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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

Latest episodes

Oct 27, 2017 • 1h 3min

Episode 271: Chris Kresser Practices Unconventional Medicine

Ep. 271: Chris Kresser Practices Unconventional Medicine In this episode, we talk to Chris Kresser about how to make healthcare more practical, sustainable, and better at treating chronic disease.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 271: Chris Kresser Practices Unconventional Medicine News and Views (0:41) Our guest today is Chris Kresser! He's a practicing functional medicine doctor, blogger, author and "voice of reason" we really admire. He was a guest on Episode 86 as well. Chris's new book is about changing how we approach healthcare. It's titled Unconventional Medicine and comes out November 7th Stacy discovered Chris Kresser through Robb Wolf's podcast where he challenged Robb Wolf on Fish Oil. It was refreshing to see two thought leaders debating a topic and one change his mind. Chris's old book was called The Paleo Cure. Chris was interested in how he could change health care practices through his own work in his clinic. Conventional medicine doesn't treat chronic disease very well and it could be disastrous for the economy of the United States. Doctors give the recommendation of "eat better, exercise" but don't really give details, follow up, or help you get there. Chris got very sick from parasite infections in his early 20s and while he recovered from the acute infection easily, the chronic remnants of the disease continued until he figured out how to heal himself. Functional medicine is a systems biology approach to medicine. Chris's analogy: If you have a rock in your shoe, conventional medicine diagnoses you with foot pain and gives you a tylenol. Functional medicine tells you to dump out the rock. People are on all kinds of medicine when better approaches might lead to fewer. Instead of suppressing systems, Functional medicine tackles the causes of disease, especially diet and lifestyle factors. Stacy recently had an experience with a regular doctor that made her wonder if patients are part of the problem: they want a pill to fix it rather than working on their diet and lifestyle. Chris's practice follows up and provides resources to help patients do it. One in Two people has chronic disease and one in four have multiple chronic disease. We have to reverse this! Meanwhile, Sarah is very concerned that she wasn't getting enough interventions with conventional medicine. Chris says doctors are upset with modern medicine as well. They're burned out, don't have enough time, and half want to quit! Doctors are being pushed too hard. They see twice as many patients as they did a few decades ago. Chris envisions a system where someone who comes in with pre-diabetes is assigned a nutritionist and a personal trainer and a gym membership rather than pills and no follow up. He sees this as cost effective: $1 million over the course of a lifetime vs. $10000 Chris sees this as a virtuous cycle rather than a vicious cycle. Things actually get better over time. We spend 3.2 trillion dollars per year on healthcare. That's $10000 per person, or 1/3 of the median income. We need to stop accepting chronic illness as normal. It's not normal, its common. As Angelo Coppola says, "Humans are not broken by default." The health insurance model has only been around for 60 years or so and people paid for their own. This kept costs down. Catastrophic Care gives the example of people giving the options of either taking statins covered by insurance or paying on their own to change diet and lifestyle and exercising. These are not equivalent choices and few would not choose the "free" pill option. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (1:01:21) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 20, 2017 • 39min

Episode 270: Lady Gaga and Taking Care of Yourself

Ep. 270: Lady Gaga and Taking Care of Yourself In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about Lady Gaga and her health issues and how we can learn from her hectic lifestyle potentially causing her trouble.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 270: Lady Gaga and Taking Care of Yourself News and Views (0:41) We have put out one episode every week for 270 weeks in a row! This week's episode is about Lady Gaga on her new Netflix special Gaga: Five Foot Two (Warning for boobs) Gaga has had autoimmune diseases, Fibromyalgia that have affected her touring and health. She could get up for her shows with the adrenaline rush, but her health was always declining. She also said her thyroid medication was "unrelated" to her health issues (but it's probably not!) There have been rumors floating about concerning her maybe being paleo. She uses words that are adjacent to paleo without ever saying paleo. (By the way, Sarah is totally like Lady Gaga.) Sarah relates because she is also constantly derailed by lifestyle factors. You need to keep up with health and activity and stress to keep yourself healthy! But we always convince ourselves they aren't important! Diet is much easier than slowing yourself down. Reaching for crutches (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, other comforts) is often seen when your lifestyle isn't in order. It's important to listen to your body throughout the day, not just on the highs where you feel great. Sarah handles this by setting up rules for herself: she has a bedtime, she caters her dedicated exercise schedules to how she's feeling, and focuses on diet when her stress is high, and cuts back on activities she agrees to when she's stressed. Putting out health issues is better for the public understanding of them. It reminds Stacy of Selena Gomez having a kidney transplant this summer. Use celebrities to talk health with your loved ones. Autoimmune diseases are isolation so seeing a public figure suffering makes people feel better. See to see when Sarah will be at a town near you. RSVP NOW! Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (53:09) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 15, 2017 • 55min

Episode 269: What Is a Real Detox and What Is Bunk?

Ep. 269: What Is a Real Detox and What Is Bunk? In this episode, we discuss the difference between trendy detoxes and helpful ones and explain how your body really detoxes.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 269: What Is a Real Detox and What Is Bunk? News and Views (0:41) Sarah and Stacy are recording during the day, and Sarah isn't in her PJ's (for once!) Sarah's still tired because she's been recording videos for the Autoimmune Protocol Lecture Series videos all week. Stacy is excited about the next few shows because she got to pick the topics! After finishing Paleo Principles (which is 672 pages) Sarah went right into filming videos. Her feet have been swelling at night with no real explanation, and this got worse during filming. Sarah's FIFTH formulation of her thyroid medication has been working really well, and she is happy that she's lost some weight as a side effect. Stacy says that Sarah is a good example of weight loss coming on the heels of improved health. But it might also be triggering her swollen feet... The Truth About Detoxes This week's episode is Stacy's suggestion, but it comes at a great time because of Sarah's swollen feet! Sarah's Functional Medicine specialist suggested that estrogen stored in her fat, which was released during her rapid fat loss, might be causing the swelling in her feet. So, her doctor recommended a medical detox from Douglas Labs, which helped reduce the swelling right away! Stacy thinks there's a lack of education around other types of detoxes, as well as marketers who prey on "detox" searches on the web. Sarah says lots of detoxes have no grounding in science; a lot of them are fiber-rich and make you poop a lot. Another example is the coffee enema, which can actually be dangerous. Read Sarah's post "Coffee Enemas: What the Science Says versus What You've Heard" for more. Interestingly, lots of detoxes, like juice cleanses, can have immediate beneficial effects because you're eating more veggies and pulling out inflammatory foods (such as FODMAP's and alcohol). However, they're not a good solution because they starve your beneficial gut bacteria. Detoxification happens in the liver, but these cleanses don't support the liver. Most "Toxins" are fat-soluble, including heavy metals, metabolic by-products, and excess hormones. Liver detox: Phase 1: Liver transforms them into water-soluble forms. Nutrients for this include B Vitamins, Vitamin A, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium. Phase 2: Conjugation - the water-soluble molecule is combined with something to neutralize it, and by-products are secreted into small intestine and eliminated or sent to kidneys and eliminated Nutrients for this include Amino Acids, Glutamine, Methionine, Taurine, Cysteine, Vitamin B and C, Selenium. Liver stores the nutrients needed for detoxification, so eating liver (or taking Vital Proteins Liver Pills) is a great "detox" strategy. Fiber from veggies (especially non-starchy), water, organ meats, bone broth, seafood, and fruit are all great detox foods - i.e. the Paleo diet! It's also important to stay hydrated. If your liver can't keep up, supporting Phase 1 or Phase 2 with botanicals like Milk Thistle can be helpful. This is what a medical detox looks like; it should only be done under a doctor's supervision. In contrast, most detoxes just clear out your good bacteria and don't support your liver at all. Stacy really doesn't like that companies use misleading "marketing techniques" to convince people to buy their detox products that don't work. Find a good functional medicine doctor to work with! Stacy and Sarah both love Vital Proteins beef liver pills. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (53:09) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 6, 2017 • 48min

Episode 268: How Do I Know if My Gut is Healthy?

Ep. 268: How Do I Know if My Gut is Healthy? In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk poop! They discuss how you can tell if your digestion is in shape and what to do if it's not.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 268: How Do I Know if My Gut is Healthy? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) The phrase is: "Trying to get credit for things you're supposed to do." It was inspired by a profane Chris Rock bit from Bigger and Blacker. Stacy has become a big fan of Felix Gray computer glasses! They are awesome! This week our topic is all about gut health! Stacy is SO into it! We have a lot of questions about it, probably because the topic is so taboo in polite society. Genia says, "How do you tell if you have an unhealthy gut? What are the best things I can start doing now to start working on my gut health? I am very new to paleo and there is a lot of info out there. Thank you for any info or tips. Also I am slowly listening to your past podcast. What do you think are the best episodes for a newbie to listen to first?" (8:26) Don't listen to our first Mark Sisson episode where Sarah fangirled all over him. (Do listen to that!) What Do I Do After a Bad Reaction Stefani Ruper's shows are Episode 80, Episode 87, Episode 6, and Strong Woman Radio 25 Denise Minger is here and here And check out our Paleo 101 series here. At home gut health tests are in Paleo Principles and on The Paleo Mom. Gastrointestinal symptom checklist: gas bloating bleching constipation diarrhea heartburn indigestion pain or straining undigested food mucus blood in the stool (dark clotted blood. bright blood is from anal fissures probably) If you notice your digestion, there's probably something wrong. Normal frequency is 3 times per day to 3 times per week. Sarah is a fan of Dr. Jeff Leach from the Human Food Project. Stacy reminds herself that only humans are embarassed by poop this way. Compare your poop to the Bristol Stool Scale. You should consistently at level 3 or 4. Transit time test: eat something you can see in your stool like corn or sesame seeds or beets. Time from eating to pooping. Ideally between 12-48 hours. If your concerned, see a doctor. They can do more tests like stool analysis, colonoscopy, biopsy, etc. If you don't need a doctor's care, then you probably need to change your diet. Increase fruits and vegetables. It's the fiber. Increase Omega-3 fat intake. Lower saturated fat Eating fermented foods, especially wild fermented. Some nutrients help form the intestinal junctions: fiber, quercitin, burburein, zinc, and glycine. Don't get overwhelmed by feeling like you need to do everything at once! Take it steps at a time. Focus on nutrient density and everything else can follow. Is this food helping my health, hurting my health or neutral? DO NOT SEND US PICTURES OF YOUR POOP! Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (46:45)   Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 29, 2017 • 53min

Episode 267: The Benefits of Nature

Ep. 267: The Benefits of NatureIn this episode, we discuss the benefits of actually being in nature, in the outdoors.Click here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 267: The Benefits of Nature Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) Official: Paleo Principles is done! Stacy spent the weekend in Staunton, Virginia at the Queen City Mischief and Magic Potter Party! The Health Benefits of Nature This week's episode is inspired by Stacy's Beautycounter California trip where she learned all about how to take the natural world and adapt it for stuff humans use at Lotusland! See Sarah's post on this topic here. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (36:29)   Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 22, 2017 • 41min

Episode 266: Getting Back on Track

Ep. 266: Getting Back on TrackIn this episode, discuss reasons what to do if you know you should be following a specific diet but can't seem to get back on board with it.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 266: Getting Back on Track Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) Sarah is getting Paleo Principles to the printers this week! Good luck! Stacy is back from her Beautycounter California trip! Stephanie asks: "Hi ladies. Long-ish time listener, and I absolutely love you both, especially your real-life-ness and authenticity. My question is along those lines. A few years ago, I was convinced of the health benefits and followed a paleo template diet with ease; I felt wonderful and was at my best. But now - I've fallen off track. I still know in my head that I should eat a paleo/real food only diet with earnest commitment... but I'm struggling with consistency, and a bit of "what-is-the-bleeping-point" because I'm already 30-40ish pounds overweight and none of my clothes fit anymore anyway. I guess my question is - how do you start and re-start yourselves when life gets in the way? How do I not get down on myself for re-gaining weight, and just move forward? Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (36:29)   Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 15, 2017 • 33min

Episode 265: Should everyone follow AIP?

Ep. 265: Should everyone follow AIP?In this episode, discuss reasons why and why not to follow the Autoimmune ProtocolClick here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 265: Should everyone follow AIP? Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) We're recording early due to book work, travel and Stacy's Birthday! Stacy is turning 36, which is the age she remembers her own mom. Stacy is going to the Biltmore in Santa Barbara for a spa weekend that she earned with Beautycounter! Send any questions you have to us! We love questions! Question from Karen (5:47): "My question is Would it be a good idea for me to try the Autoimmune Protocol even if I have not been officially diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? I have seen benefits of the Paleo diet but am still experiencing gastrointestinal issues and wondering if I should continue by eliminating eggs, nuts, seeds, and nightshades? Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated." Stacy says not to look at it as necessarily an autoimmune issue, but a bad reaction to a certain food. Everyone has different triggers, some may be nightshades, some may be starch or fat. You have to figure it out. Keep a food log to track when and what circumstances are causing issues. That said, the AIP wouldn't necessarily be bad, just not necessarily prescribed. Plus, you're eliminating so much it will be harder to see what you're reacting to. Reintroduce using the reintroduction protocol. AIP is about dialing in all aspects of health and making sure you the best, safest choice, removing all possible immune stimulators. Autoimmune is hard to diagnose, so if you think AIP might help a chronic illness, it probably will. And sometimes even treated autoimmune disease will benefit from AIP by reducing inflammation and treating concurrent autoimmune issues. But AIP is not indicated for everyone. Some eliminated foods are really nutrient dense and a good choice for most people! Stuff like grass-fed dairy, nuts and seeds and pastured eggs are good for most people. You won't know what your issue is until you do an elimination diet. Maybe you have an infection or SIBO or FODMAP intolerance, etc. Perhaps you need a probiotic. Diet is the biggest corrective factor in GI symptoms! Eat more veggies and fruits. Your community of gut bacteria will love them. Gut bacteria control everything! Getting them healthy is so important. Eat more veggies and fiber and low saturated fat and high Omega-3s. Seafood and veggies are magic! Remember: AIP isn't paleo with more eliminations, but a whole lifestyle change to have a great nutrient dense diet with healthy lifestyle factors. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (36:29)   Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 8, 2017 • 38min

Episode 264: Coping Mentally with New Physical Limitations

Ep. 264: Coping Mentally with New Physical Limitations In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about Adrenal Fatigue and how to keep your spirits up when you can't seem to get ahead. Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 264: Coping Mentally with New Physical Limitations Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) Stacy is enjoying her long weekend because this is her busy season at work and the kids just went back to school! She picked apples. See our Apple Tutorial! Paleo Principles update: Sarah is doing her final read throughs! Almost done! Sarah really enjoys reading this book. She thinks its her best one yet. Stacy has been focusing on mindset lately to look at things more positively. Question from Nancy (8:27): "My issue is I totally feel zonked out. Very little if any energy throughout the day. It's all I can do to make it through until bedtime at which time I crash and find it difficult to get up in the morning. I do realize this can at least in part be related to my elevated thyroid numbers. But I think that I have adrenal issues on top of it. I have a very stressful job (high school guidance counselor) and see very little reprieve during the day. I've worked as a school counselor for almost 20 years and I think it's caught up with me. I have gotten to the point where I have actually no (and I mean no) fight or flight response. Someone like Michael from Halloween could jump out of the bushes and try to scare me and the only response I would have would be "oh, hi!". I would have absolutely no racing heart, etc. or any of those normal fight or flight responses. This started about 8 months ago when I could feel my heart racing start to slow down or feel muffled. Now that feeling has evolved into having absolutely no flight or flight response at all.....not even when I see someone heart flip flops. I've shared this information with my doctor and he feels some of it is related to my thyroid and some of it's related to adrenal fatigue. My doc wants to slowly regulate my thyroid medication as to move quickly will put too much strain on my adrenals. He says once we get my thyroid on track we'll work on the adrenals. But I'm not sure and it's starting to scare me and feel at some point my adrenals will just stop working all together. Not sure what to do about it as I'd like to get my adrenals back on track. Right now my doctor doesn't want me to do any strenuous exercise as he feels it would overtax my weakened adrenals. I'm an athlete who formerly ran, lifted weights, and biked throughout the week. And now I walk just to get fresh air and try to keep it moving. That's a downer for me, but it's all I can do. I also work on stress management by relaxing, meditating, listening to cool music and generally try to mentally separate from my work day when I'm not at work. I enjoyed your blog post Sarah about adrenal fatigue and feel the information helpful. Thanks so much for what you do, Sarah and Stacy. You both rock!!" See Sarah's post series on Adrenal Fatigue here. Stacy says take the saliva test if you think you have adrenal issues! When Stacy had issues, she took supplements and changed lifestyle when she had issues. Work on your sleep! See Sarah on naps. Look at your life and take out anything that's not adding value and only adding stress. Stacy had to pull back from paleo blogging when she had issues. Maybe change your job to be less stressful Nutrient dense foods and supplements as well. Anything that's a stress, you should tackle it. Stacy had to unpack boxes to reduce her stress. Missing your workouts can be a downer, but focus on the positives of what you can do! Her T3 and T4 thyroid hormones are not too bad, but her Thyroid stimulating hormone is very high. Thyroid levels have to be taken on slowly because overdosing can be life threatening. Sarah had been working on it for years now. See our show with Isabella Wentz for more There is crossover Thyroids, stress axis and sex hormones. She could have low progesterone levels too. And cortisol could be high in the morning, low in the afternoon. She has to test to know how her thyroids are working. There's so much going on with this stuff that you need a doctor that knows what to do with it. Just because your doctor is working on thyroid doesn't mean you can't do diet and lifestyle factors to improve adrenals. Going outside in the day, light therapy, amber glasses, meditation, stress reduction all good ideas Walking is great but maybe yoga or martial arts as well? Supplement with Vitamin C and Magnesium and B Vitamins to combat stress! Sarah likes Metagenics, Douglas Labs, Seeking Health, and Designs for Health brands. Get Omega-3s from seafood once a day and maybe short term fish oil supplementation. The most important tools for recovering: Patience (it takes time!) and self-care (you are important and you need to recognize and meet your needs!). Develop priorities that protect you in the future. This sucks, but you CAN recover from it! Stacy points out that there's a reason the Serenity Prayer is popular. Don't focus on what you can't change. Focus on what you can change and think about the positivity! Should isn't a positive word. Don't ever use it on yourself. Again, see Sarah's post series on Adrenal Fatigue here. Sarah doesn't know the sign of the horns, apparently. WTF. How is she going to ward off the evil eye? Swedish Death Metal: Listen to Opeth, my favorite band. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (36:29)     Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 1, 2017 • 50min

Episode 263: Asking Us Everything Part 2

Ep. 263: Asking Us Everything Part 2   In this episode, Stacy and Sarah respond to your Ask-Me-Anything style questions! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 263: Asking Us Everything Part 2 Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) We're back for more AMA! We think this is a lot of fun. Paleo Principles update: We're at 688 pages. It's WAY TOO MANY! How did you write such a long book? No one knows. Maybe we'll do a workout video with it. Meanwhile, Stacy's kids are going to three different schools and one of them took the bus to middle school at 6:30! It's been exhausting! More AMA questions! Fun questions we love and haven't been asked before! Are either of you superstitious? (8:21) Stacy believes that people can find themselves in advantageous or disadvantageous situations, but there's not some force in the world that notices when you follow superstitions Sarah does do some superstitions out of habit, but doesn't think she actually believes that they have power. Sarah does say she believes in karma and also believes that people are meant to do things, but also believes in the chaos and randomness in the universe. There is some cognitive dissonance there. Stacy doesn't know why she does some superstitions, and catches herself doing them despite not really believing in them. They're fun for kids too. Which character from The Walking Dead do you most identify with? (12:36) Stacy definitely identifies with Maggie because she's kind and a leader who is into family. Sarah doesn't watch the show. Stacy modifies it to which character from Game of Thrones do you identify with? (13:03) Stacy identifies with Sansa and Dany Sarah took an online test that said she was a Robb Stark because of her leadership and strong moral compass. But Sarah also really loves Dany for similar reasons. Sarah also identifies with Samwell Tarly because she too would be in the back as a craven. Stacy and Matt love Tormund Giantsbane and Samwell Tarly as well. If you had to live in a house with other bloggers for a reality TV show, who would you choose? (16:18) Number one for both is Russ Crandall, The Domestic Man. Stacy also mentions Bill and Hayley from Primal Palate, Stacy wonders what kind of show this is? Are we casting for a competition? Because we're not naming our bad guys! Really, check out who we tag all the time on social media Stacy: RealFoodLiz Liz Wolfe, That Paleo Couple, and A Tribe Beyond Blessed, Kaitlyn from Grassfed Girl Sarah: Mickey and Angie from Autoimmune Wellness, Charissa Talbot from No Cook Paleo, Kirsten Peterson from Vibrant Life Army Wife, and Denise Minger. Check out our Live from Paleo FX House show for more! Is once a week for dessert too much? (19:48) Sarah: it depends. Is it going to satisfy you so you won't crave it anymore or will it just trigger more cravings? Stacy and Sarah both tend to be "fall off the wagon" types. In that case, maybe best to avoid it. What is your most hated activity in Strongman or Crossfit? Stacy: Running. It's why I started Strongman. Sarah: Weighted lunges or running with a weight. Stacy loved the feeling of being too sore to do normal activities. She always said "Bring it on!" What is the most often cooked meal in your house? (26:06) Stacy: Meatloaf and Chicken thighs. Sarah: roast chicken or liver burgers. Is there anyone in the paleo world you still get nervous talking to? (26:30) Stacy: No, not in the paleo world Sarah got giggly when talking to Mark (Definitely go back and listen to that one!) Sarah gets excited when people know who she is. Like Art Devany and Dr. David Perlmutter Stacy has learned that people are just people and are just like everyone else. Stacy says only a few people would intimidate her or make her squee. One of them is a baby sloth. Kristen Bell's sloth spatula is on backorder, but it is here. How tall are you? (33:23) Stacy: 5'7". People always think she's taller though. Sarah is 5'5 3/4", but she always says she's 5'6". Can you do a foreign accent? (36:33) Stacy: It would be terrible. However, Stacy and her stepsister would go to the beach and pretend to be French with the names "Ginger Bread" and "Carry-on Bag". Sarah: I do bad American versions of foreign accents and uses them to play with her kids. Which is your favorite of your books (38:54) That's like asking which is your favorite kid! They're all our favorites But if pressed, Stacy likes Real Life Paleo because it's how we really eat, but Matt likes Beyond Bacon because its a more sophisticated foodie book. Sarah: I really like my new one, Paleo Principles. It's like my previous books put together and made better! Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (1:05:15)     Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 25, 2017 • 1h 6min

Episode 262: Asking Us Everything

Ep. 262: Asking Us Everything   In this episode, Stacy and Sarah respond to your Ask-Me-Anything style questions! Click here to listen in iTunes If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 262: Asking Us Everything Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:41) Sarah and her family watched the eclipse at totality, and she's probably not blind! They drove to Athens, Tenn. but their first plan was closed, so they ended up in a random field. There were lots of cool telescopes there her family got to use. Sarah feels lucky they were close enough to drive. Stacy's area had 84%, so she got to go watch at school with her boys. It's an "Ask Me Anything" style podcast. We took your Q's from social media and got some great ones! (11:40) Trisha: What brand of oral hygiene do you use? Sarah has been using Primal Life Organics Dirty Mouth Toothpowder and Dirty Mouth Boost recently. At first there was some sensitivity as her teeth adjusted, but now it's working to remineralize her teeth. Her kids like the sweeter flavors, which are new for kids. Stacy uses Redmond Earth Paste. She's also used the PLO product but didn't like the powder. Redmond Earth Paste is more like a traditional toothpaste, but it's also clay-based. Nick: if you could go back in time and give your 24-year-old self some advice, what would it be? Cole was not quite a toddler when Stacy was 24. She would tell herself to prioritize nutrients for herself as well as her baby. She wasn't ready to hear about Paleo, but she did want to optimize his diet. She didn't focus on herself for years, until she didn't have the energy to keep up with them. Sarah was in grad school and had just lost 100 lbs (the first time) using a low-carb diet and had decided she would run marathons. She thought that was proof that she was healthy, but she would tell herself to pay more attention to her other symptoms. For example, she was struggling with constipation, skin problems, joint pain, asthma. Nutrient density, gluten free and dairy free weren't on her radar, but she was really stressing her body. Eventually she had to learn to see her health as more than her BMI, and she wishes she would have understood that earlier. Hannah: what are your techniques for reducing stress? Stacy likes cuddling and skin-to-skin contact with her family Drinking a warm cup of tea is relaxing. Her self-care routine and skincare are really helpful as well, or taking a bath with a bath bomb. It's also critical for Stacy to separate food from emotions Sarah's number 1 trick is to have a non-negotiable bed time and focus on sleep. She also tries to get light exposure during the day (outside or sun lamp) and minimize exposure at night (with Swannies or lightbulbs). She also prioritizes movement. She seeks out laughter with her kids or with friends, hobbies, etc. On the flip side, it's helpful to find stillness through stretching and meditation music. Phillip: go-to fast Paleo breakfast options? Stacy likes slow-cooked scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt with chia seeds and blueberries, jerky, RXBars. Sarah makes homemade sausage patties and freezes them, then eats them with saurkraut and a piece of fruit. If she's running out the door she makes a Collagen Veggie Blend drink and eats a Beef Apple Bacon EPIC Bar. On the weekends she makes a double or triple batch of Paleo Waffles. Stacy recommends making soup, Simple Mills Muffins, egg muffins, banana bread or something else that can be reheated quickly. Just think about what you like + what's portable and make that! Wesley likes eating trail mix, so he gets a good, energy-dense breakfast even though it's not a "typical" breakfast. Sarah just tries to focus on protein and round it out with vegetables or fruit (but that's how she thinks of all meals). Paleo-friendly deodorant? Stacy has SUPER sensitive skin and has tried every "natural" deodorant out there. She's been on a quest for a while, and every one has baking soda or coconut oil and both bother her skin. The one she's found that works is available at One Stop Paleo Shop, it's E.M. Apothecary brand, and it's charcoal based. It works well before the summer time, and the days she works out she still uses Dove brand deodorant. She's working with E.M. Apothecary to develop a more feminine scent, but in the mean time she's still looking for "the one." Sarah also gets a rash with baking soda deodorant. She likes ZAK Detox Deoderant — just be sure to get the baking soda-free. They have 3 scents, a very feminine one, a very masculine one and a neutral one. Have to remember that chemical-free deodorants just don't last as long, so staying on top of it with reapplications is helpful. If baking soda DOES work for you, there are lots of options that work really well. Trina: how do you come up with your recipes? Stacy started with having a family who loves to cook and eat, and there were lots of recipes too difficult to give up. She wanted to develop recipes she'd loved and missed, so she started recipe development following other people's recipes and tweaking them. She and Matt co-develop: she's the idea man and Matt does the execution. They've backed off on recipe development because they're are SO many in the community, and they've already developed over 2,000! Sarah keeps a big book of notes. She gets inspiration from all over the place, including family recipes, a meal she's had in a restaurant, buying a weird ingredient. She looks through classic recipes and old ingredients to understand the chemistry so she can mimic it with Paleo ingredients. She'll then write down her plan, make it a couple times, and adjust as she goes. Baked goods can take 12-15 times to perfect. Stacy says it's also a matter of making sure things are balanced on your site or in your book (mains versus treats, etc.). Book recipe creation is more about the balance of nutrient density and simplicity, while website recipes can be more complex and tend to draw a lot of traffic if they have that "wow" factor. We'll do a Part 2 of this AMA next week, since we weren't as rapid as could have been... Your questions help us drive topics going forward, so please continue to ask questions. Good luck to those of you with kiddos going back to school! Remember Paleo to Go is a great option if you need resources! Sarah and Stacy still don't know what episode it is (bonus maniacal laughter). Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (1:05:15)     Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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