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Climb In Consulting

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Dec 11, 2020 • 57min

Episode 73 - Tara Lakumoke - FT Strategies

In today’s episode, I speak with Tara Lajumoke, Managing Director of FT Strategies. I first heard Tara speak on another podcast, the 40 Minute Mentor, run by my good friend and Create Engage client James Mitra at JBM. Having taken so much from that interview I knew we had to get her on the show and I was so pleased when she said yes. Tara’s career is made up of an enviable list of prestigious global brands, having studied at both the LSE and Harvard and worked at Goldman Sachs, McKinsey and now heading up the Financial Times consulting business, FT Strategies. While on paper it may look like Tara has had an easy and effortless journey to the top, what makes her even more special is that her journey has been anything but. As a Nigerian woman who moved to the UK when she was 8 and spent her early years growing up on a council estate, Tara’s seen her fair share of challenges. Both before entering the world of work and since, something she goes in to detail on in today’s conversation. It’s her drive to succeed, despite many of the perceived challenges that may have held her back that makes her story so special and something that she now pays forwards in both her mentoring of underprivileged young people and her candid and compassionate perspective on the challenges that those from minority groups face in climbing to the top in our industry. Something that she was recognised for earlier this year when she was named on the 2021 Black Powerlist. With such an incredible story there was so much ground for us to cover and we go in to detail on some really important topics in this conversation including: The importance of education and mentorship and why we need to be focusing on creating positive role models for those from minority backgrounds to follow. Climbing in McKinsey as a woman, a mother and a person from a minority background – Her experience of doing so and the advice she would give to others looking to emulate and learn from her success. And her decision to join FT strategies, why she decided to make the leap and what her and the team are doing to build a consulting business that delivers great client work while creating an environment that enables everyone to excel, regardless of their background. I don’t throw around words like inspiring that often, but in this case I think it’s very well deserved. Tara is a truly inspiring role model both to women and those from minority groups looking to climb in consulting as she is to those from the majority who want to know what they can do to help improve diversity and breed an inclusive culture across the consulting industry. With 2020 coming to an end and many of us considering what the next year holds, I know this episode will give you some food for thought and help you start 2021 in the best possible way. You can get in touch with Tara at – Visit FT Strategies at – Specific things we discussed in the show: Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela - Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company’s Future by Tien Tzuo -
Nov 27, 2020 • 1h 33min

Episode 72 - Professor Joe O'Mahoney - Consulting Mastered

In today’s episode, I speak with Joe O’Mahoney, Professor of Management Consulting at Cardiff University, and CEO of Consulting Mastered. Joe has had a hugely wide-ranging career that’s seen him go from Academia, in to consulting and back again, with a number of additional entrepreneurial ventures along the way. With such a varied career, and a unique mix of both practical and academic experience, Joe has a huge amount to share and gives so much in today’s interview. When I say that Joe wrote the book on Management Consulting, I mean it very literally. His textbook “Management Consultancy” is the leading academic resource on our industry and is used by universities across the world to teach their students about consulting. But Joe’s focus is more than just the academic side of the industry. Through his business Consulting Mastered he’s advised a range of consulting businesses – from boutiques to global leaders - on how they can improve their organisations to help them grow effectively. Insights that he’s currently building into his latest book and something we go in to detail on in today’s show. We cover so many different facets of the industry in today’s conversation and there really is something in here for everyone, from Joe’s top tips for graduates looking land their first job in consulting, to the key insights from his upcoming book on what separates successful boutique consulting firms from their less successful peers. I found this conversation fascinating and it was great to get Joe’s perspective as someone who truly knows all the ins and outs of the consulting industry. Whether you’re a consulting leader focused on how you can take your business to the next level or a graduate looking to make your first step into the industry, I know you’re going to get so much from what Joe has to say. You can get in touch with Jeff at – Find out more about Consulting Mastered at – Check out his book, Management Consultancy, at - Specific things we discussed in the show: - PrepLounge – - The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – - If This Is a Man by Primo Levi – - The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert –
Nov 13, 2020 • 1h 12min

Episode 71 - Jeff Dill & Gemma Pfister - Vynamic

In today’s episode I speak to Jeff Dill and Gemma Pfister, CEO and Executive at Vynamic, the multinational healthcare industry management consultants with offices in Philadelphia, Boston, Durham, North Carolina and London here in the UK. I’ve spoken to a number of guests who’ve expanded their businesses across the pond, but these have all been firms that have gone UK to US. As such, it was great to speak with Jeff and Gemma and find out how they’ve successfully managed to make the leap the other way and learn about the Vynamic journey that’s led them from a single state operator to the multinational consultancy they are today. Jeff started his career, like several of my guests, at Accenture. He was persuaded to leave and join a former colleague in the early days of Vynamic and the rest, as they say, is history. During his time as CEO he’s overseen a number of huge events for the business, including the expansion I’ve just mentioned, turning the business round following the financial crisis and the sale of Vynamic to UDG Healthcare plc in 2017. Gemma spent the earlier part of her career in the US and Germany, before coming to the UK to join a global healthcare company that was acquired by UDG. When UDG acquired Vynamic, Gemma was offered the chance to be part of founding and leading the UK business and leapt at the opportunity. With two guests on today’s show, there was a lot to cover and Jeff and Gemma share so many great insights from their journey with Vynamic in today’s interview. We cover a whole range of topics including: - The Vynamic story and what led Jeff and the team to expand beyond one office in the first place. - What it’s like to take a business into an international market, and how to manage the many challenges that come with it. - And the importance of culture when growing a consulting business and how Vynamic achieves ‘shared values with a local vibe’ across their various offices. This was a great conversation, with two guests who have so much to offer in the stories they tell and advice they give. If you’re looking to take your consultancy in to a new market, or maybe you have and you’re trying to get to grips with how you can bring those different offices together, I know you’ll get a ton from this conversation. You can get in touch with Jeff at – And Gemma at – Find out more about Vynamic at – Specific things we discussed in the show: - Getting Naked: A Business Fable About Shedding The Three Fears That Sabotage Client Loyalty - - The Irresistible Consultant's Guide to Winning Clients: 6 Steps to Unlimited Clients & Financial Freedom - - Work Life Podcast -
Oct 30, 2020 • 1h 4min

Episode 70 - A graduate’s guide to a career in consulting

This is a special episode for two reasons: firstly, this marks the 70th episode of Climb In Consulting a huge milestone and one that we have to say a big thank you to you, our listeners for. Without you this show wouldn’t have even got off the ground! And secondly, this week we bring you a slightly different type of episode. Instead of my usual interviews, this episode is a panel discussion all about how you can start your career in consulting. We’re a huge believer in broadening the reach of our industry and helping those who may not know about consulting or may have misconceptions about what it is and what it isn’t. So, when we were asked by Deri Hughes to chair this panel on behalf of Explore Consulting we was so excited. We knew this was going to be an amazing opportunity to bring you advice from some brilliant consultants and ex-consultants who are doing great things, know all about our industry and could provide an honest and in-depth insight into the world of consulting. For this session we were joined by a fantastic panel who brought such refreshing and honest perspectives to the discussion. In this episode you’ll hear from: Tamsin Chislett, Co-Founder and CEO at Onloan Harriette Foster, Social Impact Investment Manager at Impetus Darren Ashby, Partner at businessfourzero Julianne Ilebode-Akisanya, General Manager at ENT UK In this conversation our panellists dig into what it’s really like to work in consulting, the benefits that it’s given them and some of the challenges you need to consider too. They also answer a range of questions from people like you, giving their take on the topics that graduates and those looking to make their first move in to consulting really want to know about. We had a great time chairing this session and we’re really pleased to be able to share it as part of this podcast. If you’re at university right now and currently considering your career options or you’re early on in your career and considering a move in to consulting, we know you’ll find this episode extremely valuable. To find out more about the panellists, follow the links below: Tamsin Chislett – Onloan – Harriette Foster – Impetus – Darren Ashby – Businessfourzero – Julianne Ilebode-Akisanya –…isanya-11356324/ ENT UK – Teach First – To find out more about Explore Consulting visit there website -
Oct 16, 2020 • 1h 40min

Episode 69 - Jeff Cronkshaw - LanciaConsult

In today’s episode I speak with Jeff Cronkshaw, Founder and Group Managing Director of LanciaConsult. The rapidly growing multinational consulting firm with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany and here in the UK. I got to know Jeff through one of my previous guests; A former boss, mentor and role model of his who he’d heard on this podcast. Jeff and I had a few conversations, he shared his story and hearing the journey he’s been on with LanciaConsult, I knew he’d make a great guest for the show. There are many things in Jeff’s story that are unique and firsts for Climb In Consulting. He’s had a truly global career and has spent half of his working life in Asia, where he and his wife founded LanciaConsult. Not content with simply starting a consulting business based in Singapore, Jeff and his wife set out to launch a global business and have deliberately focused on growing their geographic footprint over growing within one specific region. Something that no other guest that I’ve interviewed to date has done. In today’s episode we dig into the Lancia story, and talk about what it’s like to grow a global business from day one and all of the challenges and complexities that come with it. We cover so much ground in this conversation, including: - Why Jeff and his wife decided to move to Singapore in the first place and his advice for anyone thinking of making a similar move. - The LanciaConsult journey, how Jeff and the team have successfully grown the business across multiple regions so quickly and the lessons he’s learnt from the last 8 years of building the firm. - And Jeff’s top questions for anyone thinking of going out on their own. What you need to ask yourself, and what you should talk about with your life partner, especially if you’re thinking of going into business together. This was a great conversation and one that I really enjoyed. Jeff was kind enough to make the trip to our office in Bath for a real, live, in person, socially distant interview. It made for a great conversation, a great dinner afterwards and so much great advice for you to learn from. With 2021 fast approaching, if you’re currently thinking about new years resolutions and have moving abroad or starting your own consulting business on your bucket list, then I know you’ll get a ton from this conversation. You can get in touch with Jeff at – Visit LanciaConsult at – Specific things we discussed in the show: Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike - Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play: Transforming the Buyer/Seller Relationship -
Oct 2, 2020 • 1h 12min

Episode 68 - Tricia Nelson - EY

Tricia Nelson, Partner at EY, shares her unconventional career journey and passion for diversity in consulting. Topics include challenges for underrepresented groups, her non-academic sales skills, and balancing consulting work with parenting. Valuable insights on mentorship, career development, and the importance of inclusivity in the industry are discussed.
Sep 18, 2020 • 1h 30min

Episode 67 - James Callander - Freshminds

After our short summer break I’m pleased to say the podcast is back and what a guest we have to kick us off for the autumn. Today’s guest is James Callander, Managing Director of Freshminds, the leading resourcing and research firm for the consulting industry. As you’ll hear in today’s interview, freshminds have a long history in our industry and were actually one of the very first search firm that I signed up for when I was looking to make the move in to consulting almost a decade ago. I still remember scouring their weekly newsletter for potential roles and it was great to get a chance to catch up with one of the people behind it all and find out about James story with Freshminds over his almost 18 year career with the firm. Unlike many of my guests, James’s career actually started while he was still in school, running various business ventures from the school printing press to leading sales for the school magazine. Deciding he wanted to move to London following university James began his formal career with two extended internships, firstly at the strategy consultancy Roland Berger, then followed by another at the then leading public relationships firm Bell Pottinger. It was these early experiences that led James to take the bold step and become a freelance researcher for the, at the time, small start-up research consultancy Freshminds. The rest as they say is history and over the last almost 18 years James’s career has grown alongside the business, which he now runs as Managing Director. Leading a team of over 140 people to reshape the future of resourcing and consulting. Given James’s wealth of experience there was so much for us to cover and we discuss some really interesting topics in this conversation including: - James entrepreneurial start, how his teenage business ventures shaped his career, and how the skills he learnt from that period have helped him get to where he is today. - His almost 18-year career with Freshminds, how he was able to climb from a freelance researcher to Managing Director of the firm and his advice for anyone looking to emulate his success. - And his career advice for those of you looking to take the next step in your career, be that moving to another consulting firm or jumping out and becoming an independent contractor. I really enjoyed this conversation with James. As his story shows you don’t have to follow a structured consulting career path to reach the top in our industry and that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. Whether you’re at the start of your career and looking to break in to consulting or you’re an experienced consultant looking at what the best next step is for you, I know you’re going to get so much from what James has to say. So, with the intro done and dusted, sit back, relax and enjoy my interview with James Callander. To get in touch with James find him either through LinkedIn - Or through Email - You can find out more about Freshminds at - James' book recommendations: Too Big to Fail: Inside the Battle to Save Wall Street - Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup -
Jul 23, 2020 • 1h 35min

Episode 66 - Mike Newlove - Wavestone

Today’s guest is Mike Newlove, Managing Partner and UK Practice Leader at Wavestone, the leading global consultancy with over 3,500 people working across 8 countries to help their clients deliver their most critical transformation programmes. Mike’s story is a hugely interesting one and challenges many of the commonly held assumptions about what it takes to have a successful career in consulting. Although a self-proclaimed introvert, Mike started his career in sales with BT before being headhunted to join Deloitte. It was while at Deloitte that Mike met Harry, his future business partner. Following a particularly tough negotiation for a US based client Mike and Harry decide the time was right to strike out on their own and launch Hudson & Yorke, a specialist consultancy focused on helping their clients navigate the world of network services. Following a roller-coaster journey with Hudson & Yorke, something we discuss at length in today’s show, the business was acquired by Solucom, now Wavestone, in 2015. Mike continues to lead Wavestone in the UK and sits on the global executive committee helping to shape the business for the future. Mike is as open as he is honest and in this interview he gives his candid take on a whole host of topics including: - The key differences between working in industry and working in consultancy, how he found the transition and the advice he gives to candidates thinking of making the jump. - How he decided that the time was right to strike out with his business partner and launch Hudson & Yorke and the key role that his now wife played in supporting him through this time. - And becoming part of Wavestone, what led Mike to stay on and lead the UK business and why he’s excited by what the future holds for them. I really enjoyed this interview with Mike, as his story shows, you don’t have to follow the typical career path or have many of the assumed typical personality traits to be successful in consulting. If the current pandemic has led you to think about setting up on your own or maybe you’re considering a career move and trying to decide what type of consultancy to join, I know you’ll find this interview invaluable. You can find out more about Mike on LinkedIn – You can find out more about Wavestone at -
Jul 3, 2020 • 1h

Episode 65 - Post-Lockdown Success: Creating ROI generating marketing that delivers results

This is the third and final episode of our three-part series in collaboration with Garwood Solutions and Honeycomb PS. In times like this you need to adapt and respond. The traditional consulting BD approach of meeting people for coffees isn’t an option and you have to do something different. That’s where effective digital marketing comes in! In this episode I explain how you can use digital marketing to help you respond to the current climate while setting your business up for long term success. I take you through the exact framework we use with our clients to help them develop effective marketing strategies that deliver results and explain some of the tactics you should be using right now to help you generate new conversations for your business. We had a ton of great questions as part of this session and highly recommend listening to the end of show to get all of the content that we shared in this one. Our 3 Pillars of Post-Lockdown Success webinar series was great fun to be a part of and I really enjoyed working with Rob and Deri to put it together. We got some great feedback from those who attended the live webinars and I hope you get just as much from the podcast versions too! If you haven't listened already, check out parts one and two of our Post-Lockdown series to continue the discussion about our remaining Pillars.
Jul 3, 2020 • 58min

Episode 64 - Post-Lockdown Success: Building Flexibility & Control in your operations

In the second of our three part series looking at what consulting leaders like you need to be focusing on to achieve post-lockdown success, Deri Hughes, founder of Honeycomb PS walks you through the exact frameworks he uses with his clients to create highly scalable, flexible and controllable operations functions. When it comes to operations, there’s two key areas to focus on: Flexibility and Control. Flexibility on costs, to respond to changing client needs, and to capture opportunities that present themselves. Control to manage the risks to your business – cashflow, people and clients. In this episode Deri explains: – How to identify the critical capabilities that you need in the new world – The proven ways to build Flexibility and Control into your operating model – The digital tools that you can deploy quickly, at low cost, to deliver immediate impact I hope you enjoy today’s episode and that Deri’s advice will help you to develop your own effective operations strategy as life returns back to normal You can find out more about Deri on LinkedIn – You can find out more about Honeycomb PS at – If you missed part one of our Post-Lockdown Success series: ‘Renewing the V&P in your Value Proposition to accelerate your exit’, be sure to check it out.

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