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Exercise is Bullshit!

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Feb 12, 2025 • 1h 1min

"Big Ticket Coaching" with Dave Bess

Episode 15 with Big Ticket Bess! This week I'm joined by my good friend and business mentor Dave Bess. Dave is a renaissance man who does a little bit of everything. He owns a High Intensity training gym in AZ called "Greenlight Personal Training". He also runs a coaching and business mentor company called "PT Legends" which is what my company Reformed Fitness uses for our Health Coaching program. He also... really likes chicken sandwiches. Dave is a genius at coaching, motivation and helping scale small-medium sized coaching businesses and helping to launch them into the stratosphere. His mentorship has been invaluable to myself and my colleagues and he's completely changed the way we do business. If you've ever thought about launching a health coaching business of your own, or if you've ever been interested in working with a health coach to improve your own life, I would highly recommend you check out this episode to learn more. If you haven't already please like, subscribe and share. If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠. Keep an eye out for my book "Exercise Is Bullshit" launching in 2025!
Jan 29, 2025 • 36min

"Big 5 Myths In Hypertrophy" with Dr. Brad Schoenfeld

Episode 14... The Doctor's are back! This episode is great! Unfortunately my sound was not. It's a little echoey but I assure you it's worth your time. I'm joined this week by the King of Hypertrophy himself, Dr. Brad Schoenfeld. Dr. Schoenfeld is the leading hypertophy (muscle growth) researcher in the world. If you're serious about growing big muscles, you know Dr. Brad. He leads the Lehman College Applied Muscle Development Lab in the Bronx which continues to pump out world class Exercise Scientists. He's been published close to if not more than 300 times and he's not stopping anytime soon. Lehman is planning on launching it's PhD program this coming fall, and our former guest Max Coleman will be one of the first in line. In this week's episode we discuss some of the most popular topics in the bodybuilding world, like lengthened partials and interset rest periods. Brad does a great job of being "scientific" and not over selling any particular style or technique. But I think you'll find tons of useful information in this episode to incorporate into your current or future training programs. If you haven't already please like, subscribe and share. If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.
Jan 15, 2025 • 1h 20min

"Different Styles of Training" with Mike Petrella

Lucky Number 13! You think you have a cool home gym... you are a pathetic. You think your local gym is cool... it is trash compared to Mike Petrella and STG! Mike has unquestionably the greatest collection of vintage and new exercise equipment on the planet. We took a vote, he won... it's over. Even more... he won't stop adding new stuff! Some might say he's obsessed... I just think he's awesome! Mike own's STG Stength and Power in Ontario Canada (HERE). He's like most Canadians, super nice, affable and awesome. Last year was mostly doctors... apparently this year is the year of Jacked Canadians. STG is one of the premier strength and conditioning gyms in all of North America and certainly one of the coolest gyms in the whole world. It's still on my bucket list of places to check out. On this week's episode we talk about different styles of training. Mike has experienced and worked with every type of client imaginable from high level olympic caliber athletes to little old grandmas. There's few people better positioned to talk about different training modalities. If you're interested in all things fitness, this episode is a must listen. If you haven't already please like, subscribe and share. If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠. Keep an eye out for my book "Exercise Is Bullshit" launching in 2025!
Jan 1, 2025 • 53min

"Online Training & Building Your Brand" with Andrew Coates

Episode 12... this is a big one! Andrew Coates is kind of a big deal, though he probably wouldn't admit it. I met Andrew at a conference back in 2021 and like most Canadians, he seemed to be competing for the "Nicest Guy in The Universe Award". He had a burgeoning IG following and a blossoming career as a fitness writer. He had about 60k followers at the time and shared an awesome presentation on how to grow and build a brand. Flash forward to 2025 and he is one of the bigger faces in the the industry when it comes to what I would call "People You Can Trust". We don't always see eye to eye on every fitness topic, but he still remains one of the nicest and most humble guys I've ever met. His following is closer to 200K now and he continues to write and speak and share his knowledge. I've learned so much about how to conduct a brand and business just from watching him from afar. He's someone I truly aspire to be like in my business. Not the followers or the engagement, necessarily, but the true genuine person that he is. Andrew and I have a fascinating discussion today about the future of the onliine and in-person personal training space. What does the future of AI hold for trainers everywhere? How can you position yourself now, to make sure that you are bringing value in what is sure to be a computerized future. Whether you are a recreational exerciser or a fitness pro. I would highly recommend giving this episode a listen and I can't think of a better way to kick off the new year. If you haven't already please like, subscribe and share. If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠. Keep an eye out for my book "Exercise Is Bullshit" launching in 2025!
Dec 25, 2024 • 51min

"Fit 20 Study" with Dr. James Steele and Dr. PAK

Episode 11... Double doctors!!! Take that nerds!!! It feels like Christmas... because it is! And guess what I'm stuffing your stockings with??? SCIENCE!!! Fair warning... this episode is old. Also from that previous life and show where they liked to stifle good ideas and creavtivity. Thankfully, their loss is your gain and this episode will now live in Exercise is Bullshit infamy. This is truly at look at the outside end of the spectrum of what real "minimum dose" is. There's minimum dose, and then there's "The Fit20 Study" HERE. This study has it's limitations, but the idividuals were "regular" people not 18 year old college students, making it more ecologically valid (science!). There was also a huge data set (approx. 1500 individuals over 6 years). These are also two of my favorite humans in the game. Dr. PAK is the thunder, but Dr. Steele is truly the analytical and algorythmic lightning. So strap in and a take a linguistic adventure with a brit and a greek... this sounds like the start of joke. The punchline... if your goal isn't "optimization" you can probably get away with A LOT less than you've been lead to believe and still see relatively impressive gains in strength. If you haven't already, please like, subscribe and comment on the show. I'm so excited to continue to share great content with you all and we have so much more to come! If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠.
Dec 11, 2024 • 1h 5min

"Drop Sets & Deloads" with Max Coleman, MS

Episode 10... do you even "Deload Bro??" This week I'm thrilled to be join by winner of the 2024 "Best Man-Bun In The Game Award", Max Coleman, MS. Max is one of many brilliant minds to come out of Lehman College in NYC under the tuttelage of the illustrious Dr. Brad Schoenfeld. He has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science and will soon be pursuing his PhD in "Massive Gains" (not actual degree title) from the same university. Max has already authored or co-authored more than a dozen impressive papers in exercise science and his articles have been read almost 50,000 times (or atleast you know, they read the abstract). He's also a great follow on IG (@coleman.et.al) where he blends his love for baking/cooking (warning: not healthy food) with his love for exercise science. Max is truly GOING PLACES. On this week's episode we discuss a few papers he worked on during his Master's program on Deloads and Dropsets (HERE & HERE). If you are serious about maximizing your gains, this episode is a must listen. If you haven't already, please like, subscribe and comment on the show. I'm so excited to continue to share great content with you all and we have so much more to come! If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠.
Nov 27, 2024 • 59min

"Client Programming" with Casey Ruff

Episode 9... we're getting closer and closer to double digits. I think this might win an Emmy or something.... do they do Emmy's for podcast? Pulitzer? Poddy Award? This week I'm joined by a Utah legend Casey Ryan Ruff, host of "Boundless Body Radio". Casey is a personal trainer, health coach, carnivore enthusiast and one of the first people I met and connected with in the community when I moved to Utah. He and his wife Bethany own "Boundless Body" together, an in person and online personal training company. They have been in the fied for a long time and Casey is a super competent and interesting personal trainer. Like many in the high intensity training space, he started with a more traditional approach then found HIT to just "make sense". We discuss a lot of topics in this podcast, but mostly how he thinks about client programming and building sustainable habits for his clients. Give this one a listen and be sure to check out Casey's Podcast "Boundless Body Radio" HERE. If you haven't already, please like, subscribe and comment on the show. I'm so excited to continue to share great content with you all and we have so much more to come! If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠.
Nov 25, 2024 • 38min

"New Year's REVOLUTION" w/ the Reformed Fitness Team

Bonus Episode! Christmas is coming early gang! Check out myself and the rest of the Reformed Fitness Team discussing our super exciting "New Years Revolution". In this episode with Jake Picht and Xavier Robinson we discuss our Reformed Fitness New Years Revolution for 2025! You can sign up HERE to book your free discovery call and learn how to get involved. This is everything our clients have loved about our exclusive 63-Day Transformation Program, plus so much more! Aside from being massively discounted (you have to listen to find out how much 😉) we're focusing 2025 on building community. This New Years Revolution will pair you with a health coach of your choosing, and aside from all the normal guidance and coaching you get, we'll also have a massive facebook community. We're also bringing in outside experts and coaches to join the community and share their experience and expertise. Whether you've done our coaching already or you've been on the fence, there's never been a better time to take control of your health and wellness goals. This will be unlike any health coaching program you've ever done and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you all. If you haven't already, please like, subscribe and comment on the show. I'm so excited to continue to share great content with you all and we have so much more to come! If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠.
Nov 13, 2024 • 1h 2min

"Cooling Hands & Hypertrophy" with Ryan Burke

Episode 8.... is... great?? Cue the music... "you're as cold as ice.... something, something, something..." This week we're joined by Ryan Burke, MS. Ryan is currently pursuing a PhD in Exercise Science from Rutgers University in New Jersey (Go Scarlett Knights!). He graduated with his Master's from the prestigious Applied Muscle Development Lab at Lehman University in the Bronx. Home of such distinguished scientists as Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, Dr. Pak, and Dr. Milo Wolf and future guest Max Coleman (someday soon a Doctor). We had the opportunity this week to discuss a meta-analysis that was part of his Master's program on Palm and Sole cooling during resistance training HERE. The idea being that cooling through the distal limbs, can in theory cause cooling in the body's core temperature during exercise. Which could, potentially lead to greater inter-workout exertion, which MIGHT lead to more hypertrophy. It's very early and novel in the field but super interesting and cool (pun intended). As an aside, since this conversation I have been bringing a bag of ice with me to every workout since (about 4 months now). Anecdotally this has made a MASSIVE difference in my relative performance and total work output workout to workout. Interpret that how you will, but it's extremely low risk (basically zero risk), and potentially high reward. Listen and maybe give it a shot in your next lift! If you haven't already, please like, subscribe and comment on the show. I'm so excited to continue to share great content with you all and we have so much more to come! If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team ⁠HERE⁠.
Oct 30, 2024 • 41min

"Training at Long Muscle Lengths... AKA 'Lengthened Partials'" with Dr. Milo Wolf

Episode 7... with another Doctor? What is this show... the Doctor show or something?? Over 50% doctors is a pretty good ratio for anyone keeping track. This episode is from over 2 years ago. Before Milo was Dr. Milo and he was just "soon to be Dr. Milo". For various reasons it wasn't released, and the evidence since this initial conversation has changed drastically! I think it's very interesting though to see where Milo's ideas were at the time and where the industry is now... basically OBSESSED with lengthened partials. So take a glimpse back in time before we knew this guy was going to change the world and it was all just speculation. Dr. Milo Wolf is a scholar and lecturer and at Lehman College in NYC. He's one of the leading minds in "Lengthened Partial" training and recieved his PhD on that subject from Solent University in the UK. He currently works as a coach for "Stronger by Science", hosts the "Muscle & Feels" podcast with former guest and friend of the show Dr. Pak, and he's got one of the most controversial IG's in the fitness space. Definitely give him a follow and enjoy this weeks episode! If you haven't already, please like, subscribe and comment on the show. I'm so excited to continue to share great content with you all and we have so much more to come! If you're interested in working with me directly for training or health coaching, please reach out at logan@reformed-fitness.com. You can also book a free discovery call with myself or another member of my team HERE.

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