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Aug 29, 2017 • 34min

Jon Morrow, Secrets To Creating 'Influence' Through Content Marketing

Jon Morrow’s content has been viewed by over 250 Million people. His recent content was shared over 75,000 times. He knows how to create influence through content marketing and shares his secrets in this podcast. He details the 3 purposes for creating content and how you can generate influence by following what he discusses. Show Notes Jon Morrow, despite only being able to move his lips, has over 200,000,000 views of his pages in 8 years 7 life lessons from a guy who can’t move anything but his face If you can’t win the game, change the rules The Art of the Counter Punch Jon gives credit to a car accident for bed ridding him for 6 months which gave him plenty of time to write his book Don’t be afraid to do something that you’ll be branded crazy for Content marketing is not used as simply “free marketing” it serves best at an opportunity of building influence His most viral post written was written from day 1 as a viral post that would get out the exact message he wanted Quantity or quality? Unless you’re Forbes I think you’d be better off with quality The Influencer Strategy Quotes: “Just take this interview for example, did I have a very rough time overcoming everything that I have? Yes, of course. But it’s also the reason that I’m talking to you today it’s given me a fantastic story. And that inspiring story is now inspiring millions of people and has also made me a LOT of money.” “The bigger the blow you just took, the bigger the opportunity there is standing there right in front of you. So you just have to find it and train yourself to find it. And that in my life has always been the case.” “To a lot of people writing 100 headlines a day that’s crazy! Why would anyone write 100 headlines a day? But that’s how I became so good at writing headlines.” “What content is good at, more than anything else, is building influence.” “My dad told me ‘Jon if you want to make money, go find a river of flowing money, stand in it and scoop up as much money as you can. But you never try to make the river change course, you just stand in the middle.’ But what most people don’t realize is there’s only two real rivers of traffic, Google and Facebook.” Links:
Aug 24, 2017 • 34min

James Smiley, B2B Funnel Secrets To Closing 5 and 6-Figure Deals

James Smiley reveals the exact playbook he used to get hired by 48 of the Fortune 500. How he scaled sales of a $350M Silicon Valley SaaS company IPO (TeleNav), and train over 7,000 6-figure B2B sales reps! He talks about the 3 ways he closes deals and how you can too. James also discusses what it really takes to close 5 and 6 Figure deals and how to get paid to pitch the deal. Show Notes Average doesn’t really fit who James Smiley is Developing a belief in yourself to get your product on the shelves and in people’s shopping carts at the checkout line The breakdown of a funnel that pushes a product with a $100k to $1M price tag The funnels that you can make to push a high equity product is so much easier than any of us even consider James Smiley was able to get a man to pay him $5,000 to fly out to see him to push him more product for the client to buy A lesson he was taught at a young age was to put you and the client on the same side of the deal table James interesting experience that taught him how to sell your perspective You need to believe and see that your product will get your client from the Hell they’re currently in without your product to Heaven James breaks down the “Playbook” of pitching products Quotes: “It doesn’t matter what your selling abilities or skills are. What matters is ‘do you have a belief in yourself and in your product?” “It’s the person you become on the route to achieving any goal that makes it all worth it.” “Unless your Tony Robbins or you have some massive established brand that shows your philosophy rocks the world, businesses can’t pay for that. But if you change it into a system, now they can buy it. And this really just changed my whole selling perspective.” Links:
Aug 22, 2017 • 25min

Aaqib Ahmed, Facebook Groups, Bots and Ads

Aaqib has focused on building a legacy. He helps Muslim entrepreneurs build an online business through Facebook advertising. He is a 2 Comma Club member of ClickFunnels. He has helped many entrepreneurs build 4, 5 and 6 figure businesses using Facebook. Show Notes The thing that is the most important to Aaqib is the success that others are able to achieve through his program. Innovation and being on the new side of technology and marketing are huge for Aaqib. His foundation for his business is his religious belief and that hasn’t restricted his business strategy at all but has helped it establish itself and branch out. The bots of Facebook Messenger. When building his legacy brand Aaqib has specific insights he looks for to best target those who are willing to jump on board. Having a personal connection with his customers while still using messenger bots. Quotes: “That’s what I’m most proud of is its’s not my legacy but the results that my students leave behind, that’s what makes what I’m doing pretty unique I think.” “If you can make money, contribute to the world and make a big difference then that’s what it’s all about for me.” Links:
Aug 21, 2017 • 6min

Kaelin Poulin, How Kaelin Built A Tribe of 50,000+ People

Kaelin lost 65 pounds in 7 months. She set a world record in fitness for earning her IFB Pro card faster than anyone. More importantly she has taken what she has learned to help 50,000+ women lose weight and change their life. This is her #mondaymotivation story. Show Notes She was put through a hard trial 10 years ago that put her into a situatuation where she realized she wasn’t liking the person she had become both physically and psychologically. Kaelin had to make her own formula to become the person she wanted to be, which helped her change the market she currently works in and change other people’s lives as well. She used Funnels to become a best seller in Amazon and Barnes and Noble Learn from the mistakes leaders before us have made to improve your business and dominate your market Through using Funnels Kaelin plans on having the biggest weight loss company in the world Quotes: “In the future I’m looking forward to being the biggest weight loss company in the world I just firmly believe that with Russell helping us and with ClickFunnels at our back that’s totally possible. I just can’t wait to see us help millions and millions of women in the future.” “I realized that it wasn’t really the fitness I was here for. I remember what it was like being 180lbs at 5’2” and I know there’s a million other women out there who are just like me that aren’t sure what to do.” “I decided that day that now that I’ve done it, now that I’ve paved the way, I want to help other women do the same.” Links:
Aug 17, 2017 • 39min

Rachel Pedersen, The "Real" Side of An Entrepreneur

Rachel is crushing it with Social Media, but it wasn’t always that way. She reveals the “REAL” side of life as an entrepreneur. She has a ton of energy and cares so much for the success of others that you feel her connection through this podcast. She reveals what it takes to be successful on social media and talks about her 5 day Twitter Challenge. Show Notes Rachel is the Queen of Facebook ads. Dave and Rachel discuss the REAL side of an entrepreneur’s life. The success we see in Rachel’s business is built from nearly 2 years of 100-hour work weeks, and she loves it. The compounding action of putting in the work for your business. The compounding action of putting in the work for your business. Rachel became so awesome by never changing who she was, sell yourself with your product. The importance of selling your brand. Rachel’s favorite traffic hacks are free. Rachel’s journey 5 years ago from only being able to afford shirts from Good Will as a single mom to where she is now as one of Today’s Gurus of Facebook. What’s the best to come for Rachel and her business? Rachel’s decision of quitting her 9-5. ROI Rachel challenges Dave to improve his traffic from Twitter. In a life of entrepreneurship where balance doesn’t seem to exist, what Rachel does to be with her business that she needs to and also be with her family like she wants to. TWITTER!! Quotes: “Sometimes I think we get this really glamorous idea of what an entrepreneur’s life is like, the reality is it’s not jets and first-class and luxury all the time.” “If you’re willing to put in the work, you literally will get success as long as you’re putting in those hours. No one is working two hours a week and having massive success.” “If you can take action in your business every single day, whether it’s doing that thing you’ve been pushing off, we all have it. Just taking it on and getting it done.” “I have this theory, that sometimes if you don’t ask for people’s information, payment whatever it is, if you slow down the process and really nurture the relationship you can get a lot further.” “I didn’t know a lot about social media, I just knew more than her. That was key. I just knew more than her so I was able to help her.” “It’s about this really deep connection, and really it supersedes anything that’s lacking. Like if your trainings aren’t the best, relationships take everything so much further.” “Everyone gets hung up on strategies and platforms and all of these different things when in reality all of these platforms are just channels to accomplish goals.” Links:
Aug 15, 2017 • 27min

Carissa Hill, How a “48 Hour” Facebook Funnel Made Over 500K

Carissa Hill uses Facebook to build online and OFF line businesses. She reveals how in 48 hours in a Facebook Group of less than 10,000 people sold over $500,000 and what you should be doing in your Facebook groups. Her “Just trying to help” mantra has positioned her as the go to person for building Facebook groups of rabid fans who want to buy your products and services. Show Notes How she gets her clients to share participate in her marketing, it’s actually quite simple Just make your marketing fun The build-up to Carissa Hill’s 6 figure launch Build your page to be “Stalking Worthy” so you can generate leads Offering varying paying plans Coffee with Carissa’s logistics breakdown You need your email lists Carissa’s method of starting her company’s CULT-ure Carissa’s slogan is “Be real, have fun, make money, love life” “More people actually watch my replays than on live”…How? Her views on marketing being less serious and more personal Carissa’s final input on the Facebook route of getting your business traffic Quotes: “What I’ve noticed over the years is that a lot of businesses, it doesn’t matter if they’re off line or online but they’re just not doing things right on social media, which is why it’s not working. I think most people are trying to be too strategic about it where I have always been about trying to make it fun.” “I do really focus on building a sense of community and giving a lot of my value to my clients so that they want to stay and I find that really helps people to join and also it helps when anyone new inside the program inquires about my facebook group all of my current clients jump in and say “it’s amazing you have to join.” “I really focus a lot on making myself into a personal brand I think it’s really what helps a lot as well.” “One of my little secrets is that everytime I sell something, if I’m going to do a live video and make an offer, I actually have a little post-it note on my computer that says ‘Just trying to help’ and I find that always helps me focus on that more than just trying to sell something.” “I just add a lot of content when I’m selling something, like I just give heaps of value.” Links: Coffee with Carissa
Aug 14, 2017 • 6min

Chad Woolner, How a Chiropractor Doubled His Income In Less Than 6 Months Teaching Other Chiropractors His Secrets

Chad Woolner learned like most professionals that post-graduate schooling typically teaches you how to be a doctor, attorney, chiropractor or dentist, but teaches you nothing about how to run your practice. After struggling to get his practice to grow he found the secrets he needed and quickly realized other doctors needed the same. He reveals in this episode what he learned and is now teaching other doctors. Show Notes Chad Woolner finished chiropractic college and opened up his own practice. It didn’t take him long to realize that school didn’t teach him everything he needed to know about running a practice. He had no idea how to run a business or market his practice. He hired a big consulting group and did everything they told him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. In fact, the more he did exactly what they told him, the worse things got. Chad reached out to everyone he could but nothing worked. He struggled for years to provide for his family. About that time, he started to hear about funnels and wondered if that might work for his practice. Once he figured out a funnel that worked he literally experienced almost overnight success. New patients started coming in the doors and the practice started growing. Chad soon realized that other struggling chiropractors could benefit from what he had learned. He showed his funnels to another chiropractor and helped him set everything up. Almost immediately this other practice started growing as well. He realized that there were so many other chiropractors who needed this same help. The problem was that he didn’t know how to effectively get his message out. Then he discovered Russell Brunson’s “Perfect Webinar.” This single webinar allowed him to package his message and deliver it to other chiropractors online. In a little less than 6 months, the income he was making from teaching other chiropractors how to build funnels for their practice doubled the income he was making from his own practice. Quotes: "In less than 6 months, the income I was making from teaching other Chiropractors doubled the income I was making from my own practice!" Links:
Aug 10, 2017 • 21min

Akbar Sheikh, How To Make Your Competition Irrelevant

Akbar Sheikh has become a very successful funnel builder. More importantly he has become even more successful at making his competition irrelevant. He reveals his secrets to getting publicity and influencers to help establish his authority. Show Notes What does irrelevant actually mean? How funnel hacking applies to making your competition irrelevant. The 7 secrets to success. The importance of likeability with funnels and business. How to utilize 100% of Facebook Marketing. Quotes: “There are so many funnel builders. That has zero relevance to me because there is only 1 Akbar.” “We can only use like 5% of our brain. We do the same with Facebook. It’s like using a Ferrari but only using one cylinder.” Links:
Aug 8, 2017 • 28min

Wilco, Facebook Video Ad Secrets

Wilco is the founder of 2 software companies that he has built using Facebook ads. He details his strategies for video ads that convert on Facebook. How to create stories in your videos, how to split test and generate the greatest ROI from you ad. Show Notes When to running Facebook ads. The importance of testing and buying data of your Facebook ads. How emoticons will help your video ads convert. Other tips and strategies with video ads like storytelling and average time for video. Quotes: “You don’t have a real business unless you have traffic.” Links:
Aug 7, 2017 • 10min

Akbar Sheikh, Homeless To 2 Comma Club Status

Akbar Sheikh lived in a janitors closet. He sold his car so he could start his business. He worked and focused on his “7 Secrets To Success.” Last year he found himself on stage receiving a “2 Comma Club” Plaque from Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels. This award proves that he has sold over a million dollars through an online sales funnel. Show Notes What it takes to go from homeless to 2 comma club. How Akbar ran into Network Marketing. Why 99% of people give up. Quotes: “Just make it happen. Just go for it.” Links:

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