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The Life Stylist

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Sep 6, 2016 • 1h 33min

David Wolfe: A Gypsy is Born - The Mystical Life of a Health Guru #22

What if you could envision a life based on your deepest passion, manifest that vision, then spend your life traveling to some of the most exotic places in the world to teach people how to do the same thing? In this episode, we take a cosmic trip into the nomadic life of health icon David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe and learn all about his life mission to enrich the lives of as many people as he can, while traversing the globe on a never-ending tour of speaking and teaching engagements. We learn from David the secret to how he created his unique lifestyle, and what continues to motivate him to carry his message to millions of people every year. (We even get a sneak peek into David’s natural jet-lag and travel remedies, which are part of the reason he’s able to make such a mind-blowing travel schedule sustainable). As much as David promotes a healthy lifestyle and diet, he also warns about becoming too dogmatic and militant about what you eat. Having been a raw vegan for many years, then eventually following the intuition of his body as it lead him to consume certain animal products like ghee, he has experienced the repercussions of diet fanatics, internet trolls, and extremism first-hand. He offers a refreshing view on how to make your own personal choices, and more importantly - how to immunize yourself to the social pressures and public criticism you are likely to experience from people who don’t agree with your personal choices. Of course, no interview with David would be complete without some practical recommendations, so rest assured that you'll also learn some of his best tips for creating not only an abundant life but also how to achieve peak health and longevity. Having been a fan of his work for so many years, it was a huge milestone for me (as well as the show) to finally get to spend some dedicated time with David and to share his vast experience in the field of health & wellness with you. As always, thanks for listening, and don’t forget to share this episode with a friend. To your health, Luke HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 30, 2016 • 1h 29min

Shannon Drake: Spirit Drugs and Lipstick #21

Are you into drugs? I used to be. A lot.  I guess I was more into drugs than just about anything else for many years.  For me the timeline of my drug use went something like this: fun>fun with problems>problems>more problems>the end. If your story mirrors mine, the answer you found (if you have indeed found an answer) likely equates to some method of total abstinence. That’s what worked for me. The ‘crash and burn, then rise from the ashes’ model seems to be the only way out other than death for those of us who are so inflicted with that pesky addictive gene.  But what if you’re a person who can use drugs without the drugs using you? You are in total control of when you use, and of the type of drugs you chose to do or not do. In this episode, we take an open-minded look at our current beliefs and laws surrounding drug use, and the emergence of the ‘spirit drug’ sub-culture that chooses to classify some drugs as 'medicine’ and uses them for spiritual advancement rather than a means by which to ‘party’ and run from their pain and problems.  In this funny and thoughtful conversation, Shannon and I discover that the ability to use drugs constructively has a lot not only to do with who you are as s person, but also the reason you’re doing them, and perhaps most importantly- the type of drug you are doing. I mean, let's face it; Crack and magic mushrooms do tend to attract a different crowd and produce a different result. This is obviously why some drugs like marijuana are becoming legalized in more and more US states year over year. It’s also why our guest founded the first truly healthy weed edibles company in the world.  Don’t care about drugs one way or another? I get it. That’s why a lot of the interview is devoted to Shannon’s other areas of expertise: Being a female entrepreneur in the natural beauty industry, and why it is so important for us to seek out companies that produce non-toxic products, and not to put anything on our bodies unless we could safely eat it. Spoiler alert! Lipstick is full of lead, one of the most toxic heavy metals on the planet. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…. Please forward this to someone who would benefit from the information provided. (Pretty much everyone) Thanks for reading, and for helping to spread the message of health, healing, and happiness. Luke HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 2. Write us a review in iTunes 3. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 23, 2016 • 1h 29min

Mas Vidal: Ayurveda and Yoga as a Way of Life #20

What does being ‘Spiritual’ mean to you? Does it mean that you have no problems? That you live in a cloud of rainbow-filled fairy dust, dancing your way through life like a cosmic unicorn? Or does it mean that you face your darkness, your ego- your lower self- so that you might find beyond that your own most true, higher self? Or perhaps you think the whole notion of being spiritual is a bunch of new-age, trendy, woo woo bullshit. You see people wearing designer mala beads, doing seemingly impossible yoga poses while pretending to meditate under a majestic waterfall on Instagram, and you just think “Yeah right. That’s easy for you maybe, but I have a real life, a real job, a real family, and real problems to deal with”. Or maybe you’re just one of those unlucky, left-brain dominant, logically skeptical, intellectuals who can’t even fathom the thought of some unseen, loving, benevolent intelligence controlling the known universe- let alone a god- as being personally available to you for strength and guidance. What if there was a simple, yet highly effective way to overcome life's biggest challenges? What if there were clear guidelines for taking care of your physical body, relationships, emotions, and even sex- that had been used, tested and vetted for thousands of years by millions of people? Wouldn't you have heard about it by now?? Well, it turns out that if you've spent the majority of your life being indoctrinated into modern Western culture, it's highly likely that you missed this spiritual boat. The name of this seeming elusive vessel is Ayurveda: The ancient lifestyle system from India that makes it possible for the most pragmatic, realistic, modern human to live a truly spiritual life down here on planet earth while keeping their two feet firmly planted on the ground. Thanks to fearless, and dedicated truth-seekers like our guest Mas Vidal, we are the fortunate beneficiaries of this time-honored lineage of yoga and Ayurveda. This episode presents a very clear starting point for anyone who is ready to explore the way of the modern mystic. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 2. Write us a review in iTunes 3. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Namaste Luke
Aug 16, 2016 • 1h 17min

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exposing (Dys) Functional Medicine #19

Have you ever wondered why your doctor never asks about your diet, or lifestyle when you walk in with an issue to solve? And why if you have an illness or disease that their approach usually involves giving you drugs, or cutting a part of your body off/out? Have you ever thought about why modern medicine tends to treat the symptoms of a disease, rather than cause? In this episode, we take a look at the world of functional medicine. In so doing we uncover a slew of myths and erroneous ideas about health and fitness. We're constantly brainwashed with misinformation about our health by mainstream media, which is primarily funded by advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical and (junk) food corporations. You’ll likely be shocked to learn the multitudes of scientifically verified truths about so many of our false, yet commonly-held beliefs about fat, cholesterol, calories, and weight loss that have been perpetuated on our culture by these greedy industries. Dr. Justin has been worked in the trenches with thousands of clients, helping them to unlearn many of these false assumptions, and to recover their health by addressing the root causes of disease and illness while treating them with dietary and lifestyle changes, coupled with vitamin, and herbal supplementation. Functional medicine is medicine that works. You’re about to find out how and why. If you know someone with health issues, please do them a favor by sharing this episode with them, in hopes that they might be inspired to find a doctor who uses this highly effective methodology in their medical practice. Thanks for listening, and for fighting for truth and justice in our broken medical system. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 2. Write us a review in iTunes 3. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke
Aug 9, 2016 • 1h 6min

Andy Hnilo: How To Love The Skin You Live In #18

Could you eat the products you put on your skin without getting sick? Not sure? Well, you should be. Your skin is your largest organ and is meant to eliminate toxins, not absorb them. In this episode we uncover the dirty industry secrets in the skin and beauty product industries, and how to avoid them. Heads up to the bros in the audience: You have skin too, and it’s just as important that you take care of it as it is for the ladies. It might just be high time for you to embrace ‘Bro Beauty’!  Our guest is my homeboy Andy Hnilo, who brought himself back from a near-fatal accident, using natural healing, supplements, herbs, and biohacking technology. He eliminated terrible facial scarring from the injuries he sustained in his accident, and as a result ended up formulating some of the most pure and potent skincare products in the world. His homemade formulas worked so well that he decided to start his company, Alitura, based on recipes he created, and perfected for himself.  Andy’s story is a classic, and a truly inspiring tale of the applying mental alchemy to transform a great tragedy into a blessing, not only for himself but for the legions of people he’s been able to help with his unique product line.  Sometimes in the middle of the storm, it’s so difficult to see the lesson on the other side. Thanks to courageous souls like Andy, who live to tell the tales of redemption- we can all learn how to summon the will to overcome life’s challenges gracefully.  If you know someone who needs some inspiration right now, please share this episode with them. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 2. Write us a review in iTunes 3. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke
Aug 2, 2016 • 1h 5min

Dr. Pat Allen: Failure of Feminism? #17

Do you want a fulfilling, loving relationship? Have you ever thought about why it’s so difficult to maintain one once you’ve found it? What if our current society’s model is broken? In this episode with world-renowned author and relationship expert Dr. Pat Allen, we take a brutally honest look at how far off track men and women have gotten when it comes to our gender roles and how it has effected attraction, chemistry, and intimacy. Prepare yourself for some hard truths, and please be advised to leave your preconceived ideas and social conditioning behind. Dr. Allen will likely call into question some of your most cherished beliefs regarding the masculine and feminine energy positions currently accepted by most people in our modern Western culture. She’s arrived at some of her seemingly radical theories through the study and practice of hard science, as well as through her 42 years of counseling couples around the globe. She’s likely got answers to some of your most perplexing questions, so get ready to learn the game of love with a healthy dose of 'tough love.’ HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 2. Write us a review in iTunes 3. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke
Jul 19, 2016 • 1h 1min

Ben Greenfield: Biohacking the Ultimate Home #15

Is your home eco-safe? Meaning does it support your health and healing? It’s supposed to right? It’s intended to be the place you go to rest, seek shelter, and regenerate from the stress of daily life right? Well, what if your home is making you weaker? If so, how can you make it supportive to life, rather than destructive? The trick is to simulate nature inside your home, using technology. You’re about to find out how. In this episode, I talk to fitness expert and biohacking extremist (like myself) Ben Greenfield. Ben has taken his Spokane, Washington home, and turned it into the ultimate nest of health and well-being. I grill Ben on every minute detail of his home hacking project, whether it be the water, air, or EMF mitigation. If you want to learn how to make your home into a healing center, this episode is for you. In addition to the house hacking theme, Ben also drops major knowledge bombs on tons of health and fitness related topics. So even if you think you’ve got your crib dialed, you’re absolutely going to want to give it a thorough listen if you’re into optimizing your own human meat suit. Thanks for listening, and please do someone you know a favor and share this show with them right now. Heres to YOU! Luke
Jul 12, 2016 • 1h 15min

Igor Milevskiy: What’s in Your Water? #14

Your body is roughly 60% water. Your brain around 75%. What kind of water are your body and brain made of? Did you know that tap water is one of the most toxic (and in my opinion, disgusting) substances that you can put in your body? What’s so bad about it you might ask? Below are just a few of the common contaminants we discuss in this episode. Keep in mind that in most major cities the municipal water is recycled, so just imagine that anything and everything that people flush down the toilet or drain end up back in the water supply. Sure, it is sanitized with more chemicals to disinfect it, but the much of the residue from all that nastiness remains in the water you’re making your baby formula with, brushing your teeth with, or worse yet- drinking. Check this out, but before you do place your hand under your chin to avoid having your jaw drop and hit the ground. Lubrication and semen from used condoms Birth control pills Viagra Lead Fluoride Anti-depressants Hair dye chemicals Dry cleaning chemicals Ammonia Radiation from chemotherapy Need we go on? Are you getting the idea? But you only drink “filtered” water right? Well, unfortunately, many of the most poisonous compounds in water are tough to get out. Or perhaps you don’t even drink filtered water because you know that. But what about the water you cook with, bathe yourself (of your child) in, and all of the bottled drinks you drink contain mostly “filtered water”? How about that soup you had at the Thai spot last night? Tap water. The ices cubes in your team from Starbucks? Tap water. The water in your hot tub or swimming pool? You guessed it. Tap water. The stuff is everywhere, and it’s nearly impossible to avoid. Many popular bottled “spring water” brands are also just overpriced tap water. So what do we do?? In this interview, I take an in-depth look at these issues with water expert Igor Milevskiy, and I promise you will walk away with some very effective solutions that you can quickly and somewhat easily apply. Do the humankind a favor and share this episode by tweeting it, Facebook posting it, or just emailing/texting it to a few of your family members and friends. There is a solution, but only if we build awareness, and stop relying on the companies who sell us the water to tell us the truth. To your health and happiness, Luke
Jul 6, 2016 • 1h 19min

Dr. John Gray: Making Peace in the War of Love #13

Why do we fall in love? What’s the point? Is there a higher purpose underlying our relationships that makes all of the challenges and heartaches worth the effort? Have you ever considered the idea that the reason we form intimate partnerships is to apply spiritual principles, and encourage the advancement of our own soul’s evolution? And even if we do set that as our intention, why do we seem to miss the mark so often, and walk away wounded, full of regret, or worse yet- repeating the same destructive patterns over and over again? How do we create and maintain polarity between the masculine and feminine energies which we all possess? In this compelling interview with legendary author and relationship expert John Gray, we explore the fundamental role our spiritual goals and values play in our romantic connections. We learn how to contextualize our relationships from a spiritual perspective, and how impactful our hormonal balance is when it comes to healthy communication and in having the capacity to live and grow together in harmony and fulfillment. It turns out that without and understanding of how our male and female hormones affect us (and how to manage them) it could be near impossible to get along and stay together. This was one of the most powerful interviews I’ve done personally, so it brings me great joy to share John’s message with the world. Do someone you know a favor and share this episode with them, in hopes that we all might come to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the ones we love. Blessings to you and yours, Luke
Jun 28, 2016 • 1h 42min

Tej Khalsa: Kundalini Yoga - God's Technology #12

Do you think yoga is just a form of exercise? A way to get more flexible so that you can show off your awesome pretzel poses on Instagram and win the approval of your peers or potential mate? What if that’s not the point of yoga at all? What if yoga is in actuality a powerful tool for spiritual enlightenment- a way to escape the limiting clutches of our human ego? How can chanting mantras, breathing in strange patterns, and moving your body in various geometric shapes change your consciousness? Is this a bunch of woo-woo, new age bollocks or can yoga put us in touch with who and what we truly are, beyond our basic instinctual drives, and limited intellect? Can we tap into the infinitely vast power and intelligence of creation to help us with our day to day life lessons here on the human level?  The answer, fortunately, is affirmative. Based on my subjective experience with Kundalini Yoga over the past five years, I’m happy to report that my mind, body, and spirit have been (and continue to be) enriched far beyond anything I have experienced in over 15 years of various forms of yoga practice, from LA to India. In this exclusive interview with my teacher Tej Kaur Khalsa, we take an in-depth look at this ancient spiritual technology with one of the world's foremost experts on- and devotees of- this wonderfully powerful tool of transformation.  This episode was one of the most meaningful to me personally, and I trust that it will deliver the same joy and insight to you, the listener.  Thank you for sharing this journey with me, and please do someone you love a favor by sharing it with them. Blessings to you and yours, Luke

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