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The Healing Grove Podcast

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Apr 1, 2024 • 36min

Meghan Tveit, MS3: The Healer's Journey, Episode Six | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I am excited to share the sixth interview I had with Meghan Tveit, MS3. In contrast to previous episodes, some of which involved Meg looking like she would rather have been horizontal, this time we caught up with her during a 4 week elective rotation, as she studies for her Step 2 Medical Exam. In our conversation, Meghan reflected back on her 8-week rotation in internal medicine, and also gave us a synopsis of what she is hoping that her fourth year as a medical student will look like. It has been awhile since we have heard from Meghan, so in case you need a reminder of who she is, and what she is up to, read on!Meghan Tveit is a third year medical student at George Washington School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. She graduated from Harvard in 2020, and spent almost two months living with our family during the lock-down (probably because my family includes her boyfriend, Mahlon). During that time, I really got to know Meg, and found her intelligence, compassion, empathy, curiosity, and authenticity an inspiration, and hope for the future of medicine. I've been incredibly grateful for Meg's willingness to share her journey through medical education in these little installments, as they provide glimpses into the usually hidden journey of becoming a doctor.If you would like to follow Meghan on Instagram, you can find her here:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Mar 25, 2024 • 1h 8min

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD: Autonomic Response Testing | The Healing Grove Podcast

In honor of celebrating the release of our 75th episode of the Healing Grove Podcast, I have a very special guest to introduce to you: Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD. Dr. Klinghardt has been a leader in the field of tick-borne infections, autoimmunity, and complex medically mysterious illnesses for over 30 years. If you've been in my circle for any length of time, or read my e-book, then you know that Dr. Klinghardt was one of my earliest teachers in the Lyme and complex mystery illness space. The first Lyme doctor I connected with on my own healing journey, I've been soaking up his pearls of wisdom regularly since 2011.Dr. Klinghardt is a physician of incredible brilliance, scientific rigor, compassion, and intuition: a rare combination in today's doctors. His annual seminars, which I attended regularly before the pandemic, brought together the most cutting-edge researchers and practitioners from the fields of Lyme, autism, mold injury, PANS and PANDAS, chemical sensitivity, autoimmunity, parasitology, and beyond. Looking back over my scribbled notes from 2012 onward, I can see evidence of my mind being blown right and left--and the laying down of stepping stones of an emerging knowledge base about how to approach, treat, and heal from the root causes of syndromes thought by allopathic medicine to be incurable. I knew from the very first conference that this was the teacher who would bring clarity to my journey, and show me a path forward. You can learn more about Dr. Klinghardt and his work by checking out the Sophia Health Institute's website here:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Mar 18, 2024 • 1h 2min

Ruth Kriz: Understanding the Body's pH for Overall Health | The Healing Grove Podcast

I want to introduce you to someone who has literally changed my life in the last few years. Moreover, she has helped me to do the same for many of my patients. Her name is Ruth Kriz.Ruth is a nurse practitioner who has identified a group of common genetic variations that help explain why some patients develop chronic infections due to biofilms and others don't. These and several other genetic variations are consistently found in chronic UTI and interstitial cystitis patients but have a broader application to other chronic infections. Although she has closed her medical practice, she currently consults with practitioners who are interested in learning what testing and supplements are needed to help these patients successfully eliminate these infections and prevent future infections from becoming chronic.**************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Mar 4, 2024 • 1h 18min

Arleen Ehritz: Colon Hydrotherapy | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I am delighted to introduce you to my friend, Arleen Ehritz.Arleen is a colon hydrotherapy practitioner. If your brain is having a hard time imagining what those three words mean, then you've probably never experienced the many benefits of irrigating your butt with warm, purified, gravity-fed water, so you don't know what you're missing. If that's you, then read on! This talk is definitely for you....And don't worry, you're not alone! Arleen was in the same boat when her young son was diagnosed with Autism. She had never heard of colon hydrotherapy, and might never have found her way to this incredibly useful tool for health and healing except for the fact that when she tried it for her son, things started to change. And not just change. Over a surprisingly short period of time, he recovered. From Autism. Now, I know how controversial it is to say the words "recover" and "autism" in the same breath. Believe me: I know. But when you see recoveries happen yourself, as I have, you know it's possible. It was shocking for Arleen, though. She was blown away! In fact, she was so inspired that she felt compelled to share this tool with the world. So she got trained and certified, opened her own practice, and has run a successful colon hydrotherapy practice ever since. She even became an instructor through the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy. If you would like to know more about Arleen, you can check out her website here:**************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Feb 26, 2024 • 1h 13min

Dr. Ben Rall: We Are Designed To Heal | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like you to meet my new friend and colleague, Dr. BenRall. As a chiropractor, Dr. Rall subscribes to the philosophy that our bodies are long as we avoid the obstacles that can get in their way. As an author, lecturer, and host of the 5-star rated podcast, Designed to Heal, he is passionate about empowering listeners with a message of hope and self-efficacy.  And as a doctor and owner of his own clinic in Orlando, Florida, Dr. Rall bears witness on a daily basis to what can happen when patients embrace the notion that their bodies are designed to heal, and take the necessary steps to true wellness. Dr. Rall is not the first chiropractor that I've interviewed, but that should come as no surprise. Chiropractic medicine espouses many things that I believe deeply in myself, such as the importance of good nutrition, quality sleep, meaningful relationships, and excellent posture and daily movement. But it occurred to me as I was preparing for this conversation that I've never had a chiropractor on the podcast to discuss chiropractic medicine, specifically.  I hope that you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed having it!You can learn more about Dr. Ben Rall and the Designed to Heal podcast here: You can learn more about his wellness clinic here: Follow Dr. Rall on instagram  @achievewellnessclinic Follow the Designed to Heal podcast too! @designedtohealpodcast**************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Feb 12, 2024 • 48min

Alexis Chesney, MS, ND, LAc: Lyme Disease Prevention | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I want to introduce you to Dr. Alexis Chesney, who I met at the most recent ILADS conference, last October. She was standing next to a stack of her small, pocket-sized books at the Lyme author's table, and I was instantly drawn to both her colorful, well-designed book and her quiet, gentle nature. Within two minutes of speaking with her, I knew I needed to get her on the podcast to share her passion with us, which is the prevention of Lyme disease.Whenever I am sitting with someone who has been suffering for years with un-diagnosed or under-treated Lyme, I often find myself wishing we could have worked together earlier, before this infection had the chance to negatively impact the immune, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and nervous system. And while it is true that the earlier you catch and begin to address a new infection, the easier it can be to cure it, even this fantasy loses sight of the most important intervention we can make, which is learning to prevent Lyme disease, in the first place. With spring right around the corner, there is no better time to start planning our prevention strategies. I hope this episode gets you thinking in that direction, so you never need my services!To learn more about Alexis Chesney, and to schedule an appointment, you can visit: To learn more about her new course, Preventing Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease, you can visit: (Being totally transparent, I do receive a small commission if you click on the above link and make a purchase.)You can check out her book, Preventing Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases here: To purchase the Deer Tick Bite Formula or Tick Preparedness Kit, go to:**************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Feb 5, 2024 • 1h 7min

Karen Mayo: Nutrition for Brain Health | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to Karen Mayo, an Integrative Nutritionist who is currently working out of the Amen Clinics in New York. She’s the award-winning international best-selling author of Mindful Eating: Thirty Days to A Whole New You. She has also made appearances on the Dr. Oz Show, The Jack Canfield Show, and on the TEDx stage. Karen has made it her life's work to teach people that how they eat matters. After seeing an almost miraculous change in her nephew when feeding him a nutritious diet, she knew her calling in life and has been pursuing it ever since.When I met Karen in the waiting room of the Amen Clinics, I knew that we were kindred spirits, because we both believe nutrition to be a key factor in overall health. Food can be a hard topic for some of us to tackle, but Karen does it in a way that makes the complexities of nutrition accessible to us all, by zeroing in on the essentials and offering practical suggestions you can immediately implement into your daily routine. As Karen likes to say, “It’s not about dieting, it’s about living!”You can learn more about Karen and her free 30-day challenge here:**************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Jan 29, 2024 • 39min

Cassandra Stahl: How your Financial Health Affects Your Overall Health | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to Cassandra Stahl....Cassandra is a wealth management specialist. Maybe it's my bias about "money people," but I still find it fascinating that someone with the kind of deep knowledge of how money works in the world can also be so incredibly well-rounded. In addition to serving as a Partner and Private Wealth Advisor at Northwestern Mutual's Legacy Wealth Planning Group, Cassandra is married, raising two small children, and an avid hiker, runner, and beekeeper. She has been following people like Joe Dispenza and leaning into opportunities for personal and spiritual growth for as long as she's been on the planet. And she is passionate about her job, which she describes as "guiding individuals and small business owners to dream courageously, and to live with purpose."You can probably see why I knew I had to work with her about 2 minutes into our first meeting. As the friend who introduced us said, "Cassandra speaks the language of money as energy....and then she brings the spreadsheets."You may be wondering what a conversation about money has to do with your health. As it turns out, it has quite a lot to do with it. And in this talk, Cassandra Stahl explains why. If you would like to connect with Cassandra Stahl, you can email her here: cassandra.stahl@nm.comYou can also reach her by phone here: 908-617-0556You can even schedule a 30-minute call with Cassandra here, so that you can figure out if working with Cassandra is a good fit!You can also learn more about the Northwestern Mutual's Legacy Wealth Planning Group, you can check out their website here: **************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Jan 15, 2024 • 52min

Meghan Tveit, MS3: The Healer's Journey, Episode Five | The Healing Grove Podcast

Meghan Tveit, MS 3, is back, this time to tell us all about her rotations in OB/GYN and anesthesia, but if you are not familiar with this very special frequent guest, you can read about her here... Meghan Tveit is a third year medical student at George Washington School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. A member of the 2020 graduating class of Harvard and my eldest son's girlfriend, Meghan appeared on my doorstep when the world shut down and then spent 6 weeks "bubbling" with us during quarantine, during which time I developed a deep love for her bright, fun, compassionate, thoughtful, and curious approach to Pretty Much Everything. I know by now you are likely growing to love not only Meghan, but what she has to share about her journey on the path to becoming a doctor as well. This episode is particularly special, but you will have to listen to find out why. In this conversation, you will witness Meghan LIGHT UP as she tells us about the life-changing decision that she has made in her journey towards becoming a doctor. If you've ever wondered how medical students sort themselves into the various and diverse specialties--or what it looks like when a lightning bolt hits them, and they suddenly know exactly where they are meant to serve, as doctors--then you will want to listen to this episode! **************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Jan 8, 2024 • 1h 14min

Daniel Kinderlehrer, MD: Lyme Disease and Autoimmune Encephalitis | The Healing Grove Podcast

Daniel A. Kinderlehrer, M.D. is a nationally recognized physician with expertise in the fields of nutrition, allergy, environmental medicine, Lyme disease and the healing of mind-body-spirit as a unified whole. Dr. Kinderlehrer co-founded The New England Center for Holistic Medicine in Newbury MA, and has taught extensively, including practitioner training courses at The Omega Institute, The National Institute of Behavioral Medicine, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. He created and organized the Lyme Fundamentals course which is presented annually at the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society conferences. He is the author of several articles in medical journals, the Lyme Times and Psychology Today. His integrated medical practice in Denver, CO focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne illness. Dr. Kinderlehrer is the author of Recovery From Lyme Disease: The Integrative Medicine Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tick-Borne Illness, which was released in March, 2021.You can check out his book here:   **************************************************************************************The Healing Grove Playbook is now available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: the first to hear new episodes by following or subscribing to this podcast, or by signing up for my newsletter on my website.➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢

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