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The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

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Aug 23, 2020 • 1h 4min

380: Jay Hennessey - How To Build A Learning Organization

Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes at The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk #380: Jay Hennessey - How To Build A Learning Organization Shared Adversity - "That's what creates the foundation for teams. It's the glue that builds trust." MOFO - Mandatory Optional Fitness Opportunity SEAL training - The shared adversity among trainees creates camaraderie. Evolutions are team based. "Lock arms laying the surf" "Great teams aren't created by happenstance" -- You must be intentional and deliberate. What is the culture you want to create? - "You must be deliberate about that up front." "The language you use is so important." Dan Coyle is the ultimate connector "When people are asking you questions, it's super energizing" -- Approach each conversation with a curious mind Foster "Organization Humility" The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge: The discipline of team learning starts with ‘dialogue’, the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and enter into a genuine ‘thinking together’. To the Greeks dia-logos meant a free-flowing of meaning through a group, allowing the group to discover insights not attainable individually…. [It] also involves learning how to recognize the patterns of interaction in teams that undermine learning. Dialog vs. Discussion Dialog = Strong convictions loosely held. Starting with, "I may be wrong..." Discussion = Trying to convince others you're right The Learning Organization Get reps - Read with someone else and share Engage the learner: Just in time Just for you Just in case Building a learning organization creates a competitive advantage: Great teams are always learning, evolving, and changing. What you know now will be extinct in five years. Must keep learning. "Nobody that we hire wants to be stagnant." There is no mandatory compliance. Book: Practice Perfect -- "Whoever is doing the talking is doing the learning." When building a learning organization, stress that it's about active participation. Not passively watching lectures, but actively participating in them. Being a "Yes, And..." leader -- Build off the ideas of others. Lift them up. A "Yes, And..." leader doesn't need the credit. They bring energy to the group. "Leadership is about making something better than it was when you found it and doing so by developing people along the way. Leaders cannot be energy neutral. They are either adding energy or taking energy." - Tom Ogburn Don't be a "Mr. Poopy Pants" -- "Oh, well that will never work." Nobody wants to work with Mr. Poopy Pants. How to develop awareness: Started as the second youngest guy on the seam when he went to SEAL team 5. He was 2nd in charge of his platoon. "Show up with humility and think, 'where can I add value?' Ask for help from mentors -- Hitch yourself to a strong chief. "Have a strong burden to add value" A stay ready mindset -- Have a 'never peak' attitude. Always ready to go. No excuses. "In every aspect of your life, no one cares what you used to be able to do, they care what you can do today." What type of leader do you want to be? -- Write it down. Leaders need to think deeply. Writing forces that to happen. Write your command philosophy Be deliberate Be a connector: What is the difference between Connecting and Networking – Networking is looking for people who you can help; networking is looking for people who can help you. Be a connector. How to build comfort in your own skin? Do hard things -- Progress turns into confidence It's a self-efficacy model -- It's okay to fail. Overcome it and keep going. Be part of something bigger than you. Excellence -- "Humility is the enabler for curiosity." Here is WHY joining a Learning Leader Circle is a good idea... Jay's “Leadership Philosophy” Mission: To execute at my fullest potential and to serve as a resource to help my Family and Teammates continuously improve at every stage of their personal and professional development. Vision:  to lead a healthy and happy family where we all strive to become the best version of ourselves. Professionally, my vision is to be a contributing member of a learning organization with a culture that encourages learning and development at every level. Core Attributes: Humility, curiosity, empathy, trust, followership, generosity, competition, health & fitness, gratitude Guiding Leadership Principles: Exude positivity, communicate effectively, learn and adapt in all areas of personal and professional life, be creative, iterate & execute quickly, be aggressive, have fun, show initiative toward opportunities and problems, challenge self, solitude/mindfulness, be deliberate (set goals, reflect) Leadership Statement: Make the most of everything I do – be positive, have fun, learn, adapt, and push / pull / drag or chase my teammates toward our goals.
Aug 16, 2020 • 1h 6min

379 - Jack Butcher - How To Visualize Value

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 to learn more Full show notes at #379: Jack Butcher - Founder of Visualize Value Notes: Excellence: Humility - "People who don't think they're very good." The willingness to "put yourself in situations where you don't have a clue." No Plateau - Need to put yourself in scenarios where you are inexperienced... To learn and build resilience. Why Jack shoots "one take" videos and doesn't edit --There is a focus on "getting things out there." Ship it. Publish. Take action. "The ability to publish is prioritized." You can build a bond with a teacher through their authenticity. Create and share what you're building in real time... People want to go on that journey with you (when it's real) How Jack has built such a high level of confidence in himself -- Had a great mentor who was a polymath. It was six months into being a designer... Jack was preparing to show some of his work. He framed it as "I'm not sure if this is any good..." His mentor told him, "Never discount what you're doing prior to showing it to them." Frame it right. KNOW YOUR WORK. Own the full interaction of your story. Explain how you got the answer. DO the necessary work to understand it at its fundamental level. Think as if you are going to defend your work as you present it -- "What would the worst critic say about this work?" How would I respond to that? Do your research and be prepared. That's how confidence is built. Be consciously competent about your work. Visualize Value -- Jack is a designer by trade. He has built his skills based on his previous decade working with some of the world's largest brands. He most enjoyed the strategic component of the process -- The articulation of the strategy through the use of compelling visual images. Think: How can I make this argument more visual? He helps businesses understand their value proposition He takes the same principle to consumers now with Visualize Value Leadership Development - Understand the individual components to transformation Curriculum - Organize it to a sequence of principles that build on one another. Share myths - What's incorrect Don't skip the foundation Share the problem - Don't just focus on the symptom Prescriptions can mask the symptom Help with transformation -- "Debug the code" "Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better." - Pat Riley As a leader, it's important to constantly set a new baseline. Consistency - "We're bad at understanding the compounding function." Resistance - Progress is a force you're pushing against. Your ability to continually push forward against the resistance is critical in your long term success. Sales - There's no scenario where sales isn't important. Sales is always a component to what you're doing whether you like it or not.
Aug 9, 2020 • 50min

378: Brad Feld: 378: Brad Feld - How To Collect Amazing People, Question Your Biases, & Build Community

Text LEARNERS to 44222 IG/Twitter: @RyanHawk12  Full show notes at #378: Brad Feld Notes: Excellence: Honesty - Clear view of what's going on with self and others Transparency/Authenticity is overused Confirmed process of learning - Hypothesis, clarity of though around experimentation Advice to a new manager: Ask a lot of questions REALLY LISTEN - Engage in conversations... Don't just try to get the right answer We have endless biases "People defend their biases instead of questioning their biases." --> Have a curious mind. Curiosity: His parents gave him positive feedback for being inquisitive... An exploration of new ideas. Brad loves to read and takes a digital sabbath every Saturday. Approach new ideas with a Buddhist philosophy --> Let go of assumptions. Approach each topic with a beginner's mind. A founder who is an explorer -- "Don't get stuck as an investor by constantly asking questions. You need to want to deeply understand someone. It goes both ways. Literal answers aren't enough." The role of the founder is “to collect people.” → Mentor side, peer side, employee side, customer side. Engage with people. Create a 'bi-directional' connection. This has shifted over time for Brad. Think #GiveFirst Life partner - Amy... They are equals. It's important to acknowledge that. They almost split up after 10 years because Brad's words were not matching his actions. "YOUR WORDS MUST MATCH YOUR ACTIONS.' Prioritize what's important and then follow through. If it's important to you to spend time with your spouse, then do it. Brad and Amy had to learn how to fight... When their 13 year old dog died, it was devastating. Amy and Brad deal with tragedy differently. It's important to understand that it's OK for your spouse to deal with grief differently than you do. Key Parts to building community: The people in charge must be leaders Must have a long term commitment --> 20 years+ Inclusive of anyone who wants to engage Have events that engage people Complex systems to how communities evolve --Complicated systems has more steps. Goal setting - They tend to be too rigid. The time component can be a problem. Brad prefers raid iteration. Better to have a hypothesis. If the hypothesis fails, learn it. Eric Ries - Lean Startup Rapid experimentation - Rapid learning is better Vast majority of goals you set are not right in the future Writing - "When I write, I learn." Force yourself to write it down. Put it in public. Have an open mind to feedback. "People get stuck in dogma when they don't write things down. They don't know why they believe in it." You can't do this quickly. People don't feel like they have time to think. That's a problem. The role of selling: Selling is crucial. You are selling all the time. Sales is a noble profession. Acknowledge it. Develop the skills to do it well. Everyone works in sales.  
Aug 2, 2020 • 60min

377: Casper Ter Kuile - How To Turn Everyday Activities Into Soulful Practices

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes at Episode #377: Casper Ter Kuile - How To Turn Everyday Activities Into Soulful Practices Notes: Excellence: Always learning Commitment - Willingness to go deep Generosity Patience Casper spent his 30th birthday with nuns. He's not very religious but realized he had a lot in common with them. They care about the same things. They're very honest. What he learned from his mother and father: Father - Do well when you follow the rules. Be detail oriented. Honest. Trustworthy. Mother - She has a more "cheeky side." She breaks the rules. Deep connection isn’t just about relationships with other people. It’s about feeling the fullness of being alive. It’s about being enveloped in multiple layers of belonging within, between, and around us. Four Levels of connection: Connecting with yourself Connecting with the people around you Connecting with the natural world Connecting with the transcendent Tradition -- "We mistake tradition for convention. Tradition is the beating heart, convention is the outer expression." A college football team can change their uniforms and not lose tradition. The uniforms are a form of outer expression. You change symbols as you grow. Preaching at its best is a conversation with the congregation. Ancient texts are so valuable. The Bible is a description of how life is... Casper shares what it was like growing up in England and not fitting in... His home life was great. His school life was awful. Connection: Willing to change Forged in flames Honesty & commitment to each other Science is stable - we value being in tribes. There's less of a connection to places and family. There is a decline in religious communities. Why has there been a decrease? Productivity has become so important. To be productive, relationships are sacrificed. Priorities have shifted. We are missing opportunities to go deep with people At work: Younger people show up at a job for the meaning of the company... The military: Soldiers care about the people they are shoulder to shoulder with... They honor their culture. As a manager: Replicate water cooler moments (virtually). 30 minutes snippets on zoom. Invite people to go deeper. Use question prompts - create safe spaces. It's an interesting time for relationship design. He's created "The Confession Group" The leader needs to model vulnerability but hold the boundaries. Have a place where people can go to admit they screwed up -- 10 minutes to share, 10 minutes to ask questions Discipline: Take a tech sabbath -- Each Friday, Casper hides his phone and computer. It's rest time. Sabbath - "The apex of life." What we practice is what we become "We all worship something. We just don't know what we're worshiping." The paradigm of how we see ourselves in the world.
Jul 26, 2020 • 1h 5min

376: David Perell - Why You Should Write

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 @RyanHawk12 Full notes at Episode #376: David Perell - Why You Should Write Notes: The importance of writing -- Why everyone should write… “Having a website with articles you've published is like having a personal agent who finds career opportunities for you 24/7." “Writing crystallizes ideas in ways thinking on its own will never accomplish.” — Morgan Housel "The person who writes sets the strategy. If you want to lead, write." "Writing is a 'proof of work' mechanism" It shows the world that you've thought deeply about a topic Networking - The old way vs the new way Old -- Go to conferences, happy hours, networking events New -- Publish your work online. You attract the type of people you want... Bill James analytical approach. His book only sold 550 copies, but one of them was to Billy Beane (General Manager of the Oakland A's). And the "Moneyball" revolution was created... The Venn Diagram of Specificity Learn how to create this for your business How to built a career? Do things that are unique, in demand, but the world doesn't have yet Your first draft is what is top of mind -- "Rewriting is rethinking." It's the process to make our ideas better. Writing and re-writing will make you a more thoughtful person and will create clarity. Writing is an element of teaching. Expertise is like a ladder -- Be like an investigative reporter about a topic that fascinates you The benefits of learning in public: "It is the best way to build a network." It's a forcing function. It forces your brain to always be on. "Want a great spouse? Deserve one." - Charlie Munger Publishing your work online (podcast, essays, book) is the greatest networking tool in the world. I’ve met amazing people because they’ve benefitted from my work (head coach Atlanta Falcons, Brooklyn Nets, Ohio State basketball coach, SVP of Fortune 50 companies). Community and connection —- community becomes the byproduct when you’re going through something challenging together (ie: Navy SEALs). “The strength of a community is hard to quantify, which makes it hard to advertise. But like good music, you measure it by how it moves your spirits and how you feel in its presence.” Competition is for Losers: Avoid competition. Stop copying what everybody else is doing. If you work at a for-profit company, work on problems that would not otherwise be solved. If you’re at a non-profit, fix unpopular problems. Life is easier when you don’t compete. (Hint: don’t start another bottled water company). Personal Monopoly: Corporations reward conformity, but the Internet rewards people who are unique. If you work in a creative field, strive to be the only person who does what you do. Find your own style, then run with it. Create intellectual real estate for yourself. (Jerry Garcia -- Be the only person who does what you do) The Map Is Not the Territory: Reality will never match the elegance of theory. All models have inconsistencies, but some are still useful. Some maps are useful because they’re inaccurate. If you want to find an edge, look for what the map leaves out. There are two kinds of companies: 1) Product-First Audiences: Build a product, then an audience. Attract customers with paid advertisements. 2) Audience-First Products: Build an audience, then a product. Attract customers with differentiated content. Take Action -- "Taking action will teach you more about yourself in a month than years of contemplation ever will." Making something easier expands the market... But making it harder gets you the clients you really want. Twitter is the town-square of the internet. It can be the best learning tool in the world if you use it right: Mute politics Unfollow people who make you angry Understand your opponent's opinion better than they do Production: Make tweets useful. It forces you to focus on ideas that are timeless. It forces you to have constant epiphanies. Have "spiky" ideas -- They pierce society. Have a point of view Sustained excellence = Obsession - Doing great work is hard. You need to love it. "I can't live without creating." Vision - Set a goal that scares you and march toward it. Have ambition A keen understanding of what one is good at - Self-awareness.
Jul 19, 2020 • 1h 17min

375: Miranda Hawk - How To Cultivate A Loving Relationship

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 for more details Full show notes at Episode #375: Miranda Hawk - How To Cultivate A Loving Relationship. Miranda Hawk is an award winning sales professional, builder of teams, and sits on the board for multiple non-profit organization. Miranda is my wife, and together we are striving to raise our daughters to be kind, strong, hard-working, resilient leaders. Miranda is the former owner of the Dayton Mom Collective, a business that provides a positive voice for motherhood by connecting moms to resources and parenting perspectives unique to their communities. She has worked in the profession of selling since she was 14 and understands the determination and work ethic it takes to sustain excellence. **We recorded this conversation on our Anniversary.** Notes: The symbolism of a wedding anniversary - The amount of time is not impressive. It's what you do during that time. The type of people you become. Not just that you've made it a certain number of years, but making those years count. The relationship has grown. The love for one another has grown. You’ve accomplished things together and on your own. And both people in the relationship and the world around are better because of the relationship. What was the initial attraction and how that has grown and/or changed over time? (Confidence (shoulders back), beauty, work ethic, your demonstration of excellence at your craft, toughness) --> the blending of a family. Challenges and the joy of it.... What is beauty? Is beauty a pretty face, a nice smile, flowing hair, nice skin? Not to me, it's not. To me beauty is living life to higher standards, stronger morals and ethics and believing in them, whether people tell you you're right or wrong. Beauty is not wasting a day. Beauty is noticing life's little intricacies and taking time out of your busy day to really enjoy those little intricacies. Beauty is being real, being genuine, being pure with no facade—what you see is what you get. Beauty is expanding your mind, always seeking knowledge, not being content, always going after something and challenging yourself." -- Jake Plummer (describing Pat Tillman) The pursuit - the importance of being in pursuit of one another -- Love is a verb. It's a constant action. It's a behavior towards one another. Why "happy wife, happy life" is stupid -- In what other world is the focus on only making one person in the relationship happy? You wouldn't do that in a friendship. You wouldn't do that at work. Why would you do that in your marriage? Gratitude -- Saying the words. The power behind words. Being intentional about saying thank you. The importance of specificity. Learning Leader Circle question (Chris G) I'm always fascinated by how things start. As you have started the podcast, what did that look like for your family in starting the venture? Also the dynamic that you have as far as how much you are involved with each other’s careers? i.e. involved and talk about it daily, or primarily keep your conversations centered on the family and personal life. The importance of leading yourself first... It gives you the energy and drive to love others. Conflict resolution - It's critical to have open dialog about the mistakes made and how we rectify them... We strive to have a relationship where we can discuss disagreements, come to a resolution, and move forward. Health and wellness -- Why taking care of ourselves is so important. You're passionate about this and have made our family better because of it. "If you take care of your body, it will take care of you."  "I'm striving to be the best version of myself." I'm attracted to discipline... And the ability to do what's hard Our WHO -- Becoming more intentional about dinner dates/friends/how we spend our time Advice for younger women - Be proactive - Your job responsibilities are the minimum, do more than that Develop a strong work ethic Be positive -- Bring positive energy Learning Leader Circle question from Nick -- What are your key family anchors” for the week or month?  Example:  Sunday dinners, etc.- We invested in a nice area to gather outside on our back porch. Our family dinners together are what we love most... The exercise we do: Each person says something they love about every other person at the table. Get specific! “Your mate will either inspire you to grow into your greatness or they will confine you to complacency. They’ll either be your other half, or they’ll make you half of yourself.” - Nuri Muhammad “Business like life is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple and it’s that hard.  —— Consciously think about how I make you feel.” - Danny Meyer “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.” - Oscar Wilde Habits/Routines -- Differences and similarities The importance of long walks together...  
Jul 12, 2020 • 51min

374: Alexandra Carter - How To Ask For More (10 Questions To Negotiate Anything)

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 for more details Full show notes at Episode #374: Alexandra Carter - How To Ask For More. Alexandra Carter is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Mediation Clinic at Columbia Law School. She has spent the last eleven years helping thousands of people negotiate better, build relationships and reach their goals. In 2019, Alex was awarded the Columbia University Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, Columbia University’s highest teaching honor. She is a world-renowned negotiation trainer for groups and individuals from all over the world Notes: Excellent leaders have a beginner's mindset What does a mediator do? They are a third person that helps people negotiate. The good ones don't act like the smartest person in the room. They are learners and great listeners. What is negotiation? It is NOT a transaction over money. Negotiation is any conversation where you are steering a relationship Every conversation is like being in a kayak. Approach every conversation differently... With intention. “We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.” - Carl Sagan The ultimate open ended question -- “Tell Me…” Questions - an open question is like fishing with a net. A closed question is fishing with a pole. A great open question doesn’t have a question mark.  “Tell me about your trip to India!” Change your WHY questions to WHAT questions...Rather than ask “Why haven’t I been able to… Turn that around to “What has made this challenging for me?” Move from a place of blame to curiosity. How to handle a PDP (performance development plan) meeting? How to ask for a raise? Recruit your manager to be on your side. Share your goals with them, bring them along with you... Connect with your manager. Talk about the future and how you can work together. Ask open ended questions to learn more about the needs of the business. Tie your money request to your production. Use "I + We" statements - Share how your work benefits the company. Your asks should be: Optimistic Specific Justifiable Research suggests that women hold themselves to perfectionist standards As a boss: Invest in top performers, mentor people, empower them, unleash them What do you need? 2 buckets Tangibles - touch, see, count Intangibles - Values, freedom, acknowledgement Questions to ask yourself: What would progress look like? What do I feel? Grapple with your feelings so that they don't control you How have I handled this successfully in the past? Ask yourself about prior success. Write down your answer. It's a "power prime." Questions to ask: The first 5 questions are for your side- The Mirror: What's the problem I want to solve? What do I need?, What do I feel?, How have I handled this successfully in the past?, What's the first step? Then, the second 5 questions are for your opposite number: The Window: Tell me?, What do you need?, What are your concerns?, How have you handled this successfully in the past? What's the first step? The five, best open-ended questions to ask in each part seek to identify and define the following: (1) the problem/goal; (2) needs; (3) feelings/concerns; (4) previous success; and (5) the first step. And that the answers to these important questions can help steer conversations, relationships, and negotiations that will increase the likelihood of a desired negotiation destination. “The Mirror,” in that knowing oneself by spending the time it takes to honestly ponder, reflect, and journal one’s personal thoughts, feelings, expectations, and dreams to answer those five questions, in an attempt to not only improve one’s skills in formal negotiations, but to also navigate the relationships in life’s journey.  
Jul 5, 2020 • 1h 9min

373: Bill Perkins - How To Get All You Can From Your Money & Your Life

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes can be found at #373: Bill Perkins is a hedge fund manager, film producer, and high stakes poker player. He is the author of Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life.  Notes: Your life is the sum of your experiences… “The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that’s all there is.” - The butler from Downtown Abbey... Excellence: Integrity with your word and yourself -- Don't lie to yourself and others. You can't be flippant with yourself. Don't say it unless you mean it (to yourself and others) How to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with “memory dividends” How to get the most experiences in the optimal time with “experience bucketing” In each season, experiences will forever go away. Map out the experiences you want and what you are saving for. There are some experiences that you can only do when you're young and healthy. There is a deterioration of health. You won't always be able to climb a mountain or wake board. Do those now. Follow your "net worth curve" - "Consume money and convert it into experiences." How to navigate whether to invest in or delay a meaningful adventure based on your “personal interest rate” -- "Should I take one trip today or two trips in 10 years?" Bill shares the life changing conversation he had with his boss, Joe Farrell, a partner at the company where he worked --  Bill was making $18,000/year and had saved $1,000. Joe questioned him... "Go spend that money! Why deprive yourself? You don't think you're going to make more money as you get older?!" Jason Ruffo -- Backpacked Europe when he was young and able even though he didn't have any more. He did it while he could instead of waiting to have enough money. He now has an experience dividend for life that Bill doesn't. What are we saving for? Survival Experiences we want - The memory dividend - "This is the stuff of life." It's a compounding dividend "Who am I? The summation of my experiences." "Money is a tool to have the experience." Die With Zero is about choices - What do you choose to do now? What later? Bill and I have the same literary agent, Jim Levine - Bil liked Jim because he told him that his proposal wasn’t good enough to share with publishers when it was first written... Bill appreciated that honest feedback and desire to make it better. "It’s hypocritical and stupid to leave inheritance to your kids." (Give them money when they're young and can use it for cool experiences). Behaviors for hiring: Integrity Intrinsic motivation Problem solvers "Aiming to die with zero is the most thoughtful thing you can do."
Jun 28, 2020 • 59min

372: Will Guidara - The Nobility Of Service: Lessons Learned From The #1 Restaurateur In The World

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes can be found at #372: Will Guidara Notes: Sustaining excellence = Everyone has the capacity for excellence Hard work Giving a lot of yourself to something -- A" passion for the thing you're excellent at doing." The nobility of service It requires getting up on a day when you're tired and not feeling it "You need to be on even when you feel off" The "pre-shift" meeting -- "As a leader, you have a responsibility to share what inspires you." "Everyone craves affirmation." Lessons from his Mom: She became a quadriplegic when Will was nine You can talk things into existence - Will's mom said she wanted to stay alive until he graduated college. And she did it by one day. Doctors said she should have died when Will was 12. "What would you attempt to do if you could not fail?" The power of non-verbal communication. Integrity in the face of adversity - Life is not always awesome. There's always ups and downs. Perspective is key. Eleven Madison Park - Setting the goal to be the #1 rated restaurant in the world. In 2010, they were #50. Seven years later, they were #1. "You need to love what you're doing to be great at it." There is power in having extraordinary intention Strategic planning -- Be specific and actionable Have endless reinvention Be willing to take risks "Unreasonable Hospitality" You need to decide what you want to embody “Business like life is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple and that hard.” - Danny Meyer Hiring: "We hired dream weavers from art schools, designers..." Experiential design separated them from the rest Be present Listen to what is being said and what's not being said. Engage with people. Serve them. Meet them where they are. "Hospitality is one size meets one" - Have to meet them one at a time What's the secret to a happy marriage? "Never stop pursuing each other" Ruth's Chris - The special calamari strips -- Not on the menu, but available to make an experience exceptional The nobility of service... The four words: Hospitality Excellence Education - "A day you aren't learning isn't a day worth living" Passion - "Our work matters. What we do matters." Meeting at The White House: Restaurants during the pandemic His dad's advice -- "Adversity is a terrible thing to waste" "It's not what happened to you, it's how you respond." "Through crisis comes community" The Welcome Conference "Hospitality is just as much a craft as cooking." Will's dad is his hero "Next level intense responsibility" He never complained "Name what you want to accomplish and do it" "The secret to happiness is always something to look forward to." Here is WHY joining a Learning Leader Circle is a good idea...  
Jun 21, 2020 • 1h 1min

371: Maria Konnikova - How To Pay Attention, Master Yourself, & Win

The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Text LEARNERS to 44222 Full show notes are at #371: Maria Konnikova - Maria Konnikova is the author of two New York Times bestsellers, The Confidence Game, winner of the 2016 Robert P. Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, and Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes, an Anthony and Agatha Award finalist. Her new book, The Biggest Bluff, will be out from Penguin Press on June 23, 2020. She is a regularly contributing writer for The New Yorker whose writing has won numerous awards, including the 2019 Excellence in Science Journalism Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. While researching The Biggest Bluff, Maria became an international poker champion and the winner of over $300,000 in tournament earnings—and inadvertently turned into a professional poker player. Maria’s writing has been featured in Best American Science and Nature Writing and has been translated into over twenty languages. Notes: Sustaining excellence = Genuine interest in what they do for a living They follow their curiosity - "It's not about wanting to make a shit load of money." Passionate "They work their asses off" - They work a lot. It doesn't just happen. "Follow your curiosity and obsessions with great rigor." - Brian Koppelman Why write a book about poker when you've never played before? "I wanted to write about chance and the role luck plays in our life." Game theory stemmed from poker Poker is about strategic decision making Why poker? “Poker is a powerful tool to metabolize the luck that surrounds us, and a way to become comfortable with something that is not only all too applicable to our current situation, but extremely difficult for the human mind to process: uncertainty.” Erik Seidel became Maria's personal coach/mentor "There's no one like him." He's stood the test of time. He's been successful at poker for decades... He's evolved with the changes of the game, made adjustments and has won. He's kind and humble. Tips on asking for someone to mentor you: Do your homework - Read everything there is to know about the person before contacting them Be specific with your ask  Make sure you know why this person should be your mentor Figure out what's in it for them Find someone who can help amplify your strengths Don't write a novel in the first email or DM - Get to the point quickly If you can get an in person meeting, do it NEVER say: "Can I pick your brain?" Why playing poker is comparable to writing: Both are deceptively simple on the surface. Anyone can do either, but to do either well in the long term, a certain mastery is needed. Both are subject to the Dunning-Kruger effect, which means that the more someone knows, the more they realize how much they don’t know on a topic, while someone with little knowledge tends to be falsely confident about their understanding of a topic Meta-cognitive process - "I great more aware of my thinking."  You must reflect before reacting. Poker helps you to practice this valuable skill. Make decisions after going through a process of reflection List the things you need to be attentive to What are the relevant factors? What should I be paying attention to? Write it down In order to make better decisions, you must be able to identify your process The ultimate goal of poker and life is to make the optimal decision in that moment The best poker players work incredibly hard: They study hands, they talk hands over with other bros, they watch video, they dissect hands. They build up their self control and their emotional regulation What Maria learned from playing a lot of tournament poker? "It is an extreme sport. You can't take breaks. You're put in a pressure cooker for hours and must make the right decision." "I had internalized gender stereotypes. I was letting myself be bullied. I'd take less active lines because I was scared. I had to overcome that and still need to work on it." Advice: "Work hard. Life gives you nothing. Everything is earned. Life isn't fair. You must work for it. Saying life isn't fair isn't good for you. Think: 'What can I do about it? What can I control?'" Follow your curiosity Read, Read, Read. Read poetry and read fiction

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