Ep. 257: Live Show Part 3: Not-So-Rapid Fire
In this episode, it's the third and final part of our LIVE show! We go rapid fire with the questions, but still long winded with the answers!
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The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 257: Live Show Part 3: Not-So-Rapid Fire
Intro (0:00)
Welcome to the live show, this is Part 3 of our show! Listen to Part 2 of the live show here and Part 1 of the live show here!
Question 1: Christine asks, how do you find out which vitamin and mineral defficiencies are associated with your autoimmune disease?
Sarah: Some studies have shown deficiencies, others have just shown improvements with supplementation, but not very many of these studies group autoimmune diseases and study deficiency differences across all of them
Right now, there are incomplete data showing which is most important
"Frequent flyers" are Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Zinc and Omega-3 Fats.
You can also look at what the immune system uses, Vitamin A and D and Zinc are key for regulatory actions
The immune system's proteins need methylation, so B6, B9, B12 are key for that as are Vitamin C and E as antioxidants
Iron, Copper, Magnesium (maybe more minerals)
All these have key role in the immune system, so it's unsurprising that these deficiencies are linked with diseases
Question 2: If my children (an older daughter and a baby son) never try gluten and dairy, how will I know if they have an intolerance or Celiac Disease?
Stacy: we decided to just assume that our kids have it, given our family history, and to not test
If it's important for you to test Celiac, you'll have to expose your kids
Sarah: chances are very good that your daughter (who was never exposed) will rebel and eat some gluten eventually, and it's ok to wait for that challenge
Stacy: reminder that some people can have issues with gluten and no physical symptoms. Stacy and Cole just get emotional and depressed when they're reacting
They can't tell you to fix anything if you DO get a positive result—you just have to avoid it anyway.
Sarah: research shows there's a lower risk of Celiac if gluten is introduced while breastfeeding, and the longer you breastfeed the lower the risk, so introducing to a baby is more backed by research
In the same situation, Sarah would probably include a little wheat a couple of times toward the end of breastfeeding (around 2 years) so they can communicate whether something is wrong
In peanut allergy studies, babies were fed a very small amount to help reduce allergies, so it doesn't have to be a huge serving
Question 3: Jessica's son did the cheek swab DNA test, with her second child she's just said "we have Celiac." Is the DNA test helpful?
Sarah: studies of people with Celiac susceptibility genes, HLADQ2 and HLADQ8, have shown that people without Celiac who also have digestive symptoms still have a zonulin response to gluten. They're still getting a leaky gut in response to gluten, even though it's not Celiac
60% of the population has one or both of these genes, which explains non-Celiac gluten sensitivity
Having one of those risk genes is a compelling argument not to mess with Gluten, because of the risk of a leaky gut reaction
Question 4: The Dr. from the Gluten Free Society's website claims there are two other genes associated with Gluten sensitivity, HLADQ1 and HLADQ3, which no standard Celiac test looks for. Any other research on this?
Sarah hasn't seen anything on that, but she's never specifically looked through the research for that
3% of Celiacs don't have HLADQ2 or HLADQ8, that 3% could have that other selection of genes
Already more than a dozen HLA variants linked with autoimmune diseases
Question 5: Can Sarah share her Paleo road trip snacks?
She didn't try to eat on the road, she packed picnic lunches
Grassfed organic all-beef hot dogs from Wal-Mart! On sale for $3.50/lb
Sarah had some canned salmon mix for herself
Her husband had leftover cooked salmon
They had a huge baggie of carrots, celery, and cucumber, apples
Boulder Canyon Avocado Oil potato chips
EPIC Snack Strips
Rice crackers for snacks
Paleo Angel Power Balls
Some 85% chocolate (which they didn't open, but had just in case)
Water to drink
Sarah made a stew for dinner, which she heated up with a hot plate warmer thing
Her family has done grocery store rotisserie chickens or chicken strips from Trader Joe's, because they're easy to pull apart and share
On the way back, they'll probably try to find a burger place
Hard to find grass-fed, but places that clean the grill, lettuce wrap or do gluten free buns would be ideal
Overall, she has a cooler in the back and a snack bag between the kids
It's the same snacks they use at home, but she always makes sure to include protein, like EPIC Strips
She always includes raw veggies, fruit and something sweet, like Power Balls
When everybody's miserable having a treat is really helpful for mood
Sarah's oldest loves Cliff Kit's Organic Bars and her youngest loves raisins
Her kids like Chomp's Beef Sticks and Roam Beef Sticks
Her family doesn't love the EPIC Bars, but they really like the EPIC Bites
Question: Do either Sarah or Stacy use a water filter, and which one?
tap water is one of the greatest inventions of mankind.
The fact that we have potable water delivered to our house for cheap, any time we want, is great.
It goes through so much processing to get to potability in our houses that he really feels like honoring tap water by drinking it
She agrees, but a lot of the members of her family have chloramine sensitivity (her brother missed a year of school due to this sensitivity) so Sarah has always used at least a Brita filter
Her municipal water is Dasani so that's basically what they're drinking if they use a charcoal filter
Sarah recently won a reverse-osmosis filter, but she feels like she has to add back in so many minerals to make it a helpful source of minerals
Sarah thinks we should remineralize our tap water - she uses Trace Minerals and EM Drops
Mostly adding Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and some trace minerals. Most people (yes even Paleo peeps) are mineral deficient
She's adding probably up to 20% of her family's RDA to their water
Reminder: Sarah comes from socialist Canada and sort of automatically trusts the government, but recognizes that doesn't necessarily reflect the American experience
Pay attention to stuff, there's plenty of contaminated water out there, so you might want to make sure your municipal water is safe
BUT she thinks tap water is fine
When he was growing up in Mass., well water is pretty hit-or-miss, so his dentist prescribed fluoride to everyone
He and his brother (who did not have well water) had stained teeth from too much fluoride
So, it's just a matter of knowing what's in your water
There's not a lot of evidence that fluoride is causing health problems, but also little evidence it's helping dental health
Fluoridated toothpaste, on the other hand, has some really compelling science backing its efficacy
There's some science to show that fluoride might sequester in the pineal gland and over 60, 70, 80 years decrease the amount of melatonin secreted by that gland, linked with sleep disturbances in the elderly, but that's sort of a big leap at this point
But you can take that out with a normal carbon filter if you are concerned
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Outro (33:00)
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