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Feb 16, 2024 • 5min

Science Helps Man Walk Again

Science Helps Man Walk Again Science is great! Science finds ways to help people. It's helping Mr. Oskam. Twelve years ago, he had a bad motorcycle accident. After the accident, his legs didn't work. He wasn't able to walk. He used a wheelchair for a long time. 12年前 Oskam先生遭遇車禍,雙腿無法行走,有很長一段時間需要依靠輪椅。 Then scientists put implants in Mr. Oskam's body. These implants are very small computers. He has two implants in his brain and one around his spine. 科學家在 Oskam 先生的腦袋跟脊椎植入訊號發射器。 Mr. Oskam also wears a special helmet. The implants, helmet, and a computer work together. Mr. Oskam carries the computer in a backpack on his back. 他也需要戴上特殊的頭盔,揹著裝有電腦的背包。 To move his legs, first Mr. Oskam thinks about moving them. His brain implants send a signal to the helmet. The helmet sends a signal to his spine implant. That implant sends a signal to his legs. Then his legs move! Oskam先生要先想著移動雙腿,他腦袋裡的發射器把訊號送到頭盔。再從頭盔送到脊椎,接著到他的雙腿,然後雙腿就可以移動了! Mr. Oskam can walk slowly. He can stand and climb stairs too. And he can move more without help! He's very happy. Being able to move is very cool! 現在Oskam先生可以慢慢地走,也能站起來爬樓梯,不需要其他人幫忙,他真是開心極了! Every day, scientists find new ways to help people. Helping people to walk again is great! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 醫學科技讓這位受傷的人再度行走,是了不起的成就。 1. leg 腿 Hey there! How are you holding up today? 嗨,你今天怎麼樣? My legs are hurting after a long walk yesterday. 我現在腿痛,昨天走了太長的路。 2. walk 走路 Yeah? How long did you walk? 是嗎? 你走了多久? About 10 minutes.大概十分鐘。 Only 10? 只有十分鐘? 3. brain 腦袋 Then I have to tell you, my brain hurts too. 那我得告訴你,我的腦袋也痛。 And the reason? 理由呢? I had to climb that mountain of paperwork at the office. 我在辦公室爬了堆積如山的文件。 4. able 能夠的 So your brain worked overtime? 所以你的腦袋超時工作? Indeed.確實是。 Well, at least we are still able to move around. 至少我們都還能活動。 That's true. 你說對了。 Let's read the vocabulary. leg腿 walk走路 brain腦袋 able能夠的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What kind of accident did Mr. Oskam have? a. Motorcycle b. Work c. Science 2. How many implants does Mr. Oskam have? a. One b. Two c. Three 3. What does Mr. Oskam carry in a backpack? a. A helmet b. A computer c. An implant Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 16, 2024 • 5min

AI Makes Crunchy Chips Quiet

AI Makes Crunchy Chips Quiet Do you like potato chips, corn chips, or other crunchy food? Many gamers like crunchy food. They crunch on chips. They play games on their computers and crunch. 你喜歡吃酥脆的零食嗎? 很多遊戲玩家喜歡邊打電玩邊吃洋芋片。 Using a microphone, they talk to other gamers. Some gamers crunch and talk to other gamers… at the same time! 玩家會用麥克風跟其他的玩家對話,有一些玩家也會邊吃邊講話。 But many people don't like to hear crunching! It's annoying! But now Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can help. It erases crunching!* *How? 可是很多人不喜歡聽到這種討人厭的喀滋聲! 現在人工智慧 AI 可以幫忙消除噪音,怎麼做到的呢? Five hundred people crunched chips in front of a microphone. They did this ten times. AI learned these 5,000 crunching sounds. 500個人在麥克風前吃洋芋片,每個人吃十次,讓 AI 學習這種噪音。 It also learned talking sounds. It learned that crunching and talking sounds are different. AI learned to erase crunching sounds but keep talking sounds. 它也學習分辨咀嚼聲跟說話的聲音,就可以消除噪音。 A company made an app that uses this AI. People can use this app with microphones on a computer. They hear themselves crunching. People in the same room hear them crunching. But… the people they're talking to on the computer don't hear crunching! 有公司利用這項 AI 技術研發出應用軟體,玩家把這個軟體用在電腦的麥克風上,就可以大快朵頤洋芋片,對方都聽不到。 With this app, you can crunch, crunch, crunch and talk to people on the computer. And you won't be annoying! Vocabulary 人工智慧應用軟體,可以消除吃東西的聲音! 1. potato 馬鈴薯 Potato chips! 洋芋片! Yeah, would you like some? 沒錯,你要吃一點嗎? No. Potato chips are not good.不了,洋芋片不大好。 2. make 讓 They are too salty. 它太鹹了。 They make me thirsty. 會讓我口渴。 You’re very careful with what you eat. 你對吃的東西真小心。 Are you sure you don’t want some? 你確定不要來幾片? 3. corn 玉米 No, thank you. I prefer corn chips. 不了,多謝,我比較喜歡玉米片。 The ones without salt. 沒有鹽的那種。 Oh, I like those too. 我也喜歡那種。 4. in front of 在前面 I love sitting in front of the TV and eating corn chips and salsa. 我最愛坐在電視前面吃玉米片配莎莎醬。 Let’s do it tonight.我們今晚就來吃。 我們來讀今天的單字。 potato馬鈴薯 make讓 corn玉米 in front of在前面 Quiz 1. How many crunching sounds did AI learn? a. 500 b. 5,000 c. 5 million 2. What did AI learn to do with crunching sounds? a. Erase them b. Talk to them c. Chew them 3. What is ‘AI’ short for? a. Alien Intelligence b. American Intelligence c. Artificial Intelligence Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 18, 2024 • 5min

New Zealand's Wacky Bird of the Century

New Zealand's Wacky Bird of the Century New Zealand's Bird of the Century is famous around the world. Do you know what kind of bird it is? No? The Bird of the Century is the puteketeke! It's a beautiful bird that looks and acts wacky. 你知道紐西蘭票選的「世紀鳥」是什麼鳥嗎? 是冠鷿鵜喔! 牠是一種外表跟行為都很奇怪的一種鳥。 The puteketeke's head has black feathers on top. They stand up! Orange feathers and black feathers circle its face. Imagine a hair dryer at the back of its head. It's blowing these feathers up and out! That's the wacky puteketeke! 牠頭上有黑色的羽毛,臉部周圍長滿橘色跟黑色的羽毛。 The puteketeke gives water weeds to the bird it likes. Then the two p?teketekes do chest bumps. 牠會咬著雜草求偶,再跟伴侶互相撞擊胸部。 The puteketeke carries its chicks on its back in the water. And… it eats its own feathers! The feathers make everything in its stomach come back up! Yep, it throws up! This gets rid of sharp fish bones and parasites. 牠還會吃自己的羽毛,接著把胃裡的東西全吐出來,用這個辦法吐出魚骨頭跟寄生蟲。 The puteketeke is the "Bird of the Century." A century is one hundred years. New Zealand has about one thousand p?teketekes. That's not many! Will p?teketekes be here a century from now? 一個世紀是100年,冠??被票選為世紀鳥,紐西蘭目前只剩下大約1000隻。 Maybe being the Bird of the Century will save the wacky puteketeke! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 美麗而特別的冠鷿鵜,深受紐西蘭人的喜愛。 1. face 臉 I went bird watching on Sunday. 我星期天跑去賞鳥。 Did you see anything special? 有看到什麼特別的嗎? Yeah, I saw this bird with a narrow face and purple feathers. 有,看到一隻臉窄窄的,紫色羽毛的鳥。 2. stand 站立 It was absolutely beautiful! 漂亮極了! What's its name? 名字叫什麼? Purple heron.紫鷺。 It was just standing there in the water. 牠就站在水裡。 3. fish 魚 Trying to catch fish? 想要抓魚嗎? I believe so.我相信是。 Anyway, it's a rare bird. 不管怎樣,牠是稀有鳥類。 4. here 這裡 Some of them come here from Siberia in winter. 有的是冬天從西伯利亞來到這裡。 Do they go back? 會回去嗎? Some do. 有的會。 今天的單字都很短。 face臉 stand站立 fish魚 here這裡 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What does the puteketeke carry its chicks on? a. Its wings b. Its beak c. Its back 2. Why does the puteketeke eat its feathers? a. To make a nest b. To get rid of parasites c. To do chest bumps 3. How many puteketekes are there in New Zealand? a. 100 b. 1,000 c. 10,000 Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 17, 2024 • 5min

Who’s That Chicken in the Mirror?

Who’s That Chicken in the Mirror? Humans are very smart. When we look in a mirror, we don’t see someone else! We know we’re looking at ourselves. 人類非常聰明,當我們看鏡子的時候,我們知道鏡子裡面的是我們自己。 Elephants can also see themselves in a mirror. They’re smart too. So can dolphins. How about… chickens?? 大象、海豚都認得鏡子裡的自己,那雞呢? Roosters are boy chickens. Last year, scientists tested some roosters… They wanted to know how smart they are. Roosters是公雞。去年科學家做了實驗測試牠們有多聰明。 First, they put the roosters in with lots of other chickens. Then,* *they flew a dangerous bird high above their heads. The roosters made a big sound! They were warning the other chickens. 首先科學家把公雞跟其他的雞放在一起。再讓猛禽飛過,發現公雞會出聲音警告同類。 Next, they took the other chickens away. The roosters were alone. Again,they flew the dangerous bird high above their heads. This time, the roosters stayed quiet. 接著科學家讓公雞單獨留下來,這一次牠們就保持安靜。 Finally, they gave the roosters a mirror. If the roosters stayed quiet this time, it would prove chickens were smart. 最後科學家放了一面鏡子。如果公雞保持安靜,就可以證明牠們很聰明。 Once more,they flew the dangerous bird high above the rooster’s heads. And … most of the roosters stayed quiet! 科學家再一次放出猛禽,結果…大部分的公雞都保持安靜。 Maybe roosters really can see themselves! Are chickens smarter than we think? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 公雞看到鏡子裡面的公雞,似乎明白那是牠自己。 1. mirror 鏡子 When you look in the mirror 你照鏡子的時候… Wait, is this some ghost story? 等等,這是鬼故事嗎? No no, I’m just asking what you see.不是,我只是問你看到什麼。 I see myself, of course.當然是我自己囉。 2. themselves 他們自己 My two babies see themselves, too.我的兩個幼兒也看到自己。 Why do you sound so surprised? 為什麼你這麼驚訝? Because they’re just one year old! 因為他們才一歲。 3. other 別的 They smile and wave. 他們會笑,還揮手。 So you’re saying they know? 所以你是說他們知道? They know it’s them. 他們知道那是他們。 Not other people.不是別人。 4. smart 聰明的 Maybe they’re smart? 也許他們很聰明? Yeah, as smart as dolphins! 對啊,跟海豚一樣聰明。 來一起讀單字。 mirror鏡子 themselves他們自己 other 別的 smart聰明的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What animal can see itself in a mirror? a. A dog b. An elephant c. A rabbit 2. How do roosters warn other chickens of danger? a. Make a big sound b. Run away c. Fall asleep 3. What was flown over the rooster’s heads? a. An airplane b. Ironman c. A dangerous bird Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 16, 2024 • 5min

These Superhero Fish Lizards Need Our Help!

These Superhero Fish Lizards Need Our Help! Do you know what axolotls are? They're fishy lizards with cute little faces. They have big eyes. And their smiles are funny! 你知道什麼是住在水裡的蠑螈嗎? 他們有一些像蜥蜴,長得很可愛,有著大大的眼睛。 Some say axolotls are "water monsters"! Why?! It's because they stay in the water all the time. Axolotls have superhero superpowers. When they lose an arm or tail, they can grow it back! 有人說牠們是「水怪」! 因為牠們都待在水裡,還有再生能力。手臂或是尾巴斷掉了,可以再長回來。 One kind of axolotl lives in waterways in Mexico City. Sadly, the waterways are dirty from icky, yucky pollution. The pollution makes axolotls sick. There are fewer and fewer axolotls. 有一種水棲蠑螈住在墨西哥市的水道裡面,但是這些水道遭到汙染,讓這種蠑螈越來越少。 Scientists are trying to help these axolotls. They say people can help too! But how? 科學家想要幫助這些小動物,他們說大家也可以來幫忙,那怎麼幫呢? The scientists say people can "adopt" the axolotls. When people adopt a pet, they take it home. But people don't take these axolotls home! 科學家說大家可以「領養」蠑螈,但不是真的要帶牠們回家。 People give the scientists a little money. This helps the scientists take care of the axolotls. They give the axolotls food. And they keep the axolotls' home safe! 科學家希望大眾捐錢,讓科學家有資源照顧蠑螈,也可以保護蠑螈的棲息地。 The scientists tell people about their axolotl online. That way, people know how their axolotl is doing! 科學家會在網頁上告訴大家,他們收養的小傢伙狀況如何、在做什麼。 These superhero fish lizards need our help! Can we save them? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 水棲蠑螈因為居住的地方遭到破壞,數目越來越少。 1. waterway 水道 Look what I've found.你看我找到的。 Tadpoles! 蝌蚪! I haven't seen tadpoles in years! 我好多年沒看到蝌蚪了。 Where did you find them? 在哪裡找到的? In the waterways under the bridge.橋下面的水道。 2. dirty 骯髒的 Yuck! Isn't the water dirty? 好噁喔,那水不是很髒嗎? No, if there are tadpoles, it's not dirty. 不,有蝌蚪水就不髒。 3. adopt 收養 Now what are you going to do with them? 你要拿牠們怎麼辦? I'll adopt them. 我要收養牠們。 You're kidding, right? 你在開玩笑吧? No, I'll help them grow. 不是,我要幫牠們長大。 4. food 食物 They will grow on their own! 牠們會自己長大! And you don't know what food to feed them! 而且你不知道要餵牠們什麼! Fish food. 魚飼料。 你有養過蝌蚪嗎? waterway水道 dirty骯髒的 adopt收養 food食物 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What can axolotls grow? a. A new face b. A new arm c. A new eye 2. What makes the axolotls sick? a. Pollution b. Scientists c. Water monsters 3. How can people help scientists save axolotls? a. Check online b. Adopt axolotls c. Take one home Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 15, 2024 • 5min

Dozens of Dads Clap for Kids

Dozens of Dads Clap for Kids There's a cool team of dads in the USA: The Flash Dads! 美國有一群很酷的爸爸團隊,叫做快閃爸爸。 They're tall dads, short dads, young dads, and granddads! They're thin dads, strong dads, dads with glasses, and dads with beards! There are lots of different Flash Dads, with lots of different jobs. There are firefighter dads, police officer dads, teacher dads, mailman dads, and doctor dads! 這群爸爸有老的、有年輕的、有的戴眼鏡、有的留鬍子,職業包括警察、老師、郵差等等,都不一樣。 They're dads who care about kids. They're fun, friendly, and full of smiles! And, they want to help all kids start their day right: feeling great! 但是他們都很關心小朋友,希望小朋友有好心情展開新的一天。 Dozens of Flash Dads go to a different school every month. Their visit is a surprise! They get to the school early in the morning. As students arrive, the Flash Dads cheer, clap, and high-five them all the way into class! They make the kids feel so happy! 這群快閃爸爸每個月到不同的學校,他們一起歡呼、拍手、擊掌歡迎學生進教室上課。 It's such a fun way to start the day! The Flash Dads cheer for every kid. They show up for all kids, not just their own. 快閃爸爸們不只是為自己的孩子加油,還替所有的小朋友加油。 The Flash Dads want every student to start the day full of energy and feeling great! Good job, Flash Dads! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 快閃爸爸會到學校裡替小朋友加油。 1. cheer 歡呼加油 I'm going to join the Taipei Marathon next year. 我明年要參加台北馬拉松。 Wow! Good for you! 哇,好樣的! Will you come and cheer for me? 你會來幫我加油嗎? 2. strong 強壯的 I'll be happy to! 我很樂意。 I didn't know you're so strong. 我不知道你那麼強壯。 You don't need to be strong to run in a marathon. 跑馬拉松並不需要很壯。 3. full of 充滿 But you do need a lot of energy. 但是你需要很多力氣。 I am full of energy. 我是精力充沛。 4. police 警察 I used to be traffic police, remember? 我以前是交通警察,記得嗎? So you needed to chase bad guys? 所以你要追壞人? No, I needed to blow the whistle. 不,我需要吹哨子。 Let's cheer each other every day! cheer歡呼加油 strong強壯的 full of充滿 police警察 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. Who goes to a different school every month? a. The Flash Dads b. The Fast Dads c. The Flat Dads 2. What does the team do? a. Go to school late b. Clap and high-five c. Study in class 3. Who does the team show up for? a. Teachers b. Their own kids c. Every kid Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c Dozens of Dads Clap for Kids There's a cool team of dads in the USA: The Flash Dads! 美國有一群很酷的爸爸團隊,叫做快閃爸爸。 They're tall dads, short dads, young dads, and granddads! They're thin dads, strong dads, dads with glasses, and dads with beards! There are lots of different Flash Dads, with lots of different jobs. There are firefighter dads, police officer dads, teacher dads, mailman dads, and doctor dads! 這群爸爸有老的、有年輕的、有的戴眼鏡、有的留鬍子,職業包括警察、老師、郵差等等,都不一樣。 They're dads who care about kids. They're fun, friendly, and full of smiles! And, they want to help all kids start their day right: feeling great! 但是他們都很關心小朋友,希望小朋友有好心情展開新的一天。 Dozens of Flash Dads go to a different school every month. Their visit is a surprise! They get to the school early in the morning. As students arrive, the Flash Dads cheer, clap, and high-five them all the way into class! They make the kids feel so happy! 這群快閃爸爸每個月到不同的學校,他們一起歡呼、拍手、擊掌歡迎學生進教室上課。 It's such a fun way to start the day! The Flash Dads cheer for every kid. They show up for all kids, not just their own. 快閃爸爸們不只是為自己的孩子加油,還替所有的小朋友加油。 The Flash Dads want every student to start the day full of energy and feeling great! Good job, Flash Dads! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 快閃爸爸會到學校裡替小朋友加油。 1. cheer 歡呼加油 I'm going to join the Taipei Marathon next year. 我明年要參加台北馬拉松。 Wow! Good for you! 哇,好樣的! Will you come and cheer for me? 你會來幫我加油嗎? 2. strong 強壯的 I'll be happy to! 我很樂意。 I didn't know you're so strong. 我不知道你那麼強壯。 You don't need to be strong to run in a marathon. 跑馬拉松並不需要很壯。 3. full of 充滿 But you do need a lot of energy. 但是你需要很多力氣。 I am full of energy. 我是精力充沛。 4. police 警察 I used to be traffic police, remember? 我以前是交通警察,記得嗎? So you needed to chase bad guys? 所以你要追壞人? No, I needed to blow the whistle. 不,我需要吹哨子。 Let's cheer each other every day! cheer歡呼加油 strong強壯的 full of充滿 police警察 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. Who goes to a different school every month? a. The Flash Dads b. The Fast Dads c. The Flat Dads 2. What does the team do? a. Go to school late b. Clap and high-five c. Study in class 3. Who does the team show up for? a. Teachers b. Their own kids c. Every kid Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 14, 2024 • 5min

These Kids Take the School Boat

These Kids Take the School Boat How do you go to school? Do you take the bus? Do you go by scooter or car? 你每天怎麼上學?你是搭公車、機車還是汽車? What happens when it rains very hard? Maybe you put on a raincoat. You open your umbrella. Then you go to school. When the rain stops, everything's fine. But some kids' lives are changed by rain. 如果下大雨,你會穿雨衣、撐雨傘去上學,雨停了就沒事了。但是有一些地方的小朋友,生活受到大雨的影響。 Last October, it rained very, very hard for two days in Scotland. In one town, roads and bridges broke. Going to school became very tough for the kids there. Now they ride a boat to school early in the morning! 去年十月蘇格蘭連續下了兩天大雨,造成一個小鎮的道路跟橋樑都受到破壞,小朋友必須一早搭船上學。 The kids are waiting for work on the roads and bridges to finish. Then they won't need to ride a boat to school! 小朋友都在等路跟橋修好,才可以不用坐船去學校。 Scotland got too much rain because of climate change.* *Climate change makes the weather very strange. Storms get bigger. Hot times get hotter. Cold times get colder. 因為氣候變遷,蘇格蘭下了太多雨。天氣也變得很奇怪,暴風雨越來越強,夏天越來越熱、冬天越來越冷。 The kids in the town know climate change is real. It's making a big change in their lives every day. Everybody needs to take care of the Earth. Then we can be safe and happy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 氣候變遷的影響無遠弗屆,連上學方式都可能要改變。 1. wait for 等待 Hey, are you waiting for the bus? 你在等公車嗎? Yeah, why else would I be standing here? 是,要不然我怎麼會站在這裡? 2. take 搭乘 But why are you taking a bus? 但是你為什麼要搭公車? Riding a bike is much faster. 騎腳踏車快多了。 No, it’s too cold now. 不要,現在太冷。 3. rain 下雨 Also, it could rain anytime. 而且隨時都可能下雨。 You may be right. 你可能講對了。 I want to get back home in time. 我要及時趕回家。 4. weather 天氣 Yeah, before the weather gets you. 對啊,在壞天氣追上你之前。 Oh, here’s your bus.你的公車來了。 I’ll see you tomorrow. 明天見。 Yeah, bye bye! 拜拜! 你已經記住今天的單字了嗎? wait for等待 take搭乘 rain下雨 weather天氣 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where did it rain very hard for two days in October? a. The USA b. Germany c. Scotland 2. What is making kids in the town ride a boat to school? a. Broken roads b. No umbrellas c. Tough school 3. What makes the weather very strange? a. The Earth b. Climate change c. Storms Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 10, 2024 • 5min

Doctors Give Man New Eye

Doctors Give Man New Eye Doctors are always finding new ways to help people. Now, for the first time ever, they’ve given someone a new eye! His name is Aaron … 醫生有史以來第一次成功移植一顆新的眼球給一個叫作Aaron的人。 Aaron works with electricity. Electricity is full of power. It’s made in power stations. Power lines take electricity to our homes. Aaron在電力公司上班。發電廠生產電,電線再將電傳送到家庭。 One power line takes electricity to many homes. Touching a power line is very dangerous! So power lines are high above the ground. This keeps people safe. 電線傳送電力到不同的家庭。碰觸電線很危險,所以電線都在高處防止人家不小心被電到。 Aaron's job was fixing power lines. One day, he touched a power line. It was an accident. Aaron got a big, bad shock! Seven thousand two hundred volts hit his body. That’s electricity for 30 houses! Aaron 有一天修理電線的時候,遭到7200伏特的高壓電擊中,相當於30間房屋的用電量。 Aaron almost died! Half of his face was gone! One of Aaron's eyes was gone too. Aaron took a selfie. He saw inside his skull! Aaron 差一點死掉,他不僅半張臉毀容,也失去了一隻眼睛。 One hundred forty doctors and nurses worked 21 hours in one day to help Aaron. They saved his life! And, they gave him a new eye too! 140位醫生跟護士花了21個小時,救了他的性命,也給他一顆新的眼球。 A team of over 100 doctors and nurses saved Aaron’s life, and his eye! Vocabulary Aaron雖然身受重傷,在醫護人員全力搶救之下撿回一條命。 1. power 電力 Oh no, the power’s out! 糟糕,停電了! Get the candles! 快去拿蠟燭。 No, you have your cell phone, remember? 不用啦,你記得你有手機吧? But without electricity, my cell phone won’t last long.但是停電,我的手機也維持不了多久。 2. fix 修理 Maybe they can fix the power line fast. 也許他們很快就會把電線修好。 No, I don’t want people to go out in this weather. 不,我不想要人們在這種天氣出門。 3. dangerous 危險的 It’s too dangerous. 太危險了。 That’s true. 那是真的。 You’re right. 你說得對。 We don’t want accidents.我們不想要出什麼事。 4. help 幫忙 I’ll get the candles then. 我去拿蠟燭。 And I can help cook dinner. 我可以幫忙做晚飯。 你的家裡有停電過嗎? power電力 fix修理 dangerous危險的 help幫忙 Quiz 1. Where is electricity made? a. Power lines b. Power points c. Power stations 2. How big was Aaron’s electric shock? a. 30 volts b. 140 volts c. 7,200 volts 3. What did Aaron see in his selfie? a. Inside his skull b. Inside his eye c. Inside his home Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 9, 2024 • 5min

This Ferryboat Flies

This Ferryboat Flies People in Sweden made a flying ferryboat! Wait… what's a ferryboat? Ferryboats are buses on water. They carry many people. People use them to go to work or school. Some ferries carry cars too. Ferryboat渡輪就像水上的公車,載人上班、上學,也可以載車子。 Ferries need to push lots of water so they can move. That takes a lot of energy. All that water makes ferries slow.* *It also makes ferries move side to side and up and down. Many people feel seasick. 渡輪需要很大的動力才能往前走。水流會讓渡輪的速度變慢,也會搖晃。很多人會因此暈船。 The flying ferry from Sweden can carry thirty people. It doesn’t carry cars. It starts in the water. Then it flies close above the water! 瑞典的飛行渡輪可以搭載30個人,它不載車子。它從海上起飛並在海面上飛行。 This flying ferry doesn’t need to push water to move, so it doesn't use a lot of energy. It's very fast. And it doesn't move side to side or up and down. People don't get seasick. 這艘飛行渡輪速度非常快,而且不需要消耗很多的動力,也不會搖晃。 And this ferry is electric! That helps the Earth. Electricity costs ninety percent less than the fuel for other ferries. What a huge saving! That helps ferry companies. 這艘渡輪是電動的! 電力的花費比燃油便宜九成,所以電動飛行渡輪幫助地球也幫助渡輪公司。 Electric flying ferries are good for people, ferry companies, and the Earth! Can we have them in Taiwan? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 瑞典的飛行渡輪解決了許多問題。 1. seasick 暈船 A flying ferryboat. 一艘飛行渡輪。 What a good idea! 好棒的主意! Yeah, I’ve never liked taking boats. 對啊,我從來就不愛搭船。 They make me feel seasick. 會讓我暈船。 2. carry 搭載 But this one seems different. 但是這艘好像不一樣。 I just hope it can carry my bike, too. 我只希望它也能載腳踏車。 3. need 需要 Why do you need your bike? 為什麼需要腳踏車? I need it to go to school. 我需要騎車上學啊。 4. water 水 It lands on water… 它降落在水上… So how do you ride your bike? 所以你要怎麼騎車? It should get close to a dock. 它應該會靠碼頭。 Then I can ride it down the ramp. 然後我就可以騎車下坡道。 你有搭過渡輪嗎? 來讀單字。 seasick暈船 carry搭載 need需要 water水 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What does the flying ferry carry? a. Cars and people b. Cars c. People 2. What is good about the flying ferry? a. It’s very fast. b. It moves side to side. c. It makes people seasick. 3. What makes the flying ferry fly? a. Water b. Electricity c. Wind Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jan 8, 2024 • 5min

Red Hot Seat Surprises Man

Red Hot Seat Surprises Man Narrator: Let's go jogging. We're so full of energy! Electricity is full of energy too. It moves. Think of water flowing in a river. That's how electricity moves. 電力充滿能量,電力流動的方式就像水在河裡流動一樣。 Circuits start and end in the same place. Running tracks are circuits. Hey … let's jog on a circuit! We can jog around and around and around… Circuits help electricity flow safely around and around. Circuit指的是環形的路線,像是操場跑道。Electric circuits則是電路,讓電流穩定流動。 Electric particles: Oh, there's a shorter way to go! Let's take it! Narrator: When electricity finds a shorter way to go, it takes it. This is called a short circuit. Short circuits can be very dangerous. They make electricity flow faster! This makes lots of heat. Too much heat can start a fire! 當電力找到更短的路線的時候,就會發生短路,導致過熱而電線走火。 Anything electric can short circuit… Smart toilets can! 任何電器都有可能短路,智慧馬桶也會喔! Thanks to electricity, smart toilets have nice, warm seats. Smart toilets wash your bottom. Some dry it too. Some can play your favorite songs! 智慧馬桶因為電力可以暖座、沖洗、烘乾,甚至可以播放你喜歡的歌。 In China, a smart toilet short-circuited. It started a big fire! A man was surprised… but not hurt. 在中國,有個智慧馬桶因為短路而燒了起來,幸好沒有人受傷。 But don't worry. Short circuits in smart toilets almost never happen. This toilet wasn't so smart, was it! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 電力對現代人來說太重要了,但是也會有出錯的時候。 1. go jogging 去慢跑 I'm going jogging tonight. 我今晚要去慢跑。 At the stadium? 在體育場嗎? Yeah, would you like to come along? 對,你想一起來嗎? No, too many people. 不了,人太多。 2. around 環繞 Besides, it's not fun. 而且不好玩。 You're just running around and around. 你就是一圈又一圈地跑。 You can listen to music when running.你可以在跑步的時候聽音樂啊。 3. short 短的 Even a short run of 15 minutes would be good for you, you know. 即使只跑短短15分鐘也對你有益,你知道嗎。 4. energy 精力 No, it takes too much energy. 不要,太花力氣了。 I just want to stay nice and warm at home.我只想舒舒服服又暖和的待在家。 請注意,來讀今天的單字。 go jogging去慢跑 around環繞 short短的 energy精力 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What helps electricity flow safely? a. A running track b. An electric circuit c. Your favorite song 2. What can too much heat start? a. A river b. Electricity c. A fire 3. What can short-circuit? a. Anything short b. Anything electric c. Anything smart Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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