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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

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Apr 24, 2015 • 39min

#57: 3 Core Beliefs of Truly Successful Entrepreneurs

In case you haven’t noticed by now, I want you to succeed.It is genuinely important to me to help you reach that place in your business where you can say, “Yes, I made it; I love my work and I love my life!”But there is something else that is equally as compelling that I want for you:I want you to enjoy the journey—the process of making it all happen.If you’ve been with me for a while you know that I often talk about the kinds of strategies that have worked for me, that I know can work for you too. Things like building your email list early in the game, effective ways of using Facebook to engage with your audience, and the importance of having a marketing plan—knowing what you’re going to do before you set out to do it.I stand behind all of these things 100%, but there is something else you need to know. Something so critical it can actually make or break your online business dreams.I'm talking about what you believe regarding your ability to achieve success in your business.The 3 Beliefs You Must Have to Achieve Success in Your BusinessBelief #1 - I believe that one of the biggest strengths in my business is knowing my target market intimately. Knowing how they think, what they need, and what words and emotions they use to express themselves is crucial to my success.Belief #2 - I believe that I am not alone, shipwrecked on a desert island needing to have all the answers myself. I thrive and my business thrives with a few core mentors that I trust and can turn to again and again.Belief #3 - I believe I have a great idea (product/service) that will impact people’s lives, and that my idea needs a clear and easy-to-navigate system to generate sales.Understanding the Three BeliefsLet’s examine each belief more closely and see what’s important about it.#1 Knowing Your Audience#2 Finding Your Mentor#3 Having a SystemWhy You Need These 3 BeliefsI said at the beginning that belief is a tricky concept, because it’s not something I can teach you. I can only tell you, and back it up with my story and many others. But at the end of the day, the best proof of a belief is to look at your own situation.If you don’t have these beliefs, how are things going for you? Is your business on track with your vision? Are your sales what you want them to be?And if they’re not, isn’t it time to change your beliefs?I know it isn’t easy at first. It’s scary to change, to risk spending money or time on learning to do things in a new way. Don’t let fear hold you back.The purpose of belief is to shape the actions we take. And as soon as you begin taking action on these beliefs, you already have them. You will feel the difference inside you—you’ll feel your confidence growing, and your sense of purpose will feel more grounded than ever.Before long, you’ll also be seeing the difference on the outside—more email subscribers, greater audience engagement, and an increase in sales. I want all of that for you, from the bottom of my heart. I would love to hear your experiences in the comments below. Have you tried a system that has worked well for you? How are you getting to know your audience? Do you have the kind of mentorship you need to succeed? Keep moving forward and know you are not alone!Don't forget to join me on my FREE, Master Class where I'm revealing the EXACT marketing system I use (and where Facebook fits into it to!) generate multiple sales every single day.*The master class registration has passed, but be sure to stay on the list for future webinars! Subscribe to my list, or check out one of my free cheat sheets here.
Apr 18, 2015 • 52min

#56: How to Create Content to Attract Your Target Market

There are two kinds of content in this world: content that attracts and content that sells.It's easy to spend all your time and effort focusing on the second part. Eyes on the prize, right? And believe me, I want you focused on that end result.But it's crucial to remember that the end result needs a strong beginning. In other words, you'll never get to that sale if you haven't attracted the people who want to buy your product!Today is all about the first half of the sales equation.The more you craft content geared toward your ideal customer, the more sales you'll make. And these won't just be one-time sales. You'll be talking to people who want to buy from you over and over, because they feel connected to you and your product. When you create content that makes them feel understood, that communicates an empathy for their situation and an excitement about helping them with your product, they are going to be watching their inboxes for your emails and jumping up and down each time you launch something new.These are the people you want to find, right?So let's talk about how you can reach them.First, the Good News...When you know your target market really well, creating content for them becomes incredibly easy. We talked last week about creating a survey that helps you get inside the heads of your target market. Once you're there, you'll be able to instantly rattle off ten things they need...Which then become the topics of each piece of content you create.Let me jump ahead really quick to tell you that our free giveaway for this week is a list of inspiration boosters for creating magnetic, empathetic content that your audience can't resist. Click here to get it now.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "15 Content Inspirations To Help You Attract Your Target Market" FREE DOWNLOADWhat Counts as Content?Ready for some more good news? Everything you do online is content.A Facebook post counts as a content piece, whether it's video or words or simply an image. So does a tweet. An email (whether to your whole list or just a segment of it), the text and imagery on your landing page, a free giveaway, a podcast, a thirty-minute webinar...You get the idea.We all have our favorite places to post content. Maybe you're Twitter-happy and can post 140-character quips all day long. Or maybe you love doing quick video updates from wherever you happen to find yourself.So don't worry if you're not the world's most prolific blogger. If you're making your voice heard online, you're creating and posting content, and you are ahead of the game.Simplify by DiversifyingOkay, so say you have a lot of fun within creating short Facebook videos, but your brain dries up the second you sit down to write a blog. Does that mean you should abandon writing and just rely on Facebook videos to communicate with your audience?Definitely not. First of all, you're going to miss a huge segment of your potential customers by relying on only one form of content. Second, there are just things that a blog can communicate that videos can't...and vice versa! You don't have to do all kinds of content in equal measure, but if you want to reach as many people as possible, you're going to want to use as many different kinds of content to catch their attention in all the places they might be hanging out.Fortunately, every idea you come up with for one kind of content can be easily translated into a totally different piece of content. Your videos can be turned into a blog post. Your blog post can be turned into a slide deck. Your slide deck can be turned into a series of Twitter images.In other words, creating different content pieces just got a lot simpler.Get more of Amy's insights on creating content, including an interview with social media maven Donna Mortiz. Listen to Episode 56 in full. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "15 Content Inspirations To Help You Attract Your Target Market" FREE DOWNLOAD
Apr 11, 2015 • 1h 3min

#55: How to Create a Survey to Find Your Target Market

In the last several weeks, I’ve been getting a product ready for launch. It’s called the Profit Lab…or, if you want the full title,The Profit Lab: How to Create Marketing Systems In Your Business So That You Can Find Your Target Market, Grow Your Email List and Sell More ProductsI launch this product twice a year, and every year, I recreate it so that it stays fresh and valuable, even for people who have gone through it before. I make new videos, I rewrite the worksheets, all that good stuff.This year, as I’ve been getting this product ready for launch, I wanted to make sure I was truly connecting with my target audience. After you’ve had some success with a product, it’s easy to start coasting on that success, which means you stay the same while your audience continues to grow and change and develop new needs. Not my style. ;-)To find out more about my target market, I needed to find out: Where they are at, in terms of their business goals and growth. What they needed from me Where they were struggling, not just in their business as a whole but with the versions of the Profit Lab I’d released before. Knowing all this was going to help me tailor this new version of the Profit Lab into exactly what my target audience desperately needs right now.So I put together a survey. And the responses knocked my socks off!The thing is, I knew who my target audience was, but I didn’t really know them the way I thought I did. The survey gave me a chance to understand how they think, what kind of language they use, what keeps them up at night, and why they come to me as opposed to anybody else in the online marketing world.I learned so much from this experience of surveying my audience that I wanted to share some of those insights with you…how to create a survey that gets you into the minds and hearts of your target audience, so you design, redesign or market your products in direct response to their needs.The result of this will be that you sell more of your products to them.And don’t worry if you’re just starting out and your list isn’t that big yet. You can still design a survey that gets you these answers and helps you build your list...and I’ll tell you how.I've also got a great freebie for you to download this week, which will give you lots more insight on creating a survey, as well as how to use the information it yields. Click here to download it now!EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "The Product Maximizer: 4 Smart Ways To Sell Products Online" FREE DOWNLOADFirst Step: Design Your QuestionsSecond Step: Get People EngagedThird Step: Getting Your Survey Out ThereThe Bottom LineSending out a survey is kind of like going on a first date. If you spend the whole evening trying to make sure the other person understands you, you’re probably not going to get to see them again. But if you spend the whole time asking them questions about themselves, you’ll come away with a really good understanding of who they are, and whether you have what they need.When you’re creating this survey, don’t think so hard about what you’re trying to accomplish in your business. Think about getting to know your target market, and the goals of your business will fall into line.
Mar 30, 2015 • 54min

#54: The Secret Mindset Shifts For Success With Ramit Sethi

I hope you’re buckled in, because my guest this week is an online business expert who is renowned for “telling it like it is.” Ramit Sethi is a master communicator who pulls no punches. When it comes to sheer mental confidence, there's no one quite like him in the online marketing world.As a result, he’s had massive success in developing products that get huge results for his clients. His secret to developing these products is just one of the things we discussed in our interview. Our conversation was a great mix of lessons on mindset and tactical product creation strategies.You should really listen to the whole interview, because there's way too much to fit into a blog post. But here are some of the highlights:Redefining a Rich LifeRamit’s landmark book is called I Will Teach You To Be Rich. But the strategies he teaches in this book and elsewhere aren’t aimed exclusively at people who want to blow $5,000 on a weekend in Vegas (but if that's your jam, Ramit thinks it's great!). Ramit says that the rich life is different for each person. For many of us, a rich life simply means being able to work from home, take our kids to work with us, building a business where money is automated and we can focus more time on the things we love.In other words, money is an important part of having a rich life, but money is not the whole picture.No matter how you define a rich life, Ramit says it all comes down to just a few big “wins.” If you get just five or ten of these wins, you don’t have to sweat the small stuff, and you can focus more on the things you really love.How Fear Will Hold You BackRamit talks candidly about the toxic influence of fear, which gets in the way of achieving these big wins. You’d never know it to hear him talk now, but Ramit himself struggled a lot with fear in the early days of starting his online brand."I had been writing my blog for about two or three years and I had never made a cent. I didn’t want people to think I started my blog just as a way to make money because that was never the intention.I was absolutely petrified that people would not buy it or, even worse, that they would call me a sell out. You can see it in the sales copy that I wrote. The way I wrote that sales copy was so cowardly.I literally said, 'Why should you pay for this? I know you can find a lot of stuff for free.' My self confidence was so low that anyone would buy it that … I literally tried to defend it before they even bought."But people did buy it. And they thanked Ramit for putting his information out there. What’s more, those buyers ended up opening his emails, joined other courses he offered, and took action on the things he taught them."The real people, the people I actually wanted to focus on, were buying and they were delighted to pay."In other words, Ramit had found his target market. (Want to listen to the entire interview? Click here now!)"My belief is if I’m not adding multiple failures to that every month then I am probably not trying ambitiously enough. If you go talk to a successful person and ask them to tell you about their failures they ask you if you have all day, because they have 50 things they have had problems with."FREE DOWNLOADTo listen to my entire conversation with Ramit, click here now.
Mar 27, 2015 • 36min

#53: How to Discover Your Calling with Jeff Goins

Today’s topic is very near and dear to my heart.We are talking about how to find your calling--what you were put on this earth to do.Even those of us with jobs we love can sometimes feel unclear on whether we're really making the best use of our talents and utilizing our passions to the fullest. Even I find myself in this place sometimes, wondering if I'm on the right track or if certain decisions or circumstances are causing me to veer off course.I know there are a lot of you out there who feel this way. You have talent to burn, and dreams of putting your best out into the world. Some of you are hustling hard every day to make those dreams a reality. Others of you haven't found the right opportunity yet, and are maybe working hard at a job that...well, let's just say a job that you don't really love, that doesn't quite fit the size of your aspirations.Whether you're an entrepreneur, a 9-to-5'er, happy in your work or desperate to get out, my interviewee on the podcast today has a tremendously empowering message about finding your calling no matter where you are, and taking steps toward doing the work that you are built to do.His name is Jeff Goins, and he just released a fantastic new book called The Art of Work.Take a minute to look through it by clicking here.If you order it now, you can also get $250 worth of free bonus material, including exclusive access to Jeff himself, a workbook, extra video features, all kinds of good stuff.There are lots of books out there about how to find fulfilling work. You've probably read a few of them. Jeff's book really stands alone, though, because he's not delivering his message from a pedestal of wealth or prestige. Instead, he offers beautiful stories of real-life people that have found their calling in a multitude of different ways. He gets into the day-to-day stuff that, if you pay attention, helps you discover what your calling is.This was such a great interview, you should really just listen to it on the podcast. But I'll give you a few highlights from my talk with Jeff:What Is a "Calling," Exactly?Contrary to popular belief, your calling is not the same thing as your passion. Passions change as we mature, learn what really matters to us, and refine our understanding of what kind of impact we want to have on the world.Calling has more to do with purpose. Jeff says it's not a single moment of sudden understanding; it's more a lifestyle, a constant evolution of understanding what you're here for.It's Never Too LateStart Where You StandStart thinking about what you love doing, and what you're really good at. Connect with others to get their take on what you're good at. Find people doing the kind of work you admire, take them out to coffee, and ask them how they got there. And learn to be both purposeful and flexible with the things life throws at you. You have to be really intentional, Jeff says, to make the most of whatever is happening right now. This is how life gives you clues as to what you should take action on.If you are really going to move the direction of your life’s purpose, it may not happen overnight. The internal pivot is the first way to change your job from drudge work to a higher purpose. This is how you first become attuned to what your calling is.You do have control. You have some control over your situation right now. So as you get an idea of what you might want to do try, use your current situation to practice for what’s to come. I don’t think you will regret it.Visit The Art of Work to learn more about Jeff's book. And remember, if you order it now, you will get a bunch of bonuses including a freebie from Jeff himself that deals with these mindset shifts we talked about here.
Mar 25, 2015 • 44min

#52: How to Use Short Video Clips on Facebook

If you've been following this blog (or podcast) for a while, you know we've come a long way since the days when everything about online marketing started and ended with Facebook.Still, we all know that social media and Facebook in particular remain a BIG part of how we drive traffic to our websites, build community, grow our email lists and turn leads into happy paying customers.The journey you create for your prospects that takes them from casual social media fans to loyal customers usually starts on social media. Which means you have to constantly be aware of what's changing in the social media world, and tweak your strategy to take advantage of these changes.Don't worry--that's why I'm here! To help you master these tweaks and make social media your own.That's why today we are diving into Facebook and video, to learn how the two together can make a big impact in your online marketing success.In Episodes 50 and 51, we talked about the importance of videos for your business.And of course you already know that Facebook is important for your business.But do you know how crucial Facebook WITH Video is for your business right now? Here are some stats that prove it: It’s been reported that there are over 1 billion videos viewed on Facebook each day. The average Facebook user worldwide watched 75% more video this year compared to last year. In the US, that increase in views was actually 94%! Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. I can vouch for these stats from my own personal experience--I've been very impressed with the organic reach with any given video I post on Facebook. I've been seeing instant traction when I post a video on my page, much more than a post with a static image. The greatest thing about video is how it takes on a life of its own through sharing.And no, I'm not talking about highly polished, professionally edited videos. I'm not a video editor and I don't have a big production budget for these. No, the traction I'm getting is with simple, quick videos made mainly on my smartphone and edited with simple software.Simplicity and ease are the key to making these videos a practical part of your marketing strategy--if they're not easy, you won't do them...and if they're not simple, people won't pay attention to them! Studies have shown that short video across all social media platforms get the most views and engagement. Short and simple is good.Today, I'm going to highlight some people and companies that take full advantage of this trend in online marketing through short, simple video posts.I've also made a free cheat sheet for you, with tips for how to post great video to your own Facebook Page. It's called “The 7 Tried and Tested Tips to Increase Your Facebook Engagement with Simple Videos." Download it by clicking here.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Cheat Sheet "7 Tried and Tested Tips To Increase Your Facebook Engagement With Simple Videos" FREE DOWNLOADGreat Video Example #1: “3 Tips to Prep Your Yard for Spring” (Lowe's)Great Video Example #3: "Check Out My Latest Podcast" (Chalene Johnson)Great Video Example #4: "The Bus Pole" (Lysol)Great Video Example #5: "Love Your Curls" (Dove)Make Your OwnReady to start making your own videos? Instantly download our free cheat sheet “7 Tried and Tested Tips to Increase Your Facebook Engagement Using Simple Videos" to speed your process along...and also learn about some really cool video apps that will give your video a lot of viewer-friendly polish.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Cheat Sheet "7 Tried and Tested Tips To Increase Your Facebook Engagement With Simple Videos" FREE DOWNLOADIf you have a great Facebook video that you've seen success with, or would like to get feedback about, share it with the community here! Post a link to your video in the comments below, or share the video on my Facebook page.
Mar 17, 2015 • 43min

#51: Putting More “You” in Your Business—A Guide to Building Brand Personality

I have a question for you. What do Seth Godin, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and Richard Branson all have in common?If the first thing that comes to mind is that they have millions of followers on social media, you are right about that. That’s definitely true.But the answer I am looking for is the reason behind their millions of followers on social media. There’s a single strategy they all share, a strategy that drives enormous numbers of people to follow them.The answer: their brands are big on personality. It would actually be truer to say that their personalities are their brands. From their signature look to their unique ways of expressing themselves, these people package their content in a way that sets them apart from anybody else in their niche.When you have great content, really smart offers, and a foolproof marketing strategy and you are still not getting the traction your brand deserves, what you may be missing is personality.People respect someone who works really hard. But they love someone whom they feel is real, someone they can connect with. And in a marketplace that’s bursting with hard-working, hustling entrepreneurs, people are more likely to follow their heart than anything else.What you want is for their heart to lead them to you.Today’s episode is all about making that authentic connection with your audience by infusing your brand with personality--your personality.Before I dive in, today’s free download is called “The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Infusing Your Personality In All You Do.” It shows some of the best examples of strategies I am going to highlight for you today. Download it by clicking here.let’s jump into the various ways that you can start infusing your winning personality into your brand through various kinds of messaging.Written ContentThis applies to blogging, of course, but also to social media updates, email marketing, and anything else your audience might read from you.It’s a pretty general rule that it’s best to write the way you talk. For some people that comes naturally. For others, it sometimes feels like rocket science.It can also feel a little bit vulnerable if you want to be taken seriously as a professional. But believe me, it’s always better to sound like you—quirks and all—than to sound like a generic “professional” with nothing unique or charming to make your voice memorable.If it’s hard for you to write the way you talk, then run your next piece of content by your best friend or spouse, and ask them to tell you honestly if it sounds like you.Your “About” PageAbout Pages can represent over 60% of your website’s total traffic. Sound crazy? It just goes to show that people really want to know who you are. When they click on your About Page, it means they like what they have been reading so far and they want to get to know more about the kind of person you are. Which means you’re more than halfway to getting a new customer!One person whose About Page helps her stand miles apart from her crowd is publicity expert Melissa Cassera.  Her About Page is so good that I’m including the entire thing in the free PDF that I’ve created for you. Click here to get the download now.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Entrepreneur's Guide to Infusing Personality in All You Do FREE DOWNLOADI know that feels scary at times. You don’t want to lose potential customers because you say something one way and not another way. When you take risks and really put your personality out there, sometimes it can be a little polarizing. But that’s okay. All you really need to worry about is that You are being yourself, and You’re creating content that will resonate with your ideal audience. Don’t forget to download the free PDF I’m offering with this episode. It will show you examples of infusing your personality in your brand. I’ve also included some practical steps on how to use storytelling to infuse your personality into your messaging. Click here to get it now.
Mar 11, 2015 • 47min

#50: How to Automate Leads and Sales with Smart Paid Ads

Today’s show is #50…that’s right, my 50th episode of the “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast.In honor of Episode #50, I’m giving away a prize: a membership into my signature program, The Profit Lab. This program shows how to build business funnels so that you can grow your email list and profit from your leads. Entering to win this free membership is easy—just click here to leave an iTunes review for the “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast.For Episode #50, I’m talking all about paid advertising.And nobody knows this subject better than my good friend Rick Mulready. He actually has a podcast of his own called “The Art of Paid Traffic.”One of the biggest things Rick does on this podcast is dispel the notion that paid advertisements are a negative thing. People often think you need a big budget to run a paid ad campaign, or lots of time for planning out a strategy. Or they might think they simply shouldn’t have to pay for advertising.In fact, anyone can engage audiences through paid advertising…and they should!In order to get started right away with two of the most popular types of paid advertising—Facebook ads and YouTube ads—with a simple cheat sheet that I created with Rick. It’s called “The Anatomy of High-Converting Paid Ads.” Get it by clicking here now.EPISODE FREEBIE Get "The Anatomy of High-Converting Paid Ads" FREE DOWNLOADThere are three main types of ads that you can and should be using now:Native adsFacebook adsYouTube adsIt’s important to note that if all these strategies are new to you, don’t feel like you have to implement them all at once. It’s much better to explore one of them at a time. Test things out, educate yourself, take notes on what you see around the Internet that appeals to you.Don't forget to download our free cheat sheet for a fast, simple understanding of how to create these ads yourself!EPISODE FREEBIE Get "The Anatomy of High-Converting Paid Ads" FREE DOWNLOAD
Mar 3, 2015 • 43min

#49: How to Know If Your Idea is Profitable

Today’s post reminds me why I love doing this podcast so much. Not only is the material great, but it comes from two of my favorite people—a power couple in the online marketing world.Their names are Joshua and Jill Stanton and together, they run a business called Screw The Nine To Five where they teach people who are dissatisfied with their day-to-day jobs how to take their skills and transform them into a self-run online business.Whether you’re well on your way in creating your online business, just getting started, or even simply circling the waters trying to decide whether to get your feet wet, this post is tailor-made for you. It’s all about mining the raw material from which online businesses are built, and crafting it into the cornerstone of your success.Josh and Jill have been making money online for quite a while, but their spunkily named website came about after they were asked repeatedly how they did it. They decided to start a program specifically for training others to do the same thing they did--a place where they could just send everyone asking their advice.Ever since, they've been helping people see how they can translate their day job skills into an online job that generates way more income in way less time. In other words, you don't have to learn a brand new skill set in order to start an online business. You simply take what you know and strategically build a business around it.The "strategic" part is where we can all use Josh and Jill's expertise. Because of course you need to see whether your idea for how to translate your skills to your own business has wings...or not. Odds are it does, but it's not going to be a get-rich-quick situation. However, if you put the passion and hustle and hard work into it, you'll be amazed what you can do online.I can speak to this personally. Back when I was working my own 9-to-5, I was dreaming of starting my own online business but resigned to the fact that none of my knowledge would translate into the outside world.All it took was a good friend who reminded me that I worked in marketing...something every online business needs to know how to do well. I was sitting on a gold mine.You might be, too. Here are the four tests that will help you find out.Test #1: Udemy.comTest #2: Amazon.comTest #3: Google Keyword ToolTest #4: Facebook AdsWhat Next?If you put your idea through these four tests and find its profitability is validated on all four...well, then, it might just be time start creating a program or product. Even if your idea is validated on just one or two of the tests, I agree with Josh and Jill that it is definitely worth pursuing. You just have to make sure you are actually willing to commit the time and energy to really giving this a good go.As I said earlier, creating an online business not an overnight thing, by any means. It’s going to take some time. But these tests will also give you insight on where you want to be spending that time, as well as where you want to price your product.If you want to see these ideas in action, you can join Josh and Jill in an upcoming webinar called the Money Test Webinar. In this free online class, Josh and Jill will walk you through each of the four validation tests, step by step.You can get the sign-up link by downloading our free guide...which will be very helpful to use in the webinar, I might add.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Step-by-Step Guide: "The 4 Profit Validation Tests" FREE DOWNLOAD
Feb 25, 2015 • 50min

#48: The 2015 Guide to Facebook Engagement

Here we are, two months into it the future yet? On one hand, still no flying cars. On the other, we talk to people directly through screens we hold in our hands! Every now and then, in the middle of a Skype session, I start to feel like I'm on the Jetsons.This post is all about how to deal with the future happening right now...specifically with regard to Facebook.We all know that Facebook changes rapidly. It’s changing all the time. Just a few years ago, Facebook engagement looked very different. And maybe you've started to feel frustrated by the changes, or have just given up keeping track of them.I get where you're coming from, with that. It can be daunting to keep up with Facebook's constant changing of its own rules. But Facebook is still a valuable place for you to gain traction for your business. That's why my mission for you in this post is to help you understand what’s working right now on Facebook, and how to make it work to your advantage.First, I want to tell you about the free download I have for this week. I've collected 20 different posts from all over Facebook that I've seen capture maximum engagement--not just views, but likes, comments, and shares.On this free cheat sheet, I explain in a few words just what is so engaging about each post. Download this cheat sheet for free and use these posts as rough guides for creating your own super-engaging Facebook content.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Top 20 "High-Engagement" Facebook Posts FREE DOWNLOADAre you beginning to understand the roadmap? As you consistently offer high quality, valuable content that captivates your audience and motivates them to engage, through an indirect process you will increase your sales.12 Suggestions to Improve the Quality of Your Posts & Boost Engagement1. Get personal. 2. Focus on the fans that are actually paying attention to you right now.3. Make sure you ask questions that are going to ignite a true conversation.4. Try to stick around a little bit, especially after you post a question, even if it’s for ten minutes.5. Create posts that are relevant to your brand and tell a story.6. People will share posts that put them in a good light.7. Create each post as though you are talking to a friend.8. It is all about the image.9. Make sure when people share your content from your blog that it looks really good on Facebook.10. Mix up your content on Facebook.11. Upload video directly to a Facebook post.12. You’ve got to check out one of my favorite scheduling tools.Engagement Truly MattersWhen you make an honest effort to understand your audience and you give BIG and share freely, your fans’ trust in you will snowball. Their loyalty to your brand will be obvious by their level of engagement. From there you are golden because you will have built a foundation of extraordinarily useful content and a tribe ready to consume it.Now I would love to hear from you! What’s working for your business when it comes to Facebook engagement? Please post in the comments below.Also, don't forget to download the free cheat sheet that I'm offering with this episode. It will make these tips come to life for you.EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Top 20 "High-Engagement" Facebook Posts FREE DOWNLOAD

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