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Apr 27, 2022 • 50min

Take Control of Your Life Over 50: Michael Clinton

Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Listeners get 20% off here. Save 15% on all Whoop products here. Use code "AGEIST" at checkout.Save 10% on all Elysium Health products here. Call in to the podcast to get your question or comment answered on the air: (801) 871-5291How can you make a big life change when you’re over 50? How can you increase your curiosity? What is the importance of community in life changes? How should people look at life over 50 years old? What does the future hold for midlife and beyond? Michael Clinton, the author of “Roar into the second half of your life (before it’s too late)”, joins us to discuss how he is re-imagining life over 50. Michael and David talk about staying curious, building a community, the importance of smiling, what the future holds for life after 50, and more. Timestamps: 00:00:00 Welcome to the SuperAge podcast00:00:39 David update00:02:11 Listener call 00:08:47 About this week’s guest00:09:41 Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker00:10:20 Welcome Michael Clinton to the show00:10:58 About Michael’s book, “Roar”00:13:47 Importance of curiosity and community00:22:43 Our perception of our health 00:32:26 Michael’s upcoming trip to Poland00:37:46 Michael’s 70th birthday plan00:44:30 The age social movement “Everything I was reading about being over 50 was talking about winding down as opposed to winding up.” “When you’re looking to make some kind of a change or evolve to the next place, it takes time and it takes introspection.” “You might discover something in midlife that you learned was something that excited you.” “We constrict ourselves and that takes away our courage to say ‘I can do that! I can run a marathon at 70. I can go back to school at 60. I can fall in love again at 80.’ Get rid of that cloak of ageism and your courage will be enhanced.”“My plan for when I turn 70 is to hike to the Everest base camp and run a marathon down which is an annual event that happens every May… What I’m hoping to do from that experience is show that this is what you can do at 70.” “Today’s 5 year old in the U.S., if they’re healthy, had good prenatal, and early childhood development, 50% of them have the opportunity to live to 100. That’s astounding!” “There are about 90,000 people in the U.S. that are 100 right now. By the year 2100 the projection is there will be 3,000,000 in the U.S. and that there will be 19,000,000 around the world.”Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods.Connect with Michael:WebsiteTwitterInstagramFacebookMichael’s non-profit organization: Circle of Generosity Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Apr 19, 2022 • 60min

All About Pickleball: Tim Ringgold

Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Listeners save 20% on all products here. Save 15% on all Whoop products here. Use code "AGEIST" at checkout.Save 10% on all Elysium Health products here. What is pickleball? Why are there so many injuries from pickleball? What can pickleball players do to not get hurt? How can beginners get started in pickleball? What is the proper way to warm up the body before athletic activity like pickleball? What should someone do after playing? What things boost recovery? What are the benefits of cold and heat therapy for our muscles? Tim Ringgold is a musician, athlete, and pickleball recovery expert. After years of playing soccer as a child and again in his 30s and 40s, Tim developed a traumatic brain injury from one too many concussions. In the last 18 months, he has discovered a life changing sport: pickleball. Through pickleball he has found a sense of community, gotten into athlete shape, and enhanced his joy. He’s also experienced injuries, like many pickleball players. Now, he is providing resources for other players to reduce their chance of getting hurt and spend more time enjoying the game.Timestamps:00:00:00 Welcome to the SuperAge podcast00:00:35 David's life update00:01:29 SuperAge listener call00:05:09 About today's guest, Tim Ringgold00:05:22 Thank you to our sponsor, InsideTracker00:06:35 Welcome Tim Ringgold00:06:54 Tim's background00:08:30 Tim's experience with concussions00:10:07 How Tim found pickleball00:10:51 The history of pickleball00:13:14 Pickleball 10100:16:40 Pickleball injuries00:23:40 How to avoid injuries from playing pickleball00:31:34 What to do after playing to promote muscle recovery 00:52:40 How to start playing pickleball & resources “When you go out and play pickleball, you feel young at heart because it’s very social and it’s a lot of fun. People underestimate it because it’s so light, playful, and social, that there are actually physical demands on the body.”“Adults don’t really organize their activity around the concept of play. We work, children play. But there is a playfulness in pickleball that is undeniable and inescapable. You’ll see senior citizens, Boomers, Gen X-ers, laughing and playing. They’re in touch with something that they haven’t had in quite a while.” “The number one thing to minimize injuries is core temperature of the body, so heating up the body before you play. Nobody does it.” “When you feel good, walk away. Don’t wait until you’re sore or tired because you increase the odds of having an injury.” “Every part of the body is going through maintenance mode during sleep and you just can’t screw with that. If you wear that system down, your immune system gets compromised and that’s when things take hold.” Call into the podcast to get your question or comment answered on the air: (801) 871-5291Connect with Tim: WebsiteRecovery ResourcesPodcast Resources: PicklePlay AppPickleball KitchenTyson McGuffin Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Apr 13, 2022 • 54min

Everything You Need to Know About CBD: Chris Hetherington

What things aid in recovery? What are the benefits of CBD? What are the issues with how some brands produce CBD? What are the different ways to implement CBD into our routine? What is the most bioavailable way to take CBD? Will CBD get you high? Can someone who is sober take CBD? Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Go to for 20% off all products today. Save 15% on all Whoop products here. Use code "AGEIST" at checkout.Chris Hetherington received his undergraduate degree from Yale and had an 11 year NFL career. Now, he is the founder and CEO of Peels, a citrus-derived, THC and pesticide free CBD. He joins us on the SuperAge podcast to break down what CBD can be used for, some things to avoid when choosing a brand, how to promote recovery, and more. Timestamps00:00:00 Welcome to the podcast00:00:36 SuperAge Mastermind Seminar update00:02:09 About today's guest, Chris Hetherington00:04:25 Why David uses Whoop (SuperAge listeners save 15% here. Use code "AGEIST" at checkout.)00:05:28 Thank you to our sponsor, InsideTracker (SuperAge listeners save 20% at here)00:06:48 Welcome to our guest, Chris Hetherington00:07:08 Chris' background 00:09:02 Workout recovery00:14:15 Chris' recovery routine00:16:17 About Chris' CBD company, Peels00:20:01 How does CBD work?00:23:42 The different ways to take CBD00:27:08 CBD and sleep00:30:21 Optimal CBD dosage00:42:13 Chris' mom's experience with CBD00:44:43 The dangers of misleading information from CBD brands00:52:57 David's closing thoughts on CBD“Recovery is big. People think you need to work out to maximize performance but recovery has become as big in the equation as strength and conditioning and nutrition.” “I’m the crazy guy that wakes up at 5 am every day and does cold therapy, hot therapy, meditation, workout… I’m very disciplined with my health and nutrition.” “I still train and take care of my body like I’m a pro athlete and I think most people should be doing that.” “You have to make decisions on an everyday basis and hopefully you make a lot more good decisions than bad and still enjoy life at the same time.” “My mom thought she was going to get high from rubbing CBD on her knee, which is just not the case.” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Call into the podcast to get your question or comment answered on the air: (801) 871-5291Connect with Chris Hetherington:LinkedInPeelsSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Apr 6, 2022 • 1h 4min

Being Powerfully Fit, Full of Play, Joy, and Strength: Julia Linn

Julia Linn was diagnosed with diabetes as a child and by age 30, it was clear that she may only live to 40 with the condition that her organs were in. She decided to have a risky double-organ transplant. She then went through a triple cardiac bypass. When she came upon the anniversary of her life-saving surgery, she decided to pay herself back by giving the gift of health. Now, she is powerfully strong, has gone through an incredible physical transformation, and looks at life in a new way. Julia shares her life of health struggles, how she got to where she is now, her advice for others wanting to transform and take control of their lives, and more. Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Go to for 20% off all products today. Save 15% on all Whoop products here. “I didn’t start this journey by looking in the mirror and going ‘Ugh! I hate how I look. I hate my bat wings, I hate this, I hate that.’ I started with the idea that I love what this body has done for me in 62 years and I want to really take care of it, give it the self-care and self-love.” “It’s not that you don’t have the time, it’s that you’re not making the time. We pay attention to what’s important to us.”“Obesity is hard. Getting fit is hard. Pick your hard.” Timestamps:00:00:00 Welcome to the podcast00:00:36 David is back in Park City, Utah00:02:17 SuperAge listener question (Call us and ask a question at 801-871-591)00:05:03 Thank you to our sponsor, InsideTracker00:07:13 Welcome to our guest, Julia Linn00:07:56 Julia’s diabetes and health journey00:16:00 Julia’s fitness and weightless journey00:29:12 The physicological role in the physical transformation00:34:43 Julia’s relationship with her followers00:39:52 Julia’s average week of exercise 00:46:51 Julia’s advice to other people who want to transform their livesListen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Connect with Julia Linn:InstagramSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Mar 30, 2022 • 55min

The Transformative Power of Rest: Sara Mednick, PhD

Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Go to for 20% off all products today. Learn more about and sign up for the 3rd, highly anticipated Mastermind Seminar and Cohort: What is the balance of upstate and downstate? How can we optimize our recovery? When is the best time to do HIIT workouts? When is the best time to do strength training? How can we optimize our sleep?Sara Mednick, PhD, professor and author, joins us on the SuperAge podcast to explain the upstate and the downstate and how we need both in order to live better. We also discuss the best times of day to workout, how to optimize our sleep, and the importance of recovery. “Every little cell in your body has a clock and it’s looking for consistencies, consistent patterns. So the more you stay consistent with something, eating behavior, exercise behavior, or even thinking, all of that stuff your body is paying attention to.” “The earlier you eat, the earlier your onset of melatonin, which is your sleep hormone, and the later you eat, the later the onset of melatonin. You’re going to be pushing your ‘I’m getting tired’ signals the later you eat.” “You should keep your feet and your hands outside of the covers when you’re sleeping because it’s the best way for the heat to be constantly leaving your system while keeping your core warm.”Timestamps: 00:00:00 Welcome to the SuperAge podcast00:00:40 David’s upcoming travel plans00:01:58 Sign up for the SuperAge Mastermind Seminar and Group starting April 12th00:03:13 Call into the SuperAge podcast to ask a question or share a comment: (801) 871-529100:03:49 David answers caller question about weight training00:07:41 Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker00:09:45 Welcome Sara Mednick, PhD00:11:40 What is the upstate and the downstate?00:14:22 About HRV (heart rate variability)00:23:52 Stress adaptation00:26:12 Sleep and recovery 00:28:57 Best time of day to do HIIT and strength training00:33:42 Best time of day for brain performance00:34:16 The importance of time restricted eating00:42:33 When to do the sauna00:47:09 HRV and inversions00:49:17 Recap of the episode Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods.Call into the podcast to get your question or comment answered on the air: (801) 871-5291Connect with Dr. Sara Mednick:WebsiteBooksSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Mar 23, 2022 • 1h 1min

Hot or Not - Are These Things Really Worth the Hype?: Tamsen Fadal and David Get Real About Fads.

Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Go to for 20% off all products today. Learn more about and sign up for the 3rd, highly anticipated Mastermind Seminar and Cohort: Is the celery juice trend legit? Should we all be getting 10,000 steps a day? Is Peloton worth the hype? What about Goop? Tamsen Fadal, journalist, news anchor, author, host, and second time guest on the SuperAge podcast, joins David on the SuperAge podcast to talk about what’s hot and what’s not: sauna, celery juice, getting 10,000 steps a day, Goop, veganism, plastic surgery, dating apps and more. Listen in on this fun conversation and see if you agree with Tamsen and David on what’s hot and what’s not. Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Call in to the podcast to get your question or comment answered on the air: tel:(801) 871-5291Connect with Tamsen:Website Instagram Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Mar 16, 2022 • 16min

This Is Why We SuperAge: David Stewart

Sign up for our 3rd highly personalized, transformative Mastermind Seminar and Group: Want to call into the podcast and have your question or comment addressed on the air? Call us here: tel:(801) 871-5291David does a solo episode this week to answer one of his most asked questions: Why did you start AGEIST and SuperAge? He explains how his drive for success was instilled in him as a child, the fallacies that he is pushing back against through AGEIST, and how to Super Age. What you will learn: Why David started AGEIST and SuperAgeThe importance of prioritizing your healthHow our behaviors impact our healthHow to change your mindset Timestamps:00:00:00 Welcome to the SuperAge podcast00:00:30 Join us for the 3rd SuperAge Mastermind Seminar and Group00:05:00 Why did David start AGEIST and SuperAge?00:07:00 The importance of our behaviors to either move forward or backward“That idea that we should lower the bar, that maybe we can’t do something that’s very much where I came to start AGEIST.”“Aging is not for the faint of heart. It’s a lot of work to do it right and it’s hard. You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.” “Unless you’re moving forward, you’re moving backward.”“Look in the mirror every morning and say ‘I am an athlete.’ What would an athlete do today?” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods. Say hi to the AGEIST team!
Mar 9, 2022 • 1h 3min

Complete Cancer Cell Removal Without Chemo: We Are All Unique and This Is What Worked for Me: Meagan O’Leary

Call in to the SuperAge podcast and have your question or comment shared on air: 801-871-5291 Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Listeners get 20% off and free InnerAge here: O’Leary, Global Operations & Digital Transformation Leader, health advocate, and double breast cancer survivor joins us on the SuperAge podcast to share her cancer journey. She explains some of the alternative health protocols that helped like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ketamine, sauna, cold plunges, keto diet, and supplementation. She also explains how re-connecting with herself and her community was just as important as the cancer treatments she was doing. She is vital, not just a cancer survivor. Now, she works with other women who are experiencing what she did. What you will learn in this episode:- Alternative approaches to cancer treatment- The importance of connecting with yourself- The importance of connecting with your community- Why you should strive to be vital instead of just survivingTimestamps: 00:00:00 Welcome to the SuperAge podcast00:01:03 Call into the podcast 801-871-529100:06:21 Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker00:07:34 Welcome Meagan O’Leary00:08:35 Meagan’s breast cancer diagnosis00:12:23 Meagan’s cancer treatment protocol00:32:11 Importance of mindfulness and connection00:32:56 Meagan’s ketamine experience00:38:25 Being vital vs. being a survivor00:48:21 What Meagan’s doing now“That whole experience of ‘You’re going to lose your breast’, the surgery, cancer in one breast, cancer in the other, I had what I would call PTSD. I wasn’t trusting myself anymore. I was searching for the right thing that was going to heal me.” Connect with Meagan:LinkedInBooks mentioned:The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Dr. Nasha WintersOutside the Box Cancer Therapies by Dr. Paul AndersonSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Mar 2, 2022 • 1h 7min

Health, Work and Age in the Metaverse: Bradley Schurman

Thank you to our sponsor InsideTracker. Listeners get 20% off and free InnerAge here: are the metaverse and Web3? How can people 50+ benefit from rapidly advancing technology? How will the metaverse and Web3 change our work lives? What about how we connect with our communities? How will the future of technology correct for ageism, racism, sexism? Bradley Schurman, an author, demographic futurist, and opinion maker on all things dealing with the business of longevity, joins us on the SuperAge podcast for a fascinating discussion about rapidly advancing technology like the metaverse and Web3. Bradley explains how we can keep up with these innovations and use them to our advantage. What you will learn in this episode:- What the metaverse and Web3 are- How the metaverse and Web3 will change our work lives and how we connect with our communities- How nursing homes are using technology to keep their residents connected - How the future of technology will correct for discrimination against age, gender, location, appearance - Fraud in the digital space- Why it is so important to stay up to date with these innovations or risk being left behind“Thanks to decades of scientific and social innovation, we are in almost every measure living healthier, longer lives than ever before. So this idea that the age of 65 is somehow a stopping point has really become outdated.”“It’s a lot like a tree. When we’re young, all trees look the same, we all have the same kind of sapling, the same kind of structure. But as we live, we become more diverse. We have different outcroppings of branches, and leaves, and different cycles of when we bud.” “Tech companies’ single biggest problem is ageism. It’s not racism or sexism it is ageism and there is enough data out there to prove that.” “As we enter this new period of time for humans where there are more older people and fewer younger people, technologies like Web3 and Metaverse, they’re going to help us find efficiencies in the system because we simply don’t have enough younger people to take care of the older population.” “There are a lot of constructs in the world so why can’t they be in the virtual world as well? They will be. We’ll carry those constructs with us.” Timestamps:00:00:00 Welcome to the podcast00:00:37 About today's show00:02:38 Call in to leave a voicemail +1 801-871-529100:03:39 Thank you to our sponsor, InsideTracker00:04:52 Introducing Bradley Schurman00:05:11 About Bradley's book, The Super Age00:12:12 About the evolution of technology and the metaverse00:16:52 Healthcare and technology 00:19:27 The metaverse and decreasing job hiring discrimination00:24:39 The adoption & challenges of new technologies 00:34:41 Practical uses of the metaverse00:35:37 Crafting our digital avatars VS. who we are in the real world00:43:40 Fraud in the digital space00:45:53 The issue for those who are resistant to learning new technologies00:52:00 Finding the value in things that we cannot physically interact with 00:58:13 How technology will change our work lives Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods.Have a question you want to be answered by either David or one of our health experts? Want to share how you’re feeling about the podcast? Call us at +1 801-871-5291 and leave a voicemail to be featured on the SuperAge podcast!Connect with Bradley:LinkedInThe Super Age WebsiteThe Super Age BookSay hi to the AGEIST team!
Feb 23, 2022 • 55min

Ketamine for Depression, PTSD, & Anxiety: Dr. Rachel Allen

“It's like shaking the snow globe, the old patterns are broken and new better ones are made.” How can ketamine help treat depression, PTSD, and anxiety? What about self-explorers, people who just want to learn more about themselves? What is happening in the brain during the treatment? Who should not do ketamine? What does someone experience while doing ketamine? How many treatments does one typically need? What does the future of ketamine therapy look like? What are the risks?Dr. Rachel Allen joins us on the SuperAge podcast to explain ketamine therapy for the treatment of depression, PTSD, & anxiety. Dr. Allen is a double board-certified anesthesiologist and chronic pain specialist. She has been practicing in the field of anesthesia and pain management for over 9 years and with her husband has opened Satori Health and Wellness in St. George, Utah where they specialize in healing their patients through ketamine treatments. What you will learn in this episode: - What ketamine treatment is - Who can benefit from ketamine treatments and who should not do them- Dr. Allen’s ketamine protocol - What Dr. Allen’s patients experience during treatment - What other lifestyle habits one should adopt while in treatmentTimestamps: 00:00:00 Welcome to the SuperAge Podcast00:00:30 Update on David’s diet00:02:15 Call into the podcast at +1 801-871-529100:03:06 About the AGEIST newsletter00:05:28 Introducing Dr. Rachel Allen00:06:23 How did Dr. Allen go from being an anesthesiologist to opening a ketamine clinic?00:08:56 Dr. Allen’s first ketamine patient story 00:11:33 The physiology of ketamine treatment 00:14:58 What ketamine can treat & Dr. Allen’s protocol00:24:24 Is ketamine legal?00:26:18 Ketamine and float tanks00:34:58 Ketamine & ego death 00:37:35 The lasting effect of ketamine treatment00:38:44 The future of ketamine treatment00:44:32 What to do if you want to try ketamine treatments00:47:38 The risks of ketamine treatment00:51:41 Post-treatment protocol“Whether you have depression, anxiety, trauma, or self-exploration, it is one of the top most meaningful experiences that they will have.” Listen to the SuperAge wherever you get your pods. Have a question you want to be answered by either David or one of our health experts? Want to share how you’re feeling about the podcast? Call us at +1 801-871-5291 and leave a voicemail to be featured on the SuperAge podcast!Connect with Dr. Rachel Allen:WebsiteFacebookSay hi to the AGEIST team!

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