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The Life Stylist

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Oct 4, 2017 • 1h 36min

#93 Living On The Edge of The New Age with Desiree Of Benshen

Are you interested in spirituality, yoga, and new age philosophy, but are concerned that you'll lose your edge, end up living a sexless, monastic life in a cave? Or perhaps you have avoided exploring the metaphysical side of life because you think that everyone in that scene is a flakey woo-woo nut job? In this episode, I sit down with Desiree Pais, one of NYC's favorite Kundalini yoga teachers and thought leaders on the local scene. And guess what? She lives a conscious, spiritually-centered life but still creates great art, loves boys, Instagram, fashion, rap music, and (almost) ever other earthly pleasure just like the rest of us ordinary folk. We talked about so many random, yet fascinating topics that I struggle to write an adequate description of this episode. In the interest of simplicity, I'll tease some of the general territories we covered: Enjoying material success and possessions without letting them possess you, overcoming your ego by doing embarrassing shit, curing acne with Chinese medicine, how being a raw vegan almost killed her, why cockroaches are a superfood in some Taoist traditions, the power of mantras, and how to get over feeling awkward when you sing them. The overall takeaway from this raw and intimate talk with Desiree is that you can live a healthy, spiritual life in the big city, yet have fun, thrive, and continue to pursue your enlightenment at the same time. Desiree proves that you can fully immerse yourself in the spirit world while keeping your two designer-clad feet firmly planted on the ground. As long as you keep a sense of humor about it all, you can help other seekers on the path do the same along the way. Please pass this episode along to someone you know who could use a little spiritual boost, but needs that boost powered by down-to-earth realness. To your path, Luke For more about this Episode. Topics Discussed on today's Episode:  How she cured herself of cystic acne, depression, eating disorder and even low self-esteem using Chinese medicine, yoga, and mind control How she uses kundalini yoga kriyas, sexual energy, and rap music to build her confidence  The dangers of self-obsession Overcoming your own ego and self-consciousness by doing embarrassing shit  How to be a yogi and not lose your edge How meditation feeds creativity  How becoming a raw vegan destroyed her health, and how hard it is for some people to digest raw food Why cockroaches are considered a superfood to some Taoist masters The hidden inspiration behind high fashion How what you wear effects your mood and energy, and the value of high fashion as art Overcoming attachments to materialism The theory behind the chakra system, and how the first three relate to and control your primary instincts  The power of singing mantras, and how rough it is when the mantras are sung in English.  Overcoming the awkwardness of dancing in yoga class Lifestyle recommendations MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only a couple spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  EARTH RUNNERS. Minimalist earthing sandals. If you follow me on IG you know that I wear these 95% of the time. Yes, even to parties in Hollywood. They look really dope and improve your biomechanics and the way you walk. But what’s even cooler is that they are grounded via a conductive thread on the straps and a copper plug on the bottom. You’ve been listening to my shows and know how crucial that is. You can watch testing videos with a voltmeter, showing the effect of the sandals in an EMF field. Also featuring a hemp footbed. Save 10% using coupon code "STOREY10" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Sep 27, 2017 • 1h 38min

Brainiac: The Ultimate Guide To Smart Drugs and Nootropics w/ Dr. Dan Stickler #92

Have you ever thought to yourself "I know I'm a lot smarter than I feel."? Does your brain have a hard time keeping up with the demands you put on it? Do you have control over the degree to which you experience brain fog and lack of focus and concentration? If you answer affirmatively to any or all of these inquiries, you might want to consider giving your brain some assistance in the form of nootropics and smart drugs. These are compounds (some natural, some not so much) that assist your brain in functioning at a higher level. Some of them have been clinically proven to improve memory, creativity, focus, concentration, computation, processing speed, and data analysis. In other words, you can hack your brain and become more intelligent by consuming various supplements produced for that purpose. Sounds great right? Who doesn't want to be a bit sharper, especially if that edge can be achieved by popping a few pills each morning? The issue that naturally arises when one considers taking one of these 'magic pill' shortcuts is knowing what to take, and when. What about negative side-effects, and possible dangerous interactions? And how do you know which brands to trust? Well, luckily for you and all of the listeners to this episode, one of the world's leading experts on the subject joined the show to share his knowledge and experience in all things brain-hacking. Dr. Dan Stickler has been researching and using various nootropics for years and is a seemingly endless source of expertise in this fascinating area of personal optimization. So put on your seatbelt, and prepare for takeoff. We're about to enter the depths of human potential. Please use whatever memory power you're currently able to access to share this episode with at least one friend who could use a cognitive upgrade. To a healthy mind, Luke Listen on YouTube! For more about this episode  Topics Discussed:  Defining mind vs. brain  Using the brain to optimize physiology and tap into the collective consciousness  What are nootropics and how they differ from smart drugs Thinking outside the box to shift the human collective  Modafinil: all your questions answered   Qualia's approach and how Dr. Stickler got involved The different compounds on the market incl. racithams, modafinil, PQQ, nupep and other chemicals  Multivitamin, adaptogens, and the truth about compound bioavailability on most supplements  Lithium orotate as a neuro protector and good overall membrane stabilizer  The dangers of fear-based marketing, labeling disease, and the mental construct of illness Health benefits of magnesium and how to get levels up Micronutrient deficiencies in the body and what to look for Best way to supplement beta-carotene  Listening to your body, and how to reach homeostasis  What’s up with vitamin Q2? Rapid-fire tips for sleep Phenibut, melatonin and down regulation  Dr. Stickler’s travel & jet lag hacks General practice for better memory, focus, creativity, flow states and overall intelligence  MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 2 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  JOOVV. Red light therapy device. Once your body absorbs this light it converts into cellular energy which kicks off a series of metabolic events like the formation of new capillaries, elevated production of collagen and the release of ATP, which is stuff the stuff that gives you shit-tons of energy. It also repairs sun damage and wrinkles, it enhances muscle recovery and peak performance, heals acne and other blemishes, speeds up wound healing, fades scars and stretch marks, and increases testosterone production. Red light therapy has been approved by the FDA, no woo woo here folks.  footbed. Save $25 using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Sep 19, 2017 • 1h 10min

Dr. Kelly Brogan: The Truth About Depression and Big Pharma #91

Have you or someone close to you ever been diagnosed with depression or some other mental disorder? Was psychiatric intervention sought out as a means by which to overcome it? Did talk therapy alone work, or did your doctor recommend further treatment in the form of a pharmaceutical solution? If you went on meds, were you told you might need them for the rest of your life? And if you did, in fact, take the medication, was it effective? When you decided it was time to stop taking it, did you experience side effects? I sure did. I've been down this road before, and it's one I would certainly like to avoid taking again. That's why I tracked down this episode's guest, Dr. Kelly Brogan. I wanted to find out what the hell what 'depression' and 'anxiety' actually are, and to discover which lifestyle, dietary, and spiritual solutions might not only be more efficient, but also much safer than the Big Pharma merry go round. Kelly Brogan is one of the nations leading psychiatrists and has helped thousands of patients find natural, practical solutions to depression and other mental and emotional issues through her private practice, and well as in her wildly popular online programs. You will be shocked to find out some of the shockingly limited success rates of traditional, allopathic treatment modalities, and crude (and often inaccurate) methods of diagnosis. But more than anything, what you will gain from this episode is a deeper understanding of the human condition, including our deep-seeded need for human connection, love, and a spiritual orientation to our life experience. It turns out that many of us who have been misdiagnosed and over-medicated are not in fact 'broken' and in need of medical intervention, but rather we are stuck. Since we're not broken, we don’t need fixing. We just need to get unstuck. We need to learn how to orient ourselves in the world in a way that does not necessitate masking and dumbing our discomfort, but rather learning how to live and love our way through it. Listen and learn. Then pass this show along to someone you know who could use a little boost of hope. To your health, Luke For more about today's episode Listen on YouTube! Topics Discussed on today's Episode: What is the root cause of depression and mental disorders? Is depression actually a disease? What about anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia and other mood issues? The spiritual underlying causes How disconnection from our tribal roots makes us vulnerable to mental disorders We explore something called ‘the rat park studies’ which prove that addiction is based on lack of love and connection Why is our culture so terrified of emotional pain? How we can use Kundalini yoga, and meditation to help with emotional and mental issues What’s the deal with the whole serotonin deficiency issue? Is it a real thing? Was I addicted to the drug Effexor? What do anti-depressants actually do to the brain? Do they ever work? What are other solutions we can sick out before going to medication How people with serious mental problems can naturally overcome deep seeded issues How to safely get off of anti-depressants Can eating red meat cure women of depression? How environmental toxins in food and our environment are one of the leading causes of mental and emotional disorders The dangers of eating sugar Why gluten, dairy, soy and GMO’s are so dangerous when it comes to our mental health and well-being Lifestyle recommendations   MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 2 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  JOOVV. Red light therapy device. Once your body absorbs this light it converts into cellular energy which kicks off a series of metabolic events like the formation of new capillaries, elevated production of collagen and the release of ATP, which is stuff the stuff that gives you shit-tons of energy. It also repairs sun damage and wrinkles, it enhances muscle recovery and peak performance, heals acne and other blemishes, speeds up wound healing, fades scars and stretch marks, and increases testosterone production. Red light therapy has been approved by the FDA, no woo woo here folks.  footbed. Save $25 using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Sep 13, 2017 • 1h 24min

JP Sears: I Am Your Guru. How To Be Ultra Spiritual & Humbly Superior #90

Can making fun of yourself (and everyone else) who's into health & wellness, spirituality, and yoga get you to enlightenment? Today’s guest, JP Sears, thinks you can. Base on this interview, he might just be there already himself. But who is JP Sears anyway? You’ll most likely know him for his hilarious, and consistently viral videos on health, various diets, biohacking, and for being 'ultra-spiritual.' In this interview, we discover how JP uses satire and humor as a trojan horse by which to infiltrate the minds and spirits of his viewers, in order to usher in a deeper, more meaningful understanding of life. Self-awareness is a powerful tool by which we can objectively see ourselves as we really are. But how well can we accurately do that? We people are creatures of habit, and often need another set of eyes to reflect reality back to us. JP Sears and his message are that reflection. You'll walk away from this episode with some very powerful spiritual practices that you can start using right away. One of JP's top recommendations is to stop taking ourselves so seriously, and to learn how to stay more connected to the people you love. This is not only a funny and lighthearted show, but it also issues a challenge to each listener: To be willing to honestly and humbly explore their own humanity, and have copious amounts of fun with that process along the way. Do you know one person who loves to poke fun at their own silly habits and personality traits? Of course you do! Please to us all a favor and share this interview with them. Thanks for tuning into the show. We’re creeping up on 1 Million downloads, largely thanks to thoughtful people like you sharing with friends and family. Please continue to do so. It really helps! Luke For more about today's episode Listen on YouTube! Topics Discussed on today's Episode: The sillyness of biohacking practices, and how his videos make fun of everything i do on a daily basis How to recognize approval seeking in your life and on social media, and how to break the habit We examine the massive amount of energy we typically waste on the hyper vigilance of seeking approval Where does the desperate need to be liked come from? We discuss the fact that the more you try to get people to like you, the more they are repelled by you Learning how to overcome shame and own your weirdness How to be truly authentic and find your real identity and personality Where being healthy ends and being obsessive compulsive begins, and how to find a balance How health practices are often used as a distraction from doing the more important inner personal growth work Why spiritual biohacks like human connection, gratitude and love work better than all of the technology-based practices we all use to feel good The power of self-awareness and surrendering to the discomforts of life The new era of transparent advertising and marketing Walking the fine line between effective marketing and being creepy and manipulative Who JP used his humor to stay humble, and help others to awaken Using satire to break attachments to dogmatic views and positionalites The social disease of political correctness, and how he is able to get away with doing comedy in our current emotionally sensitive culture How intention and context determine what our words and our humor mean, and how we choose wether or not our feelings get hurt by others How JP practices prayer and spirituality in his daily life Lifestyle recommendations   MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  EARTH RUNNERS. Minimalist earthing sandals. If you follow me on IG you know that I wear these 95% of the time. Yes, even to parties in Hollywood. They look really dope and improve your biomechanics and the way you walk. But what’s even cooler is that they are grounded via a conductive thread on the straps and a copper plug on the bottom. You’ve been listening to my shows and know how crucial that is. You can watch testing videos with a voltmeter, showing the effect of the sandals in an EMF field. Also featuring a hemp footbed. Save 10% using coupon code "STOREY10" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Sep 6, 2017 • 1h 10min

Abbie Galvin: Katonah: The Most Powerful Yoga You’ve Never Heard Of #89

What do Indian Hatha yoga, Taoist principles, Chinese medicine, and sacred geometry have in common? They all make up the core of this insanely transformative style of yoga known as Katonah. And our guest in this paradigm- bending episode has been teaching and practicing this esoteric form of yoga in New York for twenty-five years. If you've practiced this style of yoga, you already get it. Just click play and listen to Abbie break it all down. If you've not yet experienced this form (or any form for that matter) of yoga, then keep reading about my recent personal experience that led to the recording of this episode. I discovered Katonah Yoga and Abbie Galvin on a recent podcast tour of New York City, at the recommendation of a Life Stylist listener that I happened to meet at a sound bath at The Woom Center, a few doors down from Abbie's studio on Bowery. I signed up for my first Katonah class online that night, then dropped into The Studio the next morning- and I haven't been the same since. Having been a practitioner of various styles of yoga for twenty years, I was expecting some version of a typical yoga flow class that day. What I experienced in Abbie's class was nothing less than incredible. It became quickly evident that this class was more of an intense, small-scale workshop than another teacher-led Hatha flow. This was spiritual science in the flesh. It was physical and emotional transformation, using a seemingly mystical amalgam of various teachings all at once. Using chairs, blocks, blankets, and various other props, Abbie led me and my body through postures and poses that I would have previously thought impossible. This practice had depth, and a seemingly endless potential for expansion. I was sold. So immediately following class I bum rushed Abbie for an interview, to which she graciously agreed. In this episode, Abbie does what only a great master teacher can do: Take nonlinear, universal principles of truth, and distill them down into practical terms in a relatable, simple vernacular. This interview is an exploration into not only the art and magic of Katonah yoga, but of life itself. Its a celebration of the ancient wisdom that has no attainable destination. That’s why it’s called a practice. No matter how hard you try, you never quite arrive. And that’s the true beauty of the journey. Enjoy the ride, Luke For more about this episode Topics Discussed on today's Episode: How and when did Abbie find Katonah yoga, and what is it about? Other forms of yoga she’s practiced, and the current state of affairs in the yoga scene at large The fact that the purpose of yoga was originally intended to prepare the body for meditation Her belief that most yogic movement is not inherently natural to humans  Why she believes the concept of origami folding is more powerful than simply stretching  The importance of strengthening the nervous system to deal with the day to day stresses of life  How the patterns in the body directly mimic patterns in nature  Why Katonah yoga mixes Taoist Chinese theory and indian hatha yoga, and how that actually happened in the first place How the Taoist principles of pattern, and Yin and Yang and nature play into the Katonah practice  The role that sacred geometry plays in Katonah Why are chairs used as the various props used in this practice, and why are they so crucial to its effectiveness? What sort of physical transformations Abbie has seen in all of her years as a teacher? The science behind joint function, and how they relate to the human skeleton and structure, and how Katonah yoga makes your bones stronger How the the body’s organ systems are effected by this practice?  Why community, and teacher/student support and interaction is so crucial to the practice  How Katonah yoga uses various props to create scaffolding to retrain the body’s structure throughout the postures The purpose of yogic breathwork, and its effect on the body How to live your life as a yoga practice, rather than leaving it on the mat, and why she believes yoga is not exercise  How does Katonah yoga effect people’s sexuality? Lifestyle recommendations   MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  EARTH RUNNERS. Minimalist earthing sandals. If you follow me on IG you know that I wear these 95% of the time. Yes, even to parties in Hollywood. They look really dope and improve your biomechanics and the way you walk. But what’s even cooler is that they are grounded via a conductive thread on the straps and a copper plug on the bottom. You’ve been listening to my shows and know how crucial that is. You can watch testing videos with a voltmeter, showing the effect of the sandals in an EMF field. Also featuring a hemp footbed. Save 10% using coupon code "STOREY10" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 29, 2017 • 1h 29min

Nate Martinez: The Healing Power Of Sound And Music #88

Have you ever thought about why your favorite music makes you feel so elated, while jackhammers on the street outside probably have the opposite effect? Did you know that sound vibration can not only change your consciousness, but that it can also heal your mind and body? It sounds like a bunch of woo woo nonsense right? Well, it turns out that there is a lot of empirical and anecdotal evidence to support this theory. There is also a massively exploding interest in sound therapy in the current yoga and meditation scene. Sound baths or sound 'experiences' are becoming ever more popular these days at retreats and workshops the world over. Our guest Nate Martinez is a multi-faceted musician, who has not only made a living playing secular music with legends like The Grateful Dead's Bob Wier, but has also become a popular fixture on the New York new age circuit as a sound therapy practitioner. Using a wide array of rare and strange musical instruments, bells, rattles, whistles, gongs, crystal bowls, and even his voice, Nate has become widely known for his ability to drop sound bath participants (including your faithful host) into the void of blissful stillness with his mind-blowing sound meditation sessions. In this episode, Nate talks to us about the spiritual nature of noise, and how it can be used to soothe the nervous system, and even facilitate spiritual revelations and experiences. It turns out there is a lot more to music than meets the ear, and Nate Martinez is just the guest with which to explore this fascinating area of spiritual research and development. Please do yourself, Nate, me, and a lucky friend a favor by sharing this episode with your favorite music lover. To your ears, Luke For more about this episode What sound healing means  Peer to peer musician chat, and his participation with Bob Weir   What's the difference between sound baths/sound meditation and musical performances/concerts? How sound impacts every moment of our lives and how often we're manipulated by it? Why are we drawn to sound/music and why does it play such an important role in our lives How we listen and the intentions around structured, commercial music: exploring our individual dietary needs for sound How music affects memory recall, and the effects it has especially on Alzheimers patients Brainwaves, sound frequencies, binaural beats and the concept of brain entrainment The mystery and conspiracy of A440 tuning  How sound influences and can shift our brainwaves and assist in achieving meditative states Some of the instrumentations used in sound bath How our subconscious memories of music influence our moods and emotions How we can incorporate sound therapy techniques and gain a better understanding of our environment to distinguish unhealthy sounds and learn to avoid them  Finding ways to use sound as a tool for mindfulness Lifestyle recommendations   MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  HEAL WITH HEAT. Infrared saunas provide essential health benefits such as:  reduce inflammation, detox, burn calories, relaxation and getting you into a parasympathetic state. These units are the ONLY infrared sauna with no EMF or ELF exposure. And like no other, comes with 100% lifetime warranty! Call them up at 800-317-5070. Mention code "LUKE" for $450 off your order, free backrest and free shipping anywhere in the contiguous US! HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 22, 2017 • 53min

Ellie Burrows: Meditating In Manhattan #87

Do you meditate? Or do you think meditation is the privilege and skill of bearded yogis nestled deep in the Himalayas? Do you say you're 'too busy' to meditate, or that it's 'too hard'? It’s true. Meditation can be hard, without the proper training and support. And if you happen to live in a city, you're in an especially tough position: The stress of urban life basically makes meditation crucial for survival (and happiness) but at the same time, the tempo of city living often makes it impossible to find the time or place to give your practice the dedication it deserves. This is exactly where our guest Ellie Burrows comes in. She is not only an avid meditator, but also lives in New York City. Through her business MNDFL, she's made it not only possible- but easy- for frenzied city dwellers to find the solace of meditation amongst the honking horns and ground-shaking trash trucks. Part of a new, conscious-minded school of entrepreneurs, Ellie has created an urban spiritual oasis, and as a result, has helped inspire a quickly growing network and community of spiritually oriented businesses in The Big Apple. In this fun, and enlightening conversation Ellie shares her personal story of spiritual discovery, the challenges of creating MNDFL, and her vision of making meditation a regular part of life for the average person who has no intention of renouncing civilization in favor of a luxury deprived, monastic existence. For the sake of humanity (and the sanity of our nations cities) please share this episode with a meditator or mindful entrepreneur you know. To your peace, Luke For more about the show Topics Discussed on today's Episode: How Ellie left a career in film to pursue her spiritual path The journey of how her business MNDFL meditation came to be, and how she learned to connect consciousness to her career The current state of affairs in New York city's spiritual community, and the positive effects meditations centers like MNDFL are having on the city The importance of re-branding spiritually centered businesses to appeal to a more broad audience How meditation drop in centers encourage user consistency, and overcoming the challenges of keeping up a meditation practice Seeing the benefits of meditation, and the consequences of losing your practice Facing the reality that being spiritually committed is anything but stardust and moonbeams; it gets uncomfortable The importance of facing your demons, and walking through the many dark nights of the soul Spiritual first-aid kit: the two most powerful tools for overcoming emotional pain Lifestyle recommendations   MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" AND...  EARTH RUNNERS. Minimalist earthing sandals. If you follow me on IG you know that I wear these 95% of the time. Yes, even to parties in Hollywood. They look really dope and improve your biomechanics and the way you walk. But what’s even cooler is that they are grounded via a conductive thread on the straps and a copper plug on the bottom. You’ve been listening to my shows and know how crucial that is. You can watch testing videos with a voltmeter, showing the effect of the sandals in an EMF field. Also featuring a hemp footbed. Save 10% using coupon code "STOREY10" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 19, 2017 • 1h 1min

John Wineland: Six Pillars Of Sexual & Spiritual Intimacy, Part Two #86

Are your parents still married? If so, are they happy? If not, why not, and have you carried on the tradition of failed romantic relationships into your adult life? Were mom and dad good role models? Did they teach through demonstration the delicate, yet crucial art of love and intimacy? See what I'm getting at here? I'm making the point that the vast majority of us did not have the best role models as children when it comes to highly evolved, conscious relating. And so it goes- we repeat the same negative patterns of communication and chemistry killing behavior over and over again, most of us remaining baffled as to why our relationships don't work. And even if you're one of the lucky few to which romantic relational skills come easy, is there not always room for a deeper, more vulnerable, more ecstatic expression of love and even sexuality? In our second episode with relationship wizard John Wineland, we explore every facet of romantic, sexual, and even spiritual intimacy. I mean let's face it- without the ability to truly trust your partner enough to be seen to your core, and to express your essence in all its glory, most relationships tend to fall flat and fail to bring us the full potential of human love and expression that we all crave on the deepest level. And furthermore, without deep and unconditional love, even great sex can leave us bored and unsatisfied in the end. To achieve the High Love, you know- the real deal- we need a roadmap. A plan. And we have to have cultivated the physical and emotional strength and fortitude to handle that love once we find it. We must have an understanding of, and control over our masculine and feminine energies to create and maintain the polarity of attraction. Our guest John Wineland has done little else for the past ten years other than explore these skills himself, and teach them to thousands of people all over the world. You my friend and listener now have the distinct pleasure and privilege to bask in some of that wisdom in this epic, double-episode. It's my hope that every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to apply this knowledge in our own lives and relationships, and as a result, break the cycle of failed (or shallow) love that so many of us had modeled for us by our own well-intentioned parents. It's a chance to reexamine ourselves, to experience the six pillars of sexual and spiritual intimacy, and to be able to give and receive the level of deep love we know on some level that we deserve. Send this show to someone you love right now. No seriously. Forward this on to the next seeker of truth and depth. To your heart, Luke For more about the show Listen to Part One Watch the entire chat on YouTube Topics Discussed on today's (Part Two) Episode: Unwinding from toxic feminism Evoking more feminine: how men can step up to the qualities that create a safe container for women to surrender their heart Modern skillset for men to artfully pull women out of their masculine How women can invoke masculine response The importance of animating the extreme in order to create the maximum sexual energy What is sexual polarity, and how to create the energetic arch for intimate play Relationship malnourishment, and how presence is the modern currency The emergence of the conscious, sacred masculine archetype Redefining warriorhood Power struggles, and the jail of self-sufficiency that women often feel and how it pushes away the conscious men they want to attract  Why feminine energy craves being ravished Playing the energetic loop: "I love you, you're so beautiful", "I trust you, I'll follow you anywhere" Lifestyle recommendations    MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY:   ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 16, 2017 • 1h 16min

John Wineland: Six Pillars Of Sexual & Spiritual Intimacy, Part One #85

Are your parents still married? If so, are they happy? If not, why not, and have you carried on the tradition of failed romantic relationships into your adult life? Were mom and dad good role models? Did they teach through demonstration the delicate, yet crucial art of love and intimacy? See what I'm getting at here? I'm making the point that the vast majority of us did not have the best role models as children when it comes to highly evolved, conscious relating. And so it goes- we repeat the same negative patterns of communication and chemistry killing behavior over and over again, most of us remaining baffled as to why our relationships don't work. And even if you're one of the lucky few to which romantic relational skills come easy, is there not always room for a deeper, more vulnerable, more ecstatic expression of love and even sexuality? In our second episode with relationship wizard John Wineland, we explore every facet of romantic, sexual, and even spiritual intimacy. I mean let's face it- without the ability to truly trust your partner enough to be seen to your core, and to express your essence in all its glory, most relationships tend to fall flat and fail to bring us the full potential of human love and expression that we all crave on the deepest level. And furthermore, without deep and unconditional love, even great sex can leave us bored and unsatisfied in the end. To achieve the High Love, you know- the real deal- we need a roadmap. A plan. And we have to have cultivated the physical and emotional strength and fortitude to handle that love once we find it. We must have an understanding of, and control over our masculine and feminine energies to create and maintain the polarity of attraction. Our guest John Wineland has done little else for the past ten years other than explore these skills himself, and teach them to thousands of people all over the world. You my friend and listener now have the distinct pleasure and privilege to bask in some of that wisdom in this epic, double-episode. It's my hope that every one of us will be afforded the opportunity to apply this knowledge in our own lives and relationships, and as a result, break the cycle of failed (or shallow) love that so many of us had modeled for us by our own well-intentioned parents. It's a chance to reexamine ourselves, to experience the six pillars of sexual and spiritual intimacy, and to be able to give and receive the level of deep love we know on some level that we deserve. Send this show to someone you love right now. No seriously. Forward this on to the next seeker of truth and depth. To your heart, Luke For more about the show Part Two airs this Friday Watch the entire chat on YouTube Topics Discussed on today's (Part One) Episode: How the intention of sex determines the outcome John’s definition of true intimacy, experienced as oneness Giving and receiving intimacy, recognizing each other sameness The feminine craves to be bathed in love light and conscious penetration How early trauma imprints your nervous system, and makes intimacy scary The importance of eye contact during sex, and how to maintain sexual polarity On safe intimacy: playing your internal intuitive system to exercise vulnerability and establish boundaries How John defines co-dependency We deeply explore the role of masculine and feminine energies Men and the important of self nourishment  + connecting to their essence in order to withstand the rigors of intimacy and feminine energy  The 6 Pillars defined  The value of communication tools like Imago therapy  Contempt and defense as killers of intimacy and healthy resolution The role of masculine leadership, and creating safe containers for conflict recovery & to establish conscious expectations from a partner As women take on more leadership positions in society, what values men bring into the relationship? TO BE CONTINUED... PART TWO DROPS THIS FRIDAY.  MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC: Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Aug 12, 2017 • 1h 21min

Bootleg Broadcast: Luke Live From New York City #84

This is an event I did a couple weeks ago when I was in NYC for a bunch of listeners just like you, at Cap Beauty Boutique. I had a great time, I recorded it. An hour long talk that’s honest, raw, unedited. All about my lifestyle recommendations for your mind, body and spirit. Warning: The sound is a little dodgy. It's New York City. You will hear horns.  Huge shot out to Cap Beauty founders Kerrilynn Pamer and Cindy DiPrima. They were guests on the show, check out our great chat. Huge shot out to Cap Beauty founders Kerrilynn Pamer and Cindy DiPrima. They were guests on the show, check out our great 2-part episode chat. Luke For more about this episode Topics Discussed: The physical risks of Russian saunas in NYC  and how to avoid getting caught in public sex meet ups  How I survived a cult boarding school only to end up a drug addict  How prayer cured me of addiction  What led to my career as a celebrity stylist and why I eventually retired to start this podcast  How your thoughts and mental conditioning govern your entire life, and how to manage them for your own well being me benefit  My practice of negativity fasting, and why you should never believe the messaging your mind provides you with  How to avoid being controlled by your instincts and emotions  The power of reading spiritual literature The core spiritual principals that I do my best to live by  How I learned one of the most powerful universal truths by smoking Cuban cigars  Why you should avoid tap water and why most filters are worthless  The importance of getting proper sun and nutrition  Why it's crucial to touch the ground on a regular basis  How to use prayer to solve your problems even if you're an atheist  Q&A with audience MY 90-DAY LIFESTYLE DESIGN COACHING PROGRAM Your opportunity to work with me one-on-one. Upgrade your life through my proven system of revolutionary mental, physical and emotional transformation. Only 5 spots available. Apply now for a 15-minute assessment call.    HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.

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