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Nov 1, 2024 • 1h 20min

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November! Halloween Now With Weather Weapons And Lethal Injections

The scariest monsters this Halloween are: Baby-biting Biden, Kamala the Cackling Witch, Trump the Evil Clown, and Philanthropath Kill Gates… Clown World, Twilight Zone, whatever you want to call it, Idiocracy has nothing on 2024. Almost overnight, you’ve been surrounded by manically grinning pumpkin brains, pranking pedophiles, goodwill gargoyles and transparent spooks. And then there’s Halloween stuff everywhere too…If you feel like you’re taking crazy pills, I understand. There’s a blue and red elephant in the room, and everyone’s doing their best to ignore it. Which works well for the fluoridated, lethally injected, chemtrailed, government indoctrinated slaves who can’t process much more than that at this point. The latest edition of the Dollar Vigilante newsletter that went out yesterday to TDV subscribers has the inside scoop on quite a few horror stories… We still haven’t had the financial and stock market collapse (but it’s going to be any day now). The US national debt is now so high that, even with an average interest rate of just 3.1%, the federal government still spent over a trillion dollars a year on interest. And that amount will be even higher next year. Even Janet Yellen’s personal poltergeist shared a sign that the US central bank will have to print trillions and trillions of dollars, which is going to generate a lot of inflation.And, the weather weapons are flooding and burning the Earth… Just ask the people in Valencia, Spain who received a year’s worth of rain in one hour and all of a sudden had to scramble to the roofs of their cars as they hurtled down the streets in Acapulco-esque rapids.  Yes, there’s a lithium connection! More about this in today’s video. Meanwhile, the Israheli genocides continue… supported adamantly by both sides, of course.The climate change charade continues with the World Bank “misplacing” 41 billion of “climate change” funds. And, more “mystery deaths” are baffling doctors and scientists while people are lining up for their lethal injections again like nothing ever happened!We haven’t even seen the worst of it, by far. They haven’t kicked off a new virus for Covaids 2.0 which will likely be using frequencies to set off the graphene in the lethally injected.  And, we still haven’t received Satan Klaus’ cyber attacks that will make the Covine-19 look like a minor disturbance.  And, while we are closer to World War III than we’ve ever been, they have yet to set that off fully either.It’s all a World Wrestling Federation style show for the masses and it must come with all kinds of shocking plot twists to keep the slaves mesmerized in front of the scrying mirror in their living room or in their hands so they can never real-eyes it’s all just a Hollyweird Made for TV horror show.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post Remember, Remember the Fifth of November! Halloween Now With Weather Weapons And Lethal Injections appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 28, 2024 • 1h 41min

While You Sleep, THEY LIVE!

“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong.” While it sounds like something I might have said on one of my recent walks with Apples or Bruce (who makes a guest appearance in today’s video), this is actually a quote from They Live, a 1988 science fiction film starring a former WWF wrestler as the lead actor who discovers that the world's population is controlled and exploited by an alliance of alien colonizers and human elites.Wait, what? Rewind 30 or so years to when I first saw the movie and it appeared to be a bunch of entertaining nonsense. Now, it’s clear there’s probably more science than fiction in the story of They Live … especially when like me one has “truth-seeing sunglasses” etched onto your retinas.  “They Live We Sleep”, is a phrase from the film that describes the fundamental difference between the elite and the masses. Those in power know the truth about the world and possess the means and the power to truly “live”. The rest of the population is sedated, dumbed-down and manipulated into a zombie-like status in order for it to be as easily manageable as possible by the masters. The masses’ ignorance equals a state of endless slumber. CHECK. Helicopters, bulldozers, and police in riot gear raid the place, destroy everything and violently arrest any protestors. That is how the elite responds to contrary views. CHECK. Everyone in the city is constantly monitored by flying surveillance cameras that are oddly similar to the new unmanned drones that are currently appearing around the world. CHECK.  Upon learning the shocking truth about the world, the lead character Nada feels the need to share this vital information with his friend Frank. Nada however quickly realizes some people do not want to hear about it. In fact, many actually get angry and offended at the simple mention of something that alludes to it. When Nada asks Frank to put on his sunglasses so he can see what he sees, Frank firmly refuses and calls him a “crazy motha…” CHECK.  Oh, and at a party thrown by the aliens to celebrate their progress with their human co-conspirators, the leader brags that “by the year 2025, not only America but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this power alliance.” You got it… CHECK. Frank finally sees the truth. All it took was Nada beating the crap out of him, sticking the sunglasses on his face against his will and forcing him to look around. I’m not going to do that. You’re not going to have much success doing that, either. You can’t wake people up from slavery if they don’t know they’re slaves. But you can try and sit them down to watch The Jones Plantation. It seems to have opened a lot of eyes and ears to what’s really going on, like wrestling actor Donald Trump deepthroating Israhell; Joe Rogan, the hero who has sold his soul to Demons R Us and his grandma to the CIA; ‘good guys’ Musk, Putin, and Zuckerborg who is now a libertarian… (more about all of this in today’s video) Never, ever say something is or isn’t true until you’ve looked into it. More importantly, don’t make plans for 2025. This is the end.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post While You Sleep, THEY LIVE! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 24, 2024 • 1h 26min

JONES PLANTATION: End Times Apocalyptic Weather Weapons & Complete Demonic Jew Control and Dominance

It’s all happened before, you know. Civilizations have disappeared and empires have fallen. As the story goes, An ice age once destroyed the dinosaurs, A flood once destroyed earth, and In Script-ure, Revelations 8 speaks of a future event when a third of the earth will be burned up, a third of the trees burned up, and all the green grass burned up. A third of the sea will turn to blood, the fish and ships destroyed, and the water turned into bitter poison. Isaiah 65 and 66, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 21 also mentions a New Earth, an earth recreated: God, who created the earth in Genesis will burn everything on this current, corrupted earth, cleansing it, and then recreate it as originally intended. The question is whether the game board aka the blue marble/flatrock/hollow sphere is destined to implode as a natural result of some pre-scripted cosmic extinction? Or, is the doomsday machine rigged by the demonic J-cult and its bloodthirsty, immoral pedophile Zionist friends club? Or, are the scary virus, war and weather monsters just another Stanley Kubrick-like production of shiny things in the smoke mirror to keep the NPCs in line and in fear? Like this quote from Kubrick‘s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, released in 1964:“You see, the whole point of the doomsday machine is lost if you keep it a secret!”In today’s rain-and-thunder episode of Jeff & Apples we discuss Not-A-Doctor Strangelove Gates who is baffled why everyone hates him. He’s just a guy who wants to chip and track and lethally inject everybody so that when he takes over the game with his mosquito soldiers and weather weapons he’ll get no resistance. Although, I have to thank Kill Gates, because without his inspiration I wouldn’t have known half as much as I do about virology, zoology and, these days, meteorology. Probably soon Kill and I will learn about whatever the ‘ology’ is for extraterrestrials and space wars. Not that the United Zionists of America will ever be able to go to space “again” because NASA (‘deceit’ in Hebrew) “lost” its go-to-space technology. (And Stanley also-a-Jew Kubrick, who directed the whole moon movie too… well, he died) Then there’s Trump and Musk and all their pedowood actor friends from the Lies Wide Shut cast, winning hearts and votes one McDonald’s clown meal at a time. It’s a hilarious reflection of the crazy Jones plantation we live in. Your life for a donut. Your vote for a burger. Here’s a thought: Vote for the person you think will make the best memes because that's how much your vote matters.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post JONES PLANTATION: End Times Apocalyptic Weather Weapons & Complete Demonic Jew Control and Dominance appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 16, 2024 • 1h 59min

Demonic Jew Goyicide via Lethal Injections, Harpicanes, Floods, and DEW Fires

The demonic goyicide is going strong. I’ve long said that the United States is the most evil empire that ever existed in history. Except that other most evil empire that ever existed in history, Israhell. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist (true fact!), a lawless anarchist (just ask the people in Acapulco), a white supremacist (I’m married to a Latina ffs), a homophobe (my gay friends get a kick out of this one), and of course, an anti-semite. Actually, the anti-semitism label only appeared after I started looking hard into the laws and traditions and HISstory of jewishness in 2023 after the supposed October 7 massacre. (By the way, the IDF ordered the Hannibal Directive to kill its own soldiers to keep them from being taken captive by Hamas)It’s everywhere you look if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, even if Joogle and JewTube and JewBook’s “fact checker” army work overtime to wipe the evidence. It’s even in the Talmud, but since I don’t read Hebrew, I have to rely on someone’s translation of it, which I’ve been told can be somewhat true, but “out of context”. I’ve also been told that the literature of the Talmud has certain terms and conditions: Not all of the material in every discussion, represents the majority view applies today was meant to be taken seriously.Right. So, in the interest of not spreading disinformation, here are some translations of Jewish laws which are not “in context” – and the correct interpretation. (Ts and Cs apply) Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.With the provision that he can't stop himself, yes. Sin, not evil. And it's good psychology- better to be part of the “good” crowd, even falsely, since you have a better chance of coming backSanhedrin 57a: A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work.Patently false. A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work THAT DAY; he can pay at a more convenient timeBaba Mezia 24a: If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned.If the local custom is “finders keepers”, then we only return our brothers' stuffSanhedrin 57a: When a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.First part is correct, second is suggestedBaba Kamma 37b: The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”38a, but who's counting. If there is an anarchy, or a system of law in which torts are not collected, a Jew doesn't pay a non-Jew if the Jew's ox damages the non-Jew's ox. If there are laws and the non-Jew would pay in the reverse case, the Jew paysBaba Kamma 113a: Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.Not lies, just that the Jew doesn't have to inform the non-Jew of a mistake in his favor. Yebamoth 98a: All gentile children are animals.For purposes of Jewish genealogyAbodah Zarah 36b: Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.Bad translation. Niddah means spiritual impurityAbodah Zarah 22a-22b: Gentiles prefer sex with cows.Engage in, not prefer. Animals, not cowsYebamoth 63a: Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.Accurate. Ask the European serfs if it's correctOf course, even if you convince a “normie” that the lethal injections are responsible for their broken heart and blood clots… Heck, even if you manage to convince them that HAARP and weather wars are real and that the History channel did a documentary on it in 2009 and that Kill Gates hold several patents for hurricane modification… Star Wars, Alien Invasions, Lesbians who kill $100 million navy ships three ways… (Apples, is that homophobic or just factual?) They would be willing to believe almost ANYTHING except the Story of the Demonic Jews and their Evil Goyicide. Not even if they’re burned alive or starved to death like the people in Gaza, right at this moment. Oy vey!Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Demonic Jew Goyicide via Lethal Injections, Harpicanes, Floods, and DEW Fires appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 10, 2024 • 1h 27min

LIFTING OF THE VEIL: The Goyim Are Noticing Kill Gates’ NexRad Weather Weapon Depopulation Agenda

During the COVAIDS plandemic hoax I was walking around and talking to my dog Lucy and warning a relatively small bunch of conspiracy theorists about the death jab and the genocide agenda and how Kill Gates was involved in killing and enslaving people with lethal injections. After 4.5 years of being censored everywhere for being a disinformative extremist anti-vaxxer, people seem to be catching on slowly about the vaxx-that-shall-not-be-mentioned elephant in the room. To my surprise, the awakening in respect of the globalist takeover using weather weapons of mass destruction is happening in real-time, or so it seems. Also surprising (although it shouldn’t be) is that Kill Gates is also involved with weather warfare. I thought he might be content with blocking the sun and creating mosquito soldiers and bug food poison and sterilization and death jabs. Clearly, in the 3D video game apocalypse, if God doesn’t cut you down, Kill Gates will. Of course, there are still billions of ridiculously stupid people who are too chemtrailed, fluorided, and lethally injected to recognize weather modification even if you slap them in the face with a 2018 Tampa Cat 5 hurricane training simulation called Phoenix 2.0 That’s right. You have to love those pre-show government “simulation” exercises. On 9/11, the US military was preparing for a simulated nuclear war.  “Event 201” was the fourth major pandemic exercise that Kill Gates and his people ran – a mere three months before the official outbreak of…guess what…a coronavirus pandemic. And in the Boston Marathon Bombing exercise called “Urban Shield”, investigators had to track down footage of the bombers caught by street surveillance cameras and the phones of “witnesses” – eerily similar to the police investigation that led to the capture of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers. Now, in Tampa, Florida, we are seeing the result of Phoenix 2.0, which took a little longer to actualize. But hey, it gave them time to test their hurricane manifestation technology on Acapulco, no less than 3 times in the last year if you count Hurricane John’s never-before-seen backflip. And, I don’t want to HAARP on about it, but at least the people of Tampa Bay are getting days and days of evacuation warnings, which must be nice… Acapulco wasn’t that lucky… thrice. Neither did the victims of hurricanes Otis and John receive $750 from the Mexican government. But on the other hand, neither are the victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina receiving anything, because the $750 per family so generously donated by Dumb-As-Kam-A-La Harris IS A LOAN! That’s right, if you accept your relief pittance, you will be in (more) debt to the United States of America government. I swear you can’t make this up. Of course, today’s Jeff & Apples Speculation Show is brought to you for entertainment purposes only, because we all know weather modification isn’t real. Right? Riiiiight.  In Acapulco, it’s all good now, and we are wrapping up our supply and support efforts. Thank you to everyone who donated to our aid fund, you can find the results of our efforts on And, although we made it through another October 7th, I would suggest you pray and meditate and do everything you can to make it to the highest level before the End Of Days. Especially as Iran has closed its airways for a military exercise until October 9. And, NATO has just started military training exercise Nordic Wolf 2024-II in Lithuania…Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | X/Twitter | InstagramThe post LIFTING OF THE VEIL: The Goyim Are Noticing Kill Gates’ NexRad Weather Weapon Depopulation Agenda appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 8, 2024 • 12min

WEATHER WAR III: Acapulco Hit Twice By Same “Hurricane”, Helene Destroys Appalachia and Milton Headed to Florida

The Western World is under attack by a group of satanic pedophilic mass murderers. And, we have reached the existential threat level of their depopulation agenda. While Americans are distracted by the political puppet show, and NPCs on both sides of the (s)election unibird are arguing about the border breach, and gun control, and abortion and the billions of dollars being sent to Ukraine, Israhell is openly committing mass murder in the Middle East. WW3 has already started, and (for now) it has little to do with bombs and rockets. In an interview yesterday, I questioned the seemingly radar-guided weather attacks on Mexico and the US with Stew Peters, who has been called a far-right conspiracy theorist, Christian nationalist, and prolific antisemite by the globalist media. While chatting, Category 5 Hurricane Milton ‘explosively intensified’ en route to Florida, with Tampa Bay residents being ‘begged to evacuate’. Maybe they’re scared the government will steal their land and houses if they leave, as we’ve seen in Maui and North Carolina. Now that Claudia STEINBAUM has become the first Jewish president of Mexico, we’ll see what these weather wars will mean to people in Acapulco who have been hit 3 times in a year. At what point do you give up and give in and “sell” your land to the government so they can build a 15-minute smart slave city?Right now, you have to question everything that seems unusual. You even have to question things you have become familiar with over generations. You should get ready for WWW3! Or, if I have to spell it out, World Weather War III. We’ve seen what they can do, it’s not a secret. Weather weapons have existed at least since the sixties, and fast forward 60 years, today they have the technology to destroy the US and every other place they want to through weather warfare. Don’t fool yourself that it’s just a conspiracy theory, because it’s not. “They say this war is a cloud over the land! But they make the weather and then they stand in the rain and say, ‘Shit, it’s raining!” ― Charles Frazier, Cold MountainWatch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstragramThe post WEATHER WAR III: Acapulco Hit Twice By Same “Hurricane”, Helene Destroys Appalachia and Milton Headed to Florida appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 5, 2024 • 1h 22min

Globalist Hostile Takeover Lithium Hurricanes, Iran-Israhell WWIII, Marburg Plandemic and More!

Wow! Things are getting crazier by the minute. A month before the big (s)election between two globalist puppets and their nincompoop minions that pits NPCs against each other worse than a fat girl clothes sale on Black Friday in Philly, (or a toilet paper panic-buy in Virginia) a surprise double hurricane all but washed away Acapulco. We’ve been super busy trying to get people warm and fed and clothed and thank you so much to everyone who has donated to help us do this. You can see the result of your donation on In the USSA, Hurricane Helen tore a destructive path through the southeastern United States, killing more than 200 people, plunging some rural communities into isolation, and leaving tens of thousands in need of aid. FEMA is obstructing help from reaching victims and threatening to arrest community rescue teams while admitting it’s “short on cash for the rest of hurricane season”, maybe because it spent $640m on housing migrants. But don’t worry, Kum-A-La has promised Hurricane Helen victims the princely sum of $750 to “those who really need it”. Just about the exact handout they gave to the residents of Lanai, Maui in return for stealing their land and their children. No matter the billions sent to Ukraine and Israhell.  The fires are stoked between angry blue and red party supporters in another beautiful divide & conquer campaign, with the focus centered on “far-right conspiracy theories obsessed with some vague force’s supposed ability to control the weather for nefarious purposes”. (More about weather control in today’s video) Meanwhile, quietly in the dark: Lithium mines! In today’s Jeff & Apples Show, we talk about Weather Attacks, BlackRock, the Iran/Israhell war, Trump, and The Bidens and point out what they all have in common. And, another bank blackout, predicted by The Simpsons… and South Park. Plus, a new plandemic is looming, with new cases of the deadly eye-bleeding Marburg virus reported in Europe. Remember, before his very suspicious death after an interview at CNN, Dr. Rashid Buttar said the COVAIDS shots all contain 3 dormant pathogens, one of which is Marburg virus sleeper cells encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles that can be activated using specific 5G frequencies. There’s so much demonically possessed evil going on, I swear, a mere human can’t make it up. Whatever wrote the script for this amazing 3D Video Game is genius, absolutely genius! The time has come. No doubt it’s the end of the world as we know it. You can bet they will find even more reasons to usher in the digital health passports, cull the remaining chickens & cows, and take away the last of your freedoms by creating soulless smart slave cities. Remember, remember the 5th of November.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Globalist Hostile Takeover Lithium Hurricanes, Iran-Israhell WWIII, Marburg Plandemic and More! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Oct 5, 2024 • 20min

Shots Fired: Weather Weapon “Hurricanes” Hit Acapulco AGAIN and North Carolina

It's Groundhog Day in Mexico! Right now, my friends and family, with the help of all our anarchist supporters at Anarchapulco and The Dollar Vigilante, are busy with several rescue and aid missions, helping to resurrect a city from the mud left by Hurricane John… a surprise DOUBLE hurricane that appeared suddenly (with no warning) to hit Acapulco a few days ago. And, it’s raining missiles in the Middle East. Now, rewind to this day in October 2023, when: My friends and family, with the help of all our anarchist supporters at Anarchapulco and The Dollar Vigilante, were busy with several rescue and aid missions, helping to resurrect a city out of the debris left by Hurricane Otis… a surprise Category 5 hurricane that appeared suddenly (with no warning) to hit Acapulco a few days before.And, of course, it was raining missiles in the Middle East then, too. Don’t miss this interview on the Stew Peters Network’s Shots Fired show, as I explain why I believe these were Direct Weather Weapon attacks, along with Hurricane Helene in the USSA that devastated parts of northern Florida. POV: The real devastation came from flash flooding and dam breaks in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. (All three states which have been trying to push lithium mining, by the way) And, stay tuned for my next Jeff & Apples walkabout because the plot sickens even more! Meanwhile, we really, really appreciate everyone who has donated so far to our Acapulco recovery mission. Acapulco has risen from the ashes before, and we’ll do it again, with your help. I can’t begin to tell you what your support mean to these people who have had their homes, their belongings and their clothes all washed away and have to start all over… again. If you would still like to help, visit for a look at everything we’ve done so far. Or you can donate at our GoFundMe HEREThank youWatch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Shots Fired: Weather Weapon “Hurricanes” Hit Acapulco AGAIN and North Carolina appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Sep 30, 2024 • 20min

Surprise Category 3 Hurricane Hits Acapulco TWICE And Drops Over A Meter of Rain – Help Needed!

Vigilantes, a hurricane has destroyed Acapulco and WE NEED YOUR URGENT HELP for the people and animals – as much or as little as you can afford to contribute! No, you didn’t misread. Yes, this is a new request, almost exactly 11 months after the last time I asked you to help with donations because a hurricane that appeared out of nowhere, with no warning, wreaked havoc on Acapulco and its people. The media has been so focused on Florida’s Hurricane Helene, that there’s been very little news of Hurricane John which, just like Otis last year, appeared suddenly and then rapidly intensified, taking Acapulco by complete surprise. But here’s the really weird thing. John fizzled out over the sea, only to turn around and come back for round number 2! The first time ever I’ve heard of a hurricane striking twice in one spot within days. If this sounds like deja vu to you, imagine how the people in Aca feel! This time, unlike Otis which was more like a giant wind tornado, there was A LOT of rain. I’m talking massive amounts of water and unbelievable flooding. (Footage in today’s video)Just like in 2013, and again in 2023 after Otis and then the wildfires earlier this year, we will be doing what horribly disgusting extremist anarchists always seem to do: Do our best to raise funds and share resources so we can help out where we can. Hundreds if not thousands of people lost their homes in this latest direct weather weapon attack, and right now, as many areas in and around Acapulco are still unpassable, we don’t even know the full extent of loss and specific need. Much of the city is still underwater.  Many people have had their homes, their belongings and their clothes all washed away and are basically sleeping in mud. We need to buy simple things like clothing, food, and medical supplies, and then there are labor-intensive needs like digging people and cars out of the mud. The Anarchapulco team raised over $400,000 for recovery efforts for Hurricane Otis last year and spent all the funds helping the people of Acapulco and they are prepared to send out their teams yet again to help. The scope of the disaster is still fairly unknown, but we will find out more as we move into different areas. Meanwhile, we would be very grateful for any donations you can make to help with our efforts. As such, I’ve set up a donation website at with all the donation links including crypto there.  And, a GoFundMe HERE.Just as we did for Hurricane Otis we will be posting receipts, photos and videos of all of our work as it happens. Thank you.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | Instagram | YoutubeThe post Surprise Category 3 Hurricane Hits Acapulco TWICE And Drops Over A Meter of Rain – Help Needed! appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.
Sep 27, 2024 • 1h 36min

Acapulco Rocked By Weather Weapon AGAIN, Days of Darkness and What’s Next With Kill Gates

Ah, The Simpsons. Those little crystal-gazing yellow prophets with the screechy voices and funky hair. In Springfield, they ate dogs long before Trump said so.  Lisa was inaugurated in a purple suit and pearls before Kum-a-la took the throne.  Crusty-toe pedophiles took off before Epstein’s plane.  And, remember that one time on The Simpsons when Mr. Burns put up a shield to block the sun? The “Sun Blocker” was created to blot out the sun outside, to ensure Burns' electricity was sold in a monopoly, covering Springfield in perpetual darkness otherwise. And, really, he was only doing what any good philanthropath would do… helping mankind. Uncannily similar to not-a-doctor eugenicist Kill Gates riding in on his pale horse, ready to fight for his right to block out the sun and freeze the earth by spraying chemicals in the air and microwaving your ass. The past week in South Africa, lions and giraffes stood in knee-deep snow, going ‘WTF’? Central and Eastern Europe all but washed away. Part of the Sahara turned green. Cat 4 Hurricane Helene hit Florida, EXACTLY the same as in 1958. And, Acapulco was hit by another hurricane of mass destruction that appeared out of nowhere. And, now it’s on its way to the ranch.  Of course, the only way to save the planet from MEGA climate change is to geoengineer a MEGA flood or two, a MEGA hurricane, or a MEGA wild-firenado. All the better if it can wipe out all power and communication for a few days or so, leaving people helpless and clueless, literally in the dark. We know that for every psyop there are 10 agendas, but they all more or less follow the same pattern: Create the solution, crank up the old stupefying mind control machine, then create the emergency and watch the NPC tax slaves ooh and aah about their good fortune in having such a proactive and caring government.House burned down by laser attack? Business swept away by flash flood? Chemical pollution got your crop? We’ll take care of that. Here’s your emergency Digital ID Pass, welcome to your new Smart City smart home, where we can track and trace your every move and make sure you are safe and healthy and productive and compliant at all times. Because it’s the right thing to doThe authoritarian takeover is seeking to capture the entire human system and turn it into an artificial factory farm-controlled system. Kill Gates vill make ze mosquito soldiers and ze rain robots and share ze lethal injections like a good philanthropath. And, ze government will control ze weather and poison ze food supply and take away ze guns and you vill be happy and grateful. Ze grateful dead.Watch on: | Odysee | Rumble | Bitchute | Brighteon | Telegram | Twitter | InstagramThe post Acapulco Rocked By Weather Weapon AGAIN, Days of Darkness and What’s Next With Kill Gates appeared first on The Dollar Vigilante.

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