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The Life Stylist

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Dec 25, 2017 • 2h 6min

Cosmic Vibration And Kundalini Rising With Guru Singh #113

Welcome to The 2017 Christmas Show! I elected to release an extraordinarily profound episode on this very auspicious day, and in celebration of a beautiful holiday tradition, decided to feature an older, wise man with a long, white beard as our special guest. However, our Yogic Santa won't be dropping down your chimney to eat up your cookies and milk. Instead, he'll be taking a journey down into your soul- to deliver his transformative message of mysticism to the core of your being. Sounds a lot cooler than the new Sony Play Station, does it not? Life is full of unanswered questions. Here are a few you might have asked yourself at some point if you're of the spiritually curious ilk: What is our higher consciousness? How do we access it, and operate from that universal cosmic intelligence with more consistency? It seems as though the ego-self is waiting at every turn for us to lose sight of it, and allow it to take command of our thoughts and feelings, and thus force us to live at the whims of our lower, instinct-driven nature. So how can one genuinely raise their spiritual vibration, and be nourished from the deep well of love and divine intelligence within us on a more consistent basis? Our esteemed guest Guru Singh has spent his entire life in search of answers to such questions of existential fulfillment, and through the practice of Kundalini Yoga has not only unlocked the sacred code for himself but has helped thousands of students across the globe to find the answers for themselves. Singh is a real spiritual master, and one of the most compelling, thought-provoking, and funny yogis the world has ever known. He is a uniquely gifted teacher and has an uncanny knack for taking profoundly cosmic, quantum-level spiritual science and transmuting it into a simple, applicable daily practice. In this touching and profound episode, you will not only gain an intellectual understanding of some highly esoteric principles, but you'll also experience an authentic freedom of heart and spirit that is rarely achieved by merely listening in on a conversation. Sit back, sip some Yogi Tea, open your heart chakra, and let the Christmas Spirit unfold. Then remember that this is the season of giving, so gift the gift of this episode to someone you love, if your heart is thus guided to do so. Peace and love to you and yours, Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: What is was like to grow up as a third generation yogi A fascinating story of how his family were early adopters of Eastern teachings What the yoga LA scene was like in 1969 when he met Yogi Bhajan What it was like to hang out with spiritual giants like Mutkananda, Satchidanandanda, Osho What his first yoga class was like Did Yogi Bhajan have super human powers? And do spiritual masters use metaphysical tricks to capture the attention of devotees How to be magical yet still logical The importance of learning to quiet the brain mind in order to access to the Total mind How to navigate challenging emotions of anger, loss and despair  How he got his spiritual name and the relevance it has to him all these years later Why he believes language is such a powerful tool for transformation The fact that even enlightened Masters are still humans and make frequent mistakes Uncovering the science behind Kundalini yoga How mantras, music, and sound vibrations raise our consciousness The powerful effects of yogic breath work, and why it's so important to make this practice a part of your life His secret to always tuning into to Universal wisdom when teaching his classes How he used intuition to receive the cosmic downloads over the years How to stay humble and not let your spiritual ego take over your true personality The importance of ego as a part of who we are, and why it's pointless to try and fight it The surprising reason he wears a turban and his spiritual wardrobe choices Tips for keeping the brain active and fully expanded The surprising connection between highly active meditators and schizophrenia Lifestyle recommendations    For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 23, 2017 • 1h

Hydrogen: The Miracle Molecule And Why You Need It Right Now With Tyler W. LeBaron #112

If there was one single, completely safe, natural supplement that possessed a seemingly endless potential of miraculous healing powers, with zero risk or side effects would you want to try it? What if one universal molecule could, prevent hangovers, reduce inflammation, scavenge free radicals, increase physical and mental energy (mitochondria+ATP), promote cellular health, improve cognitive function, improve eyesight, produce better skin health and tone, improve sleep, support healthy weight management, hydrate at the cellular level, enhance athletic performance and decrease recovery time, and eliminate the symptoms of jet lag? By now you should be wondering what this miracle molecule is, and exactly how and why it works. This modern discovery is not new to our world. In fact, it's one of the oldest elements in the known universe. And it's everywhere, all the time. What is new is that the medical and scientific community has made the relatively recent discovery that it can be ingested or inhaled as an anti-aging, health-supporting supplement with unparalleled benefits. This amazing substance is known as molecular hydrogen, and our guest Tyler W Lebaron is one of the worlds leading experts on this fascinating super anti-oxidant, and he has spent years researching the health implications and potential of H2 and continues to advocate for it, and it's medical applications. In this mind-boggling episode you will learn precisely how, due to its small size and bioavailability, hydrogen can easily cross cell membranes, through the blood-brain-barrier and access parts of the cell that other antioxidants are too large to reach. More importantly perhaps, you will learn the most effective methods of ingestion, and how you can start to take advantage of its healing powers right away. In the spirit of the Holiday Season, please give the gift that keeps on giving: This podcast. Share it with a friend who could use an easy to use, yet profoundly effective vitality upgrade. To your health, Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: The science behind the MegaHydrate supplement  Why molecular hydrogen is so effective for jet lag, and how I first discovered it  Free radicals, glutathione levels and how hydrogen works to promote cell health Dissecting the hydrogen molecule, and how it works in the body Hydrogen's evolutionary process as the energy source of life and nature's antioxidant Energy of water, and H2's influence How carbohydrates produce hydrogen gas, and how hydrogen mediates the benefits of fiber  How H2 can potentially improve microbiome  Oxidation vs. reduction: the primordial balance and life giving solvant of water Rectal hydrogen insufflation The side effects of hydrogen therapy  Brief review of some of the products currently on the market  The potential of hydrogen to mitigate the effects of EMF Lifestyle recommendations     For more on this episode, click here.    PRODUCTS FEATURED ON THIS SHOW: VITAL REACTION. Helps fight jet lag, improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, promote cellular health, increase energy, have better skin health and tone, improve sleeping patterns, enhance athletic performance + decrease recovery time, support healthy weight management, hydrate at the cellular level and prevent hangovers.  CODE: LUKEH2.  AND...   LONGEVITY POWER. Some of the most potent superfoods and herbal extracts in the planet. I've been using their products for over 10 years now. No filler, additives, preservatives, GMOs, solvents, dairy, gluten, and tested for mold, metals and pollutants. Super legit. My favorites: Maca Bliss, Epic Reishi & Goji Joy. Discount code: thelifestylist for 5% off HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 20, 2017 • 1h 44min

Real As F**K! Soul Healing With Alyson Charles, The Rockstar Shaman #111

Are you ready to get your soul healed by the Rockstar Shaman? Our guest in this episode is Alyson Charles, and she might just be the cure for what ails you. She's spent the better part of two decades casting the psychological demons not only from her own life but the lives of countless spiritual aspirants of all stripes. There are a lot of healers out there, some real, some not so much. What makes Alyson uniquely impressive is her authentic, vulnerability and all around realness. Through her work as a TV and radio host, she’s brought meditation and sacred ritual to the mainstream in a powerfully creative way. In this interview, Alyson and I dive right into the nitty gritty trauma, shame, doubt, and fear that keep so many of us in the spiritual and professional kiddy pool for way too long. Thankfully, with some self-awareness and a little grace, we don’t have to stay there. We can all use the power of meditation and self-love to put our big boy and girl pants on and get on with living to our highest potential. You’re going to learn exactly what it took to shake Alyson loose from her self-imposed limitations, and how’s she mastered the art of playing big and charging ahead in all of her full, authentic glory. Her story of going from suffering to salvation to service paralleled my own so profoundly that I even had a mini spiritual awakening myself during the recording. Then I almost edited that part out. I found it embarrassing. I texted Alyson for some guidance. She said to keep it in, so I did. In the interest of realness, come what may. It brings me great pleasure to present Alyson and her profound, yet lighthearted perspective on life to you and yours this holiday season. Gift the gift of growth by sharing this extraordinary episode with someone you love. Or even someone you tolerate. This one goes out to your true self. May you love him/her, and never be afraid to let yourself shine. Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: Her profound spiritual awakening and how things have not been the same since Using negative experiences as a tool for growth Do crystals have real powers or is that a fantasy? The dangers of fake-ass healers, and how to avoid them The power of surrender in your life Using leech therapy to rid yourself of demons How to use CBD and THC safely if you're a recovering addict Why Alyson doesn't kill cockroaches What a shaman is and why you need one The benefits of cupping and acupuncture The shamanistic practice of Sananga Eye Drops (sun-anguh) and how it clears your blocked energy The power of tribal (Ha-pay) Rapé tobacco snuff, and why you should try it Oil of gold and its powerful benefits The idea that spiritual enlightenment is not a journey, rather than a goal The power of self-love affirmations, and the fact that they actually work How haters and trolls actually help us grow and gain power and maturity Why it's so important to be vulnerable and authentic when it comes to spiritual growth and personal development How creating this podcast has been the most powerful tool for my own growth Lifestyle recommendations    For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 16, 2017 • 1h 18min

Ending Injuries, Pain, And Infertility With Cold Lasers Featuring Arne Grinsted

You've heard the saying that time heals all wounds right? Well, what if you could speed that process up by say, 10x or more? Thanks to cold laser therapy treatment most injuries, sprains, bruises, burns, and even chronic, significant health issues like infertility and dementia can be permanently alleviated. Imagine being able to treat a sprained ankle yourself, and watching it heal before your eyes in half the time it would take naturally? Or how would you like to zap a budding cold sore or wart before it blooms, or cure arthritis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, acne, or Eczema while sitting on the couch? Does this sound too good to be true? Well thanks to geniuses like our guest Arne Grinsted, who is a highly respected pioneer in the field of cold laser devices, there is an endless treasure trove of not only anecdotal evidence to support these claims but also decades of scientific research, from all over the world. It has been, and always will be the mission of this podcast to bring the most cutting-edge, DIY healing modalities to listeners like you. In this episode, you will learn the history of this powerful technology, and more importantly where laser innovation is heading in the future, and what to look for and avoid in seeking out your path to wellness. If you've suffered from any of the ailments mentioned above and have hoped for a miracle, it might have just arrived, in the form of this show. Give this episode a deep listen, then pass it along to someone you know who is struggling with any of the issues this medical miracle is known to treat. The list is long. Here's to a pain-free life! Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: How he turned his passion for healing people and electrical engineering into a laser company How he found scientific resources to start building lasers in 1982, before the internet The fact that Einstein envisioned laser therapy long before they ever came to fruition The mechanism of healing and the fast production of ATP created by this type of laser How Arne healed a sprained ankle in one day using a laster he made himself The different classes of lasers and what they do What is the Gigalaser, and how it helped 200 out of 300 infertile women get pregnant How lasers have the ability to heal wounds, sports injuries, and even brain conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s How to overcome the restrictions of big pharma and the medical industry as an inventor of alternative therapies Lifestyle recommendations    For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 13, 2017 • 1h 26min

Light + Shadow: Radical Self-Love And Acceptance With Sah D’Simone #109

When you think of spirituality, do you think of unicorns, rainbows and pretty flowers? Do you believe that to become ‘spiritual' you have to be pure? To be holy? Have you attempted to live in bliss, only to find that your pesky old shadow self/ego keeps creeping up behind you and re-asserting itself when life gets a bit challenging? What if the way to the top of the enlightened mountain involved walking right through the fire, and facing your darkest fears, doubts, and shame? Would you still endeavor to take the treacherous journey into the light? Most people don’t, some people won’t, and the rest of them don’t even know there is a mountain to climb in the first place. Our guest Sah D’Simone is no stranger to the dark side. He spent years exploring the shadows of New York City’s fashion scene, and all the materialistic glamour that comes with it, before dropping it all in favor of studying the spirit world with yogic masters in Nepal and India. After many a harrowing inner journey, Sah has emerged as a bright light in the world of personal transformation and meditation. We spend this episode talking about his trip, and about how crucial it is to take the time to cultivate the courage and humility to fearlessly go inside of oneself to excavate the hidden shame, trauma, that often blocks us from true psychic maturity. This intimate and heartfelt conversation takes you on a journey from Sah’s challenging upbringing in Brazil, through his rise to the top of the fashion world, down to the pits of existential hell and back again in a real hero’s journey. You will no doubt gain a better understanding of your psychological blocks, negative subconscious patterns, and most importantly- how to evolve through them by facing them head-on. Enjoy your listen, and Sah reminds us to always remember: You are worthy! Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: How childhood trauma plays out in dysfunctional adult patterns His experience with the Kabbalah Center, and how that helped shape his teaching What it's like to chill with the Dalai Lama Facing of fear, guilt and shame on meditation retreats The value in facing our suffering and shadows head-on The risks involved in taking spiritual pilgrims to Nepal, India, and how you micro biome can freak out on you The power of breathwork How to use the third eye as a point of focus in mediation  The gathering of meditative energy to sharpen the mind How he learned to back up the woo woo of spirituality with science  How his chronic pain went away once he started to serve others, based on the fact that when you wish someone well – you boost your own happy neurochemicals The struggle the hierarchy of skin color growing up in Brazil The importance of self acceptance, and acceptant of ones own sexual preference How he survived being picked on as a kid How a lack of self-worth can manifest in overachieving, and how to fix it Sah shares his excitement regarding the acceptance of mental health issues becoming less shameful  Exact how he made the transition from fashion professional to full-time spiritual teacher, and what that looks like from a business and financial perspective  Lifestyle recommendations    For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 9, 2017 • 51min

Genius Pills: How To Fix Your Focus And Max Your Memory With Abelard Lindsey #108

Does your brain work as well as you'd like it to? How's your memory, ability to focus, and access to creative thought? If you could take supplements and herbs to upgrade your mental performance, and elevate your mood would you? If so, how would you know what to consume, how much of it, and what's safe vs. risky? In this episode, I sit for a chat with Abelard Lindsey, one of the living legends in the nootropic and smart drug scene. He was one of the industry forerunners and is widely regarded as a master formulator of nootropic 'stacks' (recipes). His crown jewel stack, Ciltep is one of the most popular brain supplements in the world, and one that I've regularly used personally for the past three years. Along with Ciltep, Abelard has also created some other powerful formulations under the Natural Stacks product line umbrella. After listening to this show, you'll not only learn how Abelard came up with his now famous Ciltep formula, but you'll also get to the root of the science behind the multitudes of ingredients commonly used in nootropic stacks, and some of the most common side-effects and benefits. Whether you're a veteran of brain upgrade experimentation, or someone brand-new to the practice of mental performance manipulation, this episode will fast-track your strategy and help you to avoid wasting time and money on products that don't work. Do some mental exercise right now, by thinking of one person who could use some brain enhancement and share this compelling episode with them. To your smarts, Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: The advantage of getting to try all the biohacking tech at the conference The invention of Ciltep, one of the most popular nootropics on the planet, which can be found on my webstore luke, along with every other supplement and product I recommend and use myself The role Tim Ferris and Dave Asprey played in making smart drugs popular An insanely in-depth exploration into the most popular ingredients in smart drugs How Nootropics influence your mood, social interactions, focus, attention span and memory How he used smart drugs to become an expert on smart drugs, and eventually produce them The power of Nootropics in protecting the brain from age related cognitive degeneration How to avoid compounds with side effects How one of the worlds top poker players used Ciltep to win 10 million dollars in a competition The reason plant extracts become more powerful when they are logically stacked and combined How some Nootropics makes you anti social, yet productive The benefits and risks of other smart drugs like racetams, phenibut, and modafinil The best nootropic to use to cut down or stop enjoying alcohol altogether How Nootropics effect neurotransmitters and make you happy The law of diminishing returns of megadosing How theanine balances out caffeine The influence of Steve Fowkes, the godfather of smart drugs My top recommended supplement for sleep, and how to maximize its effects by adding collagen Lifestyle recommendations For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 6, 2017 • 1h 49min

The Secret To Creating A Top Rated Podcast That Pays with Jesse Chappus & Marni Wasserman #107

Have you ever wondered what it takes to create, launch, and maintain a hit podcast? As a listener, it appears as though a couple of people set up some microphones, have a chat, and by that process, an episode is effortlessly created. I remember starting my show, thinking “ I know how to find and talk to interesting people. I’ll buy some recording gear, send out a few guest request emails, and I’ll be a podcaster”. Little did I know that creating a show, and putting it out consistently requires a seemingly endless series of tasks, many of which can be extremely time-consuming, not to mention expensive. In this episode, we take a slight departure from our usual format and present a behind the scenes look into the whole process of creating and hosting a podcast. Our guests Jesse Chappus and Marni Wasserman are the creators of one of the top health podcasts in the world- The Ultimate Health Podcast. After only three years in the game, they have turned their passion into a thriving business that has become not only rewarding to them personally but also financially. What makes their story genuinely inspiring though, is that neither of them had any experience in media or broadcasting before launching their show. It’s also worth noting that they are not only co-hosts of the podcast, but also a happily married couple. Jesse and Marni take us along with them through the history of their health and healing journeys, as well as precisely how they continue to grow their audience and strengthen their relationship and financial independence at the same time. If you are a fan of podcasts or have ever dreamed of starting your own, this is the show for you. Having my podcast has been a dream come true, but it has not been without struggle. Along with Jesse and Marni, I reveal in this episode the rewards and challenges we've experienced, and precisely what to expect if you someday take to the mic and create your own show. As rewarding as it is, it's not for the faint of heart. As of today my show has been downloaded 959,314 times. My goal is to reach 1M downloads by New Years Eve 2017. Would you be willing to help? All you have to do is share this episode with one friend, and ask them to do the same. Ease breezy. Here’s to an amazing year, and and even better one to come. Luke Topics Discussed on Today's Episode:     The importance of quality couple time and me time when balancing life as a busy entrepreneur The importance of sharing life values with your partner Is it hard to be in a coupleship if one of you is vegan and the other not Strategies for getting support if your partner isn’t on the same page regarding health, wellness, diet etc Why they started one of the top health podcasts in the world We look behind the curtain into the business of podcasts, and they share exactly how podcasts work, and how they were able to monetize from it The rewards and risks involved in podcasting The power of using a podcast to build professional relationships How advertising on podcasts work, and all of the costs involved in running one The importance of podcast sound quality, and growing your show + keeping listener retention Why your number of iTunes downloads is one of the most important goals, and why iTunes reviews matter Recommendations for listeners who want to support their favorite show How Jesse deals with negative feedback and online trolls Creating a supportive and healthy community online, and offline and why a facebook group is more powerful than a page Why they bailed on twitter, and how to know which channel you should bail on if you are a content creator Their secret to creating consistent content How to biohack your dog, and why raw food is the best The dangers of vaccinating your dog, which ones are most important and how to do it safely Buying puppies from a valid breeder VS. adopting a rescue Lifestyle recommendations   For MORE about this Episode THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 2, 2017 • 1h 14min

Dirty Little Secrets Of Keeping Clean: Organic Beauty and Body With Nadine Artemis, Part Two #106

Do you know that anything you put on your body ends up inside your body? The rule I have followed for many years is to not to put anything on my body that I can't eat. So that means all soaps, shampoos, lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, and anything else you could ever want or need to use to keep your body clean, looking and smelling beautiful should be 100% natural and truly organic if you're going to remain healthy and toxin-free.  In this epic, double episode, our second-time guest and natural body care legend Nadine Artemis delivers the be-all and end-all solution to taking care of our skin, teeth, hair, and health using the most fundamental laws of nature, all backed by scientific research. You will be shocked to find out the truth about sun exposure, sunscreen scams, bras, birth control, and the many insanely dangerous ingredients in the products most of us routinely apply to our bodies. Are you brushing your teeth with poison? Probably. And that’s just the beginning…. However, this episode doesn't leave you hanging, with a head full of fear and confusion. As always, where there is a problem The Life Stylist will find a solution, and this show is richly abundant in answers and affordable, homespun, natural remedies. Using the power of natural, plant-based compounds, botanicals, and essential oils, Nadine has built a life and career as an alchemist in the most real sense, and during this in-depth interview, you'll get access to the secrets of her trade.  Speaking of secrets, let's not keep this show one! Please forward this episode to as many friends as you can, especially the ones who're still using the toxic products. You'll not only be helping educate and support them but also saving the environment, which is where all this nasty product ends up in the end.  To your beauty, Luke For more about the show Listen to Part One Topics Discussed on today's (Part Two) Episode: What are the best and worse foods to eat for skin health  Why eating vegetable oils is the worse The reason Nadine stopped being a vegan after giving birth to her son The important role that essential oils play in the power of natural beauty products, and the scientific research that supports their efficacy How to avoid fake essential oils Your dental microbiome, and why you need it to avoid tooth decay The real reason why sugar rots your teeth Is oil pulling a real thing? And if so, which oils are best to use? The secret to whitening your teeth Why should we avoid doing traditional teeth-whitening at the dentist Lifestyle recommendations   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HEAL WITH HEAT. Infrared saunas provide essential health benefits such as:  reduce inflammation, detox, burn calories, relaxation and getting you into a parasympathetic state. These units are the ONLY infrared sauna with no EMF or ELF exposure. And like no other, comes with 100% lifetime warranty! Call them up at 800-317-5070. Mention code "LUKE" for $450 off your order, free backrest and free shipping anywhere in the contiguous US! AND...  JOOVV. Red light therapy device. Once your body absorbs this light it converts into cellular energy which kicks off a series of metabolic events like the formation of new capillaries, elevated production of collagen and the release of ATP, which is stuff the stuff that gives you shit-tons of energy. It also repairs sun damage and wrinkles, it enhances muscle recovery and peak performance, heals acne and other blemishes, speeds up wound healing, fades scars and stretch marks, and increases testosterone production. Red light therapy has been approved by the FDA, no woo woo here folks.  footbed. Save $25 using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Nov 29, 2017 • 1h 14min

Dirty Little Secrets Of Keeping Clean: Organic Beauty and Body With Nadine Artemis, PART ONE #105

Do you know that anything you put on your body ends up inside your body? The rule I have followed for many years is to not to put anything on my body that I can't eat. So that means all soaps, shampoos, lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, and anything else you could ever want or need to use to keep your body clean, looking and smelling beautiful should be 100% natural and truly organic if you're going to remain healthy and toxin-free.  In this epic, double episode, our second-time guest and natural body care legend Nadine Artemis delivers the be-all and end-all solution to taking care of our skin, teeth, hair, and health using the most fundamental laws of nature, all backed by scientific research. You will be shocked to find out the truth about sun exposure, sunscreen scams, bras, birth control, and the many insanely dangerous ingredients in the products most of us routinely apply to our bodies. Are you brushing your teeth with poison? Probably. And that’s just the beginning…. However, this episode doesn't leave you hanging, with a head full of fear and confusion. As always, where there is a problem The Life Stylist will find a solution, and this show is richly abundant in answers and affordable, homespun, natural remedies. Using the power of natural, plant-based compounds, botanicals, and essential oils, Nadine has built a life and career as an alchemist in the most real sense, and during this in-depth interview, you'll get access to the secrets of her trade.  Speaking of secrets, let's not keep this show one! Please forward this episode to as many friends as you can, especially the ones who're still using the toxic products. You'll not only be helping educate and support them but also saving the environment, which is where all this nasty product ends up in the end.  To your beauty, Luke Topics Discussed on Today's Episode:     Nadine & I cross notes on Ampcoil experience, our new biohacking best friend The importance of sun, and why sunscreens are not the answer  How in ancient times the sun was used as a medical treatment  The fact that thousands of vitamin receptors live in and on our bodies  Why vitamin D3 is one of the most vital nutrients, and why it’s crucial to a strong immune system  How lack of D3 causes bone disease and cavities  The dirty little secret about sunscreen that the industry doesn’t want you to know  Why breasts and genitals need sunshine  Botanical alternatives for dudes Why commercial deodorants are so dangerous, and what to use instead  How using some types of bras increase the risk of breast cancer  Breast shape + buoyancy longevity care for women The environmental impact of using hair dies and chemical beauty products  How women have been brainwashed into using makeup  What are the best and worse foods to eat for skin health  For MORE about this Episode PART TWO airs this Friday! THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Nov 25, 2017 • 1h 24min

Myth-busting The Biggest Fads And Fails In Fitness With Mind Pump, Part Two #104

What if everything you thought you knew about fitness was wrong? Imagine if much of the effort you've exerted in the gym over the years turned out to be a waste of time? Have you ever been disappointed by your muscle gain or fat loss efforts? Or perhaps you've ignored the issue altogether because you didn't identify with the bodybuilding jocks and meatheads who seem to make up the majority of gym culture. No matter what your level of knowledge, experience, or even interest in the world of fitness is, our guests Sal Di Stefano and Adam Schafer from the mega-hit podcast MindPump and are here on the show to deliver the most epic, myth-busting interview ever. They've spent their entire adult lives relentlessly researching and testing every workout and fitness supplement on the planet, and have determined what's effective, safe, dangerous, and in some cases downright BS, and during this interview, they pull no punches when it comes to delivering the raw, uncut truth. With the availability of so much misinformation and continuously evolving scientific research, you owe it to yourself to listen to this cutting-edge report on the current state of affairs in the world of fitness. By the end of this marathon double episode, you'll not only gain a broad understanding or your body, and what forms of exercise best serve it, but you'll also likely laugh your ass off- which also happens to be excellent for your health. Welcome to the wild world of MindPump. Time to get swoll. -Luke PS: Hey, do me a huge favor? Please leave a rating and review in iTunes. Apple has now made it super easy finally! Just load The Life Stylist podcast in the Apple podcast app on your phone, scroll down, and click the 5th star, then write a quick review. What will only take you 30 seconds, will take the show to the next level! Topics Discussed on Today's Episode:     The decline of testosterone over the last 4 generations of men, and the #1 most ignored secret in raising it How functional medicine and bio-identical hormones can improve athletic performance What about Steroids, HGH, L-Glutamine, Creatine, DHEA, Amino Acids... are you wasting your money on all of these supplements? What are the best apps for tracking your health and fitness? Workout Hack: BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) and the risks + benefits involved The effectiveness of machines vs. free weights The importance of your Range of Motion, and how to do an in home assessment Fat shaming vs. fit shaming Why its crucial to not confuse your body image with your self image Lifestyle recommendation For MORE about this Episode Listen to PART ONE THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND...  ORGANIFI. This product has changed the green juice game for me. A green powdered superfood that comes in portable packets perfect for travel, keeping in your car or bag. On-demand instant green juice that is alkalizing, energizing and gives you mental clarity. What else is so special about it? Zero glycemic index & comes with all 11 most important superfoods: turmeric, chlorella, wheat grass, spirulina, mint, moringa, ashwagandha, lemon, beets, coconut, matcha green tea. Awesome stuff! Save 20% using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.

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