Today I'm very excited because we are doing a special episode all about fundraising.This is a topic I get asked about all the time from founders wanting to know who they should go to for investment, what investors are really looking for, and what they should be asking investors in turn.It's a topic we've talked about a ton on this podcast. We've had angel investors give their perspective, venture capitalists share theirs, and founders of all different stages talk about their journeys. So it seemed only right that we start to amalgamate some of these.When we came to it, though, we had so much content it couldn't fit in a single episode. So this will in fact be the first in a small series. Don't worry if you love our guest deep dive interviews as well, we promise they'll be back in between. So stay tuned to not miss any of it.In this episode, we dive into five different perspectives with three founders turned investors, and two founders sharing their experience one of crowdfunding and one of going after Angel Investment.We discuss:The Flick Test and other tips from Founder and Angel Investor, Chris HowardLessons on taking it to the crowd with Sophie Meislin Baron, founder of MamamadeHow Venture Capital really works with Zoe Peden, Partner at Ananda Impact VenturesThe most common advice Devin Hunt, Venture Partner at Seedcamp, gives startups he invests inThe magic of never giving up with Amber Probyn, Co-founder of PeequalAnd much more!Links:Startup wrecks, smarter fundraising, and rattling the accelerator model, Chris Howard, founder of The Rattle - to 40k+ community and £1.5m crowdfund, with Sophie Meislin Baron, founder of Mamamade - the venture capital curtain, with Zoe Peden, Partner at Ananda Impact Ventures - from Y Combinator, Burnout, Investing and Book Writing, with Devin Hunt - the first female urinal with Amber Probyn, Founder of Peequal - also highly recommend listening to Fundraising as a Diverse Founder, with Guests Simi Lindgren, Nick Telson and Farah Kabir, as it’s practically it's own special episode in itself -