We all want to belong. But to do so, we must first face our own need for belonging and how that need is often thwarted. In his new book Reunion, Leadership and the Longing to Belong, today's guest Jerry Colonna argues that only through radical self-inquiry can we come home to ourselves and others and, in doing so, create systemic belonging—homes—for everyone.In today’s conversation Jerry and I will dive deep into themes from Reunion as we explore how reunification with the disowned parts of ourselves, the myths and truths of our ancestors, as well as a deeper connection with those most affected by systems of exclusion can foster greater belonging and inclusion for all. Our conversation will include 3 chapters (or parts): Chapter one is about LookingJerry and I will explore the ways in which he invites those he works with to look unflinchingly at the full picture of their current reality (individually and collectively), what we casually refer to during our time together as the “the full mess” of our experience as humans. The good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. And how this looking is a prerequisite for meaningful change and positive transformation at an individual and collective level. Also as part of our exploration of Looking, we will talk about how Jerry leverages a process he calls radical self-inquiry - inviting challenging and important questions for us to grapple with. Questions like: “How have I been complicit in creating the conditions I say I don’t want?”And then broadening that question to: “How have I been complicit in, and benefited from, the conditions in the world I say I don’t want?” And, more importantly:“What do I need to give up that I love in order to have the systems of belonging that I want?”Jerry will share openly about how he has grappled with these questions for himself, and how in part that led to him writing Reunion.Chapter two of the conversation is about RememberingJerry and I will explore the work of remembering our ancestors, both the myths and the truths of their experience (something he focuses on in Reunion). He will share more about what he’s learned about his own ancestors, and how this process of remembering can help transform our ancestors from ghosts that may haunt us, into wise elders - whom we can learn from.Chapter three is about WholenessWe will discuss the topic of wholeness, the difference between wholeness and authenticity, and the importance of integrating all aspects of who we are so that we might become better people, and better leaders. Did you find this conversation inspiring? Check out other conversations with Jerry:The Future of Work: Love, Safety, and Belonging Leadership and the Art of Growing UpAbout Jerry:Jerry Colonna is the CEO and co-founder of Reboot.io, an executive coaching and leadership development firm dedicated to the notion that better humans make better leaders. For nearly 20 years, he has used the knowledge gained as an investor, an executive, and a board member for more than 100 organizations to help entrepreneurs and others to lead with humanity, resilience, and equanimity. Prior to his career as a coach, he was a partner with JPMorgan Partners (JPMP), the private equity arm of JP Morgan Chase. To pick up a copy of Jerry's books or to learn more about his work visit Support the show