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The Healing Grove Podcast

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Jul 1, 2024 • 47min

Stephen Davis: The NIKKI Device - Healing With Frequencies | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I would like to introduce you to Stephen Davis.For years Stephen Davis tried everything to find help for his daughterand her two children. Huge amounts of time and money did little tobring results. So he began his own search, which ultimately led him to frequencies, the topic of our episode today.As an innovator and entrepreneur, he started his journey with science.He discovered the connection between good health and the fact that thecells in our bodies communicate through frequencies. Finally Stephenfound a path to recovery for his daughter and grandchildren who havenow been symptom-free for over five years.Today, FREmedica is helping Lyme sufferers around the world findrelief through the FREmedica Lyme Frequency Support Program.Stephen is grateful for the opportunity to share his story with everyoneand especially those struggling with Lyme disease.While traditional treatment can struggle to overcome a wide range of Lymesymptoms, FREmedica technology optimizes the body’s ability to healitself. The wearable FREmedica NIKKI in combination with Lyme-specificfrequency sets is designed to restore cell communication disrupted bythe disease; enabling the immune system to target symptoms and clearthe path to better health.If you would like to learn more about the NIKKI device, you can check it out here, with my affiliate link: hope to see you there!*****************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Jun 17, 2024 • 48min

Meghan Tveit, MS4: The Healer's Journey, Episode Seven | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I am excited to share the seventh interview I had with Meghan Tveit, who is now a fourth year medical student (MS4). In this conversation she tells us about her family medicine rotation, her last rotation as a third year student. She also gives us a glimpse into what her fourth year will look like. It has been awhile since we have heard from Meghan, so in case you need a reminder of who she is, and what she is up to, read on!Meghan Tveit is now a fourth year medical student at George Washington School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. She graduated from Harvard in 2020, and spent almost two months living with our family during the lock-down (probably because my family includes her boyfriend, Mahlon). During that time, I really got to know Meg, and found her intelligence, compassion, empathy, curiosity, and authenticity an inspiration, and hope for the future of medicine. I've been incredibly grateful for Meg's willingness to share her journey through medical education in these little installments, as they provide glimpses into the usually hidden journey of becoming a doctor.*****************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Jun 10, 2024 • 55min

Chloe Weber, DACM, LAc: Chinese Medicine and Women's Health | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week's talk is with Chloe Weber, a dear friend who I met several years ago in my work as the Medical Director of the Family Hope Center. Our meeting was not coincidental. Chloe's son, Remy, suffers from an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes seizures, and she had sought us out to explore unconventional options to heal her child's brain.Remy, like so many of the kids I see at the FHC, chose his mom wisely. He chose a mom who would go to bat for him, doggedly searching for the root causes of his seizures and how to optimize his brain. When I met Chloe the first time, I instantly knew she was a Warrior Mom, determined to make a difference for her child, and eventually, for other kids and moms. She has done this over and over, starting with founding her company Radical Roots based on a tincture combining Chinese herbs and CBD, and most recently, with a new company, supporting women. Her exciting new offerings will be coming soon, and in this episode, I invited Chloe to share its roots with us.If you would like to connect with Chloe and learn more about her, you can do that at https://radicalremedy.orgTo check out Chloe's CBD and Chinese herb products, visit: Chloe has recently launched a new website for women's health products. Check it out here:  https://noxiherbs.comYou can also check out her podcast, Radical Remedy here:*****************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Jun 3, 2024 • 55min

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD: Welcome to the Sophia Health Institute | The Healing Grove Podcast

Dr. Klinghardt has been a leader in the field of tick-borne infections, autoimmunity, and complex medically mysterious illnesses for over 30 years.Dr. Klinghardt is a physician of incredible brilliance, scientific rigor, compassion, and intuition: a rare combination in today's doctors. His annual seminars, which I attended regularly before the pandemic, brought together the most cutting-edge researchers and practitioners from the fields of Lyme, autism, mold injury, PANS and PANDAS, chemical sensitivity, autoimmunity, parasitology, and beyond. Looking back over my scribbled notes from 2012 onward, I can see evidence of my mind being blown right and left--and the laying down of stepping stones of an emerging knowledge base about how to approach, treat, and heal syndromes thought by allopathic medicine to be incurable. I knew from the very first conference that this was the teacher who would bring clarity to my journey, and show me a path forward.You can learn more about Dr. Klinghardt and his work by checking out the Sophia Health Institute's website here: https://www.sophiahi.comTo contact the Sophia Health Institute or to book an appointment, visit here:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
May 27, 2024 • 52min

Nicole DeBoom: How I Overcame My Allergy to Exercise | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I brought in my longtime friend fellow Yale Swammer, Nicole DeBoom. You may remember Nicole because she interviewed me for the trailer of the Healing Grove Podcast way back when. Well, she is back to interview me again because, at the time of this conversation, I was about to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to swim through the Greek Cyclades islands with some swim buddies from college. This opportunity came to me seemingly out of the blue last fall, and though I can't say that I initially jumped at the idea of getting back into swimming training after 31 years out of the water, the long and the short of it is that I ultimately decided that I wanted to be the person who says YES! to adventures that thrill yet terrify, and so here I am.If you'd asked me ten years ago whether I thought I'd ever be strong enough to swim 5000 meters a day in the open water for 7 days straight, I would have said "Not a chance." Back then I was still crawling out of the hole that was Lyme disease for me: 30 lbs down, barely able to pick up my one-year-old, and frankly a shadow of my former self. So it just goes to show what can happen when you get to the other side of your Lyme Healing Journey. And in honor of Lyme Awareness Month, I have decided to take a deep dive into the learnings of this swim adventure with me. If you would like to follow along on my adventures in Greece and beyond, you can follow me on Instagram. You can do that here:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
May 20, 2024 • 48min

Cathleen King, DPT: Cultivating Okay-ness | The Healing Grove Podcast

Over the past several years, a number of programs for retraining the limbic portion of the brain have popped up. I've leaned into a few of them, including the Gupta Program, DNRS with Annie Hopper, and my friend, Liz Stanley's MMFT. All of these are great programs, and have helped countless people regain their health using tools that fall under the category of "limbic retraining."Recently, I came across a new kid on the block: Primal Trust, created by Cathleen King, DPT--aka, "Dr. Cat."Even though I felt like I already had a pretty full tool box to direct my patients to, I decided to lean into her world a little. What I discovered is that for many of the patients I see--some of whom have become increasingly sensitive to a growing list of foods, chemicals, and environmental exposures, including mold--Primal Trust offers another beautiful solution. I hope that you enjoy this conversation and if it resonates with you, I hope that you will check out Primal Trust. You can do that here: can also get her FREE ebook here:*Being completely transparent here... if you make a purchase through the above links, I do make a small commission.**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
May 6, 2024 • 52min

Lisa Markovits: You Deserve A Healthy Relationship | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I want to introduce you to my friend, Lisa Markovits. Lisa is a singer, musician, and activist, who has made it her life's mission to help women who have suffered through trauma and unhealthy relationships to journey back to self-love through art and self-expression. She is doing that through her company Own It Baby! and her newly launched course From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Shepherding Women from Trauma to Joy.You can learn more about that course right here: totally transparent, if you click on the above link and make a purchase, I do receive a small commission.)Get Lisa's FREE  Wake-Up Checklist here: can also follow Lisa on Facebook: @OIBbyLisa (Own It Baby by Lisa Markovits) and Instagram: @lisamarkovitsFind the song No More! on your favorite streaming platform:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Apr 29, 2024 • 47min

Emily Kostelnik, PhD: Mindfully Managing Vestibular Disorders | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I want you to meet my friend, Dr. Emily Kostelnik, the Vestibular Psychologist. Vestibular disorders are very debilitating and I see them all too often in my practice. I found Emily on Instagram several months ago and realized very quickly that I needed to have her come talk to my audience. If you are suffering from chronic dizziness or balance issues, my hope is that you will be encouraged and empowered listening to Emily share her story of healing.  Here is more about Emily...She is a Clinical Health Psychologist specializing in chronic dizziness and related disorders and also lives with multiple vestibular diagnoses. Over time, she has learned about the connection between histamine intolerance, mast cell activation syndrome and chronic illness. She currently works from this lens, both in her personal journey and how she works with clients. She is the founder of Rooted Behavioral Education which provides self-paced virtual behavioral health courses specific to chronic dizziness, provides one-on-one educational meetings to vestibular warriors worldwide, and oversees vestibular mindset coaches. She is also the founder of a private psychology practice called The Vestibular Psychologist where she provides virtual, individual, and group therapy to those with chronic dizziness living in US states where she is licensed. She is passionate about conducting research, supporting clients, and providing holistic education to the vestibular community. Her mission is to teach vestibular warriors that treatment requires a whole body approach and that there are always new treatment options to consider.You can learn more about Dr. Emily Kostelnik here: https://www.thevestibularpsychologist.comYou can also follow her on Instagram: @dremilykostelnik**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Apr 15, 2024 • 51min

Beth Shirley, RPh, CCN: The Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I want you to meet my friend and colleague, Beth Shirley. Beth is a pharmacist and certified clinical nutritionist who has been a pioneer in the field of Integrative Pharmacy. Through her work in this field, she has developed an in-depth knowledge of the use of nitric oxide. It turns out that this molecule is quite beneficial to everyone’s health and in this talk Beth gives us a full run-down on how it works and who should be using it.To order nitric oxide products at a discount, you need to register below, but you will need this code: HealingGrove Register here:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: Healing Grove Playbook is available for purchase! You can use this collection of journal prompts to deepen your experience with the talks and keep track of your progress. Get it here:➢ The Healing Grove Playbook: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢
Apr 8, 2024 • 1h 2min

Irma Jennings: All About Bone Health | The Healing Grove Podcast

This week I am thrilled to introduce you to my new friend, Irma Jennings.Irma is a Holistic Bone Coach, but I like to think of her as a "bone whisperer," because she really understands the deepest desires of our skeletal scaffold. Moreover, she is really, really expert at explaining things in ways that are simple, clear, and medically accurate. With over 13 years of specialized experience in bone health, she provides comprehensive, evidence-based education to her coaching clients so that they are well-informed about osteoporosis management and prevention. She also has a vast network of practitioners with whom she works--people she trusts to "do bones right," as it were--and literally travels to visits with her clients to their bone doctors, where she offers support and advocacy during medical consultations. To learn more about Irma and her work, please visit: You can also reach Irma through email:**************************************************************************************If you’d like to be the first to hear about new podcast episodes, sign up for our newsletter. I will even send you my "8 Simple Steps to Healing Chronic Lyme" for free:➢ Sign-up Here: can learn more about me if you visit my website below:➢ Website: ways to connect and learn:➢

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