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Apr 1, 2022 • 1h 3min

McKeown Q&A 7: Food and the Nervous System & Breathing Mechanics

Jay is back to answer more great questions from our loyal listeners!In this episode, Jay discusses...-The Hanu device allows you to log and track life events so you can analyze how your life events effect your stress...04:10-Dr. Wiles uses the Hanu device daily and has noticed how eating effects him physiologically...08:15We have 3 branches of the autonomic nervous system.Eating food is an activator for the enteric branch of the nervous system.We can prime the digestive system with breathwork. Heart rate will go up when you eat.The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems can work antagonistically or complimentarily. It's complicated, but that's physiology!Intermittent fasting: when you break the fast with foods that are highly inflammatory, there are immense changes in biometrics.The effects of inflammatory foods persist much longer than a typical, less inflammatory meal. Dr. Wiles has found from his personal tracking that there is a direct correlation between the amount of time HRV is suppressed and heart rate is increased after the meal, all dependent on the quality of the food, and perhaps even more so, the quantity of the food consumed when breaking the fast. Dr. Wiles has conducted some tests with quantity and quality of food for breaking his intermittent fasts.-You can use your own data to get self-informed about the variables that effect your nervous system from a longevity standpoint and a severity standpoint...25:00-A new study about mindful awareness to help prime the nervous system for better stress resilience...27:25-"The Influence of Slow Paced Breathing on Executive Function" study...33:30-The take-away from these two new articles is that to improve executive functioning and cognitive function, engage in activities that slow your breath respiratory rate down, but do not engage in activities that have you focus on your breath awareness...36:30Listener Q&A:Brandon asks: I'm having a hard time understanding if my breathing mechanics are still dysfunctional. It's hard to tell if my ribs are expanding like you have said that they should. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I've heard that when you are exhaling that it can help to gently pull your naval inward. Is that OK?...39:30In the answer, Jay discusses:This question focuses on biomechanics.Panic attacks are the most extreme form of anxiety, and you see very short, quick breaths. Rapid, Thoracic chest breathing.LSD breathing: Low, Slow, Diaphragmatic Breathing is recommended.Try not to get hung up on executing the 'perfect mechanics' of a breathThe gentle pull of the naval is not something you actively pull. You just notice it when you are breathing correctly.Jennifer asks: When I am doing breathwork exercises, especially to relieve stress, I have found that instead of sitting upright, I actually like to lean over. Still seated. Is this OK? I just feel better when I do this....50:50In the answer, Jay discusses:When we are engaging the core and over-activating muscle contraction, it has a negative impact. Maintaining a non-rigid, relaxed neck posture is good. Biometrics are highly subjective and individualized, so try different postures and check the biometric shifts and changes for yourself.Is it OK? Yes! When you lean over, you are letting gravity help expand the lungs. Trust your body when things feel good and use data to confirm. That's a wrap!Please give us a 5 star review on Apple podcasts here. If we read your review on the air, reach out to us and we will send you a thank you gift!
Mar 18, 2022 • 38min

HRV Q&A #4: Busting HRV Misconceptions

Jay is back to answer more great questions from our loyal listeners!In this episode, Jay discusses...-We are in full swing mode taking pre-orders for the Hanu Health wearable device; an all day stress monitoring and coaching tool...03:0040% discount$29 down now, fully refundable$150 value gift box if you are one of the first 1,000 to pre-orderEntered to win a one hour one-on-one coaching with Ben Greenfield from our advisory team and Ben Greenfield Fitness famePre-order here!-Conscious volition can cause HRV to go down...07:45-The Hanu Health blog, the Wave, has tons of great content. Check it out here.Listener Q&A:Mitch asks: I've always had a low HRV and I've heard it can indicate that I'm at risk for a heart attack. What can I do in order to help with this?...10:15In the answer, Jay discusses:I want to dispel this notion that someone has a "low HRV," because this is all very relative. HRV for the most part is not a normative, comparative piece of biometric data.Low and high HRV only has meaning in relationship to your own individual base line HRV. Every person's normative range for HRV varies.HRV is just a metric among other metrics to determine heart health.HRV is not a good indicator for risk for heart attack alone. There are many other great metrics to look at for that purpose. To help, be sure you understand what HRV is used for and what it is not used for. HRV is a mechanism for autonomic control, so you can learn to use it well for self-regulation.Normal is better in the field of HRVCindy asks: I have been working on trying to be more active with breathwork and HRV training. I think Hanu will be a huge source of encouragement and accountability for me. (We love to hear that Cindy!) Where is a good place to start in this part of my journey?...20:10In the answer, Jay discusses:Where do we start in creating habits? James Clear wrote a book called, "Atomic Habits," and a key concept is to act like who you want to become. Small changes, even changing your language, can make large impacts and really help with habit formation.Research is clear that the greatest benefit of HRV work comes from 25 minutes twice a day. This is difficult to jump into right away.Begin with identity language such as, "I am someone who works on my stress resilience." "I am a breathwork practitioner." "I am an HRV biofeedback practitioner."Start small. It can be 30 seconds to a minute each day to start. Hanu will definitely be a great help for encouragement and accountability. As you get the feedback, work on extended your time frames on your new habits and go from there.Jay has formed a habit during his commute using the Hanu Health app and breathwork with the Relaxator.Paul asks: What do you think about devices that claim to raise your HRV? Is that possible?...28:50In the answer, Jay discusses:He is board certified in this area, and his approach is, "Prove it."Show me the data. Hanu is built on HRV biofeedback research that has been established for decades.The underlying function of HRV biofeedback is to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, and there are researched benefits for many health concerns.Be wary and skeptical if the claims say your HRV will increase passively. It is likely click bait.That's a wrap!Please give us a 5 star review on Apple podcasts here. If we read your review on the air, reach out to us and we will send you a thank you gift!
Mar 11, 2022 • 1h 26min

EMF and Scalar Energy with Brandon Amalani

Brandon Amalani has been involved in the wellness industry for 20 years with a focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbalism. He is the founder and owner of Shen Blossom and Blushield Global USA. Brandon is dedicated to helping people elevate their conscious awareness and health utilizing time honored and modern methods and tools.In this episode, you'll discover:-Brandon's journey into EMF mitigation and scalar technology...05:30-Details on the technology used to test the impact of EMF...09:10-EMF stands for electromagnetic field (or frequencies) and it is worth learning about for your health and well being...11:00-Dr. Wiles recommendation for a basic primer on EMF...12:20 -The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology by Nicholas Pineault-On a physical level, our bodies are essentially electromagnetic field water machines...13:00 -www.emf-portal.org is a resource with many scientific studies regarding EMF...16:30-An explanation of non-native EMF vs. native EMF...17:00-EMF: the chronic stress you didn't know you were dealing with...21:10-Mitochondrial and cellular damage from EMF...24:30-The $30 million FDA toxicology study...27:10-Dr. Deborah Davis is a leading advocate to draw attention to the dangers of EMF...30:00-Dr. Wiles keeps a Blushield in his pocket and wears Lambs boxer briefs that block EMF...33:00-Brandon's expert opinion on defender cases and other devices that are marketed to block EMF...33:50 -Brandon's article "Can we actually block EMF?"-Brandon's elevator pitch about scalar energy...43:20-How scalar energy helps protect you from EMF; it's like tuning the dial to the station you want...47:50-Brandon explains the flashing light on the Blushield device...50:20-The Cube is the top recommended product; find out why...54:00-Your physiology becomes stronger and more adaptive as you are exposed to the Blushield technology...57:10-Dr. Wiles personal experience with Blushield...1:03:20-Improved sleep and sleep patterns resulting from the Cube...1:06:40-New studies on animals that shows great promise for this technology...1:08:20-Urinalysis study on humans shows decreased stress...1:12:05-Brandon's company has sold products all over the world and has a less than 1% return rate...1:17:00-Blushield is powerful enough for 5G because the body will always move towards what is beneficial and away from what is harmful...1:18:25-The planet has never experienced this level of radiation and we will have to see what the impact is overall...1:21:10-The Blushield website has a chart that clearly defines the specifications of each product...1:22:55Resources mentioned:www.blushield-us.com (Coupon code DOCWILES)Guest's social media handles:Blushield Global USA Instagram
Mar 4, 2022 • 1h 2min

McKeown Q&A #6: Improving Your Resilience to Stress with Breathwork and User Questions

Jay is once again joined by breath expert, and author of The Oxygen Advantage Patrick McKeown to discuss the new Hanu wearable, stress resilience interventions, neurotic thinking, and much more including answers to the most burning questions from our loyal listeners!In this episode, Patrick and Jay discuss...-The layperson's guide to using the Hanu wearable in daily life...4:45-Data may indicate low stress resilience is a strong factor for sufferers of long COVID...12:30-The real solution to stress is the intervention; the Hanu device provides real-time training in breathwork and techniques that increase stress resilience...14:40-Anxious people who are stuck in the head space, over-thinking and ruminating, have lower HRV, higher heart rate, and a number of other physiological markers of stress...16:40-The future of education is not just about teaching people how to think, but teaching them about physiology and how to deal with stress...26:10-Solid advice about dealing with the hardships and pain of traumas: personal and collective...28:00-Relinquish high levels of neuroticism to allow the breathwork to really work for you...32:45Listener Q&A:Kate asks: I've heard you say the ideal respiratory rate is 5-6 breaths per minute. My data from my Oura Ring is 17 breaths per minute. How do I practice breathwork or should I be working on HRV and heart rate?...40:45In our answer, we discuss:Replace the word "perfect" respiratory rate. There is no such thing as a perfect rate. Resonant rate for practicing is 4-6 breaths per minute. This is not the all day, every day breath rate. Increase cardio respiratory fitness and commit to breathwork and your breath rate will go down.Respiratory rate is just one factor. Tidal volume is an important consideration as well.There is a relationship between the BOLT score and the respiratory rate.Try taking a walk with your mouth closed. Respiratory rate in women is affected by hormonal changes with their menstrual cycles. Lower respiratory rate in the early days of menstruation, increased respiratory rate during ovulation. Women also have higher respiratory rates than men as a general rule. Jacob asks: In The Oxygen Advantage, you stated that you should take short breaths in and out before you hold your breath during the BOLT test. Is a short breath meaning your normal breath, or do you actually manipulate breathing prior to the hold?...53:50In our answer, we discuss:It is actually a normal breath. Patrick used that language in the book because he noticed when he would ask people to take a breath, they would take a big, deep breath. A funny story about BOLT scores from company employees who may have gotten a little competitive with one another.
Feb 25, 2022 • 1h 50min

How Robert Slovak Narrowly Escaped Death by Rediscovering a Lost Sea Mineral, and How He's Revolutionizing the Water Industry Today!

International water scientist Robert Slovak is regarded as one of the world’s foremost water experts.Robert Slovak devoted himself to the science of water after life-altering experiences. He took his astronautical and mechanical engineering degrees and decided to pursue the research of reverse osmosis with his brother Jack. The dynamic duo were considered the early developers of Reverse Osmosis technology. He is the co-founder of Water and Wellness.In this episode, you will discover...-Great deal available for the NEW Hanu wearable device…02:10-Robert’s bio…04:15-His appearances on the Ben Greenfield podcast were a huge success…07:00 •Episode Link: Deuterium Depleted Water, Etc. •Episode Link: Hydrogen Water, Etc.-Robert’s interest in water is rooted in a desire to untangle complexities in a topic we don’t know enough about…11:45-He was introduced to membrane separation and reverse osmosis while working on missiles during The Vietnam war (1971)…13:40-How to reduce most contaminants in municipal water supplies…19:20-Aquatru filter -Glyphosate (Round up) is found all over the world in water and it is difficult to remove…23:00-The pH of anything you eat or drink is irrelevant to human physiology…27:25-Two types of water filtration: distillation with activated carbon and reverse osmosis plus activated carbon…31:05-Robert is most famous for under sink RO Systems that have a sealed storage tank and reverse osmosis membrane with filters…33:30-Water storage is a problem and leads to health issues; The tank needs to get emptied or it becomes a microbial incubator!...35:10-Our microbiome is our second brain; the correlation between gut health and neuro cognitive issues is huge… 37:15-There is a product available at camping stores called a Steripin, it’s a small portable UV light that kills all three types of pathogens and water… 40:20-All about minerals and trace elements in our water…43:05-Roberts go to solution to re-mineralize the body… 47:00-Habitat crisis by scientist Dr. August Dunning about the correlation between the depletion of our soil and the increase in chronic disease…48:00-Quinton Marine plasma; Robert believes this product saved his life… 50:00-Hypertonic versus isotonic; best practices to stay in peak physical health… 53:00-The value of isotonic and when it is appropriate to use it… 57:00-Plankton blooms; a natural miracle…57:55-Quinton was the most prevalent medicine around 1916…1:00:30-Robert's opinion on mineral waters on the market…1:06:30-Dr. Michael Kessler claims Quinton isotonic is capable of shifting every patient from sympathetic to parasympathetic nervous system in 10 minutes or less…1:09:30-Water and Wellness website where you can purchase the isotonic and hypertonic ampules for your water…1:13:30-Hydrogen infused water and the benefits…the most unique and powerful antioxidant we can access…1:14:40-Isotonic foot baths; H2 Relief tablets for soaking accelerates recovery, reduces inflammation, and induces relaxation…1:19:10-When Hydrogen scavenges free radicals, it turns them into H2O; water!…1:24:20-The process involved with Hydrogen that increases cognitive function…1:26:05-Some free radicals are beneficial to the body and Hydrogen doesn’t interfere with those…1:28:30-Practical guidance for taking Hydrogen tablets…1:35:45-New product: ChroMAX™ is a product with Chromium for metabolic health…1:38:15-The serious threat of EMF and EMR to overall human health…1:40:20-New communication system is possible with scalar waves…1:45:30 •Episode Link: Brandon Amalani with Blushield technology
Feb 18, 2022 • 43min

HRV Q&A #3 The NEW Hanu Health Wearable Technology Overview

Todays Q&A is all about our brand new product launch! Be one of the first 1,000 people to pre-order the brand new, Hanu Health wearable and get the absolute best deal! $29 down and 40% off retail price for the first 1,000 customers who pre-order the Hanu Health wearable at hanuhealth.com.In this episode, you will discover:-The Hanu Health device is primarily a daytime device. Intended to be worn through the day...08:40-Increase level of self-awareness. Our physiology does not lie. We can try to convince ourselves out of stress, but the body really does keep the score. -Our device offers real-time training for stress resilience and better self regulation making you more adaptive to stress...11:20Questions from the Dr.Question #1: What metrics are you tracking with Hanu and why, and how are you measuring them?...14:55In my answer, I discuss:Every measurement comes from physiological dataHRV, Heart Rate, and movement are the things our device will track.SRS: Stress Resiliency Score is an aggregate score to tell you how resilient you are to stress.We are looking at macro and micro changes in heart rate which are both useful indicators for measuring nervous system functioning.Movement is a key feature. Heart rate naturally responds to movement, so the software is sophisticated enough to capture movement factors as they relate to HRV.Data is always used self-comparatively rather than normative comparisons.HRV measurement is RMSSD for parasympathetic output or vagal flowYou will be able to toggle in and out of advanced mode to get some really dense data points on HRV.PPG sensor made by Skosh and Valencell. The most accurate sensor array for all skin tones.Question #2: What is resonance frequency and how is it assessed and used for training?...25:25In my answer, I discuss:There is no device on the market right now that measures resonance frequency.Dr. Lair, a Hanu Health advisor, coined the term "resonance frequency" and created the protocol for resonance training.Resonance frequency: The Hanu app takes you through a 12 minute assessment to find your unique resonant frequency rate.The Hanu device will pace you at your own breath rate that will auto populate through your assessment. This customization is awesome.Question #3: Are there times when it doesn't make sense to measure HRV?...33:25In my answer, I discuss:The answer is yes; as of now. There is no need for continuous HRV monitoring.Any type of hormetic stress will reduce in a reduction of heart rate variability. Exercise is a hormetic stress, so it's not an ideal time to measure HRV. It's more important to measure HRV pre and post exercise. Take a listen to the podcast I did with Marco Altini on Sports Performance and HRV to learn more about how HRV increases after Zone 2 training. Marco Altini Episode Times of excessive movement are not valuable times for HRV measurement.You have a modified HRV while you eat. It is usually lower, because there is a lot of energy expenditure when you eat. HRV is modified while talking. -Our technology will not penalize you for exercising, eating, or talking (because why should you be?). You can provide the input to the smart application for great HRV data.The HostDr. Jay T. Wiles is an international speaker, scientist, clinician, influencer, and subject-matter expert and authority on the interconnection between the human stress response and health performance/optimization. Dr. Wiles is a clinical health and performance psychologist with board certification in heart rate variability biofeedback and peripheral biofeedback and works as a leading consultant in psychophysiology to health influencers, professional athletes and teams, executives, and high performers. He has pioneered new and innovative means of using heart rate variability (HRV) and respiratory training as both diagnostic indicators of the dynamic nature of the human stress response, alongside therapeutic tools for regulating and conditioning this response for peak human performance.
Feb 15, 2022 • 51min

It's Go Time! Announcing the Launch of the Hanu Device

Visit the Hanu Health website to check out what we're up to, and listen to this episode for details on how you can pre-order the Hanu Health device at a massive discount!In this episode, you'll hear:-A complete stress-resiliency technology in the form of a mobile wearable...04:45-A full-time biofeedback coach...08:55-Meet the Hanu Health team...12:30-Advisors to Hanu Health...20:01-Why we went the PPG route...27:15-Key features of the Hanu Health wearable and mobile app...31:10 -How to pre-order the device at a discount that will never be offered again!...43:00What are you waiting for? Join the Hanu Health wait list today to be kept in the loop about our upcoming product launches. We think you'll agree it will be worth the wait!Join here.Pre-Order Website: www.hanuhealth.com/preorder/?ref=4
Feb 11, 2022 • 1h 10min

Health Optimization and Wellness with High Performance Health Podcast Host Angela Foster

Angela is a Nutritional Therapist and Health & Performance Coach. She is also the host of top-rated podcast High Performance Health, Speaker at Wellness Summits & co-author of ReThink Health. Angela is on a mission to inspire and educate others on how to stay healthy and energised and to Live Younger Longer. As a Mother of three, she recognises the challenges of combining a successful career with a vibrant and healthy family life. Angela is a regular speaker to large corporations in helping them optimise the health and wellness of their leadership teams for high performance. In this episode, you'll discover:-Angela's fascinating background...04:00-Angela's approach to navigating complex health issues: exercise, nutrition, cognitive health programs...10:30-If you are a woman experiencing Postpartum Depression, you are not alone...13:00-Her personal journey was her motivation to career switch from law to health coaching...16:40-The frustration of doctors looking for disease markers rather than health optimization markers...19:15-The key areas she looks at with clients...21:05-Her approach to stress resiliency with clients...27:00-Stress is not always a bad thing; it's helpful to reframe it...30:30-Sleep architecture and recovery with clients...34:20-Take note of what you read before bed and how it affects your sleep...39:00-Biometric data is very helpful for results oriented, high performers...41:15-How data tracking could improve to help women; tracking menstrual cycles and health impacts in different phases...43:00-The best exercises and training for stress...51:10-Zone training: mix it up...59:50-Angela's favorite biohacking tools for overall health right now...1:04:00Guest's social media handlesInstagram Facebook Featured Resources:Angela's WebsiteAngela's Podcast: High Performance Health PodcastYour Total Health Check Website
Feb 4, 2022 • 1h 9min

McKeown Q&A #5: Using Stress Resiliency, HRV, and Breathwork to Improve Sports Performance, and Integrating Breathwork into Yoga Practice

Jay is once again joined by breath expert, and author of The Oxygen Advantage Patrick McKeown to discuss the breath techniques, sports performance, using breath in yoga practice, and much more including answers to the most burning questions from our loyal listeners!In this episode, you'll discover:-2022 HAS to be the year of stress resilience...02:00-How to use stress resiliency, HRV, and breathwork to improve sports performance...13:00Listener Q&A:Kristin asks: How important is it to engage in cyclical hyperventilation before athletic activity?...43:30In our answer, we discuss:Cyclical hyperventilation is risky before a big event because it can induce lightheadedness.If you choose to do it, make sure it is a part of your training, and not just something you try on the day of your big event.Meredith asks: What are some tips on how to integrate breathwork into yoga?...49:05In our answer, we discuss:Yoga has multiple components and breathwork is one of the foundations.Yoga has an enormous potential to adapt breathing exercises.Under-breathing during movement to increase circulation and increase blood flow to the brain. It can have a very calming effect.Exercises to target the biochemistry to have a better tolerance rate for CO2.Yoga is not just about movement, it is about mastery of the mind, which requires mastery of the breath.Patrick's next book is called Breathing Through Yoga. Some yoga instructors may instruct students to take fuller and deeper breaths, but this is not always good advice. The original intention for breath in yoga was subtle. Restraint over breathing.What you learn in yoga practice is transferrable into normal daily lives.What are you waiting for? Join the Hanu Health wait list today to be kept in the loop about our upcoming product launches. We think you'll agree it will be worth the wait!Join here.
Jan 28, 2022 • 1h 31min

Dr. Jay's Daily Health and Wellness Routines

Dr. Jay is answering his most asked question: what does he do in a day? After years of research, trial and error, Dr. Jay has established a structured routine to optimize his mental and physical performance. Jay dives into it all – from waking up every morning and not hitting snooze, to the supplements he takes throughout the day, and wrapping up with bedtime habits for a good night’s rest. Please note: Dr. Jay has determined (over time) the routine that works the best for him. What may work for Jay will not work for everyone. Please consider things such as age, weight, height, gender and lifestyle when making decisions regarding your own health and wellness journey. In This Episode You’ll Learn:Jay’s most asked question – what does he do in a day?…00:46Today’s podcast is sponsored by Hanu Health…04:46Overview of Jay’s morning routine…09:15HRV checks first thing in the morning…13:30Jay’s non-negotiable: morning meditation and breathwork…23:26The supplements Jay takes…25:52Pre-workout and workout routine…35:30How traveling alters Jay’s workout…48:00Deep work…54:20Entering the night-time routines…01:07:20Wind-down time and preparation for sleep…01:10:56What time does Jay go to bed?…01:16:48Analyzing the sleep data…01:21:15What are Jay’s optimal biohacks…01:24:57Affiliate Links & Helpful References:Hanu Podcast featuring Dr. Nathan BryanHanu Podcast featuring Mollie McGlocklinHanu Podcast featuring Dr. William WallaceWater & WellnessKionFluidstanceMyotape

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