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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

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Mar 23, 2014 • 45min

#27: Video Marketing Tips and Tricks with Caleb Wojcik

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talked all about video creation and editing. I know a few of you instantly felt a little anxious when you read those words, because video is not usually at the top of anyone’s “favorite things to do” list - or at least that's the case for me!I’ve been creating videos ever since I started my online business, but it’s always been a tough thing for me. I don’t particularly like to see myself on video and let’s face it, video is a lot of work - from both the creation and editing sides.And yet video is very important for online marketers, which is why I invited my friend, Caleb Wojcik to be on the show. Caleb promised me that he would give some tips to make video easier, and he delivered on his promise!In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Caleb's progression from screencast videos to using multiple cameras The best type of video to start with How your audience determines how polished your videos need to be How to make videos using PowerPoint or Keynote How to make video editing faster and less painful The reason why 60% of the people that Caleb surveyed don't create video A trick for finding mistakes in the videos you create The benefits of editing backwards The sweet spot when it comes to video length Why you shouldn't put videos that people will pay to see on YouTube Where to host your videos And so much more! Key Takeaways If you're nervous about creating videos, screencasts are a great way to start. The best screen recording software is Screenflow for Mac and Camtasia for windows. It at all possible, when shooting video, sit facing a window. If natural light isn't available, position lighting directly in front of you, at a 30-45-degree angle. Light shining directly on you, you'll end up with a shadow from the camera on your face. When using your phone to shoot talking head videos, be sure to use a mic, such as Rode Smartlav to improve sound quality. DIY videos are fine, especially when they're not being used as part of a paid program. For paid programs, it's better to go pro if possible. Gear to Check OutMicrophones The Rode Smartlav mic Heil PR-40 Blue Microphones Software Screenflow Camtasia Plural Eyes iMovie Final Cut Pro X Adobe Premiere Teleprompter ikan teleprompterVideo Hosting Wistia Vimeo Turnstile DSLR Cameras Canon T5i Canon Rebel Digital Audio Recorders Tascam Zoom H49 Lavalier
Mar 6, 2014 • 51min

#26: The Power of Virtual Support and Outsourcing with Chris Ducker

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed my good friend, Chris Ducker. This interview came at a perfect time, because the evening after completing the interview, I got on a plane to the Philippines to speak at Chris' event, Tropical Think Tank.This was an exciting trip for me because not only is this my first trip to the Philippines, I also had the opportunity to speak with some some really fantastic people, including Pat Flynn, John Dumas, Greg Hickman and Natalie Sisson, and of course Chris Ducker himself, so it was a lot of fun.On today’s show, we are talking about the power of virtual support and outsourcing. This is an important topic for me, because I recently learned a valuable lesson, something I did not believe for so long until I finally experienced it personally in my business.So many successful people I look up to have told me that it is possible to work less and make a bigger impact, which includes bigger profits. That was hard for me to believe because it went against everything I knew about hard work paying off.However, on episode 23, I talked about how I experienced this very thing in 2013. I tell you this because with the right support, you truly can do less and make more. That’s why I think the topic today is so valuable to anyone building a business online.I’ve actually had Chris on the show before and so today we are going to dive a bit deeper into this topic. For those of you who do not know Chris, Chris is a serial entrepreneur, virtual staffing expert, blogger, podcaster and author of the new book Virtual Freedom (which is a FANTASTIC book and one I highly recommend.)In this episode, right from the start, Chris gets personal about a recent experience he had with burnout - and how his burnout did not effect his business AT ALL.Also, Chris dives into the mindset and mechanics around expanding your team with virtual support. The mindset requires a different way of looking at your business and your role in your business, seeing the value of letting go of some of it, and leveraging it by entrusting certain aspects of it to someone else. The mechanics include specific strategies and tools you can use to maximize your outsourcing experience.In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Mindset and the mechanics of expanding your team The value of letting go and leveraging Chris' burnout, and what he did about it The importance of taking care of yourself and switching off regularly What entrepreneurs should do with the time they save by outsourcing How a virtual team kept Chris' business going in the midst of his burnout The importance of entrepreneurs going off the grid from time to time What super hero syndrome is, and how to overcome it The impact of ego on your business What will defeat the benefits of your outsourcing efforts How you can make more by working less How to counter the feeling that you can do things faster yourself than telling someone else to do it The biggest problem when training your virtual staff How to throw little curve balls to your VA, and why you should Why you need to take care of your team ahead of all else Whether you should outsource locally or overseas The 3 basic ways Chris communicates with his staff The point where a lot of businesses begin to fail and how to avoid it And so much more! When training your virtual staff, the biggest challenge you'll run into is yourself [Tweet This]
Feb 18, 2014 • 44min

#25: How to Promote with Twitter with Mike Stelzner

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talk all about Twitter.Since I am not a Twitter expert, I have invited my friend and mentor, Michael Stelzner, on the show to talk about some very specific strategies he uses to promote his live and online events with Twitter.Mike would say that he too is not a Twitter expert, but I would disagree because he is doing things on Twitter that are getting some serious results - and he’s been perfecting his Twitter strategy for many, many years, so in my book, he’s a pro.For those of you who might not know Mike, he is the founder of the best social media site around, Social Media Examiner, which he launched in October of 2009, which has exploded, to say the least. Last year more than 7.5 million people visited the site. He's the author of two books (Launch & Writing White Papers) and is host of the Social Media Marketing Podcast. He also founded the parenting blog Strategic Ways to Promote with Twitter1. Transactional TweetsThis type of tweet has a psychological component to it. When people have just made a purchase or signed up for a newsletter, they're poised to take action, and are more likely to do the next thing you ask them to do. Therefore, as soon as the transaction is complete, send them to a thank you page, and on the page, add a text link with a request.For instance, you may have a text link that says something like, "Click here to tweet your excitement about (coming to an event, a course they just purchased, etc.). When they click on the link, have it open up a pre-populated tweet that says something like, "I'm attending/just purchased. . ." Be sure to include a link to the event or item being tweeted about.2. Verbal TweetsPodcast listeners are often on the go. They may be listening from the gym, while they're driving, etc, so give them a URL that is easy to remember. Mike directs people to go to I actually stole this idea from Mike, and on occasion in my podcast you'll hear me ask you to go to If you click on that link, you'll see that it opens up a window with a pre-populated tweet about how much they love my podcast. This is a great way to get your podcast listeners to spread the word about your podcast!3. Shout-Out TweetsShout-out tweets are a great way to give love to someone! An example of how Mike uses this technique is that he lists all of the speakers for his events and asks people to click on the name of their favorite presenter. When they do, again, a pre-populated tweet opens up that says something like, "Hey [name], I'm really looking forward to meeting you at [event]."4. Affiliate TweetsWrite up 10-15 different tweets that promote your product or event, and put them on a blog page or in an email. All people have to do is add their affiliate link to the tweets you've crafted, and they can then easily be shared. The easier you make things, the more likely people are to share! You can use this same strategy even if you don't have affiliates, but have other offerings that you want your audience to help you promote.5. Custom TweetsSocial share buttons such as Digg Digg have been around for awhile, but when people use them, they promote only the specific page or post the person is on. But you may not want the person driving traffic to the page they are on, such as on the page with information on hotels for an event that is being promoted.The solution is to craft custom tweets, and then embed that code on any page. This enables you to include a link to the page you want people to go to, regardless of the page they tweeted from. This also gives great social proof because instead of having several Twitter buttons with smaller tweet counts, when you use the widget, the tweet count is aggregated.HashtagsIn the final third of the show, Michael dove deep into how to best use Hashtags on Twitter, as well as shared some of his favorite Twitter tools.
Feb 2, 2014 • 36min

#24: 3 Mindset Pitfalls Entrepreneurs Face and How to Push Beyond Them: Interview with Marie Forleo

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I share with you some insight I’ve recently discovered about myself. It’s something that I’ve always known on some level, but I’ve just recently really owned it and started to be actively aware of it. I decided to share it with you, because maybe you can relate.Here’s the deal. Sometimes my mind is a pretty scary place to live as a result of the stories that I create  about my experiences. When I’m in my head, these stories are completely true and real, but in reality, they are just perceptions.As an example, in the early years of my business if I promoted something and it didn’t go as well as I thought it should, the story that would play in my mind was that I’m just not as good as my peers, that I didn’t have what it takes to be a success, that I’m in over my head, and that I should have never left Tony Robbins. These stories crushed my confidence!Now that I’m more aware of these stories, I try to spend as much time as possible in the present moment, where life is actually happening, rather than focusing on these stories that I’ve made up. This approach has helped me quiet fears, doubts, and worries as they pop up as I’m building my business.I’m sharing this with you because these stories are something we all have to deal with from time to time. Because of that, I invited my good friend and mentor, Marie Forleo, founder of B-School, best selling author and the creator of the award-winning web show, back to the show as my first repeat guest.I specifically asked Marie to come on the show to explore these mindset pitfalls, because Marie is not only a marketing pro, she also has a great way of pulling you out of your head and into the present moment where things tend to look very different than they do in our minds.Marie and I discuss the following three mindset pitfalls that entrepreneur’s tend to face as they’re building their business:#1: How Do I Deal with the Competition?#2: How Do I Deal with Criticism in My Business?#3: How Do I Deal with a Lack of Follow Through?If you’re struggling with perfectionism, focus more on the actual content, rather than the bells and whistles that are nice to have, but not 100% necessary.It also helps to get things started, knowing that everything is going to be an iteration. For example, when you initially release a course, it may not be just the way you want it to be, but you can keep making improvements.This is what Marie did when she first launched B-School, her online school for modern entrepreneurs. B-School has now been out for five years, and has grown into a comprehensive soup to nuts program that changes people’s lives.
Jan 21, 2014 • 42min

#23: 5 Lessons I Learned in 2013 That I Will Repeat in 2014

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast is all about some of the big business lessons I learned last year and that I'm taking with me into this New Year.I call them lessons, but really they were big wins that just really worked well that you can apply to your own online business.In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Why you should create a year-long promotional calendar The importance of documenting all planned promotional emails How I earn the right to promote my programs How to know when to say no to opportunities How to do more with less My revenue in 2013 How I optimized my online programs What to do if you're just starting out in your business and don't know what to focus on The importance of focusing on one big project at a time How to create marketing funnels for increased revenue My experience (both good and bad) with masterminds And so much more!
Dec 28, 2013 • 55min

#22: How to Start and Build a Profitable Podcast with John Lee Dumas

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talk all about creating a brand new podcast. My special guest is a recent Best of 2013 iTunes award winner, John Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire. His show is unique in that he broadcasts seven days per week, which takes a crazy commitment!John has interviewed over 425 people to date and his interviews tell the stories of entrepreneurs who have “made it” in their niche. The stories of his guests are inspiring to say the least and help others out there who are looking to take their own entrepreneurial leap.I wanted to create this episode at this specific time because at the time of this recording, I’ve been podcasting for almost a full year, and it’s been an extremely rewarding experience.I LOVE podcasting. It’s opened so many doors for me, introduced me to an entirely new audience, and has allowed me to expand my brand beyond my Facebook trainings.It’s also given me more confidence in my business and has created opportunities for me that I would not have been given had I not created this show. I highly recommend podcasting to anyone that is looking to expand their brand and take things beyond their blog and website.This episode is extremely valuable. There are tips for those just thinking about starting a podcast, or just starting out, AND there are some great ideas in there for those that have been podcasting awhile and want to take their show to the next level. So we have something for everyone here!In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How to get started with podcasting How John went from having zero online presence to building a six-figure monthly income Tips for those questioning whether or not they have what it takes to podcast The minimal equipment needed to start a podcast Steps needed to produce a podcast How podcasts are found in podcast directories The importance of great show notes and how to best utilize them How to monetize a podcast The importance of intros and outros, and how to get them done well What aspects of podcasts you can outsource And so much more!
Dec 4, 2013 • 53min

#21: How to Set Goals and Create a Plan for the New Year

In this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we focus on streamlining your business planning for the New Year. We reached out to successful online marketers, including Michael Hyatt, Pat Flynn, Melanie Duncan, Chris Ducker, and Michael Stelzner, to learn how they plan for the coming year.Goal Setting Tips:1. Get Specific:- Reflect on what worked in your business this year.- Identify what excited you, what customers loved, and what was profitable.- Prioritize enhancing and optimizing what already works.- Address what didn't work or needs improvement and what you should stop doing.2. Stack Your Goals:- Create big-picture goals and break them down into smaller, achievable mini-goals.- Focus on one mini-goal each month, eventually reaching the big yearly goal.- Write down your goals, break them into smaller steps, and tackle them one by one.Bonus Tip: Be Protective of Your Time:- Be deliberate about how you spend your time.- Learn to say no when necessary to protect your focus and achieve your goals.Goal Setting Sheet:- Condense your goals onto one page, keeping them simple and concise.- Include:1. Revenue projections: Specify how much you plan to earn and where the income will come from.2. Contributions: Set goals for contributions, such as charity or connecting with customers.3. My Special Focus: Highlight an area of special focus for the year.4. Focused Foundation Strategies: Detail specific strategies to achieve your goals, such as content creation or email marketing.Vision Statement:- Develop a company vision statement that reflects your goals and aspirations.- Keep it simple and visible in your workspace to maintain focus.Comfort Zone and Growth:- Set your goals slightly beyond your comfort zone to stimulate growth.- Embrace uncertainty, fear, and a sense of inadequacy as indicators that you're heading in the right direction.To support your goal setting, a Goal Planning Worksheet is provided for download. This episode features insights and tips from accomplished online marketers to inspire you to take action and set your goals for the upcoming year.
Nov 12, 2013 • 49min

#20: Creative Ways to Run a Business From Anywhere in the World with Natalie Sisson

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed Natalie Sisson, also known as the Suitcase Enterpreneur.In 2006, Natalie left her home country of New Zealand and since then has been traveling the world and living out of a suitcase -- all while building a successful online business.On her blog, Natalie teaches creative ways to run a business from anywhere in the world, using outsourcing, along with online tools and social media.She's also written a new book about how to create freedom in business and adventure in life.In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How Natalie started with nothing but an idea and created a successful and profitable Facebook app What caused Natalie to cry herself to sleep at night and how she overcame it What it takes to make significant changes in your life business How to avoid undermining your progress How to know your special sauce and how to use it to your advantage How to get good feedback from those who know you well The two big things Natalie did to launch her book Natalie's 30-day blog challenge And so much more!
Oct 31, 2013 • 49min

#19: How to Set Priorities In Your Business with Pat Flynn

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, my guest is one of my very favorite people - Pat Flynn.I know most of you already know Pat, but if you don't, he is a well-known and highly successful online entrepreneur. He is a podcaster, blogger and author and is best known for his transparent leadership style and smart business strategies. He blogs at and has a podcast by the same name.Now there are a dozen topics Pat and I could discuss that would be highly valuable if you are growing an online business - but I am going to do something a bit different with this interview.About a week ago I saw a Facebook post from Pat where he talked about all the hard work and dedication he put into one keynote presentation he recently did for a financial bloggers’ conference called FinCon. The post is inspirational and demonstrates the mindset needed to succeed, and after reading it I had so many questions for him, I decided to invite him onto the show. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The importance of focusing on one thing at a time What Pat told himself in his head in order for his FinCon speech to be successful How speaking can help you in other parts of your life and business What Pat does to make sure he stays the course How Pat sets big goals and priorities What Pat told himself to keep from procrastinating What you have to do to make goals real How fear is a disservice to your audience How to grow your confidence Tips for finding a mastermind that's right for you And so much more!
Oct 1, 2013 • 1h 5min

#18: A Backstage Pass to the Inner Workings of My Business

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I pull back the curtain and give you a peek into the inner workings of my business. I give you the scoop on my team, my favorite tools for building my business, and lessons I've learned as I've built my business.In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Why I had to fire my clients The cost of doing what I always wanted to do The reasons webinars have been so essential in the success of my business Where almost 100% of my income comes from How to figure out which opportunities to pursue The make up of my team, what they do and the number of hours they work The tools I use for my business on a daily basis Why moving to better systems results in a mindshift The importance of mindset and accountability And so much more!

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