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Jun 15, 2018 • 13min

How to Care WITHOUT Caring - Dave Woodward - FHR #235

Social media has increased the ease and numbers of "haters". As a business owner who needs to publish content and products it can be tough when you get beat up on social media for doing the best that you can. Dave Woodward provides insights on how other successful entrepreneurs continue to Care for those they serve WITHOUT caring about what others say. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: What to do as an entrepreneur if you don’t have thick skin (3:00) Dave gives examples of companies and entrepreneurs focus so much on their clients, that they don’t care who they upset (6:35) Quotable Moments: "You have to care so much about those people that you are working with and that you are serving, but at the same time you have to care less about the haters." "You have to let the haters fuel you." Other Tidbits: Once you care so much about the people you are serving, you will care less about the haters. Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:     00:00       Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here is your host, Dave Woodward. Welcome. Speaker 2:     00:18       Oh my gosh. This is a crazy topic and I see this happening so often. It's so many people's businesses that I just. I have to help you understand how important this is or there are so many entrepreneurs, so many business owners I speak to all the time who are so concerned and so afraid of what other people are going to say and they care so much more about offending or hurting or upsetting other people that it actually prevents this entrepreneur in this business owner from getting their message out to the world. If this is, I was speaking directly to you and I want to make sure you understand the impact and the importance of the message that you have. I personally believe any entrepreneur, any business owner who goes on his on his or her way to start any business, that you have a moral obligation to get your message out to the world, a true moral obligation. Speaker 2:     01:05       If you don't feel that strong and that passionate about the business that you're in, then get out of that business and find a business that you do feel that strongly about. I feel that strong right now about click funnels. I literally feel like I have a moral obligation to get clickfunnels out to the entire world, literally to save entrepreneurs from all the other confusing software, all the other mistakes and tools that people are using that actually is preventing them from having the success, the financial freedom, and the time freedom that our platform provides. In addition to that, the coaching programs and everything else, I. it's funny, I literally wear it swag every day. One, I love the t shirts and being honest, how they make me feel, but more important than that, I. I truly believe in our mission. I honestly, I feel this moral obligation. Speaker 2:     01:48       It is very rare that you're ever gonna. See people without having something click funnels on, whether it's [inaudible], whether it's a shirt, whether it's a water bottle. I want people to ask me about it because I feel that strong about what we do. I've seen this happen at t we just got back from San Diego where we're gathering with our two comma club coaches are two comma club coaches and down there we had about 140 of our students there. We've got another one coming this week and this was our installation meeting. So these are the people who bought a are two Comma Club coaching program at funnel hacking live. And it was fascinating to me to see those people who are super passionate about their business and those who are like, I just don't know. I'm still trying to figure this thing out. And I see it happen quite a bit where people, especially when you're marketing online, um, for some reason people will say, and you'll find more haters online and you actually will face to face. Speaker 2:     02:43       That's really easy to hide behind a keyboard and a screen and slam other people. But you have to understand that you've got to have super, super thick skin to be an entrepreneur. If you don't, then you've got to find ways of putting up shields and protection there for you. So first of, if you don't feel like you've got that type of thick skin and all the hitters are going to bother you, that's okay. You still have the same moral obligation to get your message out to the world. But now what you have to do is you just have to hire someone to take care of all your haters for you. And that literally would mean hire someone to go through your facebook posts, have hire someone to take care of all your social media so you don't see all the criticism. Uh, it's honestly, it's one of those things that are care who you are. Speaker 2:     03:24       It's hard when, when someone starts tearing down what you're doing. Uh, I remember, uh, when my wife was teaching a lot of, a lot of fitness classes and she could have the most amazing fitness class in the world, and 30 people can come afterwards and tell her, oh my gosh, that was amazing. But if one person came up and said, ah, you know what, I didn't like your music, or Oh, I didn't really know it was okay. That's the one person that she would be obsessed about and it would really ruin her entire day. I've seen the same thing happen for people when they come off stage and people are like, oh my gosh, that was such a great, a great talk and it wasn't a talk. Did you buy now? I really didn't buy sit back, nick. Oh my gosh, why not? I feel the same way anytime I'm doing a Webinar or anything else. Speaker 2:     04:06       And I'm like, wait a second. As great as it was, and yes, 15, 20 percent of people bought that means 80 to 85 percent sentence. People didn't. Why did I not connect with them? What did I do wrong? And realize those are just human elements that you're always going to deal with. The key here is you've got to find some way of being able to care without caring, and what I mean by that is you have to care so much about those people that you're working with and that you're serving, but at the same time you can. You have to care less about the haters. You have to allow those haters to fuel you. You also have to understand that, and I see this problem take place a lot with a lot of our coaches and things who are in the coaching business or when they're providing a product or a service that is supposed to be used by someone and the person doesn't consume it. Speaker 2:     04:51       They don't get the results. That person who created it feels like it was something wrong with the product. Realize that's not the case. It's the person who bought it. I think for yourself, how many times have you bought a book and not read it all the way through? I do that all the time. Does it mean the book was bad? No, it just means I, it was me. It so realize that your customers, it's your boy Garrett white says it best, and that is you are not their savior. You just aren't. Realize you're a marketer. Your job is to help change people's lives, but they have their own agency. It's up to them to actually take, make, take the action and do what it takes to get the results and things that you need from them. But because they're not doing it doesn't mean that you should market it any less. Speaker 2:     05:33       In fact, you should be marketing extremely hard. Marketing is the one skilled every single person has to learn. Um, I remember years ago hearing from Dan Kennedy, basically, if you're not offending someone everyday, you're just not marketing hard enough. And I truly believe that you've got to have that. You've got to be that prolific. You've got to be that polarized into where your product and service cannot apply to everybody. You've got to be in a situation to where you're doing everything you possibly can to connect with the people who your product or your service was designed for. And at the same time, realize that as you market that hard, you're going to offend, you're going to piss off, you're going to upset other people. That's okay. That's marketing's job is to separate people so that you're only communicating with those people who your product and service can actually benefit. Speaker 2:     06:18       It's one of the most important things for me is I take a look at anyone I work with and we coach and who are using our product or our service is that you have to be that passionate about it. It was, I was talking with a guy down in San Diego who's in the real estate niche and his whole product is. He's actually going against the typical norm of real estate agents. In other words, he's basically telling people, listen, you don't need to pay six percent to list your house. Well, obviously by his doing that and the harder he markets, the more agents he's gonna upset because he's literally cutting off their lifeblood. You see, the same thing happened with Uber. They upset the entire taxi industry. That's okay. Realize that Uber's client is not the taxi cab driver. Uber's client is the person who wants to be picked up by somebody in a clean car who doesn't want to have to worry about a tip, who understands the person that's going to basically take them, pick them up and take more than they go without any hassles, driving in a in a same manner, and that's their client. Speaker 2:     07:27       So realize that once you understand who your client is, you are going to upset others, and so you have to learn to care without caring. You've gotta care about your clients, but you've got to care less about anybody else. Pamela wible, who is in our inner circle is one of the most amazing women you will ever meet. This is a woman who is a doctor. Uh, went through medical school, lost a lot of her friends who were other doctors to suicide, and realized that it became her mission, her passion to fight for doctors to prevent them from committing suicide. He says this didn't make any sense and she's gone so far. I mean, she works so hard that the entire medical community, the hospitals at others who are basically killing these doctors and our manufacturing, these heartless doctors who are just becoming a mill, she's fighting against that. Speaker 2:     08:24       She's fighting against these major institutions and she was funny. She was speaking on stage here and she said, you don't. You really. You have to understand that you have to get to the point that if you don't have a bodyguard and that you're not getting death threats on a regular basis, you're just not working hard enough. Now realize, I don't know if you can take it to that extreme, but that's how passionate Pamela is about her mission. She's literally saving lives, but because she's going about saving these lives in the way that she's doing it, she is upsetting major, major medical associations and she literally has a bodyguard because she does get death threats because that's how passionate she is about what she's doing. Money is not the motivator for her. Saving lives is, and so she literally goes to major, major extremes to help people understand the problems that these doctors are facing. Speaker 2:     09:17       To try to help them, uh, she has different products and services where she literally will bring these doctors out to a, an event out in the middle of the woods and part of the event is for them to get back to nature, to get back to themselves. And part of it is actually where they're nude, where they literally are. It'll have to have together talking negative because she's trying to take down all the barriers to get rid of that white coat because she literally will do what ever it takes to help these doctors. And when you care that much about who you're serving, you start to care less about all the haters. And you have to get to that point. So realize as you take a look at your marketing, you need to market harder. You need to market in a way that upsets people. You've seen it. Speaker 2:     10:00       We do this all the time and the more that we do this, the more upset people get at us. You've seen our confusionsoft stuff. You've seen us, our vendor comic books with Loki pages and confusion soft. It's because we truly believe and feel that our platform is the only platform that was going to save entrepreneurs from all this other confusion software for things that don't work, that's going to take up their time and their money. We feel that passionate about it. I hope, and I pray deep down inside that you feel that passionate about what you're doing, that you get excited, that you're motivated, that you can't wait to tell people about what you do because you have a product or a service that literally has changed in the world. I know that I do and I hope that you get to the point where you start to care less about the haters and again, realize there's a human element to all of us. Speaker 2:     10:50       You know, we joke around here in the office that you know James, James, p friel has one emotion, but at the same time, every, all of us have emotions and it's human that you're going to get your feelings hurt, but realized deep down inside that when you feel you're more passionate about those you're serving than you are about yourself. You will be that much more passionate about getting your message out to the world market hard study marketing. There's nothing more important to you that are really understand the psychology of what it's going to take to fulfill the moral obligation that you have to get your message out to the world. I hope you have an amazing day. I wish you all the success in your business and again, if you're struggling with this, hire people to take care of that human element so it doesn't suck you down. Speaker 2:     11:31       I know with with Russell, it's very rare that he spends a bunch of time dealing with the haters and over time he's actually learned to develop a thick enough skin to where it doesn't matter as much, but in the very beginning he hired a ton of people, basically the Redis facebook posts and to take care of that kinda stuff because it hurt. That's human. That's it's really hard when you're going out and you're trying to save other people and other people are saying such terrible negative things about you realize that that's the human element to what you're doing. Develop the thick skin as an entrepreneur and realize you have a moral obligation to get your message out to the world and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you in that way. Please, I would love and I appreciate so much. Speaker 2:     12:12       Most people spend time listening to these podcasts. If there's a message or something that you would like me to say, some topic or something you'd like me to convey or to get out there, please reach out. Let me know what that is. You can hit me up on facebook, personal message me there, David clickfunnels, to my email. Also, I would really appreciate any ratings or reviews that you can give me on itunes. I'm really trying to get this message out to more people and the ratings and reviews that you give on itunes. Help me do that. Share. Share the podcast that you like with your friends and families were neighbors, whoever it might be, and again, let me know what I can do to help serve you better. Have an amazing day. I wish you all the best of your business and we'll talk soon.
Jun 13, 2018 • 13min

Consumption Funnels - Dave Woodward - FHR #234

The best way to serve your customers is to help them consume your product. Dave Woodward talks about some of the best consumption funnels he has come across in the last few weeks. These are physical products, professional services and information products. He reveals what you can do to help your customers consume your products and want more of them and more of you. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Examples of consumption funnels (0:49) How ClickFunnels uses consumption funnels for their own products (6:15) Ways to use consumption funnels in your business (9:29) Quotable Moments: "The most successful businesses are those that help you consume their product." Other Tidbits: Letting customers consume your product by free samples or free offers or reduced price offers is a proven way to increase sales. Hosting events that show demonstrations are also a good way to show your customers how to use your product. Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:     00:00       Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. Welcome Speaker 2:     00:17       back everybody. Oh my gosh. This is one of my favorite topics. Consumption funnels. Understand this is, I wish everybody was doing this and it cracks me up. The more people aren't. So what I want you to do is I want to think about how in the world can you help people, those people who you're trying to serve, consume more of your product. Uh, there's, I see this happen a ton and so many other industries and you've got to start using this in your own business. So let me give you a couple of different examples here. A couple months ago, James P friel moved here to Boise area and he and Jada invited a couple of here in the office to go out on a date, so a couples date. So we ended up going to Sula tabla a, if you're not familiar with it. And I'd probably pronounced completely wrong Su, our space la space table, so, but it's a French place and what it is, it's really, it's a, it's a store that sells a ton of high end cooking things and literally anything you could think of from electronic spoons or forks that you basically push down and it spends the spaghetti on to multi hundred dollar knives, thousand dollar cooking pots and pans and just crazy, crazy stuff for the chefs or the want to be shifts. Speaker 2:     01:42       And there's always a ton of people in there, you know, just kind of milling around and looking at things. The part I found so interesting was we went there on a date, you're going to be asking why in the world would you go to serve the tableau on a date? Well, because in the very, very back, which is key, you've got to walk through the entire store to get the very back of the store. They have a cooking area and it's basically a cooking class where they have two different, uh, it's set up to where you could have about, I think a total about 20 people. And so you're cooking, so they have a chef and they have a couple of people who are there helping the chef. And then there's again for us that night there was 12 of us, uh, so six of us, it was James and Yada, Russell and Clinton, my wife and I, so the six of us were there and they had six others who were there as well. Speaker 2:     02:35       And basically we broken into different groups to then be taught by a chef how to cook. And it was that evening and happened to be an evening all about an Italian cuisine. And so we made shadow and we made just this fascinating, really cool meals. It was super engaging, a ton of fun. There's an emotional connection between the six of us as well as then some of the other people we were cooking with. Just, it was really kind of a fun thing to get to know other people. And he had this emotional tie in with food and cooking. I was really a crazy experience because, you know, we got done and to be honest with you, uh, we weren't full. So we ended up later going out to dinner to eat some more because we didn't fill up on the meal that we cook, but the key here was the amount of consumption and what I mean by that is they introduced us to a couple of cool little utensils and things. Speaker 2:     03:27       Uh, one was a, a garlic press, another one was, um, the way in which actually cut a. They showed us different knives and how to cut things. And so we started consuming the exact same things that we had just walked through a sore full of. So as soon as we got done, each one of us has couples went out and we started to buy what we adjust used now. That was about three months ago, two, three months ago. I have yet, and neither is my wife use any of this stuff that we bought. But it was such a cool experience because we were actually able to consume and to use the different utensils and things at the time we were cooking. So soon as we got done, the very first thing we did was each couple spent probably a couple hundred bucks on different cooking utensils and stuff just because it was cool and it was a ton of fun. Speaker 2:     04:18       So [inaudible] has this ability where you actually pay. So I think, I think the, I don't know how much the actual meals were, but I don't call it 50 bucks a person. So each of us paid 100 bucks to go to learn from a chef, not only how to cook and prepare a meal, but more importantly how to consume their physical products that they were then selling to us on the variant. So we went in, each of us probably spending 100 bucks for the evening for the date, but then we spent another couple hundred bucks before we left the rest that the store. Because we wanted to buy the stuff that we just used. So realize that businesses out there, the most successful businesses are businesses that help you consume your product. Take for example, my favorite things do is whenever my wife suckers me into going grocery shopping, we typically go to costco and she's on her own because I'm out there sampling. Speaker 2:     05:11       I love going and tasting all the samples, but there's this law of reciprocity that kicks in once you start tasting these samples. There's a ton of times where I actually will end up buying it even though I don't really love it. It's just because I feel almost this reciprocity because I consumed some of their food, I feel like I said at least by some of it. And so it's the whole reason costco has all these people out there as you can start milling through costco is because they want you to consume their products and as you consume them, some of them are tastes great and you're going to buy them just because they're awesome and you may become a lifelong customer. Continue to buy their same product over and over and over again because you first consumed it. So there's a couple of products that, uh, I know for tri tip, uh, we, we do kick a lot of drag tip and stuff and so we ended up buying tri-tip preseason, everything else because we consumed it there and that free sample, probably seven, eight years ago, we've now probably spent thousands of dollars and tried to all because we consume that product. Speaker 2:     06:10       Same thing happens if you take a look at what we've been doing inside of click funnels, funnel university, our funnel scripts is a consulting funnel. Fridays, sorry, funnel Fridays is a consumption ploy. If you're not aware of what funnel Fridays is, go to funnel Fridays Dot Com. And there you'll have the opportunity of seen us using our product, helping others consume, not just click funnels, but also funnel scripts. So what happens on funnel Fridays is Jim Edwards, who is the creator of funnel scripts, he and Russell would get together and it's basically a game. They have 30 minutes to create a funnel utilizing clickfunnels and utilizing funnel scripts for all the copy. So frequently we will get people who will send us a product here at our clickfunnels office. And sometimes we'll actually use that will create a funnel for them on that product using clickfunnels and funnelscripts or other times it'll be a product. Speaker 2:     07:11       There were basically we'd go out and it's something a russell seen something he's purchased and now he because he's purchased it is like, you know what? I would probably change the way this funnel works by doing this, this, this and this. And so funnel Fridays is all set up to help our users consume more of our product by Lilly, by they're seen as actually do it. It's literally half an hour. It's time for a reason because we're trying to help people understand that clickfunnels doesn't take a whole bunch of time. That is easy to use. And so by seeing Russell using it and by having gym, using funnel scripts and showing how easy it is to use that. So realize one of the great things from a consumption funnel funnel Fridays is you actually get to see it. I was literally just talking to my son Chandler about the. Speaker 2:     08:03       He just put together an Oto using the script easier and faster, and that's the whole ploy behind funnel Fridays to let you see how easy and fast both funnelscripts and clickfunnels is. So if whatever product you have, you should help people consume it. One way they can consume it is by a samples by Lord, easier cost samples, free plus shipping, offer samples. Um, we're looking at doing some things right now with prove it for that, which again is a kito product. It's a network marketing product. And one of the biggest problems that a lot of network marketing companies run up against is they're trying to always sell the, the, the offer as far as the money making opportunity and they're selling the opportunity more than they're selling the product. Whereas you get people consuming the product, they'll then want to get into the offer. So we're looking at doing some things with prove it to where we actually will be in a situation of giving away samples at a lower cost. Speaker 2:     09:00       It's not the full month's supply, but by giving away the sample, they get used to it. And I mean, people aren't doing this for years, it's the whole puppy dog close, you know, just take the dog home, take this little puppy home if you don't want to then bring it back. Well, it's a consumption funnel. They're wanting you to consume the dog, not to eat the dog, but to actually use the dog to get, see how it is to have that dog in your house. So I want you to take a look at your own business and the different things that you're doing. What type of consumption can you do in your business to help others consume your product? It may be through demonstrations, like funnel Fridays is where you actually show people your consuming your own product. It may be through samples, it may be through putting on an event and then selling the physical product of the people, how they use it, the afterwards. Speaker 2:     09:49       So realize this whole idea as far as consumption funnels. This has been done for years. I go to a lot of the fairs where people were up there and they had the demonstrations. Uh, you take a look at a lot of the infomercials which are demonstrations. They're doing these demos to basically show how fast this vacuum works, how fast this mop, this mop cleans 'em the whole Kirby vacuum cleaner, door to door sales person was the same thing. Whereas let me come in and clean one room for you for free. And by their basically consuming that or seeing it or using it in your house, you're like, oh my gosh, okay, I guess I better do that. So realize there's so many ways for you and your business to help your customers use your product, and the more they use your product, the more than that I want to buy the product. Speaker 2:     10:35       So make sure that you start looking at ways that you can help your customers use, demonstrate, apply whatever it might be. The more they consume it, the more they see other people consuming it, the more easy it is for them to buy it, to use it, and more importantly, to continue to buy it on a regular basis. So with that, spend the time understanding consumption funnels. Start looking at infomercials, watch how infomercials they do the exact same thing. It's a 30 minute infomercial and for basically broken down into seven minute segment where they're can. They're showing the consumption of that product for seven minutes and then an offer it then seven minutes and then an offer and then seven minutes and then an offer and they use urgency and scarcity at the back end of it. So look at funnel hack infomercials. There's some of the best consumption things as you're in Costco. Speaker 2:     11:22       Next time, look at how, what different types of samples are they offering or are they all food samples? Are they different types of samples? As you're out, realize that every business that's really smart is using different ways of helping people consume their products, so start funnel hacking other people's businesses and see how they can use it in your life. Dentists have done, they do this all the time as far as a low barrier offer to get you into their clinic to basically get your teeth whitened or to get a free checkup. Chiropractors had been doing this. They're trying to get you in their office to help you consume for a free x ray or or adjustment or something like that. So this has been done all the time, so you've got to start paying attention to this. See how other people are using consumption funnels, and use these consumption funnels in your own business. Speaker 2:     12:08       Having an amazing day. Again, thank you so much for listening. I can't thank you enough. I know there's a whole bunch of other podcasts you could be listening to. There's a lot of things you could be doing with your own time. If you're liking the content that I'm putting out right now, I would love it if you wouldn't mind going out. Go to itunes rate, review this. I read all the reviews. I appreciate those reviews. I appreciate the ratings. If there's things you want me to be talking about her or topics that I'm not hitting that you think I should hit for you, by all means, send me a personal message on facebook. Email made data, click funnels. I want this podcast to be something where I'm dropping massive value bombs to you that you can implement in your business on a regular basis. Have an amazing day and best of luck in your business.
Jun 11, 2018 • 18min

Afterversion Disconnect - Dave Woodward - FHR #233

Most entrepreneurs hate sharing the "Journey" They would rather only share when they have made it. Dave Woodward details why you MUST document the journey and why you have a moral obligation to do so. The massive disconnect that occurs when you don't will prevent you from being able to serve those you really want to help. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Why it’s so important to document your journey NOW (3:25) Dave talks about his wife’s struggle a few years back (5:25) The importance of letting people know about your kryptonite (15:15) Quotable Moments: "What people buy into is emotion and feeling." "Time has this way of defusing and simplifying and also making you forget the pain." "You are one step ahead of somebody." "Facts tell, stories sell." Other Tidbits: A lot of people have a problem selling because they can’t connect emotionally with other people.  By documenting your story as it happens, people can feel your emotions, because they are real and in the moment.  When you tell your story after the fact, it’s harder to sell because you’ve already disconnected from those emotions. Links: ---Transcript--- Speaker 1:   00:00     Welcome to funnel hacker radio podcast, where we go behind the scenes and uncover the tactics and strategies top entrepreneurs are using to make more sales, dominate their markets, and how you can get those same results. Here's your host, Dave Woodward. Everybody, welcome back. Speaker 2:   00:18     I'm super, super excited to have you back on. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you spend time listening to this recently. It's been a crazy, crazy time. A month of May here is just been busy as can be and I've had probably 12 different interviews I've had to reschedule or postpone or cancel just due to a conflict as they were coming, but it's given me the opportunity to really do a lot of own my own personal thoughts and things and I appreciate you spending time listening to these. I know this isn't the typical thing and hopefully you're getting the value out of this for my own personal thoughts that you get out of of somebody interviews and things, but what I want to dive into right now is this whole idea as far as the after version disconnect. This is a principle that happens to so many of us when we start going for whatever our dream is and especially when we're trying to teach people how to do that. Speaker 2:   01:03     What happens for a lot of us is known. We got to this situation as far as, Gosh, I hear it all the time. I don't want to publish. You know, I'm just not good enough. Oh Man, I'm just not ready yet. I just don't know enough and oh my gosh, there's so many other people know more than I do, and so the what I see happen quite a bit as so often people aren't willing to document the process and they keep saying, well, when I get to x point, then I'll be able to provide the value that I needed to my followers, my listeners, whoever it might be, and it's then. Then I'll start. This is probably one of the biggest problems pc happened, especially in any of the information products, but we're also seeing a lot of it in the coaching side and buy a ton of it. Speaker 2:   01:45     Also, as far as consulting and what happens here is too often you want to get to the point to where you're at the other side and then you want to provide the help and the value. The issue you run up against is what people buy into his emotion and feeling and you have this emotional disconnect because you can't remember exactly what it was like when you were there. Time has this way of kind of diffusing and simplifying it and also making you forget the pain. It's probably the whole reason why women have more than one kid. They just forget how painful it was. Speaker 2:   02:21     I can tell you that I see this a lot in my own personal life and that is one of my own personal struggles is really becoming extremely vulnerable and telling people my deepest, darkest feelings and emotions and I'm trying to be more of this on facebook live and I'm really going to try here in the next day, next two to three months. For you guys to find out a lot of the vulnerable things about my past. That has gotten me to the point where it out, but what I want to do is make sure you understand why each and every single one of us needs to make sure that we're out there publishing on a regular basis, that you're out there and connecting with people. So often I run up against is, you know, once I get there, that's when I'll do it. The biggest problem I find with that is you have. Speaker 2:   03:07     This is again, first of all, if you haven't bought expert secrets, by all means, go right now. Stop this podcast, open up a browser, go to expert and buy expert secrets. You need to understand the whole idea about the epiphany bridge and the hero's two journeys. This is why most of us have such a hard time selling is you can't relate. You cannot connect emotionally with those people who you really deep down inside you want to serve, and what happens is you need to first and foremost, you've got to start documenting the process and you got to start today. No matter where you are, what you'll find is that you are already. You're one step ahead of somebody, someone out there you're already one step ahead of and what you'll find is that right now there's others who are looking to you for you for help, and yet you're preventing. Speaker 2:   03:57     You're not out there allowing. You're not allowing the universe to serve you by you serving others, so I highly recommend right away. Then you start publishing, whether that's on a podcast, whether it's on a facebook live, whether it's through a youtube videos, if you're a writer, whether it's through blogs or whatever it is, you've got to get to a point where you start publishing on a regular basis. It's going to do a ton of different things for you. First of all, it's going to allow you to get out your emotions and to document them so that when you go back, you'll, and that's why again, I liked the podcast or video or audio because you can then connect emotionally. You can feel the tension in your voice. You can feel the pain that you're going through and as you share those, those moments with people, that's the emotion that people buy a. Speaker 2:   04:44     again, you've heard it a million times, stories sell and facts are facts tell and stories sell. The reason for this is because people connect emotionally with the story and I. I'm going to get real vulnerable here, not on this podcast, but I'm probably one or two in the future here where I'm going to get real vulnerable on exactly what I've gone through to get to where I'm at currently, but I want to kind of share with you a couple of other stories. One is of my dear wife, Oh, I love more than anything in this world. Those of you guys who know me real well, you'll hear me refer to my wife. Her name is Carrie, but to me she's princess and there was a time, it's, Gosh, this September will be five years and five years ago in September she was just wasn't feeling good and she was struggling. Speaker 2:   05:39     She was, you have to say, my wife is a world class runner and she literally was an elite marathon runner, sub three hour marathon runner. In other words, she was able to run 26 miles in under three hours and because of that she got a lot of recognition and she was used to pushing through a lot of pain while in September, five years ago. She was in a situation where she just wasn't feeling good. She was tired. She just, she's like, I just cannot. I don't know if I'm just getting older. I'm now 40 and it's just hit me and I just can't. I don't know. I just can't do it. I don't know what's going on. Well, after about two weeks of this, it got to the point one day where she was teaching a spinning class and she literally couldn't continue the spinning class where she stopped spinning and just talk to Dr Students through it. Speaker 2:   06:32     He's like, Dave, something's going on and it's just. I just, I don't know what it is. So she went into the doctor and they did an ekg and they said, holy cow, this ekg isn't. Something's wrong with it. She needed to go get this checked. So she took them to a cardiologist. They looked at it and said, yeah, you've, we need you to come in right away. And so literally within 48 hours, uh, they're doing another ekg, and at that point they said, you know what we're going in, and they basically said we needed to do an ECO car. We need to basically go in and find out what's really going on. In other words, basically did this whole Catholic thing where they ended up putting a blown through and everything else. What as they started going in and they found out she basically had had three heart attacks within the week and to make matters worse, her left anterior descending artery, which is known as the widowmaker was 100 percent closed, occluded. Speaker 2:   07:31     And because of that she was in. That was why she was having all this pain. Well, as we've gone in and basically the doctor not knowing what the end result was going to be, the doctor said, listen, Mr Woodward, I need you to come over here. I want to talk to you about a couple of things. She goes, listen, I don't know exactly what's going on here, but this is going to be real quick procedure because you know what? I think she's just got a lot of anxiety, a lot of stress going on in your wife. Just needs to learn how to deal with the stress of what's going on in her life. And I said that, that's not my wife. She deals with a lot of stress. She understands what's going on and she's a runner and she goes, well, let me say this will be a quick procedure. Speaker 2:   08:05     Well, it wasn't. It was literally two hours later he came out and he apologized. He said, Mr Woodward, I am so sorry. I had no idea what was going on and we're so grateful she's in here and we got this thing taken care of and at first she was like, I just don't want to share this with anybody. I'm sure almost kinda went through this whole embarrassment thing of like, Gosh, I'm in this world class athlete, what's going on? And, and I just, I don't want to even know about this. And so it was kind of kept our close friends knew, but that was about it. It wasn't something she wanted to tell everyone around the world about what was going on. And as time went on, time being about a week or two other people started reaching out to her and heard what had happened. And so she thought, you know, I've got to put a facebook post out so people understand that I'm okay and everything else. Speaker 2:   08:52     So she wrote up this long facebook post about her experience, about what had happened, the emotion she had gone through the symptoms as a woman for a heart attack, heart disease, actually the number one killer of women. And the problem is that the symptoms are different. It's basically the symptoms that any busy mom or busy woman's going to go through fatigue. It's, it's just feeling like you just can't continue going on. It's not the, my left arm is going, none. It's not the pounding in my chest. And so because of that, a lot of these things go unnoticed. Well, she ended up doing this massive, huge, long facebook posts telling her exact story. What she went through the emotions because at that point it was still really pure, really raw, and then continue to, to post about every month or so after that, what happened was amazing to me. Speaker 2:   09:47     So many people started reaching out, um, it because after she was able to get back and she started running again, she got the situation to where lily, we were. She was getting facebook personal messages from athletes around the world who are going through the same. Can you really run again? Is there really an opportunity? It, can I get back to where I was? Am I in a city? Is this the end of my career? Is this the end of my. And because of her experience and her being so raw and so pure and so open, so many people reached out to the point where she literally was connecting with athletes in, in Europe, in Asia, in South America, all around, literally around the world. And got to the point where the American heart association reached out to her and said, you know, we've heard your story and we want to know more. Speaker 2:   10:37     So they started talking more about what she was doing and the fact that she was coming back and you have to understand my wife at that point, he had ran Boston marathon twice, she'd read the New York Marathon, all marathons that you have to qualify for, you've got to be extremely fast to get into these types of marathons. And the American Heart Association was sponsoring the Chicago Marathon and it's because of her post that they basically said, you know what, we want to fly you out. We want you to, we want to sponsor you to run to run the Chicago marathon because we want to show people that there's life after this heart attack. There's, you actually can come back. That was the most fascinating experience for me to see as she was out there running. It was a tough race for um, and it wasn't world record setting the like she was hoping to get to. Speaker 2:   11:26     But the coolest thing for me was to see how many people were so touched by her coming back. And it was her journey back. And yes it was, it was extremely emotional. It was extremely painful for me as as a husband where I was sitting there, I may have lost my wife and and going through all the emotion of it. I look back and it's been five years, seems like an eternity ago because of so much so many things have happened, but I'm so grateful that she spent the time to record it, to document it because she literally is blessed the lives of so many other people because she went through that process of documenting her journey and her journey wasn't easy. It never ever is, and yet at the same time, because she went through that, she literally became a spokesperson for the American Heart Association. She was able to to help others around the world to come back and to be that person. Speaker 2:   12:18     Was she back to where she was and wanted to be back? As for our for world class times? No, and that's what I want to make sure you understand is as you go through the setbacks, as you go through the trials, you have to document these things because you are literally, I believe that you're given these experiences to. Bless the lives of other people. If you take a look at expert secrets and some of the stuff that Russell's put out recently, if you go back to marketing your car marketing, your car was all because of Russell being at one of his lowest points and yet at the same time over for, Gosh, I think we're 400, 500 episodes now. It's now become marketing secrets, but because of those podcasts, it is given so many other entrepreneurs hope so many other entrepreneurs. The opportunity that you know what? Speaker 2:   13:06     I can come back, I can make it through this. I can. And it's important for you to understand that you're giving these, these trials, these struggles, everything else to be the blessing in the lives of other people. So I'd encourage you, no matter where you are right now, start documenting, start documenting whatever the process is for you and you'll find that you then will have the ability to connect more people. Uh, we have an epiphany script in on page one, 14 of expert secrets that goes through really helping people understand and document their story. So if you're already kind of beyond where you want it to be and you haven't documented past, I'd encourage you to go get a copy of expert secrets. Go to expert Get expert secrets. Look at page one, 14, and start answering those questions. As you answer those different questions, it's going to bring back the emotion. Speaker 2:   13:56     It's going to bring back the feelings that you were going through and then start publishing those, publish those questions, publish those answers, and you'll find that as you do that, you're going to draw other people into you. I'm going to be doing this exact same thing in a future podcast here about exactly how that happens. Now realize that I hear a lot of people don't want to have. I just don't want. I don't want to be that vulnerable. I don't want people to. I just, I'm afraid to do that. Please understand that superman is the absolute worst superhero in the world. Until you know his, the impact that Kryptonite has on him prior to that Superman. He's got actually a vision. He can fly faster than speed balling. Jump over building the guy literally is invincible and being that invincible as a superhero. It's just not even. Speaker 2:   14:48     It's not believable and it's not even. You don't even really like to cheer for this guy until you know that he has a weakness and the fact that his weakness is a rock and a rock from some distant planet. You're like, really? He's a rock is what basically can destroy this man. Understand every single one of us have our own Kryptonite and it's important that you let others know about your Kryptonite. For some that Kryptonite is your backstory. For some that Kryptonite is other things that you struggle with currently and presently that you're going through. I take a look at some of the people in our inner circle who are out there helping others go through divorce or or recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction or other things is because they went through that. It's because of their story that they're on the other side. Speaker 2:   15:42     Realize that whatever it is that you have to offer people wherever you are in your journey, you need to get that documented because that journey is going to be a blessing in the lives of so many other people. So at this point I really encourage you guys, get a copy of expert secrets. Go to expert If you already have experts secrets, go to page one, 14 and start answering that. The epiphany questions. Go through those and then publish those, whether you do it through audio, whether you do it through video, whether you do it through a written text, but make sure that you get the emotion. Make sure that you connect emotionally with people. It's one of the things that Russell is probably one of the best at, is the ability to get that, to elicit that kind of emotion because he's out there being that vulnerable and that pure in that raw himself. Speaker 2:   16:33     I wish I had that strength. It's one of the things I'm personally working on a ton and as I mentioned before in the next few episodes here, I'm. I'm going to go through the same thing. I'm basically asking you to do, I'm going to go through those nine different questions and I'm going to publish to you some of the things that make me extremely vulnerable and I hope that you'll take the time right now. Again, expert Get a copy if you already got it. Page one, 14. Have an amazing, amazing day. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to listen. I know there's a ton of podcasts out there. I know you're extremely busy. If you've got a few minutes and you wouldn't mind, I would love if you'd go over to itunes rate review this podcast. I read every, every review that's out there. If you want to reach out to me personally and tell me how I'm doing, I have greatly appreciated those as well. Just personal message me on facebook or email me David, click funnels. Again, I, I'm going through this process myself and as I'm trying to share this with you, I hope that I hope you're feeling what I'm going through and that most importantly that it's a blessing in your life and helping you get through whatever it is you're going to wish you all the success in the world. Have an amazing day.
May 23, 2018 • 8min

I Screwed Up - Dave Woodward - FHR #232

Dave Woodward was at the ClickFunnels semi-annual partner meeting and totally screwed up. He was explaining a critical concept and without any context or backstory ended up losing the attention of his partners. Russell Brunson came in to save the day by providing the backstory and context. The context brought things back around and unified the group. As embarrassing as this was for Dave it was a great lesson. A lesson he wants to make sure others do not have to learn on their own. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: The importance of the backstory and context (2:00) The Rembrandt in the attic rule – how it applies to businesses (4:43) Quotable Moments: “I get super excited about things, and forget to give people the backstory.” Links:
May 22, 2018 • 15min

What's Your Super Power? - Dave Woodward - FHR #231

The Avengers movies are some of the most popular viewed videos on iTunes right now. Super hero movies are guaranteed blockbusters. Everyone wants to relate to being super human. Dave Woodward reveals how you can find out your super powers. How you can use your super powers to create a mass movement of people. He also cautions you to be careful of your own Kryptonite and how you can make sure to defeat the villains every time. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: The use of swag (3:39) Identifying your super power (5:30) Identifying your kryptonyte (11:55) Quotable Moments: “Everyone relates to superheros.” Other Tidbits: It’s important to learn about yourself as you grow as a person and entrepreneur. Being able to identify your strengths and weaknesses are the foundation of your growth. Links:
May 17, 2018 • 17min

9 Lessons From the "Poker Princess" - Dave Woodward - FHR #230

Molly Bloom is known as the “Poker Princess” Dave Woodward had the opportunity of being with her in Phoenix at Genius X. Dave details the 9 secrets he learned from Molly as she discussed her rise and fall and rise again. Molly recently had a movie produced by Aaron Sorkin portraying her story based on her book, Molly’s Game. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: The importance of “the experience” (2:20) Taking risks (4:30) Knowing your numbers (6:18) Your blind spots (10:17) Quotable Moments: “In life, there is nothing more important than the relationships you have with others, and you have to spend the time to develop those relationships.” Other Tidbits: Find the time to be creative. Make time for “quiet time” when you can disconnect and really let your brain get creative and you will be surprised at how much problem solving you can get done. Links:
May 15, 2018 • 27min

How Funnels Work for Artists, Musicians, DJs and Anything Else - Sammy "Shoebox Moses" - FHR #228

Why Dave Decided to talk to Sammy: Sammy “Shoebox Moses” or SB Moses (for those in the know) has played music around the world with leading chart breaking musicians. He also has a gift for laying down the perfect track to connect with anyone. He is an award winning musician and DJ who uses funnels to teach others how to connect with music and to become a “party hero” or a record breaking artist. He reveals how musicians can use funnels to market their latest songs and build a list of raving fans. He shows how funnels can work for any business even a DJ… Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: How Sammy got his nickname and what it has done for his business marketing (4:21) Sammy walks you through his funnel (9:57) Quotable Moments: “The more you give, the more you really do get back in your life.” “If you are going to do something at all, do it well.” Links:
May 10, 2018 • 6min

Nail It And Scale It - Todd Dickerson - FHR #227

Why Dave Decided to talk to Todd: ClickFunnels Co-founder, Todd Dickerson reveals what it really takes to get into the 2 Comma Club ($1 million in a funnel) or into the 8 Figure Club ($10 Million in a funnel). We get this question all of the time. Where should I start? What does it really take to have record breaking success. Todd breaks it down to one simple thing everyone can master to get the success they want. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: The simple answer to result in the success of scaling (2:53) The three types of funnels and offers that have created the vast majority of funnels in our system (3:22) The perfect webinar (3:45) Quotable Moments: “You need to create an offer with more value than you are actually charging.” Links:
May 9, 2018 • 47min

How To Take 1 Video And Create 23 Unique Pieces Of Content - Kolby Kolibas - FHR #226

Why Dave Decided to talk to Kolby: Yahoo and other Fortune 500 companies pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to consult with him on exactly what he reveals in this episode. Kolby Kolibas details his “Digital Distribution” system for taking 1 video and creating 23 unique pieces of content for the 5 major social platforms. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: The four pillars of business (8:28) The three major things in life that can change our mindset (11:35) Kolby walks us through a video and how he created 23 unique pieces of content (21:28) Quotable Moments: “It is your duty to share what you are going through right now.” “The highest level of respect anybody can ever pay you is giving you a dollar for anything you give.” Other Tidbits: Everyone’s life story is unique. If your journey can help one single person, is it worth sharing? Links:
May 8, 2018 • 34min

Soldier to Fitness Model to $30 Million in 21 Months - Colin Wayne - FHR #225

Why Dave Decided to talk to Colin: Colin Wayne has built a $30 Million business in the last 21 months. The crazy part is he is selling Steel pieces of art for different niches. 98% of his business comes from his use of funnels. Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business: Colin talks about how he scaled his business from 5,000 sq feet to over 100,000 sq ft in less than 24 months (16:00) The importance of retargeting (26:23) Other Tidbits: You can make money in a very select niche market as long as your marketing is on point. Links:

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