Ep. 245: Izabella Wentz and Thyroid Medications
In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk to Izabella Wentz, a professional pharmacist about medication for balancing thyroid hormones.
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 245: Izabella Wentz and Thyroid Medications
Intro (0:00)
News and Views (0:40)
Sarah and her kids went to her local March for Science! Sarah feels passionate about her adopted home and about science, so this was a perfect event for her! Check out her Instagram for her pictures!
Stacy hasn't done any marches with her kids, but loves going into DC and talking about the history in the city
Stacy, meanwhile, sold her house, but unfortunately the buyers backed out and it was very disappointing.
Our guest is Izabella Wentz, the Thyroid Pharmacist! (7:21)
Izabella is the "Thyroid Queen", a professional pharmacist who has developing a ton of resources for people with thyroid conditions
Sarah was in her documentary The Thyroid Secret recently.
She has a new book called The Hashimoto's Protocol, a holistic, functional medicine look at treating and living with Hashimoto's
Izabella is very interested in helping people find relief from thyroid issues and reverse their damage.
Sarah remembers being frustrated that even after diagnosis, she might have to tinker for years to get the best lifestyle for her disease.
Sarah, Stacy and Izabella all remind you that medication isn't failure. In fact even for early stage Hashimoto's early hormone medications can help preserve the thyroid and improve health
Izabella wants you to put everything in your "Toolshed of Healing" including medication.
Synthroid is the most prescribed Thyroid hormone medication. It is T4 medication, which is supposed to be converted to the more active T3. But that doesn't always happen that way.
Doctors say 90% of patients see improvement with Synthroid, but Izabella says that only 20% see great relief with only T4 medication. She recommends a T3 medication as well.
There are two main thyroid hormones, T3 and T4
Izabella thinks people with Hashi's often can't convert T4 to T3 and thus recommends getting a compounded thyroid medication with both hormones in a bioidentical (a ratio that is similar to the body's) ratio.
Find a compounding pharmacist that is accredited by the Profession Compounding Centers of America.
The other option is desiccated thyroid hormones, or hormones that come from animal sources
Sarah asks what someone should do if they only have access to a regular medical endocrinologist without success.
Izabella says to check to see if you are underdosed. They're on the borderline of hypothyroidism, but not optimal (optimal TSH is between .5 and 2)
Check into T3 and T4 levels. If your T4 is on the high side and your T3 is on the low side, you're still not converting well.
Some endocrinologists are hesitant to prescribe T3, so if your TSH is fine but you're still not doing well, tell your doctor your symptoms and suggest T3 supplementation.
If they're not prone to prescribing T3, maybe get a second opinion. Ask your compounding pharmacist.
Izabella has an article on why doctors don't like to prescribe T3. It's because it used to be used on people with normal thyroids with amphetamines to lose weight. Which isn't healthy! It would induce hypothyroidism, heart issues and mania.
Thyroid medications are "Goldilocks" medications. You dose in micrograms, not milligrams. You need not too much and not too little.
Sarah says that you have be patient with medication. Wait a while after changing before testing again. On average it takes 2 years to get the right therapeutic dose. And doctors start very low. Izabella tests every 4 weeks and increasing very slowly.
Target is TSH levels between .5 and 2.
Symptom changes between dose changes are super important. You have to ask the right questions
Izabella tests more frequently when a medication is changed or if they have had a thyroidectomy
And when taking T3, test before you take your medication or you will look abnormal.
Sarah finds you can't predict a therapeutic dose based on initial test levels.
If you're dose isn't right, symptoms to look for: tangled, thinning hair and eyebrows, face puffy, brain fog, memory loss, sadness, fatigue, colder than average person, improper sweating, struggling with weight, joint pain, GI symtoms, heavy periods or carpal tunnel.
Symptoms of hyperthroidism: excessive sweating, heart palpitations, insomnia, unintentional weight loss, scant periods, overheating, or very irritable.
If you have Hasimoto's Thyroiditis, check out The Hashimoto's Protocol to help you take control of your life and teach you how to manage your body.
Izabella wants you to be an empowered patient: know what you can do on your own and what role you doctor can do for you. She recommends a functional medicine doctor.
Ask: Does your doctor prescribe compounded medications or natural desiccated thyroid? Does he or she prescribe low dosages of Naltraxone? Does he or she order adrenal saliva testing? Does he or she have an account with functional medicine lab companies?
Check out Izabella at ThyroidPharmacist.com
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Outro (39:05)
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