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Get Yourself Optimized

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Dec 8, 2016 • 59min

68. Forging Connections and Authority with a Compelling Voice with Roger Love

Roger Love is the most commercially successful vocal coach of all time, both in the speaking and singing fields. His clients have ranged from actors (including Reese Witherspoon and Jeff Bridges) to singers (including Selena Gomez and John Mayer) to public speakers, including the renowned Tony Robbins as well as John Gray, Brendon Burchard, and Suze Orman . He’s also the voice coach of the stars of the TV show Glee. His introductory video shows even more of the stars who he’s helped achieve vocal success. Fortunately for all of us, Roger isn’t only a consultant to the stars. He’s sold over 100 million CDs and has written three top-selling books, which means he’s been able to reach an incredible number of people worldwide. And in this episode, he coaches Optimized Geek listeners on how to develop a powerful, compelling voice. If you want to continue your vocal training, pre-order his newest book Set Your Voice Free, which is coming out on December 27th. Find Out More About Roger Here: Roger LoveRogerLoveVocals on Facebook@RogerLove1 on TwitterRogerLove on Instagram In This Episode: [02:23] - Roger talks about his new book, Set Your Voice Free. In 1999, he had created a previous edition of this book, and he explains how he got started writing and why he’s creating a revised edition. The new book comes out December 27th, and some customized bonuses are available when you preorder through this link. [05:47] - We learn just how important the speaking voice is in social interactions. What Roger does is help people find their authentic voices. He reveals that he only focused on singers for the first 17 years of his career. He eventually realized that there’s no difference between singing and speaking, and began teaching speakers as well. [10:35] - There are five components in voice, regardless of whether you’re singing or speaking: pitch, pace, tone, melody, and volume. Roger talks more about each of these components in some depth and demonstrates several of them. [18:28] - Roger explains how influence is a major goal of communication. [19:20] - Stephan steps in for a moment to translate what Roger has been saying into metaphysical terms. Roger then expands on the concept. They go on to discuss the role of body language and physiology in communication. [23:45] - Roger tells us how to breathe in an effective way. He provides an exercise: open your mouth and take in a very slow (and airy-sounding) breath through your mouth. It makes the back of your throat dry, right? [25:31] - Half of diaphragmatic breathing is simply breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. The other half is not raising your chest and shoulders when you breathe. This is how babies breathe, Roger explains. [30:29] - Roger points out that we live in a mirror culture, and gives an example. This attempt to connect through imitation or mirroring is why we don’t use diaphragmatic breathing as adults despite doing it as babies. [31:05] - Stephan asks a detailed question about singing between the chest voice and the head voice. Roger talks about the fact that there are actually three voices: the chest voice, middle voice, and head voice. He goes into some depth about the importance of the middle voice for singers and speakers alike. [35:06] - Roger points out that boys and girls have the same vocal range before puberty. Once they reach puberty and boys’ voices change into men’s voices, the voices of men and women are immediately separate and sound very different. The middle voice allows men and women to have overlapping frequencies, which Roger argues allows the genders to communicate more easily. [39:00] - People try to play all the different characters they must be throughout the day in one voice, Roger tells us. He gives an example and explains the importance of different voices. [41:39] - Many people speak in a monotone. Roger talks about his stair-step method, which involves figuratively walking up and down the steps of pitch. [47:29] - Roger talks about the online offerings he has for people who are interested in learning more. He keeps the price relatively low to avoid letting it be a barrier. He particularly recommends his Perfect Voice program. He generously gives Optimized Geek listeners the free gift of this 3 Best Speaking Tips video. [50:10] - Stage fright is an anticipatory fear, Roger explains. It tends to disappear within the first few seconds of actually speaking on stage. [51:20] - Roger wants to help you develop your voice. In addition to the free video he provided, he suggests pre-ordering his forthcoming book Set Your Voice Free. It comes with a private website that has over 50 audio and video samples and a way of communicating with other people learning the same techniques. For a limited time, if you preorder before December 27th, you’ll also get three free gifts! (Note: you’ll need to use the included link when you preorder the book to be eligible to receive these gifts.) [52:15] - Roger is also offering Optimized Geek listeners a special discount on his Complete Perfect Voice Training System. For $50 off, use the promo code TRAINING (in all caps) when you order the program. [55:23] - Roger is fully booked for the next year and therefore unfortunately isn’t generally available to be hired privately. He now spends most of his time creating content to reach (and help) larger audiences. Get Optimized! 1. Most of us speak in descending scales, with the word right before a comma or period being the lowest. Practice reversing that and speaking in ascending scales instead. 2. Focus on developing a stronger, richer sound if your voice is airy or breathy. Roger explains that airy voices tend to sound inconsequential, weak, or less intelligent. 3. Practice increasing your speaking volume. Use the same abdominal muscles as you do when you’re coughing or laughing to increase the air pressure (and volume). Links and Resources: Roger LoveRogerLoveVocals on Facebook@RogerLove1 on TwitterRogerLove on InstagramWho Is Roger Love?Set Your Voice FreeReese WitherspoonJeff BridgesSelena GomezJohn MayerTony RobbinsJohn GrayBrendon BurchardSuze OrmanDiaphragmatic breathingChest voice, middle voice, and head voiceRoger Love’s 3 BEST Speaking TipsComplete Perfect Voice Training System (promo code TRAINING for a $50 discount!)
Dec 1, 2016 • 46min

67. Creating a company with a dream, a vision, a purpose, and a mission with Michael E. Gerber

Today I’m fortunate enough to have an incredible guest. Let’s start off with some hints to see if you can figure out who it is! He’s the mega-bestselling author of 28 E-Myth books, including The E-Myth, The E-Myth Revisited, and his newest book Beyond the E-Myth. Inc. Magazine has declared him the “World’s #1 Small Business Guru,” and his books and methods are taught at well over a hundred universities worldwide. Have you figured it out yet? The answer, of course, is the renowned Michael E. Gerber. In this conversation, he gives incredible insight into creating and running a company, all gleaned from decades of experience. We learn in particular about OldCo versus NewCo, and the four distinct personalities of the “entrepreneur within.” Find Out More About Michael Here: @MichaelEGerber on TwitterMichaelEGerberCo on FacebookMichael E. Gerber In This Episode: [01:52] - The E-Myth is the entrepreneurial myth, Michael explains. He goes into more depth, describing the difference between entrepreneurs and “technicians suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure.” He and Stephan then discuss the concept of a “company of one.” [04:10] - Michael talks about companies not surviving the first ten years, and offers his definition of survival. He also talks about the importance of having an exit strategy. [09:10] - Why build a new company instead of fixing the current one? Michael’s response is that Stephan’s hypothetical scenario isn’t one that’s of interest to him. He and Stephan then talk about a more realistic scenario: a businessman with a few employees. [13:39] - The “entrepreneur within” is four distinct personalities, Michael says. He explains what they are: the dreamer, the thinker, the storyteller, and the leader. These correspond to the dream, the vision, the purpose, and the mission. He also describes his Dreaming Room, and gives examples of companies that he’s helped achieve success (including Infusionsoft and 1-800-Got-Junk). [20:15] - Michael explains why his new book Beyond the E-Myth is “beyond” the E-Myth. People see growth, opportunities, and problems as complex, he explains, and this book makes them simple by giving a list of steps. [21:23] - Michael’s first four steps correspond to the personalities and roles of the four aspects of the entrepreneur within. Together, they form the foundation or platform on which you can grow a company strong enough to sell. [22:15] - Many businesses are confused by the differences between these categories. Michael gives examples of his answers to help clarify the categories for listeners. He and Stephan then talk about the example of McDonald’s to illustrate the difference between creating a business versus creating a job for yourself. [26:28] - Michael talks about who his consumer is: the independent small business owner. [27:41] - “You’re not trying to fix what’s broken, you’re trying to create what’s not,” Michael memorably tells us. He goes on to explain more about the importance of creating a new business instead of fixing a broken one, or choosing “NewCo” over “OldCo.” [29:32] - Stephan talks about Carl Jung’s separate office for his dreaming work, and mentions his previous interview with Cal Newport. He and Michael discuss the importance of having a separate space for your deep work, or big-picture thinking. [30:29] - We’ve now reached the mission, which is to “invent the turnkey system that will enable you to realize and manifest your dream, your vision, and your purpose.” [32:52] - In discussing the importance of NewCo over OldCo, Michael talks about Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, which he holds up as an example of NewCo. [35:02] - Michael explains the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement. [37:26] - Some people are too rigid to easily accept that they aren’t irreplaceable. This makes it harder for them to go through these steps, Michael tells us. He also talks about what makes a turnkey system or business “turnkey.” [41:52] - Michael gives his definition of a legacy. It isn’t about money, he explains, but rather the creations you’ve left behind. Get Optimized! Take an honest look at your company. Is it a “company of one”? That is, if you were to quit today, would the company be able to survive? Develop an exit strategy for your company. Could you sell it in one year? Five? What would that take? Outline your options and sketch out plans to make this possible. Using your work from the previous step as guidance, do one extra thing each week to make your company more saleable. Links and Resources: @MichaelEGerber on TwitterMichaelEGerberCo on FacebookMichael E. Gerber CompaniesEMyth.comThe E-MythThe E-Myth RevisitedBeyond the E-MythDreaming RoomCal NewportLockheed MartinSkunk Works  
Nov 24, 2016 • 1h 6min

66. Establishing Accountability and Goals for Your Health and Fitness with Rob Dionne

Rob Dionne is a certified personal trainer and nutrition expert, and -- with his wife -- half of the team behind Open Sky Fitness. He’s the creator and co-host of the Open Sky Fitness podcast. He’s been featured in Men’s Health and on Wellness Force Radio, and, at 39 years old, is in the best shape of his life. It hasn’t always been like this. Like many of us, he was athletic and active growing up. After college, though, he stopped working out and gained 30 pounds. It wasn’t until he was 30 that he realized he needed to make a change, and experiencing this himself led him to what he does now: help men and women over the age of 35 lose weight and live healthier. Find Out More About Rob Here: Open Sky Fitness: About RobOpen Sky Fitness - Rob Dionne on Facebook@OpenSkyFitness on Twitter In This Episode: [01:35] - Rob walks us through the beginning of his transformational journey. We hear about the specific moment that he realized he had let himself go physically. [04:29] - What made the biggest impact for Rob during his transformation? He explains how he began getting more physically fit, and how that led to changes in his views on food and eating. [07:54] - Stephan mentions his previous Marketing Speak podcast episode featuring Aaron Ross, who discussed the concept of having a “forcing function.” He applies this to what Rob has been saying. Rob elaborates on this, agreeing with the concept. [14:00] - Rob talks about listening to Louis CK talking about how what stops most of us is the fear of failure. He then gives an inspiring speech about how important it is to say “yes” to new experiences. [17:10] - Stephan discusses his goal in joining the gym, but reveals the problems with having no social pressure to follow through. Rob asks a question with the purpose of reframing the issue for Stephan. We also hear about the difficulties of being trained or taught by a loved one, and the importance of accountability. [23:48] - We hear more from Stephan about accountability, both in how hard it is to have only for yourself. He and Rob then talk about learning lessons from the universe, with Rob using the examples of his sister and niece. [31:57] - When you pay, you pay attention, Stephan points out. Rob agrees with the concept, and explores more complicated aspects of the issue. He also elaborates on two kinds of people who hire him as a personal trainer. [37:38] - Stephan points out that investing alone isn’t enough, and gives an example of how people behave in the office and at the gym. Putting in time (without effort and goals) doesn’t lead to results. [40:37] - Someone who just clocks in and clocks out is called a “clocker” in the book From Impossible to Inevitable by Aaron Ross. Stephan also talks about his interview with Cal Newport about his book Deep Work. [44:46] - Rob gives advice for how to reconnect to your body, if you’ve been disconnected from it. We also hear about the importance of focusing on the journey instead of the destination. [49:25] - Rob talks about the problem with being accustomed to immediate gratification, and how it can lead to jealousy and doubting yourself and your path. Instead, try to be gentle with yourself and accept your own path. [51:14] - Social media can be counterproductive and make us narcissistic and insecure. Tim Ferriss suggests going on a “low information diet,” but Stephan suggests we need a low social media diet instead. [55:30] - Rob points out that some people are excited to follow or join in, while others (like himself and Stephan) need to lead to feel empowered. [61:46] - We hear a final pitch from Rob about his podcast, Open Sky Fitness, and the related Facebook group. Get Optimized! Find one physical event that will be challenging (but not impossible) for you and sign up to take part. If you aren’t ready for a full marathon, start with a half marathon! Figure out what you want physically, then write down a list of your top priorities. Is your goal to look good? To be able to run a certain distance, or lift a certain weight, or achieve a certain speed? For your top two physical priorities, commit to specific related events (a race if your goal is speed, or a physique competition if your goal is appearance). This will help keep you accountable. Links and Resources: Open Sky Fitness: About RobOpen Sky Fitness - Rob Dionne on Facebook@OpenSkyFitness on TwitterOpen Sky FitnessOpen Sky Fitness podcastAaron RossLouis CKTony RobbinsFrom Impossible to InevitableCal NewportDeep Work“Like a Boss” by The Lonely IslandTim FerrissMark SissonOpen Sky Fitness Podcast Facebook Group
Nov 17, 2016 • 42min

65. Keeping Yourself Safe in a Potentially Dangerous World with David Nance

15,000 violent crimes occur daily in the United States -  it’s safe to say that  all of us could benefit from learning how to protect ourselves in the event of an attack. David Nance, a nationally recognized personal safety expert and the CEO of SABRE Security Equipment Corporation, is here to teach us how to do exactly that. David, who has appeared on various TV stations and created programs that have certified over 5,000 law enforcement instructors worldwide, knows personal safety inside and out. Instead of focusing on protecting yourself through fighting, he emphasizes safety through distance -- which is something that pepper spray can help you accomplish.  Throughout this episode, you’ll learn dozens of safety tips that seem small and simple individually, but may combine to help save your  life someday. Find Out More About David Here: PersonalSafetyExpert on Facebook @DavidNancePSE on Twitter David Nance on LinkedIn SABRE Personal Safety Expert In This Episode: [01:54] - What should listeners know about self defense? We learn about having an action plan in place before you find yourself in the situation. [02:58] - David gives some key tips on how to stay safe in public. [04:24] - We hear about David’s personal experience with having needed to use pepper spray to get to safety. [05:48] - Antisocial and asocial people can pose different kinds of threats, but David points out the difficulty of figuring that out in a dangerous situation with a complete stranger. [06:32] - What are some techniques to use to create physical distance if someone has already invaded your space? Do you practice your plan? David answers, and gives further insight into how to keep yourself safe. [09:01] - David recommends pepper spray and pepper gel as things to have with you, because you can use them to protect yourself at a distance instead of engaging hands-on with an attacker. Alarms can also be helpful because they call attention to the situation. [10:39] - One of the benefits of pepper spray is that you’re justified in using it if you can later articulate that you felt unsafe or threatened in the situation (which of course is different from lethal force). [11:17] - David tells us more about the effects of pepper spray, as well as its benefits. [14:10] - It’s worth looking into local self-defense classes. David recommends Krav Maga, a system based on Israeli Defense Forces training. He also talks about the value of learning to defend yourself, and describes his own SABRE Personal Safety Academy class. [16:57] - We learn more about the techniques involved in using pepper spray well. [18:23] - David describes some parts of the body to go for if you’re forced into hand-to-hand combat. [20:03] - How do you recognize someone who might be intending to attack you? The answer is mostly to listen to your instincts. [22:32] - David’s most highly recommended book is The Gift of Fear, but he also suggests College Safety 101. He also recommends Guard Llama, which is a small device you can carry with you that lets the company contact the police on your behalf. [24:58] - Thanks to the number of property crimes committed daily, David also suggests having a home security system in place. He goes on to give some specific suggestions for keeping your home safe, like not having shrubs or hedges that block the view of your doors or windows. [29:20] - David advises caution when someone comes to your door without a scheduled meeting. Don’t let people inside even if they claim to be from a utility company, for example. [30:16] - We hear about the value of getting to know your neighbors and forming a sense of community and possibly a neighborhood watch group. [32:41] - David lists some online scams and social engineering tactics that we should all be on the lookout for. He and Stephan talk a bit about the IRS phone scams that have been going around. [35:12] - Stephan’s aunt was the victim of an email scam, and ended up losing several thousand dollars. In the ensuing exchange, we learn how important it is to fight with everything you have not to be taken away in a kidnapping, because if you get taken away you’re more likely to end up dead. [37:53] - What should you do if you end up being put in the trunk of a car? [40:14] - To see David’s safety videos, you can visit Get Optimized! Prepare an action plan for what you would do if you got attacked. Then visualize your plan in detail, to ingrain it in a way that will let you enact it automatically in an emergency situation. Make yourself a hard target. Be present, fully aware, and engaged in what you’re doing at all times, and practice projecting confidence as a deterrent to attackers. When possible in public, keep a 12-foot distance between yourself and anyone you don’t know. They will need to take two steps and then lunge to reach you, giving you time to react. Links and Resources: PersonalSafetyExpert on Facebook @DavidNancePSE on Twitter David Nance on LinkedIn SABRE Personal Safety Expert Krav Maga SABRE Personal Safety Academy The Gift of Fear College Safety 101 Kathleen Baty Guard Llama IRS phone scams
Nov 10, 2016 • 51min

64. Finding Happiness Through Awareness of the Blessings in Your Life with Anil Gupta

Anil Gupta is far more than simply the author of bestselling book Immediate Happiness, a speaker with appearances on Fox News and at Harvard University (among many others), and a guide with a thriving coaching practice--though those things are all impressive in their own right! More importantly, he is a powerful catalyst for change. He focuses on helping people who feel blocked or are in pain find their own happiness and overflowing abundance. And, as he explains in this interview, doing so doesn’t require any huge external changes. Instead, it’s all about changes you can make within yourself. Anil generously gives listeners a plethora of valuable information in this podcast, sharing tools that you can use to increase your own happiness. Find Out More About Anil Here: @AnilGinspires on Twitter Immediate Happiness on Facebook In This Episode: [01:42] - What is the secret to happiness? There’s a happiness equation, Anil says. It’s H equals G cubed. The first G is giving, the second G is gratitude, and the third G is growth. [03:52] - Amil explains that one can be giving without being grateful; you can strengthen each one individually. [05:15] - Focusing on others can reduce our own pain. Anil gives us an example featuring a little kid. [07:15] - How can we raise our awareness? [08:16] - Anil talks more about “becoming aware of being aware.” [09:52] - Anil explains how he increases his happiness by looking around and seeing how he can find enjoyment in his current environment. He uses the example of a squirrel. [11:40] - Our host Stephan shares a squirrel story of his own. A common thread between the two squirrel stories is the enthusiasm of children. [13:54] - Stephan asks Anil to clarify whether he means we shouldn’t have emotional attachment to anyone. Anil explains that you can still have love for people without necessarily having attachment, and can then respond rather than react to events. [15:16] - Anil explains how to reduce the fear that can interfere with love. [16:38] - What specific exercise can someone do if they’re creating meaning for something that doesn’t have any (for example, believing that a spouse’s choice not to return a phone call means that the spouse doesn’t love or honor them)? A series of self-questions can help you let go of the situation. [19:35] - We learn more information on ways to handle and overcome fear via a list of questions. [21:45] - Anil talks listeners through an exercise that he used to help our host and his fiancee several years ago. [24:10] - Anil responds to Stephan’s question of what he does to make his own wife feel special, first jokingly and then seriously. [25:02] - It’s all about intent, Anil explains. He goes into details about why, using a hypothetical example about pushing his wife down to the ground. [26:48] - We hear Anil’s thoughts on the difference between the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule. [27:27] - Anil discusses how not to raise spoiled children--or, in his positive spin, he discusses how to raise positive souls. [30:26] - Love isn’t the greatest gift we can give our kids; instead, it’s the ability to handle life. [33:21] - Anil tells us more about the process of their dinnertime meetings, especially the significance of alternating the role of meeting leader. Stephan elaborates on this, giving a real-world example of his own. [36:56] - We learn more about Anil’s recommendations for how often to perform the dinner table exercise that he mentioned in the context of raising beautiful souls. [38:12] - How can you stay connected with your children even once they’re grown and out of the house? [41:06] - Anil explains his thoughts on the concept of EQ (emotional intelligence). [43:08] - The similarities between his perspectives and Buddhism are “just common sense,” Anil tells us. [44:19] - Anil gives us another exercise: writing down your accomplishments. [46:53] - Positive incantations or affirmations can be a powerful tool. Anil suggests saying positive things to yourself about your own value during the course of the day. [47:40] - Anil doesn’t have a productivity regiment--in fact, he’s very disorganized. He finds this gives him more freedom. Links and Resources: on TwitterImmediate Happiness on FacebookImmediate HappinessMy Happiness ScoreKabbalahTony RobbinsEmotional intelligenceBuddhism
Nov 3, 2016 • 55min

63. How a Cleaner Diet and Balanced Fitness Routine Can Extend Your Longevity with Mark Sisson

As an athlete, author, and blogger, Mark Sisson has an impressive track record in several fields. He is the best-selling author of The Primal Blueprint and The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation, and his site, Mark’s Daily Apple, which offers tips and advice for “primal living in the modern world,” boasts 1.6 million unique visitors each month. On the athletic side, he is a former world-class endurance athlete with an impressive 2:18 marathon time. Equally impressive is his fourth-place finish in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon. Even now, after his realizations about how excessive endurance training can lead to health problems, he likes to stay active through high-stakes ultimate frisbee tournaments. When he isn’t staying physically active, he runs Primal Blueprint Transformation seminars and Primalcon retreats. He is also the founder of Primal Nutrition, a company devoted to providing health education and designing state-of-the-art supplements. Find out more about Mark here:@Mark_Sisson on TwitterMark’s Daily AppleMark’s Daily Apple on Facebook In this episode: [02:01] - Mark talks about the physical effects of endurance training. Some amount is positive, he tells us, but beyond a certain point, too much endurance training can have a negative physical effect. [05:16] - After experiencing health issues and seeing them appear in his friends, Mark started to look at how endurance training impacts the body. [06:53] - What is the solution to the question of finding a balance of training enough but not too much? [11:37] - Mark explains his views on caloric restriction. He doesn’t believe that calories need to be restricted as much as glucose. [18:06] - Our host, Stephan, asks Mark if he’s off sugar completely. Fortunately for listeners with a sweet tooth, Mark still consumes sugar, and explains how he views moderate sugar consumption. [19:24] - Sugar has a profound impact on the immune system. We learn just how much of an impact it can make--not only on colds and the flu but even possibly on cancer. [20:37] - We learn about Mark’s thoughts on the books Grain Brain by David Perlmutter and Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis, as well as his perspective on eating grains. [23:42] - Mark offers a spectrum of grains, revealing which are worse than others. [24:38] - Mark talks about vegetarian-eating strategies in the context of minimizing grain consumption. [26:15] - We learn more about Mark’s eating schedule. He tends to eat all his calories within a compressed period of around 6 hours per day but prefers to reserve the term “intermittent fasting” for periods of at least 24 hours without eating. [28:02] - Mark gives a scenario about cell divisions in relation to longevity and diet. [30:50] - Instead of planning fasts, Mark may decide to fast for a day if he realizes he has already skipped breakfast and lunch, and isn’t hungry for dinner. [36:08] - Mark dislikes the BMI concept, and he explains why: it turns out his own BMI says that he’s borderline overweight because of his muscle density. [38:36] - Since BMI is not a good metric, what would be better? Mark says that body fat percentage is the best metric. [41:38] - What should listeners pay most attention to in their blood work results? [43:03] - Stephan asks Mark what he thinks of being super oxygenated. Mark answers that he isn’t a biohacker and is more interested in intuitive methods for the average citizen. [44:35] - Mark tells us what the best strategy for building muscle mass is. [48:38] - Stephan asks Mark about the difference between primal and paleo diets. We learn what the differences are but also how the two diets are getting closer together. [50:24] - Is there a way to undo damage to the body? [51:46] - How should people start following Mark’s advice? His books are one option, but all the information he has to offer is also on his site for free. Links and resources: @Mark_Sisson on TwitterMark’s Daily AppleMark’s Daily Apple on FacebookThe Primal BlueprintThe Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body TransformationPrimal Health CoachPrimalconIronman World ChampionshipIntermittent fastingCaloric restrictionBMI Bulletproof conferenceHyperoxygenation Grain BrainDavid PerlmutterWheat BellyDr. William Davis  
Oct 27, 2016 • 49min

62. Building a Virtual Team that Supports Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Chris Rugh

Christopher Rugh is an entrepreneur with an irrepressible passion for business and life. He recently exited, the nation’s leading vanity telephone number search firm, catering to thousands of companies and well-recognized brands. Chris was the mastermind behind the proprietary software program that instantaneously turned numbers into letters that even his industry competitors licensed. Today, Chris focuses mainly on real estate investing. He is an angel investor and author of 1-800-Awesome: Tactics for Making $10,000 an Hour. In this episode, Chris joins Stephan to talk about leveraging and delegating, creating offshore teams and managing them without painful oversight, minimizing distractions, and more. Connect with Christopher In this week’s episode: [04:02] - Christopher describes a system for outsourcing that works. [08:06] - Christopher gives an example of hiring 3 people to do one job and finding the best candidate.  [09:36] - Christopher shares how to compare the quality of a candidate's work: keep the same process and parameters, but differ the data. [11:25] - Is Upwork the right place for hiring someone full-time? Get Christopher's top pick for filling full-time positions. [12:47] - Christopher talks about why it's important to know the cultures of countries where you're outsourcing. "Culture will affect how you manage your team." [14:38] - Christopher provides his process for making sure that details aren't missed. [17:26] - Christopher expresses his thoughts on Upwork's doubled rates and supplies his process for dealing with it. [19:19] - Christopher conveys his thoughts on Craigslist and why having employees from the same country is beneficial. [21:35] - Christopher warns of the dangerous possibility of ignoring international labor laws. [22:31] - Christopher states the process for finding ghostwriters and what impact it might have on your SEO. [24:45] - Christopher advises not taking your outsourced help for granted and what mindset to avoid. [27:38] - Christopher communicates his tips for eliminating distractions: stop constant task-switching and decrease attention residue. [36:26] - Christopher gives his recommendation for a productive work and home environment.   [39:06] - Christopher relates his experience of using AirBnb for a workspace. "It's a great way to keep up creativity and happiness." [40:20] - Christopher mentions the impact your mindset has on productivity. Stephan shares an example of how some people will get in the flow state on a flight, while others can only watch movies or sleep.   [41:55] - Christopher addresses the practice of working with music and how his strengths and weaknesses come into play.  [43:29] - Christopher talks about writing a book when you aren't a writer. He wrote an outline and recorded his thoughts on his phone.  Links and Resources: 1-800-Awesome: Tactics for Making $10,000 an Hourwww.Upwork.comwww.Indeed.com15FiveOnlinejobs.phCraigslistTextBrokerwww.Senior.Centerwww.offmarket.expertadmin@chrisrugh.comTime DoctorDeep WorkFocus BoosterPavlokGetting Things Done
Oct 20, 2016 • 57min

61. Communicating and Connecting with Your Partner Through Your Authentic Self with Alison Armstrong

Alison Armstrong is a world expert on male/female and masculine/feminine dynamics.  She is the author of Queen’s Code  and creator of the widely acclaimed Queen’s Code Workshop Series and the Understanding Women Workshop. Alison is the CEO and co-founder of PAX Programs Incorporated and a mother of three. Alison has produced dozens of programs, books, and videos as well as speaking and counseling. All of this work has helped so many of us to gain a greater understanding of the intricacies of male/female relationships. Her work can help us optimize our understanding of ourselves and the people we love.   Connect with Alison Armstrong: In this week’s Episode: [02:00] - Alison talks to us about the different stages adult men and women go through. [03:45] - We hear how the stage a man is in will help determine what he is focused on, what he can provide, and what he can’t provide. Alison describes men in the Page and Knight stage.  Pages being young boys who are developing themselves into heroes. Knights being reluctant to spend energy on things that do not develop them, challenge them, or provide some kind of adventure or conquest. [06:00] - Alison explains the phases of the Prince stage, where a man’s life is now put together enough for him to begin to build. [06:19] - She talks about the differing views men have about how a partner fits into the Prince stage. [07:20] - Alison tells us why men in the Prince stage are often called workaholics, and why that is unfair. [08:10] - We touch on the Tunnel stage of a man’s life, often called the mid-life crisis. Why men begin to question the value of the work that they have done up to that point. [08:47] - Alison gives a warning to women: if you don’t support a man during his time in the tunnel you may stop being the women in his life. [09:13] - Men in the tunnel phase may lose interest in things, and they become less willing to engage in things they are not interested in.  Alison talks about why women try to manipulate men most of the time and how showing respect is a better option for both men and women. [11:46] - Alison tells us why the stages that women go through are more complicated and less direct than men’s stages. [13:16] - Alison stresses the importance of women noticing where they go, within themselves, to make big decisions, that will change during different stages, and be difficult or impossible to do during a women’s time in the tunnel. [14:40] - Alison explains that women can be affected by the masculine stages of development and that they actually have access to all the aspects of their femininity from the very beginning. [16:12] - Alison says “All of our femininity is available to us all of the time, but the parts that are not hormonally supported, we have to consciously choose to nurture that.” [16:38] - We talk about the Temptress, Mother, and Queen stages.  Alison explains why there is not a Princess stage. [17:31] - Alison talks about how men and women go through the different stages differently.   [18:48] - Sleep nurtures all stages of femininity.  When women are not well rested they tend to function through their masculine tendencies. [22:47] - When talking about the feminine; we call the Temptress the physical, the Mother the emotional, and the Queen the spiritual. [23:41] - Alison talks about the happiness of a women having a profound effect on the happiness of those around her and how withholding her happiness can be a way that women manipulate those around them. [24:07] -  Alison discusses the differences between the human animal and the human spirit, and the implications of those differences on human behavior. [28:13] - We talk about dating as a sorting process. [31:19] - Alison tells us why self-confidence and authenticity are the two traits men find most attractive in women. [33:47] - We chat about the value of making a commitment to leave someone better than when you found them.  Taking the Hippocratic Oath to at the very least, do no harm. [34:15] - Alison talks about strategies for understanding the ‘code’ that the opposite sex speaks in. [37:50] - Alison explains that the communication between men and women is a mess because we think that we understand each other. [39:17] - Alison goes in depth about the ‘Meadow Report’ and how estrogen shapes the female brain.  The instinctive impulse in women for accuracy and detail. How women’s nature as gatherers has developed into a diffuse awareness, awareness of everything around them. [42:10] - Alison tells us why she NEVER recommends that men ask women “how they are”, she gives excellent examples of what to ask instead. [44:44] - We talk more about the diffuse awareness of women compared to the more focused and intensity of men. [46:15] - Alison expands on the idea of men being goal oriented, almost always having a specific goal, intention, or destination in mind. How they will screen out all of the things that are not relevant to that goal. [47:16] - “Men get frustrated because they’re committed and women get overwhelmed because they are aware of so many things.” [50:12] - Alison explains what a ‘sleep slide’ is and the dangers of getting in the middle of it. She brings up her love of Dr. Breus’ new book ‘The Power of When’.  He was a recent guest on this podcast, go listen to that HERE. [52:12] - Alison talks about her communication tip called ‘holding the trash’. Links and Resources: Queen’s Code Workshop Series Queen’s Code for Life Program Understanding Women Workshop   Keys to the Kingdom   The Amazing Development of Man   In Sync with the Opposite Sex ‘It’s not about the nail!’ Video The Dance of Partnership   Tony Robbins - Date with Destiny   Dr. Michael Breus' interview on the Optimized Geek Podcast How Women Feel Video - "Crashing the System"    
Oct 13, 2016 • 49min

60. Create an Amazing Lifestyle that Gives Back with Rich German

My guest today is Rich German, who is a bestselling author, speaker, and business/lifestyle coach.  He has conducted over 18,000 individual coaching sessions and co-founded the JV Insider Circle.  With its focus on joint ventures, the JV Insider Circle is a powerful community that helps speakers, authors, and coaches grow their businesses.  Each year they host a live event called JVX, a three-day experience, which helps cultivate relationships geared towards building lasting joint ventures.  Rich’s first two books, Living the Law of Attraction and Monetize Your Passion, are content-rich books that help people improve their lives and financial situations.  Rich has a passion for helping entrepreneurs cultivate a life that allows them to take care of their own mind, body, and spirit, and to enjoy the things they are most passionate about.  Rich teaches what he knows to be true--it is possible to create a lifestyle that you love. Rich has a love for the ocean and the creatures that live in it.  Years ago Rich made spending time on his paddleboard a priority.  He has structured his life in a way that he is able to spend hours a day interacting with the dolphins and whales that call Laguna Beach, California their home.  On a whim he started taking pictures and then video, and posting them on his Facebook page.  (Check out his images here.)  His photos are breathtaking!  His time on the water has given him a mission to restore, protect, and sustain the ocean.  He created Project O, with a short-term goal of raising awareness through art, film, outreach activities, and media coverage.  The long-term goal of Project O is to help change laws in order to protect the oceans.  Rich has compiled 95 of his most amazing images into a beautiful new coffee-table book called Blue Laguna.  The sale of his new book will help fund Project O’s mission of protecting the ocean for our generation and generations to come.   Connect with Rich German: Pre-order Rich’s book here to help support his work through Project O.Rich GermanJV Insider CircleFind Rich on Facebook In this episode: [02:55] - Rich talks about how his new book came to be. [05:30] - Rich describes his love for the water and his amazing connection with the dolphins and whales near Laguna Beach drove him to begin filming his experiences, and then sharing them on his Facebook page. [06:27] - Rich tells us about having one of his videos go viral. Watch it here. [07:18] - We hear about him receiving massive media exposure last year, as well as exposure from top ocean organizations such as PETA, Save the Whales, Black Fish, and The Cove. [08:49] - Rich tells us that he estimates that since 2010 he has been out in the water paddling about 2100 times, has spent over 5000 hours on the water, and paddled over 15,000 miles. [10:40] - Rich talks about 100% of the proceeds from the pre-order of his book going to help fund Project O.  Pre-order Rich’s book here. [11:15] - We discuss the process of creating a non-profit. [13:48] - Rich speaks about creating Project O, with a short-term goal of raising awareness through art, film, outreach activities, and media coverage, and a long-term goal of changing laws in order to protect the ocean. [14:04] - Rich explains the benefits of no-take zones, areas that cannot be fished. [15:33] - He tells us why it is important to him to approach activism from a place of love instead of a place of fear. [16:32] - Rich tells of his determination to set up a lifestyle that gave him time to pursue his passions, particularly his love for the ocean.  He gets into how his focus on collaboration, working together to create a better result, influenced his decision to create his own foundation versus joining one that already existed. [19:37] - Rich tells us why he is not the guy to talk about the pros and cons of setting up a 501(c)(3). [20:30] - We talk about how burnout played a role in Rich leaving the coaching company he was working for and creating the JV Insider Circle and the JVX Experience. [24:26] - Rich reminds us that when he created his company, he looked first at what kind of lifestyle he wanted, then created a business to satisfy those needs. [27:32] - Rich explains why solopreneurs, people who generally work from home and alone, especially need avenues to build relationships, support, and partnerships in their business. [28:13] - We learn how Rich was able to leverage his time by moving from one-on-one coaching to building a community that is six hundred-to-one and in the process taking his income up five to ten times. [30:00] - Rich talks about creating his million-dollar JV Insider Circle by continually niching down until he was only solving one problem, teaching people how to do joint ventures. [32:15] - We chat about the power of being focused.  Stephan gives a great exercise in being focused that comes from Warren Buffett.  Read more about that here. [33:10] - Rich tells us how avoiding “shiny-object syndrome” and following up on great ideas can set you apart from other entrepreneurs. [33:31] - Check out the interview that Rich and Stephan did on the Marketing Speak podcast.  In that episode, Rich gets into details about how to set up a joint-venture partnership, how to leverage friendships and acquaintances to get a better list, and why doing mutually beneficial promotions is a crucial part of growing your business.  You can listen to that here. [34:15] - Rich responds to Frank Kern's idea that “The money is in the list.”  Rich reminds us that it is not about growing a big list; it is about the impact you can make through the list. [36:10] - Rich recommends asking the question, “Who is already talking to the audience that I want to be talking to?” [37:05] - Stephan recommends the book Thousand True Fans by Kevin Kelly, which talks about the benefit of having an audience who is proactively engaging with you and the community instead of passively consuming information. [38:40] - Rich gets into the details of his offer to give a free ticket to the JVX event (November 3-5, 2016) to the listeners of Optimized Geek. [38:48] - Rich talks about the role that training and education play in the JV Insider Circle. [41:59] - We talk about the remarkable things that happen at JVX, including JV Match Cards; top-notch education about joint ventures; “Shark Attack,” which will feature an all-star panel that includes Christian Mickelsen and Loral Langemeier; and opportunities to network that are off the charts!  Do you have your free ticket yet? [44:50] - Rich gives us a key tip about creating informational products, “Your program or product needs to solve just one problem.”  He explains why he thinks this is such a key point. Links and Resources: Pre-order Rich’s book here to help support his work through Project O. Rich German JV Insider Circle Find Rich on Facebook Living the Law of Attraction Monetize Your Passion Warren Buffett's tips to get focused Shark Tank Marketing Speak - Episode 20 - Guest Rich German Thousand True Fans Christian Mickelsen Loral Langemeier A free gift for Optimized Geek podcast listeners: JVX Ticket Page  
Oct 6, 2016 • 56min

59. Build a Life Full of Personal Freedom and Wealth with Shanda Sumpter

Shanda Sumpter is the founder of HeartCore Business.  She is passionate about helping people build businesses that don’t burn them out.  She is a coach, speaker, and author.  Shanda’s book is called Core Calling: How to Build a Business That Gives You a Freedom Lifestyle in 2 Years or Less!  She is also the creator of the wildly popular Zone Event.   When Shanda started her career in the commercial real-estate business with Coldwell Banker, she used emails to build a 170-million-dollar real-estate empire in just fourteen months.  Five years ago she headed out on her own and started her own business, which she has grown to over five million dollars in sales and 121,000 names on her email list.  Shanda is a self-proclaimed “recovering workaholic” who has bucked the work-till-you-drop mentality, to build a business that gives her the freedom to spend time with her partner, Ash, and her son, Zack; travel the world; and take time to enjoy life.  Shanda has taught thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to build businesses they love and live a freedom lifestyle, working on their own terms.    Connect with Shanda Sumpter at: or  @HeartCoreWomen on Twitter You'll Learn: 01:52 – Shanda talks with us about what a freedom lifestyle means. 03:48 – She tells us, “Freedom, for me, is truly spending time intimately with people but also making a huge difference in the world and making more than enough money than you could possibly spend.” 07:18 – We hear about Shanda’s use of “flex time” and how that has evolved over time.  She explains how endurance training both changed how she “flexed”  but also helped her become a strong finisher in every part of her life. 09:57 – We discuss how the logistics of flex time work for Shanda every month, including using email autoresponders; specific voice-mail messages; and being unavailable for calls, texts, and emails. 12:20 – Shanda tells us why HeartCore Business offers paid, unlimited vacation to their employees, and why that works so well. 13:35 – We hear how working as a team is the way that everyone, including Shanda, in her company is able to take the time off they need to stay refreshed and at the top of their game. 15:42 – Stephan asked how to answer listeners who think this type of flexibility is impossible for their business and life. 16:51 – Shanda stresses, “My company didn’t grow because I worked harder; my company grew because I actually broke the scarcity in my mindset by changing my schedule like this.” 18:05 – Shanda relates stories of clients who have experienced great changes in their professional and personal lives by adopting flex time. 23:30 – We hear how abundance comes from creating a plan and a schedule that works to serve you. 23:58 – Stephan and Shanda discuss the benefit of doing “tempos,” intense times (90 days) of doing very specific projects several times a year, and why you can actually make more money by doing less overall and doing more in targeted areas. 25:00 - We hear Shanda’s excitement about The Zone Event.   27:42 – Shanda tells us her experience of starting her business, working seven days a week, and only making $2000 profit for the whole year.  She explains how being strategic with her time has grown her company to five million dollars last year in sales, with a 35-37% profit margin. 30:08 – We get into the importance of taking care of our physical and spiritual needs, and being generous with our resources.   31:34 – Shanda tells us how the Bible has become her favorite personal-development book. 33:42 – We get into the technical marketing side of The Zone Event and talk about “swipe files” and “evergreen webinars.” 37:20 – Shanda talks to us about creating a consulting or coaching company and why she believes “the most powerful coaching/consulting business on the planet is the one your life has already taught you.” 42:49 – She tells us about the four coaches she currently has in her life. 43:22 – We hear of the value of finding the areas in your life that you are resistant to and moving toward those areas. 44:33 – Shanda talks about the size of her team at HeartCore Business, how they work together, how they stay motivated, and how they are compensated.   48:38 – She tells us about her company’s process of reviewing their work throughout the year and says, “Wealth is built by retaining clients; it’s not built on just getting them.” 49:22 – Stephan and Shanda begin to talk about insurance as a wealth-building tool. 51:34 – Stephan reminds listeners of the Optimized Geek, Episode #32, with Ray Poteet, about being your own bank and setting up Infinite Banking.  53:53 – Stephan talks about types of insurance, including Key-Man, Errors & Omission, Disability, Travel, Liability, Medical, and Life insurance. Links and Resources: HeartCore Business Core Calling: How to Build a Business That Gives You a Freedom Lifestyle in 2 Years or Less! The Zone Event Optimized Geek, Episode #32, with Ray Poteet  David J. D'arcangelo Thank you for listening! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! - Stephan

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