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The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

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Jun 11, 2023 • 59min

530: Katty Kay - How Power Impacts Our Careers, Friends, & Marriages (The Power Code)

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Katty Kay is a US correspondent for the BBC and a regular contributor on MSNBC. Katty grew up in the Middle East, where her father was a British diplomat. She studied French and Italian at Oxford University and worked as a foreign correspondent in Africa and Japan before moving to The US in 1996. Katty is the best-selling author of many books. Her latest is called “The Power Code.” Notes:  The definition of power – The ability to exercise one’s will, influence others, and effect change. The ability to exercise our will—More Joy. Influencing (not controlling) others—Less Ego. Effecting change—Maximum Impact. Redefining Power - In the past, it seems to be about dominance. About something you hold over something (people, or resources). Instead, we want it to be used to effect positive change. Let’s use power for good. Promoting on promise versus promoting on performance. The research states that more men are promoted on promise than women. And women are mostly promoted based on performance. As leaders, let’s think about promise versus performance. As Frank Slootman said in a previous conversation, let’s hire people “Ahead of their curve. Most women today don’t want power. The path to getting it, as it exists today, involves too many sacrifices, and power itself is unappealing, full of egos and competition. Women have all the skills, but we’d rather opt out. Women and men don’t define power in the same way. Men think of power as a finite commodity, part of a hierarchical, zero-sum game that involves having power over people. Women aren’t competitive about power, and we focus more on the end result, the change we can affect with power. It’s the difference between power over and power to. Does power corrupt? Not in the hands of women.  Researchers have found that women are the exception to the rule that powerful people are less empathetic–women tend to maintain their connection to others, to a ground-level reality, as we rise through the ranks–a huge leadership advantage. Power fuels action. Neuroscientists are discovering the remarkable things power does to our brains. It can liberate its possessors, across their lives, and even create an ability to act more authentically. That offers big rewards for women and needs to become a selling point. Women will never get power outside the home until our marriages look less like the 1950s. Our marriages aren’t keeping up with society or our careers. A woman with a job does more housework than a man who doesn’t work. In couples where the wife earns more than the husband, they lie about it on the US census form. Men are stuck in a box they don’t want to be in.  They are pushed to play the outdated role of primary breadwinner, which is why the number of stay-at-home dads has barely grown in a quarter of a century. But increasingly men realize the zero-sum power formula isn’t working for them either. A more collaborative, more humane approach to power would benefit everyone. 00:38 - How Do You Define Power? 03:18 - Challenges with Research on Gender 05:46 - Using Power for Good 08:41 - Power reveals your Character 10:22 - Why Wouldn’t Someone Want Power? 13:37 - Is Power Shifting for Good? 15:31 - How Does Power Need to Change? 19:21 - Suggestions for Relationships at Home 20:42 - The Options to be a “Stay At Home” 30:58 - Characteristics of Katty’s Career 33:46 - Can Fame Impact a Marriage? 35:13 - Society’s Expectations for Mom & Dads 39:05 - Confidence & Imposter Syndrome 42:45 - The Common Characteristic of Every Leader 44:46 - The Impact of Female College Graduates 46:59 - Can Having Children Impact Your Career as a Mother? 49:30 - Advice for a Male CEO 52:26 - Life Advice for All  
Jun 4, 2023 • 1h 9min

529: James Clear - Becoming an Optimist, Building Better Habits, Creating Your System, & Setting Up Your Future Self (Atomic Habits)

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Full show notes at James Clear is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, which has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. His newsletter, 3-2-1 is shipped to more than 2 million people every Thursday. Notes: “The key, if you want to build habits that last, is to join a group where the desired behavior is the normal behavior.” We should champion good ideas. You need to bet on something. Bet on a business. Bet on a relationship. Bet on something. You may have less risk being a pessimist or not going all in on something, but you also limit your upside. It’s worth being a champion of good ideas. A Chilean saying: "Criticizing a musician is easy, but it is more difficult when you have a guitar in your hand." -- Don't criticize someone else unless you're willing to do the work. Quantity and Quality – The parable of the pottery class – The University of Florida film photography professor, Jerry Uelsmann, divided his class into two groups. What happened with that experiment? We have to get going to get good. Quantity leads to quality. Be consistent. Show up, and do the work. Priorities – We all should ask ourselves this question: If someone could only see my actions and not hear my words, what would they say my priorities are? Steven Pressfield says the difference between an amateur and a professional is in their habits. An amateur has amateur habits. A professional has professional habits. 3 things that help luck: Deconstructing your craft, so you know what good opportunities look like. Remaining vigilant, so you notice when lucky breaks come your way. Acting quickly, so you are more likely to seize luck when it arrives. "You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems." "Habits are like the atoms of our lives, each one is a fundamental unit that contributes to your overall improvement." "Outcomes are about what you get. Processes are about what you do. Identity is about what you believe." "The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader." "Your identity emerges out of your habits." Why We Should Write – “Many people assume they are bad at writing because it is hard. This is like assuming you are bad at weightlifting because the weight is heavy." Writing is useful because it is hard. It's the effort that goes into writing a clear sentence that leads to better thinking. Get Going to Get Good – Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking. You don't need all the answers right now. New paths will reveal themselves if you have the courage to get started. "The most practical way to change who you are is to change what you do."  "Building habits in the present allows you to do more of what you want in the future."
May 28, 2023 • 53min

528: Seth Godin - A New Manifesto For Teams: Innovation, Creativity, Hiring, Firing, & The Power of Speed (The Song of Significance)

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Seth Godin is the author of 20 international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about marketing, leadership, and work. His blog (which you can find by typing "seth" into Google) is the most viewed marketing blog in the world. Some of my favorite books of his are… Tribes, Linchpin, Purple Cow, and most recently The Song of Significance. Notes: Hiring Leaders — when deciding who to hire for a leadership role: look at the careers of the people who have worked for them. And look at the careers of the people they’ve led. Leaders aren’t managers with fancy titles. Leaders are planting the seeds for generations of impact to come. Let's get real or let's not play. Tension is what we seek. It's important to show up early. Frederick Taylor met Henry Ford and management was created. Study bees - They leave their home and have 72 hours to find their next one. Matt Mullenweg (Automatic CEO) - "Create the conditions for forward motion." To create the environment for the people they’re leading to flourish. How are you intentionally creating the environment for the people you’re leading to do their best work? Management doesn’t just exist. It was invented. When you race to the bottom, You see people as resources, not as people. (I don't like the term human capital management) When Paul Orfalea was building kinkos (which he later sold to fed ex for $2B), he said his best technique for growing the business was simple. He would walk into their stores and ask someone there to tell him about an innovation they’ve recently made. And then he’d tell all the other stores about it… “Real value is no longer created by traditional measures of productivity. It’s created by personal interactions, innovation, creative solutions, resilience, and the power of speed.”
May 21, 2023 • 51min

527: Sally Jenkins - What Sports Can Teach Us About Leadership, Excellence, & Life (How To Make The Right Call)

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Notes: Tony Dungy’s quiet strength - He never criticized without an adequate solution. As leaders, it’s on us to be thoughtful about how we help our people get better. Just yelling that someone messed up is not helpful. We need to provide an adequate solution. Dianna Nyad – She swam for 53 hours from Cuba to Florida. It looked like a solo mission. It was anything but. She needed a full team to make it happen. We need other people to help us accomplish big missions. A lot of people are afraid to win. They are afraid to put it all on the line and risk not being enough. Too many of us want to look cool and play it safe in case we lose. The people who sustain excellence over time commit 100% to what they’re doing even though they might lose. It’s worth it. It is “kind of a sin” to waste potential and the real champions never committed it. - Dan Jenkins Advice from her dad (legendary sports writer, Dan Jenkins): "Never let a thing go until it's as good as you can make it." "Interest yourself first before you'll interest anyone else." Key learning from Brian Daboll - Winning organizations are made up of people who've been doubted in the past. The "greats are a result of construction." We must be intentional. Go all in. Preparation. Practice. There must be a dept of preparation. "Never leave the field wishing you'd prepared more." "Pressure is what you feel when don't know what the hell to do." Michael Phelps was not born with an innate sense to swim fast. His body was well suited to swim but not much more than any other Olympian. "The work is what made him great." Day-to-day consistency leads to excellence. Derek Jeter built his schedule around being consistent every single day. Laird Hamilton built his resilience through doing hard things like cold plunges, saunas, and surfing tough waves. Activate your body to stress: Stress has two sides. We're meant to experience stress. Stress + Rest = Growth. We need stress to grow. Life is born without it. Pat Riley - What happens when people don't believe in their leader? They gear down their effort. Life/Career Advice: Shoe leather hard work. You can't substitute hard work. Find the thing you'd do for fun and see if you can build a career from it.   Sally Jenkins has been a columnist and feature writer for The Washington Post for more than twenty years. She was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2020 and in 2021 was named the winner of the Associated Press Red Smith Award for Outstanding Contributions to Sports Journalism. She is the author of twelve books of nonfiction including The Real All Americans, the story of the Carlisle Indian School, and its use of football as a form of resistance following the close of the Indian Wars. Her work for The Washington Post has included coverage of ten Olympic Games. In 2005 she was the first woman to be inducted into the National Sportswriters and Sportscasters Hall of Fame. Her most recent book is called The Right Call: What Sports Teach Us about Leadership, Excellence, and Decision Making.
May 14, 2023 • 1h 1min

526: Mark Miller (VP of Chick-fil-A High Performance Leaderships) - How Chick-fil-A Built A World Class Culture

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Mark Miller started his Chick-fil-A career working as an hourly team member in 1977. Mark's cell phone number is 678-612-8441. He asked that you text him your thoughts on this episode. In 1978, he joined the corporate staff working in the warehouse and mailroom. Since that time, he has provided leadership for Corporate Communications, Field Operations, Quality and Customer Satisfaction, Training and Development, and Leadership Development. During his tenure with Chick-fil-A, the company has grown from 75 restaurants to over 2,300 locations with annual sales approaching $10 billion. Mark began writing almost twenty years ago when he teamed up with Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager, to write The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do. He's now written 11 books that have sold over 1 million copies. His latest is called Culture Rules.  Notes:  “Your capacity to grow determines your capacity to lead.” You must make the choice to be a learner... Let’s start with a story told by the late philosopher, David Foster Wallace. He said, “There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way who nods at them and says, “Morning boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?” Mark Miller conducted research with more than 6,000 individuals from ten countries that revealed that 71% of U.S. leaders believe culture is their most powerful tool to drive performance. However, the study revealed that enhancing workplace culture ranked eleventh on the leader’s priority list. “If your heart is not right, no one cares about your skills.” Your character, integrity, and care for others must be there to earn any type of followership. If your heart is not right, no one cares about your skills. The 3 culture rules are aspire, amplify, and adapt: Aspire - Share your hopes and dreams for the culture (Andrew Cathy, new CEO, said “Rooted in purpose, known for our care.”) Amplify - Always be looking for ways to reinforce and amplify the aspiration for your culture. Adapt - Always look for ways to enhance your culture and be innovative. The Magic Circle: It dates back to 1938 when Dutch Historian Johan Huizinga wrote about the impact of play on culture… The "Must-Have" leadership qualities Character Competence Chemistry Mark has spent a lot of time with Navy SEALs to learn about culture... Key takeaways: Shoot Move Communicate Is focusing on culture a soft skill? The data suggests it is the #1 driver of performance. Storytelling - People remember the stories more than the stats. Don't just tell... Take people there.
May 7, 2023 • 1h 6min

525: Frank Slootman (CEO of Snowflake) - Raising Your Standards, Pushing The Pace, Hiring Ahead Of The Curve, & Amping It Up

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Frank Slootman is the CEO at Snowflake. Frank has over 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur and executive in the enterprise software industry. Frank served as CEO of ServiceNow from 2011 to 2017, taking the organization from $100M in revenue, through an IPO, to $1.4B. Prior to that, Frank served as President at EMC following an acquisition of Data Domain Corporation, where he served as the CEO, leading the company through an IPO to its acquisition by EMC for $2.4B. He's also the best-selling author of Amp It Up. Notes: Frank's work ethic was developed as a child in the Netherlands. In his teens, he had summer jobs harvesting tulip bulbs and walking behind a tractor ten hours a day. He also cleaned factory toilets one summer in the plant where his dad worked. “The Man In The Arena” Theodore Roosevelt – Frank put this at the beginning of Amp It Up.  After retiring from ServiceNow in 2017, Frank had no intention of taking another CEO role, but people like him “have a hard time leaving the arena.” It’s exciting to be back in a CEO role with Snowflake. Hiring -- “Hire people ahead of their own curve.” Hire more for aptitude than experience and give people the career opportunity of a lifetime. NO MBO -- “Another source of misalignment is management by objective (MBO). Which I have eliminated at every company I’ve joined in the last 20 years.” Push the pace -- Leaders set the pace. “Instead of getting back to me in a week, I asked, “Why not tomorrow?” Change the cadence. Push the pace. The leadership "must-have" qualities: A need to prove something Unbalanced They want to show the world something... They have passion High trust Need some ego, but it has to be in check Legacy? "I don't think about legacy much. When you're dead, you're dead." Frank's leadership team: We are not balanced, we are available to each other 24/7. Drivers vs. Passengers -- “Passengers are people who don’t mind simply being carried along by the company’s momentum …They are often pleasant, get along with everyone, attend meetings promptly, and generally do not stand out as troublemakers … While passengers can often diagnose and articulate a problem quite well, they have no investment in solving it.” Frank wants front-seat drivers who’ll take ownership, make trouble, and help navigate. Raise Your Standards -- Push for insanely great. A leader must always push the standard higher. Focus -- “Founders don’t have a mindset around operating companies. Focus is one of our number one things. You need to learn to have extreme, machine focus, and most people don’t even know the beginning of what that means. They think they do, and they don’t.” “I’m more of a Patton than an Eisenhower,” he says, known for constantly driving the troops forward. Sequoia’s Carl Eschenbach remembers, “When we brought Frank into Snowflake, at our first board meeting he said, ‘Let me tell you how I’m running the board meetings and how you’re going to participate. We’re going to keep this very simple. I’m not even gonna tell you anything about the good stuff that’s happening because you already know that—I’m going to dive into the shit that’s broken and how we’re going to fix it.'” Very Brief Retirement -- In 2017, Frank spent time regatta sailing, winning the iconic ocean race, Transpac. Race from Los Angeles to Oahu. (To win, “We focused on recruiting talent”). Put The Success of The Company Ahead of Your Own – If you want to build a Snowflake-sized company,  you can’t be about the celeb-CEO lifestyle. “That’s not real life. Real life is you’re terrorized and uncomfortable every day of the week. People always ask me, ‘Is this normal?’ I’m like, yep.” Snowflake - Hit the ground running on April 26, 2019.  Good news: They were on already on a tear. The bad news: “The company was quite impressed with itself.” Growth in all areas (revenue, retention rate, total customers, $1m Customers, Forbes Global 2000 Customers, Customer Satisfaction). The first 90 days as a new leader. It’s a combat zone. You must quickly assess what’s working, and what’s not. Who should stay on the bus, and who should get off?
Apr 30, 2023 • 1h 5min

524: Oscar Munoz (Former CEO of United Airlines) - Listening To Your Employees, Responding From Tragedy, Swinging Easy, & Turning Around A Failing Company

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Oscar Munoz served as CEO and chairman of United Airlines, previously holding several executive leadership positions at CSX, AT&T, US West, PepsiCo, and Coca-Cola. Listen, Learn, AND THEN Lead… The purpose of the listening tour was to hear from people at the ground level, listen, learn, and then make decisions. I love the simplicity in the question to his team, “Hey, what are the 10 dumbest rules we’ve put in place?” And then changing them… This is something we all should think about periodically. The father-daughter bond Oscar has with his daughter, Jessica. The traits he sees in her that are also in him are “tenacity and refusal to give in no matter what.” Before Oscar became CEO, the culture was based on a “cost-cutting, rule-obsessed, disciplinary-heavy culture." Listening Tour - In 2015, After becoming CEO of United Airlines, Munoz embarked on a "listening tour" of the company, meeting with disgruntled employees around the United States and discussing their concerns. While this phase was intended to last for the first 90 days of the job, Oscar was hospitalized after having a heart attack in October 2015, 38 days into the job. In 2015, Oscar was one of two Hispanic CEOs in the top 100 of the Fortune 500 list. Munoz has been named among the "100 Most Influential Hispanics" by Hispanic Business magazine. In March 2017, Oscar was named "Communicator of the Year for 2017" by PRWeek. How to be both a great dad and a great CEO? "Model the right behavior for your kids." Advice: Swing easy. Be yourself.
Apr 23, 2023 • 1h 18min

523: Derek Thompson - The Meaning Of Work, Responding To Rejection, Earning Your Dream Job, Impressing Bill Simmons, & How To Find The Next Great QB

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Derek Thompson is a staff writer at The Atlantic and author of the books Hit Makers and On Work: Money, Meaning, Identity, and the host of the podcast Plain English.   Notes: Before graduating from high school, Derek appeared in several theatrical productions at the Folger Shakespeare Theater and the Shakespeare Theater. Why do Americans care so much about work? workism is “the belief that work is not only necessary to economic production but also the centerpiece of one’s identity and life’s purpose.” Jobs, Careers, or Callings: One theory of work holds that people tend to see themselves in jobs, careers, or callings… The Bow and Arrow metaphor… We need stress, but we need to let it go. You pull back on the bow and arrow… Then you let it go. Stress + Rest = Growth “Happiness means being balanced between busyness and leisure.” The mark of a good leader? Don’t be afraid to ask the ignorant question… Have the confidence to ask it. Derek had breakfast with the prominent CEO… The CEO was deeply curious about Derek. Asked him a lot of questions, listened intently, and asked great follow-ups. Great leaders make their conversations about the other person. Follow your curiosity with great rigor. That same leader also had the emotional intelligence to not bother Derek Jeter while he was having breakfast. He knew there would be a better time to meet. The book, an anthology of Thompson’s articles for The Atlantic, includes a new adaptation of his essay on workism, a term that he defines as “the belief that work is not only necessary to economic production but also the centerpiece of one’s identity and life’s purpose.” “The decline of traditional faith in America has coincided with an explosion of new atheisms,” Thompson writes. “Some people worship beauty, some worship political identities, and others worship their children. But everybody worships something. And workism is among the most potent of the new religions competing for congregants.” How Derek earned a job writing for The Atlantic out of college? After being rejected 30 times, he applied for a fellowship with The Atlantic and got it. He then earned a job writing about economics for them even though he had no background or interest in economics. "It's like the New York Yankees offered me to play second base even though I played catcher my whole life." How Derek earned a role as a podcast host working for Bill Simmons? "Bill had me on his podcast to talk about Covid after he read some things I'd written for The Atlantic. That was sort of an audition. After he had me on, he asked if I wanted to have my own podcast on his network. We eventually came up with the name Plain English." The name of the show is very important. You want people to be able to easily say, "Hey, I listen to Plain English." How to predict the next great quarterback? It's contingent upon their surroundings (their coaching staff, receivers, linemen, etc...) Life/Career Advice: Skin thickness -- It can't be so thin that you can't accept criticism, but it can't be so thick that you stop listening. You have be somewhere in the middle. Working hours — no large country globally averages more hours of work per year than the United States. Americans work longer hours, have shorter vacations, get less unemployment, and retire later.
Apr 16, 2023 • 55min

522: Kevin Kelly - Excellent Advice For Living, The Best Way To Learn, Building Better Habits, Becoming A Better Listener, Being On Time, & Making The Big Ask

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 Kevin Kelly is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He is also the editor and publisher of the Cool Tools website, which gets half a million unique visitors per month. He co-founded Wired in 1993 and served as its Executive Editor from its inception until 1999. During Kevin’s tenure, Wired won the National Magazine Award for General Excellence (the industry's equivalent of two Oscars). He is the best-selling author of many books including New Rules for the New Economy, The Inevitable, and his latest is called Excellent Advice For Living - Wisdom I wish I’d Known Earlier.  You lead by letting others know what you expect of them, which may exceed what they themselves expect. Provide them a reputation to live up to. Habit is far more dependable than inspiration. Don’t focus on getting into shape. Focus on becoming the kind of person who never misses a workout. "Every great and difficult thing has required a strong sense of optimism," Prototype your life. Try stuff instead of making grand plans. The best way to learn anything is to try to teach what you know. Don’t create things to make money; make money so you can create things. The reward for good work is more work. The more you are interested in others, the more interesting they’ll find you. To be interesting, be interested. Promptness is a sign of respect. The consistency of your endeavors (exercise, companionship, work) is more important than the quantity. Nothing beats small things done every day, which is way more important than what you do occasionally.
Apr 9, 2023 • 51min

521: Celebrating The 8th Birthday of The Learning Leader Show - Listener AMA: Consistency > Intensity, Following Your Curiosity, How To Be Prepared For Big Moments, Life As A Former Athlete, & Building Relationships With Your Heroes

Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." Join 10's of thousands of your fellow learning leaders and receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 The Learning Leader Show was first published on April 9, 2015. TODAY marks the show's 8th birthday! To celebrate, I kick off the episode by sharing some key learnings I've gathered over the past 8 years... And then I answer YOUR questions and did a full AMA (Ask Me Anything). If you'd like me to do more AMAs, send me an email: Ryan (at) LearningLeader dot com Here are some key things I've learned after publishing The Learning Leader Show for 8 years... Consistency > Intensity. Showing up to do the work (prep) each day is key. Become part of your routine as a listener. Consistency builds trust. You know you’re going to have a new show for your Monday morning walk or commute. Following your genuine curiosity is attractive. This parasocial relationship is built because as the listener you know I’m following what I’m actually curious about. I own guest selection 100%. They are all my call and my call alone. I only choose guests that I’m deeply curious about. The curiosity-judgemental spectrum. Talking with more people with a wide range of life experiences has helped me view the world from their eyes and be less judgemental. All the way back to episode 3 with Maurice Clarett. Approach people with curiosity, not judgment. The prep works as a forcing function to learn. Same with mindful Monday. I have systems in place to ensure I’m getting a little bit wiser each day. And that learning compounds over time. Create forcing functions on your life to intentionally get better. Don’t just wander from meeting to meeting each week. What are you doing to ensure your learning is compounding? The Charlie Munger quote; go to bed a little wiser than when you woke up. I try to live by that. Relationships with your heroes: General McChrystal. Pat Lencioni. So many others. Being pleasant to work with. Showing up prepared. Being grateful. Following up. All of that has helped me build real relationships with people I admire. The McChrystal trip to Gettysburg. Forewords to books. McChrystal and Lencioni. Dan Pink. The Kat Cole ATL show. Adam Grant. Ryan Holiday. Relationships with listeners. Some amazing friendships have been formed and fostered because of this podcast. So many of my Learning Leader Circle members. Technically they are clients of mine, but lots of them have become genuine friends for life. Communication skill - LISTENING. Thinking. Speaking, Writing. All have improved. Earned the opportunity to speak on hundreds of stages all over the world. Publish books. Meet fascinating people. Listener AMA: Learn 2 Cope (Instagram) – What was the biggest struggle you had transitioning to life after sports? Kevin Janiec (Instagram) – How do you and Miranda balance and align your competing priorities? Samantha Phillips (LinkedIn), Sales Manager at Insight Global – 1. What is 1 of your champagne toasts? (Victory Shot toast) 2. Who is 1 person you have not yet had on your show that you’d like to? Aaron Arnston (LinkedIn) - Congratulations, Ryan!  Truly blazing a trail, we’ll done! You have interviewed hundreds of guests and I have liked every show, can't recall one, not one, show I didn't like...have you ever interviewed guests that didn't make the cut or do you have a filtering process prior to the show that helps with this? Noah Vasilj (Mindful Monday email response): My question is a “3 parter”: What is your favorite part of your job? Do you generally enjoy/love what you do? What keeps you interested and going on the days when you are not at 100%? Brian Causer (Twitter) — Congrats! Love the show, Ryan. One of my top podcasts and I listen weekly. Maybe have two questions... How do you choose your guests? Referral? Follow your curiosity? Also, what is one question you wish someone would ask you that nobody has asked you before? The Greek In The Kitchen (Instagram) — Who is the guest you think about most or has had the most influence on you? Denise Kollias (LinkedIn) Hi! Congratulation! I have been listening to your podcast since 2017 and it has been a Godsend. It has taught me so much and I appreciate all your hard work to continually bring insightful conversations on leadership. My question is what episodes were your favorite to record or the top 5 that you recommend with the greatest impact to help people grow or push through? JP Botero (Instagram) - After 8 years of experience, what would you recommend to the Ryan thinking of creating The Learning Leader Show? Aaron Campbell – After 8 years of exploration along a central theme, how would you finish this sentence: “A great leader is….”

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