Mark speaks with Dave Asprey. Dave Asprey is the father of biohacking, a four times New York best-selling author, and the founder of groundbreaking companies Bulletproof, Danger Coffee, and Upgrade Labs. Dave’s mission is to empower the entire globe with information and knowledge that unlocks the Super Human in everyone at any age. The proof of these advancements: is improved sleep, energy, and expanded capacity. His books Headstrong, Bulletproof Diet, Super Human, and the newly released Smarter Not Harder are roadmaps to accessing your full potential. “I think birth and death are the same thing. And people can say what you know or do you believe in past lives. There's an argument for that. I've seen enough of my past lives, things that I couldn't explain any other way. But maybe that's all just I've convinced myself. There's a rational argument to believe in reincarnation, and it goes like this. If reincarnation is real, then there's not a problem with believing in it. But let's assume it's false. If you tell yourself it's true, every decision you make in this life will be made with less fear because you're not afraid of dying. It's starting the video game over again versus you never get to play over. So even if you're wrong. When you die, you're not going to know you're wrong. So if you believe in reincarnation, you live this life with less fear, regardless of the actual existence of reincarnation. So I decided a while ago, you know, it's rational to believe in it, whether or not you can prove it.” Dave Asprey Key Takeaways: The Laziness Hack: You can trick yourself into being motivated to exercise. Look at it as the same principle as buying something on sale, and you don’t say you spent x amount of dollars to yourself, and you say I saved x amount of dollars. When you find efficient ways of getting the most out of your exercise, meditation, and intellectual pursuits, you can tell yourself you are saving time. This becomes a motivation hack, and you are more likely to do those things. Conscious Awareness: Part of being Super Human is realizing how much your “meat suit”(the body) drives your cravings and impulses. Becoming aware that those cravings and impulses are not you allows you to make better choices for your relationships, health, and longevity. Minerals are Important: Our soil is depleted of minerals, so our food doesn’t provide what the body needs. Also, certain foods deplete your body of minerals. Having a diet that feeds your body instead of robbing it of what it needs is essential. And supplementation is now becoming more vital for brain/body health. Smarter Not Harder: Biohacking is a way to navigate our busy lives and make the most out of our time each day. There are revolutionary ways to train the body that take less time and have better results. Each person is different; therefore, it is important to design your training, diet, and mindfulness practice for you specifically.