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Once Upon a Business

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Dec 29, 2022 • 16min

Team’s Pick (Lucia Zenteno)

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to.In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa tells “Lucia Zenteno” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes.“We're surrounded in business by the opportunity to exclude people from our awareness and our consideration, and yet we have a choice to treat everyone with kindness, even those who seem different from us.”  – Lisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.  Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Introduced by: Cynthia LambHost – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Geoff Govertsen and Melissa DealAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Keeper of My DreamsArtist Name(s): FantomsWriter Name: Stephen KeechPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Serenade No. 13 In G Major. II. Romanze – AndanteArtist Name(s): MomentsWriter Name: Public domainPublisher Name: BOSS SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTIONS  Episode transcript: Team’s Pick (Lucia Zenteno) Coming soon.~~~~~
Dec 22, 2022 • 11min

Leaving a Legacy

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to. In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa tells the fairy tale “The Banana Tree” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. “We have to die, to pass something on or not. And so the question becomes, what is the legacy you want to build and leave for others after you're gone?”  – Lisa BloomLisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories. Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Geoff Govertsen & Michi LantzAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Through Space and TimeArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTIONEpisode transcript: Leaving a Legacy Coming soon.~~~~~
Dec 15, 2022 • 52min

Presenting To Lead Is Human

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Welcome to To Lead Is Human. This show helps listeners envision how they can uplevel their leadership and shape cultures of accountability, respect, and candor.  Shalini Verma is the Director of Program Management at Google. Her passion is to inspire leaders to transform themselves and the world.                “I want to be leading with heart, and I want the mind or the ego to be in service of the heart. I don't want to be leading with my mind and my ego.”  – Shalini VermaShalini Verma is a high energy leader at Google, working on software development frameworks that bring Google's products to life.  She has a passion for the discovery & development of tools & techniques through cross pollination, collaboration & experimentation.  These tools help remove physical and mental pain, foster creativity and innovation, develop decision making and leadership skills and bring peace of mind. While she has a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, and a Masters in Business from Harvard, she is continuously humbled & awe-inspired by the education she receives from her two boys and her journey within. Shalini lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her boys and her husband, Rohit Gupta, an Emergency Medicine Physician.For more than 30 years, Sharon Richmond has partnered with C-level executives from mid-size and small, fast-growing companies who want to up-level their leadership and build companies they are proud of. Clients accelerate their leadership by embracing mindset and behavior changes, building self-awareness and self-management skills, and focusing on the three things all leaders must ensure: focus, energy and delivery.Sharon’s purpose as an executive coach is to help leaders 10X their impact by leveraging the power afforded by their roles to build organizations that are forces for good, both economically and socially. She also advises CEOs on shaping organization culture and leading change.Sharon has taught leadership at Stanford GSB, where she now helps leaders increase influence, manage conflict, and prepare to build high-performing teams.To see a list of Sharon’s clients, please visit https://LeadingLarge.comResources or websites mentioned in this episode:MiraseeSharon’s websiteShalini's LinkedIn Credits:Guest – Shalini VermaProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Geoff GovertsenAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew AudioMusic and SFX credits: • Track Title: Escaping LightArtist(s): Aaron SprinkleWriter(s): Aaron SprinklePublisher: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION• Track Title: Bright FutureArtist(s): Be Still The EarthWriter: Marshall UsingerPublisher: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTIONIf you don't want to miss future episodes of To Lead Is Human, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.Episode transcript: Self-Aware Leadership (Shalini Verma) Coming soon. ~~~~~
Dec 8, 2022 • 15min

Character Counts

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to. In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa tells “Old Sultan” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. “It's quite rare to find such a gem in the business world; someone who takes responsibility for their choices and is prepared to move forward in an authentic way.”  – Lisa BloomLisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.  Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Geoff Govertsen & Michi LantzAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Through Space and TimeArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION Episode transcript: Character Counts Coming soon.~~~~~
Nov 17, 2022 • 44min

Presenting The Self-Awakened Lifestyle (Laura)

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Welcome to The Self-Awakened Lifestyle. This podcast, hosted by lifestyle designer Esco Wilson, aims to help listeners find ways to improve their personal and professional lives, using scientific principles and holistic practices.  “There's a practice of visualization, a somatic experience of feeling what you're seeing, so that you can hopefully start to change the memory. Give the memory a different direction.”  – Esco Wilson Esco Wilson is a lifestyle designer and the founder of The Self-Awakened Lifestyle. He helps entrepreneurs & visionary professionals develop intuitive thinking & emotional Intelligence for enhanced decision making capabilities. Esco believes the key to high achievement is reprogramming our instinctual triggered mechanisms. The goal is to align our default reactions with essential core behaviors during life altering moments, whether these moments are subtle or existential. He has a passion for teaching others how to build the life they want.  Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:MiraseeEsco’s websiteCredits:Host – Esco WilsonGuest – LauraProducer – Cynthia LambAssembed by – Melissa DealExecutive producer – Danny InyAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew AudioMusic and SFX credits: • Track Title: Out of OrangesArtist(s): Sam BarishWriter(s): Sam BarishPublisher: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION• Track Title: NewhiArtist(s): Dallas $tylesWriter(s): Courtney DwightPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTIONEpisode transcript: Presenting The Self-Awakened Lifestyle (Laura) Coming soon. ~~~~~
Nov 10, 2022 • 9min

Lighted Paths

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to. In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa tells the fairy tale “Nasraddin Story” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. “Sometimes we fear that what is illuminated is where we should be looking. And we can get distracted and knocked off our path.  – Lisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.   Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by –  Geoff GovertsenAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Through Space and TimeArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION  Episode transcript: Lighted Paths Coming soon.~~~~~
Oct 27, 2022 • 11min

A Wealth of Wisdom

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to. In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa reads “Story from India” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. “Perhaps the new holy in business is more about being socially conscious, environmentally accountable and our ability to run sustainable and kind businesses.”  – Lisa BloomLisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.  Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Melissa Deal & Geoff GovertsenAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Through Space and TimeArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION  Episode transcript: A Wealth of Wisdom Coming soon.~~~~~
Oct 13, 2022 • 14min

Casting Stones

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to. In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa tells “The Golden Seed” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. “Whenever I have a strong judgment or reaction to someone, especially if it stays with me for a long time. I know there's an insight, there's a lesson waiting to be revealed.”  – Lisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.  Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Melissa Deal & Geoff GovertsenAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Through Space and TimeArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION  Episode transcript: Casting Stones Coming soon.~~~~~
Sep 29, 2022 • 9min

Not-So-Buried Treasures

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Story Coach Lisa Bloom is the go-to expert on business storytelling. For decades, she’s helped entrepreneurs master this important but overlooked skill. In Once Upon a Business, she’s turning her attention from the craft of storytelling to the stories themselves — the densely evocative folk and fairy tales that we’re all exposed to. In this episode of Once Upon a Business, Lisa reads “Story From Sufi Tradition” and extracts rich business and life lessons that are applicable for entrepreneurs of all stripes. “We know that becoming a successful business owner doesn't happen overnight. And it's far from a one time effort.”  – Lisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.   Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story Advantage Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Melissa Deal & Geoff GovertsenAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Through Space and TimeArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION Episode transcript: Not-So-Buried Treasures Coming soon.~~~~~
Sep 22, 2022 • 36min

Presenting Soul Savvy Business (Lisa Bloom)

To find out more, head to coachesconsole.com/gettraining.Welcome to Soul Savvy Business. This podcast aims to help entrepreneurs find balance and harmony at the intersection of business and spirituality.Host Katy Valentine is a soul-minded spiritual entrepreneur. She empowers other entrepreneurs to thrive, creating a global ripple effect. Grab your free meditation at soulsavvybusiness.com.“It fits with the busy life of the entrepreneur, because I don't have time or space to sit on a mountaintop or go to attend a retreat, and yet, I think making space for [moments of quiet solitude] is super important.”  – Lisa BloomFollowing a successful corporate career, Lisa Bloom became an entrepreneur, author, speaker and coach. She built a global business, Story Coach, supporting corporates, entrepreneurs, and coaches with speaking mastery, leadership capability, and marketing impact. Lisa is the author of The Story Advantage and Cinderella and the Coach.Lisa is also the Director of Mirasee’s ACES Business Acceleration Program, helping entrepreneurs to achieve outstanding results in the growth of their business. There’s nothing Lisa loves more than to spend time with her partner and their four sons, walk her dog, travel, read, and share stories.  Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:Mirasee The Story-coach  Lisa Bloom’s book - The Story AdvantageKaty’s website Credits:Host – Lisa BloomProducer – Cynthia LambExecutive producer – Danny InyAssembled by – Melissa Deal & Geoff GovertsenAudio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher MartinAudio Post Production by Post Office SoundMusic soundscape: Chad Michael SnavelyMaking our hosts sound great: Home Brew Audio  If you don't want to miss future episodes of Once Upon a Business, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.  Music credits:• Track Title: EmeraldsArtist Name(s): HaleWriter Name: Cory Hale WilliamsPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION • Track Title: Places in DreamsArtist Name(s): Alsever LakeWriter Name: Adrian Dominic WaltherPublisher Name: A SOUNDSTRIPE PRODUCTION Episode transcript: Presenting Soul Savvy Business. Coming soon.~~~~~

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