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The Whole View with Stacy Toth

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Jan 5, 2018 • 1h 2min

Episode 281: How Many Vegetables?!

Ep. 280: How Many Vegetables?!In this episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss the health benefits of vegetables and how many you should be eating.Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 281: How Many Vegetables?! News and Views (0:41) Happy New Year! Stacy is doing a "souping" routine. Follow her in her Facebook group for more! Paleo Mom Importance of Vegetables Veggiephobia: Why limiting your vegetable intake might be slowing down healing You'd be best served by up to 8 servings of vegetables, but a serving isn't as big as you think! Please Rate and review us! Outro (50:50) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 29, 2017 • 54min

Episode 280: Just BLEEPing Love Yourself

Ep. 280: Just BLEEPing Love YourselfIn this episode, Stacy and Sarah discuss the health ramifications of an on-again, off-again approach to healthy eatingClick here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 280: Just BLEEPing Love Yourself News and Views (0:41) Stacy's heard a lot of talk about "yo-yo" Paleo; doing 30-day challenges then eating all the pizza She wants to talk about loving our bodies instead! It's especially prevalent this time of year, whether it's keto, a cleanse, etc. Science! Sarah says remembering that stress is both physical and mental is helpful. Many changes create a stress on our bodies. Stochastic change, or an element of randomness, is helpful in some areas of health according to research, like working out at different time, occasionally varying calorie intake, could be good stressors. Big switches in macronutrient ratios create stress on the body, and swinging back and forth creates too much stress. Our bodies get used to producing certain amounts of digestive enzymes, and big shifts can create imbalances, and imbalances in gut bacteria (usually bad bacteria grow rapidly). These, in turn, produce neuroactive compounds, which can cause not only GI symptoms but mood swings. That doesn't even take into account how many inflammatory compounds you're eating, challenge to our metabolisms and lack of nutrient diversity we're facing. Stacy points out that if we're loving ourselves, we don't NEED these big changes. Sarah says it's okay to make the conscientious choice to choose what's not best for you once in a while, you're challenging your body with a little stochastic randomness that might actually be beneficial Stacy says it's important to focus on your long-term goals. When Sarah has a craving, she indulges—but she also asks herself if lifestyle factors like sleep or stress are causing that craving and adjusts accordingly. Mindset shifts are helpful. What can you do with gusto that will achieve the same result? Sarah likes body scan meditations. Happy New Year and thank you for listening, we're approaching 5 million downloads (a lot from our 6 listeners!). Please Rate and review us! Outro (50:50) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 22, 2017 • 37min

Episode 279: Sarah and the Tonsillectomy

Ep. 279: Sarah and the TonsillectomyIn this episode, Sarah talks about her decision to proceed with a tonsillectomy for her daughter.Click here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 279: Sarah and the Tonsillectomy News and Views (0:41) Stacy thanks you for your well wishes on the anniversary of her brother Andrew's death Sarah's daughter recently had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy after a long struggle to get her tonsils back to normal. Sarah and her family have a history of having inflamed tonsils. While there is a small role for tonsils, possibly as a early warning system for the immune system, you can easily live without them. Sarah had a lot of antibiotics for strep because of tonsils and wonders how that affected her health. Her daughter also had a lot of strep as well despite a healthy lifestyle. Recently, that had increased in frequency as well. This summer, the tonsils had swollen and wouldn't go back down to the point of affecting her sleep. They had to come out. She had the surgery and also had her adenoids out at the same time. Sarah has been giving her recovery foods, but feels guilty that they are juice and popsicles. DON'T WORRY about such things! You are getting her through a tough time! Remember: make the best decisions you can for your kids and don't dwell on what could have been. And medicine is not the enemy! It will save your life! Please Rate and review us! Outro (35:52) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 15, 2017 • 48min

Episode 278: Diana Rodgers

Ep. 278: Diana RodgersIn this episode, Diana Rodgers comes on to talk about Kale Vs. CowClick here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 278: Diana Rodgers News and Views (0:41) Our guest this week is Diana Rodgers from Sustainable Dish! Diana is a nutritionist/dietician and runs her own farm! Diana is starting a film project called Kale Vs. Cow to combat the vegan propaganda films, focusing on why cows are great to eat Go to her Generosity page to help fund the project! Please Rate and review us! Outro (52:06) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 8, 2017 • 53min

Episode 277: Epigenetics, Adoption, and Turning Genes On and Off

Ep. 277: Epigenetics, Adoption, and Turning Genes On and Off In this episode, Stacy and Sarah talk about epigenetics and how gene expression can be affected by different lifestyle stresses and factors. Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 277: Epigenetics, Adoption, and Turning Genes On and Off News and Views (0:41) This is a topic that made Sarah really excited! This is fascinating science stuff! Last year, Stacy's mom, who is adopted, tracked down her family using genetic tests from 23andMe and She found her father, two full sisters and four half siblings! So crazy! Unfortunately, Stacy and her mom also found that cancer runs very prevalent in her family. And Stacy's mom found that her full sisters were really similar to her, even in minor things like interests and hobbies and laughter. Stacy was fascinated by this article about epigenetics and adoption and gave it to Sarah. Epigenetics is the system where the body turns on or off or alters genes without actually changing DNA. There are a variety of ways that this can happen like stress, trauma, lifestyle, diet, environment, etc. And it's also heritable. Discover magazine article: "Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes" These epigenetic signals control a variety of things like inflammation, insulin sensitivity, neurotransmitter regulation. The emotional experiences around adoption can cause epigenetic changes in the brain. Discovery came out of experiments on nature vs. nuture. They found that rats that were groomed more by their mothers were more resilient to stress. But then they found that this was caused by epigenetic changes in cortisol pathways. They then tested the theory by switching mothers and found that the epigenetics changed for the inattentive mothers' babies. It's not nature vs. nuture; It's nature affects nuture affects nature! The theory goes now that the stress of being adopted affects epigenetics, but the new nuturing environment could reverse any damage. Adoptive parents would best be served by taking that into account and be sure of providing nuturing touch and love. Thousands of epigenetic changes are made in childhood that could affect the adult life Some companies are working on developing a epigenetic "clean slate" to reset epigenetic markers for people adversely affected by epigenetic problems. This might be harmful for some, but also could help people affected by depression, addiction, phobias and other severe challenges. Epigenetic changes could affect three generations thanks to epigenetics: stress to the mother affects the fetus, who's eggs are also developing, affecting the grandchild! Evolutionarily, these epigenetic changes make sense: they provide very quick change to genetic presentation without waiting generations for natural selection to select. We know that certain things are bad for epigenetic control: overeating, nutrient deficiency, stress, famine, etc. Stacy has noticed that snuggling her children is very good for them and her. The three generation inheritance means that grandchildren of holocaust survivors are still affected by the holocaust! They have found that it is definitely in childhood that makes the most epigenetic difference: you are much more affected by poor socioeconomic status in childhood than adulthood, for example. Some epigenetic controls are inherited, but some are wiped clean between generations. Sarah's NOVA special on Epigenetics. Two types of chemicals are epigenetic controls: Methyl groups turn off genes, Acetyl groups turn them on. So how is this affected in people with MTHFR mutations? This whole field of study is going to be explored more and more in the coming years and we'll know so much more about how to control all this stuff! Stacy is often wondering how her lifestyle might have affected Cole when she was pregnant with him during a more chaotic time in her life. Sarah says these discoveries are evidence that we need to FUND MORE BASIC SCIENCE EXPLORATION! Next week: An exciting guest! Please Rate and review us! Outro (52:06) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 1, 2017 • 38min

Episode 276: Combining AIP with Other Diet Protocols

Ep. 276: Combining AIP with Other Diet ProtocolsIn this episode, Stacy and Sarah answer a common question: can I combine the Autoimmune Protocol with other diets and protocols like keto and intermittent fasting?Click here to listen in iTunesIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 276: Combining AIP with Other Diet Protocols News and Views (0:41) Thank you for your support of last weeks podcast on Cancer and Personal Care Items! It's December! Can you believe we've made it to the end of 2017?! Meanwhile, Sarah's daughter is listening to "Don't Be a Jerk, It's Christmas." Stacy's boys use Alexa on the Echo DOT to turn on inappropriate Lonely Island songs. Sarah is releasing a course on the Autoimmune Protocol Lecture Series with video and all kinds of learning materials! Check it out now! Meredith asks (13:04), "Hi Dr. Ballantyne! I found one of your articles on intermittent fasting and the autoimmune protocol. It indicates that we should not do both as the same time due to putting too much stress on the body. However, do you think that's it okay to do both if I have already been on IF and Keto for at least 3 months prior to starting AIP?" We have done shows on Keto and our opinions of it. Hint: not fans. Start there for more! The AIP is supposed to be a nutrient dense diet and Keto and IF will make it hard to impossible to get the nutrient density! You'll lose the most important part of AIP! Many people who go too low carb end up making their conditions WORSE! Stacy experienced this. AIP removes inflammatory foods, adds nutrient sufficiency and lifestyle factors and ends up being great for immune, endocrine and all over health. It, by itself, should resolve most conditions you might be using Keto and IF for. The only things Sarah could conceive of using with AIP, would be a short term low FODMAP diet for SIBO, but typically you can't resolve SIBO with diet alone. Even then, don't do any other diets without the supervision of a health professional Even GAPS and SCD, which are recommended for gut health, the AIP is already designed to help gut health! Fasting is recommended for the "spring clean up" effect of autophagy. But autophagy is also a part of sleep and exercise! So you shouldn't need IF And women especially don't get the benefits because their hormones are usually much more susceptible to making up the loss of calories with hunger. Keto was originally for people who had epilepsy because it usually reduced the number of seizures by simulating starvation. But women tend to lose their periods and fertility on Keto. Not good! Keto does supress the immune system. So you might see relief from inflammation, but over time you become susceptible to infections. It's not regulated, it's just supressed! Keto also harms your gut friends, too. Your favorite friends need carbs and fiber! This leads to poor digestion plus mood effects and lots of other problems. Keto may cause the same IRREVERSIBLE effects to your gut microbiome as antibiotics! But really, listen to your body. If you're looking for something to add to Keto and IF, then maybe they aren't working for you and you should give them up. Next week is going to be a great show about a story Stacy's been sitting on for a while! Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (37:16) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 24, 2017 • 1h 10min

Episode 275: Cancer Risk from Personal Care Items

Ep. 275: Cancer Risk from Personal Care Items In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are talking about the hazardous components of a lot of personal care items.Click here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 275: Cancer Risk from Personal Care Items News and Views (0:41) This episode is inspired by Stacy's post on Federal Regulations Sarah also read State of the Evidence 2017 from the NIH We are constantly bombarded by toxic compounds that are everywhere in the environment and can lead to bad health conditions! But if you're feeling overwhelmed, remember the protective effects of veggies, nutrient sufficiency and sleep. Check out the EWG app to scan items to find how toxic items you use are. The NIH paper went over the evidence of breast cancer to determine why the rates are increasing. These chemicals are not just about breast cancer, but can cause all kinds of chronic disease. Hormone disruption is one of the key reasons. Extra estrogen can cause breast cancer. For example, hormone replacement and birth control You will find issues in hormonal products as well a disrupters like BPA in plastics. Stacy likes Beautycounter products Sarah uses Buffalo Gal and Primal Life Organics. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (23:20) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 17, 2017 • 24min

Episode 274: Sarah Hugs Our Listeners

Ep. 274: Sarah Hugs Our Listeners In this episode, Sarah is on the road for her Paleo Principles tour! We welcome Paleo Principles into the world!Click here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 274: Sarah Hugs Our Listeners News and Views (0:41) Paleo Principles is out now! Sarah is extremely proud of this veritable text book of paleo science with a recipe book to boot. Sarah is now out on tour, hugging everyone and enjoying meeting our listeners. This is one of the best things about t0urs: meeting you! Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (23:20) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 10, 2017 • 37min

Episode 273: Paleo Principles Debuts!

Ep. 273: Paleo Principles Debuts! In this episode, Sarah is on the road for her Paleo Principles tour! We welcome Paleo Principles into the world!Click here to listen in iTunesor download and listen by clicking the PodBean Player belowIf you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 273: Paleo Principles Debuts! News and Views (0:41) Paleo Principles is out now! Sarah is extremely proud of this veritable text book of paleo science with a recipe book to boot. And she is on tour now, ready to deal hugs and laughs and answer your questions. Go here to see where she's going and RSVP! Stacy is into this book too. The graphics, the breakdowns, the recipes. Oven cooked scrambled eggs! Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (41:10) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 3, 2017 • 1h 5min

Episode 272: What's the Deal with Essential Oils?

Ep. 272: What's the Deal with Essential Oils?   In this episode, Stacy and Sarah wade into essential oils and parse out what the risks and what the benefits of using them might be. Click here to listen in iTunes   If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 272: What's the Deal with Essential Oils? News and Views (0:41) Stacy fully recommends Stranger Things, a show she watches with her children and dressed as the cast for Halloween Come see Sarah on Book Tour! And pick up some Vital Proteins! Come and meet her! Good times and hugs! And RSVP! Meanwhile, Stacy bought Essential Oils. She couldn't wait for Sarah's research. She's using them in oil diffusers to make her boy and lizard smelling house smell better without using toxic fragrances. But she needs to know if they help people, if they're toxic and if they kill cats Sarah's links on Essential Oil scientific research! Sarah found thousands of studies on essential oils, so focused on reviews Aroma Therapy and Essential Oils (An overview of use of essential oils as aroma therapy for cancer patients) Ingested essential oils can cause liver damage. Biological effects of Essential Oils -- a review Essential Oils’ Chemical Characterization and Investigation of Some Biological Activities: A Critical Review Major bioactivities and mechanism of action of essential oils and their components Sarah's research! First of all, divide essentially uses in two ways: use as aromatherapy and use topically or orally. Essentially oils are volatile compounds (they reacted easily with the environment), complex components and usually have a strong odor extracted from botanicals. Extracted by steaming them out or pressing out, not solvent extraction Over 3000 essential oils are out there, and each one has 20-60 chemicals that make it up. Among those, 2-5 are the dominant, key compounds. Scientific research seems to indicate the synergy of all the compounds may be key to the effects of essential oils, not just the presence of the key compounds. Key compounds: triterpenes, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, ethers, oxides, esters, amines, amides, phenols, heterocycles, other terpenes. All small molecules, and thousands have been found in essential oils. These are phytochemicals and can be anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-angiogenic (prevent the formation of blood vessels, great for fighting tumors), apoptosis (helps cells dies), anti-allergy, anti-mutagenic, anti-microbial, insect repellents, etc. They are an interesting avenue for research for many reasons. Antibiotics, disinfectants, cancer drugs, food preservation There are tables and tables of essential oils and what microbes they can kill. But they are cytotoxic: they rupture membranes and cause cells to die. So they ARE NOT SPECIFIC to bad microbes! They'll kill your friends in your gut! NOT GOOD! Meanwhile, terpenes are damaging to the liver. That's also NOT GOOD! They may also cause a leaky gut. Drinking essentially oils is probably not a great idea without a doctor's recommendation. There are some essential oil compounds that are more specific, though, methylenonylketone compound is effective to kill influenza. Others have been shown to kill E. coli, Staphylococcus, etc. But some kill the good'uns. Eucalyptus is good for staph, pneumonia, strep, enterobacter, but also, lacto bacilus, bacilus cereus, and other probiotics. Probably not a problem for aromatherapy, but ingesting is complicated! We don't know everything that these properties do! Some have good anti-inflammatory properties: tea tree oil, clove oil, parsley oil, lemongrass oil, metharvensis oil How do you find what an essential oil does and what warnings there are? NAHA and FDA have information about what has been deemed safe (and most have) but Sarah goes to PubMed to research directly. She doesn't think there's much reason to ever ingest essential oils. Many studies are done on cultured cells and on rodents, not necessarily a direct comparison to what would happen to a person. But if you want these effects, just eat the whole food! This will protect you much better than the concentrated form. But what about the cats!? There have been no studies of cats and essential oils. All evidence is anecdotal, but that doesn't mean it's not true. Though cats livers aren't as robust at taking care of toxins as people and dogs. Stacy isn't using them all the time, only using them in certain rooms, and allowing the cats to escape if they want to. Overall, what is the deal? The science is complicated. There are many interesting studies, but lots of pros and cons. With over 3000 different oils, its hard to narrow it down and know everything about it. Aromatherapy is probably safe, safer than oral consumption for sure! Only use oral consumption with the supervision of a doctor who knows what they are doing. The science is not very strong for most purported benefits. Most papers indicate that we need more research. But, really, if its from an edible thing that you want the benefits from, just eat the thing. Sarah says to go to pub med for information on each ingredient and make your own decisions. Rate and review us. Goodbye! Outro (1:03:09) Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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