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The Life Stylist

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Feb 14, 2018 • 59min

How To Live Forever: The Anti-Aging Revolution With Dr Jane Goldberg #123

Do you believe that as you age, your health and energy have to decline, and that eventual disease is unavoidable? There is a widespread misconception that aging equals illness. Luckily, through lifestyle changes, alternative medicine, and various natural healing modalities, we now have the power to alter the course of our future, and defy the odds that lean toward our eventual decline into degenerative disease and premature aging. Our guest Dr. Jane Goldberg takes us on a journey through her last 30+ years as an anti-aging enthusiast. She might just be one of the world's first female biohackers, and has such a rich history in the realm of natural healing that we could barely fit this dense interview into two full-length interviews. Jane and I spent over three hours in her cutting-edge La Casa Spa and Wellness Center in New York City, trying out all of the various health tech gadgets she uses in her practice, and chatting about everything she's discovered in her three decades of research. If you're interested in maintaining a youthful appearance, cultivating boundless energy, and remaining free of chronic illness and for many years to come, this comprehensive overview will give you years worth of habits, and lifestyle hacks that you can begin to implement right away. The Life Stylist Podcast is about not only looking young, but feeling young at heart, and in energy. Do someone you love a favor and share this episode with them so that they can have an easy-to-follow roadmap of alternative medicine and healing therapies to apply themselves. Here’s to living forever. Or at least living well for as long as we’re here. Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's PART ONE Episode: Taking way back to 1969 when Dr. Bergman started learning about holistic health Getting close to your own poop: she explains the workings of the Colema board, and how she completely revamped her entire intestinal system How Colema board differs from a colonic Why colonics can feel uncomfortable  Why combining PEMF and Ozone with colonics is the most powerful way to do it  How Germany beat big Pharma and is now a leading authority on alternative health Understanding the crucial importance of PEMF, and the phenomenal power of biofeedback based frequency medicine like the Ampcoil The benefits and dangers of taking PEMF devices on airplanes The powerful benefits of ozone therapy, and getting it into your body via ear, anal and vaginal methods The importance of inversion for treating lymphatic stagnation How sensory deprivation chambers increase your creativity and intelligence  The mechanics of flotation chambers explained  How doing nothing is exercise for your brain, and why spacing out is such an effective way to access our most imaginative selves The benefits of psychotherapy and how it compares to meditation  How to create the witness perspective in your daily life   PART TWO drops this Friday, stay tuned!  For more about this episode.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ATHLETIC GREENS. As someone who’s been into superfoods, and supplementation for over 25 years, I’ve seen many a trend come and go. One of those trends is green powder blends. Having tried many of them, and left most of them behind, one I’ve decided to stick with is Athletic Greens. The attention to detail in the ingredient deck and the careful sourcing of those ingredients is really impressive. The inclusion of not only the broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals is fantastic, but also the enzymes and probiotics necessary to fully assimilate those nutrients. Add to that the convenience factor, and the elimination of the need to travel with 20 bottles of supplements, and you’ve got a home run even for the most discerning health connoisseur. If you’re looking for fast acting energy, alkalinity, and nutrient density, Athletic Greens is a home run. AND... HEALTH IQ. Health IQ. All your hard work as a health-conscious biohacker can now payoff in deep savings on your life insurance. Health IQ offers exclusive discounts based on your lifestyle and level of health, so if you're a runner, cyclist, yogi, triathlete, vegan... here's the payoff. Discount code: Lifestylist HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Feb 7, 2018 • 1h 9min

The Vipassana Vortex & Becoming A Buddha With Yung Pueblo #122

In today's climate of spiritual trends, meditation has become one of the hottest. And of course, right? I mean, after all, one of the most axiomatic principles ever uttered by a human is ‘know thyself,' right? And what better way to get to know yourself, but to spend some time alone in silence. But how long would it take to benefit from the practice of quiet introspection? How long could you be silent? How many hours per day could you enjoy (or tolerate) a sitting meditation? How about ten or twenty days without talking to a single soul, spending hour after hour just sitting there doing NOTHING. To some, this prospect sounds like heaven and of course, to others who are less acquainted with their inner selves, this idea might seem utterly terrifying. Our guest Diego Perez (AKA Yung Pueblo) is a veteran of many an inner journey and provides us with a fascinating play by play report on precisely what happens on a Vipassana silent meditation retreat. From this episode, you'll gain a deep understanding of not only the specific protocol of the various meditation retreats but also of the fundamentals of Buddhism, and how to apply the simple yet profoundly powerful principles of the lineage to your everyday life. After all, it's not only what happens on your meditation cushion that matters, but more so how you're able to integrate this ancient wisdom and cause ripples of positive energy to wash over your every moment and to everyone you might encounter on your earthbound journey. Listen, as Yung Pueblo drops knowledge bombs of immense power onto your consciousness, then take a moment to transmit that peace to someone you love by sharing this extraordinary episode with them. Here's to your practice, Luke For more about this episode.  His roots as a kid in Ecuador, and how he got the name Yung Pueblo The current state of human consciousness, and the explosion of Vipassana centers His path from misery to Vipassana The unique donation-based approach of Vippasana Centers Step by step report on what happens on a 10-day Vipassana Meditation retreat Subtle symptoms of trauma, and how they shape our personalities How to apply the principles of Buddhism in modern life Wanting vs. Being: the traps of desire, and how to overcome delusion & anxiety Emotions that arise from clouded Ego, and the liberation path to purity, love & compassion What does it mean to live a life free of suffering The purpose of ego, and why it’s not always the enemy Cleaning up after ourselves, and learning to act through love The physical requirements of Vipassana meditation The cravings and fears that he’s still dealing with On humility and being a “regular” person Lifestyle recommendations   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND... AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 31, 2018 • 1h 13min

The Truth About Toxins And Deep Detoxification with Dr. Daniel Pompa #121

Do you live a healthy lifestyle? If you found your way to this podcast, it's likely that you eat organically, take your vitamins, and do your best to avoid toxins in your environment. You drink clean water, filter your air, and use natural cleaning and body care products. You workout, do yoga, run, and get plenty of good sleep. But what if you were missing a huge piece of the health puzzle? Maybe even the most critical part? The truth is that no matter how health conscious you are, in today's industrialized world we are all exposed to thousands of chemicals on a daily basis. Our air, water, food, earth, and even the buildings we live and work in have been polluted with toxins for at least the past 150 years. It is virtually impossible to avoid the physical accumulation of these substances no matter how much you try. It's almost guaranteed that your body was loaded with a toxic burden before you were even born, due to the environmental and dietary exposure you mother received before and during pregnancy. In this day and age, we’re all born polluted. It's now widely understood and accepted by mainstream medicine and science that most, if not all chronic, and degenerative diseases are caused at least in part by our acute, or long-term exposure to these toxins. Name any condition, and at the root of it, you will find, at least to some degree, toxin exposure. If it's impossible to avoid the accumulation of toxins, even if we make a serious effort to live a healthy lifestyle, what can we do to live a long, and disease-free life? The answer is not living in a bubble of paranoia and sealing ourselves off from the dangers of exposure. The solution to the issue of toxification is of course detoxification. We've got to get this waste out of our bodies. Sounds easy enough, right? But how do you safely and efficiently clean the inside of your body without making the situation worse, or wasting your time doing it incorrectly? Our guest Dr. Daniel Pompa has made a career and amassed tens of thousands of followers by teaching the most cutting edge, and practical methods by which to detoxify your body. In this episode you will learn about his 5-stage detox protocol, that is widely respected all over the world as one of the most scientifically valid, and powerful protocols for purifying your body, and keeping it that way. By the end of this episode, you'll have a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of detoxification, and the mistakes most people make when trying to do it themselves. If you know anyone that's been exposed to toxins (everyone you know), do them a favor and share this episode with them. To your health and happiness, Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: Detoxing from drugs, pesticides and environmental pollutants To get well you must detox the cell Why the way most people detox is ineffective The limits of fasting, bentonite clay and saunas The 5Rs of cellular detoxification The hidden dangers of mold, and why buildings these days are so prone to it now The best way to test your home for mold The best whole house air filter Why metal fillings are so toxic How cellular inflammation leads to disease The importance of diet variation and feast/famine cycles How much your hormones effect your ability to detox effectively The role fasting plays in detox and how to do it right Why ketosis helps reduce inflammation The fact that eating less makes you live longer The hidden dietary neurotoxins and how to avoid them What being fat adapted means and how it helps you, and how to stay toxic free The dangers of root canals Why some people are more sensitive to EMFs, and how it relates to heavy metal burden How we all get lead poisoning in the womb, and what to do about it The power of molecular hydrogen supplementation The controversy with fish oil, DHA, and why some omega fats are bad for you The importance of using toxin binders, and why the ones most people use are ineffective Lifestyle recommendations    For more about this episode.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HEALTH IQ. Health IQ. All your hard work as a health-conscious biohacker can now payoff in deep savings on your life insurance. Health IQ offers exclusive discounts based on your lifestyle and level of health, so if you're a runner, cyclist, yogi, triathlete, vegan... here's the payoff. Discount code: Lifestylist LONGEVITY POWER. Some of the most potent superfoods and herbal extracts in the planet. I've been using their products for over 10 years now. No filler, additives, preservatives, GMOs, solvents, dairy, gluten, and tested for mold, metals and pollutants. Super legit. My favorites: Maca Bliss, Epic Reishi & Goji Joy. Discount code: thelifestylist for 5% off HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 27, 2018 • 1h 8min

The Psychedelics Of Sound & Breath With Elian Zach, Part Two #120

Do you like to get high? Come on, you can admit it. You might not fancy smoking crack in a back alley, but chances are better than even that if you have a pulse, at some point in your life you have used something to alter your state of mind. Your drug of choice might have been chocolate, or maybe just refreshing your Instagram feed one more time, but no matter who you are, we all like to get that hit. To feel happy- to feel free. Or at the very least, distracted. Since the beginning of time, humans have loved to expand their perception of reality and to explore the unknown realms of their inner universe. Through our evolution, we've systematically discovered every mind-altering substance on the planet, and if we couldn't find it, we made it. We've erected sophisticated laboratories, and scoured the jungle floors of The Amazon, all in the great pursuit of getting off. No matter what means we've used to expand our consciousness, the basic fact remains: By and large; people like to get lit. However, when most of us pursue a psychoactive experience, we almost always look outside of ourselves for the chemistry by which to induce the desired state. Except for orgasmic climax, people generally defer to some external stimuli when it comes to escaping the confines of our ordinary embodied state of being. Our guest in this episode, Elian Zach, has made it her life's mission to help people explore the inner dimensions of their minds and souls using two tools older than humankind itself: vibration and oxygen. Or in the case of her uber-popular New York City yoga/meditation hideaway Woom Center, sound and breath. Using an endless array of obscure and outlandish instruments, light shows, and shamanic breathwork practices, she and her partner/husband David Zach-Shemesh regularly take their devoted community of Manhattan cosmonauts on sonic journeys that fall nothing short of miraculous. I’ve taken many a trip with them, and each time experienced a profound shift within, which is why I just had to capture some of that mojo and share it with you. In this epic, double episode, you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about reaching nirvana here on earth. But perhaps the best part is that the only ticket you need to take this psychic cosmonautical voyage is your mind, body, spirit, and breath. Not to mention you can leave out the hangovers, and felony controlled-substance possession charges. Do yourself, and humanity a favor and share this episode with one friend who could use some soul liberation right now. May the longtime sun shine upon you, Luke   Topics Discussed On This PART TWO Episode:    How sound experience became conceptualized for Elian Vocal toning and meditation: sound as a ceremonial setting for self exploration The Woom Center's birth On being a lifestyle entrepreneur, the costs and commitment involved Approaching money as energetic currency to overcome social taboos Finding sanity in the city, and what the future holds for Elian & the Woom Center The explosion of consciousness in New York, and tips on places to explore around the city The esoteric nature of Kabbalah, and how it holds the secrets of the Universe How Kabbalah had a powerful effect on Elian's life & work How different teachers serve you at different times  The mind-blowing effects of Cymatics simply explained The cool meaning behind the name "Woom" Lifestyle recommendations Missed Part One? Catch it here.  More on this episode...   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 24, 2018 • 1h 7min

The Psychedelics Of Sound & Breath With Elian Zach, Part One #119

Do you like to get high? Come on, you can admit it. You might not fancy smoking crack in a back alley, but chances are better than even that if you have a pulse, at some point in your life you have used something to alter your state of mind. Your drug of choice might have been chocolate, or maybe just refreshing your Instagram feed one more time, but no matter who you are, we all like to get that hit. To feel happy- to feel free. Or at the very least, distracted. Since the beginning of time, humans have loved to expand their perception of reality and to explore the unknown realms of their inner universe. Through our evolution, we've systematically discovered every mind-altering substance on the planet, and if we couldn't find it, we made it. We've erected sophisticated laboratories, and scoured the jungle floors of The Amazon, all in the great pursuit of getting off. No matter what means we've used to expand our consciousness, the basic fact remains: By and large; people like to get lit. However, when most of us pursue a psychoactive experience, we almost always look outside of ourselves for the chemistry by which to induce the desired state. Except for orgasmic climax, people generally defer to some external stimuli when it comes to escaping the confines of our ordinary embodied state of being. Our guest in this episode, Elian Zach, has made it her life's mission to help people explore the inner dimensions of their minds and souls using two tools older than humankind itself: vibration and oxygen. Or in the case of her uber-popular New York City yoga/meditation hideaway Woom Center, sound and breath. Using an endless array of obscure and outlandish instruments, light shows, and shamanic breathwork practices, she and her partner/husband David Zach-Shemesh regularly take their devoted community of Manhattan cosmonauts on sonic journeys that fall nothing short of miraculous. I’ve taken many a trip with them, and each time experienced a profound shift within, which is why I just had to capture some of that mojo and share it with you. In this epic, double episode, you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about reaching nirvana here on earth. But perhaps the best part is that the only ticket you need to take this psychic cosmonautical voyage is your mind, body, spirit, and breath. Not to mention you can leave out the hangovers, and felony controlled-substance possession charges. Do yourself, and humanity a favor and share this episode with one friend who could use some soul liberation right now. May the longtime sun shine upon you, Luke   Topics Discussed On This PART ONE Episode:  Elian's journey from acting to consciousness How language is sound Her husband and partner David, and how he was an influence in her path to sound healing All the natural means by which humans can explore their senses and consciousness The Burning Man phenomena, and why people keep going The impact of collective intention, and how it makes a difference in the ecosystem of the world The role of drugs and plant medicines in spiritual pursuit My LSD trip and the takeaway gift The value of doing psychedelics with conscious consumption The drugs your body makes during breathwork Stanislav Grof and LSD research The types of breathwork, and how they effect us Her experience with Holotropic Breathwork Different breathing patterns as related to yoga, and how they remove past trauma and negative emotions The importance of having a sitter when practicing intense breathwork ... To be continued on Part Two this Friday! More on this episode...   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND... AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 17, 2018 • 2h 20min

Supercharge Your Mind With Neurohacker Collective, Feat. Daniel Schmachtenberger #118

Would you like to be able to hit your flow state on demand? Can you imagine having command over your mental focus, creativity, memory, and even your emotions? What a different world it would be if we humans held the power optimize our consciousness, and as a result, our psychological relationship to each other, and to the planet we all inhabit. Our guest Daniel Schmachtenberger has dedicated his life to figuring out simple solutions to complex problems. The world is a complicated place. Health and happiness tend to elude many of us, due to how overwhelming it can be to figure it all out. Most of us have a desire to make a positive contribution to the world and to derive meaning from our lives, but often don’t know where to start. But to effect positive change globally, we each need a method by which to improve ourselves on a micro level, before branching out to make the monumental changes we likely need to thrive, or perhaps even survive, as a species. Daniel believes that more significant societal issues will more easily be solved using a broad, systemic approach. The catch is that we as individuals have to get our biology and mindset in order first. His mission is gaining momentum through Neurohacker Collective, an organization dedicated to discovering the most cutting-edge technologies for human performance. Their flagship product, Qualia, has taken the nootropic and smart drug world by storm and has quickly emerged as one of the most widely respected, highly studied brain supplements on the market. (Just about every episode of The Life Stylist Podcast recorded in the past year has been done so under the influence of this remarkable product.) In this mind-blowing episode, we learn not only why Daniel and his team created Qualia, exactly how and why it works so well, but also what Neurohacker Collective has in store for the future. Trust me when I say, this is not a future- or episode- you will want to miss. As you listen to this powerfully inspiring conversation with Daniel, think of one person you know who is interested in enhancing their mental and emotional intelligence, and overall quality of life, then share this show with them via text, email, or social media. Here's to upgrading your neurology, Luke For more on this episode Watch it on YouTube! Some Of The Topics Discussed:  His homeschooling experience, and how his parents used facilitation of interests vs. curriculum to maximize his potential as a human How kids are born with innate fascination, and the consequences of not supporting their curiosities with intelligent foundational facts  The current educational model and how it trains us to be sharp cogs in an industrial world, hindering unique genius actualization Why a large number of Millennials aren't having kids Why the smartest people tend to be employees and not entrepreneurs Epigenetics and unhealed trauma as consequences slavey, genocide and other endemic damages from Imperialism Post-modernism, biases, partial truths, and the dangers of using metrics to simplifying complex systems The artificial demands of broken Capitalism, why we are running a race towards the apocalyptic cliff, and alternatives for the future All human beings alive today have some degree of mental illness, and what we can do about that Depression, addictions, lack of fulfillment and other problems that stem from hyper-stimuli The longing for authenticity and meaningful human interactions The pursuit of happiness and the foley of looking for it "out there" The importance of integrating psychiatry and pharmacology to understand and up-regulate the human networks and bio hardware The origins and the vision of Neurohacker Collective for decreasing suffering and increasing capacity & positive disposition Defining drugs, and what distinguishes legal vs. illegal Top smart drugs and nootropics, why and how they work, and some of the risks and benefits involved in their use Taking empowered responsibility through self education The importance of addressing the foundational aspects of wellness over using biohacking to patch & support shitty performance His favorite biohacking tech Geoengeenering, Chemtrails, and the effect it has on our brain and biology What is environmental psych, and how to biohack it Lifestyle recommendations    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 9, 2018 • 1h 16min

Biohacking Babies: Hospital Vs. Home Birth And How To Have Healthy Kids With Dr. Robin Berzin #117

How do you make a baby? You just add male and female bits together, and nine months later out pops a cute little tike right? Sure, that's accurate at its core, but what if you want to make a healthy baby? A healthy baby is a whole other story altogether. There are so many things to consider,  such as the two-year detox process the mother (and even father) need to embark on before conception, including the cessation of birth control pills. Then there's the period of gestation, when the mother needs to protect and nourish her body, to increase the likelihood of complication-free birth. Once the first nine months have passed, and the time of actual delivery arrives, there are endless, and profoundly impactful considerations regarding where and how to deliver the baby. The most meaningful decision is of course whether or not to have a home or hospital birth- a natural, or medicalized experience. Both have their risks and benefits. 
 Then once the little one arrives into this world, parents are faced with a multitude of other choices around breastfeeding, vaccination, circumcision (male genital mutilation) and what to feed the kid once they've been weened. The whole ordeal is incredibly complicated and wrought with potential confusion and misinformation. 
 Thanks to our guest Dr. Robin Berzin, you will learn the ins and outs (no pun intended) of the whole reproductive process directly from a new mom, who's done all of the research herself from start to finish, applying the most cutting-edge knowledge available to date to her own birthing experience.  
 Dr. Berzin not only been through it herself but has spent much of her adult life in pursuit of the most effective model of medical care, from the perspective of functional and western medicine.  From this episode, you will gain laser-focus clarity on the different options available to you and your family, and how to navigate some the most meaningful and vital decisions of your life. Decisions that will directly affect your offspring, and quite possibly the generations that will follow.
 Do the world a favor and please share this profound episode with someone you know who’s likely to procreate at some point. The power of information like this cannot be over estimated. 
 Here’s to making love. And happy, healthy babies. 
 Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: Possible dangers and complications of a tradition hospital birth, and those of home birth What exactly does a home birth entail, and is it risky? What is a midwife, and what is their role in a home birth How do you find and work with a qualified Doula? And why Robin chose to use one for her home birthing process How the environment in the room affects the baby as it pops out: the lighting, the sounds, the smells, the people present, the energy… How she actually had to abandon home birth in the middle of labor, and rushed off in an Uber to the hospital What to do if the natural approach isn’t working, and having to go with interventions like an epidural, or C-section The importance of making sure that you and your doctor are on the same page by covering important topics early on The expense of a hybrid style birth such as the one Robin did Are ultrasounds dangerous? The systematic problem with medicalized birth and pregnancy, and how the medical system is milking people for money unnecessarily Why it’s crucial to get the inside of your body clean as possible before even getting pregnant How Robin tested really high in mercury before getting pregnant, and did a heavy metal detox before having the pregnancy The risks of birth control pills, and why you should be off it for at least two years before having a baby What's the deal with banking eggs, and why you might want to do this right now The role of stem cell therapy in relation to birth The concerns with mammograms The main causes of breast cancer, and how to avoid it What are the benefits of eating the placenta? What is delayed umbilical cord clamping, and why you should do it The issues with the male genital mutilation practice we call circumcision, and why you should’t do it to baby boys Why vaginal swabbing is absolutely needed if you have a C-section  To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? The controversy, the truth, and the hype The vital importance of breast feeding and the benefits of the good bacteria in mother's milk  Lifestyle recommendations    For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: LONGEVITY POWER. Some of the most potent superfoods and herbal extracts in the planet. I've been using their products for over 10 years now. No filler, additives, preservatives, GMOs, solvents, dairy, gluten, and tested for mold, metals and pollutants. Super legit. My favorites: Maca Bliss, Epic Reishi & Goji Joy. Discount code: thelifestylist for 5% off HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 3, 2018 • 1h 8min

Stairway To Heaven: The Magic & Mystery Of Modern Meditation With Emily Fletcher #116

Welcome to the first episode of 2018! Right about now we're all thinking about our goals and intentions for the new year and making decisions that will shape our future for this one and beyond. This means that most of us are planning strategies, and lists of actions that will deliver the results we want. But is not the common goal of almost everyone to just be happier? More satisfied? To have more peace of mind? Well what if the actions one needs to take aren't actions at all, but rather 'non-actions'? I mean, if the end goal is peace then it stands to reason that perhaps taking some time to unwind, de-stress, and unscramble our connection to god might just be the fastest route to our desired outcome right? Our (second time) guest Emily Fletcher has spent over a decade teaching thousands of people all over the world the fine art of doing nothing. Well, some casual onlookers might call it nothing. But for those of us in the know, myself included, we call it meditating. Yep, good old-fashioned meditation might just be the most significant performance-enhancing activity one can adopt or improve upon this year. Meditation, which was once perceived to be a rare and unique skill only available to exalted beings and mystics from the East, has become increasingly more accessible thanks to knowledgeable (yet relatable) teachers like Emily and her genius company Ziva Meditation, the location at which this very show was recorded. In this episode, Emily breaks down the practice of meditation in a super compelling fashion. She gives us the mystical, esoteric dynamics of meditation that seem to defy all logic, yet tickle our whimsical, curious nature, while still dropping the hard science truth bombs potent enough to break down the intellectual walls of the most prudent skeptic. So whether you're already rooting for team woo-woo, or are so deeply entrenched in your need for 'proof' and 'the science,' you will leave this interview with an infectious excitement to learn to meditate from the start or even to ramp up your existing practice to an impactful level. Based on my personal history of 20+ years of meditation, I can genuinely say that committing to a bonafide regular practice might just be the best thing you did for yourself in 2018, and perhaps even the most significant contribution you can make to your family, friends, and humanity as a whole, given our current and dire need for more enlightened souls on the planet. Do all of us a favor and please share this episode with someone you know who could use some meditation in thier life, or one who just needs a little nudge to pick it up again after letting it slip away. Here's to your consciousness rising in this glorious new year. Luke   Topics Discussed On Today's Episode: How meditation promotes empathy and gives you access to right brain intuition Why her practice involves meditating 2x a day for 20 minutes, and why it's so important to follow that tradition Tips for keeping your practice, epically that elusive afternoon session The math on burning units of stress Why proper meditation training is key to avoiding frustration Other tons of practical tips on how to keep your practice consistent and improving What the 3 M’s are, how they will change your life, and why they are the basis of Emily’s upcoming book "The M Word" The fact meditation is a psychic detox where old negative feelings may surface and be released, and how trauma can be healed The practice of Vipassana (10 day retreats) and the powerful effects they produce Why 44% of American women are on antidepressant/anti anxiety medications How "the only away around it is through it” when it comes to dealing with our scariest issues, thoughts and feelings How meditation improves the communication between the right & left hemispheres of your brain, and how that produces the most powerful manifestation in your life Some spiritual tools for manifesting your goals and intentions The dangers of "I'll be happy when” syndrome, and what to do instead We examine the proverb: "when you climb the mountain, you get to see all the mountains you have left to climb”, and how to not give up on yourself How to use self referral for happiness instead of material referral, and how to use your desires as GPS to deliver fulfillment The miraculous effect working with a Life Coach had on Emily How meditation fixes your "fight or flight” response to life How meditation can give you mind blowing sex, and important tips of you're trying to get pregnant The effects meditation has on your neurotransmitters What are mirror neurons, and why they matter Lifestyle recommendations    For more on this episode, click here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Your discount hookup is 15% off when you use "THELIFESTYLIST" coupon code.  AND... AMPCOIL. A unique and powerful device that merges PEMF, biofeedback, bioresonance, Tesla and sound technology into an all-in-one wellness system for home use. A technological solution for detox and to help address Lyme-related symptoms, including co-infections, autoimmune conditions, and other health challenges. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Jan 1, 2018 • 1h 37min


Welcome to the New Years Eve 2017 Bootleg Broadcast Episode! Today’s show is a live recording of a mindfulness talk I gave October 27th, 2017 in my hometown, Aspen Colorado. The event was recorded at Aspen Shakti, the day before I led a meditation at the Lead With Love festival. The Shakti talk was arguably the most intimate and vulnerable public presentation I've ever given. It was a considerable act of courage just to show up and be as open-hearted as I was, but even more so to follow through with releasing it as a podcast episode. I sat on this recording for a couple of months, not sure if I was ready to publish such a brutally personal presentation. I bared my soul. I talked about my past as a criminal, drug dealer, drug addict, and many of my most profound and most personal struggles and insecurities. I even spoke about my spirituality- my relationship with GOD. I cried. Twice. I mean, who in their right mind records that, then puts it out into cyberspace? Well, I guess I do if it serves a higher purpose. And the purpose was, is, and always will be to help others overcome the challenges we all face by sharing how I'm overcoming mine. As I was reflecting on the passing year, and my most valuable lessons, it suddenly occurred to me what my single most impactful discovery has been: The immense power of keeping it real and giving zero f**ks. That's the moment I knew I owed it to myself to go ahead and publish this episode, come what may.  This year, I have found to my surprise that the more authentic, vulnerable, and honest I am- the more intensely people resonate with my message. So if I want to make a meaningful contribution to society, I must be willing to sacrifice my pride, and just bring the truth to every situation I find myself in. Even if that situation is a very public talk or podcast episode. It's been such a massive internal revelation to find that after a lifetime of being afraid to allow myself to be seen and to be vulnerable publicly and privately, that those fears were unnecessary and illogical. They were in fact, phantoms. It turns out that it's perfectly safe to be seen, to be known.  It's become so clear to me that the more open and honest I can be, the more significant the positive impact I can have in the world. A simple concept, but for me, this has been a genuinely liberating year, having experienced this truth at depth. So that's what this Bootleg Broadcast is all about: Surrendering to your highest potential and creating a space for others to feel free enough to do the same. The net result of all of this is real intimacy and unconditional love. And that's what we're all looking for in the end, isn't it? As I wrap up 2017 and set my goals for 2018, I've taken some time to reflect and to apply gratitude for all the gifts I received via this podcast. Here's a brief recap of The Life Stylist Podcast 2017: The show hit 1 million downloads! That was the goal I set in 2016, and thanks to listeners like you we made it! We even cracked the iTunes top 200, ranking at 118 at our highest point. That's out of tens of thousands of other podcasts. So huge for a brand-new show! I’m also really stoked to have the podcast hosted on Spotify, which was another goal this year. Now, on to the 2018 podcast goals: To hit 5 million downloads, and to continue to improve the production quality of the show and the magnitude of future guests. Want to help me to achieve my goals for the show in 2018? Here are a few ways in which you can support the podcast: 1. Keep sharing the show with friends and family! Text and email it to people, share it on Facebook and Instagram. Tell the world you're a listener. 2. Join the new Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. This is an excellent way for us to stay in touch, and for you to meet and hang with the other listeners. Find the group here: 3. Follow me (@lukestorey) on Instagram, to watch my live feeds, and stories. Instagram is where I share my most outrageous and hardcore content, mainly because it drops from the feed after 24 hours. 4. Shop at my online store to help support the mission, my work, the show, and our sponsors. Go to where you will find every single health-related product that I recommend. You'll also find tons of exclusive discount codes there as well. So everyone wins. 5. If you feel like being a super-fan, mega- supporter, you can make a one-time or recurring monetary donation on my support page: 6. Subscribe to my email list, so you get notified of new episodes, videos, podcast recording live streams, and all of the links and show notes from each episode! To join the newsletter do this: In the US text the word 'lifestylist' to the # 44222. (one word, all lowercase) Or simply go to Thank you so much for supporting The Life Stylist podcast this year, and I am beyond thrilled to keep delivering the goods directly to your eyes and ears in the coming year. The highest blessings to you and yours, Luke Topics Covered:  Bob's start with biohacking, and how he overcame exhaustion The Bulletproof diet and analyzing his amazing results Labs and base-level testing Checking cortisol and adrenals for sleep and energy disorders  Ketosis explained in simple terms Meters for testing ketones and glucose levels What are exogenous ketones? The truth about ketone supplements, and how to use them safely What are the best tracking devices for sleep  Mastering deep ketosis, and the possible risks of doing it wrong Why is the Oura Ring, and other warn tracking devices so useful for biohackers The hottest current self-tracking devices  Measuring indoor EMF levels, and testing the EMF levels on my podcast recording headphones Does grounding or ‘earthing’ technology work? The power of niacin sauna detoxes Testing your indoor air and water  What's best for sleep performance  Experiments gone wrong How do you find balance between self-obsession and caring about your health?  Lifestyle recommendations  For more about this Episode HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.
Dec 29, 2017 • 1h 48min

Quantified Bob: The King Of Biohacking On The Secret To City Living #114

If you're reading this, the chances are that you're relatively interested in your health. You know, taking your vitamins, eating organic, hitting the gym, or some yoga here and there, right? Or perhaps you've chosen to make your health a top priority, and taken your lifestyle to the level of a legit biohacker? That's when things get exciting right? You know, all the fancy gadgets, exotic herbs, weird breathing techniques, and endless bottles of costly 'magic bullet' supplements. With each new device, pill, or practice, comes more guesswork, research, trial, and error, and let's face it- a grip of out-of-pocket expenses. And if you live in a big city, the toxic impact on your biology is even more significant, and thus so is the need for self-directed intervention if you want to achieve optimal health and well-being. But what if 90% of your efforts were in vain? What if all of your self-diagnostic, or 'Dr. Google' tests were bunk? How do you ever know if you're spending your time and energy on the stuff that works? Well, lucky for you our guest this episode has cracked the code of personal optimization. What makes his way of biohacking so efficient, when so many other approaches fail? Tracking. Testing. Quantifying your results. In fact, Bob Troia has become so proficient at the fine art of hacking himself that he's known all over the world as Quantified Bob. And quantify he does. Everything. Sleep, diet, exercise, gut health, hormones, nutrient saturation, stress levels, mood, and the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of just about every biohack known to man. As a long-time resident of New York City, Bob's had to perfect his detox and nourishment protocols to maintain optimal health, and he's generously joined the show to share his many coveted secrets with you. If you're someone who wants to get into the quantified self scene at the novice level, this episode has got the goods for you. You're going to save yourself years of futile, newbie guessing games. But if you're already well on your way to the biohacking big leagues, Bob is going to blow your mind with his innovations to the practice, and share some powerful tips that will keep you busy for a long, long time to come. If you have a friend that could use some insights into managing their health, pass this episode along to them. It might just peak an interest that could save their lives further on down the road. To your health, Luke Topics Covered:  Bob's start with biohacking, and how he overcame exhaustion The Bulletproof diet and analyzing his amazing results Labs and base-level testing Checking cortisol and adrenals for sleep and energy disorders  Ketosis explained in simple terms Meters for testing ketones and glucose levels What are exogenous ketones? The truth about ketone supplements, and how to use them safely What are the best tracking devices for sleep  Mastering deep ketosis, and the possible risks of doing it wrong Why is the Oura Ring, and other warn tracking devices so useful for biohackers The hottest current self-tracking devices  Measuring indoor EMF levels, and testing the EMF levels on my podcast recording headphones Does grounding or ‘earthing’ technology work? The power of niacin sauna detoxes Testing your indoor air and water  What's best for sleep performance  Experiments gone wrong How do you find balance between self-obsession and caring about your health?  Lifestyle recommendations  For more about this Episode THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HEAL WITH HEAT. Infrared saunas provide essential health benefits such as:  reduce inflammation, detox, burn calories, relaxation and getting you into a parasympathetic state. These units are the ONLY infrared sauna with no EMF or ELF exposure. And like no other, comes with 100% lifetime warranty! Call them up at 800-317-5070. Mention code "LUKE" for $450 off your order, free backrest and free shipping anywhere in the contiguous US! AND...  JOOVV. Red light therapy device. Once your body absorbs this light it converts into cellular energy which kicks off a series of metabolic events like the formation of new capillaries, elevated production of collagen and the release of ATP, which is stuff the stuff that gives you shit-tons of energy. It also repairs sun damage and wrinkles, it enhances muscle recovery and peak performance, heals acne and other blemishes, speeds up wound healing, fades scars and stretch marks, and increases testosterone production. Red light therapy has been approved by the FDA, no woo woo here folks.  footbed. Save $25 using coupon code "LIFESTYLIST" HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Starting and growing a podcast requires a ton of time, energy, and money. Do you appreciate this information, and want to support my mission to deliver as much life enhancing information as possible to as many people as possible? The easiest, and most effective way you can help is to do this: 1. Go to and donate towards show production costs 2. Subscribe to the show by clicking “subscribe” in iTunes 3. Write us a review in iTunes 4. Share this show with 1 friend right now You’d be amazed how much these four simple steps do to help us grow! Here’s the magic link for reviews. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening, and joining me on this journey we call life.

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