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The Life Stylist

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Jan 21, 2020 • 2h 13min

The Future Of Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Save Your Life (And The Planet) W/ Julian Mitchell #255

From the time a coffee cherry is harvested and processed to the time a cup of coffee is poured into your mug, an extraordinary amount of waste is created — and when you add it all together, global coffee consumption is responsible for more than 23 million tons of waste annually, according to sustainability researcher Gunter Pauli. Among that heaping pile of waste are hundreds of thousands of pounds of wet coffee grounds. What if that didn’t all have to be waste, though? Back in 2015, our guest Julian Mitchell and his co-founder Ryan Creed discovered how to grow gourmet mushrooms from waste coffee grounds. Immediately, they saw an opportunity to reverse this waste problem and turn it into something positive by creating Life Cykel, a biotechnology company focused on creating products and services that improve both human health and planetary harmony. So, not only is Life Cykel converting coffee waste into mushroom farms (and teaching others how to do the same thing), they’re also creating some incredible products from these high-quality functional mushrooms. We’ve talked about the incredible health benefits of mushrooms on the show before, but now we can get those same benefits knowing that we’re actually reducing the total amount of waste polluting our planet. That’s a win-win in my book, and that’s why I’m excited to be supporting Life Cykel’s mission. If you want to add mushrooms to your biohacking routine, you can use the code “LUKESAVE20” to get 20% off at   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Creating the future of food The most nutritious strains of mushroom Why it’s so difficult to grow mushrooms (as many aspiring trippers have learned) What you need to know if you want to grow your own mushrooms An incredible new documentary, Fantastic Fungi Why mushrooms aren’t plants — they’re part of their own kingdom Can we get contaminated from mushrooms grown on coffee grounds? How to choose high-quality mushrooms The dual-extract process that Life Cykel uses to get the medicine out of the fungi How to identify whether your mushroom-based products are using high-quality mushrooms Why I use a variety of different mushroom-based products in addition to Life Cykel: Four Sigmatic, Longevity Power, and Real Mushrooms Researching the supply chains of the products that you use How different functional mushrooms can be used in your biohacking tool belt Why Lion’s Mane is the closest you can get to a psychedelic mushroom (without tripping) Mushroom biotechnology applications for a healthy planet beyond growing mushrooms   More about this episode.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at   AND...   JUST THRIVE. Imagine this: a probiotic that actually does what it is supposed to do! I’ve tried so many different supplements, and when you find the right one — the one that really works — it’s like winning the lottery. So I was psyched when I tried Just Thrive Probiotic, the first and only spore-based probiotics and antioxidants. Their products have been the subject of groundbreaking clinical studies and demonstrated incomparable effects on the gut, even healing leaky gut. It’s super simple and it just works. You can use code ‘luke15’ for 15% off at   AND…   FOUR SIGMATIC. 64% of the U.S. population is already drinking coffee, but 100% of us should be drinking Four Sigmatic coffee — because it’s more than just coffee! It has Lion’s Man, which is my favorite medicinal mushroom because it helps with focus, productivity, and creativity. It’s just like a little biohacking bomb for your brain! And what I love most about Four Sigmatic is that you can get all of that in an instant coffee, which is great for when you’re busy or on the go or just don’t want to make a cup of coffee. And of course we have a special offer for the  Life Stylist podcast audience. You will get 15% off your Four Sigmatic order when you use the code LUKESTOREY at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW.   Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Jan 14, 2020 • 2h 13min

EMF Solutions: Harmonizing Your Home & Travel W/ Somavedic #254

10 years ago, Juraj Kocar was struggling with high blood pressure, chest pain, and constant dizziness. So he went to the doctor, as we’ve been taught to do, and he was given pills to treat those symptoms. When he asked how long he should take them, they said he’d take the pills for the rest of his life. A life sentence of pharmaceuticals didn’t cut it for him. So Juraj started researching and dabbling in biohacking, which led him down the deep, dark hole of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and discovering the Somavedic. He ended up joining the company after the device changed his life, and he’s now the CEO. There are a lot of devices out there that claim to protect you from EMFs — I’m dubious of some, but I’ve talked about the ones I use and know work on this show quite a bit — but Somavedic approaches this issue a little differently. Somavedic is a functional and broadly accessible frequency therapy device harmonizing the negative effects of EMF on our bodies by leveraging the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals, combining an Eastern medicine approach with frequency therapy technology.  That may sound a little out there, but there’s been a lot of research validating the properties of minerals and the effect of their specific vibrations on the ambient environment and the human body — not to mention the thousands of years that humans have used crystals for a variety of purposes. Of course, I also don’t believe in the efficacy of a product until I’ve used it myself! I’m pretty impressed by these little glowing glass jars, so I invited Juraj onto the show to teach us more about how and why Somavedic works. If you want to try it out yourself, you can get 10% off using code LUKE10 at   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Becoming aware of EMFs The dangers of a dogmatic diet Protecting yourself from your phone How Juraj first learned about the Somavedic The story of inventing the Somavedic Why does the Somavedic need to be plugged in? How the Somavedic is constructed What is Geopathic Stress and how does Somavedic help relieve the effects of it? Why neither of us will go through those big creepy sensors in the airport Can you use the Somavedic too much? Restructuring water with the Somavedic The research of Masaru Emoto Other effects of Somavedic on the world around you The “nocebo effect” What’s with the color?   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BLUBLOX. BLUblox offers a complete range of evidence backed blue light blocking glasses to suit every need. Their signature Sleep+ lens blocks 100% of blue and green light from 400-550nm giving you optimal melatonin release and the best sleep ever. They also offer daytime blue light glasses and an awesome 100% black out sleep mask. The entire range comes in non-prescription, prescription, readers with free worldwide shipping. They also offer an epic send your own frames service. Use code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at AND... JOOVV. If you’ve been listening for a while or following Luke on social media, you’ve probably seen him raving about red light therapy, or photobiomodulation. There are over 3000 published clinical papers on light therapy – over 200 being double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled – making this arguably the most well-researched bio hack in Luke’s arsenal. Some of the benefits include increased skin health, better muscle recovery, better sexual performance, and reduced joint pain and inflammation. So you can see why Luke is so into it... and why all of his friends keep coming over to use his Joovv device! If you are ready to get your own Joovv device + a FREE gift, head over to and enter the code “LUKE” at checkout. AND… JUST THRIVE. Imagine this: a probiotic that actually does what it is supposed to do! I’ve tried so many different supplements, and when you find the right one — the one that really works — it’s like winning the lottery. So I was psyched when I tried Just Thrive Probiotic, the first and only spore-based probiotics and antioxidants. Their products have been the subject of groundbreaking clinical studies and demonstrated incomparable effects on the gut, even healing leaky gut. It’s super simple and it just works. You can use code ‘luke15’ for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Jan 12, 2020 • 1h 49min

Luke on DENtalks w/ Tal Rabinowitz

DENtalks is a show all about intimate conversations with meditation teachers, spiritual leaders, activists, celebrities, authors and people from all walks of life who have unlocked their true life potential by discovering their authentic selves. I was honored to be invited onto the show by host Tal Rabinowitz, founder of DEN Meditation. We discuss ego, finance, spirituality, how they all tie together, just how much being disconnected from nature is costing us, and the ongoing process of undoing everything we’ve been subconsciously programmed to do. I even share one of my personal spiritual practices at the end of the episode. Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support: SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Jan 10, 2020 • 1h 44min

Luke Q&A Solo Show: Biohacking Your Car, How To Do Nature Therapy In Cold Winter Climates, My Worst/Best Vices #253

For our first Q&A of 2020, we’re going to take a hard look at how you can get closer to nature when your job or environment makes that difficult to impossible — plus, I share a little bit about the vices I have and continue to struggle with. If you want to ask a question for a future episode, come join The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. You can watch the next episode live, ask questions to both me and the group, and build a community of like-minded biohackers. Alyssa wants to know: For those of us that drive a lot for work, what can we do about getting sun through the glass? Any hacks for not getting full-spectrum? Go check out my past episodes on light with Matt Maruca: Episode 137 and Episode 234. Also you can look forward to Episode 278 coming May 5th, 2020, with Dr. Alexander Wunsch for the deepest dive EVER on natural Vs. artificial light. I drive with a window cracked or the sunroof cracked to let in as much natural light as possible. Turn heat on or use it for some cold therapy. I also have all 6 of my windows tinted even the front a little bit. to cut down glare, fake blue light, in daytime and oncoming headlights at night. All glass blocks out UVB, creating artificial light, which is not healthy for the skin or eyes. Essentially, when sunlight passes through glass, it makes non-native blue light. so there is no such thing as ’natural lighting’ if you are behind glass. Sunscreens work the same way, which is how they can contribute to skin cancer. If you cannot use shade or clothing to protect yourself from the sun, look for non-toxic ,  “broad spectrum” sunscreen to make sure the formula protects against UVA rays as well as UVB. Same for both sunglasses and Rx glasses and contacts. I avoid wearing both whenever possible. I find hats work great to block direct sun in my eyes. Tinting glass reduces the amount of both visible and UVA transmitted through it. Some UVA still gets through, though. On average, 60–70% of UVA still penetrates tinted glass. Sometimes glass is treated to protect against UVA. For example, most sunglasses made from glass are coated so they block both UVA and UVB. The laminated glass of automobile windshields offers some (not total) protection against UVA. Automotive glass used for side and rear windows ordinarily does not protect against UVA exposure. Similarly, the window glass used in homes and offices does not filter much UVA. Your best bet is to always do your best to allow some natural, unfiltered light through cracked windows in your car and at home. In a perfect world, we would get as much natural daylight as possible. In my car I also set all the interior lighting to amber, so there is minimal blue light blasting me in the face when I drive at night.   Some other auto biohacks include: I use an air purifier in the car to help with the air pollution that gets in — choosing between the sunlight and the potential pollution is a tough call Ground your car. This helps with static charge inside the vehicle, which ads to the EMF load  Also turn off the WiFi in your car, turn off the hot spot if you have one Hard wire your phone and leave bluetooth. Apps like apple car play won’t work like this, so you have to decide if you prefer the convenience or the healthiest ride.  For additional EMF protection I use both Somavedic & Blushield units plugged into the car. While they dont ‘block ‘ EMFs, they both help create a more harmonious field in the cabin. It’s also smart to wear EMF protective clothing on long road trips. Lambs underwear are a great start, and you can add their beanie to your outfit as well. I also just added an EMF blocking hoodie to my site made by No Choice When I take road trips, I also bring along my nanoVI and also my Vital Reaction molecular hydrogen generator to alleviate oxidative stress and inflammation that occur from flying through space and time at 80mph. These two are expensive interventions, so not for everyone. You can also bring along some Vital Reaction hydrogen tablets to add to your water on road trips. I do 4 tabs in a water bottle every 90 min or so both flying and driving. Another great tip is to stop and get your bare feet on the ground periodically. This dissipates static charge from your body and reduces inflammation. I also love to stop on road trips and do cold plunges in rivers, lakes, and oceans. This gives you a boost of energy , and leases the pain of sitting for long periods of time   Alysa also asks about hacks for getting closer to or simulating nature, for when you live in a cold environment and it’s not always possible to be outside due to freezing temps: My advice would be to move somewhere that’s not cold in the winter. Easier said than done, I get it. Tanning beds that have both UVA and UVB are awesome in winter if you could find a low EMF one, but could be tough. I have searched for safe tanning beds many times, and still can't find one.  If you supplement D3 don't take it in a synthetic, isolated form. It's always better to get from something like cod liver oil. The one i take is by Rosita. It’s non toxic, environmentally sustainable, not rancid, and contains naturally occurring micronutrients such as vitamin A and D. There is a lot of debate about taking fish oils, which are PUFAS or polyunsaturated fatty acids. There are experts on both sides of this, with the vast majority of people voting yes on certain fish oils, and sources of DHA and omega 3’s. I do think its really smart to take a high quality vitamin E supplement to counteract some of the possible negative effects of PUFAS.  You could do the Human Charger blue light therapy in your ears for seasonal affective disorder. Also the Verilux full spectrum winter light. I use this on early mornings, and also every time I travel to get bright, full spectrum blue light in my eyes (don't stare into the light, just keep it nearby during sessions). Red light therapy and infrared saunas both provide the red spectrum of light you’ll like miss in winter months. IR saunas, or even outdoor barrel saunas can be great in the winter, as again, they allow you to be outside for short periods of time, in between sessions. Do breathwork everyday so you can handle the cold long enough to get light in your eyes and on your body. Doing cryo and ice baths in the warmer months will also drive up your cold tolerance powerfully. Another great way to get outdoors for fresh air and natural light is to find hot springs or hot tubs outside to use in winter. This way, you are warm, but getting some outside time in also. Another downside to being indoors in the winter is breathing processed air. Just like processed food and water, when we bring air in from outside and make it warm or cold, it is altered. Air inside the home is often much more toxic than the air outside, so it's always smart to have a filter or two inside your home. I like the Molekule best, based on lots of research, but I’ve yet to buy one myself. I’m still using my Austin Air healthmate units, which are great, but they are only HEPA. They don't do anything for mold, bacteria, germs, etc. like the Molekule does.   John B wants to know: What are your vices? I have a lot of experience with addictions of all types. You name it, I’ve probably been addicted to it. Due to early trauma, and the mental and emotional issues that I developed as a result, I spent most of my teens and twenties taking anything I could to mask the pain of being me. When i quit drugs and alcohol in 1997, I spent years un-hooking myself from other addictive behaviors around food, negative thinking and emotions, tobacco, sex, and compulsive spending. Over the years, as I have done so much inner work toward healing my past, I have found it less and less necessary to use additions to ease my pain. When there is less pain, then the pain killers tend to fade away. That said, in the spirit of honesty and transparency, i'll keep it real and answer honestly: At this point, my vices at times are using self care and biohacking as a way to escape and avoid unwanted feelings, or as a form of procrastination. It's tricky because I do so many things that are positive and healthy, but I still struggle to find balance. I still see myself doing healthy things in a sometimes obsessive, or compulsive way. it's easy to justify vices like mine, because they are mostly positive.  So I would say my top vice is the rituals of health and self-care.  I also crave sugar a lot sometimes. I find eating a high fat diet, helpful, and also using my ozone generator to keep systemic fungus as bay is helpful for sugar cravings. The next vice, and probably the worst one, is staying up late. I struggled with this my entire life. I just refuse to go to bed at a decent hour most of the time and this creates a major problem with my cortisol/melatonin balance and circadian rhythm in general. The only solution that has helped me with this is forcing myself to get up and watch the sun rise a few days in a row. This resets my schedule like magic, but it's harder to do now that I live in a canyon where the sun doesn’t shine much.  This leads to another vice, which is procrastination. When I stay up to late, it takes me a long ass time to get energized and ready in the morning, so I end up starting my work day much later than I would prefer. I could get a lot more done if I was able to get to sleep and wake earlier. Lastly, I find that my phone addiction is very troubling at times. If im not careful, I can easily fall into social media vortexes and an hour will go by before I pull my head up and break the hypnotic trance the phone put me in. This is one I'd really like to get a grip on, as it’s so obviously a waste of time. All that said, I have made tons of progress in the past 23 years of recovery, and for the most part, my vices at least only have a negative impact on me, rather than those around me. It’s been helpful to answer this question and reflect on this as i enter 2020. My goal and hope is to curb some of this behavior and find more balance in my life.   More about this episode Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE -   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: JOOVV. If you’ve been listening for a while or following Luke on social media, you’ve probably seen him raving about red light therapy, or photobiomodulation. There are over 3000 published clinical papers on light therapy – over 200 being double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled – making this arguably the most well-researched bio hack in Luke’s arsenal. Some of the benefits include increased skin health, better muscle recovery, better sexual performance, and reduced joint pain and inflammation. So you can see why Luke is so into it... and why all of his friends keep coming over to use his Joovv device! If you are ready to get your own Joovv device + a FREE gift, head over to and enter the code “LUKE” at checkout. AND... SUPERFAT. There are certain fats that your body can’t make on its own so you have to get them from your diet. These are called “essential fatty acids.”  Almonds and macadamia nuts are two of the best places to get them, and that’s why the team at SuperFat have created a delicious line of on-the-go nut butter snacks based on these two healthy nuts. With only 3-5 net carbs per serving, SuperFat provides your body with a natural source of fuel — without the crash! Use code LUKE to get 15% off SuperFat nut butter snacks at AND… SAKARA. The new year is a time to change your habits so that you can be your healthiest self. It can be tough to stick to a resolution, but changing your routine doesn’t have to be difficult. Sakara makes it easy to feel better, look better, and have the energy to accomplish all your goals this year. Their organic, ready-to-eat meals are made with with powerful plant-based ingredients, and they are designed to boost your energy, improve your digestion, and get your skin glowing, plus daily wellness essentials like supplements and herbal teas to support your nutrition. You can get 20% off your first order using code LUKE at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Jan 7, 2020 • 2h 53min

Bringing The Spirit World Down To Earth W/ Shaman Durek #252

Back in 2018, a tall, dark, and incredibly straight-talking man adorned in colorful, tribal fashion came to my house for a five-hour marathon podcasting session that was nothing short of magical. We stayed up until 4 AM going on an epic journey into the depths of our souls, calling in great spirits and drawing on shamanic, ancestral wisdom to learn profound solutions for deep healing. Now, almost exactly 100 episodes later, Shaman Durek returns for another serious session of Spirit Hacking. In this episode and in his book — Spirit Hacking: Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World — Durek reveals even more life-altering wisdom and the powerful techniques that have made him a close spiritual adviser to people like Bulletproof Coffee founder and past guest Dave Asprey. We’re all going to go through shifts and transformations in this new year, in this new decade, in this Great Awakening — and many of those transformations will likely be messy — but with this wisdom and perspective, we can come out on the other end better than ever before.   Topics Discussed In This Episode: How Spirit Hacking gives the power back to the people; “It’s not my book, it’s our book” The Bobbleheads Vs. The New Leadership Escaping The Age of Narcissism What does and doesn’t make someone a shaman Every experience you have gone through is part of your training to become who you are now Healthy skepticism A dive into the Spirit Hacking glossary: The Blackout and The Matrix Confronting the seemingly-conflicting desires to be a force for good in the world and to do your inner work George Carlin on saving the planet Life is a script of reality and consciousness Shaman Durek’s lineage and living as a 6th-generation shaman Dealing with the ramifications of being different The role of plant medicine in Africa and in Shaman Durek’s training In spirit shamanism, the medicine isn’t a plant — it’s you Why Shaman Durek doesn’t have respect for religion but does have respect for the Bible The Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox How do you reconcile the idea that there is a loving God energy in the universe and the existence of evil? The motto that I try to live by Shaman Durek’s thoughts on the physical, societal, spiritual, and epigenetic expressions of racism Taking in the experience of racism and then turning around to put out positive emotions that elevate the world Block + Bless the haters Identifying as “soul sexual” The transformative work of Joe Dispenza   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE -   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: FOUR SIGMATIC. Melt away stress, boost immunity, relax & sleep deeper, improve productivity, increase brain power, get stimulation without jitters. Sound like all the good stuff you want? Welcome to the medicinal fungi kingdom with Four Sigmatic's highest quality mushroom & herbs in little packets of magical power that you can add to your coffee or warm drink. Now featuring a slew of brand new super chronic, superfood & herbal blends! Check out the green coffee bean extract, the brain stack, the sleep stack, the matcha tea with Lion’s Mane, and the new coffee + mushroom-infused mixes! Use code “thelifestylist” for 15% off at AND... BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at AND… PIQUE TEA. Say goodbye to stress, sleep better, get immune support, improve productivity, increase mental clarity and performance, and get through your day with sustained energy and NO afternoon crashes or jitters. Get your hands on Pique Tea Crystals! Inspired by Simon (their founder’s) own personal health journey, they have a variety of teas that are designed to support gut health, fasting, promote calm and longevity. If you care about maximizing your health and unlocking your full potential, drink these teas. Their pu’er tea is exquisite - made from the rarest, purest, most ecological ingredients possible. It is the world's most precious tea, with the most concentrated polyphenols that provide immune and gut health support on top of cellular regeneration. Their Sun Goddess Matcha is also the purest matcha ever crafted, delicious on its own or when made into a latte. You can taste its quality through its umami taste. Use code “lukestorey” for 10% off at They rarely (if ever) have sales so you’d definitely want to check this out! Code excludes fermented pu’ers due to their limited quantity and rarity. HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Jan 5, 2020 • 1h 1min

Luke on Beyond + Back w/ Krissy Teegerstrom

In the Beyond + Back podcast, host Krissy Teegerstrom talks with musicians, artists, writers, and creatives about the creative process, where inspiration comes from, and why they do what they do. She wants listeners to get inspired about their own creativity and self-expression, and I am so grateful she thought of me as a guest. In this episode, we talk about what it’s like to create your own life, to recreate it when the time comes, and the challenges that present when people want you to explain just exactly what it is that you do. We talk about authenticity, vulnerability, and influence. This episode is for you if you’re on your path, but you don’t know exactly how to explain that path to everyone else around you. This episode also includes the song “Unraveling” by Stewboss from the album Pilgrims and Runaways, featuring yours truly on bass. Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Dec 31, 2019 • 1h 38min

The Super Attractor Keys: Gratitude & Abundance As A Way Of Life W/ Gabby Bernstein #251

We all find spirituality in different ways. Some of us are born into it. Some of us are moved by great texts or speeches. And some of us find it in our darkest hours, a guide that brings the hope and courage we need to find our way back to the light. It was this guide that found Gabby Bernstein 14 years ago when she found herself on the losing side of a battle with addiction. It was the day Gabby chose to be sober that she became a self-professed Spirit Junkie, soaking up spiritual principles, meditation practices, and anything else that helped her align with her true purpose: being a source of love and inspiration in the world. And she has indeed become a powerful source of love and inspiration for thousands and thousands of us, introducing so many people to the wonders of gratitude, manifestation, and meditation through her talks, books, and app. That’s why so many of us have been eagerly awaiting her new book, Super Attractor, and it doesn’t disappoint. The book will help you work with the universe to co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You'll learn to accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don't have to work so hard to get what you want — and you will learn how to be a powerful force of love in the world, too. This conversation is equal parts fascinating and fun, and I really can’t think of a better way to prepare for the shifts of a new year than soaking in some of Gabby Bernstein’s love and wisdom.   Topics Discussed In This Episode: Dogs: the ultimate oxytocin machines How being a mom has changed Gabby When you realize that you’re part of the system perpetuating mental health stigma Gabby’s past struggles with addiction & what gave her the courage to talk about it The root causes of addiction & how we can become addicted to anything The issues that people have to work through in order to maintain sobriety, some of which Gabby and I are still working on The three-year journey Gabby underwent to conceive her child, the deep post-partum depression that followed, and how she used meds to get through it Gabby’s painless hypnobirthing experience & her music playlist How Kundalini yoga has supported Gabby’s sobriety and personal growth Gabby’s thoughts on EMDR and tapping for healing trauma How the spiritual community has changed over the last few years The best way to handle internet trolls How Gabby and her husband keep the romance alive while running a business together Why it’s important to avoid the judgments of the mind The right way to manifest what you want — without getting stuck in desire A Course in Miracles One of my favorite things I learned about reading Super Attractor: the emotional guidance scale How to get over a scarcity mindset  Overcoming the fear of rejection Getting life guidance from your higher self, angels, guides, God, and even friends who died Balancing surrender with taking action The power of gratitude and the most powerful way you can apply it in your life   More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE -   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: PIQUE TEA. Say goodbye to stress, sleep better, get immune support, improve productivity, increase mental clarity and performance, and get through your day with sustained energy and NO afternoon crashes or jitters. Get your hands on Pique Tea Crystals! Inspired by Simon (their founder’s) own personal health journey, they have a variety of teas that are designed to support gut health, fasting, promote calm and longevity. If you care about maximizing your health and unlocking your full potential, drink these teas. Their pu’er tea is exquisite - made from the rarest, purest, most ecological ingredients possible. It is the world's most precious tea, with the most concentrated polyphenols that provide immune and gut health support on top of cellular regeneration. Their Sun Goddess Matcha is also the purest matcha ever crafted, delicious on its own or when made into a latte. You can taste its quality through its umami taste. Use code “lukestorey” for 10% off at They rarely (if ever) have sales so you’d definitely want to check this out! Code excludes fermented pu’ers due to their limited quantity and rarity. AND... BLUBLOX. Studies have clearly shown that blue and green light up to 550nm is a potent suppressor of melatonin, but the Sleep+ lenses in BLUblox glasses are the most effective blue and green light blockers for after dark use, proven to block 100% of the light in this range. BLUblox offers free global shipping everywhere, and they do prescription glasses, reading glasses, and non-prescription glasses for a tremendous value. Use code LIFESTYLIST for 15% off at AND… BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Dec 29, 2019 • 1h 13min

Luke on Breaking Normal Podcast W/ Daniel Eisenman

Breaking Normal is a podcast that explores the boundaries of mystery, memetics, and language. The host Daniel Eisenman approaches the show and the world with a unique perspective and, as a result, I think he gets his guests to talk about their stories in new and unique ways. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to join Daniel on his show recently, and I wanted to make sure you all had a chance to listen to that conversation too.   Topics Discussed In This Episode: A prayer for the best energy possible between me and Daniel Creating with intention My barometer for success Humans only do things that they think is best, even the most depraved of us The precursor to forgiveness Was my given name — Storey — a symbol placed on my experience from the very beginning? Catching a passion for spring water The difference between God and spirituality Struggling with imposter syndrome What is God to Luke? When I first realized that things aren’t as they seem through our eyes The supplements and nootropics I took before this interview   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Dec 27, 2019 • 1h

Treating Viruses, Finding Your Tribe, Brain Mapping, & Neuroplasticity #250

This is our last Q&A episode of 2019, but don’t worry — I have a ton more planned for 2020! I can’t believe the amount of support that you all have given me in 2019, and I don’t know if it’s possible for me to express the gratitude I feel in words.  It’s still astonishing to I’m able to do what I love most — talking to some of the smartest people in the world — and that it’s having a positive impact on people all around the world. That’s so meaningful to me, and I have a lot of plans to give you even more of the good stuff in 2020. If you want to ask a question for a future episode, come join The Life Stylist Podcast Facebook Group. You can watch the next episode live, ask questions to both me and the group, and as you’ll learn in this episode, build a tribe of like-minded biohackers in your community. Margesella asks: How do you create a community in real life who biohack and do these things? [20:50] I find events and meetups where like-minded people hang: yoga classes, meditation classes, sound baths, breathwork classes, etc. I go to all the health seminars and meet people I go on yoga and health retreats I’ve recently fallen in love with plant medicine ceremonies  I search for people on geotags at biohacking spots where you live, like cryotherapy spas, sauna spas, etc  Reach out to people in our Facebook group to find locals Lisa asks: What is the Brain mapping treatment you have done and has it helped? [31:40] Lisa is probably referring to something called neurofeedback, which is clinically proven to treat PTSD, insomnia, trauma, anxiety, depression, ADD, and ADHD I go to Peak Brain with Dr. Andrew Hill I also recently had a SPECT brain scan at Dr. Daniel Amen's clinic in Orange County, and he found that my brain is not in great shape. The scan showed an overactive amygdala, an underachieving cerebellum, and a fairly sizable area of my left frontal lobe that is getting very little blood flow. The protocol I’m doing to fix it involves many of the following modalities, as well as buying my own hyperbaric oxygen chamber for myself for Christmas, and taking a lot more fish oil. I hear so many conflicting messages from the health gurus on fish oil that, frankly, I’m super confused. But based on Dr. Amen's recommendations and experience, I’m going to be taking a lot more of that, at least until I heal my brain. Some of the other work I’m getting into is the Joe Dispenza books and meditations. You use breath and harmonizing your energy centers or chakras to change your brain.  I’m also doing his week-long intensive in February in Indian Wells, CA, to do further work on my dome. I use an app called Mind Movies to retrain my brain with the goals and dreams I want to manifest, per Joe Dispenza I did something called PSYCH-K therapy, which rewires subconscious trauma, as does EMDR  I’ve also been experimenting with micro-dosing LSD and psilocybin mushrooms and working on deep meditations those days. Ben Greenfield talked a lot about this on this week’s podcast, episode 250. There is an incredible device called the Lucia Light that alters your brain chemistry and ability to access deep learning and creativity. I have an episode all about this light coming soon as well.  I’ve also done DNRS to heal my amygdala and remove negative stimuli. I'll be taking Annie Hopper’s DNRS course in 2020, and I’m also doing the online version very soon.  I’ve also been training my cerebellum using the Zing Performance software, as covered in episode 246. The thing I'm most excited about is working with Dr. Lana Bach-Morrow, a Ph.D. neuroscientist that has developed a very powerful brain training software program called THINK Interfaces. So there is a lot of work to be done on the brain. Not only your thinking, from a metaphysical standpoint, but also on the physical brain itself. Sarah asks: I want to hear your thoughts on Epstein-Barr Virus. [54:20] I admittedly don't know a lot about viruses, but I do know that they are quite rampant and need to be dealt with. My first move would be getting very thorough blood work done, then work with a solid functional medicine doctor to begin to treat them. Medical Medium celery protocol seems weird to me since commercial celery (even if organic) is grown with NPK fertilizers and poisonous irrigation water, in some cases, which are incredibly toxic and throw all of your minerals into chaos. That said, the Medical Medium’s theory on Epstein-Barr being at the root of so many other co-infections makes a lot of sense, and his EBV protocol has apparently healed tons of people, as whacky as it seems to me. Ozone: I would get a medical-grade ozone generator and do sessions many times per day rectally, vaginally, and in your ear canals. Ozone kills all viruses on contact. You can also find a clinic that does 10-pass ozone treatments, which I was doing for a while. This can be expensive, but also insanely effective for viruses. Study Frank Shallenberger’s work on ozone Also, there are many frequency-based technologies that can be effective in getting rid of viruses. I use Ampcoil and Biocharger.  On the supplement side, you can try Lauricidin, which is the brand name for Monolaurin, a derivative of the lauric found in coconut oil. It's great for your gut and is also a powerful antiviral. I take this all the time for gut and immune system support.   More about this episode.   Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE -   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ORGANIFI. I'm loving Organifi Gold, especially for my night time routine. It has turmeric, ginger, reishi, lemon balm, turkey tail and other rad superfoods, phytonutrients & pain-soothing herbs. My daily routine lately goes like this: in the morning I add it to my nut milk smoothie. At night when I want to chill out, I make a golden latte. I add the power and a healthy fat like ghee, coconut, or grass-fed butter to hot water and voilá! Great warm elixir, really chills you out, gently detoxifies and tastes awesome. Save 20% using code “LIFESTYLIST” at AND... RA OPTICS. These Blue Blocking glasses are the premium level protection for sleep and health. They block the entire harmful blue spectrum and even most green up to 550nm to preserve your most powerful agent of health: melatonin. Ra Optics uses the highest quality lens technology in the most attractive frames on the market. This means you can wear them out in public at night and feel confident in both your style and the knowledge that you're preserving the one thing that determines health above all others: quality sleep. You can save 10% on your pair of blue-blocking glasses using the code “lifestylist” at AND… BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS. Superfoods from the hive - amazing! Beekeeper’s Naturals brings you the highest quality products from the hive and nurture a greater awareness for saving our bees! That is why their all-natural health-boosting products are made with the purest ingredients from sustainable apiaries full of healthy bees. Each of their products has been rigorously tested to meet the highest potency standards. Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at HELP SUPPORT THIS SHOW! Love the Show? Youʻll really love Lukeʻs Master Market Online Store!  It’s a win/win! Get direct links to all of Luke’s hand-picked biohacking and health products all in one place, get exclusive discounts, and support the show by making purchases through the web store >> SHOP NOW. Other ways to support:  SUBSCRIBE >> Apple Podcasts + Stitcher + Google Podcasts + Spotify LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW >> Simple step-by-step instructions SHARE >> Spread the word! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and all your social pals
Dec 24, 2019 • 2h 32min

Battle Of Biohacks: The Ben Greenfield Home Invasion #249

You are in for a real treat today because, as a Christmas gift from me to you, I’m sharing one of the biggest and most thorough episodes I’ve ever released. Ben Greenfield came over to my house and we went through every single supplement, smart drug, nootropic, herb, and biohack on the entire property. We then turned this into a full-length documentary film and this monster of a podcast. I learned so much from Ben while we did this, and there is just so much valuable information packed into this episode. I am really happy with how it all came together and I am stoked to finally be sharing it with all of you! I’ve been asked on multiple occasions how we can live our lives without either moving into the middle of nowhere or sacrificing some aspect of our physical, mental, and emotional health. Well, here you go — the complete biohacker’s guide to living an optimal life in the city in 2020. Kitchen Supplements... (17:25) Deuterium-depleted water (DDW) Lifestylist Podcast Deuterium Episodes Premade Paleo meals (Model Meals)  Ben's diet: organ meats, wild-caught fish, legumes, underground veggies (Northern European) Four Sigmatic Lion's Mane Psilocybin (Albino A + Strain)  Deprenyl  Life Stylist Podcast w/ Dr. Ted Achacoso Troscriptions Troche w/ CBD, nicotine, caffeine, & methylene blue (pharmaceutical grade) Limit ice baths to 10 minutes (affects blood glucose deleteriously) Blood glucose monitor Visoluten peptides for the eyes SKQ1 active ingredient Visomitin eye drops Reversed retinal damage and blindness in rodent models Vision Gym Vishen Lakhiani has publicly experimented with it BGF podcast w/ Vishen Lakhiani Oxytocin (feel-good trust hormone released with breast-feeding, physical contact, sex, etc.) Pink Fluff LSD (1 drop is 1/20 of a hit of acid, 5 mcg) Yohimbine HCl  Kion Lean  Assists w/ healthy blood sugar management Good supplement w/ cold thermogenesis  Peptides… (43:20) BPC 157  Tailor Made Compounding BGF podcasts w/ Dr. Matt Cook TB 500 DSIP (Deep sleep-inducing peptide) PT 141 (aphrodisiac) Nitroglycerine cream (contact Dr. Koniver at Koniver Wellness for prescription) Melanotan Ketamine BGF podcasts about peptides How To Use BPC-157: A Complete Dummies Guide To Healing The Body Like Wolverine. International Peptide Society Superfoods… (51:30) Surthrival Pine pollen (reproductive benefits) Piracetam (cognitive benefits)  Dihexa topical cream Cerebrolysin intranasal spray Semax Qualia Mind  Modafinil Exogenous ketones – perfect keto  Beta-hydroxybutyrate Kion Coffee… (59:00) Ranks very high in “cupping” score Beans are hand-selected for symmetry (roasting quality) Organic beans (3% of beans in the world are organic) Nitrogen flushing packaging w/ roast date on the bag Coffee Gator  Grind fresh right before you make it (oxidation) How to hack your own structured water  Live Spring Water (lower deuterium content) Joovv Infrared light Is all water the same – BGF podcast with Dr. Gerald Pollack BGF article about structured water and the interview with Dr. Gerald Pollack Somavedic Pristine Hydro Water Filter TrueDark light dot stickers wrapped around light bulbs and fridge lights RA Optics blue light blocking glasses Red light incandescent bulbs  BioBalance Final thoughts in the kitchen… (1:09:10) Find what works for you Ancestral Supplements organ meat capsules Kion Fish Oil  Creatine Nootropics Depot  Try just one or two things at a time, don't be overwhelmed with the volume of info shared in this show Get really good, clean water Focus on the best sleep possible Red light incandescent bulbs  Earthing and grounding Kratom for pain relief Leaf of faith documentary Mind Bullet Kratom Bedroom and Bathroom Air quality… (1:25:40) Ozone Generator Ozone to the brain via the ears Ozone bagging for limbs Book: The Ozone Miracle by Frank Shallenberger  HEPA Air purifier (Austin Air)  Molekule air filter EMF kill switch Spinal decompression… (1:34:45) Pristine Hydro water filter Saunders Lumbar Home Track  Dr. Ho's decompression belt BioMat Pro Vielight Power Medic laser Joovv Go Sleep optimization… (1:51:20) Ooler sleep system  Take a cold shower before bed when in a warm place w/ no AC GeoVital shielding mat (clears geopathic stress zones) Life Stylist Podcast  w/ building biologist Brian Hoyer Lambs clothing (shields EMF) PEMF grounding mat The bathroom… (2:00:00) Pristine Hydro double Shower Filter Omica Shower Filter BluShield cube Somavedic The Zen Den Devices and gadgets… (2:12:40) Joovv panel Biocharger NuCalm Dispenza Meditation Vital Reaction hydrogen inhaler Clearlight Sauna Belicon Rebounder NanoVi Cellular Repair Technology Homemade ice bath… (2:26:00) Luke's budget freezer hack More about this episode. Watch it on YouTube Connect with Luke on social media to learn how to take your lifestyle to the next level, plus catch exclusive live interviews & events: INSTAGRAM - @lukestorey // FACEBOOK - TWITTER - @MrLukeStorey // YOUTUBE - THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ONDA WELLNESS. If you’re a discerning health enthusiast like myself, you’ve probably sat and scratched your head at the health food store trying to figure out which CBD product you should buy. They all make big claims, they all say they’re the best, but what actually works? Well, I just found a brand that I’m super stoked about, and I want to share it with you: ONDA offers a patented and truly full-spectrum line of products that aren’t dependent on the use of alcohol, CO2, or other solvents for extraction – and this is important because when you’re getting the medicine out of the plant, you don’t want to add poisons to it! You can try it for yourself and get 15% off using code LUKE15 at AND... RA OPTICS. These Blue Blocking glasses are the premium level protection for sleep and health. They block the entire harmful blue spectrum and even most green up to 550nm to preserve your most powerful agent of health: melatonin. Ra Optics uses the highest quality lens technology in the most attractive frames on the market. This means you can wear them out in public at night and feel confident in both your style and the knowledge that you're preserving the one thing that determines health above all others: quality sleep. You can save 10% on your pair of blue-blocking glasses using the code “lifestylist” at AND… JOOVV. If you’ve been listening for a while or following Luke on social media, you’ve probably seen him raving about red light therapy, or photobiomodulation. There are over 3000 published clinical papers on light therapy – over 200 being double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled – making this arguably the most well-researched bio hack in Luke’s arsenal. Some of the benefits include increased skin health, better muscle recovery, better sexual performance, and reduced joint pain and inflammation. So you can see why Luke is so into it... and why all of his friends keep coming over to use his

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