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The Life Stylist

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Jan 24, 2017 • 1h 43min

Sage Dammers: High on Chocolate, The Ultimate Superfood #42

Do you like chocolate? You might not be human if the answer is ‘no.' But perhaps you avoid it because you consider it a ‘candy’ and therefore not good for you. What if legit, high-quality chocolate could be a central part of a truly healthy diet? It turns out that it's not chocolate itself that commonly turns  this tasty treat into a junk food, but rather the process by which it is usually commercially grown and manufactured, as well as the inferior ingredients used to create most chocolate products on the market. This week’s show guest is Sage Dammers, one of the world’s foremost creators of high-quality chocolate products. We not only discuss the incredible health benefits of this delicious superherb, and how he developed an excruciatingly stringent method of production, but also the power of the Three Treasures herbal system, and why he chose to infuse his chocolate products with the most potent Chinese herbs. In addition to enlightening our listeners to the inside scoop of the amazing health benefits of chocolate and the industry production practices around it, Sage also provides tons of practical tips for designing a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. From practicing meditation, The Wim Hof Method, infrared saunas, to surfing, this episode delivers an immense amount of insights and inspiration. If you know a chocolate junkie, do them a favor and send this show to them right now. The world needs to learn to enjoy the glorious, yet simple pleasure of chocolate without guilt, or the hidden detriment to personal health. Topics discussed:  Intro to high-quality chocolate Neurofeedback and how it uptrains and downtrains different parts of the brain Potency of ingredients and labeling scams Sage's formative years around the spiritual scene, his living room as an ashram, guru stories and keeping it real Wellness center, lifestyle, diet, healing modalities Infrared sauna facts & health benefits Addictive Wellness: the birth of high-quality, sugar-free chocolate Chocolate as a great delivery system, highest source of antioxidant & highest natural source of minerals From fruit to powder: the process, fermentation & bacteria mix Mycotoxis: mold is not the problem, it's their poop! Prebiotic vs. probiotics, gut health & compromised immune systems The different types of cacao plant hybrids & heirlooms Three Treasures herbal system: understanding the 3 energies Depletion of Jing and how to restore it Herbs and tonics for building up Shen & Qi energies Wim Hof Method, breathing and ice baths Genome testing and DNA markers Surfing as the ultimate lifestyle and metaphor to living Lifestyle recommendations Episode Resources:  Peak Brain Institute - Neurofeedback / Dr. Andrew Hill Baba Muktananda   Dragon Herb products Joseph Campbell's YouTube To your taste buds, Luke   BONUS: Sage is hooking you guys up with a 10% discount on your purchase at Coupon code: LIFESTYLIST.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HumanCharger: Sun In Your Pocket. The ultimate biohacking device to increase energy levels, mood, mental alertness and the effects of jet lag. How? The device shoots white light into your ear canal which hits the photosensitive areas of your brain and activates the creation of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline. Basically the chemicals that your brain makes to keep you feeling awake and good. It’s light therapy technology and has been used since the 80s. Here’s your discount coupon hookup: “STOREY20” for 20% off.  AND... FourSigmatic: Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with FourSigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.    COACHING WITH LUKE  You asked, here it is! Customized lifestyle recommendations via phone or Skype with yours truly. Learn more.    HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 17, 2017 • 1h 11min

Katy Bowman: Nutritious Movement: The Anti-Workout #41

Do you exercise? If so, have you ever considered the fact that your distant ancestors probably didn't? Natural-living human beings of the past didn't need to 'exercise,' because their day to day lifestyle likely included enough natural movement to keep them fit and healthy. They also managed to avoid so many of the chronic health problems and dysfunctional physical limitations that we now face as a civilization.  As we have devolved into our current sedentary lifestyle, most of us have worked hard to eliminate and outsource as much movement as possible. Meaning, we have come to the point that our normal bodily movement is so limited that we have to take breaks from our daily routine to squeeze in an allotted time to move around. And this moving around is what we now call exercise.  But what if there was a way to build habits of functional movement into our regular activities, without having to make a special appointment at a gym, or with a trainer? In this episode with natural movement pioneer and author Katy Bowman, we learn how to re-contextualise how we use our bodies, and how to incorporate movement as the crucial bodily nutrient that nature designed it to be.  By learning how to avoid many familiar, yet damaging fitness routines, and turning your workspace and home into a movement gym, you'll see your body and how it is meant to move and operate from a whole new perspective.  Katy's message serves as a powerfully simple, and practical approach to functional movement and mobility. This is a perfect episode to share with your gym rat friends, and couch potatoes alike. We all need to move it, or we'll lose it. But moving it the way it’s meant to move is the only way to create lasting health and fitness.  Episode Breakdown What is the purpose and intention for building a movement practice? What movement practice can do for us that a gym can’t? The different between mobility and flexibility Fashion vs comfort: can we have one without sacrificing the other? Healthy feet and decent-looking footwear How to transition into a barefoot practice without hurting yourself Tricks of geometry in fashion for the illusion of a powerful body How to create a jungle gym at home while still maintaining style & decor Standing desks and recommendations on mobilizing your work station so it’s suitable for productivity and health Poop: learn how to evacuate more naturally Lifestyle recommendations Thanks for listening. Luke THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HumanCharger: Sun In Your Pocket. The ultimate biohacking device to increase energy levels, mood, mental alertness and the effects of jet lag. How? The device shoots white light into your ear canal which hits the photosensitive areas of your brain and activates the creation of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline. Basically the chemicals that your brain makes to keep you feeling awake and good. It’s light therapy technology and has been used since the 80s. Here’s your discount coupon hookup: “STOREY20” for 20% off.  AND...   FourSigmatic: Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with FourSigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  COACHING WITH LUKE  You asked, here it is! Customized lifestyle recommendations via phone or Skype with yours truly. Learn more.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.  
Jan 10, 2017 • 1h 20min

Raffi Dillian: The Truth About Stevia And Other Sweet Secrets #40

If you've been into health food, or have tried to limit your sugar consumption, or go ‘paleo’, chances are better than even that you've tried stevia as a sweetener. It's also likely that you didn't dig it. In this episode, you'll learn why. Spoiler alert: It's not because stevia tastes bad. It has a lot more to do with the dirty little secrets of the industry, and the corner cutting in the production process that takes place to maximize profits.  If you've never heard of stevia, yet care about your health or weight, this episode carries immense value for you. Stevia is the healthiest sweetener on the planet. But only if it's properly manufactured.  In addition to cracking the code on this miracle sweetener, we also myth bust tons of other health industry trends. Our guest Raffi will have you re-thinking many of the false assumptions we are lead to believe in the health and wellness scene such as: Why you should never shower without a water filter, and why most of them are worthless.  The esoteric science of properly storing your drinking water, and why most of the water we drink is inferior.  The misleading labeling practices of the supplement industry, and how to avoid getting scammed by knowing how to read labels.  If you're a truth-seeker and someone who cares about your health, this is a rare opportunity to sit at the feet of a master in the field of health and longevity. As a seasoned researcher and formulator, Raffi has a profound understanding of some of nature's most potent compounds and how we can best use them to our advantage.  Episode Breakdown Mysteries around water: how to tell the difference between dead and living water How to bring your water back to life What makes for the best shower filter in the world and why you need one The missing ingredient of human connection in our society and family structure, and how that affects us negatively How to survive a snake bite Why steam rooms are toxic and should be avoided at all cost The dirty little secret of the stevia industry Hidden glycerin in your health food and why you want to avoid it How to avoid being scammed by inferior turmeric and Curcumin supplements The dangers of mold and pathogens in powder superfoods Avoiding toxic contaminants in your supplements Food paranoia can be worse for you then eating junk food: how to find healthy balance Proper protocol for taking magnesium foot baths The importance of making sure your mineral supplements are kosher Myths about water opening and closing your pores Lifestyle recommendations Episode Resources Geothermal Springs, Beverly Hills Nuclear bombing test sites Enjoy this listen, and as always - don't forget to share it with a friend.   Click to listen now.  This show is brought to you by: Human Charger, Sun In Your Pocket. The ultimate biohacking device to increase energy levels, mood, mental alertness and the effects of jet lag. How? The device shoots white light into your ear canal which hits the photosensitive areas of your brain and activates the creation of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline. Basically the chemicals that your brain makes to keep you feeling awake and good. It’s light therapy technology and has been used since the 80s. Here’s your discount coupon hookup: “STOREY20” for 20% off.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: Go to and donate towards show production costs Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes Write us a review in iTunes Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. To your health, Luke
Jan 3, 2017 • 1h 53min

John Gray: The Master Key To Enlightened Sex #39

Take a moment to ponder this question: Do you know everything you need to know about sex? Have you figured out how to have a healthy and fulfilling sex life? If you're like 99.9% of the population, you've probably found this part of the human experience to be one of the most perplexing aspects of life. Why are we so often powerfully attracted to the exact wrong person? Are there varied forms of chemistry between people? Can you control chemistry? Why does orgasm seem to cause a 'hangover' reaction in men? What's the deal with porn? Is it healthy, or will it undermine our relationships? Is monogamy natural for humans, and if so- is it even possible long-term? Can women learn to have casual sex without falling in love? And what about men? Are they immune to pair bonding with sexual partners? If you've pondered any of these questions, you've stumbled on the right podcast. In this episode, we explore the topic of sex from the perspective of spiritual practice and personal development. Our guest John Gray provides answers to so many of our sexual mysteries, from a scientific, as well as metaphysical point of view. This is one that you’ll likely listen to a couple times, due to it’s content density. Do you know someone who likes sex? Someone who has issues with sex? If so, do them a service and pass this show along. It's my belief that we could all use some help in this area, and that the world might just be a better place if we were all achieving a deeper and more meaningful relationship to our own sexuality. Topics we discuss: The 4 types of chemistry and what kills them How hormonal duality works and affects attraction? The ideal mate, a pipe dream? The 80x20 rule What makes sex different for men and women? Safety & connection: understanding women's needs, and solution tools for men Men's biological need for feeling successful and acknowledged Sex is dead. Understanding the hero dynamic, vasopressin, and the flip side of pair bonding Understanding women's complex psychology and how to navigate Respect vs. appreciation: the distinction and who needs what Role reversal and hormone influence Why sometimes are we turned on by the exact wrong person? How childhood trauma affects our sex life What causes sex addiction and how to get out of it? What does porn do to us and how it affects our relationships, and our brain and productivity? What's up with masturbation and the male orgasm hangover? How to create attraction and polarity between a couple and how to keep it alive Does monogamy work? Do older men bond more easily? Can woman have sex without following in love? Should men practice semen retention or let it all go? For more details visit this episode's page.  To your loins... Luke This show is brought to you by:  Human Charger, Sun In Your Pocket. The ultimate biohacking device to increase energy levels, mood, mental alertness and the effects of jet lag. How? The device shoots white light into your ear canal which hits the photosensitive areas of your brain and activates the creation of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline. Basically the chemicals that your brain makes to keep you feeling awake and good. It’s light therapy technology and has been used since the 80s. Here’s your discount coupon hookup: “STOREY20” for 20% off.    HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.    
Dec 27, 2016 • 60min

Guru Jagat: The New Age of Ancient Wisdom, Part Two #38

Welcome to the new age of ancient wisdom. We in the west are currently smack dab in the middle of a collective spiritual awakening. Or as our esteemed guest, Guru Jagat affectionately calls it in this episode- the new new age. Whatever you call it, it’s clear that there is a hopeful surge of interest in the area of personal development via spiritual practices. People young and old find themselves looking to the spiritual teachers and traditions of the past to help make sense of the present, and to light a path to a future that carries meaning, and hope. Yoga seems to be everywhere. And it's not just in the crunchy, granola capitals like LA and San Francisco anymore. It’s hit middle America like a waft of curry carried by the winds of change. You might even catch a juiced-up meathead in a yoga class at the gym these days for reasons other than the fact that that’s where you’ll likely find the highest concentration of Lulu Lemon-clad booties doing downward dogs. They are there for the same reason Wall Street brokers use meditation to manage stress: They know there is more to life than the tangible, material plane of reality. And they want to experience it. Young hipsters show off their mindfulness practice poses on Instagram. Native American dream catchers and healing crystals adorn the dashboards of today's’ latest breed of Prius driving spirit seekers. A new language has even emerged on the scene. Terminology like ‘Holding space,' ‘Namaste’ and ‘Balancing your chakras’ have become language you overhear while standing in line at the bank. But what does all this mean, and how can we discern the true from the false? The passing fads from the timeless, universal truths? Can we still live a ‘normal’ life while pursuing a deeper, metaphysical state of being? In this two-part episode with Kundalini Yoga teacher and thought-leader Guru Jagat, we take a very practical, if not irreverent view of the current state of affairs of modern spirituality as seen through the lens of ancient yogic tradition and practice. In it, you will not only learn about the lineage of yoga she practices and teaches, but also how she has managed to create a small empire based on these principles, and how she continues to inspire the current, and incoming generation to find the sometimes hidden, deeper meaning in life. Be the change you want to see in the world by sharing this show with someone who shares your curiosity of the unknown.   EPISODE TOPICS Understanding the matrix and quantifying intelligence Spiritual integrity in the modern world Contextualizing spirituality and money What's the deal with the turbane? Spiritual materialism: costumes, beads, fashion & all the accouterments What are spiritual names about? Vibration of sound and what the word guru represents The Kundalini view on human sexuality and the new Aquarian Age mandate Lifestyle Recommendations   EPISODE RESOURCES Rudolf Steiner  Amma, Hugging Seeds  Kenzo Takada, Fashion Designer Luke's Spotify Playlist Kundalini Mix White Sun II   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY:  HEAL WITH HEAT. INFRARED SAUNAS HAVE BEEN A PART OF MY LIFE FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS. IT'S UNDENIABLY THE BEST WAY TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION, DETOX, BURN CALORIES, TO RELAX AND GET INTO A PARASYMPATHETIC STATE. THESE UNITS ARE THE ONLY INFRARED SAUNA WITH NO EMF OR ELF EXPOSURE. COMES WITH 100% LIFETIME WARRANTY - WHAT? INCREDIBLE. IF YOU WANT TO PICK MY BRAIN BEFORE PURCHASING, DROP ME A QUICK NOTE HERE. CALL 800-317-5070. MENTION THE CODE "LUKE" FOR A MAJOR DISCOUNT HOOKUP OF $450 OFF TOWARDS YOUR UNIT + FREE SHIPPING + FREE ERGONOMIC BACK REST.   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life. Sat Nam, Luke
Dec 20, 2016 • 1h 11min

Guru Jagat: The New Age of Ancient Wisdom, Part One #37

Welcome to the new age of ancient wisdom. We in the west are currently smack dab in the middle of a collective spiritual awakening. Or as our esteemed guest, Guru Jagat affectionately calls it in this episode- the new new age. Whatever you call it, it’s clear that there is a hopeful surge of interest in the area of personal development via spiritual practices. People young and old find themselves looking to the spiritual teachers and traditions of the past to help make sense of the present, and to light a path to a future that carries meaning, and hope. Yoga seems to be everywhere. And it's not just in the crunchy, granola capitals like LA and San Francisco anymore. It’s hit middle America like a waft of curry carried by the winds of change. You might even catch a juiced-up meathead in a yoga class at the gym these days for reasons other than the fact that that’s where you’ll likely find the highest concentration of Lulu Lemon-clad booties doing downward dogs. They are there for the same reason Wall Street brokers use meditation to manage stress: They know there is more to life than the tangible, material plane of reality. And they want to experience it. Young hipsters show off their mindfulness practice poses on Instagram. Native American dream catchers and healing crystals adorn the dashboards of today's’ latest breed of Prius driving spirit seekers. A new language has even emerged on the scene. Terminology like ‘Holding space,' ‘Namaste’ and ‘Balancing your chakras’ have become language you overhear while standing in line at the bank. But what does all this mean, and how can we discern the true from the false? The passing fads from the timeless, universal truths? Can we still live a ‘normal’ life while pursuing a deeper, metaphysical state of being?  In this two-part episode with Kundalini Yoga teacher and thought-leader Guru Jagat, we take a very practical, if not irreverent view of the current state of affairs of modern spirituality as seen through the lens of ancient yogic tradition and practice. In it, you will not only learn about the lineage of yoga she practices and teaches, but also how she has managed to create a small empire based on these principles, and how she continues to inspire the current, and incoming generation to find the sometimes hidden, deeper meaning in life.  Be the change you want to see in the world by sharing this show with someone who shares your curiosity of the unknown.  Sat Nam, Luke Episode Topics:  Invincible Living, Guru Jagat's brand new book: her love song to the lineage of teachers Being your own creator Keith Richards: the magnetic phenomenon of happiness 3-minute addiction meditation: life changing prescription medicine to anything that’s troubling you Who is Yogi Bhajan Information age: organizing & sorting, and the key tools for accessing & optimizing brain capacity  Tracing Guru Jagat's kundalini practice  Spiritual teachers: discerning the real from the false  Spirituality and the new generation: it's all about transparency, no BS The Rama Institute empire: how it all manifested in just 3 years Entrepreneurship, monetizing and being a maverick: resourcefulness and spiritual practice are key THIS CONCLUDES PART ONE OF THE INTERVIEW. MAKE SURE TO TUNE IN DECEMBER 27 FOR PART TWO (AND FINAL) EPISODE. IT GETS BETTER!  Episode Resources:  Neil Strauss 3-minute addiction meditation  Yogi Bhajan Limitless - The movie Wim Hof  Shiva Rose Tej Khalsa Rama Yoga Institute RamaTV John Wineland  Episode's song: Aap Sahaee Hoa by White Sun This show is brought to you by: FOUNTAINOFTRUTHSPRINGWATER.COM. FRESH RAW SPRING WATER COLLECTED DIRECTLY AT THE SPRING HEAD, BOTTLED INTO GLASS, AND PROMPTLY TRANSPORTED IN CHILLED CONTAINERS, DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR. Use coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" and get 27% off your 1st order. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 14, 2016 • 1h 6min

Greg Bernett: Praise The Graze: The Bone Broth Revolution EP #36

Have you noticed that grass-fed beef and bone broth are the hot new ‘superfoods’ in on the health and wellness scene? It seems like every food blogger is jumping on the broth bandwagon lately, which is a positive sign, and a vast improvement over many of the ‘new’ food trends that later turned out to be founded on bogus science (AKA ‘fat is bad for you’). Has it ever occurred to you, however, that these animal foods are not new in any way whatsoever? Before the advent of modern agriculture, industrial and factory farming, all cows ate grass. That’s what cows are designed to eat, and before greedy humans figured out how to maximize profits by feeding them an unnatural diet of corn and soy, that’s all cows ever ate. So what about this new craze called ‘bone broth’? Well, it turns out that human beings have been boiling the bones of animals to extract the vital nutrients inside since people discovered fire and pots. Long before these life-supporting animal foods became trendy, they were both staples of the hunter-gatherer diet. They have been consumed the world over for eons, and that my friend, has a lot to do with why you’re alive right now to read this. Bone broth is one of the most nutritious, healing foods on the planet. Its benefits are too numerous to mention here, but are all, of course, included in the show. In this episode with Greg Bernett from Arizona Grass Raised beef, we explore his companies’ tireless mission to change the cattle ranching industry and to set the standard for sustainable, cruelty-free, environmentally conscious methods of producing the best beef and bone broth in the world. You will learn many of the dirty little secrets of how animals are raised and treated in the US food system, and why so many of the methods used are not only bad for us, but also dangerous to the animals. You’ll also walk away with the inside scoop on the many sneaky labeling practices in use today, and how to avoid being scammed by phony ‘organic’ and ‘grass-fed’ food labels. If you care about what goes into your body, and the well-being and respect of our land and animals this is an episode you can’t afford to miss. Please take a moment to share this info bomb with someone you love, who also enjoys learning about healthy food. From start to finish: cattle ranching and boutique USDA plant How to farm humanly and follow the laws of nature The old school way: cattle gets to be cattle, free range, free roam, forage their own food, rain water for drink, breeding happens naturally Why treating animals humanly is good for business Why does grass-fed beef taste so much better The business of beef in the U.S. The environmental impact and why raising cattle naturally is actually good for the environment Why natural grass is better than hey and alfalfa Grass-fed and grass-finished defined Rules of labeling: how it works and can you trust labels like organic & grass-fed The humane slaughter process Full spectrum bone broth and why using the whole animal makes for the best broth A few of the phenomenal health benefit claims of bone broth Making your own bone broth? What to look out for, from cookware to water quality Praise the graze! Luke This show is brought to you by: ARIZONA GRASS RAISED BEEF CO. BEST BONE BROTH. EVER. MADE WITH ORGANIC, GRASS-FED AND GRASS-FINISHED BEEF. THIS COMPANY IS THE LEGIT DEAL FOLKS! THEY ARE EXTREMELY ETHICAL, ALLOW THEIR CATTLE TO FREE-RANGE THEIR WHOLE LIFE, HUMANLY PROCESSES THEM ON SITE, AND USES THEIR USDA-CERTIFIED KITCHEN TO PREPARE THIS EXCEPTIONAL BROTH. THE ANIMAL NEVER LEAVES THEIR TURF. ONE-OF-A-KIND BOUTIQUE SERVICE. HASSLE-FREE ONLINE SINGLE ORDERS OR MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE HERE   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 6, 2016 • 1h 14min

Dr. David Villarreal: How To Protect Your Teeth From Dumb Dentistry #35

What type of dentistry does your dentist practice? If your answer is "um... tooth dentistry?", you need to listen to this episode. The old 'drill 'em and and bill 'em' paradigm is dead. Since so much of your general physical health starts in your mouth, it's crucial that you find a dentist who uses a holistic approach, and that you educate yourself on the latest developments in the industry. Outdated dentistry can be catastrophic to your health, and a bad dentist isn't going to warn you of that fact. He or she is just going to start drilling... and filling. But choosing a dentist is not like finding a great auto mechanic. Unlike your vehicle of choice, your teeth are alive. They're not bones or pieces of rock stuck in your jaw. They're an organ and should be treated as such. A qualified biological dentist understands this, and treats your teeth and mouth as a part of your body’s whole energetic system.  While many of the dangers of outdated dental practices have become more widely known, the vast majority of dentists in the world are still using archaic, and in many cases dangerous methods of treatment. From mercury-laden fillings to infection-causing root canals, fluoride poisoning, and a host of other harmful procedures, we are just now beginning to emerge from the Flintstonian era of 'mouth medicine,' and enter into a new era of oral care.  Our guest Dr. David Villarreal is one of the world's leading biological dentists and has a vast body of knowledge to share on the subject. Do your mouth a favor, and take some time to dive into this fact-rich interview with a real innovator. If you know someone with teeth they care about, please share this show with them. The topics we discuss: What is biological or holistic dentistry Why is it superior to our current outdated health industry How health issues in your mouth affect the overall health of the body Treating your teeth like they are a living organ Why you should avoid putting toxic fluoride in your mouth, let alone drink it The dangers of mercury metal fillings and safe removal procedure Composite fillings and the benefits of using biocompatible material Why you would want to avoid root canals, and cavitation issue How to prevent cavities in the first place How getting teeth pulled can lead to systemic full body infections and autoimmune issues It goes beyond the mouth: meridians, chi, diet, prayer The risks involved in using metal transplants and the options How to find truly organic toothpaste and the benefits of using essential oils orally Germ killing mouthwash is bad for your mouth Floss, floss, floss, no way around it This show is brought to you by SAMINA BED SYSTEMS. UNRIVALED BACK SUPPORT, MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE REGULATION, 100% NON-TOXIC MATERIALS AND A GROUNDING SYSTEM, SAMINA BEDS ARE THE BEST YOU'LL FIND TODAY. CALL THEM AND SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT THEIR SHOWROOM IN LA 877-494-1091. OR VISIT THEIR WEBSITE AT TAKE AN EXTRA 5% OFF FROM YOUR PURCHASE WHEN YOU USE DISCOUNT CODE "LIFESTYLIST". TRUST ME, THE 5% WILL GO A LONG WAY IN YOUR PURCHASE. ENJOY! To your smile, Luke
Nov 29, 2016 • 1h 8min

Shiva Rose: Beyond Organic: The New Breed Of Beauty #34

Are you into health and wellness? Have you ever considered the possibility of turning your passion for living a green and organic lifestyle into a brand and business? Our guest Shiva Rose has not only accomplished just that but has done it in a beautifully authentic way. As a leader and trailblazer in the health and wellness movement, Shiva represents a new breed of influencers. A modern-day renaissance woman. Using her personal health challenges as motivation, she began to explore natural foods, beauty products, and holistic lifestyle practices, until she eventually started to document and share her discoveries on what has become her wildly successful blog The Local Rose. As her following and passion grew, she saw a market gap in the area of beauty and skin. A new breed of Bohemian entrepreneur was born, in the form of her very product line, which bears her name, and her obsession with purity, quality, and style. In this intimate and thoughtful conversation, we not only learn exactly how and why Shiva turned her love of nature and beauty into her life's mission, but also how she continues to explore and perfect a holistic lifestyle living in the 2nd largest city in the US. This episode serves as an inspiring ‘how-to’ guide for anyone interested in building a healthy, and immensely fulfilling lifestyle. This podcast is all about styling your life, and Shiva’s done a fantastic job of that herself. Enjoy, and please take a moment to share this show with someone who is working on perfecting the art of living. Luke   HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Nov 22, 2016 • 1h 21min

James Swanwick: How To Quit Booze & Become A Boss #33

Have you ever thought about what it takes to live a high-performance life? When you create that vision in your mind, does it include a lot of potentially negative habits like alcohol consumption? Probably not. But if you're not a legitimate, card-carrying alcoholic, why would you ever consider quitting? And even if you did want to upgrade your productivity and quality of life by giving up booze, how could you? There's that pesky social pressure, and general boredom to contend with after all, right? Well, our guest James has created not only a fool-proof system by which the 'social drinker' can put the plug in the jug, but he's also assembled a sizeable online tribe of like-minded 'quitters' that offer moral support and inspiration to each other through his 30Day No Alcohol Challenge. When it comes to being a boss, and performing at your highest potential, three things top the list of essential lifestyle habits: 1. Diet 2. Sleep 3. Exercise Did you know that one of the worst side-effects of regular alcohol consumption is a profound disruption of your healthy sleep cycle? But perhaps you don't drink. Think you're off the hook? Nope. There happens to be another nasty little habit that’s destroying the sleep of humans from all walks of life on a daily basis. It's a poison of sorts, and it's everywhere. It's almost impossible to avoid, and it's getting worse by the day. It's in your home, on the streets, in every store, restaurant, airplane, hospital, and school. This insidious addiction runs rampant, and I promise that if you're reading this, you're a strung-out user. Thankfully, this episode contains the cure. The drug is artificial white (blue) light. We are strung out on using it when the sun goes down. The treatment is preventing this sleep-damaging blue light from making contact with your eyes after dark. One way to avoid this toxic, unnatural light is to go to bed at dusk, and wake up at dawn (see hunter-gatherer humans). My guess is that this doesn't sound too feasible. Ready for option two? I thought so. Thankfully, there is another, more simple way to avoid blue light at night: Wearing blue-blocking orange glasses. The issue with this preventative measure is that 99% of the blue-blocking glasses on the market are positively atrocious, and can't be worn in social situations without inviting a torrent of giggles and annoying questions. Not only does our guest Mr. Swanwick offer some practical insights on the recent phenomenon of blocking blue light, but he also brings what are likely the first decent looking, wearable orange glasses to market. In addition to covering the two very real issues of habitual alcohol consumption and blue light exposure, James also presents many other valuable insights into not only breaking unfavorable habits but also creating and maintaining positive ones.   If you want to kick ass, be a boss, and dominate this thing called life, this enlightening episode is for you. It's also for anyone who shares your passion for building the ultimate lifestyle. So share this show with someone you love. Right now. To your dreams, Luke HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.

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