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Inside Aesthetics

Latest episodes

Jun 29, 2023 • 1h 24min

Dr Jake Sloane & David Segal - 'An overview of the current aesthetic & business trends in Australia' #215

Episode 215 showcases our hosts Dr Jake Sloane & David Segal David was recently invited to talk at the Merz Nurse Academy in Sydney. In this episode he and Dr Jake discuss an overview of his presentation, covering some of the key trends that he sees in the Australian industry.  We discuss: How average filler volumes usage is down & the reasons why this might be The impending regulatory changes expected by AHPRA & how this might change the nurse/doctor scripting process Whether this is the start of even more regulatory changes in the future The growing trend for biostimulatory treatments on the body as well as the face A new liquid biostimulator product currently being trialled in Australia Competition between various clinic models including chains, boutique clinics & independent nurse injectors A possible scenario where nurses who recently set up independently decide with hindsight to re-collaborate with doctors & chains again Whether a 'We Work'-type shared space for injectors might be a future working model How the current economic pressures are impacting clinics & our patients spending habits - and why this makes it imperative to truly understand how your business is running Patient expectations and exceeding their expectations What your X-factor is & why personal branding is the key to getting the patients you gel with Understanding the patient journey Why building a strong 'team' around you is so vital   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram
Jun 22, 2023 • 1h 26min

Kelly George - 'The Business of Injecting (Chapter 8)' #214

Episode 214 hosts Kelly George, a Registered Nurse from Tamworth, Australia.  Kelly is based in regional New South Wales. Originally working in the marketing department for Allergan Aesthetics, Kelly became a nurse injector and has since become a respected speaker & business coach. 'The Business of Injecting' episodes host injectors to discuss all aspects of their business. We analyse their struggles and challenges, difficult decisions, friction points that aren't yet solved, financial concerns, staffing, hiring, firing and other relevant topics for aesthetic business owners. In Chapter 8, we explore: Kelly's career prior to becoming an injector The pros and cons of working in a regional city Her business plan when she started her clinic Her approach to team building for her staff How she incorporates body sculpting into her practice  Her role as a KOL and speaker Her podcast Skin & Sass - and the challenges of recording and running this Her plans to open a second location    SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Kelly on Instagram
Jun 15, 2023 • 1h 10min

Dr Jake Sloane & David Segal - 'Business & Beauty in the Metaverse' #213

Episode 213 showcases our hosts Dr Jake Sloane & David Segal. Dr Jake catches up with David after another work trip abroad - this time to Japan. We first get some insight into how David's business consultations work.  We then recap on how IA Patreon (our online subscription platform) works and how we can support injectors and aesthetic clinics globally. We then get into the main topic of the podcast exploring why Dr Jake went to Japan and what he learnt. We discuss: What the REFINE meeting is all about (REgional Faculty INnovation Exchange by Allergan Aesthetics)  Apple's new device Vision Pro & how new tech might change how we interact with the world Vogue Singapore & how high end fashion influences beauty & aesthetic ideals How tech and beauty can work together - or potentially even be harmful Insights into how local culture and the economy can influence beauty standards The concept of 'beauty capital' - the correlation between beauty & success in life The spectrum of gender, gender dysphoria & identity AI technology for producing social media content  Chat Annie - ChatGTP's virtual assistant The metaverse & the concept of avatars (and virtual dating!) Artificial intelligence (AI) and how it's already changing how businesses work How AI can be trained to act as a virtual member of staff How future tech might even be able to sense the emotions of a patient   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: - If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast, we have two simple donation options: I Love IA! & Buy us a coffee!    IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits (depending on your tier): - Access to four IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  - Access to our IA Injectable Live sessions (Injectable Zoom sessions led by Dr Jake) - Access to weekly IA Hints & Tips (Videos, insights & other injectable education) - Access to our IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - Access to IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - Access to our growing IA Library of clinical papers, books and resources - Access to eight IA Webinars - Business mentoring opportunities with David (30 minutes free for Platinum tier Patrons) - Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram
Jun 8, 2023 • 1h 25min

Dr Nichola Conlon - 'What is ageing?’ #212

Episode 212 hosts Dr Nichola Conlon a Molecular Biologist from Newcastle, UK. Nichola is an academic scientist with a particular interest in how and why we age. She's the founder of Nuchido, a company who's mission is to help bring affordable anti-aging strategies to the public domain. When we started the IA podcast back in 2019, some of our older episodes covered wellness topics that looked at the relationship between looking good & feeling good. But we didn't address aging itself or the evolving field of what many now refer to as  'regenerative medicine'. Research being conducted here is becoming more and more profound - with some scientists now confident that aging can not only be slowed but even reversed. What will come of this new emerging field we don't know yet, but it's likely to be especially relevant for aesthetic clinics who until now have only had the tools to 'camouflage' the external signs of aging.  We discuss: Nichola's background and training What regenerative medicine is How we age and why evolution is against us What happens to our DNA as the body ages The role of inflammation in aging and disease How to measure aging What external factors affect aging The evidence that aging can be slowed and even reversed The role of NAD+ How to take NAD+ and ensure that it's bioavailable The anti-aging role of other medicines including metformin How to measure your biological age (and not your chronological age) Biohacking your aging by modifying your lifestyle including intermittent fasting   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Nichola on Instagram  
Jun 2, 2023 • 1h 19min

Brittony Croasdell - 'Disasters & Solutions - Eye lid ptosis after toxins (Chapter 2)' #211

Episode 211 hosts Brittony Croasdell, a Nurse Practitioner based in Chicago, USA.  Brittony is a highly experienced injector, trainer and international speaker. She has mentored hundreds of injectors through both the Allergan Medical Institute (AMI) & Galderma Aesthetic Injector Network (GAIN). Brittony is also a board member of the Complications in Medical Aesthetics Collaborative (CMAC) - an influential international consortium dedicated to improvement in complication management amongst medical providers.  This is the 2nd chapter in our mini-series called ‘Disasters & Solutions’. Here we look at some of the unusual, difficult or outright disasterous outcomes for patients caused by injectables. We speak to the injectors who managed the case and go through what happened, step by step. We’ll learn about what might have been done to prevent the problem and what injectors can do in their own practice to be safer practitioners.     In Chapter 2 we discuss a case concerning a patient who was treated with upper face botulinum toxin. They developed a significant uni-lateral eyelid ptosis that made the USA national news and went viral across the social media channels. We explore:  Brittony's background and training What we mean by a ptosis Who Brittony's patient was and how she was referred to Brittony The timeline of the patient's problem and how things evolved The medicoloegal implications of injectors taking on complications The ethics of treatment payments in this situation - who should  pay and how should this ideally be communicated to the patient/referring injector  A special commentary on the anatomy of the eyelid muscles from Professor Sebastain Cotofana Treatment options an eyelid ptosis including pre-tarsal toxin injections & alpha antagonist medications. Why eyelid ptosis complications most likely happen and how to avoid them Advice and discussion about the consent process before a toxin treatment Thoughts about the aftercare instructions that we give our toxin patients   IA Patreon bonus content! Our IA Patrons will also be able to watch (next week!): Brittony showing on her own eyelid how and where she would inject pre-tarsal toxins for a ptosis Brittony sharing her top tips for how to go about designing and building a new aesthetic clinic - and what mistakes to avoid! A walk around of Brittony's new clinic in Chicago   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Brittony on Instagram Follow Sebastian on Instagram 
May 25, 2023 • 1h 25min

Rick O’Neill - ‘The Digital Deep Dive: Digital automation for aesthetic businesses’ #210

Episode 210 hosts Rick O'Neill, a digital marketing expert from Brighton, UK. (Previously joining us in episodes 134, 193, 197 & 202)  Rick has over 20 years of experience and is the founder of Look Touch Feel (LTF), an award winning digital marketing agency who specialise in supporting aesthetic practitioners & plastic surgeons. This is the fourth and final chapter of our mini-series called the 'The Digital Deep Dive' (sponsored by LTF). Over the four chapters we've covered some of the core pillars of digital marketing to help injectors and clinics get to grips with this side of their business.  Chapter 4 focusses on digital automation. We explore: What we mean by automation? Why automated tasks are so important for aesthetic clinics  Why understanding your patients journey in your clinic is so important How automation creates consistency and removes the risk of human error How to connect your current CRM system to a 3rd party automation platform Creating triggers and work flows for a variety of automatic functions  Automated phone calls and voice notes  How much money automated taks can save your clinic Taking online bookings with deposits and why these are so vital for business Chatbots and how these can be used on your website to increase conversions Automating your social media scheduling (& how AI can even create posts for you) The difference between Whatsapp & Whatsapp Business  The risk of damaging customer service and connection with your patients if automation isn't set up correctly   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Rick O'Neill Follow Look Touch Feel
May 18, 2023 • 1h 28min

Samantha Shepherd - 'The Injector Diaries (Chapter 13)' #209

Episode 209 hosts Samantha Shepherd, a nurse practitioner from Atlanta, USA. Samantha joins us in the 13th Chapter of our series called 'The Injector Diaries'. These episodes feature in depth conversations, stories and experiences from injectors around the globe. Each injector brings their own unique take on things and we showcase every level of type of injector, from newbies to masters. We'll explore how and why they chose to inject, why they favour using certain products, look under the hoods of their clinics and aim to inspire our injector listeners.We thank Samantha again for voluntering very last minute and with no preparation to do this podcast with us! We discuss: - Samantha's background and training - Her previous career in medical device sales - and how this helped her feel comfortable talking about pricing- Treatment planning with patients and the concept of 'good, better and best' - The power of word of mouth referrals and getting to know your local community - How and why Samantha started her own clinic space - How to really stand out and create a bond with your patient - Why passion as an injector is the key to success  We also ask every injector in these episodes: - What is your number one toxin and why? - What is your number one filler and why? - What is your go to cannula make/size and why? - Aspiration - yes or no? - What’s been the best book, course or similar that has improved your practice the most    SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Samantha on Instagram
May 11, 2023 • 1h 27min

Dr Pouria Moradi & Sheri-lee Knoop - 'The impending new guidelines for the Australian cosmetic industry' #208

Episode 208 hosts Dr Pouria Moradi (Plastic Surgeon & Reconstructive Surgeon from Sydney, Australia) & Sheri-lee Knoop (Registered Nurse & President of the Cosmetic Nurses Association from Perth, Australia) Pouria and Sheri-Lee joined us to share their thoughts and insights into the proposed new Australia cosmetic regulations that have been announced by AHPRA (the Australian health practitioner regulator). These new rules affect both surgeons and non-surgical practitioners and come into force on July 1st 2023.  For years there have been arguments between the various cosmetic stakeholders over which practitioners have the right to treat patients, who can and can't offer the various procedures and heated debates over the standards expected of cosmetic practioners. Last year's enquiry by AHPRA into cosmetic surgery led to a full scale review of all cosmetic procedures. This has culminated in a set of sweeping new regulations - and some have voiced that it's a self-inflicted wound on an industry that couldn't govern itself. The new rules have left many in the industry confused and extremely unhappy about what is proposed, arguing that it neither improves patient safety whilst also significantly impacting on practitioners livelihoods. We explore: Our guests backgrounds Who AHPRA are The background to how and why these new guidelines have come about Why the proposals are such a major shakeup for the cosmetic industry The new surgical requirements including: The need for GP referral to be seen by a plastic surgeon The need for two consultations prior to surgery The need for a cooling off period before surgery The need for the psychological assessment of patients Significant changes to how social media can be used by plastic surgeons The new non-surgical requirements including: Changes to the consent process including explicit financial consent and supplying patients with a copy of the document The requirement for injectors to assess patients for body dysmorphic disorder The back and forth rulings and position statements regarding the role of different grades of nurses including enrolled nurses & nurse practitioners In a first for Inside Aesthetics, we are calling on ALL stakeholders, practitioners, injectors, clinic owners, those who work in the industry and the public to give their opinion on what they think of the new proposed guidelines. Please head to: and complete the form   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Pouria Follow Sheri-lee
May 10, 2023 • 1h 24min

Babak Moini- 'An assessment of the Australian chain clinics' #207

Episode 207 hosts Babak Moini, the founder of Laser Clinics Australia (LCA). LCA started in 2008 and have become the world's largest aesthetic and skin chain of clinics with over 200 locations in Australia, Singapore, UK and Canada. Since then, numerous other competitor chain clinic brands have competed with each other for the same demographic of patients (including Silk Laser Clinics, Evolution Clinics, Australian Skin Clinics, Clear Complexion Clinics and several other brands) The universal feature of the chain clinics includes offering discounted and high volume treatments, often in high foot traffic locations and shopping malls. Babak sold his final shares in LCA in 2017 and has observed from the sidelines how the aesthetic chain clinic model that he started has evolved. We discuss: Babak's backstory and how LCA came to be His assessment of the current strategy of his previous company LCA His opinions on the franchisor vs franchisee relationship  His views on why adding additional services to an aesthetic clinic can be problematic How discounted prices have not kept up with inflation  Quantity vs quality - the potential issue with discounting aesthetic treatments His assessment of the proposed acquistion of Silk by Westfarmers' API  How the new proposed regulations by AHPRA may impact aesthetic clinics and injectors His top tips to make your clinic more agile in difficult economic times His predications about the Australian macro-economy for the near future Join IA Patreon (our online subscription platform) & get access to the following education, support and community: Access to four IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  Access to our IA Business Live sessions (Business Zoom sessions led by David) Access to our IA Injectable Live sessions (Injectable Zoom sessions led by Dr Jake) Access to weekly IA Hints & Tips (Videos, insights and injectable education) Access to our growing IA Library of clinical papers, books and resources Access to IA Business Insights - live Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with individual IA Patrons Access to eight pre-recorded IA Webinars Access to IA Secret Sessions - exclusive recorded conversations Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost) Business mentoring opportunities with David (30 minutes intro session free for Platinum tier Patrons)   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram Our guest: Follow Babak on Instagram
Apr 14, 2023 • 1h 21min

Dr Jake Sloane & David Segal - ‘Dr Jake’s trips to AMWC Miami, Zurich & AMWC Monaco’ #206

Episode 206 showcases our hosts Dr Jake Sloane & David Segal. Dr Jake has been abroad numerous times in the past 8 weeks for various conferences and meetings. We recorded this episode whilst he was in Dubai (so apologies for his sides poorer sound quality) but we decided to explore what he was up to and what some of the key learnings from his trips were. We discuss: AMWC Monaco, one of the biggest global aesthetic meetings and what's on offer What the best live injection he saw was and why How to best plan for being at such a large conference  Our IA Patron group get together in Monaco and how our Patrons helped one another  AMWC Miami (a new leg of the AMWC  tour) & Dr Jake's three talks here What the best talk he saw was His visit to see Dr Felix Bertram at his clinic in Zurich  The dilemma of seeing overly augmented injectors and whether this is a problem or not  Recapping what IA Patreon is and what we offer in addition to our podcasts We're going on an Easter break now and will be back with episode 207 on May 5th! Dr Jake & David thank their amazing IA Patrons for helping support the podcast. Become an IA Patron too & get access to the following benefits (depending on your tier): Access to four IA Patron whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Business & Regenerative Medicine)  Access to our IA Live sessions (Business & Injectable Zoom sessions) led by our hosts Access to eight pre-recorded IA Webinars Access to IA Hints & Tips videos and content every Monday Access to our growing IA Library of clinical papers, books and resources Access to IA Secret Sessions - exclusive recorded conversations only for IA Patrons Access to IA Business Insights - live Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with individual IA Patrons Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake Business mentoring opportunities with David   SUPPORT THE PODCAST: If you enjoy listening to IA every week and would like to help support the podcast in a small way, we have a simple donation option: Buy us a coffee   IA PATREON: Did you know that we have an online injectable education and business mentoring service called IA Patreon? Get access to the following benefits: - Access to five main IA Whatsapp groups (General, Injectables, Skin & Devices, Business & Regenerative Aesthetics)  + three country specific groups (Australia, USA and UK) - Weekly IA Injectable Hints & Tips (Patient assessments, injecting videos & other injectable education) - NEW! Weekly Instagram Hints & Tips (Optimise your profile, content planning, how to use Instagram features, etc) - IA Business Hints & Tips (Videos of business hints and experiences) - IA Business Insights (Zoom recordings of David doing business coaching with our IA Patrons) - IA Zoom sessions (Bimonthly Zoom sessions focussing on injectable & business topics) - Access to our IA Library (Clinical papers, books & other resources) - Re-watch 8 x IA Webinars (Recorded in the pandemic with global experts)   IA Patrons can also access: Business mentoring opportunities with David (additional cost, limited slots) Shadowing opportunities in clinic with Dr Jake (additional cost, limited slots)   CONTACT INFORMATION: Subscribe to IA on Apple Podcasts Subscribe to IA on Spotify   Other IA links: Follow IA on Instagram Sign up as an IA Patron Visit the IA website  Contact IA Apply to be a guest on IA Dr Jake Sloane: Follow Dr Jake on Instagram  Dr Jake's website David Segal: Follow David on Instagram

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