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Paul Saladino MD podcast

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Dec 17, 2019 • 1h 25min

25. Former celebrity vegans now thriving on a carnivore diet! The amazing stories of Alyse Parker and Tim Shieff!

These two are truly amazing individuals!  Alyse is a former raw vegan who gathered a following of over 1 million people on YouTube and Instagram by sharing her message of positivity and self love. She received significant criticism from the vegan community earlier this year when she announced that she had begun eating meat and felt much better because of it! She is now thriving on a carnivore-ish diet and was recently featured on Good Morning America telling her story. Tim is a world champion parkour (free running) athlete who experienced significant decline in his health after eating a vegan diet for 6 years, and has similarly found much better health since including meat in his diet. He was filmed for the Game Changers movie but asked to be taken out after his health suffered. Can we please get James Wilks to comment on that???   Alyse contact info: Ig/twitter: @alyseparkerr Tim contact info: Ig/twitter@humantimothy Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at all month for 10% off your order!   JOOVV: INSIDER:   My contact information:   Book:   PATREON:   SOCIAL MEDIA  Instagram: @carnivoremd Website: Twitter:@carnivoremd  Facebook: Paul Saladino MD email:
Dec 10, 2019 • 2h 30min

24. Did James Wilks Get Anything Right Against Chris Kresser? With Brian Sanders of Food Lies

Did James Wilks win the debate with Chris Kresser in defense of the Game Changers? Not a chance. Listen to Brian I break this one down in detail as we illustrate how he fell far short of his goal while mis representing data and using shady tactics to make Chris look bad. And guess what? I know how to read a forest plot!  Brian Sanders is the host of the Peak Human podcast and the man behind the anticipated movie Food Lies- a film examining human nutrition, evolution and regenerative agriculture.    Time Stamps:  [12:20] Wilks complains how the meat industry research is largely funded by interest groups, but this is the case with all industries [14:40] Dairy products and cancer association  [18:45] James Wilks completely misinterpreted the Dairy Product Consumption and Prostate Cancer RIsk in the United States  [16:20] The issue with epidemiological studies  [20:19] Does dairy cause inflammation? [24:50] Dairy has actually been proven to have health promoting components [26:25] Wilks falsely claims that Richard Wrangham, British primatologist and Harvard Anthropologist, believes that ancestors were primarily plant eaters throughout evolution [29:20] The reliance or sudden ability to get meat allowed our brains to grow [38:40] Wilks claims that meat consumption causes inflammation [53:50] Does a high protein diet cause kidney problems? [55:02] High protein does not cause problems with bone density [56:50] Heme iron and N-nitroso compounds  [1:08:30] If red meat is so bad for you why do some cultures live longer while eating lots of meat? [1:09:10] Meat intake and cause-specific mortality: a pooled analysis of Asian prospective cohort study  [1:10:25] Athletes and carbohydrates  [1:17:45] Forest Plots  [1:19:00] Vitamin B12 in lake water [1:22:40] Vitamin B12 from unwashed vegetables [1:24:03] Vitamin B12 supplements and cattle [1:26:58] James claims it’s because of the pesticides that the soils are depleted but this is not true  [1:28:17] Wilks brings up a point about omnivores and how some are deficient in B12 [1:30:22] Fiber and the microbiome  [1:31:45] Meat and inflammation   [1:34:02] Magnitude and timing of the postprandial inflammatory response to a high-fat meal in healthy adults: a systematic review [1:37:45] Vegetables, inflammation, and oxidative stress
Dec 3, 2019 • 1h 43min

23. How to become as strong as possible with Stan Efferding

Stan Efferding is an IFBB Professional bodybuilder and World Record Holding Powerlifter. He is one of only 10 men in the world to ever total over 2,300 pounds raw in competition. Stan holds the title as the World’s Strongest Bodybuilder. Stan studied Exercise Science at the University of Oregon and has been training high school, collegiate, and professional athletes for over 25 years. Stan conducts seminars all over the country for various sports and nutrition and training techniques. He has appeared in many magazines and writes for Muscular Development, Flex Magazine and Power Magazine.Stan is also a successful entrepreneur having built three different start-up businesses into multi-million dollar companies.   Time Stamps Start of Podcast: 5:28 6:28 Stan's story  11:28 Importance of maintaining muscle mass  14:58 Biggest muscle building pitfalls. 16:58 Introducing Damon 17:48: Hafþór Björnsson 24:38 Paul's thoughts on insulin resistance and choline. 27:28 Cholesterol myth  28:58 Calcium  33:28 The Samoa indigenous diet. 36:48 The issues with the combination of fats and carbohydrates in the diet.  39:28 Seed oils. 43:28 Salts 47:58 muscle "pump" 48:58 Keto Adaptation for greater athletic performance. 55:38 Muscle glycogen on a keto diet. 1:00:28 The Carnivore diet for strength athletes.  1:01:58 Protein requirements for performance 1:05:28 Protein quality. 1:07:58 "Hard gainers" 1:17:58 Protein sparing modified fasting. 1:21:28 Aerobic activity requirements. 1:31:28 Problem with oils and rendered fats  1:35:28 Where to find Stan and Damon  1:36:58 The most radical things Stan and Damon have done recently.  Stan’s contact info: Instagram: @stanefferding Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at all month for 10% off your order!   JOOVV: INSIDER:   My contact information:
Nov 26, 2019 • 2h 44min

22. Carnivore vs Omnivore Part 2 of the friendly debate with Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Chris has a PhD in nutritional sciences, which he earned in 2012, from the University of Connecticut. He then did a post-doctoral fellowship before serving as an assistant professor at Brooklyn College until he decided to leave academia and do research on his own. He currently produces a radical podcast, Mastering Nutrition, writes about all kinds of cool stuff at, trains BJJ and loves his liver and egg yolks.    Chris’ contact info    Insta: @chrismasterjohnphd Twitter: @chrismasterjohnphd Web: Time Stamps: 8:49 Start of podcast  9:19 What is a carnivore diet?  7:39 Nutrition dogma/diet definition 13:15 Is the carnivore diet an ancestral diet or new dietary approach.  16:10 Latitude effect on diet.  20:15 Hunter gatherer diets/ethnographic data. 24:00 Did we get shorter due to the advent of agriculture? 26:30 Technology development.  29:00 Salivary amylase gene/do we need to eat starch? 32:10 Human evolution and salivary amylase gene. 46:00 Carnivore diet as an innovation. 52:00 Is the carnivore diet working due to elimination of all plants or specific plants? 55:50 Why the carnivore diet is the ultimate elimination diet. 57:30 People who do poorly on carnivore diets. 1:00:00 Who should try a carnivore diet?. 1:02:50 What do carnivore diets and keto diets have in common? 1:05:30 Who is a ketogenic diet for? 1:13:50 Do keto diets mimic fasting physiology? 1:17:10 NAD and NADH. 1:22:00 Is ketogenesis taxing on the liver? 1:34:20 Ketosis and longevity. 1:36:30 Why Chris doesn't believe we should always be in a fasting state physiology. 1:39:00 Paul's response. 1:45:30 Ketosis and oxidative stress. 1:47:20 Hormones.  2:02:10 Carbohydrates and fed state signal. 2:04:00 Faster study. 2:05:15 Studies on ketogenic diets and performance. 2:12:10 The Inuit and ketogenesis.  Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at
Nov 19, 2019 • 1h 34min

21. Benefits and pitfalls of carnivore and ketogenic diets with Robb Wolf

Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist, health expert, and author of the New York Times bestseller The Paleo Solution and the eagerly anticipated Wired To Eat. He has been a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and Journal of Evolutionary Health; serves on the board of directors of Specialty Health medical clinic in Reno, Nevada; and is a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resilience Program. Wolf is also a former California State powerlifting champion and holds the rank of purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He lives in Reno, Nevada with his wife Nicki, and daughters Zoe and Sagan.   Time Stamps: 7:24 Start of podcast  8:24 Robb's nutrition journey. 20:24 Gut health and plant tolerance. 26:24 Hunter gatherer diets. 31:24 Are humans high level carnivores? 32:44 Gut microbiome diversity. 39:49 "The perfect health diet", Paul Jaminet, are there dangers of being in a ketogenic state? 49:24 Mainstream criticism of "new" dietetic approaches. Acceptance of new dietary ideas. 54:04 Do humans need exogenous glucose? Other concerns of ketosis. 1:00:24 What is the "sweet spot" for protein? 1:07:24 The methylation clock/compressed eating windows and aging. 1:09:44 Electrolytes. 1:19:24 Muscle cramping and other electrolytes. 1:24:04 Where to find Robb's work and supplements. Robb’s contact info: Web:, Instagram: @dasraobbwolf My info   PATREON:   Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at all month for 10% off your order!   Use CARNIVORE15 for 15% off special deals this week at    JOOVV:   Native: For 20% off your first purchase, visit and use promo code SALADINO during checkout! INSIDER:   My contact informatio
Nov 12, 2019 • 1h 51min

20. We crush the Game Changers! Full debunking with Ryan Lowery PhD

Dr. Ryan P. Lowery, PhD, a 2014 national champion baseball player, earned his BS and MS in exercise physiology and exercise and nutrition science from the University of Tampa.   Ryan completed his doctorate work at Concordia University in Health and Human Performance with a focus on “The Effects of a Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet and Exogenous Ketone Supplementation on Various Markers of Health and Body Composition in Healthy and Diseased Populations.”  Ryan currently serves as the CEO of and the President of the Applied Science and Performance Institute. Over his career, Ryan has published over 150 papers, abstracts, and book chapters on human performance and sports nutrition and is heavily focused on the impact of ketogenic diets and exogenous ketones on performance, cognitive function, and longevity.  Ryan has received the Exercise Science Scholar of the Year Award, NSCA Award for Outstanding Presentation of the year award, and the National AAHPERD Exercise Science Major of the Year Award. Ryan co-authored the book The Ketogenic Bible with Dr. Jacob Wilson which focuses on the science and practical application behind the ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones, and all of their potential applications.     Time stamps:   8:15 Start of episode. 10:12 Gladiator diet  14:39 Are vegans stronger? 21:05 Performance enhancing substances in plant based supplements. 23:15 Are plant based diets better for endurance athletes? 25:15 Tim Shieff's story. 28:55 Should you do endurance and weight training on the same day? 30:15 Can you get enough protein from plants? 37:15 mTOR. 38:05 Patrick Baboumian. 41:40 Cloudy blood experiment. 50:15 Flow mediated dilatation. 55:15 Is a plant based diet the only diet that has been proven to reverse coronary artery disease? 1:02:55 Are there endotoxins in meat? 1:11:15 Does our brain need glucose? 1:13:25 Is Gluconeogenesis stressful to the human body? 1:21:35 Do plant based diets lead to better erections? 1:23:45 Muscle building and carbohydrates. 1:30:25 Is going plant based better for the environment? 1:45:43 Where to find Ryan. 1:46:05 The most radical thing Ryan has done lately. Ryan’s contact info:   Instagram: @ryanplowery Twitter: @ryanplowery Web:, My info   PATREON:   Ancestral Supplements  
Nov 5, 2019 • 1h 53min

19. Can we live forever? A conversation about aging with David Sinclair PhD

David A. Sinclair, Ph.D., A.O. is a Professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. He is best known for his work on understanding why we age and how to slow its effects. His research has been primarily focused on the sirtuins, protein-modifying enzymes that respond to changing NAD+ levels and to caloric restriction (CR) with associated interests in chromatin, energy metabolism, mitochondria, learning and memory, neurodegeneration, and cancer. The Sinclair lab was the first one to identify a role for NAD+ biosynthesis in regulation of lifespan and first showed that sirtuins are involved in CR in mammals. They first identified small molecules that activate SIRT1 such as resveratrol and studied how they improve metabolic function using a combination of genetic, enzymological, biophysical and pharmacological approaches. They recently showed that natural and synthetic activators require SIRT1 to mediate the in vivo effects in muscle and identified a structured activation domain. They demonstrated that miscommunication between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes is a cause of age-related physiological decline and that relocalization of chromatin factors in response to DNA breaks may be a cause of aging. Time stamps:   9:35 Start of podcast.  10:53 Does when you eat matter more than what you eat? 12:48 Time restricted feeding and longevity. 17:04 What causes us to age? 20:05 What cellular information is being lost? 26:35 What Causes DNA break? 28:47 DNA breaks as clastogenesis. 29:32 Food and DNA breaks  31:28 PARP enzymes. 34:57 NAD 40:15 NAMPT 42:35 Nicotinamide and sirtuins. 44:25 Methylation and methyl groups. 45:44 Sirtuins. 48:11 Heat/cold and sirtuins/NAMPT 52:54 What do sirtuins do with ADP ribose. 56:15 Role of active sirtuins. 58:25 Other longevity genes. 1:04:30 Importance of mitochondrial NAD levels. 1:05:50 Ketosis and NAD. 1:11:20 Resveratrol. 1:14:45 Xenohormesis and plant molecules- my view vs David’s 1:19:55 Resveratrol trials, concerns about resveratrol. 1:26:05 mTOR 1:31:37 David's plant based diet- and why it could be better 1:38:10 Meat consumption and the environment 1:45:35 Where to find David's stuff. 1:47:20 The most radical thing David has done recently.  David’s contact info:
Oct 29, 2019 • 2h 4min

18. Ask Me Anything #1: Game Changers, electrolytes, hemochromatosis, the microbiome and more!

Nathan Owens joins me again for this action packed episode. I’ll be doing one AMA per month or so in the future!    Time stamps:  9.45 Start of Podcast 10:25 Nathan's unifying theory of heart disease.  12:05 Gut health and heart disease. 14:50 What about the arteries suggested LDL was not the cause of disease? 15:30 Cholesterol ester crystals. 16:30 Endothelial progenitor cells  19:15 Citizen Science Foundation. 21:15 What are the biggest factors that lead to atherosclerosis? 22:42 Survey of metabolic dysfunction (America). 25:25 Game changers: Were gladiators vegan? 26:45 Game changers: Inaccurate epidemiology. 35:05 Game Changers: Flow mediated dilatation. 41:05 Game Changers: Flow mediated dilatation experiments  53:42 Game Changers: Neu5gc. 1:02:33 Is iron overload a problem with a carnivore diet? 1:12:35 Paul's upcoming book. 1:19:15 Microbiome and the carnivore diet. 1:25:15 Potassium/sodium supplementation. 1:35:25 Marty Kendall nutrient optimizer rebuttal.  1:50:15 Carnivore diet and gallstones. 1:54:30 Thoughts on "other" foods (mushrooms, honey, seaweed, insects). 1:59:35 Fueling recommendations for long distance bike rides. 2:01:40 Testosterone levels on a carnivore diet.   PATREON:   Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at all month for 10% off your order!   Use CARNIVORE15 for 15% off special deals this week at    JOOVV:   Native: For 20% off your first purchase, visit and use promo code SALADINO during checkout! INSIDER:   My contact information:   SOCIAL MEDIA  Instagram: @carnivoremd Website: Twitter:@carnivoremd
Oct 22, 2019 • 1h 30min

17. Did humans evolve to be Carnivores or Omnivores? With Miki Ben-Dor PhD

I've always found anthropological questions regarding human origins and hunting practices to be fascinating. Happy to have been able to talk to paleo anthropologist Miki Ben-Dor to dig into many of these issues.    Time Stamps:   9:00 Start of Podcast. 9:52 Miki's background. 16:00 Where humans come from/context of human evolution. 21:00 Homo Erectus vs. Australopithecus diet. 28:00 Change in species availability (change from hunting megafauna to smaller animals). 32:00 Humans as hypercarnivores. 35:00 Contemporary hunter gatherer groups (the Hazda). 37:50 Iron vs. stone tools. 47:30 Hunting and Human evolution. 52:00 Neanderthals as high-trophic carnivores (nitrogen studies). 58:00 Hazda diet and health. 1:02:00 Cultural symbolism of "fat" 1:10:21 Transition from primates to humans. 1:15:00 Group hunting tactics by Homo Sapiens. 1:20:50 Shrinking brain size due to onset of agriculture. Miki's contacts:  twitter: @bendormiki website:  PATREON:   Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at all month for 10% off your order!   Use CARNIVORE15 for 15% off special deals this week at    JOOVV:   Native: For 20% off your first purchase, visit and use promo code SALADINO during checkout! INSIDER:   My contact information:   SOCIAL MEDIA  Instagram: @carnivoremd Website: Twitter:@carnivoremd  Facebook: Paul Saladino MD email: Stay Radical!  
Oct 15, 2019 • 1h 29min

16. The amazing benefits of blood flow restriction training, and how EMF is harming you, with the spectacular Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mercola really needs no introduction. He is really the OG in the alternative health and wellness space and has contributed greatly to this body of knowledge.  He maintains the most popular health website on the interweb,, which is a treasure trove of information on a wide variety of topics.  In this interview we discuss blood flow restriction training (BFR) and EMF, diving into many of the details here at a granular level. I am sure you will all find much benefit in this episode! Dr. Mercola has created two landing pages for the topics of this interview: where you can sign up for the soon to be released comprehensive summary of the benefits of this way of training he has written. All of the info about his book, EMF*D, which will be released in February. This is a fantastic resource regarding the dangers of EMFs and how to mitigate exposure as much as possible.    Also check out for all of Dr. Mercola’s many other resources.  Ancestral Supplements   Code SALADINOMD on the shopify site to receive 10% off.   Use the code CARNIVOREMD at all month for 10% off your order!   Use CARNIVORE15 for 15% off special deals this week at    JOOVV:   Native: For 20% off your first purchase, visit and use promo code SALADINO during checkout! INSIDER:   My contact information: PATREON:   SOCIAL MEDIA  Instagram: @carnivoremd Website: Twitter:@carnivoremd  Facebook: Paul Saladino MD email: Stay Radical!  

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