of course also be at the event with my family and my TZLA Machine (which now has a website at where you can get more information).So, yes, while much of the world burns we are forming our new societies and ways of life outside of the old, tyrannical systems.  And, even bringing Nikola Tesla’s technology back to Serbia – improved by a crazy Mexican scientist!Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post LIBERPULCO With Jeff Berwick And Vit Jetlicka, Anarchapulco Is Coming To Europe! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 16, 2024 • 1h 1min

All Psyops Go: Olympic Wrapup, WokeJewski Sudden Karma and Destruction of the West via Invasion, Replacement and Needle

Since my last walk ‘n talk, this all happened: The 33rd Satanic Olympic Games is over and wow! Two men won gold medals in women’s boxing. One-eye symbolism. And, the slave-themed closing ceremony was almost as good as the opening… putting everyone on earth in bondage, with Lucifer descending from the heavens. The reaper came for Susan WakeJewski of YouTube in the most epic case of sudden karma yet. She believed her own propaganda, and now she’s gone. Boohoo. Meanwhile, they’re rolling out 1984 in the UK. They’ve got the imported immigrant and female DEI Big Brother police helping the Great Replacement invading armies beat up protesting Brits. And, people are being thrown in jail for posting videos of the riots online or retweeting inciting “hate speech” or just holding up a peace sign. Even Orwell would be shocked at what’s happening, or would he? In a letter to Sidney Sheldon, Orwell wrote: “[Nineteen Eighty-Four] was based chiefly on communism, because that is the dominant form of totalitarianism, but I was trying chiefly to imagine what communism would be like if it were firmly rooted in the English-speaking countries, and was no longer a mere extension of the Russian Foreign Office.” It’s a slave word and the COVAIDS agenda put it all in place: The online monitoring, the biometric face recognition, the 24-hour surveillance, the tracking and tracing… Just in time for Plandemic 2.0. Which I think can now be shortlisted to Bird Flu or Monkeypox, or maybe they’ll surprise us and do a triple whammy with the Oropouche virus. Whatever it will be, the propaganda machine is working overtime and the World Hell Organisation has ordered governments to “prepare for “mega lockdowns”. Masks are back with a bang. So is Anthony Fraudci, who claims to have his third COVAIDS flu after being lethally injected SIX times. Riiiight… Liberland released its super cool Liberpulco video, watch it even if you can’t join myself and Max Igan and David Avocado Wolffe and all the other great speakers in Serbia from 5-7 September. Oh yes, and on the Jones Plantation Reality Show in the USSA, Kamala Harris announced Tampon Tim Walz as her white dude for vice president. Walz’s claim to fame is menstrual equity, drinking horse semen, and being a COVAIDS tyrant, including instituting a COVAIDS snitch hotline to report too many guests at the Thanksgiving table. Walz was a high school geography teacher in rural Mankato, Minnesota, when he arrived at a politics boot camp named for a progressive Jewish senator in 2005.  Nearly two decades later, Tim Walz is the Democratic vice presidential candidate. And the crypto-jews (Khazarians) who trained him couldn’t be happier.Last, but definitely not least, it’s Xmas at the Secret Garden as both Max Igan and I get TZLA machines! If the Great Replacement invading armies don’t get you, the Big Brother cops will. Or WW3. Or the next Monkeypox or Bird Flu pandemic.One thing is sure, the world as we know it will cease to exist and nothing will ever be the same.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post All Psyops Go: Olympic Wrapup, WokeJewski Sudden Karma and Destruction of the West via Invasion, Replacement and Needle appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Aug 15, 2024 • 1h 2min

Jeff Berwick Reveals Massive Depopulation Operation On RTDtv, Gets Kicked Off YouTube…AGAIN!

In this video, I chatted with RTDtv about WW3, the financial collapse, the COVAIDS scamdemic and the NEW FLU, whatever that will be. (Maybe bird flu, maybe monkeypox, maybe a new disease carried by Kill Gates’ mosquitos) Within 24 hours, the video was removed from RTD’s YouTube channel, for… you guessed it… ‘violating community guidelines’. Seeing as I didn’t do my tranny impersonation or use any vulgar language, RDT’s video was probably wiped because of me, spreading my filthy anti-narrative medical and (s)election ‘misinformation’. Or, maybe YouTube just didn’t like what I said about their queen, Susan Wojcicki in my last interview with the Stew Peters Network, who is also not welcome on YouTube.Or, maybe it’s because I used the words ‘slave’, ‘plantation’, and ‘globalists’, and probably in one sentence, too.  We are heading to a one-world tyrannical slave state run by Khazarian monsters posing as Jews. And Crypto Jews. If you haven’t heard the term, the word “crypto” means hidden, and these are the people who practice their beliefs in secret while professing another religion publically. WW3’s psychological warfare kicked off in 2020 during the COVAIDS genocide warm-up exercise. Think back to when people went berserk over toilet paper. Now imagine when the food supply runs out, the power goes out and stays out, banks are bankrupt and your fiat money is useless…I’m not exaggerating either, it’s all going downhill, fast. In Europe, the imported sleeper cells of invading armies are sowing chaos and the US government is well into banana republic territory now. They just surpassed $35 trillion in debt which works out to about $100,000 for every man, woman, tranny and child in the USSA!  So, a family of four (if those still exist) has about $400,000 in direct US government debt overhanging them. And, that doesn’t include unfunded liabilities like Medicare, Medicaid and Socialist Insecurity, the total amount of which is somewhere in the neighborhood of $120-200 trillion.Donald Trump, who is another trained Zionist puppet, isn’t riding up on a pale horse to save anyone, either. Although, I’m pretty sure something interesting is going to happen on November 5th: “Remember, remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot.” The satanic slavery and depopulation agenda is global, and help isn’t coming. To get through the apocalypse be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared. And watch The Jones Plantation!As a TDV subscriber you are one of the few people on Earth that knows what is actually going on and how to protect yourself from it… and even profit from it.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Jeff Berwick Reveals Massive Depopulation Operation On RTDtv, Gets Kicked Off YouTube…AGAIN! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.

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