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Mar 17, 2024 • 5min

Sunshine Kettle

Sunshine Kettle It's spring! The sun is shining. It makes flowers bloom. It makes the weather warmer. Electricity makes TVs and lights work. Fuel makes planes and cars move. What makes the sun shine? 電視跟電燈靠電力運作,飛機跟汽車則依賴燃油推動。那太陽靠著什麼發光呢? The sun is made of many very small things called atoms. These atoms like to bounce around very fast. Sometimes, they hit each other hard and stick together! When this happens, the atoms become one bigger thing! 太陽由很小的原子組成。這些原子會互相碰撞融合,成為更大的東西。 Lots of energy comes out. It makes the sun shine! This is nuclear fusion! 這就是核融合,這個過程會釋放很多能量,讓太陽發光。 We need this kind of energy. It's good energy. It won't make the environment dirty. So scientists are trying to copy the sun. But it's hard! 我們需要這種能源,因為它不會汙染環境。 Scientists used many strong lights called lasers. They used lasers to shoot at atoms. This made the atoms bounce around very fast and hit each other - just like a mini sun! 科學家對著原子發出雷射光,讓原子產生反應互相碰撞,就像一顆迷你的太陽。 Some energy came out. The electricity from this energy can boil water in a kettle. Scientists are trying to make better mini suns. The world needs lots of energy! 釋放的能源還可以燒開水。科學家努力製造更好的迷你太陽,因為世界需要很多能源。 Scientists are working on nuclear fusion so we can have a better world! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 科學家努力模仿太陽的作用,希望產生更多能源。 1. each other 彼此 Do you see that boy and girl? 你看到那個男孩跟女孩嗎? Do you see how they look at each other? 你有看到他們怎麼看彼此嗎? 2. happen 發生 Yeah, what about it? 看到了,又怎樣呢? Their eyes are shining. 他們的眼睛發亮。 So they're in love. 所以他們在談戀愛。 No, that's not what's happening. 不對,不是那樣。 3. energy 能源、能量 Then what do you think is happening? 那你覺得發生了什麼事? There's this energy between them. 他們之間有一種能量。 4. light 光線 Right, the energy of love. 對,愛的能量。 No, it's the energy of light. 不對,是光的能量。 You're weird, you know that? 你是個怪人,你知道嗎? 這些單字很好用。 each other彼此 happen發生 energy能源、能量 light光線 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What makes planes and cars move? a. Electricity b. Fuel c. Wind 2. What are the scientists trying to copy? a. Lasers b. Electricity c. The sun 3. What can the mini sun do now? a. Light rooms b. Cool food c. Boil water Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 14, 2024 • 5min

The Mystery Cleaner in the Workshop

The Mystery Cleaner in the Workshop Kid: I wish … I wish someone would clean my room! Narrator: Some kids dream of never needing to clean their room again. Can this dream come true? 有一些小孩夢想永遠不用清理房間,這夢想有可能實現嗎? Well, a man in Wales is living this dream. He has a workshop. It's a place where he makes or fixes things. His workshop has many small things in it: nuts, bolts, nails, and more. 有一個住在威爾斯的人就活在這種夢想裡! 他有一間工作室,裡面有很多小東西,像是螺帽、螺栓、釘子等等。 He puts the small things here, there, and everywhere. But every morning, his workshop is cleaned up! All of the small things are in a box. 這些東西散在各處。但是每天早上,有人會收拾他的工作室,所有的小東西都收進盒子裡。 The man thought "Who is doing this for me?" It was a big mystery. He put a video camera in his workshop. Then he watched the video. The cleaner wasn't a person! It was a mouse! Can you imagine a mouse cleaning up for you? That's amazing! 他放了一台攝影機在工作室裡,發現是一隻老鼠在幫他收拾東西。太不可思議了! Was the mouse strong? The man wanted to find out. He gave the mouse some challenges. He put out heavier things. And guess what? This mouse can lift! 他好奇這隻老鼠夠不夠強壯,故意放一些比較重的東西。結果老鼠還是可以把物品舉起來。 This man in Wales never worries about cleaning up now. It's all thanks to the mouse! Do you dream of having a mouse too? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 老鼠會收拾零碎東西,你聽過這種事嗎? 1. never 從不 Cleaning up is never a problem for me. 打掃清潔對我從來不是問題。 Never ever? 從來不是嗎? Right, because my younger sister does it for me. 對,因為我妹妹會幫我做。 2. imagine 想像 Such a nice sister! 這麼好的妹妹! I can't imagine any of my sisters doing that. 我不能想像我的姐妹會那樣。 3. workshop 工作室 So you've got a problem. 所以你有個難題。 No, I don't. 我沒有。 Because I sleep in my workshop. 因為我睡在工作室。 4. worry 擔心 It only has a bed, a desk and a chair. 那裏只有一張床,桌子和椅子。 Very simple.非常簡單。 And you don't worry about dust? 你不擔心灰塵? Not at all.一點也不。 你今天學到哪些單字? never從不 imagine想像 workshop工作室 worry擔心 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Who is cleaning up the workshop? a. A person b. A nut c. A mouse 2. In the morning, what are all the things in? a. A bag b. A bowl c. A box 3. What does the man use to find out who is cleaning up? a. A video camera b. A bolt c. A mystery Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 13, 2024 • 5min

Cats Are Okay to Have Again in Singapore

Cats Are Okay to Have Again in Singapore Cats are great! They have cute meows and quiet purrs. They're small. They can stay indoors 24 hours a day. Cats are good pets! 貓咪不論喵喵叫或是發出呼嚕聲都很可愛,又可以24小時都待在室內。 Lots of people like having cats. But in Singapore, having cats was a problem for many people. These people live in government apartments. Singapore's government makes these apartments. About 80% of Singaporeans live in them. 很多人喜歡養貓,但是養貓在新加坡,可能會帶給很多人麻煩。這些人住在政府興建的社會住宅。新加坡有百分之80的人住社會住宅裡。 But there was a law for people in these apartments. The law was made more than 30 years ago. It was a law against having cats! 30多年前,法律規定住在社會住宅的人不可以養貓。 Why? Well, the government thought cats caused problems. Some cats ran out of apartments. Some people didn't like cat hair in shared places. 政府認為貓會造成麻煩,牠們會從公寓跑出去,也有一些人不喜歡公共空間有貓毛。 But people in these apartments could have dogs! That didn't seem fair. Cats are quieter than dogs. Cats also don't bite people as much. 但是社會住宅可以養狗。這好像不公平,貓比狗安靜也比較不會咬人。 But now there's good news! The government changed the law! Having cats is okay again! 現在有好消息! 政府修改了法律,住戶又可以養貓了。 Cat lovers in Singapore's government apartments are happy. They can have one or two cats now. That's great for these cat lovers, and for the cats! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 新加坡放鬆了貓咪管制,讓愛貓人很開心。 1. bite 咬 Will you look after my dog when I'm away? 我不在的時候你可以照顧我的狗嗎? Does he bite? 牠會不會咬人? No, Bruno won't bite my friends.不會,布魯諾不會咬我的朋友。 2. cause 造成 But he's never met me. 但是牠從來沒見過我。 Yeah, you're right.對,你說得對。 That may cause some problems for you. 那對你可能會造成問題。 3. apartment 公寓 Tell you what. 我跟你說。 Come to my apartment for dinner tonight. 今晚來我的公寓吃晚飯吧。 It will give you two a chance to meet each other. 讓你們兩個有機會見見面。 4. quiet 安靜的 Free dinner is always welcome. 免費的晚飯是很受歡迎的。 I hope you'll think Bruno is a nice and quiet dog. 我希望你覺得布魯諾是安靜的乖 狗。 你有養小狗或是小貓嗎? 來讀單字。 bite咬 cause造成 apartment公寓 quiet安靜的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What percentage of Singaporeans live in government apartments? a. 24 b. 30 c. 80 2. What was the law against having? a. Cat hair b. Cats c. Problems 3. What did the government change? a. A law b. Dogs c. An apartment Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 12, 2024 • 5min

Very Big Goldfish in Lakes Worry Scientists

Very Big Goldfish in Lakes Worry Scientists Goldfish are sooooo cute! People see them and want them! Goldfish are good pets. They're small. They can live in a small fishbowl. They're easy to take care of. 金魚是很好養的寵物,牠們小小的,可以養在小魚缸裡。 But goldfish aren't always small. They can get very big. Now fishermen are finding big goldfish in the Great Lakes in the USA and Canada. 但是金魚也可以變得很大隻,漁民位於在加拿大和美國的五大湖找到大金魚。 These fish are forty centimeters long! *gasp* They're as big as American footballs! Can you imagine a football in a fishbowl? 這些魚居然有40公分長! 跟美式足球一樣大! Scientists say pet goldfish don't belong in lakes. They belong in fishbowls. But some people don't want their goldfish anymore. They put their fish in lakes. 科學家說金魚不應該在湖裡,應該在魚缸裡。但是有一些人不想養了,就把魚野放到湖裡。 One scientist says goldfish eat "anything and everything." But not many animals eat goldfish. And these fish have many baby fish every year! 一位科學家還說金魚什麼都吃,但是沒有什麼動物會吃牠們,而且每一年又生很多金魚寶寶。 Now there are millions of very big goldfish in the Great Lakes. Scientists are very worried. The fish aren't good for lake water. They aren't good for the plants and animals there. 五大湖現在有數百萬隻超大金魚,牠們對湖泊的水質、動植物都有害,讓科學家很擔心。 Small, cute goldfish eat everything in lakes and get very big. Let's help keep lakes free from gol… ________________________________________ Vocabulary 超大金魚有可能破壞自然環境。 1. small 小的 What a lovely fishbowl! 好可愛的魚缸! And you have five goldfish there! 你有五條金魚! Yeah, I used to have 8, but maybe my fishbowl is too small. 對,我以前有八條魚,但我的金魚缸可能太小了。 2. belong 屬於 Maybe they belong in a pond. 也可能牠們屬於池塘。 No, my fishbowl is a nice place. 不會,我的金魚缸是個好地方。 3. everything 所有東西 See how happy these five goldfish are! 你看這五條魚多快樂! What do they eat? 牠們吃什麼呢? They eat everything. 什麼都吃。 4. centimeter 公分 I sometimes feed them cooked rice. 我有時候餵牠們吃飯。 Will they grow bigger? 牠們會不會長更大? Yeah, to at least 10 centimeters. 會,至少長到十公分長。 Do you like goldfish? 來讀一遍單字。 small小的 belong屬於 everything所有東西 centimeter公分 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. How many centimeters long can goldfish get? a. Four b. Fourteen c. Forty 2. Where do scientists say pet goldfish belong? a. Lakes b. The sea c. Fishbowls 3. Where are the goldfish in this story? a. The USA b. Japan c. Taiwan Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 11, 2024 • 5min

The TreeHugging World Championships

The TreeHugging World Championships There's a sport for everyone! If you're fast, you can run. If you're strong, you can lift weights. If you're creative and love nature, you can hug a tree! 如果你速度夠快,可以去賽跑。力氣夠大,可以去舉重。現在有個適合大家的運動,如果你很有創意又熱愛大自然,你可以去抱樹。 Finland is a country in northern Europe. It's full of trees. More than 70% of Finland is forest! Every year, people from everywhere go to a forest there. They take part in … the TreeHugging World Championships! 芬蘭是一個北歐國家,而且超過七成的領土是森林。每年世界各地的人都會到芬蘭的森林參加擁抱大樹世界錦標賽。 These people do three tasks in this contest. First, they give hugs to as many trees as they can for one minute! 參賽者需要做三個項目。首先他們要比誰在一分鐘內抱最多的樹。 Second, they hug their favorite tree as hard as they can for one minute! The hug needs to show love for the tree. 第二個是他們要緊緊抱住他們喜歡的樹,表達對樹的喜愛。 Third, they give a tree a very special hug for one minute. The hug can be as creative as they like! They can stand on their hands and hug a tree upside down! 最後他們要用創意的方式擁抱大樹一分鐘,像是倒立擁抱大樹。 This contest was made to get people everywhere to love and care for trees. 這個比賽讓世界各地的人愛護樹木。 Today is Arbor Day, a special day about trees! If you love trees, today's a good day to hug one! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 你真得是一個熱愛樹木的人,才能參加這種比賽。 1. forest 森林 Don't you just love seeing so many trees? 你喜歡看到這麼多樹吧! Yeah, it's almost like a forest. 對啊,幾乎像個森林。 It IS a forest. 它是一座森林啊。 2. full of 充滿 Not quite yet, but it's getting there.還沒有到那個程度,不過快了。 What I like about this place is that it's full of flowers. 我喜歡這個地方有好多花。 Yeah, so many azaleas. 對,好多杜鵑花。 3. everywhere 到處 They have different flowers in different seasons. 不同季節有不同的花。 And you can see them everywhere in the park.公園裡到處都看得到。 4. run 跑步 You know this park well. 你對這座公園很熟。 I should. I run around the park every morning.我應該熟,我每天早上都在這裡跑步。 Are you a tree lover? forest森林 full of充滿 everywhere到處 run跑步 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What do people hug in the contest? a. Heads b. Tasks c. Trees 2. Where is Finland? a. Africa b. Europe c. South America 3. When does this contest happen? a. Every month b. Every year c. Every five years Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 10, 2024 • 5min

Check-Ins at the Seahorse Hotel

Check-Ins at the Seahorse Hotel A special fish called a seahorse lives in the ocean. Its head looks like a horse's head. But it's much smaller than a horse! 住在海裡的海馬,頭都看起來像馬,但比馬小非常多。 Seahorses live under rocks and inside corals. But sometimes boats bump into their homes. Sometimes big storms blow their homes away! Then hungry ocean animals can find them. 海馬住在石頭底下或珊瑚礁中。但有時候船隻會撞到牠們的家,暴風雨也會把家吹走,其他飢餓的海洋動物就很容易找到牠們。 An aquarium is a zoo for fish. In Australia, an aquarium and a group of scientists both take care of baby seahorses. Later, they take them to the ocean. The scientists make seahorse hotels. These hotels are old nets and cages. Corals and ocean plants grow on them. 澳洲有一間水族館跟一群科學家照顧海馬寶寶,再把牠們放回大海。科學家利用舊漁網跟籠子讓珊瑚跟海生植物生長,打造了海馬旅館。 These hotels are safe from boats and storms. They keep those hungry ocean animals out! And they help more seahorses live and have babies in the ocean. People swimming near these hotels can see these fish now! 這些旅館不會被船或暴風雨破壞,也防止海馬被其他的動物吃掉,讓海馬可以生存繁衍後代。 Aquariums, scientists, and seahorse hotels are helping these special fish have a new start in Australia! Go, fish! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 科學家做了海底旅館給海馬住。 1. aquarium 水族館 I love zoos, but I love aquariums more. 我喜歡動物園,不過更喜歡水族館。 Because they are more colorful? 因為顏色比較繽紛? Because I don't need to walk a lot in an aquarium. 因為水族館裡不需要走很多路。 2. animal 動物 That's true. And ocean animals are so cute! 那是真的。而且海洋動物好可愛! Yeah, all those tropical fish, oysters, shrimp…對啊,那些熱帶魚,牡蠣,蝦子… 3. take 帶領 I'm sure there are no oysters in an aquarium. 我確定水族館裡沒有牡蠣。 There are. Let me take you to Keelung tomorrow. 有的,我明天帶你去基隆看。 4. hungry 飢餓的 The truth is I'm hungry for seafood. 其實我是很想吃海鮮。 Me too! 我也是! 請跟我一起讀單字。 aquarium水族館 animal動物 take帶領 hungry飢餓的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where do seahorses live? a. On top of corals b. Inside corals c. Outside corals 2. What are seahorse hotels made from? a. Nets b. Plastic c. Rocks 3. What is true about seahorses? a. They're fish. b. They're big. c. They're horses. Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 7, 2024 • 5min

Company Thanks Dead Pests

Company Thanks Dead Pests **Voice: *Ewww, gross! *gasp** What did I do?! I’M SORRY, COCKROACH!!! Narrator: Most people aren't sad about killing these big brown bugs! Cockroaches are pests. Mosquitoes, flies, and other bugs are pests too. Pests carry lots of germs and diseases. Pests can make you very sick. 蟑螂、蚊子跟蒼蠅等等都是害蟲。牠們身上有很多細菌跟病毒讓人生病。 Pesticides are special sprays, gels, and smells that kill pests. Big companies have their own bugs for testing. They want to make sure their pesticides kill bugs. 殺蟲劑是特殊的噴霧、凝膠跟氣味。大公司會養害蟲測試殺蟲的功效。 In Japan, one pesticide company has around one million cockroaches and more than one hundred million ticks! 日本有一間殺蟲劑公司需要大約100萬隻蟑螂跟超過一億隻的壁蝨。 This company kills millions of bugs. It kills them to keep people safe from disease. But killing bugs makes the company’s workers very sad. 這間公司殺了數百萬隻蟲,雖然是為了預防疾病,但是殺蟲還是讓員工很難過。 Every year, this company has a ceremony at a temple. The ceremony is to thank the dead bugs. A priest prays in front of many pictures of dead bugs. It’s very sad and very serious … 每一年公司都會在寺廟設祭壇,感謝這些死掉的蟲子,場面嚴肅而哀傷。 Goodbye, dead pests! The next time you see a bug, why not … Yuck! Whoops … Vocabulary 日本這家殺蟲劑公司,每年紀念犧牲的昆蟲。 1. mosquito 蚊子 There! Got you! 打到你了! Another mosquito? 又一隻蚊子? Why do we have so many mosquitoes this year? 今年我們怎麼這麼多蚊子? 2. fly 蒼蠅 Look at your broken window. 看看你破掉的窗戶。 That’s why.那就是原因。 You’re right. Just yesterday 3 flies came in. 你說對了,昨天三隻蒼蠅跑進來。 3. make sure 確保 They didn’t stop on my bread, did they? 他們沒有停在我的麵包上吧? No, I made sure they were dead. 沒有,我確保牠們死了。 That’s really something! 這個就厲害了! 4. pesticide 殺蟲劑 How did you do it? 你是怎麼辦到的? Easy. I used pesticide. 很簡單,我用了殺蟲劑。 Uh…That’s actually not a good idea. 那其實不是個好主意。 今天你學到那些單字? mosquito蚊子 fly蒼蠅 make sure確保 pesticide殺蟲劑 Quiz 1. What do pests carry? a. Flies b. Germs c. Gels 2. Which of these are not pests? a. Cockroaches b. Mosquitoes c. Pesticides 3. How many ticks does the pesticide company have? a. More than one hundred million b. Around one million c. One Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 6, 2024 • 5min

A Day for the World's Readers

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ Scientists found a new kind of giant worm. They were thirty centimeters long! They swam in the ocean more than five hundred million years ago. Many ocean animals were small then. These giant worms ate lots and lots of them! 科學家找到一種新的巨大蠕蟲。牠們長30公分,生活在5億多年前的大海,當時的海生動物都很小,這些巨大蠕蟲掠食其他動物。 But today isn't World Worm Day. It's World Book Day! It's a day for bookworms! What are bookworms? Are they worms that eat books? No! Bookworms are people who love reading. Bookworms read lots and lots of books! 但是今天不是世界蠕蟲日,是世界閱讀日! 是書蟲的日子,不是啃書的蛀書蟲,而是指愛看書的人,他們讀很多很多書。 This funny name wasn't nice. People said, "Oh, she's a bookworm." But now, bookworms are cool! Reading helps us know about things. When scientists find something new, they write about it. 閱讀幫助我們學習新知。當科學家有新發現的時候,他們就會紀錄下來。 Now we know about those giant worms. Why? It's because a bookworm scientist wrote about them. 現在我們能知道這些巨大蠕蟲,就是因為有一位書蟲科學家把牠寫了下來。 World Book Day is a special day for bookworms! You can be a bookworm too! 世界閱讀日對書蟲來說是特別的日子! 你也可以成為書蟲! Today is World Worm Day!! Uh… Wait… That's not right. It's World Book Day! Read more books! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 世界閱讀日鼓勵大家多看書。 1. read 閱讀 Are you reading again? 你又在看書了? Did you go to the Book Fair? 你有去書展嗎? Of course I did. How could I miss it? 當然有啦,我怎麼可能錯過? 2. interesting 有趣的 So you found something interesting? 所以你找到一些有趣的東西? Oh yes, I found lots of fun books. 有,我找到很多好玩的書。 Like this one.比如說這一本。 3. learn 學習 Let me see. 我看看。 "How to Learn More without Trying?" 《如何不費力卻學更多》? Do you really believe this? 你真的相信這個喔? Don't know. I haven't finished reading it yet. 不知道。我還沒看完。 4. kind 種類 But it's my kind of book. 不過這種書很適合我。 Learning without trying. 不用努力就學會。 一起來讀單字。 read閱讀 interesting有趣的 learn學習 kind種類 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What are people who love reading called? a. Earthworms b. Book hippos c. Bookworms 2. What kind of new worm did scientists find? a. A very small worm b. A giant worm c. A worm that eats books 3. What is today? a. World Water Day! b. World Book Day! c. World Worm Day! Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 5, 2024 • 5min

A Fight About Pineapple Pizza in Italy

A Fight About Pineapple Pizza in Italy Something's in the oven. Let's guess what it is. It's round. The bottom is bread. On top, there's cheese, olive oil, basil… 烤箱裡是什麼? 我們來猜猜看,圓的,下面是麵包,有起司、橄欖油跟羅勒。 It's a pizza! What!? There are a lot of pineapple slices on the pizza too!? But there's no tomato sauce or ham! This isn't a Hawaiian pizza. It's a new kind of pineapple pizza! 居然還有很多的鳳梨,但是沒有番茄醬跟火腿。這不是夏威夷披薩,這是新的口味。 Pizza has a long history in Naples, the pizza city of Italy. There are even food laws to keep the traditional ways of making pizzas in Italy. This pineapple pizza isn't a traditional pizza. It's new! 義大利拿坡里有長遠的披薩歷史,甚至對披薩的傳統做法有法律規定。但是這個鳳梨披薩是新的披薩。 People love this new pineapple pizza… or they hate it. Some people like to try new pizzas. They hold a slice of the pizza and say "Yum!" Other people want to eat only traditional pizzas. They shake their heads and say "Nooo!" Uh oh! There's a food fight! It's on the TV news in Italy. 這種新的鳳梨披薩有人喜歡、有人討厭。有人願意嘗試,也有人只想吃傳統披薩。這掀起一場美食大戰,甚至上了義大利電視新聞。 Eating a pizza is all about sharing the many slices. Let's not fight. An order for the new pineapple pizza is coming right up! Do you want to try a bite? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 披薩口味越來越多元,每個人都有自己喜歡的披薩。 1. make 做 I'm hungry. How about we make a pizza together? 我餓了。我們一起做個披薩如何? Great idea; I love pizza! 好主意,我愛披薩。 2. tomato 番茄 I like olives, seafood and basil. 我喜歡橄欖,海鮮和羅勒。 And I like tomato sauce and lots of cheese. 我喜歡番茄醬,還有很多起司。 Okay, let's put those on our pizza.好,通通放在披薩上。 3. share 分享 Let's make a big one to share it with others. 我們做個大的,好跟別人分享。 4. oven 烤箱 Yeah, pizza is all about sharing. 對,披薩就是要分享。 Oh, no! I forgot my oven is broken. 糟了,我忘了我的烤箱壞了! Where's the phone number of that pizza place nearby? 附近那家披薩店的電話是多少? 來一起讀單字。 make做 tomato番茄 share分享 oven烤箱 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What pizza topping is on the new pizza? a. Pepperoni b. Mushroom c. Pineapple 2. What is on the TV news in this story? a. Food laws b. A food fight c. A pizza order 3. Which country has the new pizza? a. Iceland b. India c. Italy Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 4, 2024 • 5min

Leftovers at the Zoo

Christmas Leftovers at the Zoo There's exciting news at the zoo! Guess what happened after Christmas! The holiday fun didn't end! In Germany, the Berlin Zoo had a special treat for their animals. The treat was… Christmas trees! 聖誕節過後,德國柏林動物園有特別的禮物要給園區的動物,那就是聖誕樹! The elephants stepped on the trees. Then they pulled off the tree branches with their long trunks. They enjoyed munching on the branches. They ate their trees quickly. 大象會踏在樹幹上,用牠們長長的象鼻把樹枝扯下來,吃得津津有味。 The bison used the trees for fluffy pillows. Then they ate the trees. Reindeer, Santa Claus' special pets, used the trees for massages and body scrubs. 野牛會把樹當作枕頭,然後把它吃掉。馴鹿則是用樹幹來抓癢跟按摩。 The animals were very happy with their Christmas tree snacks and toys! But here's the surprise. Not all trees are good for the animals. The zookeepers only used fresh trees. They got them from Christmas tree sellers. These trees weren't sold. They were leftovers! 但不是所有的樹都適合動物,只能是新的樹。保育員從聖誕樹商店取得剩下的聖誕樹,送給動物。 The zookeepers never use trees from people's homes. These trees might not be clean for the animals to eat. 保育員從來不拿家裡用過的聖誕樹當作動物的食物,因為可能不衛生。 Every year, after Christmas Day, the zoo gives these special trees to their animals. This turns leftover Christmas trees into tasty treats and toys for cute zoo animals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 柏林動物園把沒有用過的聖誕樹,當成送給動物的禮物。 1. zookeeper 保育員 I took my son to the zoo on the weekend. 我周末帶我兒子去動物園。 Did you have lots of fun? 玩得開心嗎? Oh yes, the zookeeper let him pet a pony。開心,保育員讓他拍小馬。 2. enjoy 喜歡 He couldn't stop talking about it. 他一直講這件事,停不下來。 I guess he enjoyed it a lot! 我猜他很喜歡。 3. quickly 快速地 Yeah, so I quickly bought a stuffed toy horse for him. 所以我趕快去買了一個玩具馬給他。 And he loved that too! 他也很喜歡那個玩具。 4. cute 可愛的 My favorite animal in the zoo is the elephant. 我最喜歡的動物園動物是大象。 It's big, but very cute. 牠很大,但是很可愛。 What's your favorite animal in the zoo? 來一起讀單字。 zookeeper保育員 enjoy喜歡 quickly快速地 cute可愛的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What did the reindeer do with the Christmas trees? a. Scrub their bodies b. Sleep on them c. Step on them 2. Where did the zoo get Christmas trees? a. Christmas tree sellers b. People's houses c. Forests 3. What do leftover Christmas trees turn into at this zoo? a. Special days b. Bison c. Tasty treats Answers: 1. a 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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