Exploring the causes of sickness, author and renowned physician Dr. Gabor Maté explores how the trauma ingrained in modern society manifests as illness and pulls us away from our authentic selves, and how we can lessen our attachment to “normalcy” in order to foster both individual and collective healing and create a more equitable and awakened future. Tune in to Point of Relation — The Undeniable Link of Illness & Wellbeing to Our Collective Ecosystem with Dr. Gabor Maté. Key Points To Discover: ✔️ In the revolutionary book "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture," Dr. Gabor Maté argues that our culture has become so disconnected from the real needs of people that what we assume to be "normal" is, in fact, neither healthy nor natural. Dr. Maté distinctly articulates that "normal" is a myth. He presents that every individual's response to conditions, such as addictions, depression, and physical illnesses, are, in fact, normal responses to the abnormal social and environmental conditions they face. Therefore, the conditions that are the source of the abnormality need to be addressed instead of the individual. ✔️ We are co-creators of our reality. Connection is a necessity for human life that, when unfulfilled, brings about suffering. In the modern world, where we push and strive for the attainment of the individual, we must remember that we can only exist within the collective experience. ✔️ Do you feel that true healing is impossible for you? Dr. Maté shares that in his journey, he too believed that no matter how hard he tried, he was incapable of completely healing his pains. But he believes that healing is possible for all of us. In his words, “In order to accomplish that healing, we have to really come face to face with the depth and extent of the trauma in our world, not to despair over it, but precisely so that we can gain agency.” ✔️ The illness of an individual is the manifestation of a collective phenomenon. When an individual becomes ill, the Lakota tradition teaches that the community extends gratefulness and that sickness manifests to uncover shared dysfunction. This gives way to the belief that "Your healing is our healing." Dr. Maté emphasizes the traditional wisdom that works with interdependent medicine is just as applicable to our modern world as it was in ancient times. Yet, sadly, medical practice often fails to acknowledge the science that confirms this. --------------- Dr. Gabor Maté is an internationally renowned speaker highly sought after for his expertise on addiction, trauma, childhood development, and the relationship between stress and illness. He is a bestselling author of four books published in over thirty languages. His book on addiction received the Hubert Evans Prize for literary non-fiction. For his groundbreaking medical work and writing, he has been awarded the Order of Canada, his country's highest civilian distinction, and the Civic Merit Award from his hometown, Vancouver. His books include In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction; When the Body Says No; The Cost of Hidden Stress; Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder; and (with Dr. Gordon Neufeld) Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers. His recent book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture, was released on September 13, 2022. His second next book, Hello Again: A Fresh Start for Parents and Their Adult Children, is expected in 2023. Gabor is also a co-developer of a therapeutic approach, Compassionate Inquiry, now studied by hundreds of therapists, physicians, counselors, and others internationally. Connect with Dr. Gabor Maté: Website: www.drgabormate.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drgabormate Twitter: https://twitter.com/drgabormate Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabormatemd/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRF06lSFA8zV9L8_x9jzIA --------------- Thomas Hübl is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator whose lifelong work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since 2004, he has taught and facilitated programs with more than 100,000 people worldwide, including online courses which he began offering in 2008. The origin of his work and more than two decades of study and practice on healing collective trauma is detailed in his book Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds Connect with Thomas here: Website: https://thomashuebl.com/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/Thomas.Huebl.Sangha/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thomashuebl Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThomasHuebl YouTube: https://youtube.com/@thomashuebl Sign up for updates by visiting our website: 👉 pointofrelationpodcast.com