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Hey Change Podcast

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Sep 4, 2018 • 48min

E39: Introduction to an ECORenaissance with Pioneer & Visionary ECOpreneur Marci Zaroff

What does an "ECORenaissance mean"? And how can we move collectively and in style into a better and more sustainable future? This is the conversation with the woman who was there when it all started and who's seen the movement pave it's path over the years, a movement that grew from our concern for organic food and that is widely spreading into sustainable fashion and other important parts of our lives. So do you want to believe we can do something to fight for our future? Then get ready to be inspired by the woman who's been making waves of change for 20 something years!Marci ZaroffMarci coined and trademarked the term “Eco Fashion” in 1995 and has since then been a pioneer in the world of ecology and fashion. Her vision: to style the world and change, while changing the world of style. In other words, the gave birth to the movement that is today taking the world by storm.She’s the woman behind the largest professional “health coach” certification program in the world, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and she’s been part of co-founding many companies like BeyondBrands, Good Catch Foods, Under The Canopy and MetaWear Organic, a Virginia based factory creating Cradle-to-Cradle certified apparel. What more? Despite the busy entrepreneur and change maker that she is, she’s also found time to write a book. ECORenaissance was just released and she’s currently touring the country to promote this amazing book.Follow Marci:website: www.marcizaroff.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcizaroff/ECORenaissance: https://www.amazon.com/ECOrenaissance-Lifestyle-Cocreating-Stylish-SustainableConnect with + Follow Anne ThereseWebsite: www.heychange.netInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/annetheresebengtsson/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jul 5, 2018 • 1h 3min

E038: Reducing Food Waste and Saving the Planet with Imperfect Produce

Did you know that one in five fruits and vegetables are considered too ugly for grocery stores, meaning that billions of pounds of fresh fruits and veggies every year never make it to a store? And more so, that actually 40 % of all food that is produced gets thrown away? From an environmental point of view, the food we waste is responsible for roughly 8 percent of all global emissions. YIKES! But, like with any alarming facts like these, there’s room for positivity and solutions. In this episode, get ready to learn a thing or two about food; how you can get better at making the most of what you buy, how to make sure you don’t shop too much in the first place, and how to support ways that those “ugly” produces find a home. According to Project Drawdown (scientific research led by Paul Hawken), reducing food waste is number 3 on the list of the 100 most efficient ways of reducing global warming, so step up your game and get to action with your food! Reilly Brock is a content manager for Imperfect Produce, and amazing company that sources ugly and surplus fruits and vegetables that would be thrown away, and deliver them to people’s doors. Website: www.imperfectproduce.com Instagram: @imperfectproduce Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 21, 2018 • 1h 11min

E037: From Chubby Kid to Vegan Model - Self-Empowerment, Food & Compassionate Living

In today’s episode with vegan model and social influencer Brad we talk a lot about (plant-based) foods, of course, but even more so about the impact food has on us and Planet Earth. Brad shares his story about growing up an unhealthy, lost, and chubby kid and how he one day decided to take matters in his own hands and start loosing weight. The reason? Simple, he wanted to attract that pretty girl in school! But the path it lead him down had a much greater impact on his life than he first might have thought. What we’ll cover today is the importance of self-empowerment and of choosing a lifestyle that will make you both feel and look good. We talk about how what might seem like vain reasons at first, will actually catalyze you into a new version of yourself - a self-loving, self-empowered and humble you, who will one day be the one who helps and empowers others. Brad also gives his best advice on how to take on something as scary as going plant-based, and how it’s all about a marathon and not a sprint. Brad is a former chubby and timid kid turned fit international male model represented throughout the US. His relationship with food has greatly impacted his life from a young age and in 2017, Brad decided to start weaning himself off meat as a way to find inner peace with the world around him. Today, Brad is purely plant based and shares his story and expertise to inspire others to obtain a physically, mentally, and spiritually healthier life. Read Brad's Ebook for free: https://www.bradleyjarryd.com/resources/ Instagram: @The_Bradass Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jun 7, 2018 • 34min

E036 - Getting to ACTION - How to start your Plant-Based journey TODAY

If the previous solo episode was all about the why's and how's to going vegan, this one really about one thing: Getting to action. Because how do you close that knowledge-to-action-gap and how do you actually get started with the change you told yourself you want to do? I totally get why this is hard and, honestly, that's why this episode is about just that. My mission with this episode is to leave you feeling empowered, excited and ready to finally take that leap. Let your plant-based journey begin!!What we will cover in this episode: 1. Why change is overwhelming and hard but how we can get past that 2. The biggest mistake most people do when wanting to start a new chapter in their lives 3. Easy steps to get started - today 4. How to listen to your body and figure out your own metabolism 5. A few things to think about when starting a plant-based journey.Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
May 30, 2018 • 44min

E035 - Empower Your Wardrobe - Change Your Life! The Art of Simplifying with Nina from ADAY

Empower your wardrobe - change your life. This is a podcast episode about the power of dressing for success but maybe in a we haven’t thought about it before; bit’s all about embracing simplicity and comfort and to do so in a chic and sustainable way! In today’s episode with Nina Faulhaber, learn why investing in smart, versatile “uniforms” will create that headspace you need to fully develop into your most powerful girl boss (wisdom stolen from no-one but Mr Obama himself), how we’re about to make textiles from seaweed, and why no-one but you should determine the clothes that you wear. Sources mentioned: The Accessory Junkie: www.theasseccoryjunkie.comPosh Mark: www.poshmark.com Rent the Runway: www.renttherunway.com Kelp Jerky (Seaweed Farming): https://akua.coWebsite: www.thisisaday.com Instagram: @thisisaday & @NinaFaulhaberStay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
May 16, 2018 • 43min

E034: How to be a Stubborn Climate Optimist with 2020T

Are you tired of hearing all the negative facts about our the environment? Do you, like me, feel like there must be some positive news out there to go after and share? And lastly, do you want to feel good about who you are and the choices that you make and still be able to fully enjoy all that society has to offer? Then, my friend, I think it’s time you become a Stubborn Climate Optimist! So what does being a Stubborn Climate Optimist actually mean? In today’s episode with Jessica Donohue from 2020T, an organization on a mission to bring positive and empowering conversation around global warming and the future of our planet, we cover that and lots more. We talk about how to be provocative in a good way and how to start those important conversations with people that will move us in the right direction. Are you an Eco-Warrior? Are ready to finally claim that title and to wear it with pride? Then let’s jump right into this episode and get excited about how to work for our precious planet in the happy, fun and empowering way! Buy a Climate Optimist T-Shirt here: www.2020t.us Instagram: @ContinuosCreative Jessica: @Donohue_j Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
May 10, 2018 • 44min

E033: My Personal Journey to a Plant-Based Life - the Magic & the Confusion

Here's one I haven't done in a while - a solo episode! In this episode I've decided to share my personal journey to a plant-based life and what I've dealt with through all of that; the why's behind it, the magic that came with it, but also a lot of the confusion when I first started out. Because the thing is that's it's easy to forget how hard things were on an early stage and how confusing it can be when you first start out. When I first thought about going vegan four years ago I was as far away from that lifestyle as you can possibly be. I was a gym junky downing protein-shakes like my life depended on it and I counted every calorie that I ate. No-one in my family or in my group of friends were vegans or even vegetarian and I had never been introduced to the idea of living a plant-based life. But by changing one habit at the time and by asking for help I made it happen in only three months and I can *HONESTLY* say that since that day my life hasn't been the same. So this episode is a way for me to share my journey in order to hopefully be able to help you start yours.Mentioned in the episode: Plant-Based vs Vegan - what's the difference? My story - how I went from omnivore to vegan in only 3 months Unexpected gains!!! How to deal with change Forget "perfect" - strive to be The Conscious Consumer Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Apr 9, 2018 • 45min

E032: Saving The World through Fashion with Wildlife Works

Can we save the World through Fashion? Yes. Now let's talk about how. This is an episode of hope and empowerment; hope of making the world a better place, and bringing the empowerment to you by helping you understand how you can be part of making that happen. Because what does it mean to offset your carbon footprint? And what’s the most effective ways that we, the consumers, can make small changes to help move our world in a different way? How much are our daily habits really affecting global warming and could we possible help slow it down? In today’s talk with Joyce Hu, one of the Co-Founders of the Sustainable Fashion Alliance in San Francisco and also the Marketing and Creative Director at the global organization Wildlife Works, we talk about how to make the world a better place and how to do so through business and fashion. So is there actually hope for the future and can fashion help us lead a revolution for good? Tune into to get inspired and to learn a thing or two about carbon credits, slow consumerism, mindful living and how to make a huge impact on the global economy with the money you spend!Show notes Read the book by Lynne Twist about how to give soul to money: http://soulofmoney.org Take online course "awakening your dreamer" and feel inspired to change the world with Pachamama: https://www.pachamama.org/engage/awakening-the-dreamer Website: www.wildlifeworks.com & www.marlinray.com & www.sustainablefashionalliance.com Instagram: @JoyceHuBerry Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mar 26, 2018 • 45min

E031: Self-Love & Ethical Weddings - How to Spend Your Most Precious Moments in a Meaninful Way

“Ethical weddings do not mean ugly weddings. I want them to be fearsome and show style!” Today we're talking to the passionate and inspiring entrepreneur Praise Santos. She's a wedding photographer and story-teller with a huge passion for ethical living, and when she felt a disconnect in her believes and the work she was doing, she decided to piece two and two together and create a whole new market; ethical weddings. Things we cover in this episode: Ethical Weddings – What does it mean and what would it look like? (No worries – we’re talking super sexy and glamorous still!) Self-Love and Body Image – How can we overcome our inner judgmental voice and learn to love ourselves just as is? How to implement your passions into your professions and find loopholes in the market to do what you love. How to trust the journey and knowing that sometimes things will happen in it’s own pace, and that that is good. Tips on how to start your own entrepreneurial journey – Embracing the little steps and how that is what’s gonna change your world and the big one. Website: www.ethical-weddings.com Instagram: @Praaaise , @EthicalWeddings Stay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mar 20, 2018 • 53min

E030: BONUS - My talk on Change and Trusting your Intuition with Blogger Katina Montanous

Change. Why is is so damn hard and how can we make it a little easier? How do we learn to believe in ourselves and to trust our intuition? Well, one thing I know for sure is that it helps a lot keeping people around you that radiate good energy and that will be there and push you on your way. People that say "You've got this girl, go show the world what you're made of!" Katina Montanos, the founder of blog On Adulting and the podcast Challenging The Collective, is one of those people that pushes me to keep going and who's always there with a big, encouraging smile. This BONUS episode is taken from her podcast where she actually interviews ME, and we cover topics like how to embrace change and how to trust your crazy and bold deciscions, the benefits of a plantbased life and what made me go vegan, as well as the story behind how I ended up where I am today - an ex model running my own agency (how crazy is life??). So tune in for a woman-to-woman fireside chat between Katina and I, on embracing the things we can't change, and fighting for the ones that we can. Katina's Blog: www.onadulting.comInstagram: @onadultingStay connected, say hi!Website: www.heychange.netIG: @HeyChange_PodcastHost: @AnneThereseBengtsson Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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