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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

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Aug 27, 2014 • 18min

#37: How do I get my Facebook friends to come over to my Page?

Would you like to know how to spend less time trying to convert your Facebook Profile "Friends" over to "Fans" of your Facebook Page?Would you like to learn an easy trick to link your Profile and Fan Page together so that your visitors to your Profile would have direct exposure to your Fan Page?You will learn all of that and more in this weeks Episode of Online Marketing Made Easy - Ask Amy Podcast.On this episode I answer a question from one of my listeners about how to get your Facebook friends to like your Facebook Page.This is the question she asked: Kathy Sacks: “I have more than 500 friends on my Facebook Profile. Since it would take a long time to get that many “likes” on my Facebook Page, I’d like to get my friends on my Profile to to like my new business Page. Do you have any advice for me?”Now, the short answer is that there is no foolproof way to move your friends over to your Page. There are a few things you can try and I’ll go over those things with you but I want to encourage you not to spend too much time trying to move your friends over to your Page.Instead, I would encourage you to spend more time on developing your Page, the content, the engagement, your list-growing strategy, all of that can be done on your Page.I wouldn't suggest you spend too much time on this strategy although I am going to give you some helpful tips to get you started to make that transition. I understand that if you are growing a Facebook Page you want to build your fan base quickly and it makes sense to start with the friends on your Profile since they seem to have an interest in what you are posting.Sounds logical, although, it doesn’t happen as though we think it should.One thing you might want to think about is this: Are those friends that you have on your profile genuinely interested in your business?  Some of them likely are but definitely not all of them are.To be upfront, some of your Profile friends just aren’t interested in hearing from you about your business. That’s why I just want to caution you, it's likely on your Profile, you have a mix of people that are friends or just want to know you personally and have no interest in what you are doing for business. That's just how it is.In my experience, moving friends to fans is a slow process that is rarely a raving success. That’s why I don’t want you to spend too much time in this area. However, I will say, it is worth an effort to give it a shot. Do it and then move on to bigger and better things.I did promise you a few things that you can implement to build your new fan page with your existing friend base from your profile.1) The first suggestion I have for you is make sure that you link your Profile and your Page.2) For about two weeks, start a campaign where you are actively promoting your Page on your Profile. Use Video to promote your Page to your friends on your ProfileLure your Profile friends over to your Fan Page by using a "FREE" giveawayAttract New, Quality Fans with Like Ads (Instead of Focusing on Moving Your Friends Over)7 Steps to a Facebook Marketing PlanIn my flagship program, Facebook Marketing Profit Lab, I take my students through a seven step process to create a profitable Facebook Marketing Plan. If you want a quick snapshot of all seven steps, you can check out Episode #28 where I dive into each of them with specifics
Jul 30, 2014 • 44min

#36: 3 Keys to Understanding Your Audience to Increase Sales with Pam Hendrickson

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed my good friend, Pam Hendrickson. Pam and I go WAY back. She is actually the person who interviewed me for my position with Tony Robbins, and was my first "big boss." Pam and I have spent many hours working and traveling together. We joke that we spent more time together during certain seasons than we did with our husbands! Pam worked for Tony Robbins for close to 20 years before going out on her own. Considering her experience with Robbins, she thought launching her first products would be easy, but she was wrong. In spite of the fact that the products were great, she made very few sales. The turning point for her was when she learned how to give her customers what they want, and in this episode, we dive in deep about how to do that. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: A key success principle for business What will cause your business to fail even if you have the best content in the world The necessary foundation for great marketing Common mistakes when defining a target market Tools for understanding your target market How to cultivate relationships Why technology will never replace face-to-face interactions And so much more! Key Takeaways A key to success in business is not being afraid to make mistakes Great content alone isn't enough. If it isn't want your customers need and want, it won't be successful. The foundation of our marketing comes from understanding who our target audience is, and creating all of products and services based around that. Ideal customer exercises are great, but they don't go deep enough. It's important to go beyond who and really dive deep into their pain points. Product creation and marketing are easy when you truly understand your audience. There are three primary areas to focus on: Tactical Relationships Emotional connection Tactical focuses on learning more about your audience. This is an ongoing process. In order to learn this information, you can conduct surveys, look at what your competition does to see what's working for them, and conduct market research using tools such as Keyword Spy and Ispionage. Relationships focuses on really getting to know your audience, and enable you to go deeper when it comes to truly understanding them and therefore really knowing how to meet their needs. A great example that Pam gave was that if you went to the gym and someone had you  fill out a survey, they would have a certain level of understanding about your needs. In contrast, if you went to the gym and spent time talking with the person exercising next to you, you would have a much deeper understanding. Emotional connection is when you really begin to FEEL what your audience feels. It goes deeper than having an intellectual understanding of their needs, and enables you to basically put yourself in their shoes so that you better understand them on an emotional level. This is the opposite of the tactical side of things because it focuses on feelings rather than facts. Action Steps For a week or two, spend ten minutes per day researching your target market using tools such as Keyword Spy, Eyespionage  and Pew Research. To help you build relationships with your audience, pick one or two live events to attend. The goal is to have an opportunity to connect face-to-face with your target audience. Set aside 20-30 minutes to get quiet and FEEL the problems and pains of your customers. A Special Gift from Pam for My Audience Pam really went the extra mile by creating a special gift just for you, a free video training and report, which you can get here.
Jul 22, 2014 • 41min

#35: How to Hire Your First Project Manager with Laura Roeder

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview my good friend, Laura Roeder. I've had Laura on the podcast before, but I wanted to have her on again, because she is a master in setting up processes and systems to grow your business. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The difference between a project manager and a VA Why your project manager should work only for you, rather than have other clients How much you should pay a project manager The role of a project manager and what it takes to hire and train one A mindset shift that needs to happen before you hire your first project manager How you should think about how much you should pay your project manager, and what you should do less of so you an afford to hire help The golden ticket when it comes to hiring team members Why you don't have to find a project manager who is a perfect fit for your business And so much more! Key Takeaways There are a lot of highly skilled, underemployed people out there now, who would love to work as a project manager You're in the right place to hire a project manager if you: Feel overwhelmed, burned out, or emotionally exhausted Have a bunch of ideas and projects you want to tackle but are too busy A project manager keeps you organized and helps you to continue moving forward with the things you really want to do It's more important for someone to have the ability to learn than it is for them to already know all of the programs you use Be willing to take the time to train your project manager and don't just tell them what to do, but why you want it done Spend less money on programs and then use that money to pay a project manager The main things a project manager should help you do: Translate your goals and plans into daily tasks Make sure things are being done on time and if they aren't, figure out why Ensure not just that the work is done, but that the quality is high
Jul 8, 2014 • 10min

#34: Ask Amy: How to Hyper-Target Your Facebook Ads

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is the third Ask Amy episode. This is a new feature that I’ve added to my podcast. As I mentioned in episode 30, every other week I’ll answer your questions about online marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ads, webinars and email marketing. To submit a question, all you need to do is go to and leave me a recorded message. Your question just might be the very next one I choose for the show! Here’s the summary of the question for this episode: “In episode 29 you talked about how to hyper-target your audience using Facebook ads, and you specifically talked about retargeting. Can you put retargeting ads in both the newsfeed and the right-hand column and if so, which option works best?” Key Takeaways Retargeting ads use a tracking pixel that you’ve put on your website. You can set the pixel to track for 30, 60, or 90 days. Retargeting ads are great because they allow you to target the people that really care about your brand; they help you connect with your website visitors on Facebook. You CAN place retargeting ads in both the newsfeed and in the right hand column. It’s important to set up your retargeting ads in the Power Editor. I have better results with ads placed in the newsfeed, but it’s important to experiment to find out what works best for you. Lookalike audiences are very valuable but the results you get back from Facebook can be huge -- as many as a couple of million people. To narrow down the results, when inside of the Power Editor, under the “Audience” tab, you can select age, gender and so on to target even further. In addition to that, you can further refine your targeting by indicating that they need to be a fan of at least one of the Pages you add to the interest section (again, under audience).   
Jun 26, 2014 • 49min

#33: How to Write Copy that Sells with Ray Edwards

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview my good friend, copywriting expert, Ray Edwards. Ray and I go way back. I first met him when I was still working for Tony Robbins. At the time we were in need of a killer sales letter for a big product we had just created, and Frank Kern, a master at online marketing, suggested we reach out to Ray.As it turns out, hiring Ray to write the sales letter was one of the best decisions we ever made because he nailed it. The sales letter Ray wrote converted really well; every time we used it, our sales were through the roof!Copywriting is something that a lot of my clients have questions about, and I have to admit that it doesn't come naturally to me; I have to really work at it! But it's a super important skill to master because impact and revenue are directly tied your ability to write great copy, so I invited Ray on the show to share his wisdom in this area with all of you. I know you won't be disappointed!In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: One of the first things you need to learn if you want to start a business or create a second income stream The gene you do NOT need to be born with in order to be a good copywriter Why you need to do more than just write great content What your value-add content should always have How to know if you're giving away too much How to create a lot of content in a short period of time 4 Rules of Writing Key Takeaways All the emails you send should have a "promotional" element to them Every email you send should include a link The brain doesn't differentiate between an actual experience, and a vividly imagined experience. Therefore, help your readers vividly imagine doing what you recommend, and the outcome Listening to what your audience tells you is the best way to know what questions in the emails you send The copy you write needs to be scanable. You can accomplish this by using bolded headers, bullet points, and so on
Jun 19, 2014 • 18min

#32: Ask Amy: "What's new with the Facebook Page Timeline layout?"

In this Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast episode, the second Ask Amy segment is introduced, where questions about online marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ads, webinars, and email marketing are answered. Listeners can submit questions by leaving a recorded message at featured question in this episode is about the new Facebook Page layout and how to leverage it for maximum impact and exposure on Facebook. Here are the key points discussed:1. **Stats on the Right:** In the new layout, to the right of the cover photo, you'll find weekly stats, including new Page likes, overall post reach, unread messages, and notifications. Amy suggests tracking these numbers weekly to measure your progress.2. **Tab Management:** Below the cover photo, there are tabs that function like the old layout's boxes. You can reorder them by clicking "More" and selecting "Manage Tabs." Amy emphasizes that tabs may not convert well unless you use Facebook ads to drive traffic to them.3. **Scheduled Posts:** If you schedule posts on your Facebook Page, the new layout displays a "Scheduled Posts" notification, showing the number of scheduled posts and the next publication time. This feature makes it easier to manage and edit scheduled posts.4. **About Section:** Amy advises being strategic with the "About" section, using it to promote lead magnets and important links. However, note that linking to your website may not be an option for local business Pages.5. **Pages to Watch:** The "Pages to Watch" feature in Insights allows you to monitor other Pages that attract your ideal audience. You can manually add Pages to observe. It's located in the Overview tab of Facebook Page Insights.6. **Top Posts from Pages You Watch:** After selecting Pages to watch, you can view the most engaging posts from the previous week in the Posts tab of Insights. This feature helps you gain insights and model engaging content strategies from similar Pages.Amy also mentions that when you add a Page to watch, the admin of that Page is notified but won't know who added it.This episode is part of the Ask Amy series, where online marketing questions from listeners are addressed. You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes at
Jun 10, 2014 • 1h 8min

#31: How to Launch a Product Online with Jeff Walker

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I dive into launching your programs, your products, your services online. The great thing is that I dove into this extremely important conversation with the pioneer of all online marketing launches, Jeff Walker. Jeff is known for a system he created called The Product Launch Formula and is truly one of the top internet marketing experts and leaders.He tells a great story of how he got started, and to get the full scoop, you’ll need to listen to the interview because I wouldn’t be able to do his story justice, so for now I’ll just say that before he started his first online business, he had never ran a business before. He had absolutely zero sales training and no marketing skills.He jokes that he was always the kid that couldn't sell more than one bag of donuts for the Boy Scouts fundraiser every year and that one bag was usually purchased by his parents. So as you can see, sales and marketing didn't necessarily run in his blood from day one.  He was an average guy who made an extraordinary impact on many people's lives and continues to do so through his teachings.  That's why I am honored to have Jeff on the show today.Before you listen to the interview, I want to share one more thing with you and that is that Jeff just wrote a book called, Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love And Live The Life Of Your Dreams, and for a very limited time, you have an opportunity to get the book for free -- you just have to pay for shipping and handling -- and in addition to the free book, he’s throwing in a bunch of free bonuses. To get the free book and bonuses, go to this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How I met Jeff and how my life changed as a result of meeting him Tony Robbins’ response to the information Jeff shared with him Jeff’s failure in the corporate world, and his stint as a stay-at-home dad The day Jeff's wife's cry for help shook him to his core The amazing story of how Jeff went from being unemployed and desperate to making a million dollars in less than an hour Success stories from those who started small and grew big How dropping hints can build anticipation before a launch The launch that brought Jeff’s wife home How Jeff figured out how launches work for many different types of industries How to know what your customers need from you Jeff's view on your email list The decision I personally made that totally changed my business And so much more! Key Takeaways Dropping hints about something to come is a great way to build anticipation before a launch Successful product launches aren’t magic, but are based on how the mind works, and pull people in Done right, people will eagerly anticipate your next move and look forward to everything you do There are 3 core sequences in a launch: Pre Pre- Launch, when you agitate the market and get people interested Pre-Launch, when you build value through videos, blog post, and social media Open Cart, when you actually start taking orders It’s important to find out what people’s hot buttons are and then create products that meet those needs There are three types of launches that part of the Product Launch Formula: Seed launches, when you start with no product (and in some cases no list) and you get paid before you even create the product Internal launches, where you do a launch just to your list JV launches, which are more complex and therefore should not be your first launch You must focus on building assets in your business, and the most important asset you can build is your email list
Jun 3, 2014 • 22min

#30: ASK AMY: "I ran a contest on Facebook. Now what?"

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is extra special because it is the very first edition of the Ask Amy segment that I'm adding to the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast.Every other week I'm going to be answering your questions all about online marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ads, webinars and email marketing. If you've got a question, I likely am going to have an answer for you! All you need to do is go to and leave me a recorded message. Your question just might be the very next one I choose for the show!In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Something I've been struggling with lately Why my style hasn't always served my customers The push back I've gotten regarding how I teach Facebook marketing How overwhelming and scary creating a marketing plan can be when you're first starting your business The importance of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone Why you should look at Facebook differently And so much more! Here's the question for this episode:I just launched my website officially at Easter. I took your advice, I put a Facebook sweepstakes on the right side bar, and the resort I work at allowed me to give out a fantastic package, they're really helping me out and it's going really well. In the first month, I've got about 130-something likes and I just love to see that, but I want to keep the momentum going. I want to know what the next step for me might be, whether it's Facebook ads or whatever you think would be the most efficient thing for me.Key Takeaways Anytime you get new leads from Facebook, it's important to be ready to nurture those leads. Follow up with your new leads with a weekly email, with the focus initially being on pure value, instead of selling. After 4-6 weeks of pure value, select one opportunity to promote. Send 3-4 emails that talk about this opportunity. Be sure to make those emails about them, rather than about you and your offer. Work on sharpening your copywriting skills. This is important even if you plan to hire someone to write them for you in the future. If people don't purchase, put them back into a value-add sequence, and when you're ready to promote again, go back to 3-4 emails about an opportunity. Use Facebook ads to drive traffic to a lead magnet rather than to a sales page. The goal of ads is to grow your email list. This is how to turn your efforts into profits. Even though it's hard to get organic reach on your Page, it's still important to provide good content for the people who see your posts. Email is more intimate than Facebook, when you really understand how to use email. It's useless to have a big email list if you never use it to promote.
May 26, 2014 • 56min

#29: Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we discussed Facebook ad targeting. However, before delving into that, there are some exciting changes to my podcast that I'd like to share with you.1. Weekly Episodes: Starting in June, I'll be releasing one episode per week instead of the previous bi-weekly schedule, so get ready for more podcast content.2. Ask Amy" Segment: I'm introducing a new segment called "Ask Amy," where you can send me your questions on online marketing, Facebook marketing, list building, content creation, webinars, or anything related to the podcast topics. This segment is inspired by my friend, Pat Flynn, who hosts "AskPat." He encouraged me to go for it, and I'm thrilled to bring this interactive feature to the show. You can submit your questions to Ask Amy on my website.Now, let's get back to our main topic for today: Facebook ad targeting. To explore this topic, I've invited my friend and Facebook advertising expert, Rick Mulready, to join me on the show. Rick is deeply involved in online marketing and helps entrepreneurs and small businesses with their Facebook advertising campaigns. He's actively experimenting with ad campaigns and achieving impressive results.We've had several fantastic discussions about Facebook ads at Starbucks here in San Diego, and our insights have been so valuable that I wanted to share them with you. In this episode, we cover the following aspects of Facebook ad targeting:- Valuable Facebook ad targeting options, including Interests, Custom Audiences, and Lookalike Audiences.- Choosing the right targeting option when you're just starting out.- Targeting website visitors with Facebook ads.- Expanding your targeting options if you're struggling to find a sufficiently large and effective audience.- Determining the optimal audience size for your ads.- Key ad metrics to monitor to ensure your ads are successful.Now, let's dive into some more detailed information on how to navigate your Facebook ad targeting using the Power Editor, a robust tool for managing Facebook ads.
Apr 23, 2014 • 56min

#28: 7 Steps to a Profitable Facebook Marketing Plan

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I decided to do something a little bit different. I’m currently promoting my signature program, Facebook Marketing Profit Lab. When I create a new program, I always create a free, value-packed training around the promotion. In this case, the training is called, “How to Create an Easy-to-Implement Facebook Marketing Plan that REALLY Works.”I deliver the training through live webinars, and after the promotion is over in a few weeks, the free live webinar will no longer be available. I have worked SO HARD on this training that I want it to live on beyond my promotion, and I thought that the best way to accomplish that was to present the training in a podcast.I think you will find it extremely valuable, and at the end of this podcast you will have a really good understanding of how to create a Facebook marketing plan that is focused on both the needs of your business AND the needs of your customers. In addition to that, this plan will actually help you produce leads and revenue on a consistent basis on Facebook.People have a lot of concerns about Facebook: They aren’t sure what they’re doing and they feel stuck They are frustrated with their list building strategies; their list is growing painfully slow Or, they are just frustrated with Facebook in general, but are still holding out a little hope because they really want Facebook to work for them because they’ve put a lot of effort and in some cases a lot of money into it but just haven’t gotten the results they were hoping for. And some people are just looking for a plan so they get see more fans, leads or sales through Facebook. If you can relate to any of that, this podcast is perfect for you!Specifically, we covered the following 7 steps that you need to Create a Facebook marketing plan that really works.1. Create Your Lead Magnet2. Set Up Your Lead Capture Page3. Create a “Gotta Have It” Facebook Post and Turn It Into an Ad4. Only Show Your Ad To Your “Perfect Customer” Target List6. Always Know In Real-Time If Your Lead Magnet Is Working7. Create The “5 MUST EMAILS” To Perfectly Position Your OfferOne you have attracted your new lead from your Facebook efforts, it’s time to take things outside of Facebook. Create an email auto responder series to provide even more value to your new lead and when the time is right for you, begin to introduce them to your offer. Email marketing will move your new lead to become a customer.

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