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Paul Saladino MD podcast

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Oct 29, 2021 • 32min

Controversial Thoughts: Turmeric is BS!

First principles: Plants don't want their roots, stems, leaves, and seeds (seeds, nuts, grains and legumes) to be eaten- and they've clearly evolved defense mechanisms to dissuade consumption of these parts. (Animals don't want to be eaten either but they can run away, bite, kick, etc.) Why do we assume that plant leaves like kale or plant roots like turmeric are good for us? I'm not convinced, and in this video I go deep down the turmeric rabbit hole to tell you why I think it's BS. If you want to eat a little every once in a while it's probably not a big deal, but daily consumption or mega-dosing can be potentially harmful IMO. #theremembering #animalbased
Oct 26, 2021 • 1h 39min

132. How to know if you are metabolically healthy, with Kara Collier

Kara Collier is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN), and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician (CNSC) who specializes in glucose control and metabolism. She graduated from Purdue University and previously worked at Memphis VA Medical Center, as a clinical dietitian at Providence Hospital, and in a management role at Nutritionix. Time Stamps: 0:09:40 Podcast Begins 0:11:47 What is a continuous Glucose Monitor and why are they important? 0:14:55 Other metrics to use when using a CGM 0:22:55 Why we should be giving glucose monitors to non-diabetics 0:29:25 The median value in a CGM and why this is important 0:48:00 Examples of physiological normal responses to glucose 1:01:05 Chances are, anyone you encounter on the street is going to have some abnormal metric going on 1:05:40 How much glucose variability is reasonable? 1:14:55 Are all carbohydrates bad? 1:27:20 Glucose tells you about much more than just diabetes.. 1:33:10 Knowledge is one thing, but behavior change is another 1:36:40 Where to find more of Kara and get your hands on a CGM Sponsors: White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at Eight Sleep: use code “CARNIVOREMD” to save $150
Oct 22, 2021 • 10min

Controversial Thoughts: My Nighttime Routine

Sleep is business. Plain and simple. Other than optimizing my food, there is nothing I have found to be more beneficial to my performance every day than optimizing my sleep. This means I don't mess around with these tenets... Light on my skin and eyes and grounding (usually through surfing) first thing in the am... I don't wear sunglasses, ever. I also don't wear contacts in my eyes during the day. 10 hour feeding window, strictly adhered to. First bite of food 630am, last bite at 430pm. You know what I eat: #Animalbased Red light in the house at night, all of them. Yes I am a lizard. All devices red screens after dark (Iris, etc). Firelight if I can. No electronics 1 hour before bed. Read a book, meditate, etc.. I do not watch TV. Ever. Cool dark room, cooling pad on bed, consistent bedtime (845-915pm). What does your nighttime routine look like? #theremembering
Oct 18, 2021 • 1h 45min

131. Bitcoin, the most important innovation of your lifetime? With Dr. Saifedean Ammous

Dr. Saifedean Ammous is the author of The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, the best-selling groundbreaking study of the economics of bitcoin. The book was a pioneer in explaining bitcoin’s value proposition as the hardest money ever discovered, and the only working alternative to national central banks for international payments. Dr. Ammous holds a PhD in Sustainable Development from Columbia University, where his doctoral thesis studied the economics of biofuels and alternative energy sources. He also holds an MSc in Development Management from the London School of Economics, and a Bachelor of Engineering from the American University of Beirut. Time Stamps: 0:10:40 Podcast begins 0:11:37 What is "money" really? 0:18:00 What is the idea behind "hard money?" 0:20:55 Breaking down the terms inflation and deflation 0:30:46 The history of currency in the United States 0:42:55 Can the US treasury really print as much money as they want? 0:47:20 Inflation and why letting your money sit in a savings account might not be the smartest idea 0:58:30 What is Bitcoin in it's simplest terms? 1:01:15 What is the stock to flow ratio for Bitcoin and why is this important? 1:06:50 Whose to say Bitcoin will not be deemed illegal? 1:15:40 If a country were to ban cryptocurrency, they would be hurting themselves  1:18:55 Is Bitcoin polluting the planet? 1:35:35 Why are people spending so much time on 'mining' Bitcoin? 1:43:25 Where to find more of Dr. Saifedean Ammous    Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  BLUblox: CARNIVOREMD for 15% off Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order  
Oct 15, 2021 • 20min

Controversial Thoughts: Acid/Alkaline balance on an Animal Based diet

Plant-based pundits love to bloviate about the benefits of eating an "alkaline" diet, but is there any real science to support this?    Nope.    In this week's edition of Controversial Thoughts (available here and all podcast feeds as well as YouTube) I dig into the acid/alkaline balance and note how adding some fruit to a carnivore diet (= Animal Based diet, voila!) can be beneficial from a urinary pH perspective - which probably also reflects interstitial pH.    As I noted in last week's controversial thoughts, infants self-select for a balance of acidic/alkaline foods. Might be something for us to think about as adults, also.    #theremembering
Oct 12, 2021 • 1h 50min

130. Ivermectin: Horse dewormer or lifesaving intervention for COVID-19, with Pierre Kory, MD

Pierre Kory is an American critical care physician who gained attention during the COVID-19 pandemic for advocating widespread off-label use of certain drugs as treatments for COVID-19, as president and co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Kory testified twice to the U.S. Senate regarding COVID-19. During his testimony in December 2020, Kory erroneously claimed that the antiparasitic medication ivermectin was a "wonder drug" with "miraculous effectiveness" against COVID-19   Time Stamps: 0:14:55 Podcast begins 0:15:35 What does Pierre Kory do? 0:17:55 The breaking point that Pierre is at with the medical system 0:24:05 As a front line medical worker, what does the demographic look like for the patients in the ICU? 0:26:55 Effective preventative measures everyone can do right now (before they are ever exposed to COVID) 0:35:05 What level does Pierre Kory prefer his patients vitamin D levels be at? 0:36:25 The safety of Ivermectin 0:44:35 How effective is Ivermectin against COVID? 0:54:35 What is the current Ivermectin dosage Pierre recommends? 0:59:10 At-home nebulizers or glutathione 1:02:00 Covid cases, surges, and deaths 1:09:25 The protocol for those who get COVID 1:19:40 The boards of social media are populated by people who have financial interest in pharmaceuticals 1:28:30 There are case-specific circumstances when plants can be used as medicine 1:31:45 Protocols for individuals with long-haul COVID 1:42:55 Pierre's experience with the carnivore diet   Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order Eight Sleep: use code “CARNIVOREMD” to save $150 Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at
Oct 8, 2021 • 22min

Controversial Thoughts: Can Kids Eat an Animal-Based Diet?

I don't have kids and I would never tell parents how to feed their children, but I get asked this question quite a bit and thought I would offer my ideas about how I might feed my kids in the future, and how I've recommended my sister feed my niece and nephew.    The short answer to this question is that kids can absolutely eat an Animal Based diet, and that doing so will avoid SO MUCH consternation at the dinner table when parents realize they don't have to force their children to eat vegetables.    As I discuss in this video, when presented with unprocessed food children naturally select meat, organs, and fruit for the majority of their diets...   Anyone with children probably already knows this. It's not hard to get kids to eat fresh fruit, or well prepared (not burned!) hamburger, etc.. but vegetables must be hidden in other foods (like eggs), or covered in sauces like ketchup (which has a ton of sugar)...    I know there will be someone in this thread who says "my kid loves vegetables!" to which I would ask- how much have you modeled this behavior for them and how many sauces are you putting on these?   I discuss a study in this video in which 6-11 month old children had no modeling of food behaviors but were allowed to self-select and they consistently went for animal foods (including organs!) and fruit.    If you don't think there's any way your kids would eat organs, consider opening a capsule or two of one of our supplements like Beef Organs from @heartandsoilsupplements over their food or mixing with applesauce etc...    If you catch them early, kids will definitely self-select organs but once a child have moved beyond a year or so without being exposed to these it's much less likely- this is where the desiccated organs can be great!   Healthy parents- healthy kids. #theremembering 
Oct 5, 2021 • 1h 20min

129. Is there a moral case for fossil fuels? With Alex Epstein

Alex Epstein is a philosopher who argues that “human flourishing” should be the guiding principle of industrial and environmental progress. He founded Center for Industrial Progress (CIP) in 2011 to offer a positive, pro-human alternative to the Green movement. Alex is also the author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (Penguin, 2014), a New York Times bestseller arguing that if we look at the whole picture, human flourishing requires that humanity use more fossil fuels not less. The book has been widely praised as the most persuasive argument ever made for our continuing use of fossil fuels, winning Epstein the “Most Original Thinker of 2014” award from The McLaughlin Group.    Time stamps: 0:10:59 Podcast begins with Alex Epstein 0:11:39 My take on the climate story 0:15:59 What does it mean to be "good for the climate?" 0:21:49 Ideally, we want to impact climate directly as humans 0:27:44 Go to: if interested in the release of Alex Epstein's book 0:28:29 Many of the climate arguments told to us are taken out of context 0:36:59 Elon Musk says we can make Mars livable, but a 2-degree warming of Earth will make our planet un-livable  0:39:44 Predictions from 50 years ago never came true 0:47:59 The problem with the term "climate change denyer" 0:54:54 The benefits of fossil fuels 1:00:54 The problem with solar and wind power 1:07:54 The clean energy standard goals from the current administration 1:15:29 Final points with Alex Epstein: let's think about a livable planet vs. an un-impacted planet 1:18:59 Where to find more of Alex Epstein   Sponsors: Heart & Soil:  White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order BLUblox: CARNIVOREMD for 15% off Lets Get Checked: 20% off your order at
Oct 1, 2021 • 37min

Controversial Thoughts: The Dangers of Long- term Ketogenic diets

If you saw my "What I eat in a day" video you know that I've been including fruit and honey in my diet for a while now and feel much better with these... In fact, I'm going to go so far as to say that I have a number of concerns about long-term ketosis and don't think this is a great thing for most individuals... Maybe there are a few out there who can manage this, but for most thyroid, sex-hormone, electrolyte and glucose issues develop over time with a ketogenic diet... Before you get your keto dogma panties in a bunch, watch the video - you might just learn a thing or two! And this is not to say that I don't see value in ketogenic diets for some individuals (epilepsy, parkinsons, other neuro-degenerative disorders), or to begin treating diabetes... But long-term eating in this way may have many negative consequences. Please repeat after me: carbohydrates do not cause diabetes, carbohydrates do not cause diabetes... Results over dogma. Reclaiming your birthright to radical health is what this is all about. Not getting stuck in a label of one sort or another. #theremembering
Sep 28, 2021 • 1h 17min

128. The absurdity of vaccine mandates and vaccinating children against COVID, with Robb Wolf

Robb Wolf, a former research biochemist, is the New York Times Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet and Wired to Eat. Robb has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, is co-founder of the nutrition and athletic training journal, The Performance Menu, co-owner of NorCal Strength & Conditioning, one of the Men’s Health “top 30 gyms in America”. He has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast, book and seminars. Robb is also co-author of the film’s companion book, Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat, along with Diana Rodgers. Time Stamps: 0:09:53 Podcast begins with Robb Wolf 0:10:53 Does Robb believe in "natural immunity?" 0:15:53 Is there benefit for certain individuals to get vaccinated? 0:22:08 The conversation around challenging the status quo 0:27:53 Total VAERS counts and death counts for the past decade 0:30:53 Vaccine mandates for kids 0:39:38 At what age do we see the benefits outweighing the risks for vaccinations? 0:43:53 There have been no conversation about metabolic health in mainstream medicine 0:50:38 What does "leaky vaccine" mean? 1:01:38 Immunity after your first dose of the vaccine is actually lower 1:09:23 How does this whole COVID thing "end?" 1:12:53 Where does cryptocurrency come into the conversation? 1:15:08 Where to find more of Robb Wolf Sponsors: Blazing Bull: $150 off of a 1500 degree grill at with code “CARNIVOREMD” at checkout Eight Sleep: use code “CARNIVOREMD” to save $150 BLUblox: CARNIVOREMD for 15% off White Oak Pastures:, use code: CarnivoreMD for 10% off your first order Belcampo: use code: CarnivoreMD for 20% off your order

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