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May 8, 2018 • 36min

Non-Monogamous Relationships with Robert Kandell

  Welcome to episode 70 of the Sexology Podcast, today my guest is Robert Kandell who speaks to me about non-monogamous relationships, the pros and cons of being in a non-monogamous relationship and advice on how to approach this topic with others.   Robert Kandell has 18 years’ experience in helping men find themselves. Through the practice of absolute approval in his teaching, he sees those parts that are hidden in their shadows. These are the fetishes, hurts, or hidden desires. He draws them out with a firm but loving hand so what was once hidden can now become internal power.   An expert in interpersonal communication and relationship, he has helped thousands of students become happier, have better relationships, more sex, and a more balanced, energized life. Working with Robert is not for the faint of heart. He has been described as “part football coach, part loving dad and part slightly crazed drill sergeant.  In this episode, you will hear:   How Robert became interested in this area   The pros and cons of being in a non-monogamous relationship  How most people are not actually monogamous  Why non-monogamous relationships aren’t the solution for everyone   The role that jealously plays in this issue   Learning to have open and honest communication your partner about this   The issue of fear of abandonment Advice on how to approach this topic with others   Resources     Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
May 1, 2018 • 30min

EP69 - Fertility Treatment & Sex

    Welcome to episode 69 of the Sexology Podcast, today my guest is Dr. M. Max Ezzati M.D., FACOG who speaks to us about the common misconceptions around fertility treatment, how struggles with infertility can have an impact on sexual relations and recommendations for couples currently going through this process.   Dr. Ezzati is a fertility specialist and reproductive surgeon at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, affiliated with Sutter Health in the Bay Area in Northern California. Dr. Ezzati received his medical degree from Tehran University in Tehran, Iran. After medical school, Dr. Ezzati moved to England to pursue specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology at the teaching hospitals of the University of Cambridge and the University of London, where he also served as a clinical lecturer.  In 2007, Dr. Ezzati moved to the United States and completed his internship and residency at Georgetown University Hospital/Washington Hospital Center, in Washington, D.C. Following his residency, he completed a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center/Parkland Hospital, in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Ezzati is double board-certified in both Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI).  Dr. Ezzati’s special professional interests include fertility preservation through oocyte cryopreservation (egg freezing) and embryo cryopreservation (embryo freezing), fertility treatment for older women and those with diminished ovarian reserve, and minimally invasive reproductive surgery using the da Vinci robot to treat endometriosis and uterine fibroids. He has published numerous peer-reviewed clinical and scientific research papers, review articles, case reports and textbook chapters on these and other topics.  He is currently on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology and also serves as an ad hoc peer-reviewer for several other high impact journals such as Human Reproduction, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Placenta, and Reproductive BioMedicine Online    In this episode, you will hear:   The most common misconceptions about fertility treatment   The frequency of intercourse needed through fertility treatment  How struggles around infertility can have an impact on sexual relations   The best way to define infertility   Is it safe for couples to have sex during pregnancy?   The need to keep with the treatment over a long period of time for success   Recommendations for couples currently frustrated going through this process      Resources     Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 24, 2018 • 30min

EP68 -Help! I Think My Husband Is Gay

Welcome to episode 68 of the Sexology Podcast, today my guest is Renelle E. Nelson who is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist. She has been providing therapy for over 10 years. In this episode, she speaks to me about her thoughts on a listener’s email worrying her husband might be gay, discovering your own body and pleasures and actionable steps that can be taken to improve your sex life.   Renelle knows that you are facing a lot of challenges right now from dealing with Anxiety, Depression and even disbelief. You may also have been given an ultimatum in your relationship. Relax and take a deep breathe, now come in and let’s talk about your concerns. At Kaleidoscope, her passion and goal is to help you develop the skills that are needed to address the challenges that you are currently faced with. Whether you are dealing with communication issues, lack of desire or Infidelity, it is important for you to know you don’t have to go through this alone. If there is a problem then there has to be a solution.  Together let's work to solve the solvable and use the Kaleidoscope of change to give you a different view of the unchangeable.  In this episode, you will hear:   Renelle’s thoughts on a listener’s email worrying her husband might be gay   The importance of communication to improve sex in a relationship   Discovering your own body and pleasures   Not confusing a partner potentially being gay with low libido   How sex is still viewed in a negative light in many societies   Actionable steps that can be taken to improve your sex life  How journaling and self-care can improve your sex life     Resources  Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 17, 2018 • 29min

EP67 - One Woman’s Journey Through Sex Addiction

Welcome to episode 67 of the Sexology Podcast, today I’m joined by Erica Garza who talks to us about her book Getting Off, the connection between sexual shame and addiction and the story of her recovery from sexual addiction  Born in Los Angeles to Mexican parents, Erica Garza has spent most of her adult life traveling and living abroad. She currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter. Erica’s essays have appeared in Salon, Narratively, BUST, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, Refinery29, Bustle, Alternet, Vivala, HelloGiggles, the Los Angeles Review, and Australia’s Mamamia and The Motherish.   She has appeared as a guest on BBC Radio 4, Thom Hartmann’s The Big Picture, and August McLaughlin’s Girl Boner Radio. In 2010, she earned her MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Columbia University. Her memoir on sex addiction, Getting Off, is her first book.   Her addiction follows and transforms with her in each point in her coming-of-age, which spans the transition from dial-up to digital in the 1990s and early 2000s. From Playboys hidden discreetly under mattresses to softcore on late night cable to vast varieties of porn ubiquitous and easily accessible across the internet, Garza’s personal account is also a study of an era in which both technology and sex changed dramatically in our everyday lives.   GETTING OFF is as raw and unflinching a personal story as it is an insightful and modern perspective on sexuality and addiction. Garza doesn’t find a tidy cure for her obsessions, but in the absence of false hope and prepackaged redemption is a credibly imperfect and remarkably relatable journey toward self-acceptance.   In this episode, you will hear:   The challenge of talking about her sex life openly Why Erica decided to share her story The perspective of sex addiction being an ethnic minority and female How sex addiction can affect anyone in life The ways in which porn can be used as a crutch How over-viewing porn can lead to desensitization The connection between sexual shame and addiction What made Erica comfortable disclosing her issues to her now husband   Resources Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 10, 2018 • 36min

EP66 - Joy of intimacy with Rabbi Manis Friedman

EP66 - Joy of intimacy with Rabbi Manis Friedman   Welcome to episode 66 of the Sexology Podcast, today I’m joined by Rabbi Manis Friedman who speaks to me about his book The Joy of Intimacy, the difference between sex and intimacy, how pornography has degraded intimacy and how giving each other space can improve intimacy.   World-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher, Rabbi Manis Friedman uses ancient wisdom and modern wit as he captivates audiences around the country and the world. He hosts his own critically acclaimed cable television series, Torah Forum with Manis Friedman, syndicated throughout North America. Over 150,000 copies of his provocative yet entertaining tapes, both audio and video have been sold.   Rabbi Friedman’s first book, Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore? published by Harper San Francisco in 1990, was widely praised and is currently in its fourth printing. Rabbi Friedman is a noted Biblical scholar, recognized for his sagacious grasp of Jewish mysticism and a professionally ranked member of the National Speakers Association.   Rabbi Friedman was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1946 and immigrated with his family to the United States in 1950. He received his rabbinic ordination from the Rabbinical College of Canada in 1969.   When he takes the podium, Rabbi Manis Friedman enthuses each of his listeners with a sense of purpose and definite direction. Perhaps his greatest gift of all is his balance of compassion and wisdom.   In this episode, you will hear:   How Rabbi Manis Friedman became interested in teaching these topics The difference between sex and intimacy How Rabbi Manis Friedman defines intimacy The ways in which we have disregarded intimacy as a society Why the bedroom needs to be a very sacred and private space How pornography has degraded intimacy The need to create time for intimacy and not work too hard and reserve our energy How giving each other space can improve intimacy   Resources Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Apr 3, 2018 • 43min

EP65 - Holistic Sexual Medicine with Debra Wickman M.D.

Welcome to episode 65 of the Sexology Podcast, today I’m joined by Debra Wickman M.D. who talks to us about holistic sexual medicine, the wheel of sexual experience and how it works and the best way to bring up sexual issues with your physician. Dr. Debra Wickman is a gynecologist with more than 20 years of experience. She completed a fellowship in Female Sexual Medicine at UCLA, and is also trained as a sexuality counsellor. Her model of diagnosis and treatment incorporates programs that uniquely educate, empower, and encourage personal growth, sexual discovery and healing for women. The programs look beyond a singular medical, pharmaceutical, or behavioural therapy, and instead integrate all approaches from a mind-body perspective. Central to her model is a holistic sexuality approach, using her training as a gynaecologist to link the physical aspect of healing with the mental, emotional and spiritual facets to treat the whole sexual being.            Her research interests include exploring effects of sexual practices on the vaginal microbiome, and methods to condition the female arousal response. She is a popular workshop speaker for women’s groups and has also presented lectures and research at venues such as the World Congress of Sexual Medicine in Beijing, China; ACOG 2017 Annual Clinical & Scientific Meeting, AASECT 2017 Annual Meeting and the World Association of Sexual Health in Prague, Czech Republic. She is featured in the 2017 book – Outstanding Results – authoring a chapter entitled “Outstanding Doctor–Patient Relationships: How to Connect with your Physician and Receive Optimal Care”.            In this episode, you will hear: How Debra became interested in applying holistic sexuality approach How physicians struggle to discuss sexual issues due to limited time The wheel of sexual experience and how it works Overcoming limiting beliefs passed down from parents The challenge and difficulty of great orgasms The damage getting sexual information from pornography can do The best way to bring up sexual issues with your physician Making sure you feel comfortable and connected when addressing these issues   Resources Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 27, 2018 • 40min

EP64 - Sexuality and Aging with Dr. Stacy

Welcome to episode 64 of the Sexology Podcast, today I’m delighted to welcome back Dr. Stacy who appeared in EP07 of the podcast. In this episode, she speaks to me about how our sexuality changes we get older, practices we can use to alleviate discomfort around sexuality as we age and how sex can be better when we're older as we've become more confident with ourselves and our identity.    Dr. Stacy got into the field of Clinical Sexology because of her passion for helping people better connect and experience the best sexual intimacy with themselves or with their partner(s).  She holds a Doctorate degree in Human Sexuality in addition to a Masters in Clinical Sexology and is a Certified Sex Coach. She is a member of WASC (World Association of Sex Coaching), including ACS (The American College of Sexologists) which shows that she has the earned top credentials in my field. She also has a BA in Psychology and is a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Vascular Sonographer.   She has been a consultant selling adult novelties since 2006 and has had the experience of reaching many men and women to educate them in a fun, positive approach to love, romance and all aspects of sexuality. Her education and own sexual journey and life experience enable her to help you move forward in a positive direction to face the challenges that may lie ahead and to achieve your goals. Coaching is designed to help women, men, of any sexual orientation or gender, address their concerns about sexuality, sexual function, and sexual expression.  In this episode, you will hear:   The common ways people sexuality changes as we age   The age at which these changes begin to happen   Practices we can use to alleviate discomfort around sexuality as we age   How many of us use sexual toys incorrectly  How our culture doesn’t recognize beauty in women as we age   Confidence issues men will face such as erectile dysfunction   How our fear of aging plays into the issue   Knowing it’s ok to talk about these issues with your physician   How sex can be better when we’re older as we’ve become more confident with ourselves and our identity   Dr. Moali offers limited time reduced fee online counseling appointment to the Sexology Podcast listeners. Follow the link below if you are interested to book your appointment with Dr. Moali:   Resources   Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 20, 2018 • 37min

EP63 - Painful Sexual Intercourse with Liz Dube MFT

Welcome to episode 63 of the Sexology Podcast, my guest today is Liz Dube who talks to us about painful sex during intercourse, potential causes that might lead women experience painful intercourse and the link between sex and power in sexual harassment.  Liz Dube – Is a Sex and Relationship Therapist, Speaker, and Blogger who is passionate about helping others increase intimacy and sexual satisfaction in their relationships. She loves speaking on any topic related to sex and intimacy and she has a private practice in Long Beach & Huntington Beach, CA where she helps men, women, and couples get empowered about sex. Men and women often have unrealistic expectations about sex that make them feel inadequate and create a performance focus to sex that leaves them bored, frustrated, and unsatisfied. Liz works with her clients to move past negative, destructive sexual messages, to stop tolerating mediocre sex, and get empowered and excited about having fun in the bedroom and achieving their full sexual potential. In this episode, you will hear: How common is it for women to experience pain during sexual intercourse? What are some potential causes that might lead women experience painful intercourse? Is that something treatable? What are some of the common treatment? Does this condition get better with aging or childbirth? What are some of the contradictory messages women are receiving about their sexuality from their environments? How these messages impact women's sex drive? What is the link between sex and power in sexual harassment? How does sexual violence against women impact women's and men's sexual functioning? Dr. Moali offers limited time reduced fee online counseling appointment to the Sexology Podcast listeners. Follow the link below if you are interested to book your appointment with Dr. Moali:   Resources www.talksexwithliz.comAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 13, 2018 • 39min

EP62 -Undoing Sexual Shame

Welcome to episode 62 of the Sexology Podcast, my guest today is Erika Miley, M.ed., LHMC . In this episode, Erika shares with us why many people experience shame around sexuality, and some of the signs that shame might be getting in the way of good sex.   Erika believes in the true power of compassion for the self and for others. Her aim is to be an ambassador of compassion for you and how you can become more compassionate with yourself.     She works with clients from adolescents to adults on various issues including depression, anxiety, sexuality, couples, relationship issues, families. She also works with those who are in monogamous relationships or non-monogamous relationships.    Erika prides herself in her ability to create a safe and welcoming environment for all of her clients. Erika's practice is a LGBTQIA friendly and kink friendly. She also offers coaching and encouragement for new therapists looking to start their own businesses.    She has specific training in sexuality issues, and also has training working with those who have eating disorders or recovery from eating disorders, as well as bariatric surgery clients. Erika looks forward to walking with you down the path to becoming who you are meant to be.    In this episode, you will hear:    Why many of us experience shame around sexuality   The three circles and what they entail   The need to be emotionally safer to have better sex   How deeper change comes from deeper work   Some of the signs that shame might be getting in the way of good sex  The need to look after ourselves physically as well as mentally   Details on Erika’s new Podcast – Sex! The Podcast     Resources  Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Mar 6, 2018 • 29min

EP61 - Erotic Hypnosis with Dr. Amy Marsh

Welcome to episode 61 of the Sexology Podcast, my guest today is Dr. Amy Marsh who speaks to us about using hypnosis for management of sexual concerns, the types of people who are a good fit for hypnosis being used around sexuality and five ways erotic hypnosis can help couples.   Amy Marsh, EdD, DHS, CH, CI is an AASECT-certified sexuality counselor and clinical sexologist and a certified hypnotist and hypnosis instructor. She holds Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Human Sexuality (DHS) degrees from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. She is on the advisory board of the World Association of Sex Coaches and teaches two courses for SexCoach U. Her interest in sexuality and reproductive health dates from her teens, when she worked as a pregnancy counselor in a feminist free clinic.    As a hypnosis instructor, Dr. Marsh teaches a 150-hour, online course in Hypnosis for Sexual Concerns. She also teaches workshops to people who want to learn the gentle arts of romantic and erotic hypnosis for their own enjoyment and pleasure.    Dr. Marsh is published in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Carnal Nation, and several blogs. Her essay, “Kid Chrysalis,” was included in Rachel Pepper’s anthology, Transitions of the Heart - Stories of Love, Struggle and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children, published in 2012. She is also a contributor to the Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis. A collection of some of her Carnal Nation columns, Sex Squicks, was published by Renaissance eBooks in 2013.    Dr. Marsh has presented workshops at several conferences, including AASECT, CatalystCon West, American Counseling Association pre-conference Learning Institutes, the Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Gender Odyssey, and Gender Spectrum.    Her national television appearances include Good Morning America, The Tyra Banks Show, and two National Geographic Taboo episodes, “Forbidden Love” and “Private Passions.” The topics of most of these programs was Objectum Sexuality.    Dr. Marsh currently has a private practice as a sex counselor and hypnotist in Lake County, CA. Previously she worked in Hawai'i and the SF Bay Area.   In this episode, you will hear:   How Amy defines sexual enrichment Using hypnosis for management of sexual concerns The types of people who are a good fit for hypnosis being used around sexuality The difference between using hypnosis for sexual concerns and erotic hypnosis Five ways erotic hypnosis can help couples Common themes Amy found during her research survey in this area   Resources https://intimate-hypnosis-training.comAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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