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Lessons from the Playroom

Latest episodes

May 30, 2023 • 41min

Special: Jayson Gaddis: Embracing Conflict in our Personal & Professional Relationships

Original Air Date: Aug 30, 2022 Lisa is joined by an incredibly important person in her life - an individual that she is excited to introduce you to (...someone outside the field of play therapy that you may not have heard of) - Jayson Gaddis is an author, podcaster, speaker, “personal trainer for relationships”, and is a global leader on interpersonal conflict and connection. In this episode, Lisa & Jayson explore conflict and how it shows up in all our relationships - the relationships we have with our clients, their parents/caregivers, and in our personal relationships. Plus you'll learn ... 2 reasons why conflict is so hard to talk about; A new view/understanding of conflict that you've likely not considered before; Why being overly-careful in relationships is a disservice, even in your therapeutic relationships; How to lean into the uncomfortable experience of conflict and embrace conflict in all relationships); How to recognize and start to work with your own activation (transference/countertransference) within your relationships; and Tips to navigate hard conversations in both personal and professional relationships (including what L.U.F.U stands for and the 3 most impactful words you can say to transform any relationship). You’ll also hear Jayson and Lisa role play and model what these hard conversations can look and feel like - super fun! Podcast Resources:  Jayson Gaddis: https://www.jaysongaddis.com Jayson Gaddis' Relationship School®: https://relationshipschool.com Synergetic Play Therapy Institute: https://synergeticplaytherapy.com/ Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website: https://learn.synergeticplaytherapy.com/ FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey: https://synergeticplaytherapy.com/free-resources/  Aggression in Play Therapy: https://synergeticplaytherapy.com/books/ * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
May 23, 2023 • 30min

146. Attunement: The Heart of the Therapeutic Relationship

Join Lisa to talk about attunement and how it is such an important part of the therapeutic relationship. But why is it that important you might ask … In our play therapy sessions, we can follow the script, say the right words, go down the therapeutic checklist, but if we are not attuned to our clients (or ourselves), our clients will walk away likely feeling not seen, not felt, and not met by us. So attunement is really the heart of the therapeutic exchange between us and our clients! (...by the way, the same is true in the parent-child dynamic) Join Lisa in a conversation and …  Expand your understanding of what attunement is and what it is not; Find out what gets in the way of us being attuned to our clients; Learn how to develop attunement at a deeper level for your clients (...to create an experience for your client where they feel energetically and emotionally met by us); and How to “explain” the felt-sense experience of attunement with a parent or caregiver Lisa shares a really beautiful experience she had at a play therapist training where she was role playing with another therapist and how she might have missed a really critical piece of the play therapist’s experience if it wasn’t for the power of attunement.  A final message - Thank you for being on the receiving end of the conversation today; for feeling with Lisa today; and allowing yourself to learn ways to bring in attunement more into your play therapy sessions so your clients can feel deeply seen, deeply met, and deeply heard by you.  Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
May 16, 2023 • 27min

Special: A Conversation about Self-Esteem in Play Therapy

Original Air Date: Aug 2, 2022 Join Lisa in exploring a topic that is relevant to every single person on the planet and particularly inspired by a conversation Lisa had with her daughter who is now almost 17 years old.  In this episode, you're invited to think about self-esteem in a new or different way so you can support your clients at a deeper level when self-esteem is the thing they are struggling with. Learn …. A new reframe on understanding self-worth and how it translates to our work with clients; Why everyone has both low and high self-esteem (and the purpose of it); The correlation between self-worth and nervous system activation; How to support clients who feel they are struggling with low self-esteem/self-worth; and How to support parents/caregivers when they are the ones struggling with feeling not good enough and like an inadequate parent/caregiver.  Plus, you’ll hear a 17-year-old's amazing definition of what "high self-esteem" can look like and feel like and what "low self-esteem" can look like and feel like- it just might be the best nugget of the entire podcast! Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
May 9, 2023 • 49min

145. Rachel Altvater: Perspective: How We Come to See Ourselves, Others & the World

In this next Lessons from the Playroom episode, we’re going in a totally different direction. Lisa Dion has a very special guest to talk about perspective - a topic we often don’t talk about enough (... or in some cases, at all!) and the significance of it in our work as therapists and as beings walking through the world.  Lisa’s special guest is the lovely Dr. Rachel Altvater (Psy.D., RPT-S™). Rachel is an award-winning, pioneering expert, leader, researcher, international trainer, author, and supervisor in the field of play therapy. Her book, “Perspective: Contemplating the Complexities of Our Realities" was just recently published (...and is the main topic of discussion for this episode). She has also published her research in the International Journal of Play Therapy on technology use in play therapy, and is a contributing author in numerous scholarly texts on implementing digital technologies in play therapy practice. Join Rachel and Lisa in this highly thought provoking and human normalizing conversation that will start to create an alignment with who you are and the perspectives that you hold about yourself.  You’ll learn about: The birth of Rachel’s new book, Perspective: Contemplating the Complexities of Our Realities,  and how her “brain vomit” practice helped it come into “perspective”; How you come to see yourself, others, and the world (...really how you become who you are!); Why understanding perspective is so important for you to know as a therapist (or as any human being); How to explore the perspectives that you’re holding about yourself (...Rachel gives several questions you can start asking yourself today); and Questions that will expand your awareness about what perspectives you might be holding about others (including your clients). Enjoy this oh so lovely conversation that ends with a beautiful transition message from Rachel to you - You will never know how far your ripples of healing and connection expand into this world, but the more aligned you are with yourself, the further these ripples will expand in the direction they need to go.  Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
May 2, 2023 • 48min

Special: Eliana Gil: Cultural Issues in Play Therapy

  Original Air Date: August 31, 2021 What does it really mean to be culturally competent?... To help us kick off the next 100 episodes, Lisa is joined by a truly amazing individual who is a leader in our play therapy field - Dr. Eliana Gil. Likely you have heard of her 😉 ... Dr. Eliana Gil is the founding partner of the Gil Institute for Trauma Recovery & Education. As one of the pioneers for working with trauma in the play therapy field, she's written several books read by countless therapists worldwide. She's also the former president of the Association for Play Therapy and received APT's Lifetime Achievement award in 2011. Join Lisa and Eliana in a conversation about: What it means to become culturally competent as a therapist  Steps to building an anti-racist and culturally-informed practice  Ways to respond when children are exploring racism and cultural issues in the playroom  How to dive deep within yourself to move from not just reflection, but ACTION!  You’re invited to think through how cultural issues can show up in your work as a play therapist. And to get curious about when these conversations need to happen, how to do it authentically, and based on your own training. Eliana ends with a beautiful message about growing and deepening into your experience as a play therapist. Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
Apr 25, 2023 • 38min

144. A Discussion on Reflective and Relational Play Therapy Supervision

Join Lisa Dion for a really important and special conversation about a topic that has never been discussed in this entire podcast series … It's about supervision. And not just any type of supervision, but reflective-relational kinds of supervision. Some of you may likely be engaged in your own supervision and some of you may be supervisors ... you're encouraged to listen to this conversation in whatever way you feel is most meaningful for you.  To have this conversation, Lisa has three very important people in her life - Polly Douglass, Kim Buller, and Khris Rolfe are three extraordinary play therapists and supervisors and some of the top supervisors at the Synergetic Play Therapy Institute. They've been trained not only in Synergetic Play Therapy, but in multiple other modalities, and have a beautiful perspective about how to do this thing we call supervision in a way that is incredibly reflective and relational.  In this episode, you'll learn: What it means to be reflective and relational in supervision; How to cultivate a reflective and relational supervisor-supervisee relationship; What it means to be the external regulator for a supervisee;  How to support a supervisee in becoming more embodied in their work as a play therapist; and  How to offer an empowering supervision experience for a supervisee that ultimately develops their trust within themselves as a therapist.  Listen to this conversation that weaves together a beautiful tapestry of reflection and relationship within the supervisor-supervisee experience, and one that allows for the play therapist to “feel” about their client instead of just “think” about their client.  Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.  
Apr 18, 2023 • 48min

143. Ann Beckley-Forest: Working with Adoption & Attachment Trauma/Wounding

Lisa Dion’s next guest has made quite the name for herself in the world of EMDR Therapy (although this is not a conversation about EMDR Therapy, if you work with the population that we’re talking about today, you might want to consider some EMDR training 😉). Join Ann Beckley-Forest and Lisa in an inspiring conversation … one that is also quite near and dear to Ann’s heart … that will help you conceptualize how to work with children and families when adoption, foster care, or some kind of placement experience is part of the child’s life story.  Ann is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor (RPT-S), Certified in EMDR Therapy and an approved provider for EMDRIA, faculty member of the Child Trauma Institute, and co-founder of Playful EMDR LLC Training and Consulting. Ann, with Annie Monaco, also wrote a fabulous book called “EMDR with Children in the Play Therapy Room: An Integrated Approach” - it’s truly a foundational book if you use EMDR Therapy and work with children. Here’s what you’ll learn: What attachment trauma or attachment wounding is (... as Shirley Jean Schmidt says, the idea of “the important good things that didn’t happen”); How a movement powered by adoptees has helped us take a look at language, stance and attitudes around adoption, as well as how to honor all the parts of the “adoption triad”;   The impact to the collective adoptive family nervous system and how adoptive/foster parents inherently vicariously acquire the child’s trauma history; One of the major reasons for unprocessed trauma in childhood and how we can address it in sessions; and Different reparative treatment approaches when working with children with attachment trauma or attachment wounding (hint: it’s not about cognitive processes, but ultimately attuned experiences). We hope that you’ll find a lot of value in this conversation and that you’ll continue to learn and study about this topic … because the odds of you, as a play therapist, having a child walk through your door that has an adoption or foster care or some kind of placement experience in their history is, well, let’s just say, quite high. You’re invited to start/continue your learning journey on this topic with Ann and Lisa today! Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
Apr 11, 2023 • 26min

Special: Medical Trauma in Play Therapy

Original Air Date: July 17, 2019 Medical trauma can be prevalent for many children who have undergone medical procedures or experienced chronic and acute conditions. And it can show up in the playroom in a variety of ways, including in ways that can lead the therapist to jump to conclusions. Listen in to explore how to not only help children who have experienced this type of trauma but how to minimize future trauma as well. "One of the best ways to reduce medical trauma is by making the unknown known. Children need information and lots of it." - Lisa Dion Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
Apr 4, 2023 • 40min

Special: Sueann Kenney-Noziska: Working With Childhood Sexual Abuse

Original Air Date: December 21, 2021 This has been one of the most requested topics – Working With Childhood Sexual Abuse  Lisa Dion is joined by Sueann Kenney-Noziska whose work with sexually abused children and adolescents is absolutely remarkable. In addition to maintaining a full-time private practice, she is internationally recognized as an esteemed author, guest lecturer, and professional speaker (… a phenomenal speaker!). Sueann has been educating therapists, courts, and community partners for years regarding the impact of trauma, dynamics of sexual abuse, delayed disclosure, and other matters pertaining to childhood abuse and trauma.  This episode is packed with so much information, you might want a paper and pen to take notes. And join them in a conversation to explore:  Challenges (and rewards) of working with this population Common dynamics that occur during sexual abuse The disclosure process and why it’s so hard for children/teenagers to disclose Ways to support parents in building relationships with their children for future open dialogue/disclosure How the trauma narrative can look differently for these children and in a play therapy process Ways to navigate this work while taking care of yourself to prevent vicarious trauma/compassion fatigue Listen to this episode and let Sueann’s wisdom give you insight and clarity on working with this very special population through the play therapy process. Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity * If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcast, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends/fellow colleagues to join us.
Mar 28, 2023 • 34min

142. The Impact of Trauma Exposure on Therapists

This next episode is so unbelievably important (maybe even critical) for you as a therapist to hear … Join Lisa for a conversation about this not so widely discussed topic - the impact of trauma exposure on therapists (or really for anyone in a helping role). As a therapist (or helper of any kind), we've chosen a profession that puts us directly on the frontline. We are required to be right there in the midst of trauma exposure, day-in and day-out, session after session. We’re asked to listen, witness, play through the trauma, and experience the trauma alongside our clients. The old adage that the therapist stays an objective observer when facilitating someone else is, well, impossible.  Ultimately, we can’t avoid being impacted by exposure to another’s trauma/crisis/challenge and, as a result, we’re susceptible to compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, or secondary traumatization.  In this episode, you’ll learn: How we always experience a secondary impact when working with clients who have/are experiencing trauma, crisis or challenge; What happens when we are impacted by the same trauma, crisis or challenge that our clients are experiencing; What happens when our own unresolved trauma comes into the playroom (guaranteed it happens more frequently than we give ourselves permission to be aware of); and  How to reconnect back to ourselves both outside the playroom and during those moments of activation in the therapy session.  Listen and take a moment to connect/reconnect with yourself. Find some time to reflect on this extraordinary profession that you’re part of and the sacrifices you’re making; hear ways to help mitigate the impact (hint: it starts with learning how to be with ourselves through the impact); and then start to create a lifestyle that supports this career we’ve chosen.  You are extraordinary! Much love on the journey 💕 Podcast Resources:  Synergetic Play Therapy Institute Synergetic Play Therapy Learning Website FREE Resources to support you on your play therapy journey  Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity

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