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Franchise Secrets Podcast

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Jan 16, 2024 • 47min

Build Your Wealth & Create Freedom Through Franchising With Brian Beers

Many believe buying a franchise is an easy way to make money. Opening a franchise can indeed be a lower-risk way to start a business, and it can be pretty profitable, but it’s not for everyone.   Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   First, there are several hoops you’ll need to jump through if you decide to invest in a brand. Plus, there's always the question of which brands to choose among the many brands out there. What if you make the wrong choice?   In this episode, Erik brings in Brian Beers for the second time. Brian is an entrepreneur, investor, and host of the Business with Beers podcast. He helped grow their franchise auto repair business into an enterprise with multiple locations, and he's now on a mission to help others build a fortune through franchising.    Join Erik and Brian to discover the mistakes and lessons learned in buying into the wrong brands. They also talk about a robust influencer marketing model and the support provided by this new brand that Brian has invested in.   If you want to grow your wealth through franchising and learn what to look for in a brand before you invest in it, today's episode will give you fresh insights from someone who knows what it takes to build a franchise empire.    “I think a franchisor should be bringing in tons and tons of thought leaders whether it's in person, or digital, or it's the founder doing it, but someone's got to help coach people.” - Brian Beers   In This Episode: - What is Brian Beers known for? - Is it easy to make money in the automotive industry? - Why would someone with an existing brand choose a second one? - How do you know what you are good at and not good at? - What was different about Brian's process in buying his next brand? - What qualities should you look for in a franchisor before investing in a brand? - Should you be concerned if a brand wants to sell to private equity in 5 years? Would you want them to be honest about it? - What are some of the things Brian likes in his new brand? - What is the benefit of hiring thought leaders? - What does Brian's new brand do to help their franchisees and investors be more semi-absentee? - A brief background about That 1 Painter and why Brian chose to invest in this brand And more!   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses - 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners - 🌐 Tribe of Investors - 🌐 HOW THIS FRANCHISEE BOUGHT 15+ EXISTING LOCATIONS USING SELLER FINANCING -   Connect with Brian Beers: 🌐 Website  💼 LinkedIn  X - @brianbeers   Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Jan 9, 2024 • 38min

Erik Van Horn Answers Your Burning Questions About Franchising

Everyone talks about work-life balance, but is it possible to achieve that? Today, Erik lets us in on how he starts his day on his ranch, living with his family, ducks, chickens, and other farm animals, plus his adorable puppy named River (who was accused of being a chicken killer!).   Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   Erik brings his daughter and their pup on the show to show us this side of his life. Let's join them as they investigate who killed the chicken and why a duck is missing! And then Erik answers franchise-related questions which franchisees and franchisors will benefit from.    If you're interested in getting a glimpse of ranch life and expert insights about franchising, tune in to today's episode of Franchise Secrets!   “When life happens, I just kinda go with the flow because there's always something happening here at the ranch.” - Erik Van Horn   In This Episode: - Introducing today's exceptional guests  - Who killed the chicken? - Are there any franchise groups out there that meet monthly? - Where can you ask for some advice about master franchising? - Does raising your initial fees from $24K to $ 39K matter to prospects?  - What numbers should you put in your FDD? How much does it cost to hire a consulting firm to get you to the next level? - What are the possible blindspots at the early phase of franchising your business? - A word of advice from Erik for those thinking about franchising And more!   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses - 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners - 🌐 Tribe of Investors - 🌐 Grab Your Copy of The Lifestyle Investor by Justin Donald -   Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Jan 2, 2024 • 47min

The Recipe Behind Dirty Dough's Success With Bennett Maxwell and Jill Summerhays

Late at night, when you can't sleep or are thinking about something, a choco-chip cookie with a warm glass of milk is your best companion. But what makes cookies so lovable? For one, the smell of freshly baked cookies is so heavenly, and they are so yummy! But mostly, a cookie is your best friend when you just want to be with yourself. That's probably why many people want to learn how to bake cookies.    Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   To get into the world of cookies, Erik chats with the Founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Dirty Dough Cookies, the brand that believes that life is better with cookies. Join Erik, Bennett Maxwell, and Jill Summerhays as they discuss what makes cookies a good product, what makes Dirty Dough unique, what you should look for in a brand, and why the mobile business model brings in higher revenue than your regular brick-and-mortar business.    Bennett Maxwell is an experienced salesperson who has used this skill since selling candy bars in elementary school. Sharing his sales and business expertise, he is now a Forbes Business Council member and Apex Executives member.    Bennett is lowering business barriers and raising mental health awareness through his cookie-selling franchise, Dirty Dough. He stands for authenticity and self-acceptance, encouraging others to come as they are. From a business perspective, Bennett is one tough cookie.   Jill Summerhays is the Chief Executive Officer at Dirty Dough Cookies. She manages the day-to-day operations so Bennett can focus on his long-term vision for the business.    Ready to follow the scent and what your taste buds tell you? Tune in to today's episode of Franchise Secrets!   “We're going to be different, and all our franchisees are always going to have a competitive advantage because corporate invested upfront into a system and a model to allow us to rapidly expand and benefit from economies of scale.” - Bennett Maxwell   “The amount of revenue you can do in a mobile trailer at one good event is significantly more than what you will probably do in multiple days at a brick and mortar.” - Jill Summerhays   In This Episode: - How Jill got involved in franchising  - Why Bennett decided to have Jill join the company - The importance of recognizing what your superpowers are as a business owner - What makes Dirty Dough suited for mobile operations? - Bennett's perspective on the mobile operations model - What are franchisees saying and loving about the mobile operations model? - Jill and Bennett's advice to franchisors who want to build great relationships with their franchisees - Are cookies just a fad, or are they here to stay? - Who are the competitors of Dirty Dough Cookies? - Things to look for before buying a franchise And more!   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses - 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners -   Connect with Bennett Maxwell: 🌐Website  💼 LinkedIn  📷 Instagram  🌐 Podcast    Connect with Jill Summerhays: 💼 LinkedIn    Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Dec 26, 2023 • 59min

The Story Behind Hawaii Fluid Art With Maya Ratcliff

Art can bring a new sense of joy into people’s lives. Having a creative outlet and being part of a community with shared interests can be fulfilling. If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to help people gain a unique and joyful experience through art, this episode will inspire you.    Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   Maya Ratcliff, founder of Hawaii Fluid Art, began her art career helping people with brain injuries delve into their artistic talents as therapy. She eventually developed her proprietary method of fluid art using acrylic paints and a unique pouring medium while working from her home and area resorts.    As word spread by students thrilled at seeing what they could create, the demand for her classes grew. Maya opened the first Hawaii Fluid Art studio in Waikoloa, HI, where her fluid art technique is now taught during multiple daily classes. She currently has over 200 locations sold across the US.   Join Erik and Maya as they discuss what is unique about Hawaii Fluid Art compared to other art concepts, how to start and grow your franchise with the help of franchise advisors like Front Street Equity Partners, how to do B2B marketing, and more. Plus, you get the hope that you don't need an artistic background to create beautiful art.    Ready to unleash the artist in you? Tune in and enjoy today's episode of Franchise Secrets!   “If you think you know everything in franchising, you've already lost. You really have to count on others who know more than you to help you level up.” - Maya Ratcliff   In This Episode: - A brief background about Maya - The story behind Hawaii Fluid Art - Maya's introduction to the world of franchising - What's so different about Hawaii Fluid Art compared to other painting concepts? - The birth and development of Hawaii Fluid Art - How Maya proved that her idea and model would work - Why put an Item 19 in your FDD? - What is the ideal property size for a franchise location? - What does B2B look like for a brand like Hawaii Fluid Art? - Do you need an artistic talent or background to create beautiful artwork? - What attracted Maya to Front Street Equity Partners advisory services? - Why is Maya so franchisee-focused, and what could possibly change that? - What does Maya's sales process look like? - Why is it important for a founder to meet potential franchisees face-to-face? - Corporate office setup for Maya's brand - What does a franchise owner do in the business? - Semi-absentee owner vs. Absentee owner - How to get customers inside the door   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses -   Connect with Maya Ratcliff: 🌐 Website  💼 LinkedIn ✉️ Email -   Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Dec 19, 2023 • 37min

The Brilliance of Boring Businesses With Justin Donald

Justin Donald, known as the Warren Buffett of Lifestyle Investing, chats with the host about the brilliance of boring businesses. They discuss the opportunities in investing in underrated businesses and share insights on how to grow wealth through low-risk cash flow investments. The conversation includes a lighthearted banter between the two about their pickleball match against Tim Tebow and their exploration of the wellness space, where they discuss different wellness practices and express skepticism about certain products while highlighting the potential of peptides as superior supplements.
Dec 5, 2023 • 53min

Critical Success Factors For Emerging Brands With Front Street Equity Partners

So, you want to dip your toes in franchising. Great! But before you look at your financing options for buying into a franchise, you must understand how to determine the market value of the business. When it is time to have that conversation, both buyer and seller must agree on the business valuation and other fees.    Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   In this episode, Erik and Jeff Herr engage in a fun conversation around franchise fees, why brands charge what they charge, the biggest rookie mistake Jeff has ever made, and industry insider conversations no one else is telling you.    Erik and Jeff used to compete against each other while working in the tax business. They became friends and business partners at Front Street Equity Partners, where Jeff currently functions as the Managing Director. Jeff has been a guest in Franchise Secrets a few times before, offering insights and advice to help you make better decisions.    “There is a value to everything, right? It's what somebody is going to pay.” - Jeff Herr   In This Episode: - Conversation with a nervous founder of a new brand - What is the value of an emerging brand? - Components of a good founder's story  - Why unit economics matter in business valuation - Why some founders are not declaring Item 19 - How many new brands are coming to market in a year? - The reason it's getting more challenging to franchise a business - How to thrive in a competitive market - Who are you taking advice from? - What Jeff thinks about a brand that competes on lower franchise fees  - What is the franchise fee for? - What franchisees are looking for in a brand - Watch out for this next topic of conversation   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses - 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners - 🌐 How I Built This Podcast -   Connect with Jeff Herr: 🌐 Website  💼 LinkedIn    Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Nov 28, 2023 • 38min

Video Storytelling Secrets to Grow Your Franchise With Trevor Rappleye

For as long as anyone can remember, storytelling has been used to share information and make meaningful connections. But how can storytelling showcase your brand story and grow your business?    Many people in the franchising world are missing out on a critical aspect of storytelling. Today’s consumers want more than superb products and services that improve their lives. They want to feel personally connected to the brands they buy from, and video storytelling is the key to giving it to them.   Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   If you want to know more about franchise development storytelling, the power of emotion in marketing videos, why those cheesy animated 2D videos and explainer videos do nothing, and why painting a picture of a better life is the key to getting franchise prospects to respond to you, you're in the right place.   So join Erik and his guest, Trevor Rappleye, the Founder, CEO, and Chief Storyteller of FranchiseFilming, as they discuss mastering brand storytelling and capturing “franchise-focused videos with an innovative twist.”    Trevor fell in love with filming when he was 13 and has captured over 300 weddings. He took that emotional passion and put it into franchising in 2020.   FranchiseFilming is a franchise marketing company that helps franchisors win more franchisees by using a specialized process of validation videos, stories, and emotions to nurture potential franchisees to a winning opportunity!    Whether you're a franchisee or a franchisor, today's episode of Franchise Secrets will benefit you.   “No matter how good you are at speaking, visitors get bored at people talking. So you want to visually show it.” - Trevor Rappleye   In This Episode: - What Trevor envisions for the Franchise Masters - How Trevor got into video storytelling  - Filming with your iPhone vs. higher quality filming - What goes into making an excellent brand video? - Why is a hook important in video storytelling? - How to get people to watch your video - Why emotional responses are critical to capture on videos - What makes people invest in a brand? - The impact of consumer testimonials  - How to work with Trevor and his team - Should you hire an internal videographer? - Video content that emerging brands must have - Brands with unique video storytelling   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses - 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners -   Connect with Trevor Rappleye: 🌐 Website  ✉️ Email  💼 LinkedIn ✉️ Newsletter    Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Nov 21, 2023 • 54min

Insider Tips and Tricks to Building a Franchise Empire, From The Wolf of Franchises

Many say franchising is easier than building a business from scratch, but it's not as simple as you think. While buying a franchise can be advantageous when starting a business, you'll typically need a significant upfront investment. You must pay an initial fee for the right to operate under a franchisor's established brand and business model.    Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   Before starting, you should think carefully to ensure that buying a franchise is your best business decision. On the other hand, if you're a franchisor, you must do due diligence and choose the right people before awarding a franchise. Being a franchisee or a franchisor can be overwhelming if you don't have someone guiding you.    If you've decided that opening a franchise is right for you, listening to people who know how to build a franchise empire is one of the best things you can do.    Today's episode features the guy with the best newsletter in franchising. You might know his real name depending on your ties to the franchising community. But for now, let's call him the “Wolf” because that's how he's known in the franchising world.    Join Erik and the Wolf to discover a tool you should use as a franchisor that will benefit you and your franchisees. You will also learn tips and tricks you probably haven't heard elsewhere.    So, catch this episode to pick up clandestine tactics and exclusive revelations from The Wolf of Franchises.    “You can never project future performance, but you can absolutely share past performance data. And if the data is accurate and it's true, and you didn't add a zero on purpose to the revenue and the EBITDA, or whatever, if it's legitimate data backed by actual financial statements, there's absolutely nothing illegal about that.” - Wolf of Franchises   In This Episode: - A brief background on the Wolf's breakthrough in franchising - Wolf's advice to franchisors who think about building a newsletter, podcast, or social media presence to grow their brand - Are there people who hate what the Wolf is doing?  - How the Wolf's newsletter evolved and what you'll get out of it - Why are certain brands not putting information under Item 19? - No Item 19? Here's what you can do  - Is using your competitors' data an acceptable way of dealing with your lack of Item 19? - How does a buyer know if a brand is good without Item 19? - What a lot of people getting into franchising don't understand - A tool to help franchisors and franchisees understand their financial model better - Where is the Wolf focusing his energy next year? - How to join the Wolf's newsletter and get access to Krokit   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik - 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses - 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners - 🌐 Financial Management and Data Solutions That Help Build and Grow Franchises - Connect with The Wolf of Franchises: 🌐 Website 🎥 YouTube  ✉️ Newsletter  🎙️The Franchise Empires Podcast    Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium
Nov 14, 2023 • 48min

Franchise Marketing Strategies For Multi-Location Businesses With Madeleine Zook

Have you ever wondered how the biggest and best brands approach their branding strategy, franchise development, employee recruitment, and localized marketing on a daily basis? How do they know what’s working, what’s not, and what else can they do to excel in franchise marketing? Today's guest has some excellent insights for you, whether you're a franchisee or a franchisor. Her advice comes from real-life experiences as a multi-unit, multi-brand franchisee.    Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   Have you ever wondered how the biggest and best brands approach their branding strategy, franchise development, employee recruitment, and localized marketing on a daily basis? How do they know what’s working, what’s not, and what else can they do to excel in franchise marketing? Today's guest has some excellent insights for you, whether you're a franchisee or a franchisor. Her advice comes from real-life experiences as a multi-unit, multi-brand franchisee.    Madeleine (Park) Zook hosts The Art of Franchise Marketing Podcast, serves as the Director of Marketing at Netsertive, and is the owner and founder of a 501(c) 3 nonprofit.    Through Netsertive, Madeleine helps multi-location businesses customize and execute a localized digital marketing program comprising proven digital tactics, processes, and proprietary tech to acquire more local customers online. Their Multi-Location Experience (MLX) Platform creates, deploys, and provides the data to efficiently manage profitable, localized marketing at scale.   “In terms of cross-branding, you have to give each brand, whether you're a franchisor or a franchisee, the attention you would give a newborn.” - Madeleine Zook   In This Episode: - The idea behind The Franchise Masters - Who is Madeleine as a franchisee? - Why some brands do really well while others don't - How Madeleine makes franchise investing decisions - Things to consider when planning to buy a franchise - How well do you know your competitors? - Lessons learned from investing in multiple brands - The importance of having a strong marketing budget and strategy - Madeleine's advice on whether or not you should work with vendors - What makes Netsertive different from other players in the industry?   Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik: 🌐Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses 🌐Front Street Equity Partners - 🌐The Franchise Masters -   Connect with Madeleine Zook: 🌐 Website  💼 LinkedIn  📷 Instagram  🌐 The Art of Franchise Marketing Podcast    Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium  
Nov 7, 2023 • 54min

Don't Buy a Franchise Unless You Know This With Bobby Brennan

If you’ve always wanted to run a business but find the startup phase overwhelming, you should consider purchasing a franchise instead. When you buy a franchise, you essentially borrow another company’s proven business model, which is a much safer bet for starting a new business.    While this has its advantages, there are also disadvantages to franchising that you may not know about, so before you decide if it's right for you, there are essential factors you should consider.   Join Over 5,500 Franchisees and Franchisors in our FREE Private Facebook Community HERE   If you’ve always wanted to run a business but find the startup phase overwhelming, you should consider purchasing a franchise instead. When you buy a franchise, you essentially borrow another company’s proven business model, which is a much safer bet for starting a new business.    While this has its advantages, there are also disadvantages to franchising that you may not know about, so before you decide if it's right for you, there are essential factors you should consider.   Don't buy a franchise unless you know these things. Find out what they are in today's episode of Franchise Secrets with Erik and his guest, Bobby Brennan.   Bobby is a genius in franchise development. He brings over a decade of franchise experience both as an operator and helping to build one of the top franchise development teams in the country, awarding over 1,650 territories since 2018.    Bobby jumped into Franchising immediately after graduating during the 2008 recession and hasn't looked back. He was part of the largest franchisee group in Complete Nutrition that owned over 50 locations across the country and then transitioned to a startup company, Franchise Fastlane, as one of their first development hires, helping propel the company to a perennial powerhouse franchise development company.    Bobby brings a track record of success in developing the top franchise developers in the industry and has led franchise development for 15 brands in his tenure, allowing many to secure private equity investments or exits within the first 3-5 years of working together.   “We can talk all day long about the business model, but for emerging brands, a lot of the times, you're buying into the founder and the founder's story, the founder's WHY. So make sure you align with them, that you understand each other, too.” - Bobby Brennan   In This Episode: - Five criteria that franchisors use before awarding a franchise - Do you need a broker when buying or selling a franchise? - How would you know if you're working with a good broker or consultant? - How to find the right broker  - How much money do you need to buy a franchise? - Are you a franchise buyer or a franchise looker? - What should you look for when doing online research? - Here's what Erik and Bobby think about the FBR (Franchise Business Review) list  - Final takeaways from Erik and Bobby    Resources:  🌐 Consult with Erik: 🌐 Want to buy a franchise? Connect with Erik here -    🌐 Want to franchise your business? Connect with Erik here -  🌐 Franchisees and franchisors find proven tactics and strategies to scale YOUR businesses 🌐 Front Street Equity Partners - Connect with Bobby Brennan: 🌐 Website  💼 LinkedIn    Connect with Erik Van Horn: 🌐 Website  📷 Instagram  👍 Facebook  👥 Facebook Group  💼 LinkedIn 🎥 YouTube Ⓜ️ Medium

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