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Unseen Leadership

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Aug 21, 2019 • 57min

Unseen Leadership Episode 13: Brad Lomenick on Healthy Ambition

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Brad Lomenick, who lead Catalyst for many years and is now a leadership consultant, speaker, founder of BLINC, and author of The Catalyst Leader and H3 Leadership. During their conversation, they discuss Brad’s leadership before he was the head of Catalyst and how to focus on significance over success, how to have healthy ambition, and how to have balance hustle and margin. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 13: “If I’m not helping others win and become who God created them to be, then I am not winning either.” “If the people closest to you aren’t getting the best of you, you aren’t winning as a leader.” “God needs to work on us in the private before we can lead in the public.” “If I’m winning, but my team isn’t, none of us were winning.” “There’s a big difference between connectors and networkers.” “Ambition is a ruthless pursuit of helping other people win.” “Twenty-somethings are known for their hustle.” “Success is about you, but significance is about others.” “The ability to influence people from anywhere in the organization has never been more available to us.” “Question-asking and curiosity are vital skills for leaders.” “Be honest, be transparent, be vulnerable, and be honest.” RESOURCES MENTIONED When by Daniel Pink H3 Leadership by Brad Lomenick The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley Entre Leadership by Dave Ramsey The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath Deep Work by Cal Newport This Episode's Sponsor: With Ministry Grid’s library of over 3,500 training videos and 800 courses, it's now simpler than ever to train every volunteer and leader in your church. For the month of August, you can get unlimited access to Ministry Grid for YOUR ENTIRE CHURCH for just $399 a year. If you want to take advantage of this incredible deal, just go to ministrygrid.com/podcast.
Aug 14, 2019 • 41min

Unseen Leadership Episode 12: Jenni Catron on Self Leadership

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Jenni Catron who is the founder of The 4Sight Group, a speaker, a leadership expert, and author of several books including The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership. During their conversation, they discuss how to be self aware, how to let others speak into your life, and how to lead yourself first before leading others. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 12: “If you want to work with widgets, go work in a factory. But if you want to work with people, you are going to have to learn to love them to lead them.” “Great leaders put feet to vision.” “The foundation of all leadership is self leadership.” “You’ve got to give people around you permission to speak into your life.” “Spiritual leadership starts by following Jesus first so that we can lead others as he leads us.” “It is easy to think our leadership is about us and for us.” “As leaders, we have the power to change and affect the lives of those in our sphere of influence.” “Lead yourself well to lead others better.” RESOURCES MENTIONED The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership by Jenni Catron Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry Deep Work by Cal Newport This Episode's Sponsor: With Ministry Grid’s library of over 3,500 training videos and 800 courses, it's now simpler than ever to train every volunteer and leader in your church. For the month of August, you can get unlimited access to Ministry Grid for YOUR ENTIRE CHURCH for just $399 a year. If you want to take advantage of this incredible deal, just go to ministrygrid.com/podcast.
Aug 7, 2019 • 47min

Unseen Leadership Episode 11: Bob Russell on Healthy Conflict

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Bob Russell who is the former Senior Pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY and author of the book After 50 Years of Ministry.  During their conversation, they discuss the need to delegate instead of doing it all, surrounding yourself with great leaders, and having healthy conflict. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 11: “A great slogan for lay leaders in the church would be ‘we are going to make our preacher successful.” “A lot of young pastors try to do everything themselves instead of empowering others to lead.” “If you have unity at the core, you can go through a lot.” “I’m convinced that 80% of the problems we have on church staffs would be resolved if we practiced what Jesus said in ’if you have something against your brother, go to him and talk about it between the two of you.’” “If you try to please everybody, you will wind up trying to do more than you can really do.” “Don’t rearrange the furniture in a room of a disoriented person.” “The most important thing a preacher does each week is prepare his sermon.” “We miss out on being who God wants us to be when we try to be somebody else.” “Be faithful, be joyful, and trust God for the rest.” RESOURCES MENTIONED After 50 Years of Ministry by Bob Russell Conformed to His Image by Ken Boa Too Great a Temptation by Joel Gregory The American Miracle by Michael Medved This Episode's Sponsor: With Ministry Grid’s library of over 3,500 training videos and 800 courses, it's now simpler than ever to train every volunteer and leader in your church. For the month of August, you can get unlimited access to Ministry Grid for YOUR ENTIRE CHURCH for just $399 a year. If you want to take advantage of this incredible deal, just go to ministrygrid.com/podcast.
Jul 31, 2019 • 55min

Unseen Leadership Episode 10: Annie F. Downs on Leading Where You Flourish

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Annie F. Downs, who is a speaker, podcaster, and bestselling author of many books including her newest book Remember God.  During their conversation, they discuss leading through unlikely circumstances, leading with influence plus compassion, and leading where you flourish. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 10: “When you are in leadership, there is a heavier mantle on you and a higher requirement.” “Disobedience is always disobedience, whether that is disobeying by leading or disobeying by not leading.” “Your personal, private devotion to Jesus will gain you influence in the public declaration of Jesus.” “Who you are in private is going to play itself out on the stage. Nothing stays secret.” “When you figure out where you flourish and why, that is where you lead best.” “You can only be in the wrong seat on the bus for a short amount of time before you want off the bus, even if you are the star player on the bus.” “We have to want more people to live in their calling more than to be on our bus.” “The only way you can get done everything that God has for you is to sleep.” “Who you are in the private of your life is far more important than who you are in the public.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Remember God by Annie F. Downs Garden City by John Mark Comer The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Pete Scazzero What If It is True by Charles Martin Blue Letter Bible
Jul 24, 2019 • 44min

Unseen Leadership Episode 9: Ben Trueblood on Leading as a Student Pastor

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Ben Trueblood who serves as the Director of Student Ministry for Lifeway Christian Resources and has seventeen years of student ministry experience, fourteen of which were spent in the local church as a student pastor. During their conversation, they discuss the importance of mentors, caring more about people than the results, and the biggest keys for leadership as a student pastor. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 9: “Leadership is a call to more.” “Don’t think you have it all figured out. Instead, go seek a mentor to learn from.” “If you don’t know the people you are leading, you won’t know how to lead them.” “People are not a means to an end. People are the end.” “Hold your vision lightly and your strategy loosely.” “Write your mission in ink and the plan in pencil.” “As a student pastor, you must be secure enough in your leadership to lead with confidence.” “Have the humility to involve subject matter experts when you are not one.” “Don’t feel the pressure to always be the smartest person in the room.” “As a leader, you have to be okay with people not liking the direction, decision, or approach you are taking.” “The higher you go up in leadership, there are more meetings, so you must learn to protect your time.” “If you are a young leader, surround yourself with people that can help you get better and know your gaps.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Student Ministry Podcast by Lifeway Students Read for Your Life by Pat Williams Garden City: Work, Rest, and the Art of Being Human by John Mark Comer Good to Great by Jim Collins
Jul 17, 2019 • 51min

Unseen Leadership Episode 8: Josh Patterson on Learning from Failure

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Josh Patterson, the Lead Pastor over Ministry Leadership at The Village Church and co-author of the book Creature of the Word.  During their conversation, they discuss Josh’s leadership journey that lead him to the Village Church, and how to learn through failure, how to slow down and reflect on your leadership journey, and how to lead as the #2 guy as a strategic leader. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 8: “Starting in 2003, there was pretty tremendous growth. We grew at about 1,000 people a year for over a decade.” “Leaders grow through challenges. We were all in over our heads.” “As the organization grows, it forces the leaders to grow. And as leaders grow, it forces change into the organization.” “Leaders navigate and negotiate change.” “We must own our failures and walk humbly through them.” “Failure is hard, but if you are going to enter into the arena of leadership, you can expect to fall.” “The leaders I don’t trust the most are the ones who cannot own and admit their leadership failures.” “Preaching is not the only gift a church needs. It also needs strategic leaders and thinkers.” “Anybody can come up with a great vision. It’s a whole different thing to strategically lead toward that vision.” “There are some who lead because they preach, and there are some who preach because they lead.” RESOURCES MENTIONED What Leaders Really Do by John Kotter Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership by Gary L. McIntosh and Samuel D. Rima Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Creature of the Word by Eric Geiger, Matt Chandler, and Josh Patterson
Jul 10, 2019 • 49min

Unseen Leadership Episode 7: Kevin Peck on Developing Leaders in the Church

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Kevin Peck who is the Lead Pastor of The Austin Stone Church and co-author of Designed to Lead.  During their conversation, they discuss Kevin’s leadership journey that brought him to the Austin Stone and how he learned to lead in the marketplace before the church, how to develop leaders in the church, and how to scale your ministry. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 7: “Lead often and fail just as much but learn along the way because leadership is tough, so you might as well knock out some lessons early.” “Leadership is not this privilege of power you possess, it is a privilege of responsibility and stewardship.” “The economics of the kingdom are so different from the economics of the world in so many ways, especially in leadership.” “The best training that I ever got to do my job was actually in the marketplace, not the church.” “Leading people at work in the marketplace is not the same as leading volunteers, so you must lead them through vision, not a paycheck.” “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” - Martin Luther “One of the most important parts of developing leaders is intentionality.” “If you never write down your systems and philosophies, it will never be replicable and scalable.” “I would tell a young leader to be a hard worker, be intentional with people, and be humble with correction.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Designed to Lead by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande Playing God by Andy Crouch
Jul 3, 2019 • 48min

Unseen Leadership Episode 6: Louie Giglio on Taking the Next Step

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Louie Giglio who is the Pastor of Passion City Church, the Founder of the Passion movement, and author of many books including his latest Not Forsaken. During their conversation, they discuss Louie’s journey to founding the Passion movement, how the pain of losing his dad has shaped his leadership, and how to not read your own headlines and remain humble. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 6: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” - A.W. Tozer “God is not the reflection of your earthly father; he is the perfection of your earthly father.” “Back in 1977, ministry looked like being a senior pastor, associate pastor, missions director, youth minister, or an evangelist, and I looked at all those boxes, and one of those boxes didn’t ring the bell for me”  “Leadership is communicating vision, trying to marshal people in a direction, reminding them of what God is calling them to, helping them endure the valleys and take the hills.” “Leadership is just taking the next step with God.”  “Every great leader has to go through the fire. God can’t use a man greatly until he wounds him deeply.” “Reading your own press and reading your own headlines is the detriment to being the kind of leader that Jesus calls us to be.” “Humility is the greatest character trait of leadership, and it is a byproduct of being in the presence of an almighty God.” “Too often young leaders focus too much on the end game.” “What we need in this generation is less Amazon prime book ordering and more closing the closet door and getting on our face before God.” “The most undervalued component of leadership is simply thinking.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Not Forsaken by Louie Giglio The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman So Send I You by Oswald Chambers Birkman Personality Test
Jun 26, 2019 • 44min

Unseen Leadership Episode 5: Jackie Hill Perry on How to Lead with Humility

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Jackie Hill Perry who is a musical artist, speaker, master of the spoken word, and author of Gay Girl, Good God. During their conversation, they discuss how to deal with shame as a leader, how to lead with vulnerability, the need for having mentors in your life, and how to lead with humility. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 5: “I’m really just a person who wants to show people that God really is honest in all that he says, namely that He changes people.” “It is easier to be honest with people when you are honest with God.” “The hardest thing for leaders is that we are the hardest person to lead and our own worst enemy. “Our personality is not an excuse not to love or serve others.” “There is a wake of leadership that is left behind from our mentors.” “Great leaders don’t just tell you what to do, they show you what to do.” “We need to be careful how we steward our influence.”  “The stage does not equal leadership.” “Until a person is content with serving on the ground they should be leary of serving up on the mountain.” “It is easy to confuse leadership with control.” “Don’t believe the hype for yourself.” “You don’t need permission to function in your gifting and lead.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry Humility by CJ Mahaney Good to Great by Jim Collins The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff SPREAD THE WORD AND WIN! Like what you hear? Rate and review this podcast, and you'll be entered to win one of five Young Leader Book Bundles, valued at $150*. Just send a screenshot of your review to lifewayleadership@lifeway.com, and you may be selected at random to win. *Terms and conditions apply. Young Leaders Book Bundle includes Genuine Leather Personal Size CSB Bible, The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Designed to Lead, and Scrappy Church.
Jun 19, 2019 • 40min

Unseen Leadership Episode 4: Levi Lusko on Living Open Handed with Your Plans

In this episode of the Unseen Leadership podcast, Chandler Vannoy and Josh Hunter are joined by Levi Lusko who is the author of the bestselling books Through the Eyes of a Lion, Swipe Right, and his latest I Declare War. He is also the lead pastor of Fresh Life Church – a multisite church located in Montana, Utah, Oregon, and Wyoming. During their conversation, they discuss living open handed with your plans, determining the calling on your life, and how to develop leaders through asking the right questions. QUOTES FROM EPISODE 4: “When it comes God’s plan for our life, the answer should always be yes, then ask what’s the question.” “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” “God is a plan-wrecker.” “There are two key moments in your life: the day you were born and the day you figure out why.” “Our natural tendency is to give all of the answers rather than ask the right questions.” “You will be more valuable to your organization as a genius maker than you ever will be as a genius.” - Liz Wiseman “When leading a team, we must remember the team is not a means to an end, they are the end.” “Following is an under-appreciated form of leadership.” “The way you lead when you are not in charge prepares you for how you will lead when you are in charge.” “We don’t start with leadership, we start with followership.” “One of my biggest misconceptions was that I had to be certain in order to act.” “You have to learn to be content with the season you are in while still having a mind toward the future.” “Be willing to act even when you don’t necessarily have the answer.” “God is going to do more through you than you think he can, but it is going to hurt more than you think it will.” RESOURCES MENTIONED Multipliers by Liz Wiseman The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie How to Lead When You are Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins When by Daniel Pink 16 Personalities The Path Between the Seas by David McCullough 1776 by David McCullough The Wright Brothers by David McCullough John Adams by David McCullough SPREAD THE WORD AND WIN! Like what you hear? Rate and review this podcast, and you'll be entered to win one of five Young Leader Book Bundles, valued at $150*. Just send a screenshot of your review to lifewayleadership@lifeway.com, and you may be selected at random to win. *Terms and conditions apply. Young Leaders Book Bundle includes Genuine Leather Personal Size CSB Bible, The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Designed to Lead, and Scrappy Church.

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