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Climb In Consulting

Latest episodes

May 21, 2021 • 1h 35min

Episode 83 - Life Lessons & Learnings From Building A 1,000 Person Consultancy with Adrian Bettridge

Adrian Bettridge, Managing Partner at Baringa Partners, discusses his upbringing, challenges faced during Baringa's growth, and advice for consulting leaders. They also touch on the impact of not drinking alcohol, developing self-belief, and the role of wives during lockdown. The importance of long-term perspective in business and recommended books are also highlighted.
May 7, 2021 • 1h 25min

Episode 82 - McKinsey veteran and peak performance expert Angus Ridgway

Angus Ridgway, a McKinsey veteran and peak performance expert, shares insights on success attributes in consulting careers, positive living habits, and celebrating small changes for big goals. The podcast delves into distinguishing success from failure in consulting, transitioning from challenges to acceleration, and standing out with unique qualities in the industry.
Apr 23, 2021 • 1h 28min

Episode 81 – Tom Hewson – RedCompass Labs

In today’s episode of Climb In Consulting I speak with Tom Hewson, Senior Partner at RedCompass Labs, the specialist consultancy that helps financial institutions accelerate their payments and financial crime programmes. Tom’s journey to where he is today has been rather unorthodox and is a great lesson in following your passion and being attuned to the opportunities that can come from it. Over his career he’s gone from running his own record label, to IT contracting, through to launching RedCompass Labs, which he and the team have built into a consultancy of over 100 financial services specialists with offices across the globe. With such a varied career there was a lot for us to dig in to in this one and Tom and I talk about a whole range of really important topics for any consultant. Many of which I’ve not discussed with any other guest before. We cover everything from his early days in music all the way through to his approach to leading the RedCompass Labs team today, and quite a bit in between. Some of the highlights include: - Why following the money is never the right decision and how to cultivate happiness through finding your passion, whether that’s within consulting or outside of it. - Tom’s advice on building a highly diverse team – having created a team with over 20 nationalities represented – what he looks for at interview and why cultivating the ‘immigrant mindset’ could be the key to your career success. - And what you should think about if you’re looking to give back to your industry, the benefits of overinvesting in CSR and the return that RedCompass Labs have seen from their own initiative, the RedCompass Labs RedFlag Accelerator, the most comprehensive global database of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking red flags specific for the financial sector. I really enjoyed this conversation with Tom. We cover a lot of different, and at times, deep topics, that I know you’re really going to enjoy. Having been pointed to Tom by my friend James Mitra at JBM, I was expecting a good interview and Tom certainly exceeded those expectations. Whether you’re trying to find your passion and break into the consulting industry, or you’re looking to learn how you can build a highly diverse team in your current firm, I know you’re going to get a ton from this episode. Get in touch with Tom via email at – Check out RedCompass Labs at – Specific things discussed in the show Competing For The Future by Gary Hamel and CK Prahalad – The Empty Raincoat by Charles Handy –
Apr 9, 2021 • 47min

Episode 80 - Marketing After Covid: What your consultancy should be focusing on

Today’s episode is a big milestone for the show, it’s episode 80 of Climb In Consulting! When I started the show three years ago I never expected it to achieve what it has. I originally started the show as a hobby, something to give back to the industry, something to learn from. I thought I'd get a couple of listeners – mainly being my family – and it would be mothballed after just a few episodes. Needless to say that wasn’t the case, and here we are 80 episodes later. I want to say a big thank you to you, my listeners, as without you the show would never have got to where it is today and it's because of you that I keep the show going. I love doing the podcast and my guests really enjoy it, but if there was no one listening, there'd be no point to it. As today is episode 80 I wanted to do something a little bit different and take a break from our usual interview format, to bring you a solo episode on a topic that myself and the team at Create Engage are getting a lot of questions on – What does marketing for consultancies look like ‘post-Covid’. As we slowly exit lockdown and go back to ‘normal life’ many consultancies are starting to think about what this means for their marketing. Will digital marketing disappear? Should I be cancelling my webinars and booking boxes at Twickenham instead? Will remote and flexible working impact my marketing strategy? In today’s episode I answer these questions and share the top four things that you’ll want to be focusing on for your post-Covid marketing strategy. In today’s episode I explain: - Why you need to be starting a podcast today and the hidden benefits it can bring to your consultancy. - Why webinars aren’t going anywhere fast and what you’re missing out on if you aren’t running regular webinars for your firm. - How email has helped our clients during Lockdown and the reasons you should be building it in to your marketing strategy post-Covid. - And the tiny change you can make to your digital marketing to dramatically improve lead generation. The consulting market is ever changing and that’s never been truer than it is today. Just as the world was turned on its head as the global pandemic started, we expect to see the same as we leave lockdown and your marketing has to respond accordingly. Whether you’re just starting out and want to know how you can set your new consultancy on the best path for success, or you’re a large boutique looking to refresh your marketing strategy, you’re going to get a lot from this one. Specific things discussed in the show Podcast: Episode 65 – Creating ROI generating marketing that delivers results – Podcast: Episode 49 – How to create your own industry leading podcast – Blog: Your Digital Marketing Framework – eBook: The digital marketing secrets of the UKs fastest growing Management Consultancy- eBook: No meetings? No problem: How to use marketing to grow your consultancy’s business development pipeline during the Coronavirus outbreak –
Mar 26, 2021 • 1h 28min

Episode 79 – James Constable – Albany Beck

In today’s episode of Climb In Consulting I speak with James Constable, CEO and Founder of Albany Beck, the specialist financial services consultancy that’s disrupting the industry with their unique approach that balances leading subject matter expertise with cost effective delivery. Now full disclosure, Albany Beck are a client of ours, but it didn’t start like that. I originally approached James to appear on the podcast but one thing led to another and here we are. Having worked with James and the Albany Beck team for coming up to six months now, it was great to sit down with him for the podcast and talk about the Albany Beck story from the beginning. While I knew some of the journey he and the team have been on, there was lots I didn’t, and this conversation was my chance to find out all about it. Having started his career in contractor recruitment, James founded and grew Albany Beck to become one of the leading contractor resourcing firms in the banking industry. This success ultimately led him to sell part of the business to private equity. But that’s not where the story ends. Having worked in recruitment for over 15 years, James and his team felt that they could see the problems with both the contracting and traditional consulting models, and knew there must be a better way, so they launched their new consulting offering, or Albany Beck 2.0 as it’s sometimes called. Their unique model, something that James goes in to detail on in our conversation, has seen them go from strength to strength. Growing from a team of just the founders, to over 170 consultants in less than 18 months. And as James explains in today’s episode, that’s just the beginning of their growth journey. We go into a whole host of topics in this conversation, including: – Why James and the team decided to launch Albany Beck and the client conversation that started it all off. – How they were able to scale the business so quickly and their secrets to making their model a success. – And James’s advice for anyone considering striking out on their own, the conversations you should have with your significant other before doing so, and why Jeff Bezos’s wife deserved every cent of the divorce settlement she got. It was great to catch up with James outside of our day-to-day work together and have a conversation for the podcast. Working with the Albany Beck team, we see first-hand the great work they do and the business they’re building, and I really enjoyed having a chat with James to share his insights, learning and experience with you for the podcast. Whether you’re looking for advice on starting your own firm or considering how your consultancy will need to adapt its business model to keep pace with the competition, I know you’ll get a ton from this episode. Get in touch with James at – Check out Albany Beck at – Specific things discussed in the show Who Moved My Cheese by Dr Spencer Johnson – Loosing My Virginity by Richard Branson –
Mar 12, 2021 • 33min

Episode 78 – Career Advice From The Best In The Business – Round Four

For regular listeners to the show, you’ll know what this episode is about, but for those of you who are new or have only started listening recently, let us give you a little explanation. Every few months we like to take a break the usual format of the podcast and give you something slightly different. That’s where the idea for this episode came from. Our guests give so much great advice and nowhere is this truer than in their answers to the very last question that we ask in each interview. What one piece of advice would you give to someone just starting their career in consulting, someone at Manager level and someone approaching Partner. We love hearing both the similarities and differences in advice and know that many of you do too. But scrolling through multiple episodes to find this great advice at the end can be tedious and that’s why we bring them together, into these advice round up episodes. Today you will hear from a whole host of guests from the last 6 months of Climb In Consulting. They’ve come from a range of backgrounds, a range of different consultancies and all have some really unique insights to share, and in this episode we bring them together. In this episode you’ll hear advice from: Mike Newlove – Wavestone James Callander – Freshminds Tricia Nelson – EY Jeff Cronkshaw – LanciaConsult Jeff Dill – Vynamic Gemma Pfister – Vynamic Professor Joe O’Mahoney – Consulting Mastered Tara Lajumoke – FT Strategies Simon Williams – DMW Group Dean Taylor – IMD Group David Stoddard – Barnett Waddingham We always love listening back to these round up episodes as it reminds us just how much great advice our guests share and we know you’ll get a ton from listening to it. We hope you enjoy!
Feb 26, 2021 • 1h 31min

Episode 77 - David Stoddard - Barnett Waddingham

In today’s episode of Climb In Consulting I speak with David Stoddard, the Chief Operating Officer at Barnett Waddingham, a leading independent professional services consultancy across risk, pensions, investment and insurance, with a team of over 1,330 people across the UK. David has had an incredibly varied career, having worked across many of the big names in consulting including Accenture, EY and Baringa. The last of which is where we first met, on a project for one of David’s Life & Pensions clients. Over the last 25 years David has moved from consulting into industry and back again and navigated multiple continents at the same time. It’s this varied experience of successfully managing multiple career transitions that makes him the perfect guest for the show, and we go into each of these transitions in today’s episode. We cover a ton in this conversation, and discuss a range of topics, including: - David’s move from Accenture to LBG and how he was able to successfully make the leap and climb the career ladder, ultimately running their 3,000-person Life and Pensions Ops function. - Moving abroad, why David and his family chose Australia, and his top tips for anyone thinking of making a similar move. - And David’s advice on growing a consulting practice, whether you’re doing so in a big established player or a start-up consulting firm It was great to catch up with David and learn more about his story, both from before we worked together at Baringa and since. I learnt so much I didn’t know and there’s some great practical advice in this episode, both professional and personal. If you’re thinking of making the jump out into industry, or maybe you’re considering going from a global firm to a boutique, I know you’re going to really enjoy this conversation with David. Get in touch with David at – Check out Barnett Waddingham at – Specific things discussed in the show Pick yourself up by Nat King Cole - The first 90 days by Michael Watkins – Why should anyone be led by you by Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones – The art of happiness by the Dalai Lama – Cultures and Organisations by Geetre Hofstede - The Leadership pipeline by Ram Charan -
Feb 12, 2021 • 1h 21min

Episode 76 - Dean Taylor - IMD Group

In today’s episode of Climb In Consulting I speak with Dean Taylor, CEO at IMD Group, the specialist digital transformation and training consultancy focused on delivering complex change in the secure and public sector environments. Dean’s story is rather unique and one that I’m sure will resonate with a lot of you. Unlike many of my previous guests who’ve started their own consulting businesses in their 20s or 30s, Dean started his entrepreneurial journey later in life. Having already held senior roles in both Government and Consulting he decided to strike out on his own and launch IMD Group. A business which he has grown into a team of over 140 in just 6 years. Since being introduced by our mutual friend Ben Chapple at Circle Performance, Dean and I have got to know each other well and it was great to have a chance to speak to him for the podcast and share his journey and his insights with you. We cover a lot in this one and go into detail on a whole host of fascinating topics, including: - Dean’s journey with IMD, and how he turned it from a failing training company into the £16 million business it is today. - Dean’s take on leading a business through lockdown and his advice for others on how to support your team through this difficult time. - And Dean’s perspective on learning and development for both consulting leaders and military leavers to help you both give the best to your team and get the best from them. I really enjoyed catching up with Dean for this interview. Pre-lockdown we’d planned to do this at my kitchen table over a beer and while sadly we had to have this conversation remotely, it didn’t affect the great insights and stories that Dean was able to share. Whether you’re running a consulting business or you’re listening to this podcast as a military leaver, looking to get in to consulting, I know you’re going to enjoy this one. Get in touch with Dean at – Check out IMD at – Specific things we discuss in the show: Margaret Thatcher's Autobiography - Jeremy Corbyn’s Autobiography -
Jan 29, 2021 • 23min

Episode 75 - Hannah Urbanek - Create Engage

This week we bring you a slightly different episode of Climb In Consulting. If you’ve listened to any of our previous podcast episodes on how to effectively market your consulting firm, then you’ll know that at Create Engage we’re big believers in putting your team front and centre, showcasing their experience and expertise. A successful consulting firm is built on the capability of its people. All of its people, not just the Partners. And we always recommend showcasing this strength in depth as part of your marketing. As you’ll know, I always like to lead by example and share ideas of what this can look like for you, to help you as you grow your consulting career, and today’s episode is just such an example. In today’s episode I make way for our very own Hannah Urbanek who was recently featured on The 20 Minute Marketing Podcast with host Liam Quinn. In case you didn’t already know, Hannah is a Senior Marketing Manager here at Create Engage. She has a wealth of knowledge on how to create effective marketing for consulting firms and leads our work with a number of our longest standing clients. In addition to all of the great work she does here at Create Engage, Hannah is also a School of Marketing Founding 50 member and ambassador. This fantastic organisation is focused on offering a new type of skill-based marketing education for people at all stages of their careers, and is definitely worth checking out if you’re keen to build up your skills in Marketing. During today’s conversation Hannah and Liam discuss a whole host of really interesting topics, including: - How you can push the boundaries of marketing for your consultancy, or any B2B business for that matter. - What you can do to create engaging content that helps you attract your target clients. - And the best ways to use social channels such as LinkedIn to grow your brand and accelerate your business development. Whether you’re looking to find out more about how you can use marketing to help your Consultancy, or you’re looking for inspiration about how you can start to do more for your own personal brand, I know you’re really going to enjoy this. You can get in touch with Hannah at - You can get in touch with Liam at - View the original episode here - Visit Reach at - Visit the School of Marketing at -
Jan 15, 2021 • 1h 36min

Episode 74 – Simon Williams – DMW Group

Welcome to the first episode of Climb In Consulting for 2021. In today’s episode I speak to Simon Williams, Co-Founder of DMW Group and Non-Executive Director at LanciaConsult. Simon spent the vast majority of his career building DMW Group, which he and the team grew from just two of them, after a rather interesting start to the business, into a company of over 200 consultants today. Having spent 27 years growing DMW, Simon now advises a range of businesses and is a trustee to his old university college. One of these businesses is LanciaConsult and is how Simon came to being on the podcast, having been introduced by LanciaConsult’s Managing Partner Jeff Cronkshaw following our interview for this show. As you’d expect from someone who spent so long at the helm of a consulting business, Simon has wealth of experience when it comes to growing a successful consulting firm and leading through both the good times and the bad, much like where we find ourselves right now with the Covid-19 pandemic. In this interview Simon shares many of the insights that he’s learnt from his time building DMW and goes in to detail on many of the unorthodox elements of the DMW journey including: - Why DMW almost failed before it got started, and how Simon went from one of the most junior members of the team to leading the business in just a few short years. - DMW’s approach to partnering and why they decided to take the unusual route of collaborating with other boutique consulting firms to help them all win more business. - And Simon’s advice for navigating challenging times, like the ones we’re in now. How DMW was able to overcome multiple recessions and his advice for helping your business to do the same. If you’re currently planning your personal or corporate goals for 2021 and want to know what you can do to take your career or your business to the next level, or simply the steps you should take to ensure your business comes out of the other side of the recession as stable as possible, then I know you’re going to get so much from what Simon shares in today’s conversation. You can get in touch with Simon at – Or – Visit DMW Group at – Visit his website at – Specific things we discussed in the show: Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice by Matthew Syed – Black Box Thinking: Marginal Gains and the Secrets of High by Matthew Syed – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi –

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