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Feb 21, 2018 • 17min

3 SEO Tips To Getting Articles Ranked

Why Dave Chose to Interview RL Adams: RL (Rob) Adams has become the go to SEO article writing king for anyone he needs to get ranked. He lost his business 10 months ago. Yet because of his SEO and writing skill set he was able to become the “go to guy” for all of the major marketers in the world. He has literally worked for free providing massive value for the people he wanted to get to know. His dream 100 strategy has more than paid off and now he has deep business relationships that will help him build his next billion-dollar business. He reveals the 3 SEO tips to getting articles ranked. Tips and Tricks for Your Business: The importance and value RL found while working for free. (3:16) Rob gives us his top 3 tips of building SEO in your articles. (10:25) You have to treat SEO like it’s 4th down with seconds left on the clock, go long(form). (11:18) We hear about how to cover our articles with information worthy copy to amp them up. (14:26) Quotable Moments: “I’m totally introverted, I’m like Russell. I would rather be in my room typing away on my computer.” “They were the guys that I was just like ‘Hey you guys so good at what you do. I just want to learn’. Like I sucked at marketing a long time ago. I’m great at software and I’m great at systems but I sucked at marketing. I was like ‘Please teach me!'” “You have GOT to be willing to work for free if you want to play with the big boys.” Other Tidbits: RL Adams has written some 100 articles for top name marketers and has built a relationship with them. Links:
Feb 20, 2018 • 15min

How Vulnerable Are You In Your Marketing?

Why Dave Decided to Talk about Our Vulnerabilities: People buy on emotion. This requires you to connect with your audience. There is no better way than by being vulnerable. But “How Vulnerable”? There is a fine line from being authentically vulnerable and being vulnerable only to sell. People can see right through this and it can hurt you more than help you. Dave reveals an example of where being totally vulnerable actually connected with the audience and helped sell over 50,000 copies of an E-book in less than 5 months. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Natalie, a good friend of Dave’s, is a prime example of using your vulnerabilities in marketing. (1:32) Dave gives us an example of vulnerability from his own life to help us all see how it correlates to our own marketing (7:34) We learn that what you might perceive as a hindrance is an opportunity to explore for others. (11:16) Quotable Moments: “The fascinating thing to me is the massive amount of success she had because she connected so pure, and so raw, and so vulnerable. “ “I see a lot of people who use vulnerability as a power tool to almost take advantage of people. That’s not what I’m talking about here. This vulnerability is how you truly feel” “This wheelchair wasn’t a symbol of limitation. It was a symbol of freedom.” Other Tidbits: Vulnerability lets people know your real, so it better be real. There is nothing that will hurt your business and credibility in the industry than presenting yourself as someone you’re really not. If you truly want to help those in your influence, then you need to show them how the product has helped people like them. That person can potentially even be you. When we allow ourselves to become vulnerable with our audience we build a relationship with them. And what happens when you have a relationship with somebody? They trust you. With this trust your audience will be more willingly to confide in you and trust you with their testimonials. Links:
Feb 15, 2018 • 25min

4 "P's" to Creating Undeniable Truth To Sell High Ticket Products

Why Dave Chose to Interview Linh Trinh: Linh Trinh is a master at selling high ticket products. The best part is he sells them by creating undeniable truth. Basically, he helps the prospect realize what Linh is offering is the best way for them to get the results that they want. If you believe in what you sell you have a moral obligation to be the best and do whatever it takes to help others. Linh reveals his secrets to helping 1,000s of people get what they want and shows you how you can to. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Linh’s weapon of choice is the webinar funnel for his clients, and his delivery system for it had to change. (3:57) Linh has helped us see the importance of proposing “undeniable truths”. (7:26) We can get our customers to see that they are in pain without our solution, the next step is helping them see the possibility of relief we have to give them. (10:00) Once we show our audience their pain and possibility they are ready to remember how no one has helped them yet and that this is their problem. (12:23) DON’T SELL FEATURES TO YOUR AUDIENCE. (14:42) Linh emphatically lets us in on if we want to provide true value to our community we need to charge the price that will allow us to provide it. (17:59) Quotable Moments: “When you offer something for free, people don’t value your time. So, what would happen is I would have 3 or 4 of my coaches just waiting around having appointments booked. And they would sit around all day just waiting for people.” “The really specific questions allow them to visualize the scenario and then allows them to answer the question.” “The whole coaching process begins even before the coaching begins, it begins at the sales call. The sales call in itself is a ‘breakthrough call’.” Other Tidbits: Linh doesn’t sell features that come with his services, his logic is that when you talk about all of the features your product includes it more often causes uncertainty than persuasion. Links Mentioned by Dave and Linh: Online Trainers Podcast Other Links:
Feb 14, 2018 • 37min

Creating Irresistible Offers

Why Dave Chose to Interview Lisa Sasevich: Lisa has been creating irresistible offers for decades. These offers have helped her sell over $40 million of her own products and services from home with 2 toddlers in tow. This skill has also helped her business become an Inc 500 fastest growing privately held company. She details her 3 components to the perfect irresistible offer and how you can use them in your business. You can even use them to help raise your kids. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: All the activities that you are doing (book launches, genius networks, posts, etc.) might not combine to make the ‘irresistible Offer’. (2:32) Lisa gives us a taste of the ‘Irresistible Offer’ by using the tactics on us so we are able to see how we are in need of her services to better our own industries. (7:04) We get to hear about the importance of the timing of our offers to make them appear so irresistible. (10:30) You have a moral obligation to extend an offer to your audience according to Lisa. (12:16) Do you really want to do the heavy lifting for your competition? (14:40) Lisa got focused enough to extend an irresistible offer and lets us know how to follow in her footsteps. (18:22) Lisa gives us three components our offers need to have. (24:45) We need to make our time feel genuine. (31:53) Quotable Moments: “…like they’re doing all the activities that they’re supposed to do, but it’s just not all designed to lead to that irresistible offer.” “You kind of feel like you’re in motion but you’re really just jumping up and down. When you add your offer then you’re going forward. So, it’s about all of the stuff you’re doing, and not stopping them, but when you add this focus it makes it pay.” “People are so passionate about their mission yet so scared to sell. Yet it’s not a sell when you have something of true value that you want to give to people.” “That is where you’re building that funnel, you’re selling something online, I believe you are doing 80% of the work for 20% of the profits. You add that live event, have that lead to a high ticket irresistible offer, you’ll be doing 20% of the work for 80% of the profits.” Other Tidbits: Dave gives Lisa major kudos for all that she has done. Not only in the realm of business though, Lisa has also left an impact on the home front as well with raising two toddlers as a single mom. Lisa emphatically relays the importance of not overwhelming your audience. Your product might be extraordinarily simple yet have multiple opportunities for going deeper into complexities. If this is the case, then let your audience know that after they buy into your product. If they only need to find out something basic, give them their answer and if they want to let their imagination run wild after that then you can present them with that opportunity. Dave and Lisa have gotten to the point where one sale doesn’t move a mountain the way it used to, however changing a life means all the world to them. The first section of this is a very prevalent truth to some of your audiences. Is the second as prevalently known to your audience? Do you feel genuine excitement when your product truly changes someone’s life? Links Mentioned by Dave and Lisa: The Irresistible Offer Blueprint Lisa’s Podcast “Boost Your Life and Sales with Lisa Sasevich” Other Links:
Feb 13, 2018 • 9min

The Permission Based "Freedom" Paradox

Why Dave Chose to Talk about Permission: Do you require permission to be successful? Most do! Many people struggle with the baggage of life and look to others to give them the permission to be successful. Dave Woodward details the personal experiences most go through to become successful. As a marketer, it is your job and responsibility to provide the “freedom” your clients, prospects and followers are looking for. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Permission, giving it to yourself and getting it from others. (1:56) The rush of one level of permission. (4:18) The people you market to want you to give them permission to succeed. (5:02) Dave Woodward gives you permission to be successful. (7:02) Quotable Moments: “All of a sudden these doubts and these thoughts are beginning to weigh me down. It is crazy how I’m allowing this one man, who doesn’t even know me at all, to control my thoughts and my emotions.” “It was funny, I was having this conversation with [Russel] and he says, ‘It’s fascinating these people pay me $25,000 a year and sometimes a lot of them just want me to give them permission to be successful.’” “We go through this crazy paradox of you want permission but you don’t really need permission.” Links Mentioned by Dave: Get in touch with Dave about the topics you want Dave to discuss and the people you feel he should interview Other Links:
Feb 8, 2018 • 11min

How To Grow An Engaged Facebook Group

Why Dave Chose to Interview Julie Stoian: Julie Stoian gives you the tips and tricks of how to grow an engaged Facebook Group. Engagement is the key to growing a group organically. Julie details 5 things she does to help grow her group and what we are doing to grow ClickFunnels Facebook group as well. Tips and Tricks for Your Business: Julie defines for us how we can tell if our Facebook group really is engaged. (1:49) The concept of Timed Content. (2:25) Julie recommends that we become friends with our community and gives some examples (3:24) Julie occasionally allows her own clientele to promote within her thread, something she recommends for us (5:00) Julie breaks the news to us that we no longer can have “Entrepreneurial Groups”, ours need to have a purpose. (8:02) Quotable Moments: “Speed is the name of the game when it comes to engagement.” “People like to join groups for the networking. If you give them a little spot, that’s controlled, where they can promote it helps the engagement, it helps the group, and it also helps them feel like there’s opportunity there.” “A lot of people have groups because they just want to sell to them. Like you can sell to them but make sure they have another incentive to be there.” Other Tidbits: When you go on Facebook you can find plenty of red oceans in the “entrepreneurial group” sections, you need to carve out a different niche there. If you are selling coaching to help people improve their business or even selling simple products it is detrimental to your time and energy to be in those red oceans. Carve yourself out a blue, underappreciated, or even brand knew section to help expand your reach to its full capacity. Links Mentioned by Dave and Julie: Other Links:
Feb 7, 2018 • 30min

Story Secrets That Generated $1.6 Million In Less Than 10 Months Using SnapChat, Instagram Or Facebook

Why Dave Chose to Interview Josef Rakich: Josef Rakich and Ken Brickley generated over $1.6 million in less than 10 months in a hyper competitive niche. They sell meal plans and fitness training programs in what most would consider to be a ‘red ocean’ environment. They reveal the secret to being able to bounce back from a declining business to now being able to sell worldwide. Their tips and secrets can help you no matter what you are selling. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Josef and Ken let us in to how they automated their fitness company to increase their ability to help others (4:43) Josef goes further into how you can clear up a “Blue Ocean” for yourself in what was previously conceived as a “Red Ocean”. (7:08) Staying dominant in the SnapChat realm through your stories. (9:16) We learn that Josef and Ken rarely sell their full service initially. (12:30) After their clients have opted in their next step in the funnel is to help them understand the price point. (16:46) We need to build our stories before we extend our offers. (22:41) Always remember that each social media platform vibrates at a different frequency for you to match. (26:32) Quotable Moments: “That’s why we created some software that allows us to take everything into consideration to still produce the perfect workout plan, the perfect meal plan for all of my clients as if I was to personally write them out each one.” “Nothing closes better than a story format.” “Something like that story format, it gets that message to them simply and clearly and they can understand. It’s not too long, not too detailed but it gets them exactly the message we want to give them.” Other Tidbits: Josef left the Personal Training circle because it wasn’t scalable. Links Mentioned by Dave, Josef, and Ken:  Meal Plan Software that Josef gives to his clients Other Links:
Feb 6, 2018 • 10min

Commodity or Experience? What Are You Selling?

Why Dave Chose to Talk about What We Sell: Dave Woodward wants to lay out the details for the pros and cons to the types of products that sell best. He reveals secrets successful marketers use to sell products as experiences and what you can do to have similar success. Tips and Tricks for Your Business: Selling a product that is purely commodity vs. an experience. (2:08) Changing your marketing standpoint from commodity to experience. (4:42) When you look at successful people, they sell experiences (8:00) Quotable Moments: “Unfortunately for most of us that are in marketing we end up going the exact opposite direction. Our product becomes very price-sensitive, very commoditized.” “But once you start bundling it with different products and services where someone no longer compare it to other water bottles. It now becomes an experience that the person is going to get along with that.” “Even though you’re selling a product or a commodity you can still have an experience. Try to find different ways of creating it, most of it is through your marketing.” Other Tidbits: Dave loves ice cream, his wife loves Lu Lu Lemon. Links Mentioned by Dave:
Feb 1, 2018 • 14min

Launching A Funnel With NO Ad Budget

Why Dave Chose to Interview Julie Stoian: I get asked all of the time how to launch a funnel if I don’t have any money to spend on Facebook or other Ad platforms. Julie Stoian provides 6 different ways you can use to get free traffic to your funnel. The key is to get started asap. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Traction Marketing, it’s kind of awesome guys. (0:58) Dave and Julie stress the difference between a gift between a gift and a bribe. (4:54) SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is still something you can do and Julie breaks it down for us. (8:10) Quotable Moments: “Usually what happens is if you go out and help 100 people, 20 or 30 of them are going to go in and click on your profile and there’s your ‘Wallbait’ sitting right there.” “If you don’t have money to send on a huge ad budget then what you do have is time. And so make sure that the time your spending is of value to you and of value to the person you’re reaching out to.” “Again, it’s about delivering content that the platform, and the people on that platform, actually like.” Other Tidbits of the Podcast: There is a fine line between a bribe and a gift to show appreciation. Dave tells us about how somebody who had sent a handwritten letter and miniature copies of Dave’s favorite book no bigger than his thumb. This gift meant a lot to him personally and although no favors were reciprocated, he gained a lot of respect for this man. Dave then contrasts this to someone else who gave Russel a somewhat thoughtful gift and shows up the next day expecting to be able to borrow some of Russel’s time. Although Russel pulled himself away from his work for this guy, their relationship ended there as he didn’t see any reason to associate with someone who would have such an entitled persona. Links Mentioned by Dave: Come see Julie in Atlanta March 23rd and 24th and ask her your questions as she hosts one of our Round Tables! Other Links:
Jan 31, 2018 • 13min

How Bad Does It Have To Get?

Why Dave Chose to do this Podcast by Himself: Dave Woodward wants to discuss with us his own entrepreneurial experiences and then relates them to the pain each of us experience as entrepreneurs. He gives 3 secrets to his success and that of others who have fought the solo-preneur battles and come out on top. Key Points in Dave’s Podcast: When your doctor tells you back surgery, although your worst nightmare, is an unavoidable prospect what do you do? (3:08) We’re all by ourselves as entrepreneurs most of the time, but we don’t need to have every hat resting on our head. (6:04) If you work alone as a solopreneur and you’re not going to masterminds you’re not living your full potential. (6:51) As an entrepreneur, there are an endless number of things that provide value to you. (9:40) Asking for help is never a sign of weakness but it assuredly will help stimulate growth in your business. (10:24) Quotable Moments: “I just want to let you know that there is nothing wrong with reaching out for help.” “Find out what area do you need the most help with this year and focus on that one need and join a coaching program or mastermind for that.” “Don’t wait until things get so bad that you literally have to have surgery in your business where you have to cut things off and go with something super drastic.” Other Tidbits of the Podcast: Dave doesn’t like to divulge a lot about himself, but through talking with a personal coach of his he felt opening up about his past experiences would have potential with helping others know they can be successful as well. Dave is a believer in capitalism. He’s fanatic about the fact that small businesses have the potential to rule the world. Links Mentioned by Dave: Alex Charfen’s Momentum Podcast

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