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Paul Saladino MD podcast

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May 10, 2022 • 1h 12min

162. Naked tanning, benefits, skin cancer risk, dangers of sunscreen

Throughout my training and practice as a physician, I have come to one very disappointing conclusion:  Western medicine isn’t helping people lead better lives. Now that I’ve realized this, I’ve become obsessed with understanding what makes us healthy or ill. I want to live the best life I can and I want to be able to share this knowledge with others so that they can do the same. This podcast is the result of my relentless search to understand the roots of chronic disease. If you want to know how to live the most radical life possible I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Time Stamps: 00:08:20 Podcast begins  00:09:00 The benefits of sunlight 00:13:00 The problems with current research on LDL’s correlation with cardiovascular disease  00:15:45 Melanoma and Dietary Lipids study  00:19:30 The known benefits of sunlight and Vitamin D  00:25:00 The harm of avoiding direct sunlight  00:26:35 Adaptations to the skin when exposed to UV light and how to prevent sunburn  00:31:00 Interventional studies with Vitamin D 00:40:00 Study on Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy 00:42:30 Study on Narrow band UVB Light’s effect on the microbiome 00:43:10 Is Melanoma really a skin cancer? 00:46:10 Linoleic acid 00:55:00 The role of Omega-6 in Melanoma and skin cancers  00:56:45 Problems with sunscreen  00:59:50 The problems with psoralens 1:04:30 Unsaturated versus saturated fats and aging 1:08:00 Should you sun your testicles? 1:10:55 Vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance  Sponsors: White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at BluBlox:, use code CarnivoreMD for 15% your order Shirttail Creek Farm:, use code CarnivoreMD $10 off order of $100 or more
May 3, 2022 • 1h 36min

161. Using an Animal Based diet to optimize fertility and pregnancy with Lindsey Meehleis

Lindsey Meehleis, LM, CPM offers wisdom that has been passed down through many different lineages of midwives. Midwifery is not a job to Lindsey, it is her passion. She trusts & has deep reverence for the pregnancy & birth process. Everything else she offers are different modalities of things that help with the process of pregnancy, birth and parenthood. In addition to being a midwife and graduating from the only California State accredited midwifery school, Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery, Lindsey is a Doula, Lactation Consultant, Prenatal Yoga Instructor, CPR Instructor and a Emergency Medical Technician who is a provider in Neonatal Resuscitation. Time Stamps: 00:08:58 Podcast begins 00:10:17 Placental health and placental abruption 00:21:40 Delivery of placenta and delayed cord clamping 00:25:10 Placental stem cells 00:30:00 The medicalization of birth versus the roots of birth 00:33:00 Birthing positions 00:34:45 Thoughts on epidurals 00:37:35 Animal based diets during pregnancy and pre-conception 00:41:00 Optimal prenatal vitamin 00:48:08 Pregnant women eating raw food 00:53:08 Liver dosage during pregnancy 1:04:10 Nausea in the first trimester 1:07:50 Female and male infertility and thoughts on folic acids 1:12:30 Intuitive eating during pregnancy 1:16:40 Thoughts on birth control 1:30:00 Animal based for children 1:32:00 Postpartum nutrition 90 seconds to change the world | Alan Green | TEDxBrussels Sponsors: White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Sacred Hunting:, get $250 off your hunt Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at Eight Sleep: $150 off the PodPro cover at
Apr 25, 2022 • 1h 11min

160. The water episode. Fluoride? Alkaline? Structured? Best type of filtration? And are there contaminants in your spring water?

Throughout my training and practice as a physician, I have come to one very disappointing conclusion:  Western medicine isn’t helping people lead better lives. Now that I’ve realized this, I’ve become obsessed with understanding what makes us healthy or ill. I want to live the best life I can and I want to be able to share this knowledge with others so that they can do the same. This podcast is the result of my relentless search to understand the roots of chronic disease. If you want to know how to live the most radical life possible I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Time Stamps: 00:07:13 Podcast begins  00:11:00 Dangers of bottled water 00:14:15 Paul’s experience with distillation and The Berkey 00:15:55 Reverse Osmosis Water Filter 00:17:10 Thoughts on remineralization 00:18:50 What’s in your tap water? 00:22:43 Fluoride in naturally occurring water sources and toothpaste 00:30:00 Avoiding cavities by eating animal based 00:33:50 Where else do we get fluoride? What is the ideal daily intake? 00:36:22 Pineal gland calcification and accumulation of fluoride  00:47:15 Fluoride content of foods 00:49:00 Study on the benefits of fluoride  00:51:30 Thoughts on The Berkey water filter 00:53:30 Alkaline water and structured water 00:59:15 Radioactivity in bottled water Sponsors: White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Earth Runners:, use code PAUL for 10% off your order  Sacred Hunting:, get $250 off your hunt BluBlox:, use code CarnivoreMD for 15% your order Controversial Thoughts: Is there Uranium in your water?:
Apr 19, 2022 • 1h 15min

159. Everything you need to know about starting an Animal Based diet

Throughout my training and practice as a physician, I have come to one very disappointing conclusion:  Western medicine isn’t helping people lead better lives. Now that I’ve realized this, I’ve become obsessed with understanding what makes us healthy or ill. I want to live the best life I can and I want to be able to share this knowledge with others so that they can do the same. This podcast is the result of my relentless search to understand the roots of chronic disease. If you want to know how to live the most radical life possible I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Time Stamps: 00:09:15 Podcast begins 00:10:00 What is an animal based diet? 00:13:05 Why an animal based diet? 00:20:30 Harmful effects of a ketogenic diet 00:26:05 How to construct an animal based diet and why you shouldn’t eat plants  00:40:50 How to do an animal based diet 00:43:22 The importance of Creatine  00:58:09 Why should we not fear fruit? 1:04:30 Paul’s daily routine  1:06:40 Negative effects of coffee/caffeine 1:09:00 Paul’s thoughts on eating windows 1:13:50 Food combining and closing things out Sponsors: Heart & Soil: White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Eight Sleep: $150 off the PodPro cover at Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at Joovv Light Therapy:, use code PAUL for an exclusive discount
10 snips
Apr 12, 2022 • 1h 34min

158. Why now is the worst time to be a Vegan/Vegetarian/Pescatarian ever with Evan Brand

Evan Brand, CFMP, FNTP. Energetic, dedicated, precise, and stubbornly addicted to helping people feel better through functional medicine and creatively crafted and scientifically proven protocols that he’s used to tackle his own health struggles and thousands of clients and practitioners around the world. Time Stamps: 00:06:17 Podcast begins 00:06:40 Where are we in nutrient depletion as a society? 00:07:45 Microplastics + fluoride in toothpaste 00:11:25 Dental health in different tribes 00:20:50 Running form in children and the concept of “staying in your lane” 00:27:20 Nutrient depletion in soil 00:33:25 Inequality between plant and animal foods 00:41:30 Historic consumption of meat and shrinking of feet 00:46:36 Repercussions of Gallbladder removal surgery  and appendix removal 00:56:08 Glyphosate in honey 01:01:50 How to get truly clean water 01:10:10 Vanishing nutrients in fruits + vegetables 01:18:00 Long Term effects of non-protein amino acids 01:23:10 Vegan-eaters versus meat-eaters 1:29:00 Why is fish BS? Sponsors: Heart & Soil: White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Earth Runners:, use code PAUL for 10% off your order BluBlox:, use code CarnivoreMD for 15% your order Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at
Apr 5, 2022 • 3h 9min

157. The More Plates More Dates podcast with Derek!

Derek began his career in his early twenties as a blogger. His site with a few viewers collections was established in 2016 when he started helping people (especially men) with fitness. He stepped into the year 2017 with the collaborative initiation of Gorilla Mind, a company that sold supplements for workouts. The business studies graduate has perfectly employed himself with his inspirational ideas for fitness. Similarly, the young entrepreneur also owns a clinic named Marek Health, which has been selling hormonal products for hair loss, erectile dysfunction, weight loss, thyroid problem, and other similar things. Time Stamps: 00:09:03 Why did Paul move to Costa Rica? 00:11:08 Building out Heart & Soil and how the supplements are made 00:15:17 Descending order of priority of organ meats 00:18:22 Risk of foodborne illness with raw organs 00:25:33 Should I eat my organ meats raw or cooked? 00:35:11 Paul’s backstory: medical school, his previous raw vegan diet, and social media 00:39:03 Can you build muscle on a vegan diet? 00:44:03 Paul’s history with eczema and asthma 00:50:13 Eating muscle meat only versus eating muscle meat and organs 00:52:13 Paul’s philosophy shift from advocating for a no carb diet to adding back in fruit and honey and SHBG levels 00:59:03 Sympathetic responses from a ketogenic diet 1:02:53 Insulin resistance and food combining 1:06:13 Linoleic acid and seed oils in a caloric deficit  1:14:10 Paul’s daily routine, workflow and productivity blocks 1:17:30 Psychological penalty of certain foods and alcohol 1:18:08 Paul’s sleep hygiene 1:22:23 Intermittent fasting and eating windows 1:25:53 Thoughts on EMF and Wifi 1:30:03 Paul’s relationship + collaboration with Liver King 1:34:13 Plant compounds for medicinal purposes 1:44:25 Paul’s thoughts on NAD and insulin resistance 1:47:13 Paul’s thoughts on Metaformin 1:54:03 Reversal + treatment of diabetes 2:03:33 Healing alopecia areata through diet changes 2:07:15 Why do some people get autoimmune issues, and some don’t? 2:28:33 Paul’s thoughts on LDL cholesterol and what to look for in terms of risk factors for heart disease 2:44:03 Benefits of fruit and fresh versus frozen  2:48:03 Where to get all vitamins on an animal based diet 2:50:03 How does Paul get the highest quality water? 2:52:42 Paul’s thoughts on biohacking 2:54:48 How can people hit high-carbohydrate needs or build muscle on an animal based diet 2:58:48 Paul’s thoughts on specific cases of high LDL
Mar 28, 2022 • 1h 21min

156. How to correct the root cause of your depression/anxiety/eating disorder

Throughout my training and practice as a physician, I have come to one very disappointing conclusion:  Western medicine isn’t helping people lead better lives. Now that I’ve realized this, I’ve become obsessed with understanding what makes us healthy or ill. I want to live the best life I can and I want to be able to share this knowledge with others so that they can do the same. This podcast is the result of my relentless search to understand the roots of chronic disease. If you want to know how to live the most radical life possible I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Time Stamps: 00:07:52 Podcast begins 00:09:00 Is Western Medicine helping us heal? 00:12:10 Insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction within Western Medicine 00:13:27 Mainstream paradigm of mental illness 00:15:00 Response to a comment on Instagram, and “Why I do what I do” 00:19:00 Mental illness and neuroinflammation  00:22:12 The “Plinko” effect; why do certain people get certain diseases? 00:28:10 Problems with the mainstream Western paradigm of depression and anxiety 00:30:13 What triggers the Inflammatory Response System and does inflammation trigger depression and anxiety? 00:34:40 Insulin resistance + dopamine  00:40:40 Binge eating disorder 00:44:10 Connection between neuroinflammatory diseases and diet/the gut microbiome 00:50:10 What causes neuroinflammation and how do we treat it? 00:58:33 Ketogenic diets for mental illness 1:01:40 Interview with Meg and her story with eating disorder recovery and animal based Find Anthony Gustin: @dranthonygustin on Instagram Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  BluBlox:, use code CarnivoreMD for 15% your order White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Ice Barrel:, use code PAUL for $25 off your order Aura: 40% off your first order at
5 snips
Mar 21, 2022 • 1h 4min

155. How to fix your low testosterone (and hormones in general!)

Throughout my training and practice as a physician, I have come to one very disappointing conclusion:  Western medicine isn’t helping people lead better lives. Now that I’ve realized this, I’ve become obsessed with understanding what makes us healthy or ill. I want to live the best life I can and I want to be able to share this knowledge with others so that they can do the same. This podcast is the result of my relentless search to understand the roots of chronic disease. If you want to know how to live the most radical life possible I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Time Stamps: 00:09:14 Podcast begins 00:11:10 Why do we want testosterone? 00:12:35 Why are your hormones tanked? 00:14:30 Endocrine access for testosterone 00:20:00 Insulin resistance + decreased testosterone 00:28:57 High fiber, low fat diets negatively impacting testosterone  00:36:50 Stearic acid + odd chain fatty acids   00:40:30 Polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA damage 00:45:00  The importance of Zinc and Copper in your diet  00:48:20 The importance of Vitamin A 00:53:40 Sun Exposure and libido 00:57:30 The effect of a ketogenic diet on hormones 00:58:22 Paul shares his testosterone levels + bloodwork before and after a ketogenic diet 00:59:50 Women’s hormones  Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Joovv Light Therapy:, use code PAUL for an exclusive discount Aura: 40% off your first order at Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at
Mar 15, 2022 • 1h 33min

154. The Liver King Podcast! With Brian Johnson, aka Liver King

Liver King is the CEO of the Ancestral Lifestyle. He's the author of The 9 Ancestral Tenets, an evolutionary hunter, and Barbarian world record holder. Go to Time stamps: 00:07:54 Podcast begins 00:08:39 A day in the life of Liver King 00:10:09 Thoughts on raw eggs/meat and salmonella/E. Coli 00:13:24  What does Liver King eat in a day and thoughts on supplements. 00:18:14 Does Liver King use PED’s and steroids? 00:25:14 Liver King’s trip to Africa + drinking blood 00:39:54 Liver King’s challenges with the tribes Africa 00:42:16 Primitive cultures versus the modern world’s thoughts on death, materials, and social media 00:47:14 Liver King’s journey to appreciating the ancestral lifestyle and his kids journey through recovering from allergies  00:54:29 The evolution of Liver King’s diet 00:57:24 Transitioning children to animal based eating and an active lifestyle 01:05:59 The genesis of Liver King and taking his message to social media 01:13:00 Collaboration of Liver King + Carnivore MD and starting Ancestral Supplements 1:23:24 Barbarian across the Brooklyn Bridge 1:30:14 Nine ancestral tenets Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Ice Barrel:, use code PAUL for $25 off your order Shirttail Creek Farm:, use code CarnivoreMD $10 off order of $100 or more BluBlox:, use code CarnivoreMD for 15% your order
Mar 7, 2022 • 1h 16min

153. Is fruit bad or good for humans? Will organs raise Uric Acid?

Throughout my training and practice as a physician, I have come to one very disappointing conclusion:  Western medicine isn’t helping people lead better lives. Now that I’ve realized this, I’ve become obsessed with understanding what makes us healthy or ill. I want to live the best life I can and I want to be able to share this knowledge with others so that they can do the same. This podcast is the result of my relentless search to understand the roots of chronic disease. If you want to know how to live the most radical life possible I hope you’ll join me on this journey. 00:10:40 Podcast begins 00:10:56 Red Meat + Longevity 00:14:11 Healthy user bias vs. unhealthy user bias 00:16:36 Fructose and uric acid 00:20:11 How much fruit is too much? 00:27:56 Fructose  00:30:36 Thoughts on fiber  00:34:16 Processed sugar versus honey and fruit 00:36:21 Paul’s thoughts on vegetables 00:41:51 Rick Johnson study on adding fructose back to a low fructose diet 00:47:56 Polyol pathway and sorbitol 00:55:41 Does fruit and honey cause uric acid to rise? 00:57:26 Paul’s uric acid over the years 01:00:10 Where does uric acid come from? 1:10:26 How high can uric acid go while fasting? Sponsors: Ice Barrel:, use code PAUL for $25 off your order Aura: for 40% off all plans White Oak Pastures:, use code CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at

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