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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Latest episodes

Oct 26, 2020 • 56min

#343: From Bankruptcy To The Today Show: Become The Creative Visionary Of Your Business & Life With Tracy Matthews

You know how they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend? Well, if we're being honest, I think you and I can both agree that creativity is an entrepreneur’s best friend… or at least it should be! But I get it! When there are other things that need to get done within your business -- especially when you’re starting out -- creativity can fall by the wayside.  Which is why I wanted to introduce you to a woman who is fierce, successful, and stays at the top of her creative game as the Creative Visionary of her business, Flourish & Thrive Academy. Her name is Tracy Matthews! But before she found the success, entrepreneurial satisfaction, and creativity that she has today, she experienced tough times that eventually led her to bankruptcy.  In this episode, we talk about creative energy, how to protect it, her journey from bankruptcy to a successful businesswoman, what to do about the nay-sayers in your life, and my personal favorite, the creative archetypes she’s identified, and how knowing this can serve you and your business.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Oct 22, 2020 • 39min

#342: Behind-The-Scenes With My Mentor, Michael Hyatt: Why Entrepreneurs Will Save The World

Entrepreneurship has been declining in recent years. Uh oh! I, for one, do not like the sound of that. However, after chatting with my dear friend and business mentor, Michael Hyatt, I’m starting to see how we can reverse this trend and why it’s most important that we do. Michael’s newest book, Entrepreneurs Will Save The World, is an invitation for anyone and everyone to step into their role as an entrepreneur. In this interview, we chat about his new book, a few traits every entrepreneur must possess, why entrepreneurship is one of the most essential things we need whether our economy is thriving or not, and my favorite, a step-by-step method for embracing entrepreneurship and finding a solid solution. Entrepreneurs Will Save The World Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:50] Entrepreneurs contribute to a better society. Period, end of story! Why? Because they are problem solvers, and problem-solvers are essential to our society. [09:03] Three areas that entrepreneurs contribute to society include, providing jobs and growth, providing tax benefits, and making people's lives better through the goods and services they offer. [21:26] One of the stages of the entrepreneurial method is to observe the problem particularly in regards to the customers or clients that you are trying to serve. [26:51] As an entrepreneur, you have to have a true desire to solve the problem. Ask yourself, “What am I uniquely qualified to solve?” [29:17] Pay attention to your motivation, this is important in order to succeed as an entrepreneur. [32:30] Hot Tip: Shift your mindset and start seeing problems as opportunities. ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Oct 15, 2020 • 58min

#341: The Power Of Your Voice: How To Cut Through The Online Noise, Attract Your Ideal Customers, & Make $$$

I believe that as an online entrepreneur, your voice will connect you on a deeper level with your audience so that you can make more of an impact. My guest today couldn’t agree more. Her name is Jam Gamble, and she’s the creator of Slay The Mic and the Slay The Mic Program. Her vision is to help people understand the value of their voice.In this episode, Jam shares some of her best tips and secrets for finding your voice, her 5-step process for using your voice to build your successful online business and presence, and what might be holding you back from really sharing your voice with the world. You’re going to love her step-by-step approach. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Oct 8, 2020 • 28min

#340: Landing Page Not Converting? Here’s What To Do!

Just like you, your landing page is a big deal. And when it isn’t converting… it’s just the pits. Can I get an amen?Luckily, there are a few minor adjustments that you can make to your existing landing page that will have it converting like hotcakes before you know it! With some of my landing pages converting at over 40 percent, I know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and today, I’m sharing my secrets with you!There are three features you want to pay attention to: your call-to-action, branding, and copy. Get these dialed in and you, my friend, are in for a landing page conversion treat. This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue.This episode is also brought to you by Gravy, the company I trust to contact my customers within hours of a failed payment, capturing the updated billing information, and saving the customer my team and I worked so hard to acquire. If your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more a year and you know you’re losing money due to failed payments each month, I encourage you to check out Gravy. Click here to see how they can be an extension of your customer service and save you money.Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Oct 5, 2020 • 43min

#339: Facebook Ad Strategies To Grow Your Audience Now (No Matter Where You Are In Your Business) with Salome Schillack

PSA: Facebook Ads are as complicated as trying to sneeze with your eyes open-- especially if you don’t want to pay an arm and a leg per lead.  Orrr… are they?  My guest today says, “false,” and by the end of this episode, you will be too! Her name is Salome Schillack, and as CEO, Founder, and Head Facebook and Instagram Strategist of Shine & Succeed, a multi-woman Facebook Ads agency, she’s figured out how to make your Facebook Ads work for you -- and not the other way around.  She breaks down everything you need to know about using Facebook Ads to grow your audience and how to get extremely low-cost leads, whether you’re a beginner entrepreneur or a seasoned one. Not only do I love her because she’s my student, but also because she has a 6-step strategy (a girl after my own heart) for getting low-cost leads and dominating social media ads.   Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Oct 1, 2020 • 25min

#338: Content Made Easy: How To Organize Your Launch Content, Make $$$, and Never Run Out

Pre-launch content, webinar content, and course content. “How the heck do you differentiate these three areas of launch content? How do I come up with enough content for each part of my launch without giving it all away, Amy?!” This is a question I get a lot! In this episode, I’m breaking it all down for you.We’ll talk about: Determining the bulk of your pre-launch content (and how listening can help direct you) How to leave your audience saying, “I’m excited! Now, how do I do it?” on your webinar The secrets to creating valuable course content And so much more!You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how the content in each area will differ, build on one another, and what content goes in each phase. Let's break down the episode! [00:02:55] Your pre-launch content is all of the content you create and share with your audience before you open registration for your webinar. If you’re still running your first few launches, I’d suggest running your pre-launch for 30 days.  [00:05:37] Your pre-launch content should help support your audience in overcoming any objections they might have when it comes to signing up for your course. You should take them on a journey over the invisible bridge.  [00:08:01] Hot tip: During your webinar Q&A ask, "if you're still on the fence, what's keeping you from signing up?"  [00:10:51] Your webinar should show your attendees what's possible and lead them to a new mindset. When creating the content, ask yourself the golden question, "What's the one thing my audience needs to know before buying my course?"  [00:13:35] The three sections of a webinar are possibility, path, and promotion. [00:18:01] Your course content is the step-by-step road map that transforms your students from where they are to where they want to be. [00:21:49] Think about what you're promising and lay out the transformation from there. How will you get them from point A to where they need to be? This episode is brought to you by Boosted, an app for iOS or Android that allows you to make beautiful, professional-looking videos for your brand's social media in three easy steps! You can use stock videos, your own videos, or even create stunning videos with your photos. With top-notch templates, easy resizing, and user-friendly video editing options, Boosted can take your social to the next level. Head here to get the discounted rate of $15 for 3 months of Boosted Premium, which offers bonus features to make your videos stand out!Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Sep 24, 2020 • 1h 1min

#337: Instagram Reels: The What, How, & Why For Entrepreneurs with Jasmine Star

ICYMI: Instagram dropped another new feature in early August. You may have seen it? It’s the Instagram Reels that keep popping up around every IG corner. And, as the curious entrepreneur that I know you are, you’re probably wondering if this is a feature you should be paying attention to and using to grow your audience. To help you answer that, I went to my dear friend, Jasmine Star, aka Queen of Instagram!THE WHAT, HOW, & WHY OF INSTAGRAM REELSJasmine will answer some of the questions I’ve seen my audience ask in Facebook groups, a sneak peek into what her content calendar looks like for Instagram, how to come up with five content topic ideas so you can get started with Instagram Reels, and so much more. You’re going to walk away with your next action steps for using Instagram Reels to start growing your audience using this new feature!This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue.This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaignRate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Sep 17, 2020 • 26min

#336: How To Create A Million-Dollar Business (What's Worked For Me)

I’ve got a little quiz for you! Are you… A. A nine-to-fiver, dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur so that you can have the freedom and flexibility to create a life on your terms, a life that fulfills you? B. part-time entrepreneur, but a full-time employee, waiting for the perfect moment to transition -- full time -- into your passion-filled business?  C. full-time entrepreneur who's working endless hours, hustling to grow your business? No matter who you are, I want you to know that right now is your chance to say yes to big, bold opportunities and to bet on you because you are the one consistent variable in your story.  In this episode, I take you behind-the-scenes and share stories of how I’ve bet on myself and how those moments -- albeit scary -- have helped me build a multi-million dollar business. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, this is a must-listen to take your life and business to the next level.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Sep 10, 2020 • 28min

#335: Life Coaching, Wine Tasting, & Sex Ed: How These Courses Provided Time, Financial, & Location Freedom

Have you ever thought of a brilliant digital course topic idea, only to have a follow-up thought that it would never work online? Maybe like wine tasting, spiritual life coaching, or sex education? If you think these topics wouldn’t convert to a digital course -- think again, my friend! Because I have four epic examples of how my students have made something unexpected work magnificently online from the courses mentioned above. All it took was a little self-belief, a digital course, and the right know-how to get in front of the right people.  You’ll hear how… Andrea de la Mora transitioned her in-person spiritual life coaching online to generate $42,000.  Caroline Brown generated $20,000 on her very first launch, where she taught sex ed to grown women.  Natalie McLean took the physical experience of wine tasting online to generate over $30,000. Rhea Baliwala’s online course for Spanish-speaking lawyers made $13,000 out of the gate -- despite her audience's uncertainty around learning online.  My students prove that pretty much anything works as a digital course. Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and settle in for these awesome stories. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’
Sep 7, 2020 • 48min

BONUS: 5-figures in 6 months & 6-figures in 1 year: This Could Be You With Jamie Trull

My guest on today’s episode was a corporate girl turned overwhelmed entrepreneur turned entrepreneur with a thriving online business, a lucrative digital course, and the time and freedom to prioritize her family and make an impact far beyond what she ever imagined. Her name is Jamie Trull, her business is called “Balance CFO,” and you may remember her from episode #280 where I taught you how to do a “Course Validation Call” with her as my Ideal Customer Avatar. When we first met Jamie, she had left her corporate job to become an entrepreneur so she could have the time and flexibility to be with her little ones. But working one on one with clients only left her feeling overwhelmed, attached to her phone, and frustrated that she didn’t have the time and energy for her family that she had hoped to gain. After using the practices she learned in Digital Course Academy, Jamie launched her 5-week course, Financial Fitness Formula, which helps solopreneurs take control of their business finances, and ended up making five-figures. Maybe you’re thinking, “Amy, this sounds like me! Except for the 5-figure launch part. Teach me how to grow my online business with a successful launch!” Well, friend, I’d be happy to! To get you started, I want you to go check out my free 3-part videos series which is all about starting and growing your email list. You can sign up for it right here! ***Also, are you signed up for my free masterclass, How To Create and Launch a Profitable Digital Course From Scratch? Click the link for more details and to save your spot!*** ***Also, also, Did you hear the exciting news? The doors to Digital Course Academy are now open for enrollment! If you’re ready to create a life and business with time, location, and financial freedom, this is your chance! Go here to learn more and start creating your successful digital course!*** Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’

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