Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield cover image

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

May 21, 2020 • 44min

#316: How To Grow Your Email List Using Social Media

Learn the importance of growing your email list and converting social media followers. Discover strategies for growing your newsletter list on Instagram and using LinkedIn and Facebook to grow your email list. Explore effective collaboration for remote teams and strategies for optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Learn how to design a Facebook group cover image and explore the benefits of LinkedIn ads. Get tips on growing your email list using social media and making enticing offers.
May 14, 2020 • 54min

#315: 5 Ways To Use TikTok To Reach More Customers (No Dancing Required) with Elise Darma

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. We can no longer ignore the newest social media platform, TikTok. And, I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t been intrigued by it. After all, if it’s good enough for Reese Witherspoon and Will Smith, it’s good enough for me.But I wanted to know more. So, I turned to Instagram educator and TikTok early adopter, Elise Darma, to educate me.In today’s episode, Elise and I talk about: What TikTok is. Why you, as an entrepreneur, should be using and paying attention to TikTok. How to get your first one thousand followers on TikTok, and, how to get them onto your email list. Plus, 5 TikTok video ideas that you can start using right away. Elise has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Elite Daily, and The Everygirl. She knows her stuff when it comes to social media. I can’t wait for you to learn her step-by-step approach to getting started with and using TikTok to attract new customers.You’ll walk away from today’s episode with a new tool in your marketing pocket, and ready to dominate a hot new platform.And because Elise is going to share exact examples of what she’s done to see traction on TikTok, we’ve put together a free resource so you can visually see what we’re talking about.Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
May 11, 2020 • 1h 2min

#314b: From Rejection to a 1.2 Billion Dollar Entrepreneur with Jamie Kern Lima

A lot of people look at a billion-dollar company with starstruck eyes and forget that, in most cases, it took someone a lot of persistence, resilience, and tenacity to get there. And, yes, I have a specific company in mind. I’m referring to IT Cosmetics, a billion-dollar makeup company. In this episode, I sit down and talk to the founder, Jamie Kern Lima. I am so honored to have my friend join me and bring inspiration and tangible guidance on how to build a successful company from the ground up. Jamie has a motivating story and she is an example of hard work, determination, and persistence. On top of that, she has a heart of gold. Jamie shares her journey of being a successful entrepreneur and how she handled hearing “no” over and over again. She talked about following your intuition, showing up authentically, and some of her top needle movers when she was building a billion-dollar business. Here's a peek at the episode... [05:15] Jamie shares about her struggles with her skin, which a television anchor, made her feel self-conscious. After struggling to find a makeup that actually stuck, she was inspired to create her own. [07:53] And that’s exactly what she did! On the flight back from her honeymoon, she and husband wrote up a business plan for a skincare line that catered to women who didn’t have perfect skin. [11:41] “When you're doing something really new and really novel, all of the experts may not get it.” When no one would pick up her product, she went back to the drawing board and decided to sell it online. [13:42] Although they were struggling to get traction, Jamie persisted because she knew in her gut that she was supposed to do this. [17:07] In true Jamie fashion, she kept hustling -- even after a heartwrenching “no” from Sephora. [20:59] Jamie shares how she was turned down by QVC seven years ago, and today they are the largest selling brand on QVC. [27:01] “Don't dilute your own authenticity. Nobody can be you, and it doesn't serve you to be anybody else.” [39:11] When she finally landed a spot on QVC, she sold out! Tune in to hear her story. [42:55] Jamie shares one of her biggest mistakes of growing a billion-dollar company. [50:08] She also shares some of her best needle movers while building such a successful brand. I know you’re going to fall in love with Jamie and find so much value in her expert advice and guidance. Side note: If you reach out to Jamie on Instagram, be sure to tag her handle in the first few words of your post’s comments. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
May 7, 2020 • 31min

#314: Become The Most Decisive Person You Know

Can I let you in on a little secret? If you become a decisive entrepreneur early on in your journey, it’s going to serve you in the long run.How do I know? Because I’ve been in the game for twelve years now, and I’d say that’s long enough to feel like I’ve made enough decisions to last me a lifetime.I have a question for you, do you consider yourself to be a decisive person? If you answered “no,” that’s totally fine.To be honest, I’ve always been a pretty decisive person (just like my mom!). But being an entrepreneur has helped me to take a step back and to examine my process for making educated decisions with confidence.My hope for you is that whether you’re decisive or not, you take my simple and effective 4-step decision-making process, and you use it to make big, bold decisions that will best serve you, your business, and your audience.Step one in my 4-step process is to commit already! Give yourself to commit to making a decision… even if it’s the wrong one, which sometimes, it will be.My second step is to find out what it is that you need to learn and what information you need to make an educated decision. But I say this with caution because I know first-hand that it’s too easy to fall down the research rabbit hole. To avoid that, set a timer (I know it sounds silly, but I’m serious!). Don’t let research draw out making a decision!My third step is to talk it out with someone, but be mindful of who you ask. After all, I firmly believe that you are the best person to make the final decision in your business.And last, but certainly not least, the last step is to go inward. Now, of course, I couldn’t say this without giving you a step-by-step of how to do just that. So, I’ve laid out how I personally like to go inward so that I can gain clarity around my decision.Here's what I talk about in this episode... [04:21] What if you didn’t think about decisions as either good or bad? Here’s what to do instead. When a decision leads you to your desired results, keep going. When it doesn't, change your path and make a new decision! [08:40] Commit to making as many decisions as needed to get the results you're after. Tune in to find out how I enter into an experimental phase and welcome input and feedback from those I trust and respect. After all, I firmly believe it's better to decide then to keep waiting for the right decision. [16:16] Only do the necessary research to make your decision and nothing more. Ask what information you need to gather to make a competent decision and then find the right resources. Oh, and be sure to set a deadline or timeframe! [17:25] Selectively and cautiously seek input from people who you trust and understand what's going on in your business. Ask yourself: Who will give you candid input? Who will be skewed because they love you? [20:24] Get quiet and turn inward for the ultimate decision. You are the best person to make the final call in your business. [24:39] I find it’s helpful to journal on these questions: What's best for the company? What's best for me? What feels right? What aligns with my intent, mission, and vision? What would I do if I were brave? Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
May 4, 2020 • 43min

#313b: Shift Your Selling Mindset with Lisa Sasevich

Wouldn’t it be fun to share your gifts with the world and make a ton of money while doing it? You’re probably thinking, “Well, Amy, uh yeah…obviously!” So why do I hear -- all the time -- that to be an entrepreneur, it's so much harder than just getting paid to share your gifts? My guest today, Lisa Sasevich, is going to set the record straight. She's going to share just how to use your gifts to boost your sales so that you can make the revenue you desire. Lisa -- a.k.a. “Queen of Conversions” -- is an award-winning entrepreneur and business coach, and she just released her new book, “Meant For More.” Why is this book important to read as an entrepreneur? Because Lisa has put all of her top tips and tools into one place so that you can hone in on your unique gifts and use them to build a thriving business. In this episode, Lisa and I chat about her easy-to-use, proven formula for understanding how to use your gifts to make more money, have more impact, and get more out of life. What I love most about her step-by-step formula (besides that it’s step-by-step), is that it teaches you how to do all of this without being pushy or salesy. Instead, it shows you how to speak from the heart with intention, honesty, and truth. Here's a look at what we chatted about... [04:46] As a pioneer in the online marketing world, Lisa wanted to integrate her passion and her work. She's now known as the “Queen of Conversion” and has taught over 15,000 clients to create an irresistible offer without being pushy or salesy. [09:41] Lisa shares a powerful story about losing her mom and how that inspired her to avoid living a “woulda, coulda, shoulda” life, and instead figure out what she was put here to do. [12:07] We talk about finding your “unique value,” what it is, and how to use it as an entrepreneur. [16:37] In her Meant For More book, there is a proven formula to turn your knowledge into profits. And because you know I love a good formula, Lisa and I chat about how to utilize it as an entrepreneur to make more money doing what you love. [23:18] Lisa shares an unexpected way to identify something you’re good at. Hint… it has to do with meddling! [24:34] She also talks about identifying a topic that people want to pick your brain about, and how this is a clue towards your million dollar value. [25:52] Her five-step Meant For More Sales process is to make peace with sales, claim your million-dollar value, get specific about taking action, turn it into an irresistible offer, and lay out the plan to live a life you love. You’re going to love this episode. Plus, Lisa has a free mini-course on how to discover your unique value. Head here to grab her freebie and discover your unique value today! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Apr 30, 2020 • 30min

#313: How To Find The Right Business Mentor

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” - Bob ProctorAmen, Mr. Proctor!I am a firm believer in studying and learning from mentors who have gone before you and have succeeded and created a life and business similar to the one you dream of creating.When I was first starting out, I relied on and invested in mentors to support me with the step-by-step guidance they’ve used to achieve results.And the truth is, I still do to this day!It’s important to find a mentor who aligns with your vision and the goals that you have set for your business.In this episode, I talk about… why mentors are important during every season of your business the golden number of mentors you should study and learn from the difference between working with a mentor one-on-one, in a mastermind, or online through a course they offer how to know which one is best for you and your business Here’s what this episode is all about... [04:11] I get it! When starting out, it's so easy to follow 100 or more people you admire and consider each and every one a mentor. But here’s my tip to you (coming from years of experience), you want to keep it simple and keep your mentors to a minimum to build a successful business. [06:52] Having only two or three mentors allows you to build trust and cultivate relationships with these people. Taking advice from too many mentors will stunt your business growth. [08:59] Having trouble narrowing it down? Don’t worry, I have a little guidance for you. Write a list of all the people who you believe are your mentors and all the people you admire. Decide who on the list has succeeded at creating a life and a business that you would like to create. Start eliminating names, so you are left with only a few people who truly align with your business desires and goals. [10:52] Once you have your list of potential mentors, study from them and learn from them. Let their guidance, their content, their tools, and courses guide you. [15:40] You’re probably wondering about working with a mentor. And, to be honest, that’s one of the best things I could possibly do as an entrepreneur. I’ve found that there are benefits to group masterminds and working one-on-one with a coach. When working one-on-one, you'll have an opportunity to identify tasks specific to your vision. However, it can be expensive. I suggest you do a digital course first and then decide if you want to take it one step further with one-on-one coaching. [19:50] I’ve found that masterminds are especially beneficial later on in your business. Paying for it when you have skin in the game is a whole new experience -- trust me. What I love most about masterminds is that you get feedback and ideas from other like-minded individuals. A mastermind can truly offer you so much clarity as an entrepreneur. Finding the right mentor in such a busy world is essential and empowering, but it can also be frustrating if you aren’t sure what to look for!To take the overwhelm out of finding a mentor who is going to guide you and show you a seamless step-by-step approach to succeeding in your industry, I’ve put together a freebie with five questions to help you get hyper clear on who is a good fit.Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts“I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.”
Apr 27, 2020 • 29min

#312b: The Things You SHOULD Be Saying Yes To

I almost said “no” to one of the biggest opportunities I’ve ever had, and it would have cost me playing a bigger game as I had committed to. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that in 2019 I committed to playing a bigger game, and yet here I was, in 2019, contemplating shooting down an opportunity that allowed me to do just that. Woah! What the heck was I thinking? Tune in to find out if I actually played a bigger game. Spoiler alert… I did! In this episode, I’m talking about the opportunities, the kind that we all get, that are scary, exciting, and provide us with the breakthroughs we need to accomplish our goals and jumpstart a life and business that we dream of. I want you to look out for those opportunities, and even though they may seem terrifying… I want you to have the courage to say “yes” to them. And while it isn’t as easy as one, two, three, I do have three steps for you to take when you encounter those opportunities to help you find the courage, confidence, and grit to say “yes,” play a bigger game, and step into the big deal that you are. Step 1: Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen if I take this opportunity?” Step 2: Share it with someone who truly knows your goals and aspirations. Step 3: Test your reason against fear! Here’s a glimpse of the episode... [05:39] My friend and boss babe, Rachel Hollis, challenged me to speak at her RISE event. And get this, she wanted me to talk about my weight loss journey instead of online marketing! Here’s where it gets interesting, my friend, I wanted to pretend this opportunity was never presented to me. My team, however, had a very different idea [12:50] Well, I ended up saying “yes.” And once I did, I felt all of the emotions, including a teeny bit of courage. Here’s what I did next, I felt into my courage so much so that it snuffed out all of my other emotions. The experience ended up being incredible and exactly what I needed to play a bigger game. [15:39] Believe it or not, this was an opportunity that gave me direction and courage to step into my full potential. It was truly the evidence that I needed to confirm that I was capable of going big. [16:27] Has there been an opportunity that you've been shying away from because it seems intimidating? Or because you don't feel you're ready? Here’s what I want you to do, I want you to open that door and explore that opportunity. [19:46] Can you think of an opportunity right now that is just waiting for you to say “yes?” If you can't think of anything, be open-minded and watch for one. I have a sneaky feeling it will find you sooner than you think. [20:29] When you land on the opportunity, try sitting with it. Ask yourself, “What's the worst that could happen. What's the best thing that could happen?” Allow yourself to dream big so that you can start playing a bigger game. I hope you take the lessons from this episode and apply them to your life and business right away, so this can be the year that you step into your greatest potential! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
Apr 23, 2020 • 49min

#312: Launch With A Tiny Audience with Stu McLaren

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. What if I told you that there is a fast-track strategy that you can use to launch a digital course or a membership site. Would you be interested?And here’s the cherry on top… you don’t have to have a big audience or list to make this approach successful. I know. Crazy town, right? While it seems too good to be true, my guest today is going to prove that it can be done, and he has the exact steps to do it. My guest is Stu McLaren, and it’s not his first time on the show. You might remember him from episode #260, where we spoke all about membership sites.In this episode, Stu shares a mind-blowing strategy called the “Founding Members Strategy,” which allows you to successfully launch your product or service with a tiny audience. He is going to tell you… Exactly how to use this strategy. How it will benefit you and your audience.  Five elements to make this strategy successful. Real-life stories of how this has successfully played out in the lives of some of his students -- students whose audiences range from tiny to large. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve got your business down pat, you’re going to love his step-by-step strategy that you can start using right away. We also chat about Stu’s phenomenal 3-part video workshop all about turning what you know, love, and do into a profitable membership. You’re in luck because today Stu releases the first video where he talks about the “old” way of doing business versus the “new” way of doing business, which means recurring revenue and customers. Click here to grab this eye-opening video and to get signed up for the 3-part video workshop!This episode is brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaignRate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts“I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.”
Apr 16, 2020 • 26min

#311: 4 Steps To Identify Your Million Dollar Niche

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?!You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template. Raise your hand if you get tripped up defining your niche with full confidence. Well, my friend, you’re not alone.I hear it all the time from entrepreneurs … “I feel stuck because I’m just not certain what my niche is!”I’m here to tell you that this is about to become a thing of the past, and after you’re done with this episode, you’ll be feeling hyper clear about the niche you are serving.In this episode, I walk you through a highly-effective four-step process for identifying your niche. (I even made you a freebie to make it easy to follow!)Before I take you through this actionable, tangible step-by-step process, I have to address the elephant in the room.Fear of actually picking a niche!Whoa, talk about diving right in… am I right?!I know that this fear is alive and well because I hear about it and see it all the time in my Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook community. The bummer is that for many entrepreneurs -- especially those just starting out -- that fear of picking one niche is enough to stay stuck in decision paralysis.“Choosing the wrong niche is better than choosing no niche at all.” - James WedmoreWhat’s most important for you to know is that you might pick the wrong niche right away, and that’s okay because it will at least get you moving forward -- and forward action means progress and clarity.This four-step process is going to take a little elbow grease, so get ready to put pen to paper. But I promise you the work is going to be worth it, and the clarity you’ll gain will catapult you to the next level in your business. In step 1, you’ll identify your main market. In step 2, you’ll niche down and get really specific. (And trust me, the more specific, the better!) In step 3, you’ll do some market research. In step 4, you’ll create your Value Articulator Statement. Say goodbye to niche confusion or feeling stuck. I want you to declare right here, right now, that you are going to pick a niche, even if it feels scary.And because I know there is a lot of action steps in this episode, I’ve put together a little freebie that will take you through each step in detail. Grab your freebie here!This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley, my family's go-to source for healthy, high-protein snacks. Paleovalley’s grass-fed and finished beef sticks are my family's favorite snacks to keep us healthy and full on the go. Head here to check out all of their high-quality, organic products and be sure to use the code Amy15 to get 15% off of your first order.This episode is also brought to you by the Lead to Win podcast, a podcast by two of my favorite leadership experts, Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller. Lead to Win helps you to minimize overwhelm and navigate the complexities of being a leader so you can win at work and succeed in your life. If you’re ready to cut through distractions and focus on your greatest priorities, check out Lead to Win today! Head here to subscribe and listen.Rate & Review Online Marketing Made Easy:If you're on Apple Podcasts, help me help more people by rating and reviewing my show. Reviews let others - just like you - find the actionable, step-by-step strategies to start the "online" journey...of making a business and life they love. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review.” My team and I - we read them all. Thank you!
Apr 13, 2020 • 48min

BONUS: From Working At Home To Launching During A Crisis: Your Questions Answered (COVID-19 Series)

Holy cow, there is A LOT of uncertainty right now. And we all have a lot of questions. First, you are not alone. Second, to continue to support you and your business during the coronavirus crisis, I’ve connected with the members of my free Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook group and I’ve asked them: “what questions do you have about navigating your business?” My students gave me dozens of wonderful questions that I know will also help you. As you pivot to find the right way to move your online and small business forward during COVID-19, consider the questions I answer in this episode. They are: I have yet to launch a course. Do you feel this is a good time to do so, or should I stay focused on list building and relationship building with weekly content? I’ve been crafting and getting ready to share my business with the world, and then COVID-19 hit. Should I postpone launching my business and sharing it with others until we start to see some normalcy again?  I was going to live launch last week, with a second round starting this week. It’s highly possible that I have contracted COVID-19, so I’m not physically feeling up to going live on video, but I still want to launch. In this situation, is moving to evergreen okay? I have a photography business and can not currently operate my business. I have postponed all sessions for the coming weeks and was nowhere near my goal of filling my easter sessions before COVID 19. What should I do now?  These days, it feels weird seeing an email or social media post that’s NOT mentioning the pandemic. How have you adapted your marketing and communication? What are the best small business resources to lean on during this crisis? Since I had to stop my one-on-one work, I’ve been doing free daily videos on Facebook to keep my audience engaged. It’s the first time I’ve offered online services, and I’ve been getting great feedback. How do I transition from offering free content to charging for my online services? How in the world am I supposed to be able to focus on my business with my kids home, trying to support them in their school work, not to mention being the lunch lady, and having my husband home too? HELP! I’m not sure how to help my target audience during this time. I teach interior design to brick and mortar shop owners, and many of my clients’ businesses are shut down right now. How do I adjust my message and my content to serve them when many of them are closed and worry about paying rent? If you’re working from home and need a little extra guidance, I’ve got you covered. For more in-depth tips on work-from-home success, grab the free PDF resource that I’ve put together for you. Rate, Review, & Subscribe in Apple Podcast ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’

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