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Mar 31, 2024 • 5min

Scarves Warm Hearts

Scarves Warm Hearts Something wonderful happens in cities in Canada and the U.S. every year. It started long ago with a surprise! On a very cold day in a Canadian city, fourteen statues of great heroes… wore scarves?! 每一年冬天,加拿大跟美國很多城市都會發生美妙的事。最開始是很多年前一個寒冷的冬日,加拿大城市的14座偉人雕像,脖子上都圍了圍巾。 The colorful scarves were handmade. Each scarf had a message that warmed people's hearts. And the scarves were free! 這些色彩繽紛,手工做的圍巾都可以免費拿取,上面還有溫馨的小紙條。 Some people took pictures of the statues that day. They posted the pictures online. Many people liked the idea of leaving scarves for anyone to take! They called it "scarf bombing." 有人拍了雕像的照片並放到網路上。很多人喜歡用這樣的方式送愛心圍巾! So who scarf bombed the statues? Some kind students did! The kindness didn't stop. Lots of people need scarves. So scarf bombers in many cities make scarves all year. They're making hats, gloves, jackets, and blankets right now! Other people help by giving the scarf bombers yarn. 很多人需要圍巾,於是很多不同城市的人一整年都在做圍巾,搞不好現在正在做帽子、手套、外套跟被子。也有人提供他們的毛線,讓善意一直傳下去。 When cold weather comes, they make scarf bombs. They put the things they made on fences, benches, and many other places. 天氣很冷的時候,他們會把圍巾跟其他做的物品綁在欄杆、長椅跟其他的地方。 Small acts of kindness are important. Leaving warm scarves for people makes them happy. And it brings people together! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 雕像圍上圍巾,目的是提醒大家,有溫暖的圍巾可以自由取用。 1. jacket 夾克 It's freezing today! 今天冷死了! Where's your jacket? 你的夾克呢? I didn't bring one. 我沒帶。 I didn't know it'd be so cold! 我不知道會這麼冷! 2. kind 好心的 Here, let me at least offer you my scarf. 來,至少讓我借你我的圍巾。 Thank you. You're so kind! 謝謝,你人真好! 3. wear 穿戴 How did you know to wear a heavy coat? 你怎麼知道要穿厚外套? Yesterday was so warm.昨天那麼溫暖。 4. online 上網 I just happened to see an online weather forecast. 我只是剛好在網上看到氣象預報。 Don't worry. It'll warm up tomorrow. 別擔心,明天就會變溫暖。 That's good to know. 這是好消息。 我們來讀單字。 jacket夾克 kind好心的 wear穿戴 online上網 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Where does scarf bombing happen? a. Taiwan b. Canada c. Japan 2. Where can people find these scarves? a. Fences b. Desks c. Libraries 3. What do people give to help scarf bombers? a. Money b. Yarn c. Food Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 28, 2024 • 5min

Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake

Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake Narrator: One snowy winter day, a man and his dog Ruby hiked to a lake. The weather was so cold that the lake water was frozen! They walked on the ice. 一個下雪的日子,一位男子跟他的狗狗Ruby爬山去了一個湖。天氣冷到湖面都結冰了,他們直接走在湖面上。 But then the ice broke! The man fell into the icy water! He couldn't get out! Man: Help! Hello? Help! Please, someone help! Narrator: Ruby stayed by him. Someone called the police. 但是湖面的冰突然碎裂,男子掉進水裡出不來。Ruby待在他身邊,目擊者趕緊報警。 The police officer was worried. The ice might break more! So he tried to throw a rope to the man … Police: I'm going to try to send this out to you, OK? Narrator: But the man was too far! 警察擔心湖面的冰會有更多裂痕,於是把繩子扔給男子,但距離實在太遠了。 The officer called the man's dog … Police: Ruby! Ruby, come here! Come here, Ruby … That's it. Narrator: Ruby ran to the officer. He gave her one end of the rope. The officer told the man to call Ruby … Police: Call her! Call her! Narrator: The man called Ruby … Man: Ruby! Good girl, come here! Narrator: She ran back to the man with the rope … Man: Ruby! That's it! Yes, well done! Good girl. Narrator: Then the officer pulled the rope. He got the man out of the icy water! 警察叫Ruby過來,把繩子的一頭交給狗狗。接著主人就叫Ruby回來,他抓住Ruby帶過來的繩子,然後警察從另一邊拉,終於把人救了出來。 The man went to the hospital. He was okay! Ruby saved the man. This dog is truly this man's best friend! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 聰明又忠實的狗狗,是人類最好的朋友。 1. winter 冬季 I want to live in a place that has a real winter. 我想要住在有真的冬天的地方。 What's wrong with the winter here? 這裡的冬天有什麼不對? It's too warm. 太溫暖了。 2. ice 冰 There's no snow. 都沒有雪。 But with snow comes a lot of ice.但是下雪就會結很多冰。 Icy roads and houses are not fun. 結冰的馬路跟房子都不好玩。 3. frozen 冰凍的 Oh, but I want to see white, snowy mountains. 可是我要看蓋滿白雪的山脈。 And I'd like to skate on a frozen lake. 也想在冰凍湖面上溜冰。 4. hike 健行 And go hiking on mountain trails too? 也要走山路健行嗎? Well, I'd prefer taking a gondola up there. 這個嘛,我比較想坐纜車上去。 今天的單字都跟冬天有關。 winter冬季 ice冰 frozen冰凍的 hike健行 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What kind of animal is Ruby? a. A cat b. A dog c. A horse 2. Who came to help the man? a. A police officer b. A hiker c. A friend 3. What did Ruby take to the man? a. A drink b. A rope c. Ice Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 27, 2024 • 5min

Out of Gas But Unstoppable

Out of Gas But Unstoppable  People love ordering food online*. *Food delivery drivers are busy! In India, one delivery driver uses his scooter to deliver food orders. But one day, it needed gas. He went to the gas station. 人們喜歡線上點餐,讓外送員都很忙碌。印度有一位外送員騎機車送訂單。有一天他的機車需要加油,就去了加油站。 At that time, everyone was worried about gas. Was there enough? Maybe not! So everyone wanted to buy gas. The line at the gas station was very long! 當時大家都很擔心汽油不夠,所以都去買油,讓加油站大排長龍。 The man waited… three hours! Then he got a new food order. This was a big problem. He didn't want his hungry customer to wait! But his scooter needed gas. 這位外送員一等就是三個小時,但是他有了新訂單,不能讓客人等。 The man had an idea. He used his friend's horse! He got the food. He put the red delivery bag on his back. Then he rode the horse to deliver the customer's order. 他有個主意,他可以騎朋友的馬送餐! 他騎著馬、揹著紅色外送袋去送客人訂的餐點。 The road was busy and noisy. But the horse walked calmly. 街道非常吵雜又擁擠,但是馬冷靜地向前走。 People were amazed to see a delivery driver riding a horse! Some posted pictures online of this unstoppable food delivery driver. He became famous! 路人都很驚訝看到外送員騎馬送訂單,有一些人上傳照片到網路上,讓他一炮而紅。 His scooter was out of gas, but this delivery driver found a cool way to do his job! Giddyap, horsey! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 騎馬送餐去,真是使命必達。 1. famous 著名的 What’s that long line for? 那麼長的隊伍在做什麼? Don’t you know? That’s the famous pancake store. 你不知道嗎?那是有名的鬆餅店。 2. wait 等待 People are lining up for pancakes? 大家為了鬆餅排隊?! Yeah, I once waited one hour standing there. 對啊,我有一次站在那兒等了一個鐘頭。 3. amazed 驚訝的 I’m amazed you’d do something like that. 我很驚訝你會做那種事。 Well, you’ve never tasted their pancakes. 因為你沒吃過他們的鬆餅。 4. deliver 運送 No, I'm amazed you didn’t have it delivered to you. 不,我是驚訝你沒有叫外送。 For pancakes, you have to eat it nice and hot. 鬆餅一定要吃熱呼呼的啊。 今天學到哪些單字? famous著名的 wait等待 amazed驚訝的 deliver運送 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What is the man's job? a. Camera operator b. Horse trainer c. Food delivery driver 2. How long did the man wait for gas? a. 3 minutes b. 30 minutes c. 3 hours 3. What was the man's idea? a. Order food b. Ride a horse c. Become famous Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 26, 2024 • 5min

Hermit Crabs Reuse Our Trash

Hermit Crabs Reuse Our Trash Why is that plastic bottle cap moving? Oh! A hermit crab is using it as a shell! 怎麼有塑膠瓶蓋在移動呢? 原來有寄居蟹把它當作外殼! Hermit crabs don't have their own shells. But they need one to live. Most hermit crabs use sea snail shells. But people are seeing hermit crabs using our plastic trash as their shells! They're seeing this all over the world! 寄居蟹沒有自己的外殼,但是牠們需要殼才能活下去。通常牠們用海螺的殼。可是現在到處都有人看到寄居蟹用塑膠垃圾當作外殼。 Is plastic good or bad for hermit crabs? Some plastic is lighter than shells. It can make walking around easier for these crabs. But some plastic may be bad for their health. 塑膠對寄居蟹是好還是壞呢? 有一些塑膠比貝殼還輕,但是有的卻可能會傷害牠們的健康。 Using our trash as their shells can be both good and bad for hermit crabs. Researchers are looking for more answers. 用塑膠垃圾當作寄居蟹的外殼有好有壞,研究員還在找答案。 While we're waiting for answers, we can help the Earth. Hermit crabs reuse things, so we can too! We can reuse plastic bottles to save coins. We can reuse plastic cups to grow flowers. There are many useful and interesting ways to reuse plastic! 寄居蟹回收再利用東西,我們也可以。我們重複使用塑膠瓶,可以拿來存零錢或種花。還有很多實用又有趣的方法回收再利用。 Let's learn from hermit crabs and reuse things! Hermit crabs turn trash into something useful. Let's do the same to help the Earth. Go, go, go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 寄居蟹跟人類的關係似乎越來越緊密, 因為牠撿垃圾來用。 1. crab 螃蟹 Look at this cute little thing! 你看這個可愛的小東西! It's a hermit crab.牠是一隻寄居蟹。 Yeah, and it's using a seashell.對,而且牠在用貝殼。 2. way 方式 Hello there, you little guy! 哈囉,小東西。 Do you like your house? 你喜歡你的房子嗎? Walking around with its house 揹著房子走來走去… What a way of life! 真奇特的生活方式。 3. useful 有用的 I think the house is useful. 我覺得房子很有用。 You don't need to worry about the enemies out there. 你不需要擔心外面的敵人。 4. bad 壞的 I think it's a bad idea. 我覺得滿糟糕的。 A seashell is heavy. 貝殼很重呢。 It's only heavy on land. 只有在陸地上才重。 It's okay in the water. 在水裡就沒關係了。 你有看過寄居蟹嗎? crab螃蟹 way方式 useful有用的 bad壞的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What do most hermit crabs use as shells? a. Glass bottles b. Sea snail shells c. Coins 2. What are some hermit crabs using as shells? a. Plastic b. Pearl c. Paper 3. What can we learn from hermit crabs? a. Reuse things b. Walk around c. Save money Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 25, 2024 • 5min

Dog Smells Gas, Saves Owner

Dog Smells Gas, Saves Owner A dog in the USA saved the lives of his owner and other people. How? He went outside his owner's house. He dug and dug the ground. The dog dug for hours and hours in one place. He made a big hole! 美國有一隻狗救了牠的主人跟其他人的性命。怎麼做到的呢?牠跑到屋外,一直在同一個地方挖洞。 His owner thought that was strange. Her dog didn't dig big holes. Something was wrong! So she checked the hole with a special machine. 牠的主人覺得很奇怪,她的狗平常不會這樣挖洞。她感覺事情不對勁,於是用特殊儀器偵測洞口。 The machine showed a lot of dangerous gas there! What? Where was the gas from? It was from old gas pipes in the ground. 儀器顯示洞口有大量危險的氣體,原來是瓦斯從地下管線外洩。 That gas can make people and animals very sick. And it can cause a big explosion! 瓦斯會危害人跟動物,還可能引發爆炸。 The owner and the people who lived near her were lucky. Explosions are very dangerous! But her dog smelled the gas. He dug the hole to find it. 發生爆炸非常危險,但是狗主人跟鄰居非常幸運。因為狗狗聞到瓦斯味並且挖洞,找到了源頭。 Gas company workers came quickly! They turned off the gas. They worked for three days! They fixed the pipes. 瓦斯公司立刻派人來關掉瓦斯,花了三天的時間修理管線。 The dog's digging told his owner something was wrong. That’s why no one got hurt. He saved lives! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 嗅覺靈敏的狗狗,讓瓦斯爆炸沒有發生。 1. Turn off 關掉 Hey, turn that off! 嘿,把那個關掉。 I know, I’m on it. 我知道,正在關。 There we go. 好了。 You forgot you were boiling water, right? 你忘了在燒水? I did. 對。 2. dangerous 危險的 It could be very dangerous! 可能會很危險呢! Imagine what would happen if we weren’t at home. 想想看要是我們不在家會怎麼樣。 3. hurt 受傷 The house would burn and neighbors would get hurt.房子會燒了,鄰居會受傷。Exactly! 正是那樣! 4. quickly 很快地 We should have a fire alarm in the kitchen. 我們廚房裡應該有火災警報器。 A dog would be better. 狗狗比較好。 Dogs smell smoke very quickly.狗很快就聞到煙味。 這些單字你記得嗎? turn off關掉 dangerous危險的 hurt受傷 quickly很快的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What did the owner think about the dog’s digging? a. It was bad. b. It was cute. c. It was strange. 2. For how long did the dog dig? a. Hours and hours b. Days and days c. Years and years 3. What made the dog dig? a. A toy b. A smell c. A bone Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 24, 2024 • 5min

Teenager Becomes Lawyer

Teenager Becomes Lawyer Last year, a teenager became famous. Why? He became the youngest lawyer in California. He was seventeen years old! 去年有一位青少年爆紅了,因為他成為加州最年輕的律師,他才十七歲! Lawyers help people with problems about laws. Laws say what we can and cannot do. Becoming a lawyer isn't easy. There are a lot of laws to study! 律師幫人處理法律問題。要成為一名律師很不容易,要讀很多法律方面的知識。 This lawyer says he isn't smarter than other teenagers. But from when he was a child, he studied a lot. Studying was important in his family. He had to study for one hour first when he wanted to play for one hour. 這名律師說他並沒有比別人聰明,但是從小就念很多書。他的家庭很看重讀書,必需用功一個小時才能夠玩一個小時。 He played with cube puzzles. He became very good at them. He played so much that his hands hurt! In eighth grade, he wrote a book to help other players. 他也很會玩魔術方塊,還寫過一本魔術方塊指南指點其他玩家。 He likes helping people. He wanted a job that lets him do that. Doctors help people, but he doesn't like blood! He wanted to be a lawyer. So in ninth grade, he also went to law school! 他很喜歡幫助別人,希望可以找到幫助人的工作。當醫生雖然可以做到,但是他不喜歡看到血。他想成為一名律師,所以他九年級的時候也進了法學院。 Now this young man is a lawyer for his city. He does good things for the city and its people. He loves his job! ******************************************************************************************** Vocabulary 十七歲的少年,已經展開他想要的律師工作。 1. become 成為 I can never understand why people want to study law. 我永遠搞不懂為什麼有人想要讀法律。 To become a rich lawyer? 好變成有錢的律師? 2. smart 聰明的 There are many other ways to become rich. 有好多別的方法可以變有錢。 Like what? 比如說什麼? Like making smart investments.比如說聰明投資。 3. study 研究、用功 How would you know if it’s smart? 你怎麼知道那是不是聰明? I would study it, of course. 當然我會先研究。 4. easy 容易的 Law is boring. 法律很無聊耶。 Making investments can be boring, too. 投資可能也很無聊。 No, it would be easy. 不會,它很簡單。 You stop when you lose money. 你損失錢就停止。 Let’s read the vocabulary. become成為 smart聰明的 study研究、用功 easy容易的 Quiz 1. What job does this teenager have? a. Lawyer b. Doctor c. Student 2. What was important in his family? a. Being famous b. Studying c. Writing 3. What does he like to do? a. Read books b. Help people c. Go to law school Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 21, 2024 • 5min

Helping Kids Sleep Better

Helping Kids Sleep Better Sleep is important. People need comfortable beds to sleep well. But some people don't have beds. They don't sleep well. 睡眠很重要。人們需要舒服的床才能睡得好。 Two or three percent of kids in the USA don't have beds. Are you shocked? 美國有百分之二到百分之三的兒童沒有床,是不是讓人嚇一跳! One man in the USA was very shocked. Sleep helps kids do well in school. He wanted to help these kids sleep well. First, he built a bed for one kid. Then he asked a good friend to help him. They built more beds for more kids. 有個美國人非常驚訝,他想要幫助兒童睡好,讓他們在學校有更好的表現。所以他跟朋友一起為兒童製作床。 The man started a group to make beds. Families can help build their own beds. Sometimes young kids help build the beds. 他也成立團隊,孩子們的家人可以來做自己的床。有時候也有兒童會來幫忙。 The group has made beds for more than one hundred forty thousand families. That's a lot of beds! But many more kids need beds. There's a lot of work to do! 這個團隊幫助14萬個家庭,但是仍然有很多兒童需要床。 Why does this man help kids have beds? He doesn't do it to make money. It's because he likes to help people. This makes him feel good. 為什麼這個人要幫助小孩有床呢?他並不是為了賺錢,而是因為他喜歡伸出援手,這樣讓他覺得很開心。 This man helps kids have beds. Now they can sleep well! Sweet dreams, everyone! ____________________________________________________________ Vocabulary 故事裡這個人,希望每個小孩都可以躺在自己的床上睡覺。 1. feel 感覺 You look a bit pale. 你看起來有點蒼白。 Don't feel well? 不大舒服嗎? No, didn't sleep well. 不是,沒睡好。 2. family 家人 Yesterday my sister and her family came to visit. 昨天我妹妹和她的家人來看我。 I love my nieces, but they wanted to sleep with me! 我很愛我的外甥女,但是她們要跟我一起睡! 3. ask 請求 You could ask them to sleep on the sofa.你可以要她們睡沙發啊。 Well, I gave them my bed. 結果我給她們睡床。 I slept on the floor. 我睡地上。 That's tough! 這有點麻煩。 4. thousand 千 And then they asked me to tell them stories. 然後她們要我講故事。 From One Thousand and One Nights. 一千零一夜的故事! That's a lot of stories! 那是很多故事呢! Exactly. 就是啊。 今天這些單字很好記喔。 feel感覺 family家人 ask請求 thousand千 ____________________________________________________________ Quiz 1. What percentage of kids in the USA don't have beds? a. 2 or 3 b. 12 or 13 c. 20 or 30 2. Who did the man first ask to help him? a. A group b. A family c. A friend 3. Why does the man make beds for kids? a. To be shocked b. To help people c. To make money Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 20, 2024 • 5min

The Tail of a Whale Tells All

The Tail of a Whale Tells All Whales are big, beautiful animals. Some of them are as long as three buses! 鯨魚是龐大又美麗的動物,有一些鯨魚跟三輛公車一樣長。 Many people want to see whales. Some of us go on boats to watch them. But nobody knows where and when we can see them. And many times, we see the tail or a very small part. 很多人會坐船賞鯨,但是沒有人知道在哪裡或是什麼時候能見到鯨魚。很多時候只能看到尾巴或一小部分。 We try to take pictures. But whales don't stop moving! It's hard to take pictures! But they let us feel a little closer to the whales we see. What's another way to feel closer? 我們都希望拍到鯨魚照片,讓我們覺得我們離鯨魚更近。還有什麼其他的方法呢? Some scientists found a smart way. They use Artificial Intelligence, or AI, in an app. It knows the tails of 70,000 whales! Every tail is different. 科學家找到一個聰明的方法,他們用人工智慧AI在新發明的應用軟體上,這個軟體記錄了7萬頭鯨魚的尾巴,每個尾巴都不同。 We upload a picture of our whale's tail. The app finds whose tail it is. 上傳鯨魚尾巴的照片,系統就會幫你找到是哪一隻鯨魚。 The app shows the whale's name if it has one. We can see where people saw it. When it has no name, we can name it! 應用軟體還會告訴你鯨魚的名字,在哪裡看過牠。如果牠沒有名字,我們可以幫牠取名。 AI helps us learn more about the whales we see. It uses our pictures of their tails. Now we can feel closer to these big, beautiful animals! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 用AI來尋找特定的鯨魚,賞鯨不再是大海撈針。 1. take pictures 拍照 This is so nice! To be out here on the sea! 出來在大海上真好! It's very nice, but I'm here to take pictures of whales. 確實很棒,但是我還是希望拍到鯨魚。 2. feel 感覺 They will come. You'll see. 牠們會來,你會看到的。 I can feel them close by. 我感覺牠們就在附近。 You can FEEL they're close? 你可以感覺到牠們在附近? 3. when 什麼時候 Nobody knows when a whale will show up! 沒有人知道鯨魚什麼時候會出現。 Oh but I do.我就可以。 4. know 知道 There they are! 就在那裏。 More than one! 不只一頭! I told you.我就跟你說啊。 How did you know? 你是怎麼知道的? I have no idea. I just did. 我也不知,我就是知道。 Try to use these words. take pictures拍照 feel感覺 when什麼時候 know知道 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. How many whales' tails does the app know? a. 7,000 b. 17,000 c. 70,000 2. What do we upload to the app? a. Movies b. Pictures c. Sounds 3. What can we do when a whale doesn't have a name? a. Name it b. Take pictures c. Go on a boat Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 19, 2024 • 5min

Telling Stories Again and Again and Again

Telling Stories Again and Again and Again Narrator: Everyone has a favorite story. Some people love The Three Little Pigs … Big Bad Wolf: Little pig … I'll blow your house down!!! Little Pig: Oh no! Ahhhh! Narrator: … Some people love the Chinese story about the Monkey King. 大家都有喜歡的故事。有一些人喜歡三隻小豬,也有人喜歡西遊記。 Other people love Cinderella … Prince Charming: Whose shoe is this? Narrator: … Snow White … Evil Witch: Yessss! Eat the apple! Narrator: … or Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty: I'm an egg, and I fell off a wall! Oh no! 也有人喜歡灰姑娘,白雪公主或是蛋頭先生。 Narrator: These wonderful stories are with us because people told them again and again and again. Many years later, people put these stories in books. Then more people told these stories! 這些故事還存在的原因是人們口耳相傳。之後又有人把故事寫下來,讓更多人說故事! Some of our favorite stories are very, very old. Today's Cinderella story is more than 300 years old! It came from France. But people in China told a Cinderella story too - more than 1,000 years ago! And people in Greece told a Cinderella story - more than 2,000 years ago! 現今的灰姑娘版本源自於法國,有三百年的歷史。但是一千多年前,中國就有像灰姑娘的故事。 兩千多年前的希臘也有。 People told Cinderella's story again and again and again and again. Maybe it went from Greece to China to France and then to us! 人們不斷地說灰姑娘的故事,說不定這是一路從希臘、中國、法國傳到現在。 Today is World Storytelling Day! Tell someone your favorite story! ________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary 大人小孩都喜歡聽故事,很多故事源遠流長。 1. tell story 講故事 Tell me a story, Paz. 講故事給我聽。 Okay, what would you like to hear? 好,你想聽什麼? A story about your childhood? 你童年時候的故事? 2. come from 來自 Okay. I have this uncle who loved to take us out to sea. 我有個叔叔,喜歡帶我們坐船出海。 Where does he come from? 他是哪裡人? He's from DR, a fisherman. 多明尼加人,是個漁夫。 3. wonderful 奇妙的 And one time he took us out fishing for lobsters. 有一次他帶我們去抓龍蝦。 Wow!! 哇! Yeah, it was a wonderful experience! 對啊,很奇妙的經驗。 We caught more than 10 lobsters.我們抓到10多隻龍蝦。 4. put 放置 Did you cook them right away? 有沒有馬上煮熟? No, we put them in a bag, 沒有,我們把牠放在袋子裡,and cooked and ate them on the beach. 在沙灘上煮了吃。 來看今天的單字。 tell story講故事 come from來自 wonderful奇妙的 put放置 ________________________________________________________________ Quiz 1. Where is the Monkey King story from? a. Chile b. Chad c. China 2. What country has a Cinderella story? a. Greece b. The USA c. Canada 3. What day is today? a. World Cinderella Day b. World Storytelling Day c. Wonderful Story Day Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Mar 18, 2024 • 5min

Gachapon's Words from Sounds

Gachapon's Words from Sounds Gacha gacha! That's fun to say! The sound of the crank on a gachapon machine is called gacha gacha! Gachapon machines are full of small toys. You put money in, you twist the crank, and a plastic pod falls onto the tray. The toy is in the pod! 扭蛋機裡有很多小玩具,只要投幣,轉一下旋轉鈕。一顆塑膠扭蛋就會掉出來,裡面有個玩具。 Gachapon toys are part of a set. There are anime sets, manga sets, wacky cartoon sets, and more. Most people aren't happy with one toy. They want the whole set! 扭蛋玩具都是一整套。大部分的人都會想要一整組漫畫或是卡通玩具,而不是只有一個。 You never know which toy you'll get. And the toy you want almost never comes out! To get the whole set, you have to put money in again and again and again. It's easy to spend lots of money on gachapon toys! 你永遠不知道會拿到哪一個玩具,也總是拿不到想要的。要拿到一整組就要一直投幣,很容易一下子就花了很多錢。 The world's biggest gachapon store is in Tokyo, Japan. It has more than 3,000 machines and millions of toys! 全世界最大的扭蛋機商店在日本東京,它有超過3000個扭蛋機跟上百萬個玩具。 Gacha gacha … What a great word! It cranks and clanks, and winds and grinds! What else is named for the sound it makes? Hey! That was a "pon." Ohhhh! Gachapon! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 很多人喜歡扭蛋機裡面的玩具,並且收集一整套。 1. full of 充滿的 Hey, I've been watching this anime series. 我最近都在看動漫影集。 It's full of adventure! 它裡面有好多冒險! Cool! Which one? 真酷,是哪一部? It's called Detective Conan. 叫做《名偵探柯南》。 2. Again and again 一次又一次 I've watched it again and again. 我看了一遍又一遍。 Is it really that good? 真的有那麼好? It's great! I really enjoy it. 它很棒,我看得很開心。 3. have to 一定要 But I usually just read manga. 不過我通常只看漫畫。 No, you have to give this one a try. 不,你一定要試著看這一部。 4. know 知道 I don't know.我不知道。 I guess I'll watch it after I finish reading One Piece. 我想我會在讀完《海賊王》之後去看吧。 Do you like manga or anime? 來讀單字。 full of充滿的 again and again一次又一次 have to一定要 know知道 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What are gachapon machines full of? a. Toys b. Books c. Games 2. Where is the world's biggest gachapon store? a. Tokyo b. Kyoto c. Osaka 3. What is the sound of the crank on a gachapon machine called? a. Crank clank b. Wind grind c. Gacha gacha Answers: 1. a 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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