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The Official Isagenix Podcast

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Aug 6, 2020 • 28min

Master Life’s Most Important Superpower | Tracy O'Malley | David T.S. Wood

Do you know what your superpower is? Tracy O’Malley’s superpower is the ability to talk to anyone. It’s useful in network marketing, sales, and even just everyday life. The world changes color when you have the ability to talk to anyone. So how do you talk to anyone? What is the key to connecting with other people?   In this episode of My Extra Mile, Tracy O’Malley returns to delve deep into the power of self-awareness and how it’s the foundation for anything you wish to accomplish. She talks about learning your Enneagram type, learning to see each type in others, and how to adapt your approach to connect with people on an individual level. If you want to learn her superpower of being able to talk with anyone, this is where you need to start! You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Tracy O’Malley’s superpower: The ability to talk to anyone How she cultivated the ability to talk to anyone The nuts and bolts of learning to talk to someone How to determine your Enneagram type Adapting your energy to the person you’re with Adapting how you communicate with your children What it’s like to be able to talk to anyone Use the Enneagram personality test as a starting point   Tracy could always read people, even as a little girl. She saw things that other people didn’t. Looking back, she sees it as an intuitive gift. For most of her life, she used that skill to protect herself and manipulate others. Now, her intuitive abilities come from a genuine and authentic place of love and compassion—not protection and guardedness. Those are the skills she uses today to help change the world and help others step into who they are.   But how do you get to that place? Tracy had to learn to realize the motive behind how she was communicating with others. The Enneagram helped her put together a framework to understand who she was. It helped her understand that “Everything that I do, everything that I say, every way that I communicate is coming from a place of ‘Tracy doesn’t want to be backed into a corner, be vulnerable, or rely on anybody.’” You have to understand that and have compassion for yourself.   Tracy was originally hesitant to take the Enneagram test. She didn’t want yet another label. Now, Tracy is vocal about how important the test is and believes it’s one of the greatest tools you could ever use in personal development. It can help you get out of the box the world has put you in. It can open your eyes to things that haven’t made sense to you. Do you want your message to be received?   You don’t want people to adapt to you because they’re afraid of you. That doesn’t build a connection—it builds fear and divisiveness. If you’re choosing to be a leader in your home, business, or the world, you must be willing to adapt first. There IS a way to be effective. You can adjust your tone, the words you use, your posture, and body language.   Tracy realized that if her kids—or whomever she was interacting with—weren’t receiving the message she wanted to convey that it was on her to change. If they can’t receive your energy you must choose to adjust if you want your message of love to be received. Tracy shares some deep and insightful stories of how she learned to communicate and connect with her kids in a meaningful way. So, keep listening! Awareness is the key to transformation   Making deep and meaningful changes is going to require some radical honesty with yourself. You can’t pick what looks good on paper. The enneagram is a roadmap that helps you decide where to go. If you have the wrong coordinates and wrong compass, you’ll be going the wrong direction the whole time. It’s only effective if you are honest with yourself.   Each Enneagram type has its own superpower. You can’t operate on the superpowers that you aren’t. Own who you are, look at the whole package and have compassion for yourself. You must remember that developing self-awareness is the key to all transformation. The Enneagram test is simply a tool that helps you become more self-aware—but it can be life changing.   Tracy used to thrive being in-control. As a child and even as an adult she never felt seen, heard, or understood. The ability to see that in others is giving them a gift, whether or not they see it. She can see past their shields. It is her greatest superpower, without question. Because it’s coming from a place of love and compassion for humankind. If you’re ready to find your superpower, listen to this episode of My Extra Mile! Connect with Tracy O'Malley Tracy's Website: Follow Tracy on Facebook: @Tracy.OMalley Follow Tracy on Instagram: @Tracy_OMalley Follow Tracy on Twitter: @TracyOMall Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1    
Aug 3, 2020 • 53min

Leading and Succeeding from the Heart | DelRae Messer | David T.S. Wood

Servant leadership is all about focusing on others with no expectations of return. Leading with your heart isn't easy, but when you focus on lifting up others, you inevitably lift yourself in the process! In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T. S. Wood interviews servant leader, DelRae Messer, about identifying leadership styles and nurturing the vision in others.   If you want to identify your leadership style, learn how to build a reliable team, and nurture your path along the way, this episode is a must-hear!   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Servant leadership and how to lead from your heart Becoming a leader in every area of your life Questions to ask to identify your leadership style The evolution of leadership Inspiring others and nurturing yourself Letting go of comparing yourself to others Focusing on why you're doing something Practicing gratitude and appreciating where you are   Servant leadership & collaboration   Leading with your heart and your desire to impact others is the definition of servant leadership. Being a leader isn't based on your authority or experience; it's based on leaving people better than you found them. By collaborating with other people, your leadership style will continuously evolve.   Have you ever considered that you have the opportunity to lead in every area of your life? In your home, family, finances, relationship, and even personal challenges, you can lead with positivity and tackle any problem with confidence. Becoming a better human will help you achieve your goals and help you build them surrounded by supportive people.   Questions to ask to become an impactful leader   If you don't think you're a leader, ask yourself why? What is your reasoning for thinking you're not doing enough? Is your thought process focused on success, status, or achievement?   What is your definition of a leader? What character traits, core values, and respect do the leaders in your life have? When you learn how to define leadership accurately, you will start to write your own story about leadership.   Watching other people succeed and helping other people become leaders can empower you and help you feel better about yourself. Breathing belief into other people can, in turn, breathe more belief into yourself. Becoming an effective leader is about developing leaders.   Evolution always unfolds the same way. It will go up, down, and plateau, but you have to let go of the outcome and focus on the journey instead. Inspire action in other people but be sure always to nurture your path first.   How to develop your leadership style   Get uncomfortable, speak out, and share your story! Work with your team and relationships to develop a collective vision, so everyone is working towards the same goal. Set a goal just for yourself and stay in your lane to show others the power of belief in yourself.   The fastest way to slow your growth is to compare yourself to others. Your path is unique, and the skills others have gained will never be the same as yours. Each person's journey is different, and success will vary, so be proud of what you've done and how far you've come.   What are you struggling with right now? What are your most significant pain points, and what has benefited you along the way? People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care. A focus on servant leadership isn't something you do with any expectation of return; it's about doing things for others with no expectations. Focus on practicing gratitude for the little things while working towards the big.   Connect with DelRae Messer Follow DelRae on Facebook: Follow DelRae on Instagram: @DrDelRae   Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1    
Aug 1, 2020 • 19min

The Isagenix Difference With Dr. Messina

Why is making the right choices about food and eating a healthy diet so hard? Scientific Advisory Board Member Dr. Nick Messina is on the call to answer this question and many others. He walks through the history of the food industry, the birth of processed foods, and the creation of the “bliss point” — that addictive combination of salt, fat, and sugar that keeps consumers coming back time and time again. Dr. Messina shares his observations of the changes in how we eat, how this has impacted our health, and why Isagenix has been such a beneficial solution for so many.
Jul 31, 2020 • 1h 5min

Create the Ultimate Romantic Relationship with These Skills | Beth Hanishewski | David T.S. Wood

Have you ever received relationship advice that is so simple and easy to implement that it seems too good to be true? Energy + Value + Currency = Happiness! In this episode, David T. S. Wood and his guest, relationship guru Beth Hanishewski, discuss this proven formula that can help you find happiness and hope in your relationships. If you want to learn more about this formula, this episode is a must-hear!   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   A relationship formula that works Identifying your partner's energy Figuring out what they value most What your partner's love "currency" is Beneficial questions to ask your partner Relationship advice and homework to help you get started How to recognize your energy   Think of energy in 4 quadrants: feminine light, feminine dark, masculine light, and masculine dark. These names aren't speaking to gender classifications but rather the characteristics that accompany different types of energy.   For example:   Feminine light: emotional, spontaneous, inspired, collaborative, and nurturing Feminine dark: spiteful, whiny, manipulative, hysterical, and submissive Masculine light: logical, competitive, focused, loyal, and present Masculine dark: closed, grumpy, controlling, and violent   Now, think about how your energy changes when you're around this person. When you think about that person, do you feel yourself anticipating their energetic effects on you? What energy makes you feel your best? Try to pinpoint that feeling to focus on when you're around that person. When you change your energy, you may see a shift in theirs as well! The secret to nurturing their values   Have you taken the time to consider what your person values most in life? Their values are the unconscious, intangible things they hold highest in their life. If you aren't aware of their values, you could be unintentionally robbing them of the most crucial elements in their life.   The feminine tends to value safety the most, which includes physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sexual, and even financial matters. When you do or say something that makes them feel unsafe, you will be able to see their energy change. If you're not sure if you're affecting them, ask! Once you know, talk with them to see what you can do to help them feel safer.   The masculine values freedom, including their time and energy. Do you ever tell your partner to do something with the expectation they do it right away? Consider giving them the time to decide when and how they'll do it instead.   Identifying their "currency"   In the relationship formula, currency is how you show your person you care. Some examples of the different types of currency are:   Feminine: safety, connection, and protection Masculine: freedom, appreciation, and trust   When both sides of the relationship are paying out the right type of currency, you will achieve that perfect connection. You can then work towards creating synergy to see who they truly are, instead of criticizing them for their flaws. Be sincere in how you work towards your happiness, and the results will speak for themselves!   Relationship advice to help you move forward   When used correctly, the relationship formula results in happiness and hope for yourself and your relationship. But, if you take away any of the pieces, you could see the energy shift back into the dark/negative zone.   If you aren't sure where to start, ask your partner these simple, but effective questions:   "How can I love you better?" "What do I do that pushes you away?" "What do I do that pulls you closer?"   Take responsibility for your actions and forgive yourself and your person for not knowing better. When you're in your light, everything around you is affected. But, when you move into the dark, everything around you becomes INFECTED.   HOMEWORK: Apply the formula to your relationship, note what happens, and see how it changes things for you. Focus on keeping your energy positive, shower your partner with the currency that means the most to them, focus on the values they crave, and don't set any expectations. Expectations are the thief of joy.   Going first isn't easy, but the most important influence in a relationship is YOU! Connect with Beth Hanishewski Beth Hanishewski's Website: Beth on Instagram: @mindsetcoaching Follow Beth on Facebook: Follow Beth on Twitter: @BethHanishewski Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1      
Jul 27, 2020 • 1h 4min

Small Steps You Can Take to Change Your Money Mindset, Panel Discussion | David T.S. Wood

When it comes to your money mindset, what motivates you to save or spend? If you don't know the reasons behind your action, it can be hard to rewrite your story to achieve the life you want! Luckily, in this episode of My Extra Mile, David T. S. Wood discusses this topic with a panel of money experts as they share simple steps you can take today to change your money mindset.   Changing from a spender to a saver starts with knowing where your money goes as you earn it and only spending on what you can afford as often as possible. If you want to find your money mindset, this episode is a must-hear!   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Paying yourself and learning how to save Setting aside money for your future Finding balance in your life Understanding where your money goes every month Planning and spending consciously Learning how to live within your means What "fear of missing out" is and how to avoid it Creating a realistic budget   How to change your money mindset   Do you pay yourself first? Each time you earn money in your job or side hustle, you need to start setting aside some money to pay yourself! An excellent place to start is 10% of each paycheck going into your pocket and 20% for your savings or retirement. By immediately taking these funds out, you will begin to build a future for yourself.   You won't notice the savings right away, but as you consistently take an increment off your paycheck and pop it into your savings, or "set it and forget it" you will start to see a real change. It's essential to find a balance, though.   Find ways to consciously spend on things that matter and save for your big goals. Read and study money masters to learn how to manage your money effectively. Learn what compound interest is, where to put your money so it works for you, and spending and saving with purpose.   Saving, spending, and everything in between   Did you know that the average person in the US has less than $400 in savings? When you live outside of your means, you won't be able to navigate trying times by having money in savings to help you come out ahead. These are the cases when people in need stack on additional debt by borrowing, compounding, and exacerbating an already problematic financial situation.   Additionally, before you purchase things with credit and build more debt, save instead so you can try to purchase it outright. Live within your means, and don't buy things emotionally. Don't buy a car you can't afford, don't buy a house and get wrapped up in a mortgage for more house than you need. Wait to buy until you can afford it or until you're ready to commit to the long-term purchase.   What's the priority for what you're buying in your life? Are you buying it because you want it or because marketing tells you you need it to live a good life? Do you feel like you buy things based on a "fear of missing out" (also known as FOMO)? It's crucial to understand your payments and earnings and how they play together in your financial future.   Building a budget that works   Do you know how to start a realistic budget that will bring results? You have to create a budget that works for everyone's financial goals in your household by taking everyone's expenses and goals into consideration. Find an amount that includes paying yourself first and paying into your savings and paying off any debts or investments. If you don't have any debt, consider saving ahead of time so you can pay it off more quickly, like your own line of credit.   If you feel like you have too much month left at the end of your money, you need to change your money mindset. By rewriting your mindset, you can go from a full-time spender to an efficient saver. If you need more support, read books written by financial experts, find a money mentor, and learn how to be more comfortable talking to people about money!   Connect with Andrew Logan Follow Andrew on Instagram @AndrewJamesLogan Andrew Logan's Book: The Way Out   Connect with Lloyd Ross Follow Lloyd on Facebook: Follow Lloyd on Instagram @LloydJamesRoss   Connect with Shawn Owen Follow Shawn on Facebook: Follow Shawn on Instagram @ShawnOwen15 Shawn's Website: Chipsy and Lulu   Connect with Courtney Bouchard Follow Courtney on Facebook:   Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1      
Jul 27, 2020 • 45min

Effective Leadership Tips to Help You Grow Your Team | Cathy Savage | David T.S. Wood

Effective Leadership Tips to Help You Grow Your Team | Cathy Savage | David T.S. Wood   Being an effective leader is essential to growing and developing your team. But do you know what it takes to be a leader? In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T. S. Wood interviews leadership expert, Cathy Savage, about leading with compassion and nurturing others to lead under your guidance. If you want to be a better leader, develop more rounded teams, and take your business to the next level, this episode is a must-hear!   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   What leadership is truly about? Learning how to step in and lead with elegance The four attributes of an effective leader Traits that will hold you back from effectively leading The five steps of leadership How to grow as a leader and build your team   What is leadership?   What does leadership mean to you? Is it about assuming control of a team? Is it about stepping up to take responsibility when there isn’t any in place?   Leadership, at its core, is about unifying people to work towards a common goal. But to be an effective leader, you have to first work on yourself. You have to take breaks, develop your skills, and learn to step up even when you’re afraid. You have to constantly embrace your strengths, grow your weaknesses, and enhance your team every step of the way.   The four attributes of an effective leader are:   Compassion Trust Hope Stability   But a leader should also be: Fair Friendly Firm A unifier   Traits that hold some leaders back   Gossip is one of the easiest ways to destroy reputations and erode teams. If someone is gossiping to you, they are more than likely gossiping ABOUT you, too.   Another obstacle many leaders need to overcome is ego. If you’re wrapped up in what is best for YOU, you’re not being an effective leader. You have to control your ego for the benefit of others because it will detract from your ability to lead effectively.   The four agreements to keep in mind are: Don’t take things personally Don’t make assumptions Do your best Be impeccable with your words   A leader unifies the team. When you know you can serve, heal, improve, and put others before yourself; you will be a successful leader. As long as you care, you can succeed! A good leader leads when no one is watching. If you’re going to say something, you have to live it and be true to yourself!   The five levels effective leadership   The five levels of leadership that you will walk are: Position: people follow you because they have to Permission: people follow you because they want to Production: people follow you because of what you’ve done for the organization People Development: people follow you because of what you’ve done for them Pinnacle: people follow you because of who you are and what you represent   Leadership is about continually getting better. You’ve got to learn different languages to communicate with different types of people. Remember that every master was once a disaster, but when you learn to adapt your style to different kinds of people, you will succeed.   There is a leader in everyone. You have to decide to move forward and grow every step of the way. Position yourself to make your presence known and step up and into the unknown. Connect with Cathy Savage Cathy Savage’s Website: Welcome to Cathy Savage Follow Cathy on Facebook: Cathy Savage Fitness Follow Cathy on Twitter: @CathySavage Cathy Savage on Instagram: @CathySavageOfficial   Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1      
Jul 20, 2020 • 46min

Learn How You Can Silence Your Inner Critic | Kylie Donaldson & Emma Van Der Waal | David T.S. Wood

Do you feel like your inner critic is constantly working to keep you from living your best life? Learning how to silence it can seem impossible, but with the right people in your life and the right mindset, you can rewrite your inner dialogue. In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T. S. Wood interviews best friends, Kylie Donaldson and Emma Van Der Waal, about their journey to silencing their inner critics so they could live their best lives. If you want to find your true potential and surround yourself with uplifting people, this episode is a must-hear!   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Identifying the three elements of success Pushing out of your comfort zone to grow Starting your journey towards developing a powerful mindset The power of positive affirmations Creating daily rituals for success Making your environment lead to positive results Building your mindset for success   Silencing your inner critic to find success   Controlling and rebuilding our minds is no simple feat. To create a strong mindset, you have to start by knowing your worth. Then you can begin to build your belief and identify your direction in life.   The three elements of success are: The right mind is the key to unlocking your potential The right vehicle is how you’re able to build your success The right time is what makes your success work   You may need to rewire your brain to find success. Start by immersing yourself in the lifestyle you want and believing that you CAN do anything. You don’t need to know everything when you start, but when you push out of your comfort zone, you will grow and figure out how much you DO know!   How to build a success mindset   To build a success mindset, you can start by taking small steps every day. Create a vision of where you want to go and how you’ll get there by focusing on your dream. One of the simplest things you can do is create an affirmation to keep you motivated. Focus on whatever you’re struggling with the most, and then review it as often as needed.   Affirmation Examples: My fears are melting away My mind is open to the idea that my business is growing I forgive those who have harmed me   To take it a step further, create some daily rituals to help you gain the skills you need to succeed. Some examples to help you start are:   Commit to making a daily change focused on your goal Implement rituals that will get you in the right mindset Identify what areas you need to build and focus on those things to rebuild yourself Find resources that are focused on your goal and study them every day Show up as who you are and invest energy in your goals   How your environment affects your inner dialogue   Is your environment positive with uplifting people? Or is it negative with people continually making you feel differently than you want to feel?   To help you create a positive environment, consider the following: Surround yourself with the best types of people and remember that you’re the sum of the five people that you surround yourself with the most. Listen, read, and speak positivity to infuse it into every part of your life. Be self-aware, trust the process, and know that we’re all meant to change and grow over time. Remember that you have the power to take ownership of your life. Ask for help when needed! Don’t compare yourself to other people. You never know what is going on behind closed doors. Learn how to catch yourself when you’re headed for a negative cycle to pull yourself back together. Awareness is key! Fall in love with learning.   It’s important to remember to try not to focus on WHAT happens to you, but rather how you RESPOND to it. You can rebuild your mindset at any time!   Your stories will keep you stuck, so choose the story that you want to live. Deal with the problem, learn from your mistakes, and realize that it’s just a phase. Finally, surround yourself with people that will love you enough to help push you through the hard times. With the right people on your side, your story will shift back to the positive in no time! Connect with Kylie Donalsdon Follow Kylie on Facebook: Follow Kylie on Instagram: @lvnlife01   Connect with Emma Van Der Waal Follow Emma on Facebook: Follow Emma on Instagram: @EmmaVanDerWaal   Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1    
Jul 16, 2020 • 12min

 Passion, the Secret to an Extraordinary Life | Bruce Buffer | David T.S. Wood

Getting to the heart and soul of what you do is where you find your passion and that is the key to unlocking an extraordinary life! When it comes to living large and giving it your all, Bruce Buffer is no stranger to living passionately. In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T. S. Wood talks with Bruce about how to know when "It's time" to follow your dreams. If you want to live your life fueled with passion, this episode is a must-hear! You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   Infusing your life with passion Realizing when it's time for a change and how to monetize your interests Saying "It's time" to your goals The secret to having a great day Waking up to the possibility of what's in front of you A pyramid analogy to help you stay focused The secret to becoming 100% better at everything you do Daily routines to help you live your life passionately   When you get knocked down, you have to get back up and push forward even harder to get to where you want. When you infuse passion into everything you do, you'll:   Enjoy it more Easily face with any positives and negatives you encounter along the way   Living your life with clarity and certainty will allow you to invest fully into whatever you want. You will wake up to the possibilities in front of you and pursue your dreams without regret. To start living the life you want, create a morning ritual, and maybe even add a mantra to keep you focused on where you want to be. The secret to having the best day possible is starting it with a positive, passionate attitude. The power of a pyramid hierarchy   What happens if you don't know what your passion is in life? What if you don't know where you want to go, let alone how to get there? If you're not living your best life, start by identifying the things you enjoy. Then consider what your life would look like if you did that every day!   Life is like a pyramid, whether you look at your home, work, etc., there is an essential hierarchy for everyone involved. The top 2% of the pyramid is the people making things happen and hustling every day. The remaining 98% is just as important as the top 2%, though. Without that support system in place, the whole pyramid would crumble.   If you're going into something for the first time, tackle the essentials first and learn the basics to find your footing. Then, once you've mastered the basics, go on to the next thing, and then continue the cycle as you work towards mastering whatever it is in front of you. But, a word to the wise: don't spread yourself too thin and try to learn many different things. Choose one path you're passionate about that is in line with your goals and give it your all as you climb the pyramid to that top 2%! The key to unlocking an extraordinary life   Hard work isn't what happens while you're on your way up the pyramid. The hardest part is maintaining consistency and keeping yourself successful once you're up there! It can be tempting to become complacent at the top and lose your momentum, but if you do, that is when your business will start to fall.   The key to an extraordinary life is passion, but it's also crucial to learn not to take things for granted. Passion creates a 24/7 attitude of success and appreciating the journey will give you a much better understanding as you encounter others along the way. If you want to get 100% better at anything you do, you only need to be 1% better every day for 100 days! With the right attitude and focus, you can do anything! Connect with Bruce Buffer Bruce's Website: Follow Bruce on Facebook: Follow Bruce on Twitter: @BruceBuffer   Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1    
Jul 13, 2020 • 52min

How to Start a MLM Business the Right Way | Allan & Lari Hilzinger | David T.S. Wood

Every success story is a journey full of learning experiences, and figuring out how to start a MLM business is no different! In this episode of My Extra Mile, David T. S. Wood interviews Allan & Lari Hilzinger, who, like most network marketing professionals, came to the industry in a roundabout way.   If you want to learn how to start any business successfully, learn how to grow from your mistakes, and hear some tips for starting strong, this episode is a must-hear! You’ll also have access to a powerful exercise to move past your limiting beliefs to invest back in yourself and your dreams!   You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...   A story of moving from multi-career entrepreneurs to MLM experts Focusing on WHY you want to share your business with others Prioritizing what you need to do to achieve your goals Setting goals and doing what’s necessary to reach them Learning how to be ok with “No” and accepting feedback An exercise to help you believe in yourself A look back at what these experts would have done differently How to start a MLM business and identifying your “why”   Do you have a clear enough vision of why you want to get into MLM and can you share that vision with others? Do you love the business? WHY do you love it? Your “why” is unique to your journey and should be the motivation behind everything you do to achieve your goals.   Are you ready to invest in your MLM business full-time or are you planning to devote your time on the side while you continue your other full-time career? Understanding the time that you can invest in your business will allow you to scale your time accordingly and pinpoint the best place to start for your specific circumstance. The balancing act you will have to implement is unique to each MLM, so be ok with where you are and be kind to yourself along the way. The power of a positive mindset   In MLM, you will most likely receive more “No” than “Yes,” which can be incredibly discouraging! But consider it from this perspective instead: “No” may mean “not yet!” When you shift your mindset to focus on the positive and continually nurture the relationship with that person, they may eventually see your success and want a piece of it for themselves!   Additionally, as you grow your business and encounter more MLM experts, accept feedback on your business approach to update and refine your skills. In this industry, it’s a constant cycle of learning and growing as you identify the best and most unique way you can connect with your target audience. David says, “You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person, and you can’t say the right thing to the wrong person,” so try to keep this in mind throughout your interactions.   This exercise can help you believe in yourself: Write down your list of thoughts of everything that could go wrong. Be as drastic as you want! Now ask yourself, “Is it true?” If you answer yes, take it a step further, “Is it REALLY true?” Now consider, “Who am I when I believe it’s true?” “How will I come across to others?” “Who could I be if I didn’t believe this was true?” Then, focus on that shift in your mindset to focus on the positive. A look back at what they would have done differently   What would you tell yourself if you could go back and coach yourself from day one? It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in your MLM business, or any business for that matter, you inevitably made some mistakes when you first got started.   Here are some starter tips from the experts:   Regularly ask, “What am I focused on?” and “What SHOULD I focus on?” By shifting your mindset, you won’t waste your time on unimportant details and focus on the essential information instead. Start sharing instantly! Don’t wait to start talking about your business. Be open about your journey from day one and ask for support from your contacts along the way.   When it comes to sharing, it can be tempting to want your family and friends to join your business. But, focusing on the sales pitch is a dangerous line to walk. Instead, keep your language focused on yourself and YOUR journey, asking for support along the way. This will increase interaction with your post, keep your products and business in mind, and keep the conversation positive until they’re ready to learn more. Connect with Allan & Lari Hilzinger Follow Allan & Lari on Facebook: Follow Allan on Instagram: @AllanHilzinger Follow Lari on Instagram: @LariHilzinger Follow Allan on Twitter: @AllanHilzinger Connect with David T. S. Wood Follow David on Facebook: Follow David on Instagram: @DavidTSWood Follow David on Twitter: @DavidTSWood1    
Jul 10, 2020 • 24min

Cleanse Day Q&A

Description: Cleanse Days are one of the most popular aspects of any Isagenix System. From how they differ from other intermittent fasting protocols to the role of ketosis to what can actually be consumed on a Cleanse Day, registered dietitian Lindsay Gnant covers it all! She leaves no topic behind and provides science-based answers to some of the most common questions about Cleanse Days.

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