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The Life Stylist

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Nov 15, 2016 • 1h 29min

Dr Kirk Parsley: How To Sleep Like The Dead #32

How do you think about sleep? Your favorite part of life? A necessary evil? A waste of precious time? Is it easy for you, or do you find it difficult? Or perhaps you haven't thought about it at all? Maybe it’s just an activity that’s part of your everyday routine, and it holds little value or meaning to you. If the latter be the case, keep on reading. As a matter of fact, keep on reading no matter what the case is. Your body, and more importantly your brain, need high-quality sleep to function optimally.  If you follow medical, or health & wellness trends at all, you might have noticed that the topic of sleep is getting a lot of attention over the past couple years. This is not only by design but also by necessity. We’re quickly learning that as our species is faced with more and more environmental, and social stressors that our need for sleep is becoming increasingly paramount. The quality and quantity of your sleep is perhaps the single most important element of a healthy lifestyle practice, along with diet and exercise.   In this episode, we look very specifically and thoroughly at every aspect of sleep, and most importantly - how to improve yours! The goal of this show is to change not only the way we sleep but the way we look at sleep. It should be considered a necessary daily practice, if not an art form, or even a beloved hobby.  This is a fact-filled interview with one of the world’s leading experts on the subject. I strongly recommend that you give this one a listen, or perhaps a couple listens, and incrementally apply each tool to your personal sleep practice.  Since sleep is something we all need to improve, please take a second to forward this episode to someone you know. Think of how much different the world could be if we weren’t all so terribly sleep deprived. Thanks for counting sheep with me. Luke HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.  
Nov 8, 2016 • 1h 22min

John Wineland: What Men Crave & What Women Want #31

We all want to be loved. I mean at the end of the day, isn’t that the hidden motive behind so many of our decisions and behaviors? When a man posts an image of his Porsche, or Rolex on Facebook, or a woman posts sexy shots of her Chanel handbag and cleavage on Instagram isn’t a desire for love the underlying motive at play? Is not proving one’s social status to the world, after all, just a thinly veiled cry for love? Throughout my life, I have observed that a vast majority of time and energy spent has been in the pursuit of love and approval from others, whether that be directly or indirectly. Perhaps there is even a small part of me sitting here writing this intro that has a desire to appear evolved, or intelligent in order to be well-liked, popular, and ultimately loved.  So what's wrong with wanting love in our lives? There is of course nothing wrong with wanting it. But what do we do with it once we’ve found it? The problem is that once we figure out how to flirt, date, and make love we often find ourselves in relationship with another human with virtually no clue how to navigate that terrain successfully. Do to negative social programming, and misinformation, most of us spend years of our lives endlessly breaking hearts and having ours broken in return, as a result of a fundamental lack of understanding of what makes the opposite sex tick.  Despite the politically correct narrative in our current culture, the fact remains that on a biological level, males and females are not the same. We ultimately crave the same love, but we go about getting and giving it in such different ways.  In this episode, we take a truly intimate look at what men and women want from each other, and how we can learn to give and receive that which is so deeply desired to one another in an honest, and sustainable way. Consider this interview a lesson in myth-busting, and paradigm shifting. Remember to keep an open mind, but more importantly- an open heart. Please share this with someone you know who desires more fulfilling, loving relationships in their life. Maybe even that someone with whom you’re currently in love.  Blessings to you and yours, Luke HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Nov 2, 2016 • 1h 36min

Dr. Andrew Hill: Owning Your Brain With Neurofeedback And Nootropics #30

Is your brain broken? How would you know if it was, considering you would have to use your broken brain to assess your broken brain? And what do I mean when I say ‘broken’ anyway? By broken, I mean that there may very well be parts of your brain that are inactive or contrarily overactive, that are impairing your ability to handle stress, be creative, sleep, solve problems, and function at your peak potential. Thanks to a technology called ‘brain mapping’, we can quite literally see how well our brain is functioning. Once issues are identified, neurofeedback training can then be applied to correct it. Neurofeedback gives you the the ability to ‘read’ your brainwaves, in order to accurately assess your brain's health. This amazing treatment is used to treat everything from PTSD to addictions, and has an impressively high success rate. In this special ‘field recording’ episode, I travel to Peak Brain Institute and interview one of the world's leading experts in Neuroscience, Dr. Andrew Hill. We started the interview by doing a scan of my brain, and during the show our guest shares some pretty disappointing results with me. Thankfully, I also learned that I can probably fix it using a combination of neurofeedback, smart drugs, and proper supplementation. If you’re interested in hacking your brain to unlock its full badass potential, this show is jam-packed with brain centered, cutting edge tips that will no doubt upgrade not only your brain, but your life. Please share this episode with a friend. Especially if that friend has a past that includes trauma, PDST, and addictions. Here’s to you, and that magical ball of fat we call your brain, Luke Topics Discussed:  Introducing the phenomenal mind of Dr. Hill Peak Brain Institute: a gym for the brain and how it works What is Neurofeedback? The brain mapping process explained What are the different brain waves? Delta, Alpha, Theta, Beta  Brain waves activated in deep meditation  The problem with Gamma waves Flow state: what brain waves are predominant when you’re in the zone?  OBE, Ecstasy, LSD: what’s happening to the brain?  The timeline progression of Neurofeedback treatment Analyzing Luke’s QEEG report - the unexpected prognostic Meditation will change your brain and spare you from age-related cognitive decline  Dangers and benefits of nootropics and smart drugs Safe cognitive enhancers: L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine Herbs and proprietary blends obscure amounts: the warnings to look for Lifestyle recommendations HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Oct 25, 2016 • 1h 38min

The JingSlingers: Hacking Health Food #29

Have you ever tried to make a well-intentioned, commitment to start ‘eating healthy’, yet failed to sustain your new habits because you missed your ‘comfort foods’? Yeah, I get it. I have too. After all, who wants to give up pizza, mac n’ cheese, brownies, ice cream, burritos, and all of the other feel-good foods that remind us of happy times, and give us that primordial pleasure that only ‘bad food’ can give us? What if there was a way to eat a super clean, totally organic, affordable, sustainable diet that tastes just like the foods we thought we had to give up in order to be healthy?  Thanks to modern food pioneers like The Jingslingers, it’s becoming increasingly possible to do just that!  In this episode, we explore the ‘new food’ paradigm and lay out a very practical blueprint for taking control of your eating habits, without giving up the pleasure of eating. If you want to be healthy, but don't want to give up the 'pleasures of the palette,' this episode is for you, and for everyone you know who still believes health food has to taste like cardboard. Do them a favor and share this with them right now.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these 4 simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. To your health, Luke
Oct 18, 2016 • 1h 12min

Timo Ahopelto: Mastering Jet Lag #28

Do you love to travel? Of course you do. Who doesn’t right? But can you honestly say you love to fly? Me either. In fact, I can safely say that there is nothing in life that makes me feel worse than air travel. What's the deal? Why does it seem to throw us off so badly? Some call it jet lag. The thing is, it’s more than jet lag. Jet lag just means you cheated some time zones. What I’m talking about is the cumulative effect of taking your fragile little human body and hurling it through space at 550 miles per hour at 35k feet above sea level. To call flying ‘unnatural’ is a gross understatement. It’s likely the single most alien activity of modern human life, and why it’s harmful to us, on so many levels.  In this hyper-focused episode, we discuss in detail everything about flying that could be damaging to our bodies and explore the various biohacks (natural and otherwise) that might be applied to reduce the adverse effects of air travel.  My hope is that as we bring more awareness to health issues like this, more innovation will be encouraged, and solutions brought forth that will allow us to continue using such powerful technology, without compromising our own well-being as much in the process.   Be sure to share this show with anyone you know who loves to travel but hates to fly.  To your trips, in the air or otherwise.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke  
Oct 11, 2016 • 1h 16min

Ryan Munsey: Becoming A Civilized Beast #27

What does it mean to be a ‘real man’ in 2016? It used to mean you were big, strong, and gave zero fucks about anyone’s feelings, let alone your own.  Today’s man is quite a bit different. Sure he goes to the gym and lifts heavy stuff. He’s strong. He’s tough. But he also meditates, eats organic food, and is committed to being healthy in mind, body, and spirit.  Our guest Ryan Munsey is a perfect example of the new paradigm of a modern, masculine man. In this episode, we trace his journey from gym rat to health and fitness expert and industry leader.  If you’re a man, this episode is a rich source of life hacks and practical recommendations. If you’re a woman, it hopefully serves as an inspiring example of what is possible when a guy commits himself to personal development and balance.  Do you know someone who needs some coaching to up-level their energy and overall performance? Be a good friend.  Share this episode with them.  Thanks for joining me on this never-ending journey of self-discovery.    HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke  
Oct 5, 2016 • 1h

Dave Asprey: Becoming Bulletproof #26

Have you tried Bulletproof Coffee? If you have chances are better than even that once you tried it, you quickly converted and have since been reaping the benefits of boundless energy and focus.  Perhaps you’ve heard of it, but the idea of putting butter in your coffee sounds gross, or even dangerous. Or maybe you still think eating fat makes you fat, coffee is not good for you, and cholesterol is a deadly poison, which must be avoided at all costs? There is also, of course, the remote possibility that you’ve been living under a rock somewhere in a remote corner of the planet, and have no idea whatsoever what Bulletproof Coffee even is. Keep reading my friend. Keep reading.  In today’s interview with the world’s #1 biohacker and Bulletproof Coffee creator Dave Asprey we not only disprove these dietary myths but also highlight the fact that Bulletproof is not just a coffee, it’s a lifestyle. It’s about using food, high-grade supplementation, and cutting-edge technology to take control of your biology so that you can bring your absolute best self to the game of life every day.  I have personally benefited so much as a result of Dave’s Bulletproof mission and lifestyle recommendations, that it brings me great pleasure and satisfaction to share many of his most recent and powerful discoveries with you. So put your seatbelt on as we take a trip down the rabbit hole that is Dave Asprey’s mind.  Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to forward this episode with a friend who likes coffee, and likes living at their fullest potential.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke
Sep 27, 2016 • 1h 33min

Emil Detoffol: EMF - The High Price Of Technology #25

Do you love your cell phone, your WIFI, and the ability to travel in an airplane or drive a car? What about the conveniences of home like basic electric power, and all of your modern appliances, computers, and gadgets? We all love and appreciate the electricity grid humankind has created to bring us energy and the ability to communicate through the wires that cover the planet, and the signals that seem to transmit information through the air from device to device using some sort of magic. Most of us would sooner die than to give up these modern, and ever-increasing conveniences. But what if the wires in your home and the radio waves in the air carry not only power and date, but unseen dangers to our bodies and brains? Have you ever considered that the corporations who make microwave ovens, clock radios, cell phones, electric toothbrushes, internet routers, televisions and every piece of tech we buy and use every day don’t necessarily have a vested interest in your health when they design and market these products to us as consumers? They are interested in creating goods and services that sell. The fact that the technology being produced is likely harmful to people is not a factor that is typically considered when a communications or technology company launches an innovation. The fact is that there is very real evidence, and solid science supporting the idea the electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) created by our appliances, home wiring, and devices is linked to an endless array of degenerative diseases, the least of which being cancer. We are surrounded by these harmful fields 24/7 in most places on the planet, and some people live in areas that are much worse than others. For example, do you know if you reside close to a cell tower? What about your electric meter? Is it a ‘smart meter'? Chances are if you are reading this there is some likelihood that your home, place of work, and even automobile are dangerously saturated by these invisible, yet sometimes deadly rays. Without having to wear a tinfoil hat, or summon an alien race to come rescue you in an EMF-proof spacecraft, we find in this episode with Dr. Emil DeToffol that there are indeed ways to not only become aware of some of the most severe dangers, but also to very easily protect yourself, and your loved ones from most of the potential damage caused by this invisible threat. As always on The Life Stylist Podcast, I ask tough questions to get simple answers when it comes to creating not only awareness around health issues but also building simple, applicable strategies to help mitigate the risks of modern life on earth. Do me, yourself and someone you love a favor by sharing this episode with them. You might just save a life.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Luke
Sep 21, 2016 • 1h 12min

Dr. Raleigh Duncan: Some Like It Hot - The Sweet Heat Of Infrared Saunas #24

Want to know how to burn calories sitting on your ass? How about removing pain from your body without surgery or drugs, or detoxing chemical poisons and heavy metals without spending a dime on expensive supplements? Did you know that you can force your central nervous system into a parasympathetic (totally relaxed, meditative) state within five minutes, without even knowing how to ‘relax’ or meditate? Do you want gorgeous, healthy skin without taking one single trip to a dermatologist? If all of this sounds too good to be true, you’ll want to give this episode on the super healing powers of infrared saunas a listen. Not only have I personally been using them as one of my top bio hacks for over 15 years, but all of humankind has been using some form of heat therapy for millennia. From Native American sweat lodges to Finnish saunas, people worldwide have long understood the healing powers of fire. Thanks to modern technology, you can now harness this energy on demand, in the comfort of your home, gym, or healing center. However, you must be warned: as awesome as infrared saunas are, you must be aware that not all hot boxes are created equal, and in fact, some are so poorly designed that they can be harmful to your health in many ways. Our guest Dr. Raleigh Duncan is not only one of the world’s leading experts on infrared saunas but is also CEO of Clearlight Saunas, which in my opinion are by far the most superior brand in the world. You’ll learn exactly why in this fact-filled episode. As always, I’d like to thank you for joining me on my mission to spread the message of health, healing, and happiness to all who care to receive it. After you listen to this show, find a sauna and experience for yourself this life-changing technology. Don’t forget to share this episode with a friend that needs some healing. Luke
Sep 13, 2016 • 1h 30min

Rich Roll: Surrender to Win - The Rise Of A Peaceful Warrior #23

How can you transform misery and failure into success and inspiration? In this episode with our guest Rich Roll, we find out exactly what he did to rise from the ashes of alcoholism and ill health, to become one of the most positive and influential leaders in the health and wellness industry. If you or someone you know has struggled with addiction and lived to tell the tale, you have most likely learned that there are many more levels of sobriety to attain once the actual substance abuse has been overcome. Most of us who have been so afflicted find that the underlying emotional causes and conditions of our problem become much more apparent once physical sobriety has been achieved. Rich shares with us some of the many tools he’s used to maximize his spiritual growth and personal development, and some of the other obstacles he’s had to face along the road to recovery. This was one of the most meaningful interviews for me personally, not only because Rich and I have so much in common regarding our personal struggles with addiction, but also due to the level of depth, authenticity, and vulnerability to which he was willing to go to for the benefit of our listeners. If you know someone who is struggling in life right now, and could use some hope and inspiration, this would be a great episode to share with them. I know it’s been good for me. Thanks for listening, and helping me to continue on my journey of recovery and self-discovery. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 2. Write us a review in iTunes 3. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these three simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Namaste Luke

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