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Mar 3, 2024 • 5min

Stolen and Found Bikes

Stolen and Found Bikes In a city in Iceland, many people love cycling. But something bad was happening. Some people were stealing bikes! This worried bicycle owners. Some people stopped using their bikes. 冰島有個城市,居民都愛騎單車,但是單車容易失竊,一些人就不再騎單車了。 One man loves biking. He wanted more people to love it too. So he was very angry. He looked for the stolen bicycles. They were hard to find. But he didn't give up. 有個人很喜歡騎車,也希望更多人會喜歡。單車被偷走令他很生氣,他會到處找失竊的單車。 Sometimes he found stolen bikes where a group of people lived. He talked to them. He didn't like them because they stole things. But now they're his friends. They stopped stealing. Some help him find bikes now! 他找到失竊的車之後,也會跟小偷聊聊,請他們不要再偷車了。他們現在成為朋友,還會幫忙一起找失竊的單車。 The man returns bicycles to their owners. Now, after four years, he's famous. People call him the "bike whisperer." He's very good at finding bicycles! 這個人會把單車歸還給失主。他很會找失竊的單車,大家都稱他為「單車救星」。 He uses social media to help people. 他會用社群媒體來幫助人家。 Are you in Iceland? Did someone steal your bicycle? Ask the bike whisperer for help. Sometimes he finds bikes in two days! 你在冰島嗎?有人偷了你的單車嗎? 趕快找單車救星幫忙,有時候只要兩天就可以找到。 This man wants more people to love bicycling. He finds stolen bikes and he stops people from stealing them. He makes having a bicycle safer. He's the bike whisperer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 冰島這位單車救星,喜歡幫人尋找腳踏車。 1. bike 腳踏車 My friend just told me he stole a bike yesterday. 我朋友剛剛告訴我他偷了一輛腳踏車。 What did you say? 你怎麼說呢? I asked him why he did it.我問他為什麼要那樣。 2. steal 偷竊 He said it's because he loves biking. 他說因為他喜歡騎車。 So he decided to steal it? 所以就決定用偷的? Yeah, I know it's a bad reason. 對,我知道這是個糟糕的理由。 3. angry 生氣的 Did you get angry? 你有生氣嗎? No, why would I get angry? 沒有,我怎麼會生氣? He didn't steal my bike. 他又不是偷我的車。 4. return 歸還 I did tell him to return it to the owner.我有告訴他把車子還給主人。 But he didn't know who the owner was. 但是他不知道主人是誰。 He said he'll put the bike back where he found it. 他說會把車子放回原先的地方。 今天你學到哪些單字? bike腳踏車 steal偷竊 angry生氣的 return歸還 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Where does the man live? a. Iceland b. Finland c. England 2. What do people call the man? a. The bicycling whistle b. The bike whisperer c. The bicycle wheel 3. What is the man good at? a. Selling bikes b. Fixing bikes c. Finding bikes Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 29, 2024 • 5min

A Red Panda for Taipei Zoo

A Red Panda for Taipei Zoo  Taipei Zoo has a new animal from Japan! He's small. He's a fire-colored ball of fur. He's very cute and fluffy! 台北市動物園迎接日本來的新動物。牠很可愛還有蓬鬆的火紅色的毛。 His name is Mirai. He's a red panda! Mirai is four years old. A four-year-old human is a child, but Mirai is not a child. Red pandas live about ten to twelve years. Mirai is a young adult. He’s here to be a dad! 牠的名字叫未來,是一隻4歲的小熊貓。小熊貓的壽命大約10到12歲。牠還很年輕,來台灣當小熊貓爸爸。 Mirai is full of energy. He's excited to meet you! Fan meetings with Mirai start in April. Bring your camera… but no flash, please! Maybe you can see Mirai do something cute! Or maybe you can see him climbing or having a snack. 從四月開始未來就會公開亮相,你可能會看到牠爬樹或吃點心。別忘囉! 拍照不要有閃光燈喔! Every year, Mirai has fewer red panda friends in the world. There are less than ten thousand! Their tree homes are cut down. The places they live are getting hotter. And hotter weather is bad for them. 全世界的小熊貓每年越來越少,現在已經不到1萬隻了。牠們棲息的樹被砍掉,家園也越來越熱。 You can help by doing good things for the Earth. And when you visit Mirai, be nice to him! 你可以做環保幫助地球。記得去看未來的時候,要對牠好一點喔! Mirai, Taiwan's new red panda, is waiting for you at the Taipei Zoo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 台北動物園的小熊貓,四月就可以去拜訪了。 1. small 小的 Look at that poor thing! 你看那個可憐的小東西! Oh my, it’s so small. 天哪,牠好小。 Of course it’s small. It’s a baby bird. 當然小,牠是一隻鳥寶寶。 2. adult 成鳥 I wonder where the adults are. 不知道成鳥在哪裡。 You mean its parents? 你是說牠的爸媽? I think they’re out looking for food.我想出去找食物了。 3. bring 帶來 I do hope they bring back enough food. 我希望牠們帶足夠的食物回來。 That shouldn’t be too hard. 那應該不會太難。 4. something 一些東西 Birds can always find something to eat. 鳥兒總會找到東西吃。 Let’s come back and visit that baby bird again. 我們再回來看那隻小鳥吧。 Yeah, maybe we can see it grow up and fly. 好啊,也許能看到牠長大飛翔。 今天單字很簡短又好用。 small小的 adult成鳥 bring帶來 something一些東西 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where is Mirai from? a. China b. India c. Japan 2. How old is Mirai? a. Four b. Ten c. Twelve 3. Which zoo is Mirai at? a. Hsinchu Zoo b. Taipei Zoo c. Shousan Zoo Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 28, 2024 • 5min

A Festival for People Born on Leap Day

A Festival for People Born on Leap Day Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine… Wait, there are twenty-nine days this February! Today is a leap day! 今年二月有二十九天,今天是閏日。 Can you wait to have your birthday once every four years? Well, about five million people around the world were born on a leap day. These people are called leaplings. 你能等四年才過一次生日嗎? 全世界差不多有500萬人在閏日出生。 After a birthday, leaplings wait for four years for the next one! And they finally have their birthday this year! They're jumping for joy! 這些人今年終於可以過生日了,過完這一次他們需要等四年才能過下一次生日。 Anthony, a small town in Texas, is the Leap Year Capital of the World. This American town is having a three-day Leap Year Festival! It starts tonight! Leaplings from all around the world are going to this big birthday party. 德州安東尼小鎮舉辦為期三天的閏日慶典。從今晚開始,來自全世界的壽星會前往這個盛大的生日派對。 Imagine the sight of fun attractions, the smell and taste of delicious foods, and the sound of cheerful music. At the Leap Year Festival, there will be games, food, and live music for everyone! 閏日慶典會有遊戲、食物還有現場的音樂表演。 Today is a very special day, especially in the Leap Year Capital of the World! Happy Birthday, leaplings! Have a slice or four of birthday cake and have a fabulous, leap-tastic day! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 美國德州有一個小鎮,喜歡替二月29號出生的人舉辦派對。 1. delicious 美味的 Wow, what smells so good? 什麼東西這麼香? It's my roast chicken.是我的烤雞。 Oh, it must be delicious! 一定很好吃! 2. special 特別的 Yes, it's for a special party tonight. 是為了今晚的特別派對。 You're having the party at home? 在家裡辦派對嗎? No, at the town hall.不是,是在里民中心。 3. live music 現場音樂 We'll have live music, food and drinks. 我們有現場音樂,食物和飲料。 What is it for? 是為什麼呢? 4. born 出生 For all the people born before 1950. 為了1950年之前出生的人。 I didn't know old people love parties. 我不知道老年人也喜歡派對。 Everyone loves parties.每個人都喜歡派對。 Do you like parties? Let's read the words. delicious美味的 special特別的 live music現場音樂 born出生 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. How long do leaplings wait for their birthdays? a. One year b. Four years c. Eight years 2. Where is the Leap Year Capital of the World? a. Taipei b. Tokyo c. Texas 3. How many days is the Leap Year Festival? a. One b. Two c. Three Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 27, 2024 • 5min

Every Day Is a Radio Day

Every Day Is a Radio Day Long ago, people had no cellphones. There was no social media. There was no Internet! In Taiwan, there were no TV stations! 很久以前,人們沒有手機、網路跟社交媒體。那時候,台灣也沒有電視台。 How did news travel to people far away? There was radio then. And there's radio now! 那要怎麼讓在很遠地方的人知道新聞呢?當時就是用收音機,現在也是! Radio is free! It's on every day, 24 hours a day. Radio stations broadcast news, talk shows, music, stories, and more. 廣播不僅免費而且每天24小時都有。廣播電台播送新聞、談話節目、音樂、故事等等。 We hear voices and sounds on the radio. We imagine how people, places, and things look or what people are doing. That's why radio is called the "theater of the mind." 我們聽收音機,想像人、事、物的畫面或者人們在做什麼。 Radio broadcasts big news because radios are reliable. No Internet? No electricity? No problem! Radios can still work! In emergencies, we hear about what's happening and learn what to do. 即使缺電、沒有網路,廣播還是可以運作,所以利用它播送重大新聞。緊急的時候,我們還是可以知道發生了什麼事以及該如何應對。 Radio brings us all kinds of music. Listening to many songs lets us find out what we like. Some songs become part of our memories! 我們也可以從收音機聽到各種音樂,找到自己喜歡的歌曲。有一些歌曲還會成為我們的回憶! World Radio Day was this month. But every day is a radio day! Radio broadcasts all the news. Radio gives music to our daily lives. Radio is for all of us! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 廣播曾經是生活重要的一部份。 1. music 音樂 What's that music? 那是什麼音樂? "A Summer Place," from the 1970s.〈夏日地方〉,1970年代的。 It's very nice. 很好聽。 Yeah, we used to listen to music on the radio.對,我們以前都從收音機聽音樂。 2. song 歌曲 Not vinyl records? 不是黑膠唱片? Those came later.那些以後才出現。 Radio was the thing for Western pop songs. 收音機才有西洋流行歌曲。 3. talk show 談話節目 Were there talk shows? 有談話節目嗎? No, but there were radio dramas of ghost stories. 沒有,不過有鬼故事話劇。 4. every day 每天 I was glued to my radio every day. 我每天都黏著我的收音機。 For the ghost stories? 聽鬼故事? For those and more.聽那些跟其他的。 Have you ever listened to music on the radio? Music音樂 song歌曲 talk show談話節目 every day每天 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What do radio stations broadcast? a. Internet b. News c. Places 2. How much does it cost to listen to the radio? a. It's free! b. Four dollars c. Twenty dollars 3. What is radio called? a. Words in our minds b. Songs in the wind c. Theater of the mind Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 26, 2024 • 5min

Clean-Air Heroes on Wheels

Clean-Air Heroes on Wheels Narrator: Around the world, millions of buses make lots of smoke. The smoke makes air pollution. Countries are trying to make their air cleaner. How is China fighting air pollution? 世界各地的公車排放很多廢氣。很多國家想要更乾淨的空氣,中國是如何對抗空氣污染呢? China's cities are using many electric buses, or e-buses. E-buses don't make smoke! They charge their batteries at their bus garage. Then they all drive to their bus stops. They drive about two hundred kilometers a day! 中國用很多電動公車。他們先充電,再前往各個車站,每天大約行駛200公里。 China has the most e-buses in the world. Voices: REALLY?! Narrator: Shenzhen, a big city there, is the first city in the world to have all e-buses! 中國有全世界最多的電動公車。深圳是第一個全面使用電動公車的城市。 E-buses are easy to use in China. They are everywhere! And in L?li?ng, a small city, e-bus rides are free! 中國到處都是電動公車。在呂梁市還可以免費搭乘。 But e-buses also have problems. Making batteries and buses also makes pollution. And batteries don't work well in cold weather. 但是電動公車也有缺點。製造電池跟公車會造成汙染。天氣冷的時候,電池也沒辦法運作。 China is working on these problems. Other countries are watching and learning. 中國正在改善這些問題,其他的國家都很注意,同時也在學習。 Here in Taiwan, all buses will be electric by 2030. Will Taiwan be the first country to have all e-buses? 2030年所有本地公車都會變成電動,這會不會讓台灣成為世上第一個完全使用電動公車的國家? Electric buses help us fight air pollution. Let's ride these clean-air heroes on wheels! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 越來越多城市,打算擴大使用電動公車。 1. electric 電動的 Oh, my, I can hardly breathe! 天啊,我幾乎沒辦法呼吸! Yeah, it really smells bad. 對啊,好難聞喔。 They should switch to electric buses. 他們應該換成電動公車。 2. air 空氣 I agree. 我同意。 It would be so much quieter.會安靜好多。 And much cleaner air. 空氣也乾淨得多。 3. smoke 煙霧 Nowadays I don't take the bus any more.現在我都不搭公車了。 Because of the smoke from traffic? 因為汽車排出來的煙霧嗎? Exactly! 正是! 4. drive 駕駛 Also because I've learned to drive. 也是因為我學會了開車。 Oh no, more pollution. 糟糕,更多污染了。 請跟我讀單字。 electric電動的 air空氣 smoke煙霧 drive駕駛 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Why is China using e-buses? a. For more smoke b. For free rides c. For cleaner air 2. Where do the e-buses charge? a. Any charging place b. Their bus garage c. A big city park 3. When will Taiwan have all e-buses? a. 2030 b. 2040 c. 2050 Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 25, 2024 • 5min

Big Sea Monster Found in the UK

Big Sea Monster Found in the UK There's a big sea monster in the UK. It looks very scary. It's twelve meters long. That's as big as a house! 英國發現一隻巨大的海怪,牠長達12公尺,跟一棟房子一樣大。 It has a lizard's head. But its skull is two meters long! And its mouth has one hundred thirty sharp teeth. This monster might eat you in one bite! 牠的頭部像蜥蜴,光是頭骨就長達兩公尺,還有130顆牙齒。 Ahhh! Thinking about it makes me scared. But do we need to be afraid of this sea monster? Don't worry. It's okay. This animal is NOT alive. Scientists found its skull. 我們需要擔心這頭海怪嗎? 完全不用,因為牠早就死了。科學家找到牠的頭骨。 This animal lived 150 million years ago. That was the time of dinosaurs. This big sea monster is a pliosaur. Pliosaur means "more lizard"! 牠生活在1億5千萬年前恐龍的時代,這頭巨大的海怪是「上龍」。 Long, long ago, it was the king of the ocean. The pliosaur used its four strong flippers to swim very fast. Any other fish or ocean animal was its food. 很久以前,上龍是海洋的掠食者,牠強壯的四肢讓牠游得非常快。 But now it's a fossil. Its teeth and bones are now stones. Scientists want to study this pliosaur. They hope to learn more about this real-world sea monster. 但牠現在變成了化石。科學家想要研究上龍,希望對這頭真的海怪了解更多。 What? You see a big sea monster? Don't worry, it's not a pliosa … ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 上龍可不是童話故事裡的海怪,牠真的在地球上生活過。 1. skull 頭骨 Hey, I just came back from an adventure! 我剛剛探險回來。 Really? What happened? 真的嗎?發生了什麼事? I was at this dinosaur museum, and saw a giant T-Rex skull. 我去恐龍博物館,看到一個巨大的暴龍頭骨。 2. as big as 一樣大 It's as big as my body! 跟我的身體一樣大! No way! 不可能! But it's true. 是真的。 3. scary 讓人害怕的 It's very scary. 它很嚇人。 Okay, what else did you see? 好吧,你還看到什麼? A fish fossil that has hundreds of teeth! 一個魚的化石,有好幾百顆牙齒! 4. teeth 牙齒 Why so many teeth? 為什麼有那麼多牙齒? To eat other monsters? 好來吃別的怪物? 請跟我一起讀單字。 skull頭骨 as big as一樣大 scary讓人害怕的 teeth牙齒 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where was the sea monster found? a. The USA b. The UK c. The UAE 2. How many meters long is the sea monster? a. two b. twelve c. twenty 3. What is the sea monster called? a. Pliosaur b. Lizardsaur c. Dinosaur Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 22, 2024 • 5min

Moos to the Moon

Moos to the Moon What's this smelly thing? Ewww! It's cow poop! Scientists call it cow dung. Most people want to throw it away. It smells bad! But guess what? It can be very useful! 科學家把牛糞叫做 cow dung,牛糞雖然很臭,但其實非常有用! In Japan, a space company wants to use cow dung fuel to make rockets fly! Whoa! 日本有一家太空公司想把牛糞當作火箭的燃料。 Rockets need to fly very high and very fast. They need special fuel. Now a gas company makes this fuel with cow dung! 火箭飛得又高又快, 所以需要特殊的燃料。有一間汽油公司就把牛糞做成了火箭燃料。 The space company tested the rocket fuel. Its rocket shot out blue and orange fire! Everyone was very happy. The rocket can work with the cow dung fuel! 太空公司測試這種燃料,成功點燃了火箭,噴出藍色、橘色的火焰。 Using cow dung for fuel is good. Cow dung is cheap. Farmers have lots of it… and every day, there's mooooo-re! And using it instead of oil helps the Earth. 牛糞燃料是個好主意,農夫每天都可以提供很多牛糞,而且它很便宜,用來取代燃油也很環保。 For Japan, using cow dung is important. Japan doesn't have its own oil. But they can make energy from cow dung. They can make gas to heat homes and make trucks go. And now they make the special rocket fuel! 日本沒有石油,但是可以用牛糞產生動力,用在暖氣、貨車,現在也可以用在火箭上。 Maybe one day, cow poop will fly a rocket to the moooooo-n! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 牛糞居然可以做火箭燃料,想不到吧? 1. orange 橘子、橘色的 Are you making a lantern? 你在做燈籠嗎? I wish. 我希望是。 No, I'm making a kite.不過我是在做風箏。 An orange and blue kite? 橘色跟藍色的風箏? Yeah, bright colors look pretty in the sky.對啊,鮮豔的顏色在天上很好看。 2. can 可以、能 When do you plan to fly it? 你準備什麼時候去放? Right after I'm done.就在做好之後。 Wow, can I go with you? 哇,我可以跟你一起去嗎? Sure.當然。 3. use 使用 How do you know what materials to use? 你怎麼知道用什麼材料? Well, I googled. 我查了谷歌。 4. cheap 便宜的 I like kites. 我喜歡風箏。 They are cheap and lots of fun. 又便宜又好玩。 Let's read today's words. orange橘子、橘色的 can可以、能 use使用 cheap便宜的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What do scientists call "cow poop"? a. Cow dung b. Cow fuel c. Cow smell 2. Where is cow poop used for rockets? a. South Korea b. Japan c. Taiwan 3. Why is using cow poop good? a. It helps the Earth. b. It smells funny. c. It's colorful. Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 21, 2024 • 5min

Chinstrap Penguins Are the Best Nap Masters

Chinstrap Penguins Are the Best Nap Masters Hey! Wake up! Why are you napping? Are you a chinstrap penguin? They love to nap! These penguins have a black line under their chin. They look like they're wearing motorcycle helmets with chin straps. They're chinstrap penguins. 這些企鵝的下巴有一條黑色的紋路,看起像戴了安全帽一樣,他們是帽帶企鵝。 Scientists are studying chinstrap penguins in Antarctica. And you know what? They found out something new! 科學家研究南極的帽帶企鵝,他們有新的發現。 Chinstrap penguins take more than 10,000 naps a day! Each nap is about four seconds long. That's very short! One minute is 60 seconds long! These penguins don't need alarm clocks! 帽帶企鵝一天打瞌睡超過1萬次,一次大約只有4秒。 All those four-second naps give chinstrap penguins 11 hours of sleep a day. That's a lot! But they have work to do too. They take care of their eggs. They keep their eggs safe from other animals. And they find food in the ocean. 每4秒累積下來,帽帶企鵝一天可以睡11個小時。牠們還要孵蛋、保護企鵝蛋跟覓食。 Chinstrap penguins sleep, work, and repeat. Sleep is important for them… and us! We also need to sleep for the energy to do great things! 帽帶企鵝不停地睡覺跟工作,睡眠對牠們很重要。我們也需要睡眠才有活力做事。 Scientists are finding out more about sleep from the best nap masters. Let's take a four-second nap… Voice: Hey! Wake up! Narrator: Oh … OK! I'm awake, I'm awake! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 帽帶企鵝喜歡睡覺,但是他們每次睡眠的時間非常短。 1. wake up 醒來 I'm so tired! 我好累。 Didn't sleep well last night? 昨晚沒睡好? Right, I woke up at least 3 times. 對啊,我醒來三次。 2. motorcycle 摩托車 The motorcycles outside were so noisy! 外面的摩托車吵得要命! That's really annoying. 那真的很討厭。 3. minute 分鐘 Sorry, I can't help it. 真抱歉,我忍不住。 Go take a nap. 去睡一下吧。 You'll feel a lot better after just 10 minutes of sleep. 睡個十分鐘你也會覺得好很多。 4. hour 小時 No, 10 minutes is too short. 不,十分鐘太短了。 I need hours of sleep now. 我現在需要睡好幾個鐘頭。 Then what are you waiting for? 那你還在等什麼? Just go. 就去吧。 你每天睡得夠嗎? 來讀單字。 wake up醒來 motorcycle摩托車 minute分鐘 hour小時 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where do chinstrap penguins live? a. Africa b. Antarctica c. Asia 2. How many naps do chinstrap penguins take a day? a. Less than 10,000 b. 10,000 c. More than 10,000 3. Where do chinstrap penguins find food? a. Ocean b. Forests c. Mountains Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 19, 2024 • 5min

The "Mite-iest" Cheese in the World

The "Mite-iest" Cheese in the World Do you know what people say about stinky tofu? The worse it smells, the better it tastes! 大家都說臭豆腐越臭越好吃。 In Europe, people say the same about cheese. They have lots of cheeses over there. What's the weirdest one? Mite cheese. 歐洲人也說起司越臭越好吃,他們有各種起司,最奇怪的是?起司。 No, no, no! It's not MICE cheese! It's MITE cheese! Mites are very small spiders. They make cheese using their poop! Mite?很像小的蜘蛛,牠們的排泄物可以用來做起司。 Mr. P?schel was a biology teacher. Now he farms mites. He has lots of dark, cool, moist boxes. They're full of millions of mites! He needs them to make mite cheese. P?schel先生以前是生物老師。他現在養?,把牠們養在潮濕陰暗的箱子來做起司。 Mr. P?schel puts soft cheese into the boxes. Then the hungry mites get to work! They climb all over it! Eating and pooping, pooping and eating. Eat. Poop. Eat. Poop. Eat. Poop. They're making mite cheese! P?schel先生把軟質乳酪放進箱子裡,?會爬到起司上,邊吃邊排泄。 Mr. P?schel waits for the mite cheese to get hard. Then he takes it out of the boxes. He's very careful. These mites eat fingernails too! 等到起司變硬了,就可以從箱子裡拿出來。他很小心,這些?也會吃指甲。 His mite cheese is ready to eat. Some say it's tasty. Others want to try it. Spider poop cheese? No, thanks or yes, please? ________________________________________ Vocabulary ?起司的做法真特別,有點兒異想天開。 1. smell 聞起來 What's that you're eating? 你在吃什麼呢? Seafood soup. 海鮮湯。 It smells very strong.聞起來味道很重。 Yeah, I added fish sauce.對,我加了魚露。 2. taste 嚐起來 This actually tastes really good. 它其實很好吃。 You made it yourself? 你自己做的? Right, I learned it from a Thai teacher. 對,我從一個泰國老師學來的。 3. lots of 很多的 I know fish sauce is used in lots of Thai dishes.我知道很多泰國菜都用魚露。 Come, have some. 來吧,吃一點。 Wow! Delicious! 哇,真好吃! I knew you'd like it.我就知道你會喜歡。 4. full of 充滿的 This soup is full of flavor! 這個湯味道濃郁。 Yeah, it's better than other kinds of soup. 它比別的湯都好。 Because it's easy to make.因為它很容易做。 Do you like cheese or Thai food? 來複習一遍單字。 smell聞起來 taste嚐起來 lots of很多的 full of充滿的 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What kind of cheese is made from spider poop? a. Mite cheese b. Mice cheese c. My cheese 2. What does Mr. P?schel keep in dark, cool, moist boxes? a. Stinky tofu b. Millions of mice c. Millions of mites 3. What eats fingernails? a. Mites b. Cows c. Mr. P?schel Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Feb 18, 2024 • 5min

What Killed the Dinosaurs?

What Killed the Dinosaurs? Once upon a time, there were big dinosaurs living on Earth. Why did they go away? 很久以前,恐龍還活在地球上,那牠們為什麼消失了呢? Some people say a very big space rock hit the Earth in Mexico. The "kaboom" was so big that it hit all the dinosaurs. Did this happen? 據說是一顆超大的隕石墜落在墨西哥,讓所有的恐龍滅亡。真的是這樣嗎? Some smart scientists have another idea. They say the dinosaurs are gone because of volcanoes in India. 也有科學家覺得恐龍是因為印度的火山爆發而絕種。 Volcanoes are special mountains. They have holes on top! Volcanoes rumble and grumble. And they shoot out fire! 火山會隆隆作響,還會噴出火焰。 At the time of the dinosaurs, volcanoes shot out lots of fire and smoke. This happened for a very long time. This made the air very smelly. 當時有一段時間火山噴出大量火焰跟濃煙,讓空氣品質惡化。 After many years, the volcanoes changed the weather. The world got very cold. These scientists think this is why the dinosaurs are gone. 多年之後,火山爆發導致氣候變得很冷,科學家覺得這才是恐龍絕種的原因。 So, what made the dinosaurs go? Was it the volcanoes, the big space rock… or both? Scientists are not sure now, but their ideas are very interesting! 究竟是什麼原因讓恐龍消失呢? 是火山,是隕石,還是兩個都有? 科學家還不確定,但是他們的想法很有趣! Today, scientists look for rocks and dinosaur bones in the ground. This helps them learn more about what happened to the dinosaurs! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 有一個理論說火山爆發導致氣候改變,恐龍也因此滅絕。 1. shoot 噴發 Can you imagine Datun Mountain erupting one day? 你能想像有一天大屯山爆發嗎? And shooting out fire and ash? 然後噴出火焰和灰塵? That would be so cool! 那好酷喔! No, it wouldn't. 才不呢。 2. because 因為 Our weather may change because the ash would block the sun.我們的天氣可能改變,因為火山灰會遮住太陽。 3. for a long time 長時間 But Datun Mountain has slept for a very long time. 但是大屯山已經沉睡很久了。 With volcanoes, you never know. 火山是說不準的。 4. scientist 科學家 I'm not worried. We have good scientists. 我不擔心,我們有很好的科學家。 Yeah, let's hope they don't fall asleep.對啊,希望他們不會睡著。 請跟我讀今天的單字。 shoot噴發 because因為 for a long time長時間 scientist科學家 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Where did the big space rock hit the Earth? a. Canada b. Mexico c. India 2. What shoots out of volcanoes? a. Cold air b. Holes c. Fire 3. What do scientists look for to learn about dinosaurs? a. Rocks and bones b. Rumbles and grumbles c. Cold smelly air Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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